RAILWAY SCHEDULES Seaboard Air Line Railway. Going North, . Going South. 8:45 a.m. . 3:10 a.m. 11; 20 a.m. . :35 a.m. 12:50p.m. ' 4:15p.m. 6:30 pm. 6:15 p. m. .Raleigh and South port. Going South. ArriTe Raleigh. 6:00 a.m. ' 9:26 a.m. 1:30. p.m. 4:30p.m. Norfolk and Southern. Going East. Arrive Raleigh. 6:35a.m. 8:80 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 7:35 p.m. 4:30 p. m. 10:00 p. m. Southern Railway. I Going East. Going West 4:30 a. m. 3:00 a. m. 12:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 5:30 p. m. THE WEATHER (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, August 5 Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Thursday: Pair in eastern, showers In west ern portion this afternoon or tonight. Thursday fair, light to fresh south westerly winds v The distribution of atmospheric pressure has changed but little dur ing the last 24 hours. The disturb ance north of the lakes has increased somewhat in energy, and rains were general along the eastern lakes and in the extreme northeast. Rain also fell in the Ohio valley and in Arkans as, Louisiana, and Mississippi. The temperatures are generally above normal east of the Mississippi river, and about normal west of this river. In the cotton belt the weather varies from clear to cloudy. The Indications are for fair weath er in this vicinity tonight and Thurs day. , A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. For Sore Feet. "I have found Bucklen's Arnica Salve to be the proper thing to use for sore feet, as well as for healing burns, sores, cuts, and all manner of abrasions," writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maine. It Is the proper thing too for piles. Try it! Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 25 cents. - LUNATICS RECAPTURED. Two of the Patients Who Escaped From State Hospital Returned. Two Still at Large, . Two of the escaped inmates of the Central Hospital of this city, who es caped Sunday night, have been cap tured and returned to the asylum, one being caught at Apex and one at Cary. There are still two of the lunatics at large and the authorities state they will be returned in a day or so. She Likes Good Things. Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Franklin, Maine, says: 'I like good things and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it." These painless purifiers sold at all drug stores, 25 cents. WAKE COUNTY FINANCES. A Statement to the People by the Board of County Commissioners. To the People of Wake County: We are candidates for a renomina tlon to the office of County Commis sioners, and believe that of all offi cers a commissioner who proves true and faithful to the' best interests of the county and serves practically without any compensation, Is entitled to a second term, if he so desires. They are usually much abused, and rumors which have come to us, prove that we have been no more fortunate than others In this respect. We feel, however, that certain of our actions have been misrepresented for the purpose of affecting the minds of the voters and these critclsma we desire to answer! We have been criticised as extrav agant managers and the report has been circulated that we went Into of fice with a large fund In the treas ury and are now in debt. This board went Into office Mon day, December 3, 1906, and accord ing to the annual statement made, as required by law, by the clerk of the board and published in the News and Observer December 15, 1907, the following facts will appear: Amount in the hands of treasurer county fund $ 2,080.07 Road fund .. .. .... .... 2,803.36 Total.. .. .. .. .. 4,883.43 This amount it might appear to a casual observer was the fund we had on band to begin business with, but IT also appears irom mis same Biaie ment that there were accounts audit ed by the previous board and outstanding-December 3, 1906 .. ..f 7,822.33 There have also been aud- ited by this board for expenses incurred prior to , their entrance Into office, ........ .V . . 4,242.55 To which should be added contract for the Law rence Bridge, made by previous board, calling for payment of .... 3,3 2.00 former administra tion ...... .. ..$15,436.81 From which, however, should be deducted bal- ' ance In hands of treas urer at beginning of our administration .. .. .. 4,883.43 Leaving instead of a large fund a legacy of debts amounting to $10,653.45 ; We respectfully refer you to the records which the chairman, or reg ister of deeds, will cheerfully ex hibit to, any interested citizen. We say these things not with any desire to open up old matters, but in jus tice to ourselves. There is also a matter in connec tion with the Lawrence Bridge, which will show thatTw, have not wasted the people! moaay. This contract was let tok bridge company, September, 1906; at the price tf 33,- 372.00. They not having compiled with their contract, the board took the matter up and succeeded in get ting a bid from the same company for this bridge, according to the same plans and specifications for the J sum of 13,000.00, and by making some few changes, re-let the contract at $2,825, thereby effecting a saving of $547.00 on one bridge at the hands of the very company to which the contract was first let. A saving equally as great was also made In the cases of the Powell and Boyce bridges. At one time we were criticised for selUng certain second mortgage bonds of the Raleigh and Pamlico Sound'tne bankrupt's estate, after due ad Railway Company, held by Raleigh vertisement of the same according to township at the price of 75. The bonds are now worth less and Raleigh town ship saved ..... . ... . .$26,038.53 Mark's Creek township saved 8,00.1.00 St. Matthew's township saved. ... . . .. 5.000.00 No criticism is heard of late. The taxes, which these bonds car ried, have also been removed in Mark's Creek and St. attnew 3 1 township, and each has a fund in bank to its credit, the first $1,138.93, and the second $673.13. In Raleigh township this tax is re- duced to one cent (1) on the $100 and the sinking fund has to Its credit: $30,778.32. I We know that we have been rep- resented as being connected with the' road board, and misrepresentations ( made as to the facts. We desire to state that we are in nowise respon sible for or connected with this board, we unanimously opposed Its 1 creation, proof of which we will fur nish any one on request; we have never been and are not now, in fa vor of the act, but favor Its abolish ment. We have, however, done all we could to make its administration a success, borrowing money for it, and paying for two steel bridges across Neuse river, the burden of which we could have shifted upon It. We did this because the people were entitled to all we could do to help in the way of good roads. We have also borrowed money for the Board of Education in order to tide th;m over an emergency. We think that it is well known that great Improvements have taken place in the affairs at the County Home. In spite of serious decreases in our revenue, for which we are in no man ner responsible, we have reduced taxes in Raleigh, St. Matthew's and Mark's Creek townships, and after paying the debts Of a former admin istration, amounting to $10,553.45 and for two steel bridges costing $5, 310.49, had on hand June 1st, 1908, $5,035.39. Since June 1st we have found it necessary to borrow $5,000.00 to cover the necessary expenses during the summer, when no taxes are com ing in. This debt will be easily taken care of. All of which we submit for your consideration. D. T. JOHNSON, Ch'm'n. D. B. HARRISON. W. C. BREWER, i A. T. SMITH. W. M. YATES. TIE GAIETY A Runaway Mother-in-Law. The Land of Peaceful Mornings. Stricken Blind. The Wish Bone. admissi on: AFTERNOON NIGHT - . . THE GAIETY THEATRE. COOLED BY ELECTRICITY. United States District Court, V , Eastern District Of North Carolina. In the matter of Jonesboro Sash & v Blind Co., Incorporated, Bankrupt In Bankruptcy, No; 261. ,v Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. L. Brown conducted the funeral serv To the creditors or tn jnnahorof ices at the Christian church Sunday, Sash & Blind Cbmnanv. 'a cornora - tion, of Jonesboro, in the county 0flcelvln mow orders for granite work Lee and district aforesaid, a bank' rupt: Notice is hereby given, that on the 29th day of July. A. D. 1908, the said Jonesboro Sash ft Blind Co. was duly adjudicated a bankrupt; and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held before me at the office of Dun can F. Mclver, Esq., Attorney at Law, Sanford, N. C, on the 10th day of August, A. D. 1908, at 12 o'clock notfn, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before Bald meeting. - . V. H. BOYDEN, Referee in Bankruptcy. Raleigh, N. C, July 31, 1908. . Notice of Sale. Creditors are further notified, In this cause, that in order to save time and delay in settling this estate and reducing the same to money, that an order will be entered at the first meeting of creditors, (if at such time it Is deemed for the best Interest of the estate, by creditors present) di recting the Trustee to sell any real and -bereonal Dronertv belonging to law. This notice is given so that all creditors may be prepared to vote on this question at the first meeting of creditors. V. H. BOYDEN, Referee. July 31, 1908. DESIRABLE LOTS. If not sold privately to be sold at auction at Court House Sentember 7. th desirable residences and lots in Sleigh belonging to Wm. Mar- tn. a,so the tage on Park avenue (occupied by W. O. Smith. Apply for Jnformation to S. A. ASHE, 8 - 4w Executor. Feast of Transfiguration. Tomorrow. Aueust 6. belne the Feast of the Transfiguration, there be a celebration of the holy com- munlon at Christ church at 10 a. m. THE GEM THE HOUSE OF HITS SPECIAL: THE GIRL NIHILIST. THE BARGEMAN'S CHILD. t ' .. . . STICKY BICYCLE. OPEN DAILY FROM 3 TO it P. M, YOURS TO PLEASE. Foster & Mansfield 5c. 10c. i ; ; Rig Order For Granite.'; - (Special to The Timet) ' , ' Faith, August 5 Mrs. John, Hon bierer died hare Saturday.' 7 Rev. R, l Peeler, Barnes Co, have been ra 'thai! thfef ran All nnrt loti at work 1s turned off by the granite contractors. There is more street curbing work done here at this time, than for.nany years.:--, ; . f '..: 'V .- BUSINESS BUILDERS ! OAK WOOD AVENUE GROCERY, Now Under New Management. Dealer in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Chickens and Eggs a Specialty. Our, Motto: AVe tell you the truth, sell to you reasonable, and give you prompt delivery. V, H. SPRUILL, Proprietor. ANYTHING IN WOOD. , When in need of a wood-worker call 831 Y. N. J. NORDAN, 226 South Swain St. - See wood-work in stores of O. G. King and Kaplan Bros, in new Ma sonic Temple. ' AN D Are the initials of PEEBLES & EDWARDS, Who, at 12 E. Martin St., keep the MCE TO BUY A SDO THE GASOLINE IRON Has no superior. Let me come and show you how good a thing it is. It is by far the cheapest and easiest way of ironing. The .universal testimony is "I can't do without It." For sale by MRS. I. C. BLAIR, 123 Saunders Street, Raleigh, N. O. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING; AND ELECTRICAL WIRING. Estimates gladly furnished on any ; work. FARMER COLE PLUMBING, CO., Under Mechanics Savings Bank, Fayetteville Street. A fresh supply of Flash-Lights and Batteries Just arrived. 0 O 0 O coupon a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Good for one month's Subscription to ' THE EVENING TIMES If Presented to THE GEM PRESSING CLUB with One Suit of Clothes to be Cleaned and Pressed. 214 S. Wilmington St. Capital City Phone, 840F. G. W. SPEXCE, Mrtnagtr. 0 000 0 00 00 0 000000 i lie Is just in its height. WSMiny Vnii fm Investiofiitfi? fill-in garments, to tide them over the balance of the summer ' '..-.I'.'.'. ; 1 . : .. y f ,. 'V. As usual our stock is prepared for any such demand. We've all the small as well as the large wearing apparels fo; hot weather) wear that help to make the summer season an enjoyable one. CROSS a FAYETTEVILLE ' : ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW . '; ir?nnTT7TTTnnTnTT?TTnTTn? i i A v 1 1 1 1 lUjLLlliUuVo'Ui Nainsook and Swiss Edges and Insertions. : A few broken sets at a price to clear the assortment. Width- -Edges, 4 to 17 inches. New Gauze Lisle Hosiery: Black, white and tan. 25 and 39 cents. New Silk Hosiery: Black, white and evening shades at $1.00. " New Silk Gloves: Thomas A. Partin Campariy LADIES' FURNISHINGS and NOVELTIES. 131 Fayetteville Street, NEXT TO NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. RALEIGH, N.C. MID-SUMMER SALE s : OF i t Men's Negligee Shirts. A great reduction ONE DOLLAR SHIRTS FOR : : : : SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS Cuffs attached and detached. Sizes from 14 to 18. Come early and, accept the first choice. Edgar E. Broughton, ( . SUCCESSOR TO LEE & BROUGHTON. FAYETTEVILLE STREET - - RALEIGH, N. 0. ............; jThe AVasherwoman's Wny? Were wuKhwomen nnu see tne course 01 nuiiy water your garmenis are put, through you would not wear them. Not so here. Every single article of apparel is washed by us in the purest filtered water and the best of soups used. Tainted water and clieup soaps not only stench the garments, ' but cause thein to' rot. v Oak City team Laundr 1 NOW SUMMER The place to get a good -BUSINESS EDUCATION, to prepare tor a GOOD POSITION, and to get ready for THE BUSH of the fall business, Is AT DRAUCHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE INDORSED by business men from Maine to California. Catalogue FREE; ask for EC , ltuleigh, ror. Martin and Wilmington. Capital City Phone 281. . The season that the LINEMAN HABERPASHERS. STREET 1 1 ill ;i c ill ,i . inches, v Insertions 2 to 5 ' . , 16-Button Length, black. you to visit the home of some of the ON 1 men folks often need COMPANV ; - : RALEIGH, 0. Total paid for debts of