HO. BRG3I(S SPEAKS WQITE OAK SGDOOL WINS DAYS One of U tveoiuy Times Prizes 1 Other Speakings and ronr crarlng for liquor 13 Death of Mr. 3. T. Giddens From ; Heart Failure Sale of the Hack ney Pharmacy Marriage of Mis Heitman to Mr. Terry. ; (Special to The Times) ' .' Durham, Aug. 19 Mr. J. T. Old dens, 12 years market clerk for Dur ham? died Instantly of heart faijure last night at 9:40 at his home on "West Main street. The. old gentle man, who was one of the best known city characters, had been but slightly Indisposed. He was about his work yesterday and opened the place with tfie. Usual promptness before day. Last night he went home and was sit ting on the steps when he fell over and' died without a struggle. Mr. Giddens was 63 years old and came here 25 years ago from Harnett county. ' He leaves a family of two boys and five girls, the sons living In Jacksonville and Savanna. The fun eral arrangement will not be made until they reach here. Mc A. L. Brooks, candidate for congress In this district, was here last night, coming over from Rox- boro, where he spoke yesterday to a good crowd in the court-house. Mr. Brooks expects to address Durham democrats very shortly upon the oc casion of their organization of a club. This action will not be taken until the county convention Is held, the date of that being August 2.9. Mr. Brooks speaks Saturday, August 22, to the Winston democrats in their convention, and September 1st will speak at Dobson, Surry county. He will be a very busy man from now on, and as soon as the Republicans put up their man Brooks will make out his list of appointments. Dr. E. H. Bowling, one qt the eight aldermen, has sent in his resignation to the board on account of recently having moved outside the city limits, : The Robert Hackney Pharmacy was sold yesterday at public auction, bringing 8.210, or $610 more than the 1 indebtedness that closed It up, The business was taken over by Mr, Roland H. Parker, who has been with the Yearby Company a number of years and is a popular pharmacist of this city. :v;.y ,:, Mrs. W. A. Guthrie went yester day to Old Trinity, where she at tended the marriage of her niece. Miss Nan Carr Heitman, ' and' Mr. J. , B. Terry, of that place, The bride Is also a niece of Gen. Julian S. Carr, and is very popular here, as in High Point, where her husband is a very prominent business man. -The young couple will live there. Mr. J. P. Campbell, the eccentric shoemaker running for the legisla ture, challenges this morning Mr. B. J, Lovensteln, the Hebrew attorney running for the same honor, to a Joint discussion Friday night The lawyer is disposed to not notice the defll, but the old farmer and citizen of the city will press for it. n Food for thought Food-for work Food for brain - ' . Pneoda Biscuit ' JJL meet, luraxislilag of all wiicatfood. fiPT9oldim bulk, ' NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY i J Prizes Were Offered to the Public Schools of Wake County For the. Greatest Improvement Along Lines Suggested by the Women's Better ment Association. CRUISE OF THE FLEET Will Beach Sidney Tomorrow If on Schedule Remainder of the Itinerary Cruise . Will Have Lasted a Year When the Fleet Again Reaches Hampton ; Roads. .. THE STATE VS J.S.GRAY Obtaining Goods Under False Pretenses SOUTHERN'S FAST TRAIN DERAILED Excellent Health Advice. Mrs. M. M. Davidson, of No. S79 Clif ford Ave., San Jobs, Cal., says: "The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy, for headache, bilious ness and torpor of the liver and bowela Is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word in its favor,- for the ben efit of those seeking relief from such af flictions. There is more health for the digestive organs in a bottle of Electric , Bitters than in any other remedy I know of." Sold under guarantee at all drug stores.' 60c. FAIR FOR NORTH' WILKES BORO. Arrangement Being Made For Fair in the Early Fall With Several qountiee Taking Part. North Wilkesboro, Aug.' 19 Ar rangements are being made to se cure a fair for the town of North Wilkesboro early in the fall. Prom inent business men have the arrange ments In hand and will doubtless carry' them to a successful comple tion. ' '; : a If secured, it will be the first of the kind In the history of the county. Wilkes and the three mountain coun ties adjoining, Ashe, Alleghany, and . Watauga, will be the principal co'u'n ' ties' represented. .'; ' Twenty-five dollars in gold given away Thursday at 10:80 o'clock at auction sale .; nfesiion aviMit trmrTila la lira twmottm ot aad Ml hmU a rua diJMM. taink ot DpM Eaantmm. wl IaU-aatlaa aa wmX aMaaMaa, ym in ra rmptoma only m a til a apaolAr Xmym aUkiiMa notaJna alaa.- b th emilaa oi Um now varr sopalr StoaaMa SanaAf fir. Skooo' tLMtowUT. Ooln abaci to Ir rtanMB arraa, elona krotwM UM aunoaaj ant HM omi ana owny vwai prmwpta, na mum aaagiaaimuaauta vara arar to ba tM aaDauek diKnM. bUUna. biUman bad la idI aklkrar aaaablaxbia, trf In. SlMwal v kwtlM aanallluul8 vara arar to ba M, la iomtlT Ikbkta or Liquid M aaa tot roufc (what ft eaaaaa will Wt tall aafeaaaa. DrfShpbpfp Heotorativo iihiy t. uigzz. , (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Aug. 19 The round-the-world cruise of the Atlantic fleet began from Hampton Roads Decem ber 16, 1907, and the opinion of the naval authorities is that the cruise will have lasted a year when the fleet bellows forth its reply to the wel come -that-will be tendered it when it. reaches the starting point On August 9 Auckland received the naval visitors, and on August 15 the fleet will start for Sydney, where the ships are scheduled to cast anchor to morrow. Seven days have been allotted for the exchange of courtesies at Sydney and the fleet will then pass on to Melbourne, where it probably will re main from August 29 to September 5. Six days later will see the fleet in Albany, on the west coast of Aus tralia, where it will remain until September 17. Then will come the long jump to the Philippines, where the battleship fleet is expected to arrive on October 1, remain 10 days and proceed in two squadrons. The second squadron will reach Amoy on October 29 and re main until November 4, when it will begin its three-days' cruise to Ma nila. The flrBt squadron will go di rect to "Manila, arriving there on October 31. : The remainder of the itinerary, via the Suez Canal, back to Hampton Roads, has not been agreed on by the department. A Prominent Commission Merchant of This City in Custody A Grave Offense Charged to HimRaleigh & Southport . Railway Company , ' Prefer Charges.:. ":"" :S:J . Theatre Trust Gets Hext Rap (Continued from First Page.) the government's program. The gov ernment's course will be based largely on the report to he made. , by Mr. Roadstorm, of the d&pftrtment, who is looking Into the matter. Receipt of additional evidence has The arrest of Mr. J. S. Gray, a prominent commission merchant of Raleigh, yesterday afternoon, on the charge of obtaining goods under false pretenses, created quite a sen sation in the city. The warrant upon which Mr. Gray waB arrested sets xrofr tttmctar w' "That J. S. Gray did unlawfully, wilfully, feloniously, knowingly and designedly, with intent to cheat and defraud, obtain from the corpora ion and public carrier, the Raleigh & Southport Railway Company, 200 sacks of oats, valued at $558, by falsely and fraudulently represent ing to Paul D. Allen, agent of said corporation, who delivered Bald oats to said Gray, relying on representa tions made to him by said Gray, that' he, the Bald Gray, had paid to the Citizens National Bank of Raleigh, the draft from the shippers of said oats, and had the same in his pos session, and he well knew that said representations were false and that he had not paid said draft." Mr. Gray was brought before Jus tice C. A. Separk yesterday after neon, who- required of him an ? 8 00 bond. The bond was not given, but strange to say, Mr. Gray did not rest in jail last night. At 10 o'clock this morning he was still in the custody of the sheriff, bond not having been arranged. MessrsHolding and Bunn appear for the prosecution and J. W. 'Bailey for Mr. Gray. Mr. Gray contends that there was an overcharge of $30! in freight rates, and that payment ' was dererred pending a settlement of the dispute as to the rates. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 19. Train No. 13 of the Southern Railway, the Chicago-Florida Limited, westbound, was derailed a quarter of a mile east of Dames Ferry this morning but there was no casualties. The entire train, comprising two Pull mans, two coaches, mail, express! A letter received yesterday from Miss Edith Royster, president ot the ! (association for the betterment of . Wake county public school-houses,) conveys the pleasing information that ' one of the prizes offered by The Times has been won by the White Oak graded school. This school has won a year's subscription to The; Times. These prizes were offered to the. public schools of Wake county for the greatest improvement along lines suggested by the Woman's ' Better ment Association. . It speaks well for ' I this school, and we congratulate the patrons ana local association on me great work It has done. Miss Royster 'b letter Is as follows: Raleigh, Aug. 18, 1908. Publishers of The Evening Times. Gentlemen: The prize of a year's subscription to The Evening Times you so generously offered through the Association of the Betterment of the Wake County Public Schoolhouses, was won by the White Oak graded school. I have just heard from them, and they wish the paper to be Bent to White Oak Graded School, care of Mr. L. J. Sears. R. F. D. No. 3, Apex, N. C. I regret that a representative your paper could not have been with us at our annual meeting at 'Caryl on July 22. I thank yhu for the in terest shown by your paper In the work of our association. Very sincerely yours, EDITH ROYSTER. . Educational Rally Today. ' There will be an educational ral ly at school No. 2 in Oak Grove township today. At that place a new two-story school house has just been completed. County Superintendent and baggage car, left the tracks but ' Z. V. Judd will inspect the building did not turn over. and deliver an address there today. " The cause of the accident Is ; thought to have been a defective Birthday Party Last Evening, truck under the baggage car. The Yesterday evening from 8 to 11 passengers were . transferred : and o'clock Miss Christabell Howell gave proceeded to Atlanta after a short her fourteenth birthday party at the residence of her father on West Mor gan street. The evening was spent in playing many delightful games, after which delicious refreshments were served. The guests departed, each wishing their charming hostess many more happy returns. gone if you take the McKanna Cure There 1b none like It offered anywhere outside of McKanna's- No Dangerous Aiie? Effects. Call or write afcKANNA THREE-SAT LIQUOR CURE CO. Phone 184, REID8YILLE, N. C. Queen of Sea Trips Merchants & Miners Trans portation Company's Steamship Lines. NORFOLK TO ' BOSTON AJfD PROVIDENCE. New, fast, and elegant steamers, Accommodations and 'cuisine excel lent. Send for booklet.. Through tickets on sale at principal Southern points. For reservations or further information call on nearest ticket oent, or address , -!-;.;jV, E. C. LOHR, Agent, : i Norfolk, Va. ' i P, TURNER, Passenger Traffic Manager, Baltimore, mo. t 'lNEST COASTWISE TRIPS IN 'X'llJBi WUJKLiV." Mon., Wed., Frl 4mo. delay. ';.,; . mi. mf . ; -- Come, one, come all. - There's lota for . everybody. Attend the auction sale on Fayettevlle rood Thursday, August 1 20. ' See the twin auctioneers. mm Sick at Wrightsville. The many friends of Mr. Will Simpson will regret to learn that he is now sick with fever at Wrightsville 1 ueacn. mr, Dimpson went to wrints- given the department something vile a few days ago to accept a post tangible o work on. The manager of jtlon in an orchestra.' On his arrival a theatre In a Maryland town has he was taken ill and could not take supplied to Mr. Russell a list of thea-(hls position. His brother, Dr. Walter tres and theatrical managers, who, he Simpson, is with him. declared, are parties to the trust. . , The same manager alleged that from 600 to 600 theatres In the United States were forced to pay froth five to ten per cent of their profits to the trust in return for immunity from interference. This the manager held to be blackmail. CHASTISED HER DAUGHTER. Who Became Enraged and Jumped : Into Well, But Was Glad to " V''.- Get Out. ' (By Leased Wire to The Times) Salisbury, Aug. 19 Enraged be cause her mother chastised er for attending a party without parental permission, Certlo Lewis, agsd 16, of this city, attempted suicide by Jump ing Into a well. ' She fell 40 feet to the bottom, and, after rising above water, clung to the wall until rescued by neighbors. Her injuries were slight, and she will recover. : '. .' , JL Jrtrrfttna Standard Poller la a THE BEST GRADE OF ! CIGARS , Are always In our stock. well assorted line ranging ( ..in price from Sc. to 15c straighta, ; THE HICKS' VUVG COMPANY 7 SATURDAY EVENING CAPITAL, RALEIGH, N. C. An up-to-date weekly newspaper, published and delivered in all parts of the State on Saturday. Contains all the State and Na tional News andall the news of the Cap ital City for the week. Special news fea tures to suit all classes of readers. Comic page. Special Sunday Features. Reaches you at the end of the week, when you want something to read Saturday and Sunday. Its field is exclusive and it reaches all parts of the State. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR Write for our fine clubbing proposition. PUBLISHED BY THE EVENING TIMES, J. V. Simms, Gen; Mgr. ADDRESS, THE SATURDAY EVENING CAPITAL, RALEIGH, X. C. Is all that la taken to convince any body that DENATURED ALCOHOL used in BENGALIA STOVES is the most economical to use. So moke. Take an alcohol ' stove on your SUMMER TRIP. Thos.Il.Briggs & Sons.. Ifiiif FAST. If you have never tried it try it for an experiment, if for no other reason. Deposit some small snro, some sum that you would otherwise spend fool ishly, regularly every week and see for yourself how It grows. We add 4 per annum, com pounded semi-annually to your de posits.. MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. " nrw ti' mm k jt lr Guaranteed Dhiskeys ! ' All our geeds are guaranteed under the Pur Food Law. If net satisfactory, money refunded en return of goods. Goods shipped In plain packages same day order raoelved. WE PREPAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES. iMlttucii mj ki MM ij atthtr Pistil ir Dpnu Muif Ordir, ir Iiglttini Littir. . Prl..a an Oaada not llatad will he furnl.h.d upan raeuaat. . Eurak Rjra.... ' OanRlvar Rr - OnyOooaa Rye Iiwtwctioa lty , OtdHwryRya.... OrMnivead RyaJ , , McCwty WUsk.y. BottM la Bond. yta. old JeHenoo Ctab Rya., Hlg-toplta Rya....... N. CCorn Whlsk.y Virginia Corn WWtli.y Vary Old N. C. Corn Whiskey OM Burro Cora WbWuy , .awuOin.! ., , Hollaud Oin Apal. Brandy......... V.iy OM Appla Braudy.,... Peach Brandy......... 1 IN JUGS. rwtiHw. tltllMW, !2I I N 4 IN BOTTLES. 4 Ml Oil. Fall fla. Kit . 142 II M ii m IN 14 M 2H 5 75 , jh in IH MM MM rj tm SA 45 71 4M 4N l4J 9 II M UN M SN J u in 4M 4N 4 75 5 25 I" 175 f 75 75 II 44 424 i 15 775 SN ill Our Specials. amulet conn Fins Old Copper Distilled 4 Fall Qta. Full Qta. $2.65 $5.00 COCKADE RYE Smooth and Mellow. ' 4 Fall Ota.' ' O Tull Qta. $3.15 $6.00 s -i Cousins Supply.Co. Tha Old Rsliablo Mailorder Hous Richmond, Va. Declaration of Independence for the family. - , -

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