THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1908. rautfimeivEO TUEJilBYUiSTlSDMN! TEXTBOOKS DISPLEASE CONSTIPATED? Pi Vetersiis OsD'tLike Test-Bssk , ; Eecomended II VI A UI IUC liUUUIJ btiUUlf sioners fesierday r f Interesting Iaw Point In ' Durham :. .Court Charlie Hoskins Not Killed . bjr Norfolk Negro County Com- mlssioners Considering Road Build "tag. '' ; !-... ,a Application of Mr. Carr in Regard to Road Working Referred to High way Commission New Jury List. . (Special Staff porre3?oudence) Durham, August 5 Ah item gain ing large circulation In Virginia mi North- Carolina papers In whteli it is declared that Charlie Hopkins, of this e6unty, was killed several days ago lh " Norfolk " by a negro, la' contra' dieted' by.Mr. Hopkins in a letter yes terday to his father: The story ap pears to have been mixed up here with an actual homicide in which' a Charles Hopkins was actually killed. The letter from the. son was a great relief to the father, who did not know abput the truth of the Incident. v Justice Owens will announce today his decision in a most Interesting lit igathrn yesterday over a pint of wliis kjsy."' It appears to Involve new law! Vtet haft hpfnrn him nno t.nmfwrl nivia in -.fact t.wn T.nnafnpH n0viaoa i Cooper, Raleigh; J. R. the colored man and wife, though lRlsfbeeVA- N- Ki?fk GVei J proof of their oneness is all that the , t Le?' ' V J1118' Fnth case rests upon. Davis beat his wife r?nch;,Z?V Y" STl ?'?rrrtl and before the mayor was fined. Ed. ?aeriMa,r 8 Cek; A- Brldgers. gotten., another negro, through mal BrJn'a N"U86; ' 6odwln k the Justice says swore out a war- f Sm,tJ' fwi't Creek; R p. rahf.against Mary Johnson, colored. ack80n' f"18 TCr J' - for selling a pint of Whiskey. Luna- - J" ?a"ey' J' Co",ns' C' &d Davis bought it and his wife'?! f scre' Buckhorn; J. W. Peebles, gave him the money. The lawyers j wa.Ke. rt, ,., , are: trying to determine whether M S(on Wfk:w WI"U ,BoadTwei ' Lunsford .Davis, being the same as"k 8 reek;, - H Hicks J. N. !?!. .on i,imOQir -n,' Bailey, New Light; J. C. Emery, iw .nnonr, .t.t th-, m ! Hu S1"W- L- H. Emery, House's to T.nfnpA TMi : wi'.,-Crki J- s- Harrison, Wake Forest; Application was made yesterday af ternoon by Mr.' H. H. Carr, of the Raleigh Electric Company, v to the board of county commissioners for permission to double-track the car line from the BeMh switch, on Hills- boro road to the :air grounds. Mr. Carr was referred to the county high way commission, the board having no jurisdiction. ' : ; The following jury list was drawn for the September term of court: First Week: J. W; Warren, R. H. Bar bee, Cary; L. M. Emory, T, -E. Edwards, R. E. Emory, . House's Creek f J. E. Marcom; Cedar Fork; M. E. Estes New JLtght; C; H. Holloway, D. Elias, Q. W. Goodwin, Carey K. Durfee, C. A. Goodwin, A. E. Bed dingfleld, John E. Ray, R'. E7 Prince, R. T. Gowan, Baxter Durham, Geo. HEADACHE? Thinks Renptit.lnn nf Knmoa at HnA. ! era! Leaders An Attempt to Change Southern SentimentMake Protest to Governor Against Action of Board. "vasts.-. n&2 "Ait. m i r i unless she Is Lunsford Davis and toat's what Arley M. Moore, candi date f6r the. legisTature, is trying to do, aided by Charles M. Scarlette, and that's what Benjamin Lovenstein, another candidate for the legislature is trying to prevent. The county commissioners are to day meeting in three-day session, and are passing upon accounts. , j. The principal matter of Interest is the road building and of the $60,000 required to build it more than $30, 00Q have already been spent. It will require the remainder of the year to complete it and a double, force and another large roller have been put on. , It will be the most magnificent road running out from Durham, and will be about 20 miles long. ; . ELOPED WITH CHAUFFEUR. , Miss Zelgler, Rich "Young Society " Woman Marries Her Aatomo- Dle- Drive,. : ' (By Leased Wire to The Times) , Pittsburg Pa., August 5 Daniel Slattery, ' a young chauffeur of the Eastend district, who has been motor ing for many rich families, on Mon day eloped with Miss Madeline Zelg le, only daughter of Mrs. Margaret Zeigler, one of the rich Eastend so ciety' women, for whom Slattery had often driven an automobile. - Slattery and Miss Madeline went lh' a hurry on finding that Mrs. Zeig ler bad employed detectives to look up his record. Mrs. Zeig ler had two warrants issued for tue chauffeur's x arrest on .charges which he asserts were trumped up, and when he met Miss Madeline in the afternoon he told her of hts troubles and suggested , that , they ; go ' immediately. He pushed Miss Zeigler into the first au tomobile he saw standing in the street and, fled to West Virginia, where they were married. They returned yester- day, ' . Eddy Ball, whose machine it was theyrhad "borrowed" in the mean time had a warrant issued, not know ing It was Slattery, who is his friend. of bis friend. Ball had the warrant cancelled. " ; D. R. Johnson, St." Mary's;' F. R. Mitchell, Alex. Jones, C. M. GHffln, J, G, Kemp, Little River; W. L. Barnes," J. H. Babb, White Oak; W. B. Pollard, Middle Creek; T. B. Ter rell, Raleigh. AVhy Janies Lee Got WelL Everybody In Zanesvllle, O., knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route 8. She writes: "My husband, James Lee, firmly believes' he owes his life to the, use of Dr. King's New Discovery. His lungs were so severely affected that consumption seemed inevitable, when-' a friend recommended New Discovery; We tried it; and Its use has restored him to perfect health.' Dr. King's New Discovery is the King of ; throat- and lung . remedies.-' Fr coughs and colds it has no equal. The 'first dose gives relief. Try it! Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. . 5uc. and 1.00. ; Trial hot tle free. i . -. -. KERN TO BE NOTIFIED. X, AagtOit &tu Date For Notification oi . Kiv VV1? Nominee. - ... IndianaBDlls. Ind. August 5 John ' Wr Kam win hA. nfflHnllv nntlfinri nf h!a nmlnatlpn ' by the democratic Uf ft j for vice-president of the United 9taW ony'Tuesday, August ' 2 6th, at the sttffe fair grounds.' The date ytiB announced yesterday by Mr. Kern and Chairman U. S. .Jackson, of the democratic - state committee. Mr. 9ryaa will speak here then. ' RACE WAS THREATENED. Negroes Contemplate Attack and Many Deputies Swam In for . . : Protection. ' . (By Leased W,ire to The Times) Dallas, Texas, Aug. 5.' Reports from Orange, in southwest Texas, on the Louisiana line, are to the effect that a race war is imminent. Nearly fifty special deputies have been sworn In and the white men have jenerally.'armed themselves to resist, an attack which it is rumored' the negroes contemplate. Large numebrs of negroes are em ployed in the mills and lumber camps in the vicinity. Sunday night a negro attacked a white woman named Mrs. Jay, In one of the lum ber camps. A posse of white men pursued, captured and lynched the negro in a swamp bordering on the Neches river. This aroused the ne groes..- : ' MONTEAGLE WINS RACE.' Twelve Days Crossing the Pacific With Cargo of Silk. ; : (By Cable to- The Times.) Victoria, B. C, Aug. 55. With a shipment of silk , valued- at, nearly a million dollars, part of a large ship ment made by three steamers, which left Yokohoma to race across the Pa-:Iflc,-the steamer Monteagle has ar rived "here after a passage of, twelve days, sixteen hours in advance of the Japanese steamer Toss Mara, tmd of the Pacific : Mall .steamer ' Liberia, which left the Japanese port four days earlier. - . The silk will be sent to New York by express train In passenger cars. (By Leased Wire to The Times) . Austin, Tex., August '5 The John B. Hood Camp, Confederate veterans, haVe filed a formal protest with Gov ernor Campbell against the action of the state text-book board in adopting ,for the public schools of the state a certain elementary arithmetic, be cause it contains the following exam ples, which, the camp holds, is an adroit attempt to foist the names of federal leaders on the youth of the south: : "General Grant was born April 27, 1822, and was 41 years, 2 months and 7 days old when Vlcksburg, Miss., was captured. When did he capture Vlcksburg?" "General William T. Sherman was born February 8,(1820, and finished his great march through'Georgla De cember 13, 1864. How old was he on that day?" "General SherWan was born March 6, 1831, and made his famous ride from Winchester to the battlefield at Cedar Creek October 19, 1864. What was bis age then?" The two principals in the tar and feather case of Washington, D. C, At the top Is E. E. Bliss, the victim, who . promises sensational develop ments at the trial this fall. Below is a picture of Charles Marthinson, who led in the attack on Bliss. MOB CHARGES POLICEMEN. Six Officers Hold 100 Men at Bay, ; ' Following Insult to Married Woman. ; (By Leased Wire to The Times) Richmond, va., -Aug. 4. Six po licemen early ; this morning faced mob of one hundred men in this city following the shooting of Jacob L. Hechler by Royal L. Ellerson in the home of the former. Hechler charges that Ellerson was making advances to Mrs. Hechler. and Eller son fired three shots at Hechler, all of which took effect. The man in a hospital In a serious condition Ellerson is in Jail. y The mob was composed of neigh bors of Hechler and tried to lynch Ellerson for invading his home. The quickness of the officers saved the man, several attempts .being made to shoot Ellerson. THREATENED TO STRIKE. ' But Locked Out Before Called 200 Out of Work. ) (By Leased Wire to The Times) Sharon, Pa., Aug. 5. Two hun dred employes of the Driggs-Seabiiry Qrdnance Corporation are locked out because of a threatened striko. A notice has been posted that the plant will be closed indefinitely. -; On July 9 the company announced a : educ tion in wages, effective July 15, the cut averaging 7 per cent. T'le men refused to accept the cut and called the International machinists association's officials here. A strike was ordered but the company closed the works before being notified. VeaK Kidneys Verve. Tbe Kidney v like ths'JHourt, and tb KtomMtt,ond tbelr weaknaM, not in tbe oms icaeU. but In th nerrn that control and fold and (tnnffthen them. Dr. Bhooo't BeitoraUTs ia -avtedlulua- tiwclflcally vnpared to Teach tbew eootrouuis nerve, to doctor tne Kidney alone, kfutllei It 1 a waste ol time, and oi mooey a - If venr back aehea nr fn weak. If the nrtna oaldi, yoo have symptom oi ungate or otner alrrtressinf or aangerou kid. ney diseete, try Dr. Shoop't Restorative a month tablet or Liquid and see what It can and Will do for you. Pro-grist nommnd and wU A" HENRY T. HICKS. S 130 IUIUIIUU is ' """CUFIES .QoQoQo MALARIA Malaria is due to Imtmritiet in the blood which' destroy the rich. healthful qualities of the circulation,, and reduce it to a weak, watery fluid. ! The. body is then deprived of its necessary nounsnment ana screngn, ana is Unable to resist the countless disoirders that assail it, and the general system sufers in consequence. The appetite fails, digestion is weakened; chills' land sllrhC lever are frequent, while the sufferer loses energy ana ambition. nous, bjliu - eruptions, ana some umes botcs ituu uit-eia wiiuw waca lua blood becomes deeply polluted , with the malarial germs. Both a tonic tad blood purifier are needed to tore Malaria; and S. S. S. is best fitted for this work. ' It is the most perfect of all blood purifiers and at the same time tnJs.vigbratiiig; healthful tonic. 9. $. $. "goes down into the circulation, ludtfmoves every trace of imttttrity or poison, and rives to the blood the .aoeetljlbecaufce it removes from, the blood the germs and poisons which reduce tA disease, and while doing this tones up and strengthens every rt tf the ystem, . book with information about Malaria ana any medical tvl.;firalhed free to all whoi write.'- :'-.;' ' ., v r CITC ?LC17K CO., ATLABTA, OA. '. MORSE, THE BANKRUPT, NOW MAKING GOOD (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, August 5 Ones more Charles W. Morse, who was suddenly thrown from his position of eminence In the financial world in the panic last fall, has taken steps to regain his lost fortunes. Morse, bo his friends say, will deposit within a few days to the credit of Charles A. Hanna, receiver' of the National Bank of North America, 12,000,000 in cash in the sub-treasury, and" will receive In return the assets of the bank which he formerly controlled. That Morse, who was supposed to be In. debt to the-, extent of $3,000,000 last fall, has been able to raise $2,000,000 cash is astonishing even Wall street, accustomed as it is to constant shifts of fort-one. SIX DEATHS FROM HEAT. Many Prostrations and More Fatali ties Feared New York In Grip of Hot Wave. -(By Leased Wire to The Times) V , New York, -August 6 Six deaths and a score of prostrations marked today the continuation of the hot wave, which has had New York in its grip for the past 24 hours. : " . A slight drop In temperature, dur ing the early hours was accompanied by a rise In the humidity. 85 being registered at 9 o'clock. Many more fatalities are feared. QueenofSeaTrips Merchants & Miners Trans portation Company's Steamship Lines. . NORFOLK to ; boston and providence. New, fast, and elegant steamers, Accommodations and cuisine excel lent. Send for booklet.. Through tickets on sale at principal Southern points. For reservations or further information call on nearest ticket agent, or address E. C LOHR. Agent, Norfolk, Va. W. P. TURNER, Passenger Traffic Manager, Baltimore, Md. "FINEST COASTWISE TRIPS IN THE .WORLD." Mon.. Wed., Fri 4mo. AY I and your craving for liquor is gone If you take the McKanna Cure There Is none like it offered anywhere outside of McKanna's. No Dangerous After Effects. Call or write McKANNA THREE-DAY LIQUOR CURD) CO, Phone 184, ; REIDSVDLLH, 5. C. ' . ' 1 ' - .a ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVege(abkfteparonJorjjs.' suouaiurgaKtooaanul nessandRestTontalnsiieittiff Omumiorplune norMaaali NOT W ARC OTIC, JhtSmm jtaotStti jwfttt 5tfum 111 Apcrfect Remedy for Consfipa- Hon, Sour Stoiaadi,Dtantoai VYorrosJLonvaiswnsj'CTErisB- nessandLossOFSEEEP. ftcSiinfe SignanR oT YORK. !ForInfairt3 and Children. . The Kind Yob Have Always Bought Bears Signature tie it. Id Use For Over Thirty Years IPlPMTP under the Exact Copy of Wrapper. TM annawr oimnt. mvr thi airr. 3E Connelly Springs Hotel CONNELLY; SPRINGS, N. C. ' " (On Southern Railway, between Salisbury and Asheville) In sight of the most Picturesque Mountains In America. Cool, Refreshing Mountain Breeze, and positively the very finest Mineral Water In existence. Thoroughly Modern Hotel, with High Standard of Service. Good Orchestra, Bay Room, Tennis Court, Bowling Alley, Delightful Horseback Riding and Driving. Rates very reasonable. Further Information cheerfully "furnished. HENRY L. VAN STORY, Manage. SEASON IN FU LL SWING AT HOTEL TARRYMOORE, Wrightsville Beach, N. C. COOL, INVIGORATING SEA BREEZES, Free from Malaria; no Mosquitoes, Sandflies, or other insects. Delightful . Bathing: Beach. Deep Sea and Sound Fishing, Yachting, Etc. Every known resort attraction and convenience. The finest Sea Food on earth can be had here. The breeze from the Sea and Salt Water Bathing tone up the entire system as nothing else can. July and August are ideal months to visit Wrightsville Beach. Make your reservations at once. Address, W. J. MOORE, Proprietor. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. Preeminently North Carolina's s easide resort. splendid surf. Safe beach with FISHING, BATHING, YACHTING Easily reached via Goldsboro or Fayetteville in connection with the ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Tickets on sale every Saturday good to return the following Monday, at $4.50. For further information write W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE. Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Wilmington. 7. C. . ' : The Capital City Telephone-- The "Busy" Report We have had people tell us that operators report telephones "Busy" when the telephone is not actually in use when called for. In every such case we have been able to convince the complainant by positive evidence that such an occurrence is not possible as a matter of practice. We have not simply assumed that such a thing did not occur, but we have inves tigated cases of the kind many times. , We have proved conclusively that the telephone was in use by a servant or a neighbor without the knowl edge of the subscriber, that the linewas out of order, or that the receiv er had been left off the hook. - It Is easier for the operator to test the Hue than to make a "Busy" report without testing. The supervision is so close and constant that an operator engaged in such a practice would soon be detected. Then, too, our operators take a pride in their work and have absolutely no object for reporting a line "Busy" without first making the proper test. Oftentimes when you call a store or other business place and receive a "Busy" report, the telephone is being used by some one other than the subscriber or his employes. This is one of the result of permitting the telephone to be promiscuously used, and is something we cannot control. v If you should receive a "Busy" report oh a station that you think 1b not in use, do not argue the matter out with the operator. Report it to the proper department and we will make an honest investigation and a truthful report Poor service hurts us worse than It does you. We are here to give good service and there are many ways in which you can help us. For Information About Rates and Service v M Call Contract Department,- Number 9050 1 The Capital City Telephone Company. W1L BOYLAN, Manager :'. v;;v ; ;;'';