.i:al urn LVENiim tiijXo: itjday, k ard(Air Line Railway. C - ; Iorth. Going South. 3:45 a.m.- . ,1:10 a.m. ; 11:20 a, m.. .. f:35 . m. ; 11:50 p. m. " ' 4:16 p.m. 6:30 pm. ; 6:15p.m. Raleigh and Southport. -. Going South. v ArriTe Raleigh. 6:00 a.m. 1:25 a.m. ' 1:S0 p. m. ' 4:30p.m. Norfolk and Southern. Going East. ' ArriTe Baleigh. . . 6:86 a. m. . 8:30 a. m. . 8:40 a.m. , 7:35 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Southern Railway. Going East. Going West, v 4:30 a. m. 2:00 a. m. 11:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. THE WEATHER (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Sept. 4 Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Sat urday. Fair. tonight and Saturday; slightly warmer tonight; light variable winds. ' The eastern high barometer area . now lies over the New England and Middle states, attended by cool, clear ; weather. The northwest low is now " central north of Wisconsin, and has caused somewhat high temperatures in the upper Mississippi valley. High - pressure, attended : by clear weather, prevails over the Rockies ; and plateau region. In the south the . weather varies from clear to cloudy, and the temperatures are normal, ex - cept In North Carolina, where they : . are below normal. Showers fell along the Gulf roast and at Savan- nah. At Oklahoma, Okla., 1.96 inches of rain fell during the past t :24 hours. f The conditions Indicate fair weath r er in this vicinity tonight and Satur Vjday, with slightly warmer tonight. A. H. THIESSEN, Section Director. How to Get Strong. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress St., - P. J Chicago, tolls of a way to become strong; he says: "My mother, who is ipld and very feeble, is deriving so much benefited from Electric Bitters ; that I feel It's my duty to tell those Who need a tonic and strengthening ? medicine about It. In my mother's case a marked gain in flesh has re suited, insomnia has been overcome, and ahe Is steadily growing stronger.' Electric Bitters quickly remedy stum- ach, liver and kidney complaint". So'd .uncier guarantee at al drug .tores. :' jo. rE GAIETY SPECIALS King's Diamond Daughter'sHonesty ( SIDESPLITTEU) Good Dinner Badly '. Digested. -GAIETY THEATRE- COOLED BY ELECTRICITY. J? CLOTHING IS NEEDED NOW ! t I1 l THE SALE ENDS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. - It Is Not Short of Extravagance to Let This Sale Go By Without Sharing. J--; Over half of the stock Is right in weight for Fall Service. There are all sizes and style tor everybody, t t not every size in every style. , The sale will resume with fresh Interest today and will continue during all the week, when Saturday nf 'it with closing it will end and remember, that it embraces every plain and fancy suit in our entire stock jiot a garment is held back. v-v-" . ONE-THIRD OFF on all Patterned Suit. ONE-FOURTH OFF on all plain black and blue suits.. ' i ONE-FOURTH OFF on all Trousers, Knee Pants included. ONE-FIFTH OFF on all Furnishings. . Remember this Is the last week of Special Selling and goods are lower than they will be or have t- . years. : 3EEN the n ew fall h ats? Doi. 'te Some Changing Already. S. BER.WANGER. THE ONE PRICE CLOTHIER, The Manicure Lady Sht ls the Sid Victim of Blighted Rominct By WILLIAM F. KIRK ly.ipX UM way, m, aaw .turn now Uuit socth.ro gent yoa were m keea for tha os you w.re thinking of Biarrylngr I The lUoicaie LUr rigaed, "Him ana ft didn't hitch." ah wild. "Pa didn't "Uke Urn a little bit, and he didn't Ilk Ft era isbi mien, bo we hciun (might u wU call It off. : Tnouant Ton aid your old man wai Very fond of him.1 : "He liked him wen enough at Bret, bat ue oigai may goi in an awioi argamein, oW ran. Tnoodi-E: Pa kept up tha torture Ilka a hornet. iaald the Manicure Lady. "Pa waa to home when the young man called, and ,tame Into the parlor to give him a cigar. "They y smoked their elm smotea tneir cigare ana talked. and got along fin until the old man aaya 'How abont a toddy, yonnir fellow' 'Heavens, not' aaya my friend. 'And why not?' eays Pa. 'I snpposed all Southern : gentlemen liked their toddy.' 'Here Is one Southern gentleman that doesn't,' aays my friend. Then Pa Got Blood in His Eye. 11 "Pa dldnt like It a little bit. George. n didn't aay any mora at tha time, bat SL National League, Won. IiOHt. P. C. New York '. . . 73 45 .619 Pittsburg .... 73 47 : .609 Chicago . . . . . 73 48 .604 Philadelphia . . . 63 52 .548 Cincinnati . . . . 63 52 .548 Boston . . . :. . 50 71 .413 Brooklyn . . 43 74 .368 Hi. Louis '. .;, - , . 43 76 . .362 At Chicago. First gameChlcago, T; -Si. Louis, 0; Second game Chi cago, S ; St. Louis, 2. At; Cincinnati: Cincinnati, 1; Pittsburg, 3. At Philadelphia: First game- Philadelphia, 7; Brooklyn, 5. Sec ond game Philadelphia, 6; Brook lyn, 1. ! At Boston: First game Boston, 0; New York, 3. Second game Bos ton, 5; New York, 8. American League. Won. Lost. P. C, Detroit . . :. . . 69 49 ; .585 St. Louis . . 68 51 .572 Chicago . . . , . 67 53 .558 Cleveland . :;. . 67 54 7 .554 Philadelphia . . . 59 59 .500 Boston . . . . . 53 68 .438 Washington . . . 49 , 67 .423 Naw York . . ' . 40 80 .333 At Washington: Washington, 2; Boston, 5. " ", At Detroit: Detroit. 2; Cleveland, 1. , ; ; :: At New York: New York, 2; Philadelphia, 1. At St. Louis: St. Louis, 4; Chica go, 3. , Southern League. Won. . 65 . 64 . 63 . 60 . 60 .,58 54 ; . 46 Lost. 51 51 53 57 , 59 , 64 64 71 P.C. .560 .557 .543 .513 .504 .475 .458 .394 New Orleans Nashville . . Memphis . . Montgomery . Mobile . . . Little Rock . Atlanta . ,'-. Birmingham . At Little Rock: Little Rock. 3; Atlanta, 2. -. At Mobile: First game Mobile, 1; Nashville, 0. Second game Nash ville, 2; Mobile, 0. No others scheduled. Expect to do more. OUR 3.00 DERBYS wm uw iuw owing noni ana mwpM bud-i ell to three ox four toddles, .anyhow, If no OKUi't aav three or loaf, the onea ha. did bar was terrible strong, for after, a while la he come with blood In his eye. i "I know that look In Pa' eye. I waa eorry for my Southern friend, but I dtda't like to baH In, so I kept out of It 1 " 'As I said before I left the room,' ssya' Pa, '1 supposed all Bon then gentlemen! liked their toddy when they eould afford. -'Afford It? What do yoa meanr aska my friend from Dixie.: " 'What I said goes as it laye,' aaya Pa.! 1 mean that arr since the BebeUlon the) South baa been rather poor. Tha suneyj lent there, and while the Bonthern gentle men are naturally hospitable, they are often sererely handicapped by lack ot means. " 'Their ehlralry remains Intact, an A chivalry I a sweet thing In Its way,' says Pa, tot It takes money to toy toddles.' P u Merciless u a Hornet "I sur did feel sorry for the yonng gentlemaa I bnt yoa know, George whenJ Pa lets rolna there ain't ao merer In hlmJ He Just goes on with tha torture, 1. ;e on of them hornets that crawls alou, your hand and stings yen eight or nine times la a row. " 'In a way. I nltr tha Booth.' Pa sayal to my friend. The Booth la sot a 'together bad,' aaya Pa, "baying quite aomt natural resource, auch as Democrats, malaria and coona. I I have often thought I would like rat Uve In the Booth,' aaya Pa, If 1 couldn't! losathly live anywhere else. It's too baa Rebellion. That awful war war. nrett: tough cora beef for the poor Sou icmeri who bare not yet forgotten tha One battln average ox u. a. urani.' How about Robert B. Ueer ask yonng friend, 'waa be not alao a great general r 'rair to nuaouing,' aaya ra Must fair to mlddllnc.' '"And how about Stonewall Jackson says tha roung chsn. 1 suonos you thin! ne aion t snow now to nae a norse r knew that all right,' aaya Pa, but that' nothing. So doea Tod Sloan.' "That Waa too much for tha bay, Qeorgej I haven't saw him 0100. ' Virginia League. , Won. Lost, P. C. Richmond . . , . 73 37 .664 Danville . . . . 69 41 .627 Roanoke . . . 54 60 .474 Portsmouth ... 47 61 .435 Norfolk . , ... 44 67 .396 Lynchburg . . . . 43 67 .391 At Lynchburg: Lynchburg, 4; Nor folk, 8. ' At Danville: Danville, 6 ; Roan oke, 3. HAL CHASE QUITS ' THE NEW YORK TEAM New York, Sept. 4 The best first baseman in the business, Hal Chase by name, has decided to give up or ganized baseball. Chase, - who has been with the New York Americans for three years, handed in his resig nation yesterday and will leave short ly for San Jose, Cal. Chase's grievance was against the management, whom he says gave out a story detrimental to his character. McLaughlin Was First. Apropos the recent innovation at VIcksburg, Miss., where an umpire, finding the diamond too wet, laid out a diamond in the outfield and had the game played out in that way, we will state that the first umpire to turn that trick was Umpire M. J. Mc Laughlin, who did It in Lansing. Mich., in 1902. McLaughlin, by the way, umpired all the season in the Carolina League with splendid re sults, and when the Carolina League season ended he finished out in the Eastern Carolina League. Sporting Life. Important Changes In Southern's Schedule and Pullman Service. Effective SundaySeptember 6, the Southern Railway will lnauguraie a new Pullman sleeping car line be tween Raleigh and Atlanta. First car to be handled leaves Raleigh Sunday, September 6, on train No. 139 at 4:05 p. in., connecting at Greensboro with No. 43, arriving at Charlotte 10:30 p. m., and Atlanta 5:30 a. m. Returning this car will be handled on trains No. 44 and 144, arriving in Raleigh at 12:30 p. m. This greatly improves the South era's service' Into and out of Raleigh, affording either a Pullman or parlor car on all their trains. For addi tional information call on or address W. H. McGlamery, P. & T. A., Ral eigh, N. C. AND SOFT HATS ARB WINNERS. I ; RESOLI'TIOKS OF RESPECT. A Heartfelt 'Exprcasloa From the I Ik O'B, Branch' Caropi V. C. V. I Within the last month two mem bers of the famous old L. O'B. Branch Camp of United Confederate Veterans have died. General Peter E. Hines. the famous surgeon, died a few wees ago,, and Maj. Fa.blus H. Busbee-following last week. A. ; B. Stronach,' commander of the L. O'B. Branch Camp U, C. V., today gave out the following: Headquarters L. O'B. Branch Camp, No. 515,' U. C. V. , At a meeting of L. O'B. Branch Camp, held this Friday, September 3rd, the following resolutions were adopted and the adjutant of the camp instructed to send copies of the same to the widows Of our deceas ed comrades: . : . Comrades, ' - "Close up the gaps, men," "close up the gaps.' Twice within the month death, the "grim reaper," has touched with his blade members of this (L. O'B. Branch) camp. One of our eldest, one of our youngest, one of the old guard, one of the young guard. No respecter of per sons is the "grim reaper" today you tomorrow I answer "adsum" (present.) "Resolved first. The Lord in His wisdom having Been fit to remove from the lesser roll call on this earth to the greater roll call on the other side of the river our comrades, Peter E. Hines and Fabius H. Bus bee, we, their surviving comrades, hereby tender our . heartfelt sym pathy to the wives and families of our deceased comrades. "Resolved, second. That the ad jutant of this camp be instructed to send copy of the resolutions to the families of our late comrades." A. B. STRONACH, commander. J. C. BIRDSONG, Adjutant. EXCURSION TO NORFOLK. The Norfolk & Southern Announces the Last Excursion of the . Season. ' The Norfolk & Southern Railway offers to the public the last oppor tunity this season of visiting Nor folk, Virginia Beach and Cape Hen ry at excursion rates. A well equipped excursion train will leave Raleigh Tuesday, Septem ber 15th, at 6:35 a. m., and will ar rive in Norfolk at - 5:45 p. m. Tickets limited for return passage to Friday, September 18th. Round trip fare from Raleigh Is $3.50. Ha)f Tates 'for children under 12. Malaria Makes Pale Blood. ' The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma latia and builds up the system. For grown people and children, 60c. BOOKCASES WITH NON-BINDING DOORS THAT DON'T DIND. Mude in a, variety of grades and finishes to harmonize with the sur roundings of your own home. The Macey Bookcases are dust proof, doors don't bind, the end bands can't pull off in short it Is me chanically perfect, "MACEY" leads ho world. ; : Ask for Catalogue. Raleigh furniture 17 East Martin. 18 Market. . RALEIGH, N. C. ' T. K. GREEN, Secretary A Treasurer. 1. VL RIGGAN, Manager. . lip Company POSITrVELY THE LAST WEEK . .... OF THF Cameropfiono The Talking and Moving Picture .. S HO W A Cliange in Program Daily. Adults, 10c. Children, 5c. BUSINESS BUILDERS NEW FURNITURE STORE THE WEATHERS FURNITURE COMPANY has been Incorporated, with Jo. H. Weathers as President and Fab. H. Weathers 'as Secretary and Treasurer. The store is located at No. 121 East Martin street, and you will find displayed an elegant line of up-to-date Furniture and House Furnishings at close prices for Cash or Credit, as you like. Every thing New. v; " SAY " Don't fall to visit the NEW SHOE STORE before Shoeing yourself. It will pay you. Our line is now com plete for Men, Women, and Children. Prices. O. K. PEEBLES & EDWARDS. 12 East Martin Street. . ,. : LET THE .; CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO, Haul Your Baggage. We Meet All Trains, Give Claim Checks and the Best of Service. Both 'Phones, 470. Office at Hobby's Stables, 116 E. Martin Street. R. L. WILSON . ... . . Manager. ANYTHING IN WOOD. ; When in need of a wood-worker call 831Y. N. 3. NORDAN. 226 South Swain St. See wood-work in stores of O. G. King and Kaplan Bros, in new Ma sonic Temple. THE GASOLINE IRON Has no superior. Let me coine and show you how good a thing it is. It is by far the cheapest and easiest way of ironing. The universal testimony is "I can't do without It." For sale by MRS. I. O. BLAIR, 12.3 Saunders Street, Raleigh, N. C. PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, AND ELECTRICAL WIRING. Estimate gladly furnished on any .-work.'. . FARMER COLE PLUMBING CO., Under Mechanics Savings Bank, Fayetteville Street. DID YOU FORGET? To get one of thoRc $5.50 guaranteed Electric Irons for $.1.75.. You can do so next week, or today. CAROLINA ELECTRIC COMPANY. 110 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. EMMBOHHannaHMS THAT SHOOT COLD SNAP Didn't amount to much; we are yet going to before the fall sets mit you to wear one reduced prices. We are positively offering all of our summer clothing at cost prices. The clothes that we are making such re ductions on are not old out of style goods either. They were bought for this summer's trade, therefore they contain all the style and snap it takes for a good dresser. See our windows and come on the inside for an extensud look. CROSS L J FAYETTEVILLE ivi. j-iS. A C ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW CORSETS FRESH NEW SHIPMENTS. P. N. ( Pauline llewftiah and C. B. Ala Spirite. Corsets that please in everyway; sizes. 18 to 30, Prices 50c. to $2.50. New case Ladies1 Umbrellas, witl? natural, black and metal handles. Thomas A. Part in Company LADrCS' FURNISHINQ8 and HOVKLTECa. 131 Fayetteville Street, NEXT TO NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. RALEIGH, N.C. OUR FALL STOCK ......... ..... i - i Of Regal and J. & M. Shoes have bepn to arrive. We have a few more of the Ox fords which we continue to offer at a low price in order to rid our stock. These Ox fords are of the best make, style and workmanship, but we do not want to carry them over in stock. Edgar E. Broughton, SUCCESSOR TO LEE & BROUGHTON. FAYETTEVILLE STREET - - RALEIGH, N. C, Oak City Steam Laundry The Laundry with a reputation of doing good work. What more can you ask. OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST. Phone for our wagon to call. Oak City Steam , Laundr now SUMMER The place to get a good BUSINESS EDUCATION, ' to prepare for a GOOD POSITION, and to get ready for THE SUSH of the (an Imalneas is XT DRAUCHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE J0IDOB8JSO by business men from Maine to California. Catalogue fHEEi ask for tt. i Raleigh, cor. Martin and Wilmington. Capital City Phone 1281. in. The weather for some time yet, will per of our suits which we LINEHAN STREET - ... - on have some hot weather are offering at such COMPANY, - RALEIGH, N. 0. .-it 1