THE -RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1908. PAGE FVT2 Stocks, Cotton, Grain and New York Stock Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times ) New York, Sept. 4. The , stock market at the opening showed a re- flection of the recovery in London to limit their trades 'to an evening market, where Canadian Pacific was up character, due, to the three daj said to be rallying against the holiday and in consequence fluctua shorts. The stock ' started 4 tions were quite narrow and with higher, here. The London . market out significance. Cables were steady, also .was followed In that the im-. Weather ' conditions in the i south provement in United States Steel, were favorable. shares at that center and Harrlman stocks were followed up in this mar- ket. Southern Pacific and Baltimore & Ohio opened up and Union Pa cific gained at the start. Smelt ers opened up and gained in all, partly on covering over yester day's final. The metal stocks show ed only moderate irregular changes. Copper opened up , while "Lead was lower at the start. Reading lost , and-Locomotive was down in first prices. By the end of the first fifteen minutes Reading had gained ' ,' Union Pacific and Southern Pacific had improved a full point. Amalgamated was up and Smelting had gained a point above yesterday's final. In remainder of the first half hour the market made further progress upward. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison. . . . . . . .. ... . Atchison pfd. . . . . . Baltimore & Ohio ... ... Canadian Pacific . . .. . . Chicago & Northwestern.. Colorado Southern . .. . . Erie .-. . - Illinois Central. . . Louisville & Nashville. . . Missouri Pacific . . New York Central . . . . . . Pennsylvania . . . . . . ' . . Reading. . .. ... , . .... Rock Island . . Rock Island pfd. .... . . St. Paul .. .. .. .. .. Sjuthern Pacific . . . . ; . Southern Railway . . Union Pacific .... .. ; Union Pacific pfd. .... . . Wisconsin Central ..... . Great Northern ...... '. ' . ,.S. Miscellaneous. Amaleamated Conner . . American Car & Foundry.. American Locomotive. . American Cotton Oil .. American Smelting. . ... American Smelting pfd. , . Brooklyn Rapid Transit . 90 95 ..172 .162 , . 36 ,.25 , .140 .109 ; 67 ..J05 .124 ..129 , 17 .33 .144 .108 .20 .164 . 87 .24 .138 . 7K . .: 40 T , . 54 .. 35 ..94 . .108 ...54 ;. 36 .146 ,.84 .34 ,. 63 -.133 . 46 ..111 , . 57 ..69 , . 68 ..28 .,75 Colorado Fuel & Iron .... General Electric , , . . . . National Lead , . . . Pressed Steel Car . , . . Sloss-Shef field Steel . . . . Sugar .... . . . . '-. " ' United States Steel ... United States Steel pfd. Western Union . . . . , . . Mackay's. . . . . . . Mackay's pfd. ... . . . Va.-Carolina Chemical . . Westinghouse Electric. . . Chicago Wheat. Chicago, Sept. 4. The wheat market opened Bllghtly under yes terday's closing and for a few min utes staggered under the wetgni oi nfPorines hut the character of the buving is such that no material de cline was forced. Following the initial weakness a fair rally oc- furrori Commission houses were free sellers early on the rallies, Several large houses recently identi fied with the bull side of the mar ket have been fair buyers. Opening: Wheat Sept., 98 :corn Sept., Dec, 68r 68 ; oats Sept., 50 ; pork Sept., 14.77; lard Sept. ...,; Oct., 9.72; ribs Sept., 9.20. Wheat closed Tc up to ?c off for the day, resting spots being below the best values reached. Corn closed c off; oaU c lower and provisions 215c down. Grain quotations ranged as tol lows; ; ','.' : ' Wheat: Sept. , Dec. May . Corn: Sept.. Dec. . May . Oato: Sept. Dec. May ,. Pork I Sept.. Dec. Jan. . Lord: Sept.. Oct. , Jan. . Ribs: Sept.. Oct. . Jan. . Open. .98 . .97 1.01 .79 .68 .66 .50 .50 .52 14.77 : High. .98 .98 1.01 .79 .68 .66 .50 .50 .52 14.77 Close. .98 .97 1.01. .67 .65 .49 .50 .52 14.67 14.72 16.32 14.87 15.47 9.67 14.87 16.47 ,9.67 9.72 9.52 9.72 9.52 9.20' 8.2S 8.55 9.67 9.47 9.10 9.10 8.50 9.20 9.26 8.55 Htock Eichange Members Aid Att- gusta. . (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Bept 4. Members of the New York cotton exchange have started a ' subscription list 'Tor the benefit of snffnrers of the Augusta flood. ' , ' I New York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.;, New York, Sept. . 4, Interests in cotton this morning were inclinec Opening: Sept., i...; Oct., 8.5? 8.53; Nov., . . 8.43; Jan., 8.23 ( ; . ; Dec, )8.33; .Feb. 8.42 offere; April Close 8.35; .-March, 8.38 8.39; May offered 8.46. Open. High. 8.53 8.61 Low.' 8.48 8.52 8.41 8.32 8.43 8.37: 8.50 Sept.' Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. May 8.50 8.53 8.4! 8.54 8.4! 8.4( 8.3( 8.3$ 8.4J 8.4't 8.44 . 8.42 8.32 8.42 8.43 8.43 8.39 8.48 8.50 8.55 Closed barely steady. - New York Snot Cotton. New York, Sept. 4. Spot cotton, quiet .and unchanged at 9. 30s sales, 2,700 bales. New Orleans Cotton. , New Orleans, La., Sept. 4. While ths spot market continued very dull there is yet a slightly better feeling in evidence, and prices are holding well in comparison. This is due in part to the faint improvement in the Liverpool movement during the past few days, as well as to the fact that local operators who have sold fot October delivery are now seeking tc have those deliveries transferred tc the-current month.- There is no present mill demand for the staple in this market, but factors are en couraged to look for an early im provement In the situation and are, therefore, not pressing sales. The contract department was also dull, but with prices showing a mod erate upward trend following the opening, which was four to six points below yesterday's close, as a result of the Bhorts covering over the holiday period. There were not infrequent narrow fluctuations dur ing the forenoon, , but little inter est in the market was displayed either by outside traders or the floor contingent, and the ring was pretty well deserted up to the noon hour. At that time the hoard showed net gains of 2 to 3 points on all posi tions. p Open. High. Low. Close 8.65 8.53 8.51 8.48 8.49 8.51 8.57 Sept. Oct. 8.66 A " 8.44 8.48 8.61 8.48 Nov. Dec. 8.55 8.56 8.42 8.47 Jan. Feb. . ... . v Mar . Closed steady. "Liverpool Cotton. . (By Cable to The Times.) Liverpool, Sept. 4. Spot, moder ate business; prices, steady; mid dling, 5.25; sales, 6,000 of which 5, 400 were American and 500 for speculation and export. Receipts, 1,000, of which 100 were, American. Futures opened quiet and steady; closed steady. ' Open. Close. 4.86 ' 4.67 4.67 4.64 4.62 4.62 4.63 4.65 4.66 4.67 September . SepthOcO. . Oct-Nov.,,1 Nov-Dec . . Dec-Jan. .. Jan-Feb.. . Feb-March . March-April April-May . May-June. . 4.84 4.67 4.63 4.61 )4.62 4.594.60 4.63 4.64 4.64 4.64 Raleigh Cotton Market Best grades, 10. Off grades, 89. Receipts today, 5 bales. . Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards, 111., Sept. 4 Hogs: ; Receipts, 14,000; market, strong to a shade higher; hulk, 6.65 to 6.85; light, 6.30 to 6.96; pigs, 4.00 to 6.00; mixed, 6.30 to 7.02; good to choice heavy, 6.60 to 7.12 ; heavv. 6.30 to 7.02; rough, 6.30 to 6.50; yorkers, 6.80 to 8.90. Cattle: Receipts, 2,000; market steady; beeves. 3.66 to 7.65; Texas steers, 3.40 to 4.86; western steers, 3.20 to 5.80; stackers and feeders, 2.60 to 4.45; cows and heifers, 1.7 E to 2.75; calves, 6.00 to 8.00. - Sheep: Receipts, ' 6,000; market steady; natives, 2.150 4.20; west ern, Z.zo to 4.zu; yearlings, .iu to 4.75. Lambs: Natives and western, 3.25 to 6.00. - Cotton-Seed Oil. -New York, Sept. ' 4 Cotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: V Open. Close. Sept'. . J 37H -37: 37H Oct. . . 87 37V 87 37 Nov. . . 8636 8636H Dec. . . 36 036 3K36tt Jan. . . 36 1 Z. 36Vi36V4 Mar. . t 88 87 8K37 Market closed steady; sales, 700 barrels. ' , Provisions. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. SHOTWELL.) New York, Sept. 4, Stocks open ed with general' recoveries this morning under the leadership of Southern Pacific, which advanced nore taan a point in the first few ninutes of trading. Reading, Union 'acific, Baltimore & Ohio, Smelters -nd Antalgamated joined in the ad 'ance. There seemed to be no new eason for the better times except a '.amputation by experts of the corn ;rop, resulting in the announcement .hat at least two billion bushels will le harvested this year. It was also rumored from Waah ngton that the tax of Aldrlch cur rency would be reduced by congress .his winter, thus further debasing the currency and simplifying the problem of the bulli market. Lon don was heavy but that market only ?ot this morning what came to New York late yesterday. ' Cotton was slightly lower as was wheat.: . On the curb Guggenheim stock seemed ta be under pressure again but stocks of the silver mining com pany were firm. Prominent operators in Wall street have been evening up their contracts this week in preparation for the holiday. In view of the high price of stocks very few professions als cared to take the risk of carry ing contracts until next Tuesday.- The fact that the market has re acted on these transactions is taken as evidence that there is no short in terest of importance, the evening up process consisting almost entirely of the sale of stocks. There is also considerable apprehension in the 3treet , regarding possible legislation of the stock exchange owing to the failure of Brown & Company. : Governors of the exchange have been given to understand that if they examine the wash transactions of Brown &, Company they will be compelled tQ xpose the transactions put through'ty the Harrlman opera-. tors, who have been washing mil lions of shares in the last few j months. The situation is extremely embarrassing for; he exchange. Cotton Port Receipts Today. New York, Sept. 4. Cotton port receipts were as-follows: New Or-! leans, 443 againet 224; Galveston, 7,965 against 5,543; Mobile, 238 against 6; Savannah, 3,530 against 4,093; Charleston,, 36 against 471; Wilmington, 5 against 532; Norfolk, 15 against 648; Baltimore, 16 against 250; Brunswick, 100 against ..; Newport News, 125 against ,. ; various,' 100 against .. ;. total, 12, 573 against 11.367. Interior receipts Houston, 6, 386 against 4,204; Augusta, 742 igainst 1,143; Memphis, 155 against 88; St. Louis, 316 against 29; Cin cinnati, 751 against 53. Total, 8, 532 against 5,517. New York Money Market. New York, Sept. 4. Money on. jail, 11; 60 days, 12; 90 lays, 2 2 ; bIx months, 3 3 ; sterling exchange, 485 487, with actual business in bankers' bU'sj at 486 486.10 for demand and 484.40. 55 for 60 day bills. Prime ! mercantile paper was not issued leavlly, btu some choice names- were offered, for which there was a rea-j sonably good market. Commercial Silver. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept. 4-Commercial silver, 51; Mexican dollars, 45. Chartered Today. Articles of incorporation were filed today for the Hope Mills 'Real Estate and Investment Company, of Hope Mills. This corporation will do a general real estate and Insurance business. The authorized capital stock is $5,000; paid in $2,100. The, incorporators are E. W. Lasley,. Alice Lasley, W. B. Lasley, and L. C. Mc-I Duffle. I A certificate was filed amending the charter of the Oxford Furniture Company, of Oxford, by allowing the cancellation of all outstanding stock, amounting to 600 shareB of $100 each, and the issuance thefefor of 600 shares of preferred stock of tha value of $100 each, and 100 shares additional. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of John B. Hussey, de ceased, this Is to notify all persons having claims against , the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Raleigh, N. C, on or before the 25th day of August, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make Immediate payment.' . f ' August 84th, 1908. ; LEO D. HEARTT. ' AtKt. it John B Hussey. f-J4-oaw-8w. ,v lc WANTS lc. Classified advertisementa for this column will be accepted at one cent per word for ech Issue, CASHtb the order. . No d vertisefflents nnder this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CENTS an inser tion, ., lc. WANTS lc. WANTED. THE OPENING SHOW, SLUMBER, land. Tuesday and Wednesday nights. WANTED Copies of The Evening Times of April 22-27, May 4th, . 1907. Times office. WANTED BOARD, PREFERABLY in private family, by young man. " References exchanged. State price in answer, location, etc. Address, "Young Man," care Times office. :- 2-4t WANTED MEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade, few weeks required, best paying work within the reach of poor man, can have shop with small capital, wages from $12 to $20 weekly, wonderful demand for barbels, catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 29-6t WANTED Manager for branch of fice we wish to locate here in Ral eigh, N. C, Address, with reference, " The Morris Wholesale House, Cin cinnati, O. ". 8-14-lm TWO FVKNISHED OR UNFUR- nlshed rooms for rent. Apply at No. 324 E. Martin St. 9-2-4t WANTEI-A list of every boarding house in the city that will take visitors to the State Fair, which will be held October 12th to 17th. Address "List Department," care Evening Times. t. f. MISCELLANEOUS. SLUMBERLAXD TUESDAY Wednesday nights. AND TRIPE FIVE Green Co. PIG FEET 5c. UMBRELLAS REPAIRED A'I) RE- covered. 150 samples just received. Call this week and select your covers.1 Porter, 207 South Wil mington street. :. 4-2t ONLY 25c. Ice Cream. 2 3t. -..: A QUART. BETT'S CELEBRATE LAltOR DAY BY buying one of those houses and lots or a vacant lot at the execu tors' sale in West Raleigh at 11 o'clock Monday. One-third cash on part of the lots. 3 2t. WE ARE LOOKING FOR FRESH Fish this evening at 4:30. Green Co. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS TODAY for Sunday. Bctt's Ice Cream. '. 2 3t. -. HELP OLD LADIES' HOME. ronizf Slumberland. PAT- A YOUNG MAN WITH SEVERAL thousand dollars capital desires to acquire active partnership In a business at Raleigh. 'Partner," care Evening Times. ' : ATTEND THE LABOR DAY SALE of houses and lots on Park Ave nue, West Raleigh, at 11 o'clock. Buy you a home ready to move Into. No speculation scheme. ExeSutors' sale. . 3 2t. : CHEESE 15 : Green Co. TO 17 C PER LB. EVERYBODY IS GOING TO SLUM- bejland. BOUGHT ME A HOUSE AND LOT on Park Avenue, West Raleigh, Labor Day, 1908, at a very low figure. Celebrate that way! T:ie location Is the best around Ral eight. . 3 2t. .1 FOR SALE. PIGS! PIGSt PIGS! Fifteen line English Berkshire Pigs for sale. Best stock. Apply quickly if you want any of them to John C. Drewry, Raleigh, N. C. ' ; FOR SALE A TWENTY-FIVE acre Dewberry Farm. Good wa ter and good school convenient. Address Box 82, Cameron, N. C. 29 6 1. , WHITE HOUSE TEA ; , Is Just m good as White , House Coffee. Trial Tea or . Fifteen Cmt Can at your Grocer. Note the difference. ..... I 'Resigned Position With Garfield School Goes to Winston Salem. Captain Duckett, the head of the ; jstate institutions for the normal and industrial training of the negro, says ' that J. W. Paisley, a graduate of.' Shaw University and principal of the Garfield school in this city, has gone ; to Winston-Salem to accept a position in the Slater School. He will hold the chair of mathematics in that ex cellent school. I Captain Duckett states that Pais ley is one of the most promising col ored educators In the state. He re cently stood the state examination for high school certificate and 'made the remarkable average of 98 7-10. Naval Stoi-es. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Savannah, Ga., Sept. 4. Turpen tine, firm, 36; sales, 107; receipts, 840.- . . Rosin, firm; Bales, 3,031; receipts, 3,b86. Quote: WW, 6..10; WG, 5.90; N, 5.25;M, 4.50; K. 4.254.30; I, 3.553.60; H, 3.30 3.S5 ; G, 2.70 2.80; F, 2.652.75; E, 2.50 2.55; D, 2.45; C, B, A, 2.40. Mr. W. A. Pugh, a merchant from the Rogers Store sactioa, is here today.- WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FOR your money? Ice . Cream, 25c. per quart. Furman Betts. 2 3t. FOR EXCHANGE One Remington Typewriter, in first-class condition; one Manhattan Typewriter, in first class condition. Wish to exchange for either Oliver or Underwood machines. Address, "The Evening Times, Raleigh. N. C." 4-3t muMUMtmutumnmrnti Trinity College Four Departments: Collegl- ; ate, Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. Well-equipped laboratories In all departments of Science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy stu dents. ; Young men wishing to study Law should Investigate the superior advantages offered t by the Department of Law at Trinity College. For Catalogue and further In formation, address, D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, Durham, N. C. iWWMMIMMMMmMHM HUBBARD BROS. & CO HANOVER SQUARE, .NEW SORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correepondena" InvlteA. QueenofSeaTrips Merchants & Miners Trans portation Company's Steamship Lines. NORFOLK TO . BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. New, fast, and elegant steamers, Accommodations and cuisino excel lent. Send for booklet.. Through tickets on sale at principal Southern points. For reservations or further information rail on nearest ticket agent, or address E. C. LOHR. Agent, Norfolk, Va. W. P. TURNER, Passenger Traffic Manager, Baltimore, Md. "FINEST COASTWISE TRIPS IN THE WORLD." Mon., Wed., Frl 4 mo. Eureka Ry Dan River Rt OnyOooM Rye.. , Inspection Rye , Old Henry Rye .., Greenwood Rye McCertv Whiikev. Bottled in Bond. I m. Jefleraon Club Rye 4 N Hlgh.plre Rye S 0 N.C.Com Whlrkey...., 2 Virginia Corn Whlekey , 3 N Very Old N. C. Corn Whiskey 3 St Old Burro Corn Whiskey .... 8ran Qln 2 2i Holland Oln V M Apple Brandy , . i H Very Old Apple Brandy ,.......... J SS Peach Brandy., J S8 Cousins Supply Co. !?.; ' THE f RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COUP ANY WITH Aji nsvrpaid history behind It since IBM , . BTANDS FOB itetj to Its Depositors. Accommodation to Its Customers. ; Willing service to Its Friends. 0IAS. K. JOHNSON, Preddevt. JOSEPH G. BROWN, President. CAPITAL $100,000.00. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. The Raleigh JOHN T. PULLEN, President. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per cent, interest paid on deposits. Call In the bank, or write for further information'. Bunk open on Saturday evening from 6 to 0 o'clock to accommodate the public. MERCHANTS liiiHim-SK men who -carry small a well an large daily balance hi their checking accounts appreciate the projection afforded by our ample capital and surplus. Large dealers and small tradesmen alike receive the utmost courtesy and every accommodation which their account and their credit warrant. THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $200,000.00 RALEIGH. N. C. B. S. JERMAN. Pres.: A. A. THOMPSON. Vice-Pres.: H. W. JACK. jSON, Cashier; E, B. CROW, Assist. Cashier; J. .1. Thomas, Chmn Board of mreciora, -.- THE BEST YET ! "THE FIRING LINE' BY ROBERT CHAMBERS - - $1.20 AT ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO'S. CLUBBING PROPOSITION. )' The Saturday Evening Capital, one year . Modern Farming, Richmond, one year . . We send both papers one year for . . . . . ADDRESS TIIE SATURDAY EVENING CAPITAL, RALEIGH, N. C. yiSSSSSSSSSBSnSaMWSSBBSgSSS!IISIWSiJ Guaranteed Olilskoys ! All our goods are guaranteed under tha Pur Feed Law. If net satisfactory, money refunded on return ef geeds. Goods shipped In plain paokages name day order reeelved. WE PREPAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES. RHlttiKit mi It aitft tj ilthir Postal er Eiprut Momi 8rr, ir UrUtirX Littar. Prices an Qds net llstad drill be furnished epen reesast. IN JUGS. IN BOTTLES, hr lallM. I hlltM. 4 FailOto. Fall 0I. .12 M IS 71 S2 21 .. 2 25 . 2 M :18 7 21 II N It M II 4 'Hi 14 N S 71 I 71 II M " llll II N 2 45 2 71 4 II 4 M 4 M 5 M 1 M IN 2 21 121 ill M 41 71 It U 4 79 J25 7 75 7 75 I 75 175 75 II 41 421 i 15 775 511 12 7 75 7 75 . 4 N old... 4 Full Ota $2.65 F. H. BRIGG8, Cashier. SURPLUS $150,000.00. Savings Bank. CILIRLES ROOT, Cashier. ii $1.00 .1.00 .1.25 Our Specials. AMOLET COHfU Fine Old Copper Dlatillee; t Pull Qta $5.00'; COCKADE RYE ; Smooth and Mellow. 4PullQts. , ' SruliOtaC" . $3.15 ! '': (6.06 -P r , Old Reliable) Order House i j -

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