mm Stocks, Cotton Grain and New Stock Market. ' (By Lwd' Wire to The Times) New- Tori,' August 5 The stock market .opened strong, with Cana dian Pacific showing an initial gain of 1 'percent, and American Smelt ing, 1. ?: Union Pacific was up . St.. aulrand Northern Pacific j Southern, Pacific and Erie Read ing gained , Amalgamated and Steelcommon . By the end of 10 minutes the tone of the market con tinued strong. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison ' i . 88 .94 . 92 .173 .161 . 32 . 24 .140 .110 .136 . 56 .108 .126 .123 . 18 35 .141? . 94 . 20 .156 .13 . U . 32. .137 . 79 . 40 .56 . 34 . 93 .110 .52 . 38 .146 . 82 .26 . 95 .34 .118 .132 . 46 .111 .28 2 '; Atchison pfd . Baltimore ft Ohio . . : . Canadian Pacific ... . . . . . . Chicago ft Northwestern . . Colorado Southern . . ..... Erie... . Illinois Central . ' . ........ Louisville & Nashville .. . . Manhattan L. ... ...... ... . Missouri Pacific . . . .-. ; , . New York Central . ...... Pennsylvania . . ' . . . . . Reading Rock Island . . . . ........ Rock Island pfd . ........ St. Paul . . Southern Pacific Southern Railway . . '. . .'. . . Union Pacific ..... . . . . . . Wabash . '.. Interboro-Metropolltan . . . Interboro-Metropolitan pfd . Great Northern :. Miscellaneous. . Amalgamated Copper . . . . American Car & Foundry . ; American Locomotive . . American-Cotton Oil ... Am. Smelting & Refining . . Am. Smelting & Refining pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . Colorado Fuel & Iron . . . . . General Electric .... . . , National Lead Pacific Mall . , ..V....... Pedpfe'sGas ' . ........ Pressed. Steel Car , . .. . . . . , Southern Pacific pfd . . ... Sugar; . . :. . . . . . .... . . United States Steel ... . . , . United Stales Steel pfd . ,. . Va.-CaroIina Chemical . i , Westlnghouse Electric . . . Chicago Wheat Higher. Chicago, August 5 -Wheat was j )1C higher at the opening, the greatest gain being In distant options. Cables came a cent higher in the face of our easement in yesterday's prlce:'There- was a big and general trade during the first quarter hour, with prices holding firm at fractional recessions from top. Prices: Wheat, Sept., 94 to ; corn, Sept.,- 45 to 46; oats, Sept.,. 46; pork, Sept., 15.65; lard, Oct., 9.62; ribs, Sept., 8.97.; There was a further big advance In wheat today, net gains being shown of 2 to 3c. and reactions from top prices, were only about c. The market, Vas a big, broad affair. Corn was to lc. higher, oats were up 1 to 1 and hog products gained 5 to 20c. , Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: : Open. High. Close. Wheat: ' ' Sept.. . Dec. . May.;,,. Corn: Sept.. .. Dec.v . May. . Oats: S.ept.. . Dec.. , May. . Pork: Sept.. . " Oct. . . Lard: . Sept. . ' act.-: . Blb: v. Septi , ;94 97 1.01 L -75 -64 .64' .'45 v !46i 1 -.i? .96 .99 .96 .99 1.03 .76 .65 .65 .47 .47 ,49 1.03 ' .76' .65 .65 .47 .47 .49 15.65 16.75 . ' 9.65 9.62 '8.97, 9.02 15.85 15.95 9.57 9.67 '.00 9.07 15.80 15.90 9.57 '9.65 8.95 9.05 -j". - 'St, , Uve Stock. ' (By Leased Wirt to The Times) Union Stock Yards, 111. August 5. Hogs: Receipts, 24,000; strong at yesterday's best prices. Mixed and butchers, 6.2 & to 6.95; good heavy, 6.70 , to 6.95; rough heavy, 6.20' to 6.50; light, 6.20 to 6.85; pigs, 6.40 to 6.20; bulk, 6.50 -to 6.85..': : Cattle: Receipts, 17,000; slow, 10c. lower. Beeves, 3.60 to 7.65; cows and heifers, 1.75 to' 6.80;. stockers and feeders, 2.75 t 4.50; Texans, 3.70 'to 5.40; calves, 5.60-to 7.25; . westerners, 3.40 to 6.15. Sheep: Receipts, 22,000; steady; western, 2.75 to 4.50; lambs, native and westefn, 4.25 to 6.75. ' ' Naval Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' Savannah, Ga.,. August 6 Turpen tine: Firm, 36 ; Bales, 378; receipts, 869. Rosin: ' Firm; sales, 1,104; re ceipts, 1,4. QuoteiiWW, 6.35; WG, 6.25; N,:6.7l5;'k, 6.25; I, 4.65; H. 3.75; G, 8 45; F, S,153.22; E, 3.10 .17; D, 2.76; C, B, A, 2.55 2.70v V ' ' . . . New York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, August 5 The cotton market this morning opened easy at a decline of 1 to 6 points. There was some heavy selling by one of the large houses creating an impression around the room that Wall street interests were taking profits. It was accom panied by rather active pressure from room sources, southern selling also was in evidence. Opening: August, 9.95 to 10.00; Sept., 9.63 to 9.68; Oct., 9.63 bid; Dsc. 9.33 to 9.34; January, 9.27 to 9.28; March, 9.28 to 9.30. ; Open. . High. Low. Close. . 9.80 9.58 9.58 9.30 Aug. , Sept. . 10.00 10.00 9.80 9.57 9.58 9.54 - 9.60 . 9.63 9.52 Oct.. . Nov. , . Dec. . Jan. . Feb. . March . 9.34 9.26 9.30 9.29 9.34 9.30 9.26 9.23 9.32 9.29 9.30 9.32 9.34 9.27 Closed steady. New York Spot Cotton, r (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, August 5- Spot cotton quiet, 5 points lower at 10.75. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New Orleans, La., August 5 rThe spot market continues dull and with out new features of more than pass ing interest. The mill demand has practically ceased to be a factor in governing prices since the mills are not at pres ent in the market and the small tail ing as is now indulged in does not carry sufficient weight to affect the situation. . Factors are holding a number of lists for impossible fig ures, under shippers' instruction, but apart; from these there is hardly any thing of a desirable character on the tables and a lower heading of 'from board prices would probably fail to move stocks, considering the present temper of the market. A decidedly easier feeling prevailed among contract traders today, largely the result of extremely bearish re ports anent the growing crop and prices moved off sharply during the I morning hour. The opening figures were down 7 to 10 points and though there were . not infrequent fluctua- l tions incidental to spasmodic buying au,w forenoon me ireno. oi me marKet was xowara sua iower levels. with the result that the second call showed net losses of 10 to 11 points on both, old .and .new crop .positions. Open, High.' Low. Close. Aug. . .... .... .... ' 9.95 Sept. . 9.60 9.70 9.69 9.68 Oct. . 9.50 9.52 9.45 9.4,6, Nov. . .... 9.30 Dec. . 9.37 9.38 9.31 9.31 Jan. . 9.38 .... .... 9.34 Feb. . .... ... . .... 9.35 Mch. . ... . ... . :.. .... 9.38 Market closed quiet and steady. -. Liverpool Cotton Market. (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool, August 5 Opening spots Bteady. Middling, 6.12. Sales, 6,000, of which 4,900 were Ameri can and 300 for speculation and ex port. Receipts, 4,000, of which 1, 500 were American. Futures opened steady and closed quiet. Open. Close. 5.81 6.41 Aug. . . . Aug.-Sept. . Sept.-Oct. , Oct.-Nov. . Nov.-Dec. , Dec-Jan. . Jan.-Feb. . Feb.-March Mch. -Apr. . Apr.-May ; r May-June , 5.72 6.37 5.22 - 5.15 5.10 5.07 5.06 . 5.74 5.38 5.13 5.08 6.06 5.05 5.05 5.07 5.16 5.10 5.07 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.09 . 6.06 5.08 ( 5.08 Raleigh Cotton Ilarket. Best grades, 11 1-1 6c. Off grades, 810c. Receipts today, 12 bales. . Cotton Port Receipts Today. . New York, Aug. 6. Cotton port receipts were as follows: New Or leans, 416 against 8711; Galveston, 2,948 against 70; Mobile, 71 against '. .; Savannah, 331 against 291; Charleston, ., against 83; Wilming ton, 2 against ,.; New. York, against 59; Boston, . .. against 13; Philadelphia, . , against 71. Total, 3,986 against 1,686. Interior Receipts: Houston, 2,' 901 against 180; Augusta, 37 against 4 1 ; Memphis, 1 7 4 against 122; St. Louis, 169 against 184; Cincinnati, 83 against 6. Total, 3,354 against 633.'. '"V ' , New York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, August 5 Time loans unchanged. Money on - call 1 per cent ; 60 days, 2 2 90 days, 2 2; six months, 4 per cent.; ster ling exchange, 483 487, with actual business in bankers bills at 486.40 486.60 for demand, and 484. 90. 96 for 60 day bills. Prime mercantile paper, 46. Anyway, if a man didn't spend all his money on his family he'd lose it some other way. .ms&Z'lnmz: iwaiK ' J Provisions. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. SHOTWELL) New York, August 6 Under the influence of excited buying of Gug genheim stock the entire market was buoyant today. Smelters, National Lead,, Amalgamated Copper and Steel sold at high records in the first half : hour of trade. In London American stocks were active and moving high- er. The cause for the enthusiasm Just WANTED Stenographer and type now seems to be the advancing prices . writer. Apply immediately to J. of copper metal coupled with a gen eral belief that business is recover ing in all departments. E. H. Harrt man's confidential talks in the west have had a tonic effect. It Is gen erally believed that Gould has sur- j rendered completely to Harrlman and that the Gould system will now be re habilitated. Pittsburg reported to day that negotiations have been opened by the Gould interests with the Pressed Steel Car Company for several thousand freight cars to handle the tonnage that is expected this fall under the old Carnegie con tracts, of which the Goulds have not yet taken advantage. One report had it that the order is for 10,00 cars. On the curb market Cumberland: Ely, Nevada, Consolidated and Le Rose were leaders, with a good de mand in the entire mining depart ment. Cotton and grain were both slight ly lower. : V.- Bar Silver. (By Cable to The Times) '! London, August 5 Bar : silver quiet at 24d, decline, d. :. Bar Silver. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York," August 5 Commercial bar silver, 52 c, Mexican dollars, 45. ; . PURE WHISKIES (Direct from Distillers.) Buy your Whiskies from an old established hoBse'--r--i-.-v. - 4 . "" We own onr distillery and ;hlp direct to the consumer, prepaying all express charges. Below are a few" of our specials. lid 2 sals. 3 ilk. Lake Duns (extra) . $3.59 $6.75 $10.08 Manor Straight Rye 4.50 8.56 12.50 Comfort Rye (rood) 2.50 4.75 700 Alountaln Blend . . . . 3.00 5.7S 8.50 Family Cora (old).. 3.50 6.75 10.00 Special Cora 2.50 4.75 7X0 Broacnouin... 3. 6.79 iojvo Old Tar Ola. ....... 2 50 4.75 1M Any of the abovebrands supplied in cases of quart, pint or half-pint bottles. Write for c om pi e t e price list of Wines, Cor dials, Liquers, Beers, etc. AGENTS FOR. T3k CONSUMERS BREWING CO. Brcweri of "Rhelnbrau" nd "Seaside" Non-Alcobolle Beer. Offer Way. Seaa mier trdtr, earns tritr or artiltd &t& b SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of the powers contained In a judgment of the Superior Court of Wake county, North Carolina, made and entered on July 13, 1908, in a Special Proceeding therein pend ing entitled B. W. Williams et al. against Grace Elvis Williams et al., and being No. . Special Proceeding Docket o said court, I will on Mon day, August 17, 1908, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House. Door in the City of Raleigh, K. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wlt: i All of that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the township of Ral eigh, county of Wake and State of North Carolina, bounded generally and described as follows: The south half , of the unsold part of City Lot No. .'29s fronting North on lot of David P. Lane, 1?8 feet; on the south by Maurice Watts, 168 feet, on the East by W. B. Hunter 63 feet, and on the West by the East line South Person street 63 feet. Same being that tract of land conveyed by C. N. Williams by Alice A. Shaffer by deed registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in Book 190, lit page 312. W. B. JONES. Commissioner. This July 16, 1908. "11 sod f lc. WANTS lcT Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted at one cent per word for each Issue, CASH with the order. No ad vertisements ' under this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CENTS an laser tlon. ; . ; lc. WANTS lc. WANTED. WANTED Middle age white woman to nurse an invalid lady.' Apply to C. T. Ford, 713 W. North St. . 4 6t. ; ' : : ; ' W. Hinsdale, Bank Building. Citizens National ,' 3-2t WANTED Men to learn the barber trade; few weeks required; - best paying work within the reach of poor man; can have shop with small capital; wages from J 12 to $20 weekly; wonderful demand for barbers; catalogue mailed free. iMo&r Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. : i6t -.-v'-..-.,.. FOE RENT. FOR RENT Betts Flat. Apply lo S. J. Betts. FOR RENT One of the most deair- able store rooms on Fayetteville street. 3t. - See Darnell & Thomas. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LEND ON APPROVED real estate security. R. N. Simms, Attorney, Tucker Building, PIGS! PIGS! PIGS! Fifteen fine English Berkshire Pigs for sale. Best stock. Apply quickly if you want any of them to John C. . Drewry, Raleigh, N. C. THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 20 ' per cent, cash discount Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. This week only Betts Ice Cream. TO. LEASE- OR RENT Brick stores in business part ' of city, recently occupied by Capital Furniture Co. Possession given September . 1st. C. M. Bernard. 27-12t FOR SALE. FOR SALE A ladles' driving horse. I F6t information, call 891 E. Har 1 geHe utreet.-- ' '' v WHITE HOUSE TEA Ib just as good m White House Coffee. Trial Ten or Fifteen Cent Can at your Grocer. Note the difference. j NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court, Eastern District I of North Carolina. In the Matter of John A. Gill & Son, I Bankrupt. j This petition of Jno.'A. Gill & 'Son, of Henderson, North Carolina, for a full discharge in bankruptcy, having bean filed in said court, it is ordered by the court that a hearing be had on the19th day of August, 1908, before ' the Referee, V. H. Boyden, of said Court, at Raleigh, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, and that all known creditors and other persons interested may appear at said time and place and show cause if any they . have, why the prayer of the said petitioner shall not be granted. w This 4th day of August. 1908. , H. L. GRANT, Clerk U. S. Dist. Court, It Raleigh, N. C. SOUTHERN'S GRAND EXCURSION TO RICHMOND On Tuesday morning, August 11th, the Southern Railway will operate their Grand Annual Excursion from Raleigh to Richmond, Va. Train" will leave, Raleigh at 7:30 a. m., Cary at 7:52, Morrlsvllle at 8:03, Durham 8:40, arriving Richmond 3:00 p. m Returning leave Richmond 8:00 p. m Wednesday, August 12th. Fare from all stations Raleigh to Durham, in elusive, $3.00 for the round trip. As Is already well known, Rich mond is one of the most attractive cities of the South, built on seven hills. . Beautiful in parks and many cool spots where the excursionists may enjoy the breezes so delightful ! in eastern Virginia. Richmond is the capital of the state, and on 6 of the most historic points in the United States' 'No elty offers so many at tractions to the sight-Beer, and those of seeking a place to enjoy themselves! No doubt this will be the largest excursion of the season. Nine coaches will be provided with ample accommodations for all, and separate coaches for colored people For detailed Information, ask near est agent, or address ; W. H. McGLAMERY, Raleigh i the RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COUP ANY WITH -A ararpaMed history behind It ilace tMB STANDS FOR Safety to Its Depositors. Accommodation to Its Customer. . Willing service to Its Frleada. 0BL18. K. JTOHN80K, . H. BBIGG9, ' Prealdent. 3ahler. JOSEPH G. BROWN, President. CAPITAL $100,000.00. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. The Raleigh JOHN T. PULLEN, President. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. ' Pnnn nan Anr infarouf nni1 tn 1fiinltu infill in fiitnlr. ni VBVitA r -r rop er mronnation. isanK open o'clock to uccommodate the public. SMALL ACCOUNTS. We solicit accounts from workingmcn and women, clerks, bookkeep ers, in fact every one. We encourage small accounts because we - know they trill grow. The size of the deposit makes no difference, as we extend the same courtesy and attention to everyone. . . . THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $200,000.00 RALEIGH, N. C. B, S. JERMAN, Pres.; A. A. THOMPSON, Vice-Pres.; H. W. JACK SON, Cashier; E. B. CROW, Assist. Cashier; J. J. Thomas, Chnin Board of Directors, as : : SACRIFICE : : SALE OF GROCERIES. Am selling Geo. S. Terrell's en tire stock at greatly reduced prices. Housekeepers take notice! HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Assignee. DEPEND UPON YOU Do not disappoint them. Be pre pared for the time of sickness or un expected expense. YOU CAN NOT be so prepared If you spend all you make as fast as you make it. WE WILL HELP YOU SAVE. MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. HUBBARD BROS. & CO HANOVER SQUARE, NEW VORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton foi future delivery. Correspondence Invited. WANTED A represe Jve in every town in the state to report social, political, and goaeral news Items This is a splendid proposition for both men and women. We also want a representative at every High School and College In the state. Write us for full particu lars and instructions. The Even ing Times, Raleigh', N. C. , ;5-t! SURPLUS" $150,000.00. Savings Bank. CHARLES ROOT, Cashier. - - - . -- ( on saiuraay evening irom o ui w have nr YOUR HOME North Star Refrigerator Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freerera, Screen Windows, Oil Stoves. j If you buy a NORTH STAB yon I rednce your ICE BILLS. HART-WARD HARDWARE ... , COMPANY, USE MODERN METHODS ELECTRIC LIGHT I1IumllatPg perljr and economlcaUy without increasing the temperature of the room where It is nsodr 1 , 'USE MODERN METHODS." Raleigh Electric Company r Both 'Phones. o J ' v.; i