1 mm imEiim EViONia times! Friday,' September 4, 190& 1 p5-- V si r 4 1 I V TBI: AD TESTIFICANDUM It Doso't Work Well In Dor. tiam Mayor Ri-fnses to Hold Men For . Contempt For Refusing to Answer v Qucntians- T!ie Republican County - Convention 'Taxable Property In creases in Value. (Siie.iial to The, Times) Durham, Sept." 4 The mayor's in vestigation, wherein four of the city's best-known men - were ' hauled up three weeks a?o to give testimony as to their source of whiskey supply, if any : they had. came to a. head last night wae:i thrae of the number, Capt. J. C. Michie, A. E. Lloyd, and W. B. Guthrie were examined again by Mayor Graham and answered all questions so candidly that they were immediately dismissed. Three weeks ago they were simi larly situated and Mayor Graham opened with a question something like this: ''What do you know touch ing the existence, establishment, and whereabouts of places where intoxi cating liquors are Bold contrary to law in the city of Durham, and the names and personal description of the keepers thereof?" . When that question was propound ed, Mr.- V. S. Bryant, representing the respondents, objected, and the matter was taken up to the higher court for Monday of this week. It was de ferred until last night, when it was removed from Judge Jones by the agreement of counsel to answer the first question, to' which objection had been made earlier. On the examina tion last night, Mr. Griswold being absent, all three men were propound ed the same question, but they an swered in the negative. Two other questions almost identical, were put up and answered the same. The fourth, "What do you know concern ing the Illegal sale of intoxicating liquors in the city of Durham during the last two years?" To this there was objection, and Attorneys Win ston and Bryant argued it to a stand still. They contended that the stat ute does not contemplate a harking back, that it gives no power to ques tion men as to what may have ex isted, but has reference entirely to the present; that if there had been ever so many illicit places in fprmer existence, they would not necessarily be a matter for the mayor now. Judge Winston argued the case with lntenseness. He declared that upon the matter of inquisitions, the world had gone daft, and that its' legiti mate conclusion would be the per emptory jerking up of men for all offenses known, against the law, and Now that this would open a field for un bounded strife and discord, He de clared that there wag no right given the mayor to cite men to examination about matters in which there Is al leged to be no accusation,. -the three elements that enter into a complaint. It made every man a grand juror, he declared, and vowed his belief that the mayor had no right to require answers. Mayor Graham-took the ground that his right was so much a matter of doubt, that he felt it Im proper to hold the men for contempt for not answering. This was feared a long time. ... There appeared some likelihood of a sensational incident when the respondents refused to an swer, and the trial officers might im pose a fine for contempt, but Mr. Graham declared that the matter was over, so far as he was concerned. The republicans last night In ex ecutive meeting of their committee, set September 12 for their conven tion and will then nominate a full ticket. The county convention held several weeks ago was for the pur pose of sending delegates to the state convention. The primaries were held to elect delegates to the county convention. , The tax-listers of this county have almost completed their estimates of the county's wealth and find, con trary to a story printed two month's ago, that the taxable property in this year of the panic, has increased three-quarters of a million. In ex act figures, the amount is $21,849,814 and the increase is $770,364. The advance estimates were based upon the depreciation of property listad by the American Tobacco Company, which amounted to about a quarter of a million. The great bulk of property is owned in the city, about one nilllion j trust. and a half being outside Durham. Of the total amount, the blacks own nearly $600,000, and the entire amounts show an interesting state of affairs here.. It makes Durham next to Charlotte In point of actual wealth, and the county one of the richest In the state. The tobacco company seems to have suffered alone and the depression extended no fur ther than the great octopus. . FISH TRUST ABSORBED erable Increase over last year Is ex pected. ' ' . Prof. W.P. Lawrence, of the chair S'of English language 'and literature. who spent the summer studying at Part flf tllft HfPllr'0xfor1 University, . has . rejUirned. to Ull Vft lUVj . I'IVV - Trust the college and1 has' resumed his' du- ttiqs. in .his .department, -" j Miss Wilson, director of the music ' department, and .Miss Ramsay, assist- ' : j ant' in. plahb, arrived "this morning Indication on. the Chicago Stock Ex- from Germany and France, respectr change for Past Few Weeks 'Have ively, where- they' spent the summer Been Taken to Mean That the in travel and study:; Bargain is Clinched and That, the Big Fellows Are Trying to, Shake Out the Little Ones. : :! .v;" .JMQ PONY SALEr Many People Attend the Pony Sale at Graham 02 Ponies Sold. (Special to The Times) .' Graham,' Sept,' 4 Quite a number of . people are here today to attend ( By Leased Wire to The Times. ) Chicago, Sept. , 4. A. Booth & Company, which is the ' fish trust, has been absorbed by the meat trust. mere nave oeen reports ior the Bale of Shetland ponies at th$ time that such a deal was contem- . , - ,j t, Ai plated and the well known signs of ' B . Holt. Nlnetv-two nonles a coup which Booth & Company jwere sod a(. b0 auctl0Ili brlnglng have exhibited on the Chicago stock , from $40 t0 $20Q They are ft flnfl exchange recently to the great indig nation of conservative brokers are taken to mean that the bargain is clinched and the big fellows are pro ceeding to shake out the little ones lot of poniss and all brought fancy prices. - . Among those in attendance from out of town are: M. Pitcher and wife, W. H. Bell, of L. Mann, of Ap- The fish trust's common and pre- w . p . f Va . T n(1 rerrea siocks were ai.oweu " "-" , Newcomb, of Washington, D. C ex-a.vmena August u. oeyieiuijci Drenllaw and R. C 1 lL. J ...nl4-,. Jt 4lia ', t..? pomattox, Va.; W. E. Benbow, H. L. amaena snoum oe payao.e uut uUi Frazfer P, B Reld, and Jas, uucu iu yixatt it. R. of Greensboro; Claude Brown, of Henderson; M. F. Shea, Macon, Ga.; G. N. Beckle, Irouton, implied assurance that the dividend - m. Andrews, Roxboro; F. O. Mor- BOYLAN-PEARCE CO; BOYLAN-PEARCECO. THE LA GRECQCE ANT) KABO CORSETS ARE BE ST BY TEST. 117 FALL GOODS ARRIVALS Whenever a stock is allowed to sell ex-dividend there is at least an will really be paid but in the case of Booth & Company this implied as-' surance is said to have amounted lo a positive assurance ; from men within the management of the fish Car'0jlaa ring, John C. Drewry, John Harden & Son, of Raleigh; T. J. Fleshman and Dr. D. N. Tyman, of Lynchburg, Va.; and Col. A. M. Harden, North BIG CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. For weeks there has been in Chi cago an agent of a foreign bank which is known to have charge of ... . ,,. T,flvM the financial affairs of the Chicago packing houses or several of them in this country where they do busi ELOX COLLEGE OPENS. They Take The Kinks Out. "1 have used Dr. King's New Life P!Mi fcr many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stomach, liver and bowela without fuss or friction," says N. H. Brown, of Plttsfleld,- Vt. Guaranteed atlsfactory at all drugstores. 25c. , Card of Thanks. : , . Mr. and Mrs., W. W. Hudson. and family wish to thank the many friends of their son, Charlie,' for the beautiful floral offerings and for the last tributes of love paid to.-him. Nineteen t h Annual Session Began September 2nd. (Special to The Times) Elon College, Sept. 2 The 19th annual session of Elon College began September 2, under favorable aus pices. At the opening exercises, ad dresses were made by Rev. C. H. Rowland, Franklin, Va.; Mr. H. M. Loy, Jacksonville, N. C; Mr. A. L. Lincoln, Haw River; Rev, J. W. Mel lons, co-pastor of the local church; and others. !' .' $4,000,000 to Various Chari table Purposes. Oswego, N. Y., Sept. 4. Freder ick Cooper Hewitt, who died here Sunday, was the wealthiest man in Tioga county. He left an estate es timated to be worth more than $5, 000,000. His will bequeaths more than $4,000,000 tar various institu tions, charitable and otherwise. The principal bequests are $2, 000,000 to the New York Postgrad uate Medical School and Hospital, $1,500,000 to the Metropolitan Mus eum of Art, which society is also made his residuary legatee, $500, 000 to Yale University, of which he was a graduate, $100,000 to the Sheltering Arms ; Society, of New York, $200,000 to little missionary President, E.; L. Moffltt Immediately after the closing of the day nursery, New York; $100,000 to chapel exercises the work of register- : the ,Free. Industrial School for crip ing students began and continued all pled children New York; $100,000 day, as well as through the next day, to Netherland, N. J., fresh air home; and is still progressing. The pros- $10,000 to the Society for the Pre- pect now is very bright, and a consid- vention of Cruelty to Animals. THE LATEST AND MOST USEFUL HOUSEHOLD INVENTION. RETAIL FOR $1.00. The cutUng edge on these shears is indestructible and will never wear dull. They will cut anything and everything, from wet tissue paper to a heavy horse blanket. Note the Patent Tension Spring. It does away with resharpening entirely. Eight inches in length. r CERTIFICATE VIX 'jf$&3W DOUBLES THS USEFULNE&t I S I ACCOMPANIES EACH PAIR I f I s' .': y.J f , ) SUPPLIED AND GUARAMTEEO BY A 1 r u.M - " Hamilton Silver Co. Jy r Jl " FACT0RYB MUNCIE,lNTVf How to get a pair of these Shears Free in Raleigh and Neighboring Towns THE CON BIT Pay jour subscription tor the EVENING faffiS six months in advance, fill out coupon bdow, bring or mail to the EVENING TIMES, RaIeigh,N. C. Shears will be delivered W your home, free o! charge. 1908. THE EVENING TIMES, Raleigh, N. C.-'- , Gentlemen: Enclosed find $2.50 ! Send the Daily Evening Times for six months, and'one pair Patent Ten sion Shears to address below: . ftame ........ . '. . . . Street and No. Town . . . ... . . . . ... County ... . This is September and the very air- betokens the early commencement of an active business J campaign. Schools commence, students arriving by scores and hun-' dreds, and conditions are settling into a well-defined work for Fall and Winter. 5 NEW AUTUMN STYLE SILKS. Plain and Fancy Colored Silks, new designs in smooth finish, soft weaves, that gives a cling ing effect so desirable this season. All prices from ........ . 75c. to $1.50 FIRST INSTALLMENT OF DRESS GOODS. Staple and Fancy Dress Goods in plain colors, stripes, plaids, and fancy weaves in rich de signs . . . . . ...... . . , ', . . . 50c. to $1.00 Swell Broadcloths in the new colorings, finely fin ished at . . . . . . . . :. ' . . . . M $1.00 to $2.50 NEW NECKWEAR AND BUCKINGS. Lace and Embroidered Collars, Fancy Silk Bows, . Stocks, and Ties in the latest and most f ashion - able styles . . . . ; . . ; . . . . 25c, 50c, and $1.00 Complete Color Line of Ruchings, white Ruchings 1 " in great variety, at 7 . ... 25c. Box Ruchings .... . . . . ..... . . .... . 19c INEXPENSIVE JEWELRY. Ornamental Jewelry of the dependable kind for " . - good service : Belt Pins, Cuff Buttons, and . Shirtwaist Sets . . . . .... . 25c, 50c, and $1.00 . FINE FLEECED FLANNELS. Extra Fine Cotton Flannels in heat stripes for Pajamas, Petticoats and Gowns . . . . . ... 13c. Complete line of Outings, Teazle Down and Panzy . Flannels; all colors . . . . 10 C. COTTON AND WOOL BLANKETS. Double-faced Colored Blankets innew plaids and woven figures . . . . . ........ $2.50 and $3.00 "White and Colored Wool Blankets; special values, $3.50, $4.50, and $5.00 SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PARASOLS. 20- and 22-inch Little Women's Umbrellas; just right for the school tots . ; ... 50c, 75c, and $1.00 T jit -a 'f J .' - I Jl -('' ajfocr ' hptA .no a : am .wn i !l -T" ' iit 10 , :!? '''' ;iJ. .V; "j'. 'j.'-''i.'CCi tri :. vre ttJ : nii? . BOYLAN-PEARCE CO M P ANY STRANGE JISSAULT CASE Man and Wife Charged With Highway Robbery They Bring Counter Charge That Two Negroes Assaulted the Wo manNegroes Gave Themselves Vp and Asked the Protection of the Sheriff. : . . . (By Leased Wire to The Times) Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 3. Har ry Calhount and his wife, strangers here, are In jail charged with high way robbery. They are believed to have come from . near ensacola, Fla. Two negroes, Arthur Wood ward and James Moore, charged that the man and woman held them up In the country twelve miles from Montgomery and took $5,. threaten ing that If they raised an alarm It would be given out that they as saulted the woman and they would be lynched. The negroes came to Montgomery and begged the sheriff for protection. Meanwhile Calhoun announced that his wife had been asaulted and the community was put In an uproar, Deputy sheriffs, who rushed to the scene, made care ful investigation and as a result that the white man and woman are In jail. The negroes are also held for developments. It Is In contemplation for the street car line to run up Ashe avenue and across the railroad bridge at the res idence of the lute Dr. T. D. Martin. Water, gas, electricity, street cars, will make the Martin property very valuable. Wanted: Everybody to attend the sale of the Martin houses and lots, on the premises, West Ral eigh, at 11 o'clock, Monday, Sept. 7. Terms f sale: One-third cash; bal ance In 60 days, with interest. 2-4t London Bar Silver. (By Cable to The Times) London, Sept 4 Bar silver, 22, advance, 1 1-6. I BUDWEISER, the most popular beer In the world. There is less profit to the dealer who selis It. because It costs most at the brewery, yet Its sales exceed those of all other Bottled' Beers, whloh proves that its superiority is reeog AiM4 T0rjrwkw..v;- Just Received 160,000 CedarShingles POWELL 4 POWELL Incorporated. Phones 41 ... urn rm mrf&a ICE! ICE1 WAV U1U11V rn'p - QUANTITY, QUALITY, AND BEST - 8KB VICE. '9-VjJe RALEIGH f.IILLIIIG CO,, KAIiKTGH. IT. O. otin Ice, Coal, Flour, Meal, Feeds PHONES: Bal, 418. Cap. City, 2S2T. Nov is the Time CfllNKLEY'S TO BEGIN A Savings Investment IN THE Median ICS AND Investors Union $2.00 PER MONTH OR SOc. PER WEEK WILL MATURE $100 IN 45 MONTHS. APPLY TO:;: GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary. FRESH LOT OF TICTOH AND COLUMBIA. : ? -, Have added to onr stock of -TaHo ing Machwps th CoIombl-Gmpho phone. Also records, 85v",M? f : i Guitars, Banjos, ' Violins. 5 Wj ! Baby Go-Cart. $15, $3.85, o$5.00, $65, $9.00, $12.00, $20AO;' , I Vase Lamps, $1.00, $1.10,r $iM, I Hail Lamps, $1.00 to $3.00. t Bird Cage, ftStu, $lJO, 9lMf 9 4 Pish Bowls, 45c, 70c 950. i - ' TRUNKS. v .": Suit Cases, 95c, to $6JS8. Bags, 80c. to " 2 - Trunks, $1.15 to $10.00. : ti FURNITURE. Hall Racks, $0.90, $8.75. Iron Beds, $2.50 to $10.00. V Iron Cots, $2,85 to $5.00. Iron Otha. sut.ex fn itiki. ' m Oak Foldiiur IMi with hlrrnr. t $12.50. , . . ; :r'-,r.,. . ; , tCRINKLEV MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, ROE HERRING, JUSTIN Mackerel in 1016.' Kits.! J, R, FERRALL & CO. GROCERS. X FareUoTttl Street, Raieljh, if. c. X : : ITJOTVPE :l FOR SAL. i Excellent Machine in FlnsY ' condition, belnir used svl r ; C iy yiw T0W-M t : , 1 1f i, J , t bargain aJt' W da wA, ' d , tt. v Ad, - I - I, '. v. i ,l r. dWS 'ttflftjCi 1D)TD lnVTIP