JEN Mr. and Mrs., a -3 Anderson ire In the city from Portsmouth. Mrs. Xydla BarfieltJ has gone , to Lucama, to- spend Beveral days. . ..Miss Met Beck, of Henderson, was in the city today, en route to Benson Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thompson, of Lumberton, are in the city for a, few days. ';'') ' ' , ; Miss Grace Turner returned : last 'evening from a several weekB' visit to Norfolk. Mies Willie Cox, of Durham, 'is visitine at the home of Mr. t. B. . Wilkinson." ' '" ' ' ' -; Miss Lucy Sanders, of Smithfleld, after visiting friends in the city, re turned home last evening. : ., ' Mr. and, Mrs. J. Weir Cooper,, of Jacksonville, Fla., are stopping at the Glersch for a few days. . Miss Helen Farnell, of Bayboro, arrived in the city today and is the guest of Miss Louise Thomas. .' Misses Isabelle Jordan and Ruth Shelburn, of Durham, are in the city, the guests of Miss Vivian Betts. Mrs. A. E. Glenn has returned from Fayetteville, after spending several days, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Johnson. Miss Lessie Huggins, of Goldsboro, who has been in the city for several days visiting Miss Clyde Pool, re turned home last evening. " S . Mrs. L. M. Johnson, of Fayette ville, arrived in the city last evening and is the guest at the home of Mr. A. E. Glenn on Oabwood avenue. .-! :! Mrs. W. E. Blair, of Greensboro, who has been in the city several days, the guest of Miss Margaret Bullock, returned home today. :''' .- Miss Annie Truiove,, of Charlotte, who has been spending several days in the city visiting at the home of Mr. J. A. Spence, reeturned home last evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lee, formerly residents of Raleigh, who have been living in Greensboro, have returned to the city and are living on north Boylan avenue. "';..';.; v MIsb Mamie Creech, of Ports mouth, Va., is in the city, the guest of Miss Minnie Ransom at Mrs. Bald wins, corner of Edenton and Wil mington streets. : , Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sinclair and daughter, Miss Mildred, after a visit to Niagara Falls, passed through the city last . evening en route to their home at Carthage. 7"'.'::'" " ' : Gamble-Jenkins. Invitations have been sent put reading as follows: "Mrs. Wi H, P.. Jenkins requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter, Beatrice Aurora,- fo Reverend Foster Kirk Gamble on Wednesday, September the sixteenth, nineteen hundred and eight, at twelve o'clock, noon, Grove Hill Church, Franklin, North v Caro lina.;, t, :' "At home after November the first; Songo, Korea." ' Mrs. S;i H, Dew returned- home this afternoon from a visit to Fuquay Springs. Miss- .Clee Winstead was in . the city today from Franklinton, on her way to Wilson. 4-- Mrs; B. F. Smith, of Goldsboro, after a ylsit to Mrs. N. E, Ranes, re-' turned home this afternoon. Mrs, and Mrs. E. ; H. Miller, of Chadman, after a visit, in the city, re turned home .this afternoon.' , '- ' V-' : . Mrs.' W.'L. Gibson, of Washington, after a visit to Mrs. W. Bi Swindell, returned 'home this af ternobn, '. Miss Annie Brady, ; of Franklin- vllle,' passed through the city this af ternoon, en route to New Hill. ' '"' ': ' ! Miss Lu tie . Perry, of Spring- Hope, passed through the city today, en route to Loulsburg,- to visit friends. Mr.- and Mrs. P. A.' Hooker," of Kin- ston, after spending several days in the city, returned home this after noon. -V Mrs. R. H. Parker and Miss Susan McNeil, of Brunswick, Ga., passed through the city this afternoon en route to Hamlet. . Mrs. Henry Olive and Miss' Dessie Mangum returned to the city thi8 af ternoon from a several weeks' visit to Jackson Springs. Miss Mary Clark and Miss Dessie Crayton returned today from Peters burg, Va., where they have been spending a few days. Miss Frances Steward, of Atlanta, Ga., arrived in the city this afternoon and is the guest of Mrs. P. E. Furr on West Edenton street. Mrs. D. G. Thomas, of Statesville, after spending several days in the city, the guest of Mrs. J. A. Duke, returned home this afternoon. Mrs. F. C. Ferguson, of Rocky Mount,, who has been spending sev eral days in the city, the guest of Mrs. W. A. Faison, left this after noon for her home. . , Mrs. O. B. Harris and daughter Miss Josephine, and son, Perrln, who have been visiting, friends in Louls burg, passed through the city this af ternoon, en route to Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Howell, of Tarboro, after spending several days i in the city, the guest at the home of Mr.- C. W. Gold, returned home' this afternoon. 4ii it WE WILL PUT Oil SALE FRIDAY, ' AUGUST 28. Ourgantlre stock ipf ladie. Children; and, Missps- Oxford Tigs at a fraction of cost Tq sell quick;y offer $3.50 and $3.00 Ladies' Oxfords at $2.00. : $2.50 Ladies' Oxfords at $1.50. : $2.00 and $1.75 Ladies' Oxfords at $1. $1.75 and $1.50 Misses Oxfords at $1. $1.25 Children's and Misses' Oxfords at 75 Cents. 85c, 90c. and $1 Children's Oxfords at 50 Cents. We have about 300 pair to sell at these prices. Come quick as they cannot last many days. Beady for them by bung a Canopy Iron or .Wood . Ceiling" or Frame Canopies for Beds.. . , - -7 , - Royall & Borden Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville St. - Raleigh, II C. Other departments have some good things also. 15he fi i u 311 and 313 Fayetteville Street. A TIMELY WORD. A watch is valued for Its accuracy as a timepiece, rather than for the jewels and precious metals it contains, hence a good watch may be bought at a moderate figure which will keep aa correct time as a more costly one. . . We carry the celebrated Swiss, movements, which give entire satisfaction wherever used, and we have , all grades, . but all are de pendable time-keepers. ' . , i A large variety of cases. . H. MAHLXRS' SONS Jewelers - - Raleigh, N C - if 1 COTTON MILL FLOODED. Water Two Feet Deep in the Xeuse River Mills. A message by 'phone from NeuBe River Cotton Mills, at Falls of Neuse, stated that the Neuse had risen to such a height that the wa ter was two feet deep in the mill last night. It is subsiding today and the water in the mill has gone down to fifteen Inches. No great damage is reported. One of the biggest fur niture manufacturing concerns in the United States says: The pro per thing to use for cleaning furniture is clean water. If the fur niture is particularly dirty, add a. little Ivory Soap. Rub dry with a clean cloth. Ivory Soap 99 Per Cent. Pure. TS J LOCAL BEDBFa J Mr. C. F. Manson, a prominent hardware merchant of Wllkesboro, was here yesterday afternoon, A fine twelve-pound boy has ar rived to gladden the home of Assist ant Sanitary Inspector and Mrs. W. E. Austin. r Friends will be glad to learn that Mr, -Joe Moore, after being sick with fever for the past few weeks, is rap idly improving. Mr. A. W. Haywood, Jr., for merly of this state, but now proctic lng law in New York City, is on a visit to Mrs. Burke Haywood. Three young gentlemen, over flowing with curiosity as to ths high water reports at Neuse, drove out to Milburnle yesterday and were' over joyed at the grand scene, when the horse became frightened and dashed across tbo bridge. Rev. Simmons, 6t MUbrook, was driving across the bridge, and the runaway rig. ran into his buggy, breaking it up very badly and throwing Rev. Simmons out. The young men were thrown out be fore the horse reached the bridge, each of them being slightly bruised. Mr. H. W. Horton, treasurer of the Citizens' Loan & Trust .Company, of North Wllkesboro, was in the city yesterday on business connected with the North Wllkesboro Fair Associa tion. . Mr. E. Li Stalllngs of'EhisVlty has accepted a position with the Ooodwin-Smith Furniture Company. Justice -Separk again postponed the case against Ola-Thackston for trespass, until next Monday at 11 o'clock. Absence of witnesses' has caused this case to be postponed twice.;,'' .'; ,.: Mr. Will Crocker, well remem bered in Raleigh, passed through the city today oh his way to Texas. Mr. Crocker goes to Texas every fall to buy cotton. , He has -been spending his vacation at Wilson. In a box of fish received by J. B. Green Company today was found a "shp-nuff" flying - fish. It is prob ably the first flying fish ever seen in Raleigh. This . interesting specie of the finny tribe may be seen at the Istore of the above firm, on East Har PENNY WISE AND POUND FOOLISH are the persons who neglect their teeth. No money outweighs tfle priceless treasure of a mouthful of natural teeth. Have them filled, bridged, crowned, or use any artific ial means of preserving them, but keep your teeth by putting them in the care of DKS. NORRIS & DOUGLASS, Dentists. Phones: Raleigh, 438; C. 0., 528. Engagements (or Day or Night. Office Opp. City Market, Fayetteville Street. gett street Rev. S. M. Hanff was in the Lcity yesterday on his way to Selma. Rev. Hanff, who is an old Raleigh boy, is now rector of the parishes at Selma, Duke and Smithfleld., The handsome new church t Selma is rapidly nearlng completion, says Rev. Hanff. Dr. Lewis Pegram, son of Mr. Brown Pegram, has gone to Duke, where he will practice his profes sion. Mr. Pegram recently graduat ed from the Maryland College of Dentistry. He will work . in the small towns in that Bection of Har nett and Johnson counties. Mr. A. W. Haywood,' Jr., former ly of this state, but now practising law in New York City, is in the city J he guest of Mrs. Burke Haywood. OCTOBER WEDDINGS PERSONALS Col. Harry Skinner, of Greenville, is in the city. Mr. C. B. Edwards left last even ing for Oxford., Mr. E. G. Price, of Norfolk, Va., is at the Giersch. Mr. J. M. Adams left this afternoon for Wake Forest. Mr. P. S. Curtis, of New York, is at the Yarborough. Mr. J. H. Boushall has gone to Lit tleton for a few days. Mr. J. T. Towles, of Clifton Forge, Va., is at the Glersch, Mr. Hubert Jones left this after noon for Wake Forest. ; Mr. Geo. H. Nash, of Portsmouth, is in the city on business. Mr. Ralph P. Connelly", of Atlanta, Ga., is at the Yarborough. Mr. J. M. Broughton, Jr., left this afternoon for Wake Forest. Mr. C. A. Connelson, of Orange burg, S. C., Is at Hotel Glersch. Mr, A. G. Lewis, Bpeclal writer of Norfolk, Va., is at the Glersch. Mr. D. R. Parker, of North Caro lina, spent teh day in the city. Mrs. Samuel Dupree, of Garner, is among the. visitors in the city today. Mr. J. C. Meekins, Jr., of Wash ington, N. C, is in the city on bus iness. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barnes and children, of Clayton, after visiting relatives in the city, returned home last evening. 8 TT T rSt, TT T TV TTT1 I I 1 M V T T fTT f Until you get all the money if you need some things for the house, come and get it, pay down what you can, and if you pay the remainder in installment pay ments, weekly or 30, 60, or 90 days, it will not cost you any more here than it would most places if you paid SPOT CASH. Come in and talk with us. We are reasonable and want to accommo date you.; -' CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. SEXD AFTER BUNCH FISH AT Green Co.'s and 'lel Che boy or glrT ; see.the.flylnVCVrV. Ks CASTOR I A Por Zoiaiita and Coildrea. , , Xti tk You Hara Always SosgM ' Bears the .' fttgna-tareof Do not delay longer In placing orders for engraved invitation. Our fall sample represent tbe very latest shape and forma that Juw been accepted by refined and fashionable society. We do not follow " w LEAD in originating artistic effect with fine material, 1 Onr price are the lowest. Send for sample, which will be Mpplled 1 free Of charge. J. P. STEVENS EXGRAVIXQ CO., Wedding ttm Uonery EngraTera, .47 Whitehall St AtlattU Ca. j jgar C&Io Saturday orriCIALEALM;Perfectos. Sold ., v rerjularly at 3 for 25 tlita. Tomorrow s cents ach. . -. HOW TO SAVE MOMEY. 18 There is only one way and that is to economize. The way to economize in buy ing is to get the Best Goods at the Lowest 1 . price. - - When in need of Furniture or House furnishings of any description call on lis No. 17 East Martin , St., one square east of Fayetteville St. Can be reached by Street Car from any pdrt of the city by transfer- ing to Martin Street line; which passes our , doors.' 5; v'-1' -.- i ; A We guarantee our prices and terms to item you. " ...... i Tlio ilaloigh Furnituro Company, IT cist Martin l and Id Market Street. X E GREEN, I : ; J. IX RlGGAH, Sec. and Trek . : Manager. ; Capital City Phon 072, wm '4,: v.:v;;:.:.;;vl,' -v: :: V v,,-

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