PAaS TX70 AERONAUT FAILS ill Teeth TOBREAKRECQRD Paris, Sept. 17 Leon Delegrange, French aeronaut, today attempted to win back the la'irjls which had been yrosted fro-n him by the Wright brothers, but I'Mlcd. He made a flight h hi R'ri-il car at Is3y and re mained ' i fii al.' ;i0 minutes and 15 seco idc' .-' i "fls fo'ved ,to des cend. However, w: Delagranpe feels emouraged over th Improvement, this; hi'i.ig ".he ie.. t. Ji 'M he lias made. ro.J . ua:j Aviator Wrt?ht yssterdav has stirred the French, njvoaj givaJy. . FUNERAL OF MR. PATTERSON". State Officials and Employees of the Department Present. The delegation of friends and brother state officials who went to Lenoir to attend the funeral of the late Commissioner of Agriculture S. L. Patterson, returned to the city last night. Commissioner Patterson was bur ied at his old home in the Yadkin Valley. An immense crowd of friends and admirers were present. . The pall-bearers were close friends and neighbors who had lived near Mr. Patterson all their lives and who knew and loved him. .In front of the old family bury ing ground Jlr. Patterson had erect ed in honor of hia father and mother, a chapel. In this chapel Bishop JJorner and Rev. Mr. Moody conduct ed the funeral services. Much tell ing was manifested by the multitude present. Among those who attended from Raleigh were State Treasurer B. R. Lacy, Corporation .Commissioner S. L. Rogers, and Messrs. T. B. Parker, H H. Britnley, Franklin Sherman. V. M- Allen, Elias Carr. and Misses M. S. Birdsong and Miss Jennie Pres- cott, of the Department of Agricul ture. Mai. W. A. Graham, newly appointed Commissioner of Agricul ture, was unable to be present on ac count of his wife's severe lllnes. I healthy gums, sweet breath are the result of constant use of Meade & Baker's You will like the after -taste it's fragrant and pleasant At your druggist's, 25c, 50c, $1.00. THE STATE FAIR PHIZES !.f Many Things of Interest to the Farmers . , " -0 ' .-s jarSV ilk m 1 Ml . W The premium list of the state fair offers a wide range of prizes and many fields of competition, to the farmers. . The great state fair will be held here October 12-17, under the, direc tion of the Nort hCarollna Agricul tural Society, of which J. H. Currle is president; Jos. E. Pogue, secre tary. ; Prizes in the following clt-.sses of farm products will be of particular interest: Best display by any county- First prize, $250; second, $150; third, $100. Best display of methods of teach ing agriculture by any public school, $25, $15, and $10. For best displays of farm products prizes range from $75 to $25, there being prizes for exhibits by two-horse farms and mountain farms. The state board of agriculture also offers a. total of $750 for best yields of field crops, divided into prizes of $25, $15, and $10. and these Induce many crops for which mountain farm ers should be able to compete suc cessfully, such ns corn, wheat, oats, Irish potatoes, clover, grasses, and cabbage. 1 v , . There Is $1,200 for cattle ($150 each breed); $250 for sheep, or $42 each breed, and $4,500 for swine, or $90 each breed, and Berkshires also have $25 more cash and a $50 silver cup to compete for. Poultry prizes are $2 and $1. The trotting purses total $450 and for. furthern information as to the balance of the 2.386 prizes applica tion should be made to the secretary at Raleigh for premium list. Folfiy's Orlno Laxative Is a new rem edy, an improvement on the laxatives of former years, as it do?s not gripe oi nauseate, and is pleasant to take. It is guaranteed. O. O. Kirs. 20,000 PEOPLE AWAIT OPEN. IXG OF PUBLIC LAM Dallas. S. D., Sept. 17 Every train is bringing crowds to Dallas, the gateway to Tripp county. The erection of a canvas city shows great Interest in the registration for Rose bud land, which will begia October 5. Railway officials were in confer ence last night with town officials to organize police protection. Detec tives and United States marshals have been arranged for. Judge Witten, who will superin tend the opening of the reservation, will be here September 27, whea per manent headquarters will be estab lished. Word from the lands say 20, 000 persons are expected to register. Pink Pain Tablets Dr. Snoop's stop Headache, womanly pains, . any pain anywhere, in twenty minutes, sure. Formula on the 25c. bos. AsU your druggist or doctor about this formula. I for the fall trade, it's flue. Henry T. Hick." & Co. I Kriinklm Murphy. Jr.. son of for mer Gov. Murphy, of -Xew Jersey, whose 'ii.a:i(i('iiH'iit to Miss Harriet Alexander Lonsr. ; f Chicago, Is ; i'.n nount'cd. Yoiins Mr. Murphy met his future wife while" enjjas'l'l 1" some settlement' work in Chicago. A Paying Investment. Mr. John White, 'of 38 Highland Ave., Holt'jn, Maine, says: "Have been roubled with a cough every whiter and wring. Last winter i tried many ad vertised remedies, but the cough con tinued until I bought a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery; before tlri'.t was half gone, the congh was all gone.Thls winter the same happy result has fol lowed; a. few doses onee more banlsh ?d the -' annual cough. I am now con vinced that Dr. King's' New .-.Discovery is the best of all coutch and lung reme dies." Kohl under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. '-".'' Mr. Partin Retains. Mr. Thos. A. Partin has returned from the northern markets, where he has spent some time buying gooas 3 Rev. L. T. Johnson Accepts. Rev. L. T. Johnson, of Greenshoro, has accepted the call to serve the HUlsboro Street Christian church of this city as pastor, much to the de light of the members of that congre gation, as well as Mr. Johnson's many friends in the city. The church here has been on the lookout for a pastor for several months, but Mr, Johnson was not thought of until recently In this connection, as it was not known that his services could : he secured. He preached for the congregation here a few Sunday nights ago as he was passing through the city and they Immediately decided that : he was the man for the place. After being unanimously elected and urgently solicited he has decided to accept and will enter upon his duties immediately after the annual confer ence, which meets in October. It. ...I. U. ITBT ! t A 0 fe: GOOD JUHfl F. mtALGHOX, THE MAN who in the 'SO's, while at the last literary seBool he attended. MILKED FIVE TEXAS COWS and did similar work to pay hoard and tuition, und whose sole capital was only $(.&) 20 years ago, when he. .'established, his tirt't college. He now has 30 Colleges In 17 states. Fi'iscinn who attend any. ; of Draughon's Practical Business Col 1rcs naturaily absorb Draiishon enthusiasm and ler.rn the-Draugh-on way to success the road that more than 80.000 students have traveled. ; : " II' A MAX ; ; '.' run write u better book, preach a IMter sermon, or make a better inoiir-e trap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the wiKils, '..".'this world will make a beaten path to his door Emerson, ositioii " Il(Al'(H()N"S Piiu'tical Dusliiess Ctdlege Oompany, Raleigh, corner Martin and Wilmington, Commercial National. Bank . Building, gives con tracts, backed by a chain of THIRTY Colleges, $300,000.00 capital and TWEXTV years' Success, to socure POSITIONS under ' reasonable condi tions or KKFUND tuition. NOW is the time for YOU TO GET BUSY, as PROSPERITY is returning. BOOKKEEPING JNO. F. DltAUGHON'8 CompeOtors, by not ac cepting his proposition to have his - THREB- months' Bookkenplug students cqntest with the SIX-months' Bookkeeping studonts of any pther business college, concede that Jno. F. Draughou's Colleges teach more Bookkeeping In THREE months than the others do in six. ,-'' ' - '....' ' . About 75 per cent, of the U. S. Court Reporters write the Shorthand Jno. F. Draughon's Colleges teach, because they know that by Its use they can write fully 30 per cent. FASTER than by 'the, use of ny other system-, and that their earning capacity is thereby increased accordingly. - .THOUSANDS more Telegraph Operators are WANTED on account of the new eight-hour law, passed by Congress, forbidding railway operators working more than nine hours out of 24. Railway wires are cut into Jno. F. Draughon's' Tele graph Colleges for students' use. About 90 per cent, of the officials of the GREAT railway systems began as telegraph operators. DO VOU WANT TO RISE? IT IS the educated man or woman who gets ahead. Jno. F. Draughon's Colleges will teach you a profession that will raise you out of the DOLLAR-A-DAY class into the FIVE-DOLLAR-A-DAY class, and as much higher as you are willing to go. CATALOGUE FREE. For catalogue, phone (Capital City), 281, or call on or address JXO. F. DItAUGHOJf, President, corner .Martin 'und Wilmington, or at any other place on MAP below. '." '."' .-'"-'''..-''.' - ' SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY Mass Meeting Sunday Afternoon. There will be a Christian Endeavor mass meeting at Hillshoro Street Christian church In this city Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the close of which a Christian Endeavor So ciety will be organized. Christian Endeavor is an inter-denominational young people's society ; and it it hoped that there will be a large attendance . Sun day afternoon of all the young peo ple in the city regardless of denomi nation. The special feature of the evening's program will be an address by Mr. E. H. Stockton, of Winston. Mr. Stockton Is president of the .State Christian Endeavor Union and is a fine speaker. The public is in vited to attend this service. They Take The Kinks Out. 'I have used Dr. King's New Life P'M-i fcr many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out jof stomach, liver and bowels, without fuss or friction," says N. H. Brown, of Pittsfield, Yt. Guaranteed atisfactory at all drug stores. 25c. The Kind Yon Ilare Always Bought, and which has been In use fr over 30 years, has borne the ftlsnatiu'e o? and has been marte nndcr hia pcr jCJ&ffljjfaf. onal supervision since Us infancy. ifiatryY, dcAMZ Allow no one to deceive ,fm in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations aud " Jnst-aK-ffocd' are but Experiment tbt trifle with and endanger the hca'th of Infants uid Children Experience against EiperisuenW What is CASTOR J A Oostoria is a harmless substitute 'for Cartor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcot;o substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy Vorm and allas Foverishness, It cures Diarrhoea ruid Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure Coi.stlpatwu and Flatulency, It assimilates thS Food, regulates the Btomachapd ISowels, giviiif,' healthy find natural sleep, the Children's Panacea The Mother' Frteud. GENUINE CASTO R I A A L WAYS Bears the Sienatur-o of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. OPENING OF THE SCHOOL FOR THE 1JUXI). The State School for the Blind opened yesterday with a record breaking enrollment, Three hun dred and one pupils from all parts of the slate have registered, forty nine above the high-water mark of last year, and the end is not yet. Others are expected. Superintendent Rohn E. Ray said today that the outlook for the school was never brighter, v This magnificent opening would seem to Indicate the fact that the people of the state are coming to the point where they appreciate the good work of school and are seeing to It that the blind of the state take advantage of the opportunities offer ed them. AH of the teachers were on hand for the opening, full of enthusiasm and zeal, with the exception of Miss Nina Parker, of Warrenton, who has been sick for some weeks. She Is ex pected to arrive In a few days. The state of North Carolina is to be congratulated on the showing this great institution has made and Is making, all of which is largely due to the unselfish effort and unflagging zeal of the superintendent, Mr. John E. Ray. .."-',; .1 COLUGC AT : ST. LOUIS dk- KAN5A9 CITYL mo. W I J J EACH STAR mo. j!V9T-i.h..v) WASHINGTON IS 3o in i7 States - ' ; r T crrt ATyV """ 'c- o jZsO1 . wj(NfiSHVILlF: T"""'- J H hi OKL AHOMA CITV'jf i, T. - I . T" B I . ,(.. iAjK. MEMPHIS X ' . I (J ' ' '''' I For Horses ami Mules Used and endorsed by the inrsest - stock-owners. .Tlsey'-. give iiiikk -relitf in the iii'int ubstlnate etuav.- Keep i' ui ply on hand.; for the homo's sake. The VA rii.ln I.lntnieni. Thu rlKlit ( old ;;crt lvrr ltf.IIUlf, Thp YVrlKbt ' "ml IHuimI I'lirlllcr. The Wi'ltUil SiT'itohrM Ilrnu ily. Tbc rliilil 'i i.ulo mid (,'oiiiIS- tlon 1'oMoVr. The WrlKln t'lillo !trinrly. Thi Wrixht I'urKiilKr. Intlst uinui irettiiiK TUB WKimiT ItKilKDIIls. if yn-ir dealer cannot supply" you, write us. - The Wright Horse Rzrredtts Coi pcrat'cn, Al Ihv ho. Mwk VardN, Klrfiiuond, Vn. "Wrtght Itrmrilli- nr Itiitht." rureWMskies 6e Guaranteed I miff (h(. .ntlonnl Purr Foml and lrm:H Act. "RemOmbpr our froods ko to you just as Inopect'-d and gutiKcd by ITnitvd States of ficers. Wo nrf. not whiskey mixers or emi poir.ioi i KxT'i'pks prepaid on following jroodj: TVSO.V'K BEST (utrulRbl, 10 year old ltd. VlitHkl-y. 4 full nlN SH.00 TiSON'S l.l.tu WIUSlvK.Y. 4 full it. :i-0 '. .Bvvry drop of Tyson's Club Whiskey (r:;i;iT.t(!?d to lie pure and better than whls- . ey. -foih oy oiner nouses at S4.00. T1SOVS NOHFOIK WIMSKHV, 4 foil qiinrt : 7 lus -urui.d in, equal to any f3.n whiskoy. on the market TYSOM'S i:rosn IO WIIISKKY, m-r Rallon ....... .. This bruiKt .of. whiskey Is Ktrona;. a Rood flavor, mid is tlked .everywhere. Order g. wtllnn und be eonvinced thin the loAye't-jirlci-d whhUey lions-- In the country.- 1 YSOVS 'UK ;COH .V Wll ISK Y. 4 fn:i qmirts TVSOyt IT !t?: V, KITE C o:iX, per Ballon . ............... 1'YSOX'S IM 1113 GIX zpt sallon tvmov imi:;:oi: stok tiix, per Kiou ................ TYSOX'SI PVHi: PP1.U nitAVnY, ier WHllon Sl.tHI TVSOX'S sVaU nuA.UY, prr kr.Hun . tfS.Zilt C-jodM .FhlppC'd. 'iutimi . day .. order Is received. T m-.ikn Koinl ail losses nnd lireakuice. ,-Wh: d- r. tt pay exrjrcHs irlifififcs on niiyt!iln e.- than a gp.llon. I'.crnlt PoMtnl Ord-.-r. Kxpress Monty Order or 'currency In Resrlxttrcd l.elti.r. Ki ''personal: chrcks iteceptrd unless party Is known lo ::. ADDRESS rrii a 4 t-T r rirT in l V. J. TYSON. Jr. I 'l'XT. . . . i.i,,7. .t,. .131. C3.00 .r.o 82.SU Ml THE BEST YET ! , Tf kuwmv ariHim mm im otm CATJGERg ltlOBil V N. rlBg Witt m upmlbiw, Iwr, tain or rlMton. 1 tl' m rrtltin proofc tint from pW' oini. AddrM V( Your Attention CARBON COAL For New Style IRON has arrived. The Big Hardware Men. Thos. D,Briggs& Sons., i RALEIGH, N. C. "THE FIRING LINE" ROBERT CHAMBERS - - $1.20 ':' v AT ALFRED WILLIAMS & GO'S. BOWEL TROUBLES OBITORKW TKKTHIHQ Dr- Biggers Huckleberry Cordial Ktt Mia to r11v obo. II tf th fvrorfto twby nMloln of fch beat Mrm nd fftKlly doolon. Unthert rrywher at I ok to It, and arc tbU trUttdi to jlf It to Children (nrOollo. UTMQterj. Ormp. DtitrrboM, Flos. Foul Bio maoh lad all Btomaoh udBowd AiltnfiBU, Too emu omd1 on It. Don't worry, bat tak Dr. Dfwr BjnikloMrrr OorrJ oonUtdnuitorf, orbrnoll. OtrnaUn foow UALTIWAMOEHrTAYLOA JDKUQ CO., AtlftDt. Qm. CDKES STOMACH-ACHE IN TEN HLWES

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