PAQE TT70. ' THE RALEIGH 1 EVENING TIMES: WEDNESDAY, AUGIjlST 19, 1908. -m , i. i t j : .' - THURSDAY, jft-'x J1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, at 10:30. AUGUST 20, Viii 1A ai Avoirs TIT) To buy lots or homes for themselves on the easiest installment plans ever offered in the city of Raleigh. Property located on South Fayetteville Street and Fayetteville Road, especially suited to laboring people who desire to own their own homes. Terms so easy every one can buy a home on the following easy terms: $5.00 cash, balance payable $3.00 per month. Everybody be ady to buy one or more lots. . ' : . . Sold ai Audi on Thursday August 20th. Hour 1 FREE $25 IN GOLD AND A BAG OF SILVER FREE. AMERICAN REALl MEHEM1DAL1BEY for sixteen years and was entitled to such a promotion. STILL GUARDED Torkisb Minister Has Police Guard But Says He Has no Fear WHERE IS HE GOINP? Preparing to Leave Washington But His Destination Not Divulged. Professes Loyalty to the Present Order of Things in Turkey The Ambassador Just Appointed Has Been at Bucharest Sixteen Years and is Entitled to Promotion Is Now in New York City. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Aug. 19. Althou professing to have no fear of threat ening letters recently addressed to him by Turks and Armenians who said they would kill him, MehemMj All Bey, formerly Turkish minister,) continues to have the legation guard- , ed by tne ponce, wno cioseiy ques tion all visitors and keep a lookout for persons lurking in the vicinity of the Turkish legation. Disproving any statement that he had fled from the city, the former minister received newspaper men and commented on Turkish affairs. He said that he was not afraid of his anonymous enemies, that he Is not preparing to flee; that he does not know where his father, Izzet Pasha, is, and that he is in sympathy with the new regime in Turkey. From all ALEXANDER BERKMAN. , Alexander Berkinan, anarchist, who once att'iimted the life of Henry C. Frick, was one of the lead ers of the delegation which sought to gain admittance to the Prosperity Congress in New York. WHOLESALE LEGAL DEATHS. Seven and Men Sentenced Today Twenty Yesterday. (By Cable to The Times) Petersburg, Aug. 19 Seven ;neither for or aeainst anv candidate , more sentences of death were handed j That it was a free field for air and appearances tne iormer aown waay. xesieraay jo sentences . mat tne convention wouia aeciae. St. LITTLETON NOT TO BE CANDIDATE Believed That Lawyer Has Been Turned Down Because of Corporation Record A ENEMY OF MURPHY Murphy Believes That Littleton is Not Strong Enough to Win, Be cause of His Corporation Connec tions Whole History of His Firm Closely Related to the Politics of the State Also Murphy's Per sonal Enemy. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Aug. 1 9 According to statements made today by members of Tammany Hall, generally' believed to be In the confidence of Charles F. Murphy, Martin W. Littleton, until now regarded as the probable candi date for governor has been "turnec down" by Tammany. It was said that Murphy had nc objection personally to Littleton as 8 candidate, but believed that he was not strong enough politically to win next fall,, because of his corporation connections through the law firm ol O'Brien, Boardman, Piatt & Littleton.'-;. ' Mr. Murphy himself had nothing to say when approached in connection with the elimination of Littleton as a candidate. He declared that he it state. Moreover, Littleton was aLpne time an outspoken enemy of Murphy and it is said that Murphy never for gets and never forgives. 7 TWO KILLED IN ACCIDENT. Auio and Train Collide Two Killed and Three Injured. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 19 John B. Glueck, secretary of the Glueck Brewing Company, of Minneapolis, and his wife were killed and his two children and his sister-in-law perhaps fatally injured in an automobile ac cident at Cottagewood this morning. The . auto was struck by a Min neapolis & St. Louis train. The ma chine was splintered and- the occu pants thrown high in the air. Mr. Glueck was instantly killed. His wife was pinned under the machllne and burned to death by a fire caused by the explosion of the gasoline. Her suffering was terrible. The two children and the sister-in-law were hurled into the air and thrown against the depot. The 12-year-old boy was internally injured. The seven-year-old girl suffered a fractured skull and will probably die' THE EVENING TIMES MECKLENBURG SPRINGS . - CONTEST Mr. and Mrs.. Address Good For JQ Votes For Expires August 21st, 1908. 9 minister is preparing to leave Washington. He will not, however, under any conditions divulge where he is going. Mundji Bey, the Turkish charge d'affaires, is now In New York. Be fore his departure he said that Hus sein Kazim Bey, Turkish minister at Bucharest, who has been nomi nated as Turkish ambassador to the United States, has been at Bucharest of death were registered throughout the empire, making a bloody record. The sentences were signed at Khar kov, two at Saratov, three at Kiev, five at Warsaw, five at Plusk, and ten at Lodz. The condemned at Saratov had been found guilty of pillaging the estate of an aristocrat and the Nevertheless the report that Little ton was out of the race was traced directly to the wishes of the head of Tammany Hall. The law firm of Which Littleton is the junior member represents more corporations probably than any Other law firm in New York. Their chief fact that they had been sailors irvj business is politics, legal in character the Russuan navy did not help them i and the whole long history of the firm at all. , lis closely related to politics int-tels J I Hound Trio to V.'. I J Round Trip to I 7 via Union Pacific la effect daily to Sept. 30th from St Louis Aim Low Ruteg In efiect to Yellowstone witb stuptovers at Colorado points. Inquire of W,' l24PotiU8t.,AtUinU,Qa. i . i ... . i'. . n '"""IMIilHllJ'j GARFIELD ON SITUATION. Sentiment in the AVest Exceedingly to Mr. Toft, He Thinks. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Hot Springs, Va., Aug. 19. Sec retary of the Interior James R. Gar leld, who has been making a tour if the western states, arrived here today and spoke confidently of re publican success on November 4. Secretary Garfield ylsited the follow ing states: California, Oregon, Ida- lo, Montana, Wyoming, South Da kota, Nebraska, Utah and Colorado. "As I ascertained the political conditions and sentiment is exceed ingly favorable to Mr. Taft," said the secretary. "In some of the states local trouble exists but this will not affect the head of the ticket. Business conditions are also favorable. Crops are good, business Ib good, and the railroads are doing a heavy freight hauling business." At Kansas City a poll of the votes on train showed 47 for Taft and 17 for Bryan. The Holland-Venezuelan Trouble. (By Cable to The Times) The Hague, Aug. 19 Members of the diplomatic circles here do not look upon the Holland-Venezuelan embroglio as one to be settled by ar bitration. It is of such nature, it is said, that the difficulty has, rather taken on the quality of an affair of international honor. A nine-hour session of the cabinet was held yes terday, at the conclusion of which the foreign minister, J. R. D. M. Van Swinderen, called upon : the queen and apprised her of the situation. Two Boys in Jail. . Two obstreperous negro boys were taken in charge and lodged in jail for falling to be good on the Norfolk & Southern excursion train yesterday. They are Turner Powell, charged with shooting on the train and carrying concealed weapon, and Ernest Allston, also charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Turner Powell and Ernest Alston, .the two colored gentlemen who were arrested on the Norfolk & Southern excursion train this morning, were tried by Magistrate Separk this after noon. Both were charged with shoot ing on the train, but from the evi dence neither one could be adjudged guilty. Turner Powell was released and Ernest Alston was found guilty of carrying concealed weapons and bound over to court. BURIED HIS MONEY. Let it Stay for Four Years and Dug it Up in Bits. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Aug. 12. With a package containing 110,000 In pa per money resembling a handful of autumh leaves, O. D. Earle, of Mor rilton, Ark., a dealer In mules, call ed on United States Treasurer C. A. Treat and after a mlscroscopic exam ination by treasury experts the Ar kansas man will get nearly all; of his money redeemed. Earle about four years ago, fear ing to trust his savings to the banks, buried 110,000 in an old tin pail. He dug for it recently but could find no trace of the pail or the greenbacks. Another search reveal ed what looked like a ball of mud with edges of a 10 bill protruding. It proved to be his wad and In the hope of gaining some recompense from the government he came to Washington. Chinese Sailors Mutiny. " By Leased Wire to The Times.) New Orleans, 'Aug. 19 Mutiny broke out on the new steamship Car thago, of the United Fruit Company, at anchor here, and for half an hour a general fight was held that for a time looked serious. , The trouble grew out of the complaint of the Chi nese crew of 43, who said they were gating bad food. They took the mat ter up with the steward and then at tempted to remove that functionary to a higher region. He opened fire and they retreated. Officers of the ship' say the matter Is of little mo ment. . - In the last two years the value of New York's exports has mortised more than 1100,000,000. . , , MR. HEINT2LEMAN APPOINTED. Becomes American Consul at Swatow, China An Expert on Ori ental Affairs. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Aug. 19 Percival Helntzleman, assistant chief of the division of far eastern affairs of the state department, has been appointed American consul at Swatow, China, vice Thomas W. Hasklns, deceased. Mr. Helntzleman is an expert on Ori ental affairsfl and on June 1, 1907, he was transferred from the post of vice and deputy consul at Dalny to assist in the organization of the far east division of the department. . Mr. Hejntilsroan is anative f Chambersburg, Fa., and was appoint ed to the consular service In October, 1902, as a student Interpreter in China. In October, 1904, he was made vice and deputy consul general at Canton. Japanese Spies Arrested. ( By-Cable to The Times) St. Petersburg, Aug. 19 Three Japanese, thought to be spies, have been arrested at Slavianskala, a mil itary post on the Bay of Peter the Great. When , the Japanese were searched, plans were revealed setting forth the defenses and strength of the fort and much other valuable In formation of a military character. The military court has the case under advisement at the present time. m "IT"" ;t (Pi '''""'k'WilU'l'I ALCOHOL a PER cent AVegctabkrVeparartflnErij. ainmaiurgmiooa; lie somas andBawuii IronulwDitloraltfififl ItfSsandBwtfnntaintnriHTl OdumJ4arphine urUaaAi HOT NARCOTIC. Aoftfecl Remedy fcrCoKlb ttaiwSaw StDudLDbntua WornuJCoT(valswnsJwn ncssaadLossorSgEF. NEW Tc7 Infaotg and CUIAren. . Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW IF In Use for Over Thirty Years l ' .... "' WLi uvJl Exact Cory of Wtntt. w nrv