THE RALEIGH EVENING TOIESj WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19, 1908. , pAqe five r. . ... : TODAY'S MARKETS W WIRE, Stocks, Cotton Grain and1 Provisions. '. . r -' The Stock Market. . i LBy Leased "Wire to' The Times) New York, Aug. 19 :At the open Ing the movements showed continued conflicting- influences'- at -work.- Un-ionr-Patelnc opened higher and Southern Pacific was -unchanged at of the highest price of record for that.', stock. , Immediately after the opened both stocks receded slightly. TTlA Will bnrAfl nnanul &L aoai were dull. Beading started bet ter but immediately reacted . New York Central and Copper opened unchanged, Steel common gained and Smelting . Baltimore & Ohio opened lower. St. Paul opened luc 72 yei vcui, BCUll-tLUUUU.1 U1VI- dend at 143. "At the end of 15 min uses the entire market showed gains ranging from to nearly a point above yesterday's last prices. :';tc New York Closing Stock List Atchison . . 87 Baltimore & Ohio ... . i . . . 94 Canadian Pacific' 171 Chicago & Northwestern. . . .168 Colorado Southern. ....... . . 33 Erie .. 23 Illinois Central .- . . . J-.,; . 137 Louisville & Nashville ... . .109 Missouri Pacific' .... ..... 65Vi New.Yor kCentral .,101 Pennsylvania!:.. . . . . . . . . 123 Reading.., .. .. y. . . ..124 Rock Island. . .... . . . . . . 17 Rock . Island pfd. . . . . . . . . 32 V4 St. Paul . ., . ... . . ,. . . . . .142 boa them Pacific .... . . . . 97 Southern Railway ......... 19 Union Pacific .. .. .. .. ..156 Union Pacific pfd... ;. .. .. 85 wabash .... . ., .. .. 12 Wisconsin Central . . ,. v . . . . 25 Jnterboro-Metropolitan. . . . 11. Interobro-Metropolltan pfd. . 32 Great ' Northern. . . . ,. . .. ..136 ; Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line . . . , ... .'. 90 Amalgamated Copper . . .... 77 American Car & Foundry '. . . 40 American Locomotive . . ... 66 American Cotton Oil . ... . . 34 Am. Smelting & Refining , . . 94 Am. Smelting ft Refining pfd .108 Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . . . 62 Colorado Fuel & Iron . .' . . , . 33 General JUflrlc. v.Uia National Bi's'i4 "; . ... .... . 89 National Lead . . . ; . . . . . , . 85 Pacific Mail . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' 24 People's Gas . . 94 Pressed Steel Car . . ...... . 35 , Slo'ss-Sheffleld Steel .' . ... 61 Southern Pacific pfd . . . . . .119 Sugar . . . .-. . ... ... . . .'. . , . ,135 United States Steel . .".-. .". . 45 United States Steel pfd . . ..108 Mackay's pfd ' i V-. ... 69 Va.-Carolina Chemical . . . .' 28 Va.-Carolina Chemical pfd . .108 Westinghouse Electric . . . 70 Chicago Wheat, v Chicago, Aug. 19 Wheat opened arm and fractionally , higher. Offer ings were light On a half-cent ad vance offerings became freer and buy ing limited, causing a reaction. Opening: Wheat, Sept., 92 to ; corn, Sept., 76 to ; oats, Sept., 47 to 48; pork, Sept., 14.70; Jard, Sept., 9.12; ribs, Sept., 8.67. More or less' nervousness' was snown in the wheat market today and resting spots were to c. higher for the session. . The corn market was irregularly higher, gain ing to c.i despite more favorable weather. Oats were to c. high er, all around, with September the strongest month in the list Provis ions were unsettled and irregular, off early with the five cent slump in hdgs but part of "the early loss was re gained. '. ;, . . . o , Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: Wheats . Open. 92 -.94 8 .76 -65 .64 .47 , .48 -.50 High. 3 .94 98 .77 .65 .64 .48 . -48 .50 Close. .93 .94 .98 .77 .65 ;.4 .48 M8 Sept... . Dec. v May . . Corn: , 8ept . . Dec, . t May . . Pats: . - - Sept . . f Dec,,. May . . 60 v Sept. . .14.20 14.80 .14.77 .- Oct. . .14.86 14.92 14.90 Jan.i 16.70 15.72 15.65 Lardi . Sept.. . 9.12 9.22 . 9.22 - Oct.. . . 9.26 9.82 r 9.32 Jan.. . 9.00 9.15 9.10 Ribs: - Vy; . ' Sept. . 8.67 , 8.72 8.70 ' Oct. . , 8.77 8.82 8.77 ' Jan.. . 8.07 8.10 8.10 . ; Naval Stores.1 (By Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah, Ga., Aug. 19 Spirits turpentine. Firm, 85;' sales, 103; receipts, 1,147,. ; ;, y Kosin: nrmr sales, 3,718; re- celpts, 8,008. . . . - Quote;- WW, 6.25; WO, .00; N, 6.S0 to. 6.40;.M, 4.70 to 4.80; K, 4.30 to 4.40; I, 3.60 to 3.65; H, 3.40 to '3.60; 'G, 3.86 to 2.95; F, 3.80 to 2.88; E. 3.60 to 2.60; D, 2.46; C, B, A,' 3.40.. -v. ... . , 1 New York Cotton. - (By Leased Wire to The Times.) i New York, Aug. 19 The cotton market this morning opened easier. Later it was down fully 15 points on active position's, aided by poor cables and another raid by the bears, the bulls made a rally on the call, evi dently designed to check the decline, but when they ceased offerings were just as numerous and aggressive. The weather , was again favorable and sentiment was also affected by reports of labor trouble in Lancanshire and unsatisfactory trade conditions in England, it was announced that the next government report giving the condition up to August 16 would be issued at noon, September 1, and that the census report on :' the -amount ginned to September 1 is expected on September 8, probably at 10 a. m. .' Opening: Aug., 10.10 to 10.15; Sept., 9.30 to 9.40; Oct., 9.25 to 9.26; Dec, 8.94 to 8-95; Jan., 8.90 to 8.92; March, 8.99 bid. Open. High. Low. Close. 10.10 9.29 9.18 8.91 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. - -Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 10.10 10.16 10.10 9.26 9.26 9.26 k 9.26- SL.26 915 8.96 8.93 8.99 8.96 8.93 8.88 8.85 8.92 8.92 8.88 8.91 8.93 8.99 Market closed steady. New York Spot Coton. CBy Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Aug. 19 Spot cotton, 10.25. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) . New Orleans, Aug. 19 The spot cotton market was dull and depressed today. With the shadow of the new crop looming large the country is be ginning to offer freely in a field thus far devoid of purchasing power. The generally unsatisfactory condition of the. goods trade, and the firm faith of spinners In a. superabundant crop, to be had at. cheaper prices later In the season, has practically denuded the market of buying orders and sellers now find it necessary to make very material consesslons in order to move what' little stocks they have remain ing over from last season's produc tion, with new cotton coming In the market will take on a show of life, but, as matters stand, a lower levey oi values is inevitable, v With,- the government , issuing bearish reports through its weather bureau, Liverpool forcing sales of spots, 92 per cent of the master spinners of Manchester voting short time for the Lancashire mills and the steady development of a mlstic sentiment as to prices at both New Orleans and New York, the mar ket for contracts opened down 7 to 10 points today, and during the fore noon, though occasional slight fluc tuations Interrupted the general trend of prices moved to still lower levels, the figures on second call showing net losses of 10 to 15 points on the several months. Open. High. Low. Close. Aug. . Oct.. Nov . Dec. . Jan. . Feb. . March 9.60 9.13 9.13 9.04 8.92 8.96 9.03 8.93 9.02. 9.03 9.02 9.03 8.92 8.95 8.97 9.07 9.07 9.05 9.05 Market closed barely steady. Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool,' Aug. 19 Cotton spot, dull; middling, 5.78; Bales, 2,000; American, none; receipts. 2,600, all American. Futures opened quiet and barely steady and closed easy. s Opening. Closing. 5.55 5.16 ; 4.99 4.94 4.88 46 4.85 4.87 4.88 4.89 August . 6.65 5.60 Aug.-Sept. . 6.24 Sept-Oct . 5.06 Oct-Nov. . 6.00 Nov.-Dec. . 4.93 Dec-Jan. . 4.92 Jan.-Feb. . 4.91 5.19 5.04 4.98 . )4.89 FebcMarch ...... March-April 4.94 April-May . . . May-June . '4.95 4.93 Italeigfe Cotton ttarket Best grades, 10 13-1 6c. Off Grades, 7 10c. Receipts today, 35 bales. ' Cotton Port Receipts Today. (By Leased Wire to The. Times.) New Yorki Aug. 19 Cotton port receipts were as follows: New Orleans, 415 against 622; Gal veston, 2,197 against 1,170;-Mobile, 1,142 against 1; Savannah, 361 against; 184; Charleston, 16 against 0; Wilmington, 1 against 0; Norfolk, 156 aganst 23; Boston, 76 against 0; Philadelphia, 0 against. 25; Pacific coast, 0 against 2.' Total, ,4,358 against 1,977. y Interior Receipts! Houston, 6.863 against 1,182;. Augusta, 193, against 4; Memphis, 810 against 40; fit Louis, 303 against 204; Cincinnati, 168 against 68. Total, 7,187 against 1,488 - . r ' THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. O. SHOTWELL.) . New York, Aug. 19. Harrlman brokers forced Southern Pacific this morning to the highest price ' at which it ever sold 98. . It was the only stock in which any demon stration was made in the- early trad ing. Its activity roused suspicions and traders began selling the list. On the decline the market became very dull and by the middle of the first hour was stagnant. In the early activity,. Union Pacific advanced from the closing yesterday to 157, Steel to 46 and Smelters to 95. Announcement that the de ficit of the" Metropolitan Street Rail way Company was growing rapidly caused a break of mora than one point in Interborough-Metropoiitan preferred. . . , On the curb the market, silver shares' were leaders with the Rose and Nipissing most active. . There was good buying of Goldfleld Con solidated on dividends in November. Cotton was about 50c a bale lower and wheat was not materially chang ed in the early trading. ' In London advances occurred in nearly all American stocks. ; ; Wall street Is beginning to worry over the elections in Vermont ana Maine, which Come In September. These are expected to show the trend of public sentiment and Wall street has a notion that republican majorl ties in those states will be cut down this year. -.. '. Chicago Live Stock. , Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111 Aug.; 19 Hogs: Receipts, 21,000; 15c. lower; bulk, 6.50; light, 6.15 to 6.70; pigs, 5.15 to 6.00; mixed, 6.20 to. 6. 85; yorkers, 6.60 to 6.65; heavy, 6.20 to 6.85; good to choice heavy, 6.45to 6.85; rough, 6.20 to 6.45. Cattle: Receipts, 13,000; market, higher; beeves, 3.75 to 7.60; .Texas steers, 3.50 to 5.20; western steers 3.50 to 6.00; stackers and feeders 2.60 to 4.50; cows and heifers, 1.75 to 5.90; calves, 5.50 to 7.60.. Sheep: Receipts, 20,000; maTket, 10c- lower; natives, 2.25. to. .4.15; western, 2.75 to 4.15; yearlings, 4.25 to 5.00; lambs, natives, 3.50 to 6.25; western-3.75 to 6.30. ' ' New Y'ork Money Market (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Aug. 19 Time loans firm; money on call 1 to 1 ; 60 days, 2 per cent; 90 days, 2 to 2 ; six months, 3& to 3 ; posted rates, sterling exchange, 487, with actual business in bankers bills at 485 to 485.10 for demand and 485 to 485.15 for 60 day bills; prime mercantile paper unchanged. ; Cotton Seed Oil. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) : New York, Aug. 19. Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Opening. Closing. Aug. . .'. 38 334 38 39 Sept. ... 38 39 38 38 Oct. . ... 3 7 3 7 3 6 3 7 ' Nov. ... 36 3 36 36 36 Dec. 3636 36 36 Jan. . . . 36'g36 36 36 Market closed quiet; sales, . . . , barrels. During the 118 years In which we have had a national house of : repre sentatives it has never had a speaker who was born in New York city. ; Cuba exported $1,839,023 worth of to bacco, $966,310 worth of cigars, $24,284 worth of cigarettes and $11,565 worth of cut tobacco in March, 1908. A Jefferson Standard Policy is a Declaration of Independence for the family. WHITE HOUSE TEA . .'-;:-:- Is J oat as good as White 9 ' House Coffee. Trial Tea or Fifteen Gent Can at roar Grocer. Note the difference. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court, Eastern Dis trict of North Carolina. In the matter of C. F. Pope, bankrupt. This petition of C. F. .Pope, of Dunn, North Carolina, for a full dis charge In bankruptcy, having been filed In said court. It Is ordered by the court that a hearing be had on the ,28th day of August, 1908, be fore the referee,. V.. N. Boyden, of said court at Raleigh, North Caro lina, at 1 2 o'clock, noon, and that all known creditors and other per sons interested may appear at' said time and place and Bhow just cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner . should not i be granted. ... ' Thlu 17th day of August, 1908. H. L. GRANT, Clerk U. S. District Court, .. .. -. Raleigh, N. C IC WANTS 1C. - Classified advertisement for this column will be accepted at one cent per word for each Issue, CASH with the order. No ad Tertisements under this head will be charged. No Adv. taken tot less than 10 CENTS an inges tion. ... 1c. WANTS lc. WA3TED. WANTED To sell Bicycle Shop on Moore Street and outhouse on same lot. Rents regular for $10 per month; will not need any re pairs for twenty or thirty years; good until sold. Write P: H. Holmes, P. O. Box '116, Sanford, N. C. , . WANTED Second-hand Bicycle. Ad- dress "Bicycle," care Times. WANTED Manager for branch of- flee we wish to locate here In Ral eigh, N. C. Address, with reference, The Morris Wholesale House, C'Iut Cinnati, O. 8-14rlm FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE Chatham county, near Pittsboro; 147 acres, $1,350. R. E. Prince, Tucker Building. 14-3t: FOR SALE--Berkshire Pigs, nine weeks old. y Price $5.00 each. Address Horace R. Dowell. 13 t. (..v.;..;- FOR SALE Fine Fresh Milch Cow Gives four gallons; has fine heifer calf. T. Q. Holder, R. F. D. No. 2. Box 10. PIGS! PIGS! PIGS! Fifteen fine English Berkshire Pigs for sale. Best stock. Apply quickly if you want any of them to John C Dre wry, Raleigh, N. C. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For good Repeating Rifle or first class Smith and Wesson or Colt's re : volver, two high-grade, 15-jewel-' ed Waltbam and Elgin watches Address "B," care Times. 15 3t. " : :', LOST. LOST A Setter Bird Dog; white, 'with brown spot on head and hip. Steward, for raturiv oriiuformation tbat -Lwlll lead to : his recovery. Address, P. D. Gold, Jr., Masonic Temple, or 535 N. Blount St. XnSCELLANEOUS SALESMEN MAKING RETAIL trade throughout the South), to take good side line of Overalls on Commission. Hopkins Mfg. Co. Baltimore. Md. 17-3t BRUNSWICK STEW AND BARBE CUE at Ed. V. Denton's Grocery Store every Wednesdays and Sat urdays. 8-17-24 2t. NOTICE- Any one who can take boarders during the Farmers' Con ventlon next week will please notify C D. Harris, by mail, how many they can accommodate, and price per day. , , . 17-6t A Jefferson Standard Policy is Declaration of Independence for the family. have nr TOUR HOME North Star Refrigerator Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freesen, Screen Windows, Oil Stoves. O you buy a NORTH STAR yon reduce your ICE BILLS. hArt-vard hardware COMPANY. . HUBBARD BROS. SCO HANOVER SQUARE. NEW YORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For tht pur chase ana sal of cotton for future delivery. Corrcapo&deac iaV.taSl r Fayetteville Street, Raleigh. THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY WITH An wsnrpassed history behind It since 18A8 STANDS FOB ' Safety to Its Depositors. Accommodatioo to Its Customers. Willing service to Its Friends. wHAH. K. JOHNSON. F. H. BRIGG8, President. Cashier. JOSEPH G. BROWN, President. CAPITAL $100,000.00. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. The Raleigh JOHN T, PULLEN, President. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per cent. Interest paid on deposits. Call in the bank, or write for further information. Bank open on Saturday evening from 5 to 9 o'clock to accommodate the public. SMALL ACCOUNTS. We solicit accounts from workingmen and women, clerks, bookkeep s, in fact every one. We encourage small accounts because we know they will grow. The size of the deposit the same courtesy and attention to everyone. ... f . . i J- '4 . uo .. .. a.-, i- . THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $200,000.00 RALEIGH, N. C. B. S. JERMAN, Pres.; A. A. THOMPSON, Vice-Pres.; H. W. JACK SON, Cashier; E. B. CROW, Assist Cashier; i. J. Thomas, Chmn Board of Directoro, v. : '.'..'' '.; ':V';,J:. ':';; ' Connelly Springs Hotel, CONNELLY SPRINGS, N. O. (On Southern Railway, between Salisbury and Ashevllle) " In sight of the most Picturesque 'Mountains In America. Cool, Refreshing Mountain Breeze, and positively the very finest Mineral Water in existence. Thoroughly Modern Hotel,' with High Standard of Service. Good Orchestra, Ball Room, Tennis Court, Bowling Alley, Delightful Horseback Riding and Driving. Rates very reasonable. Further information cheerfully furnished. HENRY L. VAN STORY, HanaBes".:". WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. Preeminently North Carolina's seaside resort. splendid surf. FISHING, BATHING, YACHTING Easily reached via Goldsboro or Fayetteville in connection with the ATLANTIC COAST LI N E. Tickets on sale every Saturday good to return the following Monday, at 94.50. For further information write W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE. Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C. The Raleigh Furniture Co. Everything in Furniture for the Home and Office We can save you money. eii.r CASH OR The Raleigh Furniture Company, 17 Ecwst Martin ivnd 18 Market Streets. Tfr GREEN, J M. RIGGAd, - Sec; andTreas. Manager. , Capital -City Phone 672, , !: .(iNCORPpRATtD). ' First division ' of the Fall . Term Wednesday, September . 2d.. . Short hand, Bookkeeping, Telegraphy and English taught by experts. A school with a reputation. The oldest , largest and best equipped buslnesi College In the Carollnas. Write for catalogue. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE,' Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, N. C. SURPLUS $150,000.00. Savings Bank. CHARLES ROOT, Cashier. makes no difference, as we extend Safe beach with CREDIT.

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