paq2 nam pm -iraT.TTTgn evening times: Wednesday, AtratrsT ivi908.- RAILWAY SCHEDULES Seaboard Air Line Railway. Going North. Going South. 3:41a.m. 8:10 a.m. . 11:20 a.m. 9:35 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 6:30 pm. 6:15 p.m. Raleigh and Southport. Going South. Arrive Raleigh.' 6:00 a.m. 9:25 a. m. 1:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Norfolk and Southern. Going East. Arrive Raleigh. 6:35a.m. 8:30 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 7:35 p. m. 4:30 p.,m. 10:00 p. m. Southern Railway. Going East. Going West 4:30 a. m. 2:00 a. m. 12:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 6:30 p. m. ; 6:30 p. in. THE WEATHER (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Aug. 19. Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Thursday: Local showers tonight or Thursday; variable winds. Low pressure conditions prevail over the northeast and upper Mis souri valley. In the extreme north west the pressure is falling. Tem peratures have fallen slightly every where, except in the Dakotas, where they have dropped from 10 to 14 de grees. The temperatures are now nearly normal in most districts. Showers have occurred at many sta tions in the south and in the west, but have been, in most cases, very light. The present conditions indicate local showers in this vicinity tonight or Thursday. A H. THIESSEN, FIVE BURNED IN FIRE, Tragic Deaths on Laurel Mountain. Whole Family Lose Their Ovea? . (By Leased Wire to The Timf&X' ' Marshall.' 'Aug. ' 19 The home Of Wofford Tweed, on Laurel Mounfaftf was destroyed by fire, and his wife, their three children, and Mrs. Mur-I ray Tweed were burned to death and their bodies cremated in the flames. Mr. Tweed was at Marshall, at tending court, when he heard of the tragic event, and left at once for his farm, which is located 15 miles from here. .. The Gaiety. The Gaiety is presenting Tuesday and Wednesday only, two very thrill ing war dramas, "In the Hands of the Enemy;" and "The Renegade." Both of these subjects are surrounded by the thrill, and . excitement . of. battle., and are . well worked out in detail, and realistic effect. "In the Hands of the Enemy" is one complete real of over 1,000 feet, and equals or even surpasses "The Blue and the Grey" seen at the Gaiety about ten days ago, and enjoyed by such large - and apreciativa aiidl- ences. She Likes Good Things. Mra Phuo W Smtth .if Woct Franklin, Maine, says: "I like good i things and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine, because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it." These painless purifiers sold at all drug stores. 25 cents. Exhibition of John Robinson's Circus, Durham, Thursday, Au. 20. On account of the above occasion Southern Railway announces low iflaa Jpnow lever ana were wunoui rate of $1.10 Raleigh to Durham and medical aid and attention. The As return. Tickets on sale Thursday; sociated Charities moved the family good until Friday for return. W. H. from a Poor honse 011 Blount stre3t McGlamery, P. & T. A., Raleigh. 'to commodious rooms in the Trade building, furnished the woman with Malaria Make Pale Blood. The Old Standard GROVETS TASTE- LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma - larla and -builds up the system. For grown people and children. 60c. Low Rates via Southern. ( $2.35 Raleigh to Winston-Salem and return: account Confederate Vet-1 erans' reunion. On sale Aug. 18, .the Raleigh baseball club, whicuwas 19, 20. Final limit, Aug. 22. j to have been given last night in $7.10 Raleigh to Charlotte and .Nash Square, was postponed on ac return; account Republican State count of the rain until tonight. Convention. On sale Aug. 25. Final limit, Aug. 30. For information, address W, McGlamery, P. & T. A., Raleigh. H. Lots for everybody at the big auc tion sale on Thursday, August 20, South Fayetteville street and Fay etteville road. errn O w0 wO i?Llllf When the blood is pure and healthy, iree irom ail Diemisnes ana eruptions ; out wnen some acia nuiuor root in the circulation, its presence is quickly manifested by some form of skin disease. The skin receives its necessary nourishment and strength from the blood. When, however, this vital fluid becomes a bamor-laden stream, it can no longer preserve the healthy, natural appearance pf the skin, but by its acrid, impnre nature continually irritates and inflames the delicate tissues and fibres and keeps the cuticle in a diseased and disfigured condition. External applications cannot reach the blood, and therefore are beneficial only for their ability to reduce inflammation, and assist in keeping the parts clean. To cure any skin trouble the blood must be purified of the humors that are causing the trouble. S. S. S. drives out the humors from the blood so that the skin, Instead of being irritated and diseased, is nourished by a healthv. coolini stream. 3. S. S. roes down into the circulation and removes every particle of impure matter, ' the blood to its normal, pure condition; disease or affection. Book on skin diseases and any medical advice iree to all who write, TH2 SWEPt SPECIFIC CO., ATUHTli OA. THE CHASE CITY CONTESTOPENED Many Inquiries By Frieods for Aspirants LAST ONLY TEN HAYS The Trip to the Mecklenburg Springs is ' Attracting Attention: It Seems as if Many Will Enter. A number of inquiries have al ready come to this office from differ ent ones interested in the great Chase City Contest, which has Just begun, although none of the names will be printed before Saturday. The contest has opened with a push and it is expected that a num ber of married people will enter the race. Different friends of couples have been in this office all during the day and have made several en tries. . ; ' With the opening of the contest, which was officially announced yes terday afternon, it will only last ten days, therefore in that time some work has to be done. There are some who have entered the contest wHh the determination of winning, and they are going to put in some hard work for this great prize. When you enter the race you should have your mind made up to the fact hat you have got to work and with ly a few days' work you could ily win this fine trip. Have you evsr been to Chase City or the Meek- I'lenburg Mineral Springs? If not, ryou, have doubtless read of its popu- Jarity in the papers of the state as well as having heard some of your friends speak of the magnificent sur roundlngs, the many different com forts and pleasures at : this great hotel. No expense will be spared, on the part of The Evening Times to make this the most enjoyable trip which it has ever offered. Send In your names at once and then let your friends know that you have entered the race, and have done so with the determination of win ning, then they will help you. New Charters Today. St. Helena Colony Company, of Wilmington. Object to buy and sell land aud grow crops' of all kinds, build houses, and establish colonies. The authorized capital stock is fixed at $100,000, 450 shares of preferred stock and 550 shares of common. The company is to begin business when $1,000 has been paid In. In corporators, C. L. Fisher, C. Van 'Leuven, T. W. Davis, H. . M. Chase, and Hugh McLean. ' Merchants' Dray Company, of Ashevllle, Is chartered to do a gen- fra! draftaf 4 buf nf 8?; The author ized capital stock is $15,000. Paid in, $3,100. Incorporators, A C. Jackson, L. C. Cardiff, G. R aad W, Marshell. Hayes, Aids Needy Family. The Associated Charities aided a needy family yesterday to a great ex tent. The case was a widow with three sick children. The children ice tickets, money and clothing. The children were later taken to tns hospital, where every attention will be given them. LAWN FETE TONIGHT IN NASH SQUARE. The lawn fete for the benefit of It is expected that a large crowd will attend the fete and an evening of real pleasure is assured all who attend. In. case of rain tonight the fete will be held in the rooms of the re publican club in the Henry building. The orchestra will furnish music for the dancing. CURES DISEASES the skin will be spft, smooth, and j all acids and humors, and restores ' thereby curing every form of skin; CONSTIPATED? HEADACHE? JUDGE PARKER OPTIMISTIC. Thinks Same Mistaken Calculations Are Being Made by Stock . - Brokers. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Uortland, Ore., Aug. 19. Alton B. Parker, who with.DeLancey Ni coll, of New York, haB arrived here to open the democratic campaign in Oregon today, is oh record as proph ecying a campaign of surprises. Mr. Parker said: .:' X " '' 'j; '. "There will be many strange de velopments in the campaign before the fall. I do not wish to commentn on them or say what they will be. I will only say that there will be such developments that the men who speculate in stocks, basing their buy ing and selling on the outcome of the presidential: election, will have to hedge more than once.: "It will be an interesting cam paign and filled with surprises. Any man who sits down and makes out a table of how the various states will go 1 will find when the returns are in that he has made many niis taeks in his calculations." Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more . 6. G. King THE GAIETY SPECIALS Held by the Enemy The Renegade ADM I SS I ON t AFTERNOON. NIGHT . ... ' 6c. 10c. GAffiTY THEATRE- COOLED BY ELECTRICITY. THE GEM CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILY: SPECIAL: r UNDER FIRE. MOURNING FOR THE LOSS V OF CHILD. JUSTICE OF A REDSKIN CASE OF, ARSON V '," Foster & Mansfield i f RALEIGH AND WILMINGTON. To Join ' the Carolina Association, Making An Eight-Club League, ' (Special to The Times) Charlotte, Aug. .19 Applications from Wilmington .and Ra)elgh were received at the meeting of the direc tors of the Carolina Association of Baseball Clubs here tonight. An eightrclub league will probably, be formed, taking in the two cities men tioned.'. The first year has been pros perous in several ways. . Only routine business was transacted at the meet ing, v- ... . . -'" , . ' For Sore Feet. "I have found-Bucklen's 'Arnica Salve to be the proper thing to use for sore feet, as well as for healing burns, sores,' cuts, and all manner of abrasions," writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maine. It is the proper thing too for piles. Try it! Sol A under guarantee at all drug store 25 cents.- . BUSINESS BUILDERS LET US HAUL Your Baggage. We give claim checks, CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO., 'Phones, 470. R. L. WILSON . . . . . . Manager. OAICAVOOD AVENUE GROCERY, Now Under New Management. Dealer in Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Chickens and Eggs a Specialty. Our Motto: We tell yon the truth, sell to you reasonable, and give you' prompt delivery. V. H. SPRUILL, Proprietor. ANYTHING IN WOOD. When in need of a wood-worker call 831Y. N. J. NORDAN, 826 South Swain St. See wood-work in stores of O. G. King and Kaplan Bros, in new Ma sonic Temple. . SPECIAL Just received a big line of Sample Shoes that we will sell at wholesalo cost. Sow is .your .time .to .save money. Our regular stock is com plete. ; . 'v PEEBLES & EDWARDS. THE GASOLIXE IRON Mas no superior. Let me come and si iow vou how BOod a thins it is. It is by far the cheapest and easiest way ! of ironing. Th universal testimony is "I can't do without it." For sal3 by MRS. 1. C. BLADl, ' 128 Saunaers Street, Raleigh, N. C. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND ELECTRICAL WIRING. Estimates gladly furnished on any work. FARMER COLE PLUMBING CO., Under Mechanics Savings Bank, Fayetteville Street. fen ii -(j1-r,Krfjs frrf? i ' 1 .Jt i k i ."1 .a . 19 U Jalil '. tNO NEtfii JOBBERS COKTRACTOr.3 Si L n VMM PT 4ito CAPCITY K.Km ; J A fresh supply of Flash-Lights and Butteries just arrived. The S if Ion Mm Is now on and, as is customary with all firms, we are makr , ing big "cuts" in prices on our summer clothing. Will not be long, now -before our fall stock arrives and we must have the room, hence these "cut prices." And, then too, at this season of the year the men folks are in need of fill - we are bountifully supplied. Everything for the boys and men folks. ; FAYETTEVILLE STREET - - - . HALEIok, K, 0. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW, P. PAULINE with cork protected Both makes are favorites arid now haye Hose Supporters attached. Models for slender, medium and stout fipres. PRICES : : : 50c. to$2.50 It hpmpa A. Partin Company LADIES' TUBNISHINGMk and K0VELT1X3. 131 Fayetteville Street, NEXT TO NEW MASONIC TEMPLE, RALEIGH N.C. Our Reduction Sale q! OXFORDS : : 0 Will only last a few days longer. We have made a tremendous reduction on this line. Prices so low it would pay you to buy for next summer. Come now and look at these Oxfords, and if we have your fit we are satisfied the low prices will be Edgar E. SUCCESSOR TO FAYETTEVILLE STREET - -v RALEIGH, N. C. This Hot Weather Causes the wiltering of the collars, shirts. Cuffs, etc.. but the Call City Laundry can easily remedy your troubles in this line when they receive your laundry. Phone for our wagon to call. Oak City Steam ,Laundr NOW OIIMMtD w oumiiiLii n 1 I ' The place to to prepare POSITION, and to get ready for TIES BUSH of th fan holiness la AT DRAUCHON'S PRACTICAL DUSINESS COLLEGE INDORSED by business men from Mains to California. Catalogue TREK; ask toe IT. t Ruleigh, cof. Martiu and Wilmington. Capital City Phone 281. ' N., NEWMAN, clasps, : and Ala Spiijte. ana of interest Broughton, LEE & BROrGHTON. BSjCSS ON r-v m I- & get a good I I 1 1 for a GOOD in - garments, of which ;J ; - V Jf "