- s HALHIGII, IT. 0.' - , ' ' " . ( PUBLISHED .BY THE VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY, - J. V. SIMMS, General Manager. 1 . TELEPHONES: . . Capital City. ' Editorial Office . . . .. ... 179 Business Office . . .' . I . . . , 178 Ifcalelgh. Editorial Office . . . . .. . 179 TRADES PCOUINCH. YESTERDAY'S CIRCULATION, 5,057." , . i rW rW rW r rw For President; WILLIAM J. BRYAN. SOt 30 3Ct 3C 30f 30 3C SC 30 30 . ATTENTION, RALEIGH! We would call your attention to the fact that the farmers of the state have met in convention, discuss ed ways and means for building up our great state ,and have gone to their homes, as quietly as they came, to put the things they have learned Into practice. Officially, Raleigh didn't know these good people were here. Other towns extend hearty greetings to such visitors. Their mayors make speeches of welcome. Chambers of Commerce do all iu their power to exploit their respective cities and give the "stranger within the gates" a pleasant time. Such things please the visitor, give him a liking for the city and make Him want to come back again. What did Raleigh do? Absolutely nothing. There was no official re cognition of the convention. If we have a mayor, a Chamber of Com merce, or- the -slightest appreciation of the honor these good people have done us In choosing our city as a meeting place, they don't know it. We mention these facts because we love this good city and feel that she needs' conventions of this sort. The only way to get them is to ap preciate them and make theiv coin ing here worth while. THE FARMERS' STATE CONVTEN ' TION. We have seen ; bigger conventions and conventions with more fuss and feathers, red fire and noisy accom paniments, but we have never seen a more earnest and devoted band of men and women than those faithful ones who'defied the fury of the ele ments and gathered in Raleigh last ..Tuesday. . The program as arranged was car ried out in its entirety and was full of Interest from first to last. The speakers seemed as full of enthus iasm and spoke as earnestly and elo quently as if thousands faced them. Certainly there was no lack of in terest in the audience. Every speech was brimful of interest full of good things, novel and progress-inspiring, and not a word of it escaped these searchers for knowledge. Question after question would the listeners put to those who addressed them, and no subject was allowed to sink into the background until every phase of It had been thoroughly gone over. '. V" ' And the good women God . bless them! 'They were there, too. Mrs. Hntt, the efficient chairman of the woman's department of Farmers' In stitute work,-' was ever- ready "with helpful suggestion and sound advice. Mrs. Hollowell, president of the Wo mans' Betterment Association, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Boylan, Miss Royster, and others well known to the good women of the state, made strong ap peals for the Improvement of farm life. What good these women have .accomplished, the future alone can tell. We da know that their earnest efforts must In the end bring forth good results. 'We fully realize the fact that the way to revolutionize the farm, from cleanly housekeeping to Intelligent tilling of the soil, to convert the womanhood of the state to modern methods and principles. Some one has said that if you con vert man you have converted .n Individual. If you convert a woman you have' converted a generation. 'All 1 alt,' the convention was en tire success. - Thousands were kept 'way because of the floods, and the convention's influence was thereby crippled but those who were pres ent were zreattr benefitted. . v. ' ' . SUBSCRIPTION RATES; (la Advance) ' - ' By Mall or Carrier. One copy one year ... .$5.00 One copy three months . . 1.25 One copy one week . . . .10 Entered through Raleigh, N. C, postofflce as mall matter of the second class, In accordance with the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. - ,.V. , '; '.,:..;::. ,, v. v For Governor: $ W. W. KITCHIN. A special sent out from TarborO 'reads very much like one sent out a few days ago from New England. It says the Wah-Ree hosiery mills are working night and day to fill orders and are manufacturing about 450 dozen pairs of hose a day. This shows two gratifying things: one that the increasing demand for the mills', output indicates that prosper ity is returning, and the other, that people are not only cultivating the habit of wearing these articles of apparel but that they are beginning to like them so well as to create a demand for them. The suggestion from Taxpayer in an article found elsewhere that no guilty dog be allowed to escape is an excellent one. We commend it to those in authority. To the Charlotte Observer: If you will pardon us for trespassing on another's preserves, we would like to ask, Have you put 'em on yet? . . " V DOG GOXn IT. To the Editor of The Times: I hope you are satisfied now. I will have to pay tax on my dog. You kept agitating. I thought the thing had about died out, and that my small dog had been overlooked, but not so. I thought he was a smart, dog, for last year when they came around1 taking the census of dogs he suddenly left the city, of his own ac cord, and did not get back in time to pay the tax. He showed poor judg ment, however, yesterday, for he fol lowed me down streete. I think Billy Willson must have seen him with me, for I got a notice from him this morning to call in 10 days and pay Jl-00 for him. It is a good thing he gave me some time, or I might not be able to raise the coin. Misery loves company ! Since my dog has been spotted (he . Is' not, though),-and has to pay the tax, I don't care If every dog-gone dog in town has to pay the tax. This may give our city fathers funds enough to keep our streets sprinkled, as the only ta we get out of the water company is water for sprinkling purposes. So keep up your agitation. ; Let no dog escape. Special privileges to none. TAXPAYER. Excellent Health Advice. Mrs. M. M. Davidson, of No. 379 Glf ford Ave., San Jose, Cal., says: "The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy, for headache, bilious ness and torpor of the liver and bowels is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word In Its favor, for the ben efit of those seeking relief from such af flictions. There is more health' for' the digestive organs in a bottle of Electric Bitters than in any other remedy I know of." Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. ','': NOTICE. In the circuit court of the United States Eastern district Of North Carolina, at Raleigh. , - In Equity. ( The United States . 'i'i vs. ; A. K. Atkinson, T, B. Boyd and E. A. .' Lackey. ... . ; .' A. K. Atkinson and E. A. Lackey will take notice that a suit in equity, enti tled as above, has been commenced in the circuit court of the United States In and for the Eastern District of North Carolina, for the purpose of col lecting certain claim or claims and af fecting title to real estate, as set out In the bill of complaint and to fores the equitable claims of the plaintiff. And the defendants, the said A. K. Atkinson and E. A. Lackey will further take no tice that they are required to tappear at the office of the clerk of said cir cuit court at Raleigh, N. C, on or be fore the first Monday In October, 1S08, and answer or demur to the bill of com plaint filed herein. And said defend ants, A. K. Atkinson and E. A. Lackey will further take notice that If they fall to appear at said time and place and answer or demur to said bill of complaint judgment pro-confesso will be taken against them for the relief prayed for In said bill. ' This August 6, 1908. H. L. Grant . Clerk of U. S. Circuit Court. Harry Bklnner, U. S. Attorney. ' Fri-O.A.W.-6w . . i i ML. ' Take Dr. McKanna's treatment and be cured in three days. No danger ous hypodermics. . No- bad after ef fects. Over 20,000 cured. Failure impossible. '" Liquor Core, $50.00. ' " C Morphine Core, flOO. Call on or Address v , . OTKANNA THREE-DAY LIQUOR CURE COMPANY, , J. Reidsville-V- 'r. North Carolina. BASEBALL National League. Won. Lost. P. C. Neur York . . . 69 43 . 617 Pittsburg. . . . 67 46 .593 Chicago . . ( . . 68 47 .591 Philadelphia. . . 59 50 .541 Cincinnati ... 1 56 59 .487 Boston . .... 50 65 .435 St. Louis . . . V 42 71 .373 Brooklyn ... . 41 71 .366 At Pittsburg: Pittsburg, 4; Phila delphia, 3. At Cincinnati: Cincinnati, 4; Bos ton, 7. ' y '". ;, : At Chicago: Chicago, 5 ; New York,. 1..- At St. Louis: St. Louis, 1; Brook lyn, 2. ;-.., American League, Won V. 67 Lost P. C. Detroit . . i St. Louis . . Cleveland' . . Chicago . Philadelphia Boston . . . Washington . New York . . 43 .609 48 49 s 50 56 62 65 74 .579 .566 .558 .486 .461 .404 .333 64 63' 53 53 44 37 At Washington: " Washington Cleveland ; both games postponed ; wet grounds. At Philadelphia: Philadelphia-Detroit ; both games postponed ; wet grounds. ': ',. ' At Boston: First game Boston, 1 ; St. Louis, 3. Second game Boston",' 1; St. Louis, 3. At New York: New York-Chicago; postponed; wet grounds, Virginia League Won .' . . . 69 . ... 67 .... 51 Lost. P. C. Richmond . Danville . . Roanoke . .". Portsmouth 37 .651 38 58 57 63 64 .-639 .468 .447 .405 .390 .46 .43 41. Norfolk . . Lynchburg At Roanoke: Roanoke, 3; Dan ville, 5. ' ' . .'-;- '- At Lynchburg: Lynchburg, 2 Portsmouth,. 0. j. ., .; ' y, ( . ( At Richmond: Richmond-Norfolk; rain.' . : .v . ' Southern League. At New Orleans: First game -New Orleans, 3; Birmingham, 2. Second game Birmingham, 2; New Orleans, 0.""- ; At Little Rock: Montgomery, 10; Little Rock, 3. Others not scheduled. , SPECIAL RATES. ..-.... .,. .ii- The Raleigh & Southport Railway will sell round-trip tickets from any. station on its line to Fayetteville, Fuquay Springs and Raleigh on Sat urdays and Sundays for one fare for the round trip, with minimum fare of 25 cents. Tickets on sale Satur days and Sundays, with limit of two nays from date of sale. Frl. & Sat tf YOUR SUCCESS In life depends upon your business. : YOUR BUSINESS Depends upon your ad vert iHlng and your ad vertising depends upon the medium. '.; TIIE EVEMNG TEIES WRh SWORN Cir eolation of over 5,000 is the "result getter" : for advertisers in this 4. ' ' section. . THERE IS NO Better .way to. place your business before' , , the, public than thro Oils medium'. 1 ' ' 'Phone us to call. Capital City Phone, 178. Raleigh' Phone, 170. GEO. C. HALL, v ' Adv't Manager, i , ' la r.Tect Jui.e 14. II X JJ. B. These tgures fcre published as Information and are not guaran teed. " 1 4:80 a. m. No. 11 for Golds- boro and local stations handles Full man Sleeping Car from Greensboro to. Raleigh. - Connects at Goldshoro with A. C. L. North and South, and with Norfolk and Southern for More- head City and Intermediate points. 8:45 a. m. No. 21 through train Goldsboro to Asheville and interme diate points, makes close connection at Greensboro with main Une trains North and South. . 12:30 p. m. No. 144 for Goldsboro and local stations. Connects at Selma with "A. C. L.' North and South, and at Goldsboro with A. C. L. for Wilmington, and with Norfolk & Southern for Morehead City and intermediate points. 5:30 p. m. No. 139 for Greensboro and local stations. Connects at Greensboro with through trains for Washington and New York, also Nor folk and Richmond. 6:30 p. m. No. 22 for Goldsboro and local stations. Connects at Selma with A. C. 'L. for, Fayetteville and at Goldsobro with A. C. L. North. Handles Southern Railway Parlor Car from ABheville to Goldsboro. 11:59 p.m. No. Ill for Greensboro and connects with main line trains North and South.'" Handles Pullman Sleeping Car to Greensboro from Beaufort. S. H. HARDWICK, P. T. M. W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A. C. H. Ackert, V.-P. & G. M., Washington, D. C. R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., ' Charlotte, N. C. W. H. McGLAMERY, P. & T. A., Raleigh, N. C. RALEIGH & SOUTHPORT RAIL WAY COMPANY. Effective on Sunday, July 5, 1908. Southbound. Train. No. 56 51 STATIONS. P.M. A.M. " 4.20 8.00 Lv. Raleigh. 5.48 9.28 Ar. Fuquay Springs. 7.35 11.15 Ar. Fayetteville. Northbound. Train. No. 54 52 STATIONS. A.M. P.M. - .. . - ; x: 7.30 4.00 Lv. Fayetteville. 9.20 6.00 Ar. Fuquay Springs. 10.45 7.15 Ar. Raleigh. No change in week-day local or through schedules. All schedules or reduced rates in conflict are hereby withdrawn. . President and General Manager. JNO. A. MILLS, H. C. HUDGINS, Genl. Pass. Agent NOTICE BY ADMINISTRATOR. Having qualified as Administrator upon the estate of Joseph Tyson, de ceased, late of Raleigh, Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Joseph Vyson, to exhibit the same to me on or before August 3rd, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Joseph Tyson are hereby notified to make prompt pay ment to me. This July 31st, 1908. . RICHARD TYSON, Administrator of Joseph Tyson, Deceased, Raleigh, R. F. D. No. 6. ERNEST HAYWOOD, Attorney. July 31st, 1908. e o w 6w SALE OF JUDGMENTS . BY Merchants' Association. Pursuant to a resolution, adopted at regular meeting, to advertise and sell the Judgments secured by mem bers of this Association against de linquent debtors and assigned to this Association, on Saturday, August 29, 1008, at 12 o'clock, noon, iu front of the court bouse door, judgments for the amounts set after their names (exclusive of interest and costs) against the following persons will be sold: ;- .'' O. E: Warren. . ............ 82.60 Neill A. Spence. ........... 2.14 WilTX. Coley 40.75 V TERMS.:- Cash, with right reserved to reject any bid, and to sell any juagmeni at private saie ana wiin draw from sale. Other judgments irlll be advertised from time to time as being for sale. THE MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION OF RALEIGH, N. C. M. ASHBY LAMBERT. Attorney. I Heart Strength I 'KeartBtrwfth.erBMUiWaakiM.t.ttMoiVtrM Ktrmmh. or ni Weaknear-nothlnt man Fa ' fitv.U't Baton rak bart In bundnd It, in IV rjf. ctuallr dlMmied. It to .lmort lwyi Iddn tlnr littl um Kuit rwU U D at fmali, Tbl. obwur bwt tb CudiM, or Heart Nam I -tlmplT Mods, and muit hT, man power, mora : MftbUltr. nor controlling, nor tonrnint ! itryrth. Without that tba Hwrt mam oootino i to bfi, aod tb MomMh and kldntn alw bar i tbaw m eontrolUns Bern. -2111' emrir oxpiaini wnr, M naaicm. vr. gboop'l KattomtlT bM to thopMl dao. to aiiieh ft twt and alllnf HearU. Dr. Sboop flnt Kmght tb chm oi all tbl painful, palsltatloc. viSooab Inf bnut dlitmu. Dr. Bboop's BaMorattT tbl popular prweriptlao It aloe, dlnotod to thM wwk and wasUof aarr owitera It bolldti KTitzoiurtbcm : It oflen real, teouln Mart help. Tit rou would bar atrons Hoarta, ttroo. dl matton. tranithan that BaTTM ixttabllia them a aaaded, with , Dr. Shoop's Restorative itciray t. niOKa. oi advanced and auUiior Native styles in women's, - " . -; -, s. ' ; .. . .... : i ) misses' and little women's new Fall Coat Suits. 1 -a., This grand display of new Fall Suits is now ready for your inspection, and it is safe to buy right now, the styles are set and the question is decided, the uncertainty that often makes conservative buyers tardy is an un known quantity in this collection. The show ing is rounding into completeness and every woman in reach of this department should pay it a visit at once. The styles are' different from those of last winter and handsomer and cheaper. Many new materials and the range of colors is wide enough to please every fancy. You will find Coat Suits of quality, elegance and practicability, moderately priced. We have given for early autumn brides, and suits for little women and young ladies going off to school, giving them an opportunity to complete their wardrobes with a choice of the latest crea tions that are fashioned by the best tailors in keeping with the newest styles in vogue this season. - If you are seeking clothes of excellence and merit at moderate prices, be sure and .... ............ .. , . , ( come to see our new suits, now showing. w 123-125 Fayetteville Street. f . North Carolina's Largest and Leading Retail Dry - Goods - Store. We par carriage to any point in North Carolina oa all orders of S5.00 or more, j t t til special attention to suits w We give D. A F. Gold Trading Stamps with evorjr cash purchase one itamp for every lOe. Ill