Om RALEIGH EVENING TIMES; FRIDAY, - AUGUST 3, 1CC3. 1 1 1 ' : ""' i f aii.f.nt . , j v,i A '"iiLCOHOl 3PEB cisNTI slniiittiflgdcFbnf; ungate smtracte ImotesDigestionJChrtifuI-5 lssandIfestontaliisneittr) Omumorphine norttuKraM NOT MARC OTIC. BaptilSmi' tfm5ittm Hon.Sour StDmacluDiantottj Worms JCoiwalswnsJwmsfr nessandLossorSEEEP. ffc State Sujnamr of 1 id To? Infanta and Children. Tho Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Sears Signature 018 I A AV f Use POLICE RAID . DOEOES Sleeping Vagraots Arrasifcd in fliipgo . ANYPEO FLE GOELESS Cape Fear Drives 2,S 00 Peflplei From Teeir Somes With An Hours AVork 103 Men Are "Arrested and 200 Escape in' the Darkness Bad Been Using Empty Freight Cars as Lodging House. Conditions At FayetteviUe - Serious and , Growing ..Worse River Reached Sixty-five Feet This Morn ing and Still Rising Six Will See Its Highest Probably. ' 1 undWtheFoi Ezaa Copy of Wnpper. lor Over Thirty Years Mill .w ecimvr twiuT, mtf tom env. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, Aug. 28 Police, aided by ailroad detectives, "made a spectacu lar raid on sleeping vagraats who had" taken refuge in Illinois. Central Railroad freight cars today, and af ter an hour's work arrested 165 of the railway lodgers. An empty freight car, to which a switch engine was attached, was converted into a combination patrol wagon and lock up. Two detectives guaraea tne car door and as the moving jail rolled slowly down the tracks policemen hurled startled prisoners Into its depths. Thrilling pursuits of fleeing tramps marked the progress of the raid Over 200 men escaped by dodging be tween freight cars and running down the tracks. Three were captured as they were about to leap into the lake in an effort to escape arrest. Forty- six of the prisoners gave their names as "Jack Smith." Soma of the most, famous -"track pedestrians" in the country were in the lot and every state in the union was represented. . v (Special to The Times.) Fayettevllle, N. C Aug. 28. The entire lower section of the city is submerged and 2,000 people are homeless and the river Is still ris ing. Conditions are serious, and growing worse. The river at eight 'clock this morning was ' sixty-five feet and rising at the rate of three inches an hour. , v The Atlantic Coast Line has run a train of coal cars on their bridge to hold it down. It is expected to be gin falling about 6 p. m. All crops in the river bottom are flooded and several shanties have been washed away. V DOREAN HOTEL (Brick Fireproof) Ocean Front at Vermont Avenue ! ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. OPEN ALT. TEAR Gambol Room, Music, Ocean Front, ' Refined Surroundings AccomodMisns Jor350 guests, ele gantlp ftwnlsbed, rooms and bath single or en suite. Dining rooms and sun parlcr over - looking ocean. EXCELLENT CUISINE. NEW GRILLE A LA AMERICA. Billiards, Shuffle Board, Etc. Music, Write for literature. EL E. MORALL, Prop. BETTER CONDITIONS IN SOUTH CAROLINA THE WESTMONT (FORMERLY HOTEL SENATE) Rhode Island Ave. and the Beach, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Columbia, S. C, Aug. 28. With the waters in the principal Btreams la the outlying districts rapidly re ceding the flood situaton has some what improved. Railroad, telegraph and the transportation facilities are still less interrupted, but public travel and business are much interfered with. At 8:30 last night the water readied its height 35.2: feet in the Congaree river at Columbia. There has been a fall of over three feet since yesterday. Reports from Ca tawba Junction state that the Cataw ba river has fallen eight feet within the last twenty-four hours and it is believed that the force of the flood is Bpent. . The estimated loss in the neigh borhood of Columbia alone Is placed at over $300,000. Conservative estimates of the damage wrought by the flood in the loss of public bridges throughout the 3tate is $1,000,000. - Got Rich Though Insane. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Bloomineton, Ills., Aug. 28. His going insane probably was respon sible for Charles L. Draper's becom ing wealthy before his death. He died in the asylum at Kankakee. When his mind failed Draper had a small competence but was fast get ting rid of it. During Draper's in carceration Judge E. R. E. Kim- broogh,. his conservator, built up his estate until it is now worth nearly $500,000. The Hotel has been enlarged, re fitted and handsomely furnished throughout. It now occupies one square, with unobstructed Ocean View, It has 15,000 square feet of porch floor, 50,000 square feet of flower lawn, and 200 rooms, 75 of which are en suite, with private bath, together with modern sani tary Improvements. The cuisine is unexcelled, the service the best. . OPEN ALL THE YEAR. WEST, MONTAGUE & WEST. Headquarters for Southerners in New York. . iaaiaa . rt X 1-' trf Out t--"jWsL imuAWAY CENTRAL HOTEL Cor. Third Street IN. THE HEART OF NEW TQRK "Special attention given to Ladles unescorted SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER OUR TABLE is the foundation of our enormous business. ' American Flan, $2.50 upwards European Plan $1.00 upwards Bend for Large Colored Map and - Guide of New Tork, FREE. TILLY HA YNES, Proprietor. ' DANIEL C WEBB, Mgr., Formerly of Charleston, S. C. ' The Only New York Hotel Featuring AMERICAN PLAN Excellent Food. Good Service. . - ' ' Moderate Price ' DETECTIVE ARRESTED. At the Instance of George Fitzgerald and His Lawyer. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, Aug. 28 George. Fitzger ald, former assorting teller in the sub-treasury, arrested on suspicion of having stolen $173,000, appeared at the office , of Captain P. D O Brien today and asked for war rants for the arrest of Herbert F, Young, private detectlve( on uncharge of embezzlement. ; ''.?. ' Fitzgerald and his lawyers declare the revelations they intend to make on which the warrant will be based would cause a sensation. Fitzgerald was visibly excited, as was also his lawyer. Mr. Litzinger, however, de clared that no announcement could be made until after the matter had been placed in the hands of Captain O'Brien. MISS WERNE A SUICIDE. Cultured Society Woman Jumps Into Lake Michigan. . (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, Ills., Aug. 28. Miss Mary F. Werne, one of the 'most beautiful girls of Kentucky, well ed ucated, cultured and closely related to several of the best families of Virginia, Kentucky, Texas and Illi nois, committed suicide during the early dawn of yesterday by leaping into Lake Michigan at 66th street and the Breakwater. The girl was afflicted with a men tal malady and believed she was go ing insane. She was engaged to mar ry George Mansfield, a prominent business man of El Paso, Texas. The marriage had once been postponed because of her illness. THE CAMPAIGN HAS BEGUNS IN EARNEST SAILORS CLAIM THE RAG. Say Tobacconists Backed Down and Would oXt Play, Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 28. The Wilmington baseball team arrived here yesterday from Wilson, where they were scheduled to play three games for the pennant of the East ern Carolina League. The Wilson team refused to finish the series, glv tag as their grounds the rainy weather and the poor condition of the diamond. The Wilmington management claims the pennant on the grounds that the Wilson team forfeited any right to the pennant when they re fuse to finish the Berlea. The ques tion will be decided at a meeting of the directors of the league next week. The two teams played three games, Wilmington winning two. DR. CHADWICK BANKRUPT. Personal Debt, $1,750 Debts Through Wife, $650,000. Cleveland, O., Aug. 28 Dr. Leroy S. Chadwlck, husband of Cassio Chad' wick, who died in the penitentiary,, whera she was sentenced for colossal! frauds, Las filed a petition In bank ruptcy. His personal debts be places at $1,750, while , debts contracted through indorsing notes and checks for his wife he places at about $60,- 000. C ; (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Aug. 28 The mid summer political calm is over and the period of real campaign hustle and bustle, which will end only with election day has begun. In all the headquarters in this city republican and democratic, state and national campaign managers and workers are bestirring themselves and all is life and activity where for weeks there has been little or nothing doing. Today promised to be the busiest of the campaign up to date in this locality. EDITOR SHOOTS HIMSELF. Mr. Chafee, of Augusta Herald Vic ' tim of Accident. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Augusta, Ga., Aug. 28. James J. Chafee, until recently managing edi tor of the Augusta Herald, accident- ly 3hot himself yesterday while on train from Atlanta to Augusta. Being seated in a car with Mr. Pinknev Steiner. of this city, the latter suggested that they go to the smoker and get a cigar, whereupon Mr. Chafee said he had cigars in his hand satchel and opened the satchel and was getting jthem when his cuff caught the trigger of a revolver, which was discharged, the ball en tering his abdomen, and from the ef fects of which he died a Bhort time afterward. His body was brought to the city last night but on account of the flood cannot be carried to his home and mother in Charleston yet. Mr. Chafee waB about twenty-five years old and unmarried, leaves a mother and several sisters and one or more brothers, two sisters living in Columbia, one brother in Aiken and his mother in Charleston. BEATEN UNMERCIFULLY. Little Boy's Back Lacerated and Eye Blackened With a Strap. A case of unusual cruelty came under the notice of. the law today. A little colored boy between six and seven, years old, named Sylvester Morgan, was Deaten so Daaiy mai lie now Buffers with a black eye, a bruised knee and his back is lacerat ed. A piece of harness with a buckle on it was the instrument of torture, says the little boy. The little boy has been living at various places since his mother for sook him when he was only. an in fant. For the past two months he has resided at the home of one Mar tha Couch, in Watson's field. She has been switching him very ften, but the climax came yesterday and last night. The Couch woman and her sister ate a whole watermelon and would not give the boy a piece. After they had finished their repast they insisted that the boy should car ry out the rhines. Because he re fused she grabbed a piece of harness, with a buckle on it, and used it with the above bad effect. Not being sat isfied with the afternoon's work, she beat him aagln last night. Such cases as this deserve the worst punishment the law allows. V Constable Byrum served the war rant on the Couch woman and her trial is now going on at H. H. Rob art's office. PASSENGER TRAIN DERAILED Fast Flyer Leaves Track in Atlanta and Crashes Into Freight. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 28. Central Railway passenger train No. 95, Jacksonville-Chicago flyer, was de railed at Whitehall street crossing this morning and crashed into, a string of freight cars. The negro fireman was slightly injured. All passengers, most of whom were tourists, escaped with a shake-up. CONSTIPATED? HEADACHE? At the Gem. The Gem has today a number of Interesting subjects as change of program. The feature picture, "Ab- iuction," is a special, for today only, and is very interesting. The picture leals with an Egyptian romance. A ?ypsy, a strolling musician, has desperate "masher", . whose love icorned and he is turned away. The masher, in revenge for the lady's un kind treatment, kidnaps the girl, by the aid of an automobile, and carries her away to his mansion in the woods whare she is rescued by the mand of xypsles. - A duel follows the rescue of the girl. . In spite of the bad weather for the last few days, the lovers of this amusement have been out in large numbers. DROWNED AT NF.USE. VCHE ASE YCD GOIuG TO SHED YCift VACAripN? $ $ AT 1 1 QECEEBNBDBG : W H Y : TEE BECAUSE I. THE EVENING TIMES is going ' to give a free trip to the most popular married couple in Raleigh and we expect to ' have the most votes, and spend a week as the guests of this Fine Hotel. - ' ; : , . BECAUSE JL The Hotel, per sc, has all the ... . . modern conveniences and comforts of a city hotel elevators, electric light, 'steam heat, long and short distance i telephones, telegraph, pool-, room, ball-room, etc., with all the delightful out-of-door attractions of a splendidly appointed country place.'. The Mecklenburg is admirably situated in the centre of beautiful wide-spreading lawns, with groves and woods adjacent, making charming walks, rides and drives possible at any time. The Mecklenburg Stables are well stocked with excellent saddle and harness horses, including as a special feature this season, well-broken ponies for children, Who can be taken oat daily under the care of an experienced horse- BECAUSE 111. BECAUSE IV. and Bridge Gives Away. Buggy Horse Lost in the River. It is rumored over the city that wplle driving over the new road bridge over Neuse ' river the bridge gave away at one end and C. H. Smith ras drowned. ' The horse and buggy were also lost, gays the rumor. The hews was' received very late and there way of verifying it. BECAUSE V. BECAUSE VL BECAUSE VDl Being an all-the-year-round place. "The Mecklenburg" is al ways in excellent running condition, with service and cuisine of the highest order. The large shaded verandas, the cool, airy halls, the perfect venti lation and general roominess of the : place insure comfort during the warmest months. RFrAINF VII U 18 wry accesslble to rail" connections, being on the main . line of the Southern, whose Improved schedule is es pecially favorable to "The Mecklenburg" guests. "The Mecklenburg" offers the finest combination of attractions. for the money, of any place in the country, and Be. cause in view of the present existing financial condi tions everywhere, the Rates at "The Mecklenburg" have been made possible and attractive to all who wish to combine in their Vacation, rest, recreation, pleasure and comfort amid health-giving conditions. i It is the home of the famous Chloride of Calcium the only known water of its kind in the world, and of the Meck lenburg Lithia, the omblned use of which waters effect the most wonderful cures in Blood, Bone and Nerve diseases, Rheu natism, Brlght's Disease, Eczemq, Catarrh, Glandular Enlargements, Stomach and Diges tive derangements, an! is especially efficacious in ton ing and building up t'le system, whose run-down and . 'depleted condition, is peculiar to this season and also BECAUSE at every E (position, World and State Fairs where these waters hive been exhibited, they won the heaviest Medals and Premiums; some of the most eminent physicians of the world composing the Jury of Awards. ' ... BECAUSE IX. The Contest closes Saturday at 12 o'clock and all votes must be in THE EVENING TIMES OFFICE by that hour. DAVE YOU A FRIEND IN THE CONTEST ? Connelly Springs Hotel CONNELLY SPRINGS, N. C. (On Southern Railway, between Salisbury and Ashevllle) In sight of the most Picturesque Mountains in America. Cool, Refreshing Mountain Breeze, and positively the very finest Mineral Water in existence. Thoroughly Modern Hotel, with High Standard of Service, Good Orchestra, Ball Room, Tennis Court, Bowling Alley, Delightful Horseback Riding and Driving. , s Rates very reasonable. Further Information cheerfully furnished. HENRY L VAN ST0RYt BUDWEISEE, the most popular beer in the world. There Is less profit to the dealer who sails It, because It costs most at the brewery, yet Its sales exceed those of all . other Bottled Beers, which proves that Ha superiority Is recog nized verywher. THE BEST YET! "THE FIRING LINE" ;-.;.'U :'';:-v:.-''. by ;v : .v - ROBERT CHAMBERS - - $1.20 AT a-' ' '. , ALFRED WILLIAMS & COS.

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