n-n lc;i7iiJT31c. FT) - i 1 Stocks, sCotton Grain L, The Stock Market. . . (By Leased Wire to The Times) ; New " York, ,'Aug. 28. With about the single exception of Erie common, which started down opening prices on the stock market . this morning showed general gains. Con solidated Gas led off with an advance of' 1 .Smelters opened up 1 St. Paul rose; a point, Union " Pacific opened higher. Erie first pre ferred gained . Northern Pacific opened up and Great Northern preferred started better. Colo- . rado Fuel and American Locomotive advanced ' and Brooklyn Transit and Southern Pacific gained . Af ter the early dealings the market made further improvement and .was strong. - - iv . ; New York Closing Stock List. Atchison . :,t . 90 .Baltimore & Ohio . . ...... 95 Canadian Pacific . . . ...v..176 Chicago & Alton . . .,. .... 24 Chicago & Northwestern . . . .162 Colorado Southern . ...... 36 Denver & Rio Grande ..... 26 Erie . . . ........... 23 Illinois Central . . ....... .139 Louisville & Nashville . ... .109 Missouri Pacific . . ........ 58 New York Central .' . . . . . . .106 Pennsylvania " . ........... 1 2 5 Reading 128 Rock' Island . . 17" Rock Island pfd . ......... 34 St. Paul . . ; . . ............. 144 Southern Pacific . . . . . .103 Southern Railway . ....... 19 Union Pacific . . ....... . . .162 Union Pacific pfd . . ..... . . 86 Wabash . , . ... . .... .'. . . . 12 . Wisconsin Central . . . . . ... 2 4 Intarboro-Metropolitan . . . . 11 Interboro-Metropolltan pfd . . 33 Great Northern . . . . . . .... 138 Miscellaneous Atlantic Coast Line . ... . 92 Amalgamated Copper ..... 80 American Car & Foundry .. . 41 American Locomotive . . ... 87 American Cotton Oil .... 36 Am. Smelting & Refining . . . 98 Am. Smelting & Refining pfd .109 ' New York Cotton. . (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Aug. 28 rThe cotton market this morning opened steadier with August 27 points higher and the remainder of the list 3 to 7 points up. Later the list met with the usual pressure from bear sources and eased several points. It was expected that port receipts today might reach 15, 000 bales against 5,000 On this day a week ago, 'although heavy notices had been expected by Borne. Few, if any, were put out this morning. . Even tually October' dropped to 856, De cember tp 8.48, and January to 8.40. At 10:20 a. m. the undertone wae rather easy. , , Opening: Aug., 8.77 to 8.80; Sept., 8.42 to 8.50; Oct., 8.57 tt '8.60; Dec, 8.49 to 8.50; Jan., 8,42 to 8.43; Feb., 8.44 to 8.46; March, 8.46 to 8.47; May, 8.55 bid. Open. High. Low. 8.85 9.00 8.40 8.45 8.56 8.41 8.60 8.65 8.51 Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . Colorado Fuel & Iron . v; . General Electric . . . . . . . International Paper . . . . National Biscuit . . ..... National Lead-. . . . . . . . . Pacific Mail . . . . . V . . . ... People's Gas . . . . . . . Pressed Steel Car ., . . . . Sloss-Sheffield Steel . . . Southern Pacific pfd . , . Sugar United Slates Steel v . , . United States Steel pfd Mackay's . . . , ...... Mackay's -pfd . . ...... . Va. -Carolina Chemical pfd Westlhghouse Electric ..53 .. 35 .146 ,M0 , . 89 . . 85 25 .. 96 ..165 ..63 ..119 ..136 .M 47 ..110 ..68 ..68 .108 .74 Aug. Sept. Oct.. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 8.50 8.43 8.45 8.46 8.57 8.48 8.45 8.54 8.41 8.34 8.45 8.44 Close. 8.38 8.40 8.51 8.38 8.41 8.34 8.37 8.41 New York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Aug. 28 Spot cotton, 20 points lower, at 9.50; sales, 1,900 bales. r- Chicago Grain. Chicago, Aug. 28 Wheat market opened c. higher, under the influ ence of unexpected higher Liverpool cables. On the advance there was heavy selling, ecpeclally of December, by cash grain houses, causing a fair set-back. . Opening: Aug. 28 Wheat, Sept., 95 to 95; corn, Dec., 66 to ; oats,. Sept., 60; pork, Sept., 14.57; lard, Sept. 9.40; ribs, Sept., 8.82. The bulls in wheat secured addi tional bear scalps today, that cereal gaining 1 to 1 , with the Septem ber strongest and most sought. Corn was up to c. and closed quite strong. Oats were fractionally low er, while provisions were up 5 to 20c. Grain quotations ranged as follows: Open. High. Close. Wheat: Sept.. . .95 .95 .95 Dec. . .95 .95 .95 May . . .99 .99 .98 Corn:. Sept.. . .78 .78 .78 , Dec. . .66 .67 .66 May . .65 .65 .64 OaUl Sspk'.'l' ".49 ' .SO "".49 Dec. ... .50 .60 .49 May . . '".52 .52 .62 Pork: Sept.. . 14.57 14.70 . 14.70 Oct . . 14.70 14.85 14.80 Jan. . . 16.05 16.17 16.12 Lard: Sept. . 9.37 9.40' 9.37 Oct. . . 9.45 9.45 9.45 Jan. . . f 9.37 9.37 9.35 Elba: .-'. Sept.. . 8.85 8.90 8.87 Oct . . 8.92 8.97 8.97. . Jan. . ." 8.32 8.37 ' 8.37 New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New Orleans, Aug. 28 The spot situation remains practically un changed. Offerings are rather bet ter and the new cotton now coming in Is improving in style and staple in fact this year s crop seems to prom ise'a better staple than Usual. But there is no present mill demand and factors are unable to move stocks freely even at continuously lower prices. One good sized list of rather undesirable, off color cotton, is ' 1n treaty, but it is understood that a somewhat radical . concession will have to be made before the list can be unloaded. Texas is reported to be offering freely f. o. b. terms, but at prices about 35 points below this market. This fact probably accounts for the comparatively heavy sales re ported from Houston. The contract department was very quiet throughout the early portion of the day.; Liverpool was off 6 to 10 English points, but showed an early improvement. ; , ; .- '. ,;'; There was an utter absence of out side . interest in the market, which dragged to a noonday position 3 to 5 points above the first call figures. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. SHOTWEIX) New York, Aug. 28 Another buoyant market was seen in Wall street today with ', Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and St. Paul the leaders. Southern Pacific established itself at highest price in Its history once more, while Union Pacific made a new high record for this - year. Reading, Consolidated Gas, Amalga mated and Smelting were others very active and strong. Trading was not on a very heavy scale, but the business seemed to originate with, houses identified with ;he. City Bank and Union Pacific Rail road Company. Word has been passed around Wall street by the Standard 'Oil people that they will break any house that attempts to run a bear campaign. . . . They have frightened the profes sional trader away from tha short side of the market and have prices absolutely in their control. -v'-- The Morgan people are quietly watching the performance and are not interfering, because they are pledged to do nothing to interfere with" the artificial prosperity until after election. - Failure of a small brokerage con earn on the Consolidated exchange was announced. The London mar ket was very strong, but the Amerl can department was not active.' ': On the local curb market, -...elrose, Nlpisslng, Goldfleld, Consolidated and Bay State Gas continued to be the leading figures. - V ' Cotton was steady this morning with August nearly ?1 a bole higher. Grain was also higher. Classified advertisement tor thlf .column will be accepted at one cent per . word for . each issne, CASH with the order. No ad- vertisements under this beadH will be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CENTS an inser tion. I r . lc. WANTS lc. 1 WANTED. Sept . , 9.00 Sept. . .... .... 8.65 Octt. . 8.54 : 8.62 8.51 8.52 Nov. . .... ... v ... . 8.47 Dec. . 8.51 8.57 8.46 8.46 Jan. . 8.53 8.58 8.49 8.48 Feb .... 8.5i March 8.56 8.56 8.54 8.52 Closed steady. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Aug. 28 Spot cotton, dul; middling, 5.25; saues, 2,000, of which 1,600 were American and 300 for speculation and export; receipts, 6,000 of which 4,700 were American, Futures opened steady and closed steady. August . . Aug. -Sept. Sept-Oct. Oct.-Nov. Nov.-Dec. Dec-Jan. Jan.-Feb. Feb.-March March-Apr, April-May May-June Naval Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah, Ga., Aug. 28 Spirits turpentine : Steady, 36; sales, none; receipts, 1,260. . . ; Rosin: Firm; sales, 3,307; re ceipts, 3,979. Quote: WW, 6.10; WG, 5.85; N 5.25; M, i0; K, 4.25; I, 3.60; H, 3.35; G, 2.86; F, 2.75; E, 2.57; D, 2.52; C, B, A, 2,47.; - WANTED MEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade, few weeks required, best paying work within the' reach of poor man, can have shop with small capital, wages from $12 to $20 weekly, wonderful demand for barbers, catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 29-6t Fayetteville Street, Raleigh. !(lHCOftPORATlCi- ' First division of the Fall Term Wednesday, September 2d. Short hand, Bookkeeping, Telegraphy and English taught by experts. A school with a reputation. - The oldest largest and best equipped busines; College In the Carollnas. Write for catalogue. Address , KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, N. C. WANTED Manager for branch of fice we wish to locate here in Ral eigh, N. C. Address, with reference, The Morris Wholesale House, Cin cinnati, O. 8-14-lm A YOUNG MAN WITH SEVERAL thousand dollars capital desires to acquire active partnership in a business at Raleigh. "Partner," care Evening' Times. ''THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY with y- An surpassed history behind It since 1805 STANDS FOB Safety to Its Depositor, r Accommodation to Its Customers. WOliiis service to Its Friends. OHAS. K. JOHNSON, . H. BBIGGS, President. ' Cashier. TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS I will open up my Meat Stall in the City Market September 1st. with full line of Choicest Meats. Home-made Tripe a specialty. Wm. Dancy. 28-3t FOR SALE. FOR SALE Seven-room, two-story house near car line, modern im provements, perfect condition, at tractive place. R. E. Prince, Tucker Building. 27 2t. DANCY ALWAYS HAS THE BEST the Market affords. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wm. Dancv, City ; Market. 2S-3t INTERESTING FIGURES PIGS! PIGS! PIGS! Fifteen fine English Berkshire Pigs for sale. Best stock. Apply quickly If you want any of them to John C, Drewry, Raleigh, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. Concerning the Rainfall In Raleigh Since Last Friday. : Mr. Thiessen, observer at the, Weather Bureau, gives out the fol lowing Interesting figures concern ing the' recent rainfall: About 1, 000,000 gallons of water. Is consum ed in Raleigh every day.. Since last Friday 100,000,000 gallons of water have fallen, which is enough to sup ply the household and city purposes for 100 days, if it could be utilized. A telegram to the Weather Bureau from Weldon states that the Roanoke river at that place went up to forty five feet early this morning, but is now falling at the rate of three Inches an hour, ' SEND AFTER BUNCH, FISH AT Green Co.'s and let the boy or girl ' see the Flying Fish. APPLES 25c. ". Co. peck. J. "b. Green It APPOINTED DELEGATE CIGAR SALESMAN WAN ED Ex perience unnecessary. $100 per month and expenses. Peerless CI gar Co., Toledo, Ohio. 27 3t. FRESH FISH 15c. Green Co. bunch, J. TRIPE 5c. pound. J. pound; Pigs B. Green Co. Feet, 5 c JOSEPH G. BROWN, President. CAPITAL $100,000.00. SURPLUS $150,000.00. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. The Raleigh Savings Bank. JOHN T. PULLEN, President. CHARLES ROOT, Cashier. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Fonr per cent Interest paid on deposits. Call in the bank, or write for further information. Bank open on Saturday evening from 5 to 9 o'clock to accommodate the public. Open. : Close. 5.00 5.15 5. 27 4.76 4.84 4.88 4.65 4.69 4.72 4.60 4.65 4.66 4.584.61 4.64 4.56 4.59 4.63 4.57 4.60 4.63 4.60 4.61 4.64 4.59 4.63 4.66 4.64 4.67 4.61 4.64 4.68 Raleigh Cotton Market. Best grade, 10 c" ' Off grades, 8 10c. Receipts today, none. Cotton Port Receipts Today. Aug. 28 Cotton port Live Stock. Chicago. Aug. 28 Hogs: Re ceipts, 10,000; market 10 to , lffc. higher; bulk, 6.40 to 6.75; mixed 'and butchers, 6.05 to 7.00; good to heavy, . 6.60 to S7J00; rough heavy, 6.05 to fl.36 ; light, 6.00 tc 6.76; pigs, 4.60 to 6.90. ' , Cattle: Receipts, 2,000; market steady ; beeves, 8.70 to 7.80; stock ers and feeders, 2.60 to 4.50; Texans, 3.76 to to 5.40; calves, 6.60 to 7.28; westerners, 8.40 to 6.00. Sheep: Receipts,' 7,000; market strong; natives and western,' 2.40 to 4.25. Lambs: Native and western, 8.75 to 6.16. New York, receipts were as follows: i New Orleans, 607 against 298; Gal veston, 6,931 against 3,364; Mobile, 442 against 0; Savannah, 1,977 against 532; Charleston, 16 against 81; Norfolk, 22 against 108; Balti more, 215 against 312; Boston, 0 against 20; Brunswick, 3,310 against 0; various ports, 40 against 0. To tal, 13,460 against -4,697. Interior Receipts: Houston, t 7, 291 against 2,394; 'Augusta, 212 against 0; Memphis 31 against 185; St Louis, 370 against 9; Cincinnati, 54 against 25. Total, 7,926. against 2,816. ' New York Money Market New York, Aug. 28. Time loans, firm; money on call, 11 6 0-day s, 1 2; 90-days. 22: . six months, 8 per cent; posted rates: sterling exchange, 485 486 with actual business in . bankers' bills at 486,80. 87 for demand and 484 tfj).30 for sixty day bills.' Prime mercantile paper, unchanged. To International Congress on Tuber? culosis Will Go. Mr. T. P. Sales received an ap pointment from Gov. Glenn as dele date to. the International Congress on Tuberculosis, to be held in Wash ington, D. C, from the 21st of Sep tember to the 12th of October. The most prominent physicians and health officers of the world will as semble at this meeting to discuss tlie approved methods of caring for au berculosis patients. Mr. Sales thinks that he will most probably attend. He has made up an exhibit for the chief statistician of the dlvlson of vital statistics of the Bu reau of Commerce, which will be used in a demonstration before the congress. LOOK OUT FOR DANCY ON SEPT. 1st, with homs-made Tripe. City Market. ' 28-3t TORRENT FOR REXT Two Furnished Rooms, 323 W. Morgan St. 27-3t FOR REXT Five-room cottage, $12.50; also several larger dwell ings. Prince, "The Real Estate Man." 27 2t. . v.:;... Fifty-One Perish With Ship. Tokio, Aug. 28- A trading vessel, which arrived in port here today, brought the information that the British steamer Dunearn was sunk two days ago in a typhoon which foundered her off the coast of Port Goto, .on the Island of Kiuhiu. It was reported that 51 of the 53 mem bers of the crew perelshed. The In formation was brought here from Moji, a small town , on the island. The British consul is investigating. President Lewis Goes to Alabama. Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 28. Pres ident Tom L.; Lewis, of the United Mine-workers, left last, night for Alabama. He was accompanied by Vice President . White, Secretary Treasurer Ryan and executive board member Falrley, of Alabama. ; WHITE HOUSE TEA : ...... - - Is just as good aa White O House Coffee. Trial Ten or J Fifteen Cent Can at your : Grocer, Note the difference. OUR IN VI TAT lp N Mfuiy people read about Safe Deposit Vaults, but do not know ex actly what they are. The officers of this Bank will be pleased at any time to have you call and make a personal inspection of our equipment for the safe-keeping of valuables, THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, j CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $200,000.00 ' ' RALEIGH, N. C. B. S. JERMAN, Pres.; A. A. THOMPSON, Vice-Pres.; H. W. JACK SON, Cashier; E. B. CROW, Assist Cashier; J. J. Thomas, Chmn Board of Director,,, .KUtfV - 4, ,t. i til tk&Mft! h V HUBBARD BROS. & CO HANOVER SQUARE. NEW YORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, "New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Member! Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For ths pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery..' Correspondence Invited. HAVBCfx North Star Refrigerator Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freesers, Scr. " Windows, Oil Stores. , IfV n buy a NORTH STAR ron rednceonr ICB BILLS. HART-WARD HARDWARE COMPANY, a IIIIF- i All Goods Guaranteed Under tha . Pure Food Law and Drugs Act. Why spend your money for componnded or recti fied goods, when for the same money you can get the Straight article? , M Look for the Pure Food Gusrantee which you win find on all our roods, it means much to you. You buy direct when you order from us. We are wholesale dis tributors to the customer, ana Kumnincw huuik.iuii, MnnJoH n iihinned iki neat. Dlain packages, express charges prepaid at prices named, w rite for (peciaJ whotaaale prices in bulk lots. Booklet, complete list and full information mailed aa request. On list named below we make good losses ana areammo, . . Hi t. Ptn.t. OTTARTSi 4Qt 8Qta. 1201s. Westover best the world over)...v . 3-19 5-96 9, (Souvenir .k of n id. with OTrj otd at Wxtonr) 1 --, El Maize (old corn whiskey) ..... 8.60 4.9B 7.B0 On prepaid Donald Kenny Malt Whiskey (medicinal)............. S. 6.26 w bottled list Blue Hidge (Va, mountain)... 4.M J. tlM. mixed roods Huron River Rye. extra fine (bottled In bond) .8.96 7.86 11.60 shipped ur. lienarron's uuenu ui meaicinaw . . S ri i. ri atprices Kelly's Koyal Corn (the flnesU i . auotod. Kelly's tapper uistiiioa iDottiea in none; o.f . . w . . . . . . ... ..... .. .... j fl K n nK 1A DE Kelly s Meaicinai wail TOinea in iaiuu. v.w Av.w MissTemptina (finest Maryland rye) 4.50 8.50 12.60 ( 1 gallon 6-year-old Kentucky Rye. .. 1 gallon 6-year-old Noith Carolina Corn. . , ALL 1 gollon Holland Gin CHARGE3 1 gallon Extra Fine Sherry 2.SO 1 gallon Porto Rico Rum PREPAID 1 gallon Extra Good Port Wine I PACKED I gallon 4-year-old Maryland reach Brandy z.so IN PLAIN 1 gallon 4-year-old Virginia Apple Brandy..... 2.86 CASE. - 6PECIA1. OFFER ALL 8 gallons Old North Carolina Corn ......$6.00 CHARGES I 8 gallons Old Kentucky Rye 6.00 PREPAID I 8 gallons Fine Gin ....6.00 8 gallons Annie or Peach Brandy 6.00 ' At rallnna nf AithAv ntuw. . 0 A f U goodf ntaied In Special Offer sis deilied Id plain cues, add60coaI,aiMlS5coa4ggal package. On orders west of the Mississippi, add BORsddltionalforeach 4 quarts, xeeptjfelly'a Copper Distilled (bottled in bond ) on which for orders outside of Virginia, the Carolinaa. Georgia and Alabama, Maryland and District of Columbia, add 40o for 4 quarts. 7&0 for 8 quarts, ana i.uv lor u quarts. Rye Whiskies V. Tidewater .Osceola Diamond "K" Major Comfort Corn Whiskey 01dNarthStata..r..;.... 18c S6a 6.60 Old Valley 12c Uo 6.00 Settled In Bond ' Huron River, tpts. 18 to case, 111.26; lpta. 24 to ease, $10.76. SHIPPED IN PLAIN , KEGS WITHOUT CASING ' The wholesale prices Quoted on these case goods are flat, and do not cover express charges. Neither do we guaran tee these against break age or loss. MtoeM HUM lttM T pU. pints quarta .. 16e Sla .. 16e 80o ..14a 28a ..ISO 6a $8.00 7.60 7.00 6.00 TUr BUI! ft tfrilV rO nn Importers, Dlstilleri hi". I Hit. D. HULL I UU.. 1111. and Distr 141 I. Mala - .v II I w. ana iuinuuiwi w N MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ' Local and Lone Distance Phones 1368 ira?.s MofcsMSMLVai