crz -.-J -. ''vXJ.CACTGirLvigi-q TKiEsr TTEnNESDAYAuausT id, 1003. . - a . - 1 urn II Mrs. R, P. Hoke . left: today for Lincolnton. . " Mrs. W. C. Watson left last even ing for Durham. . . Mrs. T. B. Womack returned from Plttsboro today. Miss Nannie Hay returned this af ternoon from Waynesville. Miss Fleda Powell left today for Durham to spend several days. . - ' ' ' Miss Ava Womble, after a visit to High Point, returned to the city last evening. Miss Mattie Smith, of Hartsfleld, S. C, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Will Turner. Miss Ethel Young left yesterday morning for Asheville, Brevard and Lake Toxaway. Mrs. P. H. Ray and little daughter Clarice left today for Durham to spend several days. Mrs. John E. Evans and little son left last evening for Lake George, N. Y., to spend several days. Miss Annie Duckett left last even ing for. Brevard to attend a house mni.rned i k m T 1 ' ii til .... i 9 party given oy mrs. j. a. Miner. 1 :-T tW 'sr ml) 4 W w 1 Lady DOrothy Howard, who oam- Jwlth Winston ' Spencer Cliurchill and who helped to elect . "-''" I him to 'Parliament ' was generally Miss Hattie Arrington, of the state supposej to te tne flance 0f Mr. department of education, has gone to churcliill, president of the London Asheville for a well-earned vacation. ; oard of Trade. It is now an- f 1 Wiillitt If?, "i000f I Miss Maggie Lambert and Miss nounced, however, that Mr. Church ill1 is rn trssrtt tn- flsn npttientinA Goldie Blitz, of Norfolk, are In the jiozier. city, the guests at the home of Mrs. ' ' - ' ' ' " ' ' J. S. Gray: Miss Addie Puryear returned to the . . city this afternoon from a visit to jr. ana Mrs. x. J. uasniora leu Mebane yesteraay aicernoon ior jNortnamp ton and Brunswick counties, to spend several days. Miss Unice Leigh returned yester day to her home in Durham, after attending the funeral of Captain Sidney Green. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hawkins, of Greensboro, ' are. in the city, the guest at the home of Dr. A. B. Haw kins on Blount street. Mrs., T.U Hawking of Wai"renton, after spending several days In the city, the guest of Mrs. J. J. Thomas, returned home last evening. : Miss Nell Francis King left this afternoon for Wilmington, to visit friends. Miss Mabel Clifton, of Lillington, after a visit to Greensboro, returned home this afternoon. : - ' Mrs. C. Durham 'and daughter, Miss Ellen, left today for Seven Springs, for a few weeks' rest. Miss Carrie Sexton, of Johnson's Mill, after spending several days at Neuse, passed through the city after noon, en route Rome. ' Miss Lois Moore, , after spending eeveral days In Durham, visiting rel- Are ollcring many Jots otscasotf able Merieliane at great ' big cut prices. :'-.'' .. v. . , ; -.. 4 . , . . You will find many good 15c. and 25c. Wash Goods at 912cf Black anil White Long Gloves, 49c and 98c. $3.50 Oxfords at $2.77, and $3.00 Ox fords at $2.37. The lower grades in proportion. We recently bought a good size lot of ladies' Muslin- Underwear, Gowns, Skirts, Pants and Corset Covers, that we are selling at a saving to you of from 10c. to 50c. a garment. Taffeta, Susine and China Silks always in stock. ) ; '.r! 1 v-: Agents for Butterick Patterns. ; PS Clean Svcop of Summpr Goods prices ffriicbsT We have1n;Stock the following SUMMER GOODS which must go at onqe: ' 4 Refrigerators, 5 Vudor Porch Shades, 2 Porch Sbttees, 8 Porch Chairs. . These goods are inqur way aniwe are making a ctean sweep at cost ; Royall & Borden Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville St -- Raleigh, II. C. Opposite Post Office. after spending several days in the atives and friends, returned to the city, the guest of Mrs. G. R. Parker, returned home last evening. Miss Lillie Pair, of Kenly, city this afternoon. Mrs. A. Pate, of Wilmington, ar- -after j rived".'ln the city last night to visit spending several days In tha city, the her daughter, Mrs. R. R. Watts, On guest of Mrs. Preston Rogers, turned home this afternoon. re- Mrs. R. R. Boovy, of Charlotte, after spending several days in the city, the guest of Mrs. Fesperman, in West Raleigh, returned home to day.: ' ' . Fleming-Smith. Invitations have been received by friends, which read: "Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Smith invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter, Emye, to Mr. Van Calvin Fleming, Wednes day morning, September the second, West Edenton street. . ' -- .' Mr. Paut Carter and sister, Miss Graoe,- of Holly Springs, passed through the city- this afternoon, en route to Clayton to visit friends. Miss Mamie Bagwell and brother, Master': Marshall, --after having- spent two months, the guest of their aunt, Mrs. Nannie Bagwell, at Greenville, returned home last evening. Enjoyable Picnic. There was an enjoyable ' picnic given at Strickland's pond last Thursday by, the Messrs. ; William sons in honor of Miss Ruth Jordan'? -H. steward of the Yarborough House, has secured Mr. A. J. Dorsett, of Siler Citjv to fill his former position tii assistant steward. : ' - The'- two : snow-white swans, which it was announced In ; jester day's Evening Times, were ordered by the Mechanics" Saving Bank as a present to the children of Raleigh, to be placed in the lake at Pullen Park, arrived today and were on ex hibition at that bank this morning before being removed to their future home at the park. They are about one year old and are very gentle. nineteen hundred and eight, at half guests Mlsse8 Florence and Fannle . n fran eairnit A'il.Anlr In Jlnttn nnln It vv.n., oa..D mcuiwua. Edwards, of Tarboro. Church, Greenville, North Carolina.' To the woman away from home, a cake of Ivory Soap is a veri table boon. With it, she can wash gloves, handkerchiefs, belts, underwaists, and the pretty shirt-waists in which most women look their best. More than that; she is independent of laun dress and cleaner to the benefit of her pocket-book and the longer life of the things she wears. Ivory Soap 99 Per Cent. Pure, In the afternoon the young peO' pie went out on the pond rowing and the boys played a game of baseball.'- ". .;' '' -4-.' "' Woman's Betterment Association. The executive committee of ' the Woman's Betterment Association of Wake county will meet in the office of County Superintendent Z. V. Judd tomorrow afternoon at '4 o'clock. At thto meeting the plans for the winter campaign in the as sociation's work will be discussed. ; J LOCAL BKTEF8 j A large number of deaf and dumb men arrived In the city this afternoon to attend the convention. r-VThe. many friends -of Mr. and Mrs. L.. W. Strickland regret to learn that their little daughter, Ruby May,' Is critically ill. tA big revival is being, conducted at the Baptist church in Toungsvllle by Rev. J. B. Justice and Rev. R. S. Stephenson", of tWs ,c! Mr. Charles oung, Jr., OCTOBER WEDDINGS.; r. : ' Do not delay loafer la placing rdert for engraved-Invitation. Onr fall aamples repnaent Uw. very U test shafKM and -forma that: hiive been accepted by refined and faahioaable aociety. .yte do not follow- LEAD Jn oritfinAUn attlstlc effecU with fine material. Oar price ar the lOwast Send for sample, tchiolt wiu;)a wpplied free of charge. J. P, STEVENS' ENGRAVING CO.r w waing ta. Uoiarjr EngraTer. 4t Whitehall St- Atlanta Ga, ' . , , -v .'.....' , PERSONALS Mr. N. D.. Johnson, oi Maxton, Is in the city. . -. '-.-' '. ' ' -t ' Mr. M. L. Shlpman has gone j to Hendersonville. - ; Mr. Hubert. Ray left this afternoon for Oxford, on business. Mr. B. W. Hongopd, of Durnatn, is in the city on business. y V Mr. J. E. Pennf pfvHendersonJae a visitor to the , city today. I ' a Mr. T. T. Wellons left last adven ing for Richmond and Washlngtdn.' ' n.Mr. P. H. Drewry, of Petersburg, Jfa., is registered at Hotel GleracU.' J Dr. James Wi McGee, Jr., afterf a sit to Norfolk, , Ocean View, r and qther points, has returned to the ty, ,.;.:.,.,.,,,,.. ., - y ' Mr. James Adams arrived In the city last evening, after having, filled the pulpit of Dr. A. M. Slmraa, at Qaffney, S. C, during hU vacatfon. CASTOR I A ' , Par tafuxtl aid Children. WM Yea Kat 3 Ahrap Bctt Bar tha . fHgnatwa o.t A HANGING A DAY. s Political Prisoners Being .Executed ' -by- Japanese Authorities. (By Cable to The' Times) Seoul, Aug. 19. To terrify Ko rea into obedience to the mikado, Ja pan is publicly hanging a rebel a day in every important city Outside the capital. . The executions began three weeks ago and have continued inter ruptedly. The Wily Japanese authorities give foreigners to understand thafc the victims are brigands. oT the'na; tives, however, it is made clear thai the men hanged ave pollilcal offend ers and that thu authorities art more strongly disposed to deal len iently with common criminals thai with those in arms against the Jap anese government. ' Red Dwarf and Pony Ink Pencils, $1 to $2.50. Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. 1908 cata logues sent on application. Edison Rotary Mimeograph; and supplies. Complete stock of Blank Books and General office supplies. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. "Better be Sure Than Sorry" 1 You may not be. sure that vou need Glasses, but it is safe to have your eyes examined,, or 'you may be sorry afterward. ' 'r So very delicate are the organs 'of visionthat a' strain so slight that you may be''unaware of it' may injure them permanently. Better be on the safe side. You may only need glasses tem porarily, but if the need exists do hot delay the remedy. H. MAH LERS1 Jewelers " - " - SONS Raleigh, N. C FORAKER STILL MAD. Wouldn't Visit aNUonai H eadquar- ten in New York. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Aug. 19. ReDublican leaders who had looked forward to a' meeting between Senator Joseph B. Foraker, of Ohio, and Frank H. ' Hitchcock, chairman of the republi-J can national committee in this city, I were greatly surprised this after noon, when Mr. Foraker announced that he would not visit the campaign headquarters before his departure from the city. The senator made this declaration after having said BrflvJouallJJlfttJbe,Md been snubbed and humiliated by the failure of the campaign leaders to ask him to speak at the opening of the national campaign at Youngstown on. Septem ber 6. ' : Tffl i BEST THERE IS! In the Furniture arid House Furnishing Line . is being shown by us in our New Store on FAYETTEVILLE STREET We have a stock of furnishings such as has never been shown in this State before and we extend a cordial invitation to all the lady-folks especially, tocall and review our stock. CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. . Bag of silver, $25.00 in gold, free at the auction sale on Thursday, August 20 Place: Fayetteville road. BABCOCK'S 1 GORYLQPSES TALG0.1 ruwuLii A most delightful powder for the toilet havlnji a mUVfin odor. The onl genuine and orlglrial. . Price 25 cents. - ' KIN-GRQIEI Driirj Col f Vja ro, Amenta rojr 'Uuyler's Candy : The Capital City Telephone How to Use It. Telephoning is such a simple matter that a calk on this subject seems ;' almost unnecessary. What we say, however, is Intended to help you and ; benefit us. There la a right way and a wrong way to us the .telephone. We are daily impressed with the fact that a great many people, uninten tionally, perhaps, have adopted the wrong' method, thereby causing them selTea constant irritation, , . v ' . - r ' When you use the telephone your mouth should be directly la front of the mouthpiece and the receiver should be held lightly but firmly against ' the ear. You should talk directly Into the mouthpiece la an ordinary tone ' of voice. Very often people stand away from the instrument and direct their attention to persons about them, j' Naturally, under such conditions, -the one to whom they are talking cannot near;, distinctly ; an perhaps , finds fault with the service. ' 4 ' . Tlien, too, some of us have a habit of shaking the hook violently when the called party does not answer promptly.. The hook should be moved slowly up and down two or three, timet; to attract the attention bf I the operator. . If violent methods, are used the signal does not work prop-'' -.1- : All k-' - 1 f i. ml.' . i v . .. - ring the belli she cannot make people answer their telephonet in a hurry, . mm vmvuuin 111 uiv vcixyupiHDs.ntiwi j uuvvring every .6m tore of the matter. ' If you will take occasion to read tliese direcUomtj"' and follow them, It will help yon and Ware sure It will result la beaefif ' .to ns. ,:" , ; , ', ' ;. , " '.. . For Information Al? out' Kat 3 And Service Call Contract Department, Number 9050 The'Capifal City Telephone Cbmpaiy."-' XL lux-: