.1 f ..VJkIIVI lIUAM W THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: FRIDAY-AUG UST 7, 1908. PHONE SERVICE MENTAL ANGUISH SUIT CONSTIPATED? .tted limb of cflo lwpl Maim Artt Mirths back to flesh ai Rnt I can now surely kU Brit optob)cyeV ,t lainnotal the pel&t Mid MB Prmlt-I found th Jm tnjdlei wig hieh fir. BhaoD'i Rheumatto Remedy was mad perfected, cepaoaawe prewsnpnou. niurou that last ingradisnt, 1 sucoessruuy 7i taw omi of Rheumatism ; tat now. at last, KunV lormly ernes au carania . S .Order by Commission Abolish- log Night Rate. 'Mb imriil In Rhnmmilo Blood, nam todlwolv Mdpus away under the action of toil remedy M res does sugar when added to pare II ! MllMI lllllllllHl llll HlllWIIIIIIII WWllS t mm from tM IT stem, and the cuu Kheumetism It font forever. - There It now no tcMMedVnoaetoMexeaM to rarer longer wren. mUil. Wi 1L end In confidence nocmnund Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy HENRY T. HICKS. The Reduced Rate For Night Tele phone Service Discontinued Was Unsatisfactory and Jended to De-. moralize the " Ser'vice-The Pub lished Order. QueenofSeaTrips; Merchants & Miners Trans 1 portation Company's teamsnip Lines, r NORFOLK . : ::;'Sl1;v.:xoV':v::";v::V ':. BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE.: ;v New, fast, and elegant 'steamers, ,' Accommodations, and cuisine excel, lent. : Send for booklet . Through tickets on sale at principal Southern points. For reservations or. further information call on nearest ticket agent, or address E. C. LOHK, Agent, Norfolk, Va, W. P. TURNER, Passenger Traffic - Manager, Baltimore, Md. !FINEST COASTWISE TRIPS IN, THE WORLD." Mon., Wed., Frl 4mo. Trinity Park School. . First Class Preparatory School. . Certificates of Graduation Ac-; v cepted for Entrance to Lead ing Southern Colleges. Best Equipped - Preparatory , School In the South. . Faculty of ten officers and , teachers. . Campus of 75 acres. ; Library containing 40,000 vol ; umes. Well equipped gymnas- . lum. High standards and mod- ern. methods of . instruction. : . Frequeent lectures by proml- . nent lecturers. Expenses ex-. qeedlngly moderate. .. Ten . years-of phenomenal success.-. For Catalogue and other Infor- : , ' mation. Address,- L:-:. ' ' : j H. M. NORTH,; Headmaster, Durham, N. C. '; ; Trinity College ; Four Departments: Collegl : ate, Graduate, Engineering and Law.-. Large library facilities. -Well-equipped laboratories - In all departments of Science. ' . Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very , moderate. Aid for worthy stu- ' : dents. Young men wishing to study , Law should Investigate the superior advantages offered by the Department of Law at : Trinity College. For Catalogue and further ln . formation, address, . D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, Durham, N. C. The North -. Carolina corporation commission: yesterday gave ; out the order which follows,', abolishing the night rates hitherto in effect and al lowing the Bell Telephone Company i to charge for night toll -service be tween intra-state points the 'same rates "as charged for day service. The order of the commission is as fol lows: "Before the corporation commission of North Carolina, In the mattsr of petition of the Southern, Bell Tele phone and Telegraph Company to Withdraw its special rates now charged i for toll, service between points within the state of North Carolina,, between the hours of 6 p. m. and 6 a. m., and to substitute therefor the regular rates charged for such service by the company. "This is a proceeding by the South ern " Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company for the relief Indicated by the title of the cause. Petition was filed April 14, 1908; notice was given by announcement in several s of the newspapers published In the state, of the pendency of the proceeding and the date of the hearing. The hear ing was had May 15th, 1908. The following facts are found: "The petitioner. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, established toll line business within North Carolina and made special charges for each telephonic communi cation, but the rates for such service between the hours of 6 p. m. and 6 m. were less than the rate charged for similar service between the hours of 6 a. m. and 6. p. m., as follows: When the day rate would be fifty cents or more the night rate would be fifty per cent, thereof;' when the day rate would' be- less than ' fifty cents tile night rate would be twenty five cents. " "That instead of said special rates causing a more even distribution of the business during and over the twenty-four hours of each day, which was the purpose of the petitioner to accomplish, the result of the applica tion of the special rate produced a congestion of .its business during the period between the hours of 6 p. m and 6 a. m., especially .between the hours of 6 and 8 p. m., and Impaired th9 efficiency of its service. "Petitioner has invested in toll line In North Carolina $480,900.27, and had gross earnings from opera tion of same for one year approxi mately $96,390.39, of which $80, 481.82 was from lntra-state business and $15,908.59 was inter-state busi ness. The net earnings from said gross earnings were approximately 5 per cent., and if the night bus iness had been conducted on the same rates as the day business the net would have been 7 per cent., without making any allowance for deteriora tion of the plant. The net profit pe titioner received from it Investment in North Carolina, in both toll and exchange property and service upon an average from eight years' opera tion was 3.8 per cent., without allow, auce for deterioration. 1 : HEADACHE? Two Gases Against Telegraph Company at Durham. . Messages Were Not Delivered and .' Mental Anguish Resulted B. N Duke's House W1U Be Finest in Durham Editor on Vacation. MISSFOLA LAFOLLETTE, Miss Fola La Follette, the bright and lively daughter of the distin guished Wisconsin Senator, who is suing a theatrical firm for damages, for a failure to put her on the stage in accordance with their ocntrcat (Special to The Evening Times.) Durham, N. C, Aug. 7. Messrs. J. Lovenstein and Manning and , Foushee yesterday Instituted suit in , the sum of $2,000 each against the Western Union Telegraph Company . for failure to deliver two messages , in December of last year. The ac tions are predicated upon mental an guish. Mrs. Callie Sykes, wife of N. R. Sykes, was at the point of death and . the stricken woman's relatives wired C. P. Cates, a nephew at Haw River, that she could not live through the night. He was to inform ner two sisters in that little town. The message was never delivered.: Next day another was sent apprising Mr. Cates of Mrs. Syke's death. It was likewise undelivered. The relatives heard quite accidentally of the death 6f their sister and went to the fun eral when it was half over. They declare that they suffered great mental anguish and ask the $4,000 damages on account of it. Architect C. C. Hook, of Charlotte, was here last night and left for the examination by Mr. B. N. Duke, the plans for his new house. Mr. Duke Is in Toxaway and will not be home for a week. Nevertheless, It is known that the plans call for a per fect mansion, one to cost about $100,000, and that it means his per manent residence here. The old house will be pushed back and the new one erected on its site. When it is finished 'it' will be the handsom est here and the old residence will be moved across Chapel Hill street, Editor Joe King and George Lou- gee left this morning for Norfolk and from' that place they will take the Old Dominion Jlne for New York to spend the next two weeks there. Mr. Kine's editorial work will be done by his city editor, W. T. Bost, and the local turned in by Mr. J. B. Warren, who until recently has been assisting in the local. This is the ed itor's first trip of consequence this year and he will spend his vacation deservedly. '".-.' Rev. R. S. Bost returned today ,nm "D.-vTirMn nnnnrV WFIArO lfk riflS f1 been since landing here from Liver- l T"l pool. He is one of the many Episco- ,--iitHat?HrrBg- rod te-th English church conference there this year. The rector will fill his, pulpit Sunday next and preach his first sermon since going away two and a half months ago. b k ni l 1 i " 1 ' tlTr"'T"lTn I ALCOHOL 3 FEB CENT ANgefibkErerbnfo-is-1 slmitatingtteRwdaraJfeeula- Prowofes Digcstionlltccrful nessarKiHeoiumsiieiMi Opiunilorphinc nor Not Narcotic. JbvpenSmi- JkMfeSt-AexSttd ma Yoylnfaota and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears Signature Qfarifkd SUqbp J'- tlon.Sour Stoiuach.Dlarrhoea WonasJConvaiswusJcvEnsff ness ardLossOFSEEER IscSinJe Signature of NEW YOBrt. the v. V -Ji . Exact Copy of Wrapper. L, i' In Use For Over Thirty Years III VjaotKTuroaMnv. i-Yoe OfiT. IB Connelly Springs Hotel, CONNELLY SPRINGS, N. O. (On Southern Railway, between Salisbury and Asheville) In sight of the most Picturesque Mountains in America. Cool, Refreshing Mountain Breeze, and positively the very finest Mineral Water In existence. Thoroughly Modern Hotel, with High Standard of Service. Good Orchestra, 3all Room, Tennis Court, Bowling Alley, Delightful Horseback Riding and Driving. Rates very reasonable. Further Information cheerfully furnished. HENRY L VAN STORY, Manage. ; SOUTHWEST IS PROSPEROUS. TRAINS MOVED BY PHONE. Lackawanna System Finds the Dis patching of Trains by . Telephone Very Satisfactory Better Than Telegraph. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Scranton, Pa., August 7 After a week's trial the Lackawanna Rail- PEACE INSTITUTE, RALEIGH, N. 0. THE IDEAL HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN. ; Advanced Collegiate Courses; Excellent Conservatory of Mu sic; Complete Schools of Art, Expression, Business, . Peda gogy, Physical Culture, etc Fine Preparatory Department under Special Instructors. ; It will pay you to look Into Its advantages before deciding where to send your daughter. Catalogue on application. , HENRY JEROME STOCKARD. mart flftmntinv flnrla that Ha a vat 0 m "Upon full consideration of alle- j, . , . . , , , gallons, proofs and argument of coun-1 ,nBtead of telegraph la entlreiy sel, the.corporation commission is of ( Bat,8factory. Trainmaster McCann Z Tr I ? V .1 p.Tf 8 that although there was misgiv ing at first, the experiment has been should be granted and it will be so ordered. . "It is ordered that the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Com pany be, and it is hereby, authorized to charge for toll service rendered by successful in every way. He says the telephone answers the purpose of train-dispatching fully 90 per cent, better than the telegraph. The com pany does not intend to consign the WRIGHtSVILLE BEACH. Preeminently North Carolina's seaside resort. splendid surf. Safe beach with it between points within the state of !telegrapn ,n8trumets to the scrap- nui .u vaiuuua, uoinnu ma uyuis ul 6 p. m, and 6 a. m., the same rates as are now charged for similar toll service between the hours of 6 a. m. and 6 p. m. "FRANKLIN McNEILL, "Chairman." Considerable dissatisfaction has been expressed in this city and else where over the increase in rates above referred to. It is probable that the end Is not yet, and that other action may be taken later. heap, but will keep the system Intact for use in cases of emergency. SPECIAL RATES. The Raleigh ft Southport Railway will sell round-trip tickets from any station on its line to V Fayetteville, Fuquay Springs and Raleigh on Sat urdays and Sundays for one fare for the round trip, with minimum fare of 25 cents. Tickets on sale Satur- idayi and Sundays, with limit of two days from date of sale. Frl. ft Sat tf THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and . Mechanic Arts. ' ' Practical education In Agriculture! In Civil, Electrical, and Mechanic Engineering in Cotton Manufactnr ' lag, Dyeing and Industrial Chemis try. Tuition $40 year; Board 910 a month. 130 acholarthips. Exam ylnation for admuwkm at the College 'on September 2. : Address, . THE PRESIDENT, St. Louis Gets Reports Which Prom ise Big End-of-Year Business. Surveys of financial, industrial, mercantile, and agricultural condi tions which the republic has received from points in Missouri, Illinois, Kan sas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississ ippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky show that this is not only a resump tion of activity throughout these states and the west, but that the prospects for the rest of this year are excellent. All the twelve states, ex cept Kansas, report a pronounced improvement in conditions, with the volume of business rapidly approach ing the normal and employes return ing to work. The expectation is that the trade of the last three months of the year will break all records. In all parts of the south and west at the present time the volume of business is about the same as in 1906. That year was one of the very best the country ever enjoyed. The trade of August and Sentember will be practically as large as for the same months in 1906. and it is probable that the volume of business for the last six i months of this year will establish a new record. Missouri is in line with other southern and western states. Its crops were large and good, and they will brine hleh Drices. From all parts of the state the very best re- ports are received as to the agrlcul-j tural situation. At mlnlng-and man- FISHING, BATHING, YACHTING Easily reached via Goldsboro or Fayetteville in connection with the ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Tickets on sale every Saturday good to return the following Monday, at $4.50. For further information write - W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE. Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C. HARRIMAN STARTS THE SHOELS. Double-Tracking on Nebraska Roads Resumed Hairiman Waves the Magic Wand. (By Leased Wire to The Times! Omaha, Neb., August 7 The first result of E. H. Harrlraan's western trip was made public when the gen eral manager of the Union Pacific is sued orders for the resumption of work on double-tracking that rail- ufacturing centers idle employes are road across Nebraska. This work ' returning to work dally and busi-J ceased last fall, when the financial ness is gaining in momentum. panic struck the country. In the ' St, Louis district alone, Al.An.til 4h. ilnnkU t 1. J nLn..( 11 AAA Amn1VAO tf Wl a till f O P ' AIICAU bU9 UVUUIC-lldtftl UlCUU ftUUUl 1I,VUV CUlflwj uwu.v almost half-way across Wyoming and two years ago Mr, Harriman an nounced that the entire line of the Union Pacific would be double tracked as fast as possible. i-SL J ' S (INCORPORATED) V J r Si F"youywant a business J education, you want a" good one.' We'sivetvoulthemost comrjlete nreDaration' possible.! .Students) froml our school are always. in de- mand. rudenta eomnletmir our hill rnnw in tn -nm- imotiaL, shorthand land tyrewritiria deDartmentsf are ffuaranteed Doaitions'at a" salary of S50 ner month, ud! a Write for catalogue and our six special offers., ' Ml turlng and commercial establish ments have ben recalled to work. St. Louis Dispatch to the New York, Times. Why James Lee Got WelL Everybody in Zanesville, O., knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route 8. She writes:' "My husband, James Lee,1 firmly believes he -owes his life to! the use of Dr. King's New Discovery.; His lungs were so severely affected j that consumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recommended New f Discovery. We tried It, and Its use has restored him to perfect health." j Dr. King's NewdDiscovery is the King of throat and i lung remedies! Forf couaha and colds it has no eaual. The first dose gives Relief. Try ltl Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 60c. and $1.00. Trial bob All Goods Guaranteed Under tho Pure Food Law and Drugs Act. Why gpend your money for eompoanded or recti fied goods, when tar the Bums money you can get toe straight article? ... Look for the Pure Food Guarantee which yon win find on all our rood, it mean much to you. You buy direct when you order iromua. vi e arc wnuiesnto dis tributors to the customer, and guarantee satisfaction, or money refunded. Goods (hipped in neat. Plain packages, express charges prepaKl at prices nameo. "' prices inbuilt lots. Booklet, complete list and lull information mailed oa request. 1 UD ust named oetow wo maKe gooa wn i (ALL FULL QUAKTSJ Westover (bent the world over) .$8.10 $6.95 $9.00 IHouv.Hlr SaU or Cne gooat wm fwj mw - "-"-' On prepaid bottled list mixed foods shipped at prices quoted. PUT UP IN STONE JUGS, SAFELY PACKED IN PLAIN CASE, ALL CHARGES PREPAID VI M.Ua fnU Mm rhiakv) .. Donald Kenny Malt Whiskey (medicinal)...... Blue Ridge I va. mountain) Huron River Rye. extra fine (bottled In bond) . Dr. Le Barron's Buchu Gin (medicinal) Kelly's Royal Corn (the finest) Kelly's Copper Distilled (bottled in bond) Kelly's Medicinal Malt (bottled in bond) ....... Miss Tempting (finest Maryland rye) .......... 1 gallon 6-year-old Kentucky Rye 1 gallon B-year-old North Carolina Corn ... 1 gollon Holland Gin 1 gallon Extra Fine Sherry 1 gallon Porto Rico Rum 1 gallon Extra Good Port wtne. 1 gallon 4-year-old Maryland Peach Brandy 1 gallon 4-year-old Virginia apple nranay . AJ. . cm , 8.2S . 4.00 , 8.96 .8.40 . 8 .85 . 8.20 ,8.66 . 4.60 4.95 6.25 1.60 T.66 (.66 7.46 6.80 7.25 8.60 7.50 9.00 11.60 11.60 10.00 11.25 9.40 10.86 12.60 SPECIAL OFFER 8 gallons Old North Carolina Corn. 8 gallons Old Kentucky Rye. . . - 8 gallons r ine Uln . 8 gallons Apple or Peach Brandy.. 4tg ALL CHARGES PREPAID $2.8S . 2.85 SHIPPED IN PLAIN KEGS WITHOUT CASINO $6.00 i 6.00 , 6.00 , 6.00 vallona nf itliAi. ahnva 9.60 V (0os Bsaud In Special Offer an desired In plain cues, sdd 60c on 1, snd 8Sc on 4 gsl package. On orders west of the Mississippi, add 60c additional for each 4 quarts. zeaptKelly's Copper Distilled (bottled in bond ) on which for orders outside of Virginia, the Carolinaa, Georgia and Alabama, Maryland and District of Columbia, add 40a for 4 quart, 76o for 8 quarts, ana S1.UU lor U quarts. - www aewvMv 1. K I ... TPts. pints quarts loo BZo S&00 The wholesale prices quoted on these eas goods are flat, snd do not cover express charges. Neither do we guaran tee then against break- ass or loss. 4 Rye Whiskies W, iiaswater. 16s 14o 13a 80s 280 25a 7.60 7 00 6.00 Osceola . Diamond "K" Uajur ComXurt Cam Whlakay Old North Stabs.....' OldVslley ettJedlnBenel Huron Rhrar. t pta. 48 to case, $1L25: 1 pts, $4 1 ease. $10.7$. i 18a 12a t5a 4a 6.60 100 N THE PHIL G. KELLY CO., Inc. SKKffl FINE IMS " v MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED 1423 1. Mats Local and Long Distance Phones 1358 J tie free; . .... r m ';

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