1 :ImL' EVENING TIMES, .'-'v ' raleiqii, it. c. . . ; ; .: PUBLISHED BY THJ) VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY, .'. A J. V. SIMMS, General Manager. ' '"l " 4 . TELEPHONES; . Capital City. Editorial Office . . ..' ." .'. 179 .'Business Office . ..... . 178 . . -1 """ Raleigh, . ' Editorial Office . . . . . . 179 TRAPES M COUNCI - YESTERDAY'S 8 '&' 3pt Stf 'fit HH' B B 0 fiS B B St B B ft a.' For President: WILLIAM . BRYAN. B 30(0 BBBBBBBBBBB B13 ;MRS; ALICE" SETTLES' STRttfE. j while ' as for the legislature, which .'Mrs. VAlice Long worth 'goes head' meets every two years, It is more of agajn..lmfact, she can't be : lost, ten "viewed with alarm" than "point. Traev she; ,ie. not in the public eye as mucl as her Immediate predecessor, "Mis Alice," but when she does methre -J something doing. , It is only a few weeks since she got as mad as a hornet and let the fact be known, because some speaker at ' the national democratic conven tion dared criticise her Illustrious fa ther.' This time, so the .news story goes, she has settled a "strike" away out in the Yellowstone Park country, and settled it even more expeditious ly than- the president himself could have done. However, while Mrs. Longworth's method of settling a strike was ef fective in this case ' and doubtless would be in all cases,' it may not be a very practical method,' for she paid . own records he listened to one of the each and every striker 'five' dollars a 'Bryan records in order to learn the day to return to work and remain at proper method. . And it is certainly her. post while she was in the hotel.f true .that Mr.' Bryan can give Mr. I For it is worthy ef- note that the strikers were hotel .servants. , Mr. and Mrs. Longworth were guests at the hotel when the revolt came; it sent them to a supperless table, for there werec-no coks and no waiters; it sent the aafah- un-easy couch, for there were no chambermaids. . ... ,TJie proprietor pleaded and threat- ened, but all -to no purpose. Then "Mrs. Alice" asked the girls to go back to -work && 'a "persohaT favor to. her," and as an extra inducement, she offered to each of them five dol lars a ' day while she Mrs. Long wprth remained at the hotel. Not being at , all Irresponsive to the proper suggestion, they went back to work. Whether or not the hotel pro prietor is Btill maintaining the same scale of wages is not stated, but anyway,,- the method of settlement is re spectlvely .referred to all strike com missions for their consideration. ;Aspther score has been made in favor of the dead bull dog and of the proper muzzling of all dogs. People of this state will remember that last week at Charlotte, a negro woman was attacked fnd fearfully in jured by a vicious dog and that she would have been killed had not help arrived! "Now comes a story from New York of a woman being attacked by one of the ugly brindle brutes and almost killed.: In this case as in the other, help arrived barely soon enough to save a life. In neither case was the dog Buffering from rabies, so it can not be said by the dog advo cates or defenders, that the canines were not responsible for their 'ac- i tions, so to speak. But it can be said that owners of such dogs should be responsible to the community and the courts. Such brutes are a menace to those who live near them 'and who must of necessity be on the streets : and roads.' Either- the people must keep to their own premises . or the dogs must go. Which shall it be? Score another mark against the bull dog, Down In Alabama they are lament ' ing the fact that the state legislature 1 1 meets ' only once in four years. " "(Jrowing, prosperous Btates," it is said, c"ned- legislation every two years." , It Is also suggested that the governor be elected biennially, so , ' that the .executive and legislative ;b'r'nche.g'of the government may at- A 3f t iarm'ony. : It may be that ,. the more electing and the more leg . Islatinctheyhave in prosperous Ala- bama, the : better It will be for the i .state, but up this way the people are " very well satisfied with the four-year 4cr$l9s.lhe " . governor's mansion, SUBSCRIPTION BATES: . v (In Advance) ( By Mall or Carrier. ' One copy oOB! year . '."V .5.00 One copy three months . . 1.25 One copy one week. , . . . .10 Entered through Raleigh, N. C, postoffice 'prf-BaH matter of the second ' elass, In accordance with the Act of Congress,' March 3, 1879. CIRCULATION, 0,008. jjjjjjCjjO $ $ BBBBBBBBB For Governor: W. W. KITCHIN. B a b BBttBBBBBjBBBBBB ' ed to with pride." If all. that editorial space that has been devoted to the hen and the gander in behalf of Mr. Bryan's cam paign fund, and without great ma terial result, had been advertising space and had been sold .at regular rates and the proceeds applied to the said campaign fund, the result might have been much better And even the. net . proceeds, taking the Com moner as the standard on contribu tions, surely would not have been less than "?25." Candidate Taft, profiting by the Nebraskan's example, will make sev eral short speeches into phonographs for 'reproduction. Before making his Taft a. IonS.lead.in a talking race and then reach the , goal lengths ahead. a couple of . Wonder when those street sprink lers will be backfrom their summer vacation? The-streets are hot and dusty, but there is not a thing doing in the sprinkling line. These hot dusty days it would be. a good idea if the merchants would take up a collection and have the streets well sprinkled each morning- and after- noon. Do you get the idea? Greensboro is very happy because a circus is going to visit that town, but as yet Charlotte has not chirped. Wonder if that "show" is going to give Charlotte the go-by, or does it take more in this year of multitudi nous convention to make her feel "stuck up" than it does Greensboro. If that preacher at Hot Springs be possessed of the gift of prophecy great results may be expected from democratic efforts this year.: .The republican candidate attended servi ces Sunday and listened to a sermon from the text, "Get up and eat for the Journey is too long for you." ' The Times-Union of Florida thinks that Mr. Bryan is well situated for taking a Falrvlew of the situation.. And let us hope that the oft trod road presents a "Fairview" this time to his experienced eye. If the pressure that those Char lotte people are bringing to bear upon Mr. Taft does not land the ro tund statesman for the remihlinan Btate convention, they will still have! recourse to the "steam roller." "What does Colonel Graves expect to gain by being the tail of a ticket which. Is so weak that it cannot even wag Rs tail?''-i-WllmIhgton Star. The Colonel will wag all right if he gets tha piopar "muching." AN OLD VETERAN MAKES PLAINT. COM. Editor Evening Times: t have lived in this city and "state for. the past 60 years, and with your permission, and through the medium of your valuable paper I want to ask one simple question: "Does one man run the Soldiers' Home, or have I been a vlotim of some underground politician?" Some months ago I called at the office of Mr. A. B. Stronach to get some Information and give him my reasons for leaving a comfortable home to become an in - mate ot the Soldiers' Home. - I called at his office at least a . COMMUNICATIONS. : dozen times, but failed to" see "htm. Finally I got Mf. Blrdsong to fill ut' my application which. Mr. Wm. Ruse.' t clerk of the court, told me to take to - Dr. Dixon, secretary, to the board. 1 I found Dr. Dixon a very pleasant gen tleman.' He looked over my papers, told me they were in proper form and advised me to take them to v Mr. Stronach, whowould sign them, land I was then to take them to the home. -1 called on Mr. Stronach, bat fail ing to find him In gave the palters to his daughter, r i; calftd ' agfi-neVt day, when he sent word that . f weald have to wait Until the board met,. In all I wrote four letters, putting a 'stamp in. each, and he has treated me in silent contempt. So I have come to the conclusion that, through the influence of some small-fry politician I am denied the right to be heard in my own defense. . 1 ' 'v:- I have always been a working dem ocrat with no axe to grind, as hun dreds can testify, and at a time when these email-Class politicians would have put their heads in a rat-hole and pulled the hole in after them, sooner than face a horde of yelling negroes on election day. . A dozen men tn the legislature demoralized the. whole carpet-bag fraternity. Joe Turner and his paper, the Sentinel, and a few stout-hearted men, finally., got them on the run, and they packed their carpet-bags with all the plunder they could lay hands on which , was not too hot or too heavy. . v I am thankful to say that among my friends are some of the brightest and ablest men in the state and nt tion, all of whom have known me not less than 3 5 years, and some of them for 50 years. Chief Justice Walter Clark, Associate Justice George H. Brown, ex-Chief Justice James B. Shepherd, Treasurer B. R. Lacy, Joshua B. Hill, Dr. R. H. Lewis, James Biggs, John T. Pullen, Samuel Ashe, and many others. .- siwl ; At the union depot In Raleigh 5 1 was introduced to Mr. Frank Spruill by Mr. Samuel Ashe, who said: "Frank, I have knoirn : Merrill many years, and the longer (now him the better I like him." : The last, though . not the .least, among those' who know me well is the grand old man, the war horse of democracy, ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis. Some 35 years ago when he went north on the Shipp commission, he brought me a beautiful black ebony silver-mounted K. of P. walking cane, knowing thai I . was well up In the order, having been elected for two terms (four years) as, supreme, representative,-'? 5. .'26Tf, and'w-By Center Lodge No. 3i"bf Raletgh. JThls honor I shall leave as a heirloom to my beloved grandson, Samuel Merrill Hanff. Now, my. friends, do you think it fair that I should have been treated with silent contempt and entirely ig nored, whQ, at the age of 85 years I ask for a cot in the Soldiers' Home. The committee might ham metaad put, me on the waiting list and kept me the few days that are left me, t least they might have saved their manners and me some stamps. I am no quitter, but a strong kicker when not treated right. They could make it unpleasant . for me when there, but I think . I should obey all rules and not squeal. Your old. servant, ( ; SAMUEL MERRILL. Pretty well known in the state as the "Monkey Wrench Man." The Raleigh Evening Times has been thoroughly rehabilitated. The receivership has been dismissed and the paper is now launching forth un der new sails. Dispatches of yester day stated that A. L. Fletcher had just been made city editor, and J. E. Clarke news editor of The Times. Mr. Fletcher, who is one of the brightest young men of the state, succeeds Mr. Farabee, who has resigned) to take up new work. Mc Clark, as well, as Mr. Slmms, manager of The Times, was connected with The News for sev eral years, and this paper takes spec ial interest in the success of these young men who now have charge of The Times. Raleigh can well afford to support a good afternoon paper, and with everything starting out on a new basis, we see no reason why The Times should not have a success ful career. At least this is our hone. Charlotte News, Malaria Makes Pale Sickly Children The old standard OROVB'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma- larla and builds up . the system, For grown people and. chlldten, ttc. AMVOUNCEMENTS. . ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomlnatlon for the posi tion of register of deeds for the coun ty of Wake, subject to will of the people expressed by their vote in the primaries to be held August 15th I am very gratefnl (or the support of the people in the past and shall be as truly grateful in the coming" primary. ' ; J. J. BERNARD, FOR COUNTY TREASURER, At the solicitation of friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of .Treasurer of the County of Wake, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primaries to .be held on August ltth. 1 - WALTER L. NORRIS. Holly Springs, N. C. ; f" " tilUrUiL tlO , ANNOUNCEMENT.? .. TO the Democratic Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Senate from Wake County, subject to the action of. the Democratic Primary. ,WM. B. JONES. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives, subject to the action of the County Democratic Primary. JOHN WV HINSDALE, JR. FOB THE LEGISLATURE. ' I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives, subject to the action, of the Democratic primary.- ALBERT L. COX. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Represen tatives from Wake County,. Bubject to the action of the Democratic Pri maries. N. M. BLALOCK, Panther Branch Township. P. 0. M'Cullers, N. C..R. F. D. No, 1. FOR HOUSE . OF. REPRESENTA , TIVES. Believing that the worklngmen should be represented in the General Assembly by one pf their fellow workers, I announce myself a candi date for the House of s Representa tives, subject to the action of the Wake County Republican Conven tion. ."" POWHATAN McK. MATTHEWS. Raleigh, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT. After mature consideration I have decided to become a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic Primaries to he held in Wake County on Satur day, August 15th. Being a business man and the time being Short between now and the date of the primary, I will not be able to see all1 my friends In person, and I must rely upon them to be active in my support and go to the primaries and work In my interest. L. B. PEGRAM. ANNOUNCEMENT. ; . I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the position of treas urer of Wake county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries, to be held August 15th. : ; CHAS. E. CRAWFORD. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. . I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Wake county, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri- JOSEPH H. SEARS, v ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election as Constable for Raleigh Township, subject to the Democratic primaries to be held on August 15 th. D. R. BYRUM. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself aB a candidate for re-election on the Board of Coun ty Commissioners, subject to the ac tion of the coming Democratic Pri mary. D. T. JOHNSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for. the position as County Commissioner, subject to the action of the republican county convention. believe the southern part of Wake county is entitled to a commisisoner. and if elected by the people, I prom ise to serve thsm faitfully, to the best of my ability. M. C. SORRELL. This, August 1, 1908. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner, four year term, from Barton's Creek, subject to the republican convention. ALFONSO C. RAY, Roger's Store, N. C. WM. J. ANDREWS CANDIDATE For County Treasurer. To the Voters of Wake County : I hereby announce myself a candi date for Treasurer of Wake county, subject to the action ot the Wake County Republican Convention. WM. J. ANDREWS. , Raleigh, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the lower house in the legislature, from Wake County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primaries to be held Saturday, Aug. 15 th. I am opposed to the present Highway Commission, and If nomi nated and elected will vote to abolish it. I will abide by the result of the Democratic primaries whether I am successful or not I will truly appre ciate everything my friends may see fit to 6o In my behalf. , J. D. R. ALLEN. Bartons' Creek Township. Vj. '--li By Buying Now While Our Great lU GUST Car pt: ; IS GOING ON. You Can Make a ular Fall Prices of Fully 25 PER .THIS AUGUST SALE IS 4N ANNUAL EVENT AT Early in the Summer the the greatest price concessions, and we took advantage thereof, and in this August sale ' top cn'vft this fl.dvfl.nt.fl.ffA to pared for this great sale with most liberal assortments of all MiUt .Bargain offerings .and "' ' new gooas. ANTICIPATE YOUR WANTS-THIS IS THE CARPET AND RUG BAR GAIN OPPORTUNITY IN THE HISTORY OF OUR STORE. THIS GREAT AUGUST SALE OFFERS A SAVING OF AT LEAST 25 PER CENT. ON EVERY CARPET, RUG, OR ART SQUARE YOU BUY IN THIS GREAT AUGUST SALE. No housekeeper within eigh can afford to miss this great saving on Carpets, Rugs -or Art Squares. You may not need these but you can arrange with us later on in the fall, BUT YOU MUST BUY THEM NOW TO GET THE ADVANTAGE OF THE AUGUST SALE PRICES. Notwithstanding the Bargain Prices we will make and lay these Carpets without extra charges and if you you live out of Raleigh we will make and deliver them at your railroad station without extra charge, and if you will pay the transportation expenses of one of our Car pet layers we will lay them for you. Fnewiioiis Sale Ever offered such a splendid terns, nor afforded such values. Every style, qf Carpet is in this big lot, for chambers, ; for dining-rooms, reception-rooms, and for halls, and for squares, runners, rugs, etc;, etc. ' If you are wise you will come early before the line is broken. Come at once. . (This great sal6 gives a Churches, Libraries, Hotels, ings and Institutions to make iorethe regular rail season begins. There's a saving of fujlj J55 per cent, in the prices by buying now. Such opportunities speak take advantage of them. 123-125 Fayettevflle Street. -j North Carolina's Largest and Leading Retail Dry - Goods - Store. , . We pay carriage to any point in . North . Carolina on all orders of $5.00 or more, til III 'A ' . lL1 Saving on the Reg CENT. OF CARPETS AND RUGS OUR STORE. biggest carpet mills made to induce the trade to buy, rmr nmstftirifirs. W Vin.VA Tr- , the greatest quantities and kjndspf Carpets and Rugs. special, purchase lots. All . - -..--,-.. --..V FALL AND WINTER a radius of 100 miles of Ral Carpets and Rugs at once, to hold them and lay them assortment of nobby pat grand opportunity for Halls, . Societies and Public Build their Carpet purchases be- for themselves. Come and r i . . ' We give D. A F. Gold Trading Stamps with every cash purchase one stamp lor every 10c j ' t j