t J' SOCIETY. 1 1 1 1 i DID HE KISS HER? ' ' ,Wrltten for The Times) ' Dip he kiss her? What a question! But your answer draw from this: Just Imagine a verandah Where the rose-Tines whisper bliss. There two lovers sit in silence, ' From the sight of tattlers hid, .. And she sighs; did he then kiss her? " "Weft,' I rather guess he did. Did HE kiss her? There were others ; Friends and school-mates; girls ' and boys, : Who, to welcome home the wanderer Made that osculatory noise. When they're gone and he is near t " her ' He who's waited, oh, so long; ' If I guessed HE bent and kissed her -' I am sure I'd not guess wrong. Did he KISS her? They are strolling 'Neath the peaceful starlit skies. ' Listening to the wild waves sobbing As they slowly fall and rise. He has asked her; she has answered, Ana me worm seems iuii oi uusb, Would it be a sealed betrothal Lacking a betrothal kiss? Did he kiss HER? You are silly, ,'- Though she's plain, as all may see. But that never fazes some men, And it never fazes me. Now, I'll bet that "HE DID KISS HER," , And I'll stake my Sunday pants That any man will kiss a woman If he gets a half a chance. - Miss Luclle Rhodes, of Raeford, ar rived in the city today to attend the B. U. W. Mrs. Geo. W. Munford, after visit- lng friends at Clayton for the past' few days, has returned to the city. Mrs. W. J. Pope, of Dunn, is in the , dty, the guest of Mrs. W. T: Mabry, on East Hargett street. .. '-''; , , Mrs, 3. Scott Burch and son, Mas ' ter James S., Jr., of Durham, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. George Harden. :v-. Miss Aline Galloway, of Mount . Airy, returned to the city yesterday .' afternoon, to resume her studies at " the B. U. W. ' ,' . V; ' JUIss Emma Dowell, after spending several days in the city, at the home of Mrv D. G. Conn, left today for her . homo in Rock Hill, S. C. Miss Minnie Haynes, who is well! ' " rememoerea by lovers of music in Raleigh, has returned and will con f Unue vocal at the B. U. W. Mm. Adelaide Barbee and daugh "ter, Miss Beulah, of Durham, arrived In the city last evening and are the guests of Miss Berta Parham. : ' '," i '. - - Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Blanchard - and daughters. Misses Edn and Win- ; gate, and son, Master John Duffy, left last evening for Manning, S. C.", Where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. BIrdsong and children left this morning for Chase City, Va., where they will .: ' spend some time at the Mecklenburg "Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Birdsong were j i the winners in The Times contest i r ywhlch closed recently. If Ivory Soap sold for a dollar, instead of less than a cent, an ounce, it ;rculd be no better, no turer than it is. There is no "free" al- rji in Ivory Soap ; no : -rmful ingredient of kind. It Is pure soap noth- ;clsei;;,; :-:;-i'::j:,'y'r: Ivory Soap Per Cent. Pure. f TOBER WEDDINGS mot delay longer fat placing orders for engrave) Invitations. r-unples represeut tbo veryj latest shape and ''forms that a accepted by refined and fashionable society. We do not c LEAD in originating artistic effects with fine material. are the lowest. Bend for samples, which will be supplied JT. P. ETZVEXS ENGRAVING" 00, Wedding 8t . .en, 7 V.-UieiaU St, AtlanU Ga, ' fiflMi 1 Mrs. E. J. Holt has returned from Smlthfleld. Miss Allston Dargan left today tor Oxford, to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Watson left this afternoon for Fayetteville, to visit friends. . ' ; Miss Clarice Ellas returned to the city last evening after a six weeks' visit to Charleston, S. C, and Waynesville, N. C. :.;"'..."' . .. . Kennett-Goodno. Miss Goodno, who has been head stenographer in the office of Super intendent Shea at Hamlet, has re signed her position there and re turned to this city. On the 17th of this month she will be married to Capt. Kennett, of the Seaboard. The marriage will take place in the First Baptist church of this city. Dunn-Crawford. Mr. Geo. F. Dunn, of Charlotte, ftnd M(gs Maltle Crawford torrner. ly of Raleigh, were married in the First Baptist church at Charlotte yesterday. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. H. H. Hulten. Immediately after the ceremony the newly married couple left Cha-J lotte for this city and are now the guests at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. N. H. Crawford. They will return to Charlotte to make their future home. MARRIAGE LAST NIGHT. Miss Bessie Gray Wilkerson Becomes the Bride of Mr. J. W. Parrish. Last evening at 9 o'clock there was a happy social event solemnized In the Johnson Memorial chapel, when Mr, J. W. Parrish and Miss Bessie Gray Wilkerson were united in marriage The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. S. Stephenson, in the pres ence of a large number of the friends of tha young couple. Mrs. C. B. Pusey was at the organ and played the wedding march. The decorations were tastefully carried out in ferns And evergreens, forming a large arcfc, under which the marriage vows were spoken. : The bride entered on the arm of the maid-of-honor. Miss Mary Britt. She was attired in a white gown and carried a bunch of bride's roses and ferns. Mr. E. E. Lee acted as best man.- - ':.., After the ceremony a delicious lun cheon was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilkerson. Mr. and Mrs. Parrish received the hearty congratulations of all pres' ent and many beautiful gifts were re ceived, attesting the high esteem in which the bride and groom are held. The bride Is an attractive young woman, with a large circle of friends. The groom is a popular young bus iness man of this city, . .. IS HONOR, OF MISS WOOD. , Miss Robbing Entertained Last Even in iii Honor of Her Guest. Miss Saidee W. Robbins entertain ed last night a few of her friends in honor of her guest, Miss Evelyn Wood ,of Jacsonvllle, Fla., at an in formal reception. ... ) A "Progressive Hearts" was s the game of the evening and ' created much mirth and excitement. The color scheme, pink and white and hearts, was very effectively car ried out in the decorations and re freshments. - . ' . Miss Wood, who was a school mate of Miss Robbins while at Sal era College, leaves Sunday for Winston-Salem to resume her studies. POPULAR COUPLE MARRIED. Secret For a Week, But the News Spread Yesterday. The many friends of Mr. Harry Pool, of this city, and Miss Mary Al len, of Neuse, will be surprised to learn that they were married a week ago, but it was kept a secret until yesterday. The event took place Wednesday, the 26th of August, at 6:30, at the home of Rev. R. S. Stephenson, on Salisbury street. A number of friends were present. The groom Is a young business man of this city with many friends. The bride is a charming, attractive, and cultured young woman, the daughter of Mr. W. O. Allen, of Neuse, super intendent of roads. Both are popu lar and their many friends extend the best of wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Pool left this afternoon for a wedding trip to Washington and other points. ' MRS. W. Sf'GWILLIAMS. 1 (Q ff m & f '.'::'. . :: -.wvv -ma. -. .. it u m II v SsxSt:hWl 1 Mrs. William S. G. Williams, the Baltimore oclftty wop'iaii involved in the Miss Danie Monroe left this after noon for Fayetteville, to visit friends. ' Mrs. T, W. White and little (laugh ter, Emma, are spending a few days at Fuquay Springs. Miss Louise.Berry, of .'Wilmington, ! is In the city, the guest at the home einy, about four miles south of Ral of Colonel and Mrs. R. L. Leimster. eigh, today. ' V ' , . . Mr. L. L, Hendren was in the city Misses Ruby and Burt Eldrtdge, of jtodav while on hl8 way t0 Durham, to Greensboro, were in the city today i . a . -ava Bftpr whIp h wII1 while on their way to Loulsburg to j visit friends. ' Mrs. B. F. Montague and daughter, Miss Marjorie, of this city, and Mrs. a i.i.. mi . .I..-.. ' ,1. .uuuiasutr, -Ul 1UMUU, IKLL litis . afternoon for New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. : Rlggnn and daughter. Miss Ruth, ' of , Fuquay Springs, arrived In the city. this af ternoon to spend several days. 0 PERSONALS Mr. M. C. Treber is at the Yarbor- ough. Mr. C. L. Sykes left this afternoon for Selma. : . Mr. J. J. Rogers, of Kinston, Is In the city, Mr. O. G. Allen left this afternoon for Wake Forest. Mr. J. R. PelHtier, of Oak Ridge, is at the Glersch.. Mr. J. W. Foster, of New1' York; is at the Yarborough. Col. J. W. Hinsdale has gone to Greensboro on business, Mr. W. H. Dooley, of Washing ton, D. C, is in the city. Mr. Win. S. Fullerton, of Phila delphia, is at the Qiersch.' Mr. E. A. Hlnton, of Baltimore, is registered at the Glersch. ' Mr. W. B. Rodman, pf Charlotte, Is In the city on business. Mr. C D. Nardllne, of New York, la in the city on business. " - Mr, Charles R. Thomas, of New Bern, is at the Yarborough. - Mr. C. J. Morton is -registered at the Glersch from Oak Ridge. " Mr. Wm. R. Robertson, of North Carolina, is at the Yarborough. , Mr. R. R. Held, of Cincinnati, spent the day at the Yarborough. - Mr. J. C. Hickson, of Atlanta, is registered at theYarborough todav. Mr. J. A. Canover. of Washing ton, D. C, spent the day -In the city. Mr. F. 8. Wilson a yfouikr caled man of Richmond, Is at the Glersch. I Prof. W. P. Massey, formerly of the A. ft M. College is In the-city. I "Mr. W. B. Upchurch, of Charlotte, arrived la the city this afternoon to m visit hit parents, Mr.' and Mrs. X,E. ipcnvrea. , : .., v.i..r ,. . ... !Q0 i: X. LQCAL BRIEFl A very enjoyable neighborhood .pic - nlc was given at Parker's Acad go to the University of Georgia. . Peter Holmes was found not guilty pf malicious injury to prop- el'ty and his prosecutor, George Davis, was taxed with the costs bv I ' I Justice H. H. Roberts yesterday. I Clifton Baxter, a colored "razor, totor," was placed in jail yesterday to await tha next term of the superior court. Baxter had Just finished a vacation on the Wake roads. ;, ; The office force of the state I .superintendent of public instruction :1s busy today sending out questions (for the examinations for high school 'certificates, which will be held in every county in the state next Friday and Saturday, Septembar 11 and 12. The first copi3s of the State Democratic Hand-book for 1908 were sent out yesterday afternoon. One was sent to Governor Glenn and one to Hon. W. W. Kitchin, at Bakers- ville. The hand-book contains 192 pages of democratic doctrine. A test alarm was sounded from box 32, corner , of Hillsboro and West streets last '-.'night' at l'l:30: The department had not been call ed out In so long that Chief Simpson wished to see if they were rusty. The wagons' arrived much quicker than was expected. . , '. It cost "Jake" Pope just $7.60 to eat supper a few nights since. He went into the dining-room to eat his supper and left his coat in a front room. When he came back his money, 17.50 in ail, was gone. The only consolation "Jake'! has is that the thief didn't wait a few days and get his month's salary. . ...... ; . Special Cigar "OFFICIAL SEAL" Perfectos. Sold rcfjulftrly at 3 for 25 cents. Tomorrow 5 cents each ' K! N G -CROVJE LL Drm Co. 7o cto Arjento for Huylcr'a Ccn-Jy, RALEIGH TO ATLANTA. New Sleeping Car Line Inaugurated. The announcement by the South ern Railway ,Uiat beginning Sunday they will ' inaugurate new sleeping car line between .Raleigh and At lanta, Ga., will doubtless be read with a good deal of interest by the traveling people of -this section.' v This car is to be handled south bound on trains Nos. 139 and 43, northbound on train Nos. 444 ; and 144. ' ' ': Effective with the new schedules, which go Into effect Sunday, Sop tember 6th, Nov 139 will leave Ral eigh at 4:05 p. m., arrive Greens boro 7:15 p. m., making close con nection with No. 43, which is a fast through train from Charlotte, At lanta and all points south. These ereatlv Improved schedules makes it. !,,ih A.- tho ti-ln from Ralnlffh to Charlotte, Atlanta and all points south and west, to be mad with a great dual more comfort and much i quicker time than heretofore, and ' will no doubt be greatly appreciat ed by the public. R1U OP ..VILE CITIZENS. i Not Present in l'olice Court Today. Bonds of $200 Each Forfeited. it seems that Raleigh is now rid i . . n: i .in , 101 iwo ui us musi viie viiizeus m !the person of one Maud Kelly and William Jones. The case in the po lice court against them was called i at 10 o'clock today and the defend- ants were not present. Both were called out and their bonds of $200 each forfeited. A capias has been issued for each one and should either lof them make his or her appearance in Raleigh again, they will receive a mysterious AtlantiTlfyooUng hasty trial. ' indefinitely. The-MMtf Continued COL HENRY'S TEBRITCRV. Expects to Start Out Under Manage ment National Republican Can palgn Committee AVitliin Ten Days ';' to Two Weeks. : Col. Walter R. Henry, who, it was announced at the state republican convention in charlotte last weekr, would bs engaged in campaign work under the national committee of the republican party, instead of being made elector-at-large in North Caro- Una, will start out on his itinerary within ton Hnvs or two wppku. , : Col. Henry In tendering his servi- ! ces to' the national campaign commit- tee, wae allowed, according .to cus- torn to select his own territory, nam ing the stat?s of Maryland and New I York as the fields of his labors this fall In the campaign, and he expects to make things interesting wherever he is booked to speak and address the people on the Issues of the campaign. Notice Gaiety Patrons. Monday being a legal holiday the Gaiety will be open at 10 o'clock in I the morninng and remain open until 11 at night. . Holiday prices will pre-1 vail in accordance with schedule , given below: i 10 a. m. to 2 p. m., 5 cents; and I 10 cents for afternoon and night. . A special program has been se-, cured for the occasion, "The Great Paris Fire." Miss Lula D. Masssnburg, of Louls burg, was in the city today, while on her way .to Garland. CASTOR I A - For Infanta and Children. Tin Kind You Havi Always 8sjghl Bears'thc fCgaatoreof 0 .IMJiI liiiillli Fester Kid Crib Aeddenb MJtt-,nM 8 n j a u tU T " Baty can't gel out - J s r or Mick its head through Ji " Write us for catalog if you cannot call 7 and see Royall & Borden Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville St. Raleigh, N. C. REFINM ENT )f cutting, form, and color characterizes the Cut Glass which we are showing.. ' All our pieces, Vaases, Glasses, Pitchers, Compotes, Carraffes, etc., have a style and character of their own. The prices, too, of these goods place them within the reach of those who desire attractive table appointments which are not too expensive. ... H. MAULERS' SONS Jewelers WRIGHTSVILLE . BEACH. Preeminently North Carolina's seaside resort, splendid surf. . FISHING, BATHING, YACHTING Easily reached yia Goldsboro or Fayetteville in connection with the ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Tickets on sale every Saturday good to return the following Monday, at $4.50. ' For further Information write W. 9. CRAIG, ( T. C. WHITE. Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C. IiYoii mm mot i WAIT J Until you get all the money if you need some things for the house, come and get it, pay down what you can, and if you pay the remainder in installment pay . ments, weekly or 30, 60, or 90 days, it will not cost you any more here than it would most places if you paid SPOT V.;J:-:-. CWkSH.-.;;:VV'-:. v-l'v' :Vl- J- .:x;;-'i!;v-: Come in and talk with us. We are reasonable and want to accommo date you. , CAPITAL FURNIlilRE COMPANY, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, EALEIQH, N. 0. judge C. M. Cooke, of Louls burg, Is here today to -attend the funeral ot Ma. V. H. Busbee. . , ' Corporation Commissioner 8. L. Rogets 1s at his desk again-" after an absence ot several' weeks on account ot tae Illness ot his son, who Is much Improved.1 ''.; - Governor Glenn has ordered ft spec ial term ot" court for Wayne coiinty for the trial of civil cases only,1: tt will last two weeks. '','":- "'',".' Proof fl DRS. NORRIS & DOUGLASS, Dentists. , The way we fit in missing teeth, destroy the ache of old ones and put in neve fillings and caps or crowns is almost wonderful. I can eat just as well some people say I look better as with my natural set, and yet the bill was very moderate. No; they don't hurt one as much as you might thllnk. They know their pro fession and have all the best appli ances. Open at Night by Special Arrange- ' ment Only. Both 'Phones. . 1 ( RalelgH, N. C Safe beach with . Mr. and Mrs C. V. Strickland, of V Brooklyn, who are In the city, at the home ot Mr. J. W. Peebles, on South Blount street, left today for Durham, i to spend A few days vlsjtlng friends. , Miss Nellie King has returned to ' the city, after. , spending, several weeks with relatives in Washington ; Cltr and BalUmere. 1 ' V ' ' Mrs:. W. O.' Adams, Ml liyd' Ad amk, and Miss Martha Adams, ' of Durham, are in the city, tlsiUng at the home of Mr. Henry T. Illcks; on ; Morgan street. ' ' V " '

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