i - s M..-;.: v. . PAGE POTTS " Tm RALRTGtt FTvTOING 'TIMES: FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1908. THE tVENI Capital City. Editorial Office v . . . ... 179 Business Office .' . '. . . . . 178 ; . Staleigb, Editorial Office v . . .... 17? lSTERDAY'S CIRCTLATIOJT, 5,038. srac a s.a a a a a a a V - - jFor "president: a W1XLIAM JT, BRYAN. "MSJS i .b .'. a a DEMOCRATIC STATESMEN. .Some of -.the near-democratic and republican ' pape'rshave been sorely disturbed because they profess to be lieve that, Jn. tbe,event that Hr. Bryan should become president, he would not have : . sufljcieiit " material with which to form a cabinet capable of carrying on the work of the govern ment, filling the important foreign posts and other offices in which men of great ability are needed. They profess to believe that the democratic party has no great men, no states men as compared with the party of Roosevelt, Taft and Elihu Root. That this Is the merest rot no one half-way well informed needs to be told, but The Washington Times so effectively disposes of the .matter that we cannot resist the temptation to quote from it here. . The Times says: It ought to be plain that republi can editors are not miracles of as tuteness when they underrate edi torially the material at Mr. Bryan's hand, should the country give him opportunity to make - a cabinet. " How do Lentz, of Ohio; the recent Senator Pettigrew, Tom Johnson, the 3-cent-fare 'man, and the "Cowboy Mayor of Omaha," compare, asks one organ, with Ellfcu Root, Charles J. Bonaparte, James; .R. Garfield, and George von L, Meyer? The answer, of course, is easy. Ail the democrats hav to do is to ask in return: HOw 'doxT.om Piatt, Billy Lorimer, Boss Cox, and James P. McNicol, of Philadelphia, compare" with Richard Olney, Judson Harmon, George Gray, aid Alton B. Parker? , Let's be fair. Let's fight the cam paign on the level and choose between the things and men the two parties actually represent. We shall find that there are big men aplenty In Mr. Bryan's party, as wall as in Judge Taft's.. '". . Here, for example, are some of the names-th Peerless must consider for his cabinet: For secretary of state Richard Olr ney, of Massachusetts, and Judson Harmon, 'of Ohio." for secretary of the treasury -M. E.. Ingalls, of Ohio, and David R. Francis, of Missouri. -,: For secretary of war Luke E. Wright, of Tenn3ssee, and John John son, of Minnesota. For attorney-general Joseph W. Bailey, of Texas; Joseph W Folk, of Missouri, and Wiliam J. Gaynor, of New York. For postmaster-General G. M. Hitchcock, of Omaha; M. J. Wade, of Iowa, and G. F. Wlliams, of Massa chusetts. For secretary of the navy Hoke Smith, of Georgia, and Bourke Cock ran, of New York. - For secretary of the interior Francis O. Newlands, of Nevada, and C. N. Haskell, of Oklahoma. For secretary of agriculture Theodore A. Bell, of California, and Horace Bole, of Iowa. For secretary of commerce and la bor John Mitchell, of Indiana, and Judson C. Clements, of Georgia. I Not many cabinets have been greater than one 'Which might be Chosen from this list. It does not fol low that Mr. Bryan will so choose or that his ministry if he has opportun ity to form one (which does not now seem probablej will contain many of these names t But this roll as it stands exhibit the, utter littleness of the ' iretmse, . wherever it be made, that either of the two great Ameri n' pfUPtl4 It poof In men of size. Nothing need f be added to the jlboreV yet we will ay in passing that right here in North Carolina Mr. Siyan ; could find -enough men with the gift and power of statesmenship to fill a 'whole cabinet portfolio. . ','The Beaufort chamber of com merce Is sending but an attractive little booklet setting forth the advant aftes that town offers and Opportuni ty afforded. In a pleasing'' way, without any bombastic pretensions, It f-- -tits Vomf ..injresting data con cot a.ag"."(h town "and. surrounding TIM SUBSCRIPTION KATES: ' ' (In Advancft) By Mail or Carrier. One copy one year . . . .$5.00 One copy three months . . 1.25 One .. copy one week, . . . - .10 Entered through Raleigh, N. C, postofflce as mall matter of the second class, in. accordance with the Act- of-: Congress, March 3, 1879. , .;- as a as a a a a aa a Pot Governor: '! W. W. KITCHIX. w ... w a . a a q a a a a a a country. The town now has about 2,500 inhabitants and is growing rapidly since the advent of the Nor folk & Southern railway. It is the county seat of Carteret county and has all the advantages of railroad and water transportation. In addition to other opportunities there is not a richer farming section anywhere than that adjacent to Beaufort and exceptional opportunities are offered in the trucking industry. The peo ple are the best. This will be seen readily from the one fact that there is not and. never has been a. county home in the county because there never has been any need of one, Ex ceptionally situated, there is no rea son why Beaufort should not become one of the leading towns in eastern North Carolina. In the death of William Boyd Alli son the country loses a remarkable man one of Its leading statesmen. He served in the senate longer than any other man in the history of that body, and it-was- not a perfunctory service. He rendered able service to his. state and the country. He was in public" life many years before he went to the senate serving four terms in the house of representatives. He :served six terms in the senate and was the nominee of his party, and would have been elected to a seventh term. Of the more recent important legislation in which he took a promi nent part was the railroad rate meas ure. ' He will be missed from the councils of the body of which he was the senior senator. It is of interest to note the promi nence given to North Carolinians in the program of the Farmers' Natio nal Congress, which meets this year at Madison, Wis. . In addition to the president, who is Col. B. Cameron, of this city, the program con tains the names of Governor Glenn, Hon;' W.-W. fcitchln, and Dr. George T. Winston, all of whom will make addresses. The subjects for discus sion before the congress embrace a varied number of topics of interest to the farmers and give promise of an exceedingly Interesting session.. Splendid, effort is .being made to as sure the comfort of those who attend and this session, the twenty-eighth, is expected to be the largest ever held. Walton Van Loon, a venerable res ident of Catskill, N. Y., publishes a pamphlet undertaking to prove that his ancestor, Plet Van Loon, discov ered the Hudson river in 1581, or 11 years before Henry Hudson's voyage in the Half Moon Piet van Loon having entered the continent by-way of the St. Lawrence and thence pro ceeding southward into the Hudson" river valley Charleston Post. Set 'em up if. In the event that Walton' succeeds in establishing his claim, the Palmetto state papers do not claim that Plot was born in the subsequent state of South Carolina. NOTICE Br ADMINISTRATOR. Having qualified as Administrator upon the estate of Joseph Tyson, de ceased, late of Raleigh, Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons! having claims against the estate of said Joseph Tysqn,, to exhibit the same to me on or before August 3rd, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said Joseph Tyson are hereby notified to make prompt pay ment to me. This July 31st,' 1908. RICHARD TYSON, ; .Administrator of , ( : . ' Joseph Tyson, Deceased, - Raleigh, R. F.lD. No. 6. ERNEST HAYWOOD, Attorney. ,July Slat '1908. a ''. o w w. Lawn ( PaHy. Tonight,,) r:;a I The lawn party bibhwl( t&'iaveJ Woin nlvatl -lut nlr 'K; .flu. li f peauai Metnodist church, and' which was jjostponed 6a" ; account of rii Ttrlii be glrea: tohighi ott the lawtt of Mrs, ;:2; G." ' tove, tor ner -of Blood-' iror th street . aad ..Ne-sf : 3erh ateaa. Tae pupisc is lanteo: . . i . . SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. By virtue of the powers contained in a judgment of the Superior Court of Wake" county;' North Carolina, made and entered on July 12, 19( in a Special Proceeding therein pend ing entitled B. W; Williams et al. against Grace Elvis Williams et al.. and being No. . . . Special Proceeding Docket of said court, I wilt on Mon day, August 17, 1908,' at 12 o'clock M., at the Court House Door in the City of Raleigh, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wit: i - : All of that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the township of Ral eigh, county of Wake and State of North Carolina, bounded generally and described as follows: The south half of the unsold part of City Lot No. 29, fronting North on lqt of David P. Lane, 158 feet; on the south by Maurice Watts, 168 feet, on the East by W.'B. Hunter 63 feet, and on the West by the East line of South Person street 63 feet. Same being that tract of land conveyed by C. N. Williams by Alice A. Shaffer by deed registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in Book 190, at page 312. W. B. JONES, Commissioner. This July 15, 1908. 14 80d NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM ; MOXS. North Carolina Wake County. In an action entitled Armlstead Jones, executor of Lacy Belvin, .de ceased, plaintiff, against Edney Year gin et als., defendants, now pending in the Superior Court of Wake cpun ty, an order has been entered ;mak lng tne representatives and heirs at law of George H. Belvin, deceased, one of the defendants in the above entitled action who has died, party defendants to said action, and the said heirs at law of George H. Bel vin being unknown, this is to give notice to said heirs at law of George H. Belvin that action is now pending in said Superior Court, being an" ac tion to sell land to make real estate assets and said heirs at law will take notice that they are required to ap pear at the next term of. the Supe rior Court of Wake county to be held at the Curt House of Bald county of Wake in Raleigh, North Carolina, on the third Monday after the first Monday in September, being the 28th day of September, 1908, to answer or demur to the complaint or com plaints in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the 'Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint or complaints. This 16th day of July, 1908. . W. M. RUSS, V Clerk Superior. Court o. a. w. 4w SALE OF JUDGMENTS BY. Merchants' Association. Pursuant to a- resolution, adopted at a regular meeting, to advertise and sell the judgments secured by mem bers of this Association -against de linquent debtors and assigned to this Association, on Saturday, August 29, 1908, at 12 o'clock, noon, in front of the court house door, judgments for the .amounts set after their names (exclusive of interest and costs) against the following persons will be sold: . J. Sherwood Upcbnrch, .v. . . . 7.86 O. E. Warren. 32.60 NeiU A. Spence. ..... ,. . . . . 2.14 WiU X. Coley. . ; 49.75 TERMS: Cash, with right reserved to reject any bid, and to sell any judgment at private sale and with draw from sale. Other judgments will be advertised from time to time as being for sale. THE MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION OF RALEIGH, N. C. M. ASHBY LAMBERT. Attorney. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR THE HOUSE. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the' House of Representa tives from Wake county Biibject to the action of the Democratic prima ries on August 16th. E. T. SCARBORO. FOR SHERIFF. At the solicitation of many friends I announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Wake County, subject to the action of the Wake County Re- publican Convention. WILLIAM C. JOHNSON. Apex, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT. .. ' I hereby announce myself a candl oate ror renommatida for the posi tion of register of deeds for the coun ty of Wake, subject .to will of the people expressed by their vote In the primaries to.be held August 15th. y' ' I am very grateful for the Bupport of the people la the past and shall be as truly grateful in the coming primary. 1.7. BERNARD. ANVOllNfHIETnS. . ' ; . 'ANNOUNCEMENT. - ' . I ; hereby . aaaoaate ' rayseif as . a candidate for. the .position .treas urer of Tv'ake Sc-ua subject to the action or tne democratic primaries, to be held August, 15th. CHAS. E. CRAWFORD. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives, subject . to the action of the County Democratic Primary. JOHN W. HINSDALE, JR.1 FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa' tives, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. ALBERT L. COX. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Represen tatives from Wake County, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri maries. N. M. BLALOCK, Panther Branch Township. P. O. M'Cullers, N. C. R. F. D. No. 1. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. Believing that the worklngmen should be represented In the General Assembly by one of their fellow workers, I announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives, subject to the action of the Wake County Republican Conven tion. .:'" POWHATAN McK. MATTHEWS. Raleigh, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Democratic Voters of Wake County: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the Senate from Wake County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. WM. B. JONES. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Wake county, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. JOSEPH H. SEARS. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-election as. Constable for Raleigh Township, subject to the Democratic primaries to be held on August 15 th. D. R. BYRUM. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself aB a candidate for re-election on the Board of Coun ty Commissioners, subject to the ac tion of the coming Democratic Pri mary. D. T. JOHNSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the position as County Commissioner, subject to the action of the republican county convention. believe the southern part of Wake county is entitled to a commislsoner, and If elected by the people, I prom ise to serve them faitfully, to the best of my ability. M. C. SORRELL. This, August 1, 1908. ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself a candidate for County Commissioner, four year term, from Barton's Creek, subject to the republican convention. ALFONSO C. RAY, Roger's Store, N. C. , ANNOUNCEMENT. After mature consideration I have decided to become a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic Primaries to be held In Wake County on Satur day, August 15th. Being a business man and the time being short between, now and the date of the primary, I will not be able to see all my friends in person, and I must rely upon them to he active In my support and go to the primaries and work in my interest. L. B. PEGRAM. Will. J. ANDREWS For; County Treasurer. To the Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candi date, for Treasurer of Wake county, subject to the action of the Wake County Republican Convention. WM. J. ANDREWS. Raleigh, N. C. i ' ANNOUNCEMENT. ' I hereby announce myself a candi date ' for the lower house In the legislature, from Wake County, sub ject to' the action of the Democratic primaries to be held Saturday, Aug. 15th.; I am opposed to the present Highway ! Commission, and if nomi nated and elected will vote to abolish it. I will abide by the result of the Democratic primaries whether I am successful or not. I will truly appre ciate everything my friends may see fit to do In my behalf. - , . J. D. R. ALLEN. Barton's Creek Township. . I -:,v'i.v -. - r .- By Buying Now k u Carmel IS GOING ON. You Can Make a ular Fall Prices of Fully 25 THIS AUGUST SALE IS AN ANNUAL EVENT Early in the Summer the the greatest price concessions to induce the trade to buy, and we took advantage thereof, and in this August sale we give this advantage to our customers. We have pre pared for this great sale with the greatest quantities and most liberal assortments of mm jsargaiu onngs ana new goods. ' ', ;;' : lirni -r - : xr z i ANTICIPATE YOUR WANTS THIS IS THE GAIN OPPORTUNITY IN STORE. THIS GREAT fUGUST SALE OFFERS A SAVING OF AT LEAST 25 PER CENT. ON EVERY CARPET, RUG, OR ART THIS GREAT AUGUST No housekeeper within eigh can afford to miss this or Art Squares. You may not need these but you can arrange with us to Hold them and Jay them later on in the fall, BUT YOU MUST BUY THEM NOW TO GET THE ADVANTAGE OF THE AUGUST SALE PRICES. Notwithstanding the Bargain Prices we will make and lay these Carpets without extra charges and if you . you live out of Raleigh we will make and deliver them at your railroad station without will pay the transportation pet layers we will lay them MoJPrewimiis Sale Jiiver ottered such a snlendid terns, nor afforded such values. Every style of Carpet is for dining-rooms, reception - squares, runners, rugs, etc., If you are wise you will is broken. Come at once.. This great'sale gives a Qhurches, Libraries, Hotels, lugs auu xusutuuons 10 maKe meir uarpei purcnasea mr fore the regular fall season begin! There'a..kving: fully 25 per cent, in the prices by buying now. t Such opportunities speak for themselves. Come and take advantage of them. Mill 12.1-125 FayetteviUe Street. North Carolina's Largest and Leading Retail Dry - Goods Store. We pay carriage to la North' Carolina on of 15.00 or more, . i ; j any point all ; orders III I While Our Great u Saving on the Reg OF CARPETS AND RUGS AT OUR STORE. biggest carpet mills made all kinds of Carpets and Rugs. special purciiaae iuis. aii :':- ::.. :'-: .j.i i - ix. 11 FALL AND . WINTER CARPET AND RUG BAR THE HISTORY OF OUR SQUARE YOU BUY IN . SALE. a radius of 100 miles of Ral great saving on Carpets, Rugs Carpets and Rugs at once, , extra charge, and if you expenses of one of our Car-. for you. ' assortment of nobbv pat in this big lot, for chambers, rooms, and for hallsf and for etc. come early before thejine .. " . grand opportunity f or Halls, Societies and Public Build- UtifcV lllriLiiU iis We give DA F. Gold Trading Stamps with every cash porcbase- on stamp tor eTerj JOq. r t ' ui Sale IL71D 17MT II 1 II 1& II II 1 I VI II ' Go