BeSu. FuPACIES FOS TODAY SCaa- tes for Office Many .-Complications in the Race. .-. Nine Candidates For the Legisla ture Case Against Junior Order. Mr. Everett High and Dry. (Special to The Times) Durham, . Aug. 22 The democratic primaries are being held throughout the !cpunty , today, and every county officer, with the exception of superior court clerk, is standing for re-elec-op or nomination. ; Clerk Green is not, citosW again until two years hence.' -v " V .' , :. There baa seldom been a primary in clutch there are Biich complications;-' There are nine candidates for the legislature, though but three, are being seriously considered. Arley M. Moore, S. C. Chambers, and Y. .Si. S'mfth wilV so disintegrate the1 vote that' no nomination on first ballot can . possibly 'take effect Saturday, August 29.! Benjamin Lovenstein is making the . most aggressive campaign, though he is not being considered nearer than fourth in the race. The legalized primary with the Mecklen burg feature, is the law under which the election is being held. The polls opened in the city precincts at 12, and in the rural districts at 2 p. m. The cpuntry precincts will close at 6 and the '.' c(ty , at 8. It is believed that every candidate's strength will be known and there is the greatest in terest in the outcome. 1 Through attorneys Winston & Bryant, Mr. W. G. Page, administra tor of his son, 'Connie. Page, yester day brought suit against the National Council of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics for the collection of a. caim of $500 against the order due in the payment of a policy car ried by the young man. Mr. Page died early in the year and the claim has been resisted. The company in sists that his standing was bad and that the dues were in such shape that he could not be properly called a ben eficiary. But the father says every thing had been properly paid up and that be was entitled to the disability ' clause from the moment of his ill ness. The fight will be made before the September term of civil court. Edward F. Rdyster, who went gun ning for R.- O. Everett last week be cause the city attorney pressed claim of $ 5 3. H against him, alleg ing fraud, and who was afterwards put under a peace warrant, seems to have, no end to his troubles. Everett was good to him and allowed him to go ' free, .- though the magistrate In giving Judgment when he was sued by the Southern Pure Food Company, coupled that judgment with a charge of fraud. Everett allowed him to give a note and waited for slgna , tures. ' Finally that of Fred C. Greer, a rich bachelor, appeared on the pa per,, but when it was presented to the bank it .was at once disdained Waiito All Rett 0. 'Seehnk la. 19Ct, raciinrraoQw' . Chioaga, u, i (HBBmtD-Tsnt f DM It to tatnL In reply will Mr. swot Msandlr w ar' letter U any wvToaeee ft tor the beaeft at ttMWfftrtoc I win answer eg uurraapond DC M to Mf U MM. I (MMUMMl EODOL to ) I hear trombone about tfcetr Momenh. end bar bouffct many their Br bottle. JU that to requires to a Mel of IODOL. k talk for ItoaU.. Yosts von truly, ' - q. . oomou. ' ELodol for Dyspepsia. digests what you eat, akss tin train off of ths heart, and centrib Us : nourishment strength and health to every organ .of the body.. For bkot&n, Dyspapsla, Soar , ' Stomach, inflammation' of tha mu cous membranes Uning the Stomach and Digestive Tract, Nervous Dys pepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach. CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRUG LAW Digests What You Eat came during the weVkv bringing a party of young men, Messrs. Wylie, Schoolfleldi, and Prltchett, . and all added, to the social life during their stay, and. will return the first 6f Sep tember. '. - '. .. - Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lownsberry ex ceedingly pleasant people of Norfolk, Who have been spending " the past month here most beneficially, will re main during September. Mr. P. M. Carney, of Rome, N. Y., arrived this week in his touring car with a party of friends. .'." V Returning friends are' Mrs. J.' J. Hall and Miss Edith M. Hall, of Fay-etteville. Among the many people here are Mrs. R. B. Taylor, Miss A. Urqu hart, M. L. T. Davis, Mrs. A. Cj. Mor ris, W. D. Simpson and family, Mr. and Mrs.' W. W. Dey, A. Dey, W. W. Stoely, Norfolk, Va.; J. O. Finch, C. Friends, T. H. Pace, W. ' T. Dabney, Mrs. S. E. Bates, Anne Bates and Marie Bates, N. L.1 Massey, W. P. Leggett, E. L. Alsot, R. O. Jones, J. T. West, A. P. Cone, R. R. Roberts, Jr., Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. L. Bland, West Point; H. P. Mor rill, Pennsylvania; F. E. Fuller, New Y9rk;. .W. N. Thomas, Ohio; S. H. Wightman, Baltimore; G. H. Flow ers, H.Balton, Durham; W. V. Wil liams, T. E. Hubbard, Danville; T. F. Pettus, Jr., Wilson, N. C; F. P. Elmo, Baltimore; H. P. Jackson, Texas. " For Sale by Klng-Crowell Drug Co. GROWS IN POPULARITY Every Day Full to the Brim With Pleasure August fme tells on the nerves. But hat spiritless, no ambition feeling can be easily and quickly altered by taking jvhat is known by druggist everywhere is Dr. Shoop's Restorative. : Within 48 lours after beginning to use the Resto rative improvement will be noticed, Df course, full health will not Immedi. itely return. The gain, ' however, will urely follow. And best of all you will ealize and feel your strength and am bition as It Is returning. "Outside in Suences depress first the "lnsldes nerve hen the stomach, heart and kidneys will uscally fall. Strengthen these fail iny nerves, with Dr. Shoop's Restora- ive and see how quickly health will be yours again. Sold by Henry T. Hicks fe Co. Bowling Parties, Bridge Parties, Family Parties, Pretty Girls, Quar tettes,. Etc. Many Visitors There Now. '. ;; . (Correspondence to The Times) The Mecklenburg, Chase City, Va. Aug. 21 Each day the popularity o( the Mecklenburg as a health and pleasure resort ever grows; true is that every day is full to the brim with pleasure, impromptu and other affairs, entertaining very satisfac torily all who come here in search of amusement -and the cool refreshing breezes soon ; give everyone "the happy smile that won't come off." The hotel has , been enlivened by the pres ence of many young people, and horse back riding has been unusually pop ular, enthusiastic riders going each day.: -, ' The children enjoyed a most de lightful bowling party on Friday When Mrs. C. B. Law, of Cincinnati, who never forgets the little ones, gave all the children of the hotel the time of their lives with, the fasclnat- Ino hnv hnll trnmA Mtaa Sflrn Rrnrlr ana. Mr ureer aeniea ever navmg ai- captured the glrra prlze( a dalntj u. .6u. nu,8ier i mBtt kodax album; Master Buel Cooke and dry, but with the sympathy of the boy.B prlze a burnt ieatnei luiuan wuuu, u zuaue a ir.ue mi8-,pen aQ(, penc case and preBented lt I?u, ;llu wwh .mj w ai-, t0 Ma8ter Mlrabeau Hughes, while lowed to go free and end the mat- wm Hughes, Jr., received the conso- ; lation, a box of candy. uu ii.B. rBB ww, wnos a morning bridge party on Satur- u, .w. unu lUB c,rcuB per- d was one of the week.s plea8ant formance. we'e more : than Joyed eventg. This was given in honor ol uuu H1KUt several uuurs er Mls8 Kate Royi of Washlngton. D. C w pDi4.uaauv.0, wuru uu , The prtze & ioveiy bridge set, wat '"V"""0 uiuiB wn uau by Mrs. Hostetter, North Caro The boy ' of five was lost and every effort to locate him failed. He finally i needie urea oi waiting ror ms latner .ana mother and wended his way home. The city police station was abso lutely empty this morning, not an ar rest being made. The work of the officers is daily growing smaller. The town has been, on lady-like behavior more than two months. Una, and the honor-guest was pre sented with a dainty silver ribbon :t TIow to Avoid Appendicitis. .Most victims of appendicitis are hab itually constipated. Foley's OT(no Lax ative cures chronic ' constipation by stimulating the-, liver and bowels and restoring the natural action of the bow els. , Foley's Orino Laxative . does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleas ant to takel Refuse substitutes. O. G. King. - A very delightful family party froir Lynchburg includes Mr. and 'Mrs, A. Watts, James Watts and Ashbj Watts. : , Such a pretty girl is Miss Bessie Dey. one of Norfolk's most attract ive debutantes,' who is spending some time here. ,. A charming quartette from North Carolina, who have been very popu lar here lor the past months, are Misses Helen Crenshaw, Evelyn Ayd lett, Ida Flora and Ettie Aydlett, Miss Eva Treadway, one of Chat ham's most attractive girls, was here last week. '.;, '"- " : ' ':'. Bright and ' vivacious ' Miss Lucie Morton, of Qeeysvllle, Va., hat charmed all the guests with her beautiful voice, and everyone has en- . 'A Jefferson Standard Policy la Declaration of Independence for the Joyed her singing, family. Mr. M. P. Williams, of Danville, FOR V- Whea bad blood it caused from an infection of the circulation by the Trns of Contagious Blood Poison, it usually shows in the form of ulcerated 'month and throat, copper-colored 'Splotches on the body, swollen glands in the groin; fallinjr hair, sores and ulcers, etc. These general lymptoms, affectinfcr' all parts of the body, . show how deeply poisoned the blood becomes, and emphasizes the dangerous character of the trouble. If allowed to remain in the system the disease will finally wreck the health and break d6w the strongest constltuUon. No medicine can cure uomaeious moo Poison which does not rid the circulation of every particle of the virus. 8. S.S. is th one real and certain cure, it goes down to the very bottom of 'the trouble, and by removing; every trace of the poison, ana aaaug ricn, nealthfnl dualities to the blood, forever cures this towerf ul disorder. ' 3. S. S, is the most reliable of all blood purifiers, and iU concentrated ingredients of healthful vegetable extracts and iulcea especially adapt it to curing, this , insidious trouble. Write for. our horns treatment book, which is a valuable IA im hahMl vf A:(tTM afama nf th dfa. and 1r for BV pedal medical advict you wish. Nocharga for either. . . : , :( . j"u"Si W M Illlll ffili! y. n 1 Itf B Largest and f,!ost Complete Whiskey House in The South ifl Qo (Juaraaieed Under Tl Naf Ws herewith present our mammoth plant, oeeapyinr 60,000 sqara feat of speee, thoroughly equipped with every modern appliance known to the art of Handing fine whiskiss. Every package whleh leaves our plant we guarantee to be absolutely pure, The high standard which we have maintained for so many years and the in creased sals of our brands is evidence within itself of the bav grron the publio. OLD HENRY (Its long record proves merit) JEFFERSON CLUB (Excellent and Superior) FULL DRESS (Price High, Quality Higher) ROONEY MALT WHISKEY For Medicinal Use) DIXIE CORN (Old and Pure - ... . . TURKEY (UN (Perfection In Quality) . . For sale by all leading distribu' ors, or write us enolosing poatefleo r erdw and we will have your order Slled promptly, shipped in plain ,?! 4 taM qnarts 94.0 4 fun quarts S4.0C 4 fuU quarts $S.M 4 full quarts $4.0 4 fall quarts $4.0t 4 full quarts $4M STRAUS, QUNST & CO., DISTILLERS AND BLENDERS OF FINE WHISKIES, RICHMOND, VA. HATE TX rOUB HOMB Morth Star Refrigerator tVater Coolers, Ice Cream Freeaers 4creen Windows, OU Stoves. If you buy a NORTH STAB yon -educe your ICE BILLS. HART-WARD HARDWARE COMPANY. DA and your craving for liquor is gone If you take the McKanna Cure There Is none like it offered anywhere outside of . McKanna's. No Dangerous After Effects. Call or write .- , ; ': . McKANNA THREE-DAT LIQUOR CURE CO. Phone 184, REIDSTILLB, IS. O. THE NORTH CAROLINA and Mechanic Arts, Practical education In Agriculture; In ClviL Electrical, and Mechanical Engineerings In Cotton Manufactur ing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemis try. Tuition MB year Board 910 i month. 120 scholarships. Exam (nation for admission at the College on September 2. Address, THE PRESIDENT, West Raleigh, N. O. TO r.QTr.Ens. -,', HR3. WlNS'OWa SOOTHlNti but mm iued hr Minhnatot Hotbm tot tban- twiub( lor oer irmy Yean. imt, allayl ebUarm Bll twiubi tot or It aoatiM Ui ebliil, mtina tb gui tin. mire, tvlna 0(U1 aaa M IM dm i iy y ( E'TT.riVC OEKTS A PVTTI.K. . PREPARING MEDICINE From Doctors' Prescript tions is not only our most important work, but it is also the work we like best to do. ' - WE TAKE A professional pride in . this work and give lt our unstinted endeavor. Will you trust your prescrip tion in our care. MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY Oi G. KING, A PROPRIETOR. mw A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To all knowing nufferors of rheumatism, wheth er muacnlar or of the joints, Hclatlca, lumbagua, backache; alna In the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her (or a home treatment which bar repeatedly cored all of these tortures. She feeli lt her duty to send lt to aU suffereri) FREE. Tog cure yourself at home as thousands will testify no change of climate being neces sary. This simple fliacovery banishes nrlc acid from the Mood, loosens the stiffened joints, pur ines the Mood, and brightens the eyes, airing elasticity and tone to the whole sratem. If the abore Interests yon, for proof address . tin. H. Summers, Box B, Notre Dame, lad. L.-yTO-WIGHT jtrrnm mwus two w CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the Vest J. '-.-: . WO PAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. i'Ii rough Pullman Sleepers to Louis ville, Cincinnati, Chicago, .',..':' and St. Louis. if. Richmond . 2:00pm 11:00 p 10 tiv. Cbar'Bvnia . 6:20pm : 1:62am 4:00pm 8125 am 11:80 am 6:30 p m , 6.30 pm Oonnectlons for All West and Northwest. Lv. Lyacbb'rg Vr. Cincinnati .r. LoulBVllle , Vr. Chicago , Ar. St. Louis Miwcl 6:00 p m 8:00 p m 7:10 am 7:17am Points QUICKEST AM) BEST ROUTE. he Lino to the Celebrated Resorts ' . i of Vlrguila. -, Fur descriptive matter, schedules ml Pullman Reservations, address ; W. O. WARTEEN, s , . D. P. A., Rlchmoud, 7a. JNO. D. POTTS, ! 1 :;.'"' Otal Pas. Agent ft Si A We Prepay All Express Charges. ORDERS FOR BEER Shipped by Express in Plain Packages Day Received, Therefore Fresh Goods. Gold Medal Award, Jamestown Exposition, For Purity THESE ARE PRICES FOR THE STATE OF N. C. S Doz; 4 ltoz. u Doz. $4.00 $6.00 4.20 6.30 4.60 6.00 4.60 6.0O IODojs.' 12 Do. $11.50 $13.20 10.50 12.00 .11.50 13.20 11.S0 130 Wurzburger Beer, $2.50 Pilsiner Beer . . . 2.50 Pwetine Malt Ext. 2.50 Capuzicner " 2.50 We Allow 80 Cents Per Dozen For Returned Bottles. REMIT MONEY OR EXPRESS ORDER. THE VIRGINIA BREWING CO., ROANOKE. VIRGINIA. THE WRIGHT REMEDIES FOR HORSES AND MULES They are all the name implies. These Remedies are the re sult of years of experience with horses and their ailments, and are used and endorsed by the largest stock owners throughout the coun try. For the horses' sake keep a supply in your stables. . iiSMlfiKtl'.Kt (nut THEWRI6H1 LINIMENT The Wrlunt Coll Remedy The Wright Cold anJ Fever ReniBiiv The Wright Gall and Blood Purifier The Wright Tonic and Condition Powder lha Wright Purgative The Wright Scralchee Cum Tha Wright Liniment Wrmht Remedies are quick and siire In their reiiilts, effecting permanent cures. Insist upon letting thfm and accept do lubailtute. If your rtesler rsnnot supply you, write us and we will have you supplied. ' ' THE WRIGHT H0RC RfMfDIES CORPORATION, At the So. Stock Ysrds, . RICHMOND, VA' M sill VAKE COUNTY OKVin sf S . rf INTEREST CCMPOUNDED 5EMf-ANNUALLY! YOUR tEPOSJT T.B. Crowded. Pftticwi W.B. GWMr'. V. FteSooa?. Every Tcsij to lntaratUd and should know about tee wonderful Marvel "zrrr Ask ear drnnrtrt I tt. IT b esnaot tapnl tha VARVKU aeoaot TtM other, but lend itamp tor Olo. tntA book m1L It rlTM rill partleulari and rilreotiona Invaluable . to ladle. laAHVsX CO 44 L t4 tt. Htm Terk 1 , wwr 1 NEW AMSTERDAM HOTEL 4th Are. & 21.t St. New York 1 i Euroiaan Fbn' - . Hoonn with nao Ot nnth ft and up. With trl. VaM null M trna, VM0 tor lo and upward. New BatZis cud Plnmblag ' Hot! Cepvttilml Luxitiim in Cite From HI ot n-lbwa-l frr 'rtor from Oratit Oo.i.n nxatluu, tvaa oart Clract to hwMii no tranifjn, Csecba Bates Made aaMWWMaMWM td"0) irkTir