ran iLSLnun evemng times : thtjbsd a y, s eptember li, ms. : T5W rl XOTICE. Subst .'fibers of the Capital City Tele phone will please add the following nann-s to the directory (telephone book) piibllfhed June 1st, 190X. We will get 'out a now book October 10th. Those wishing- their names to appear In it will please write Uh as soon as possible or call No. 9050. v... WM. HOYLAX, Managftr. 158 Attorney General's Oflltv. 3ht-T. M. Aigo. Anderson, (', V. 234 Anderson, Dr. Albert. C0! A. & M. College (Hospital). 848-Y Bryant, Miss Annie. 7047-tMtts, J. F. : " 7 S'."-'-.M Hrlxlgers, W. J. 402 BrliwrH, J.' D. ' 144 Hall, J. O. Co. 977-P Barwlek, A. J. W7-M Baptist University for Women. fl!i7-YBaptist University for Women Tottr-ltryun, Henry -;- tiiiR Haines, A. K. Oil -Brown, N, T. 403- Bryan. J. W. '.; - ' (iStt-H Brown, Mlns Allle. L. O. S. Barbeo & Co. 970-M Brown, I'rof. AV. H. 355 limner, Mrs. 1;. K, ;: fiB Barnhlll.-L,-;J;;,;'.s..- .' - . P , S4S-.M Ht-iitiett,'' c. r. : ' : . 94-M-B!ed-or, O. 1L 995- M CroKH, Heniy. fi!l5 Crocker, Mrs. M. W. SOS-R Crosby, Key, Jno. II. 42 Clark. Walter. Jr. 77-Clark. Judfte Waller. S1H-F Cotton, Ur. A. T. 813-tt Cralnree. Gilbert. .rr2 Craddoek, D. L. " 924-F Carolina' WoodWtiikers. 4.r6 Dunn Bros. 9B9-X iavls, J. R. 0C9-M Drew, 3. . A. 449 Daney, Wm. 996- R Davis, J. F. 30(1 Denton, fid. V. 7.1 Dewar & Wilder. 847-M Islington, W.: K. 827-X-Kvans, K. B. 4597 F. K. Kllington. 810-F Foye, J. H. 4S1 Foster, W. N. 23 Farmer, Charles D. Stil Ferebee, Dr. E. B. :;72 Fort. Wm. U SS7-F Fletcher, A. t. SS-X Grlssom, Mrs. M A. f,S0 GlMsseoi k. Dr. H. W. 419 Glniiscook, Dr. H. W. 83 Green, C. C, ti4-F Gem Pressing Club, - . 669 -G lay, H. C. 802-M tlray, J. S. 970-Y Orcen, J. B. 4K!) Gould, Miss Nannie. ' 911-M-Hi!l, D. C. K43-Y -Horton, Mlsa M. H, 839-M Hufham, W. C. 689 Hughes, W. H. 8G9-M Huniileutt, F. H. 9C7-H Hunt, Mrs. J. W. 290 Huntcr-Drewry Co. 9S8-F Howard, Frank. 522 Holloway, II. G. - 802-F Hunter, Mrs. R. T. 992-F Horton, E. G. 963-Y Hackney, Virginia R, StO-R Ivey,' Rev. T. N. 842-F Jones, Mm. Justin L. 2T6 Jefferson Life Ins. Co, 905-M Johns, ThoB. ""' : -817-F Jackson, E.-L. . . K24-Y Jones, G. M. 875-F Jones. Wm. W.' : 225 Knox, Dr, A. W. , 895-F Koonce, J. B. ' ' 917-M-La'nc'asleK F. li C03 Long- Falson. - . . . 974-M-Ulcey, H. C. M8-IV-4viMter, .Thos. "X ' ,' 78-Lee, K. H. ' S21-Y McDonald, A. I - , A19 Martin, J. B. 623-Murray, Mrs. Rd. MB Manguin, Tim 80S-R Marshall, W. F. ' 800-M Mahler, Fi-ed W. ' 271 McGce, J. W., Jr. , 832-M-Martin. Mr. M. 7102 McCulleii. Dr. J. J. L. 969-M Nixon, M. E. 968-R Nowell, W. R. 831-Y NordAw, N. J. 218 Oakwood Grocery Company, J i'.inri A- M ' "A l , - .... 4v&f : O Grows Hair ... and we can PROVE IT! The Great DANDERINE Nevei Fails to Produce the Desired Results. IT enliven and invigorate the ball glands and tissues o( the scalp, resulting In a continuous and Increasing growth of the hair. . Letter' of 'pratae- are continually coming In from Nearly all parts of the eoantrjr stating- that Danderlne has renewed the growth of hair In caiea that were considered abso lutely hopeless. A lady from Brooklyn writes: "After a short trial my hair stopped filling, and I now have a lovely head of hslf , very heavy and over one and a quarter yards long." Danderlne stimulate, the scalp, makes it healthy and keeps it so. It is the greatest scalp invigorator known. It is a wholesome) medicine for both the hair and scalo. Even a small bottle of it will put more genuine life In your hair than a gallon of any other hair tonic ever made. It shows results from the very start. ... Now on sale at every drug and toilet store in the land 3 sizes 25c, 50c end $1.00 Ebqa To show bow quickly r I V o Danderlne acts.we will send a large sample free by retornmall to anyone who sends this free coupon to the Cut This, Out i Knot lloa Dsndirlnt Ge.. Chicago, with thelrname and address and 10c In silver or stamps to pay postage. 525- R O'Donnell, J. E. 7057 Penny, M. C; 9S1-Y Peatross, J. T. 863-M-Peebles & Edwards. 975-F Perkins, W. B. 486 Powell, Miss Edna, 6!)9 1'ullon Park. 934-Y Pleasants, E. Y, 853-R Peebles, J. W. 808- R Polk & Hinton. 979-M Query, J. L. ; 628 Rlggan, J. M. . 417 Rogers Grocery Company. 816-R Richardson, E. G. 820-Y Rogers, J. M. 921-R Riddle, J. D. 809- M Riddle, J. S. 92B-Y . Rogers, B. E. 890-R Sanderford, W. G, 878-F St. Mary's School. 7046 Smith, W. E. 878-Y St. Mary's School. 878-M-St. Mary's School.. - . 939-F Skinner, J. Leigh. .: 69 Smith, W. F. 987-M Sattc.rfleld. Prof. H. E. 837-F Stunkel, Miss E. I. 226 State Democratic Ex. Com. ' STSSmifdes, airsRttnnett.- ' 229 Sycamore Stable. . ... S21-Y Stone, H. D. r.flC-Stronach,' A. B. 167 Smith's Fruit Store. ' 'ISC State Hortic.ulturalist.- 526- R-Spire. I. & Vo. .038-s.: A. I,. . -,'.;' ;.'rf4t, Agnes Hospital , l!i Sunderland ft White, v , .16:1 o. S. Thompson. i!i.i .1. K. Turner. ' 1 : 924-.t Thompson, F. K. 664 Taylor, U A. . : 8r.4-R Todd, Mis. C. R. 837-Y Utley, W. M. 843-F Upchurch, Mrs. Addle. S64-M U. S. Itecruiting Station. 832-U-Virginia Cotton Mills. Sfp0-R Winston, E. C, Capl. 977-M Wiggins, C. H. 7059 Wright. G. A. : 969-R Watson. W. L. 909-F Vyatt. L. R. 982-F- Warner. R. H. 521 Woodell, B. H,: 999-F Wilder, Clem. 197 Wake County Demi iload('rters, 894-R Womble, J. M. 8U2-Y Wiggins, Marvin. 350 Wilson, F. It. ' 600-rWarron & Scarborougli. 816-Y AVake County Coloring Wks. '682 White, Rev. W. M. C. 888-Y Wright. J. F. Kf 2 Womble, Miss Alice. 6NB Weathers Furniture Co. 574 Wli Uf ld. A. J. 309 Yoi r.t & Hughes. 881-M-f i:ng. li. J. "'.-. pWsAKKSpRDAH HOTEL 1 Naw York ft Eoropean Plan Roemswlllintaof fifth flnndnp. Wlthprt rule llaih H for ona,3.W lor two and upward. New Baths and Plumbing . Mist Arnra( Location ia Cilt Fnwn fd street .ullrqad f 'tries er fiem Orand i ',irtl HtstlAu. tako case iilreet to Lotelnu tl an.f ulw. SpoU Ratas Mad . ' .-.'.--7 '" . CXIMATE OB" WESTERN CARO .' -V LIXA. ' ? The Mountain Scctfon of Our State, i IU Climate and Resource. A-bulletin recently issued by the department of agrlciiltore ' Contains much valuable Information about the products and resources of North Car olina. Dr. B. W. Ellgore, state chem ist, recently called attention tn, this paper v to the fact that the depart ment is now establishing teattfartnis in the, great northwestern section: and because of the fact that few of the people of tnis section know any thing about the climate and products of the mountains of North Carolina, he offers the following from the bulletin-mentioned above? .,- ''?'-.-'' . "In. the high plateaus of the north western part M the stjate! where the forest growth is white-plneL hemlock. and fir, one might imagine himself in Canada. In this section the coun ties of Ashe, Alleghany, and others the farms lie generally over 3,000 feet above the sea-level, and grass and live-stock are the leading interests. From these lofty elevations the state slopes to the sun and the sea, and there is a series of climates all the way to' the lower coast, where we find the first tall palm-tree growth in the forest. From white-pines and hemlocks to palms indicates a won derful range of climate, and hence a wonderful range of capacities for the production of different crops, from the blue-grass of the northwestern corner to the palms and sugar-cane of the southeast section. "This is the region west of the great escarpment of the Blue Ridge, in which" are found the highest moun tain pedks east of the Rock Moun tains. It is a region of fertile valleys and elevated plateaus, with a clim ate very similar to that of the north ern middle states. The summers arej cooi ana pleasant, ana me wnoie re gion is an attractive one to the sum mer-visitor and is becoming a great summer resort. The winters are cold, but shorter than those of the middle states north. In most moun tain regions the mountainsides are rocky and sterile, but in the moun tains of North Carolina, as a rule, the mountain slopes are covered with fertile soil and in some parts of the mountain country the treeless "balds" have their slopes to their lofty tops covered with fertile soil and rich grasses, on which great herds of cat tle are grazed in summer. The Val leys in the southern section of tite- mountain country are less elevated and the climate is mild and pleasant, while the snowfall is very light. The clear streams of water- that : flow everywhere and the natural growth of fine grasses mark this region for cat tle and the dairy, while on the up lands fruit of all kinds flourishes as it seldom does elsewhere. , It is des tined to be the most noted . appla- growing section in the whole coun try. Apples from the mountain coun try have twice carried off the first nrlze at the Madison Square Garden in New York City ia competition with the whole United tates. Peaches attain a color and quality there which they do not reach in the lower coun try. They grow as handsome as the California peaches, and as to quality the California product is hardly to be named in comparison with them." A pleasing, good, high grade, truly flavored, amber colored cup of coffee can be had and without the real coffee danger or damage to health by simply using Dr. Snoop's new substltute.call ed "Health Coffee." Pure, wholesome, toaster cereals, malt, nuts, etc., make Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee both health' ful and satisfying. No 20 to 30 minutes tedious boiling. "Made in a minute,1 says Dr. Shoop. If served as coffee.lt's taste will even trick an expert. Test it and see. W. B. Mann. SUPREME COURT KECISIOXS. The supreme court yesterday filed the first of the opinions in cases ar gued during the present fall term, 13 decisions in all, of which two were per curiam, as follows: Hughes vs. Crooker, from Beau fort; no error. Lumber Co. vs. Harrison, from Beaufort: revised. Lumber Co. vs. Satchwell, from Beaufort; affirmed. Straus vs. Sparrow, from Beaufort; affirmed. ' Hudnell vs. Daniels, from Beau fort; affirmed. Davenport vs. Railroad, from Tyr rell; no error. Guilford vs. Guilford, from Beau fort; dismissed under Rule 17. Fowle vs. Mitchell, from Beaufort; dismissed under Rule 17. Smith vs.. Cashie & Chowan Lum ber Co., from Bertie; modified and affirmed. Robertson vs. A. C. L. R. R. from Bertie; affirmed. Coleman vg. Coleman, from War ren; affirmed. . , Emry vs. Chappel, from Halifax; error. .; ; ; ; , Rue vs. Connell, from Warren; af firmed. '.,-..... Bargain House Co. vs. Watson, from Bertie; no error. Bruce vs. Mining; Co., from Burke; motion of appellee to retax costs de nied. "Sufll mut - BOYLAN-PEARCE CO I BOYLAN . ALWAYS TO THE FRONT WITH THE NEWEST ill In Tailor-Made LADIES' MAX-TAILORED COAT . SUITS. -If It's quantity, quality, or variety to select from you'll find the fullest volumes here.. New orings, new weaves, wide braid, satin bands and large button-trim- richest linings, faultless tailoring. All prices, $25, $27.50, $35, to $05. 'One special bargain rack of new suits just received. Values to $37.50 for :. $18.50 FALL AND AVINTER BROADCLOTH COATS. The new styie long coats thig year will relegate the short-tail fellows of last season to a quiet dls'suetude. Broadcloth Coats, richly trimmed with satin bands, large buttons, and silk-lined throughout, . Blactt and Fawn colors, $12.50 to $22.50 Velvet, Black Satin, Blue and Black Broadcloth Coats, $25.00, $27.50 and $35.00 Opera Cloaks, evening shades, swell , styles, elaborate trimming, satin linings. Cream, Pink, Rose, Champagne, Pearl Grey, New blues. , . . $32.50, $35 to $42.50 A ROUND HUNDRED SKIRTS. These Separate Skirts represent BOYLAN - HAVE IN TOUR HOMB North Star Refrigerator Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freeaen, Screen Windows, Oil Stoves. If yon buy a NORTH STAB yon reduce your ICE BILLS. HART-WARD HARDWARE GOMPANY. FAST. If you have never tried It try it for an experiment, if for no other reason. Deposit some small sum, some sum that you would otherwise spend fool- Ifihly, regularly every week and see for yourself how It grows. We add 4 per annum, com pounded semi-annually to your de posits, MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. TO MOTHERS. RS. WINS'flW'S 800THINU 5VBUP has Mwn UMid br millo nt Kotbcn tor than iblldraa blU T-lhlna Cor orer KKtr Year. t sooihas tb child, softvna tba (urn, alloys all pal a. sum sures rlnd oolls. ao4 ia saa bm nmel7 for cllarrhivst. tr niarrnivat. m TWCNTv.rivc or.MTa a botti.r, x Vj' 1 - - EEST'THHGS IN Coat Suits, Long Waists and Separate the new materials and latest fall styles; good $6.00 and $7.50 values. Special . ....... . . $4.98 LADIES' SILK UMBRELLAS. Special lot of under-prine Umbrellas; all colors and black for fair or foul weather; natural and mount ed handles; $2.50 and $3.00 values for . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 HANDKERCHIEF SPECIALS. Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs, made to sell at 25c. each, 8 for 50c. Ladies .Hand-Embroidered . Initial Handkerchiefs; 6 in box for $1.50; . worth $2.10. , HAT SCARFS. Silk Scarfs for trimming Ladles' and Misses' Hats; freshens them up. Just the thing for school girls, 50c. to $1.50 NEW GIBSON COLLARS. Imitation Baby Irish; Real Lace and Lawn Collars , . , . 25c. to $2.00 NEW BELTS, NEW BELTING AND .-.;'.:-. BUCKLES. Sash Belts, Directoire Belts, and Novelty Leather Belts, Belt Rib bons, New Buckles, etc. 25c, 50c, to $2.00 shades, new col-j PEARCE CO DON'T Think it is always going to be HOT NOW is a good time to see us , about your winter's HEAT. POWELL & POWELL Incorporated. Phones 41 Nov is the Time TO BEGIN A Savings Investment IX THE Mechanics AND Investors Union $2.00 PER MONTH OR 50c. PER WEEK WILL MATURE $100 IN 45 MONTHS. APPLY TO GEORGE ALLEN, fl ...,:' . Secretary. WHAT IS More delightful for the Table than a North Carolina Hams and Sides, or a good Virginia Ham? We are just in receipt of a fresh shipment of these goods. J. R. FERRALL & CO, GROCERS. FayeUeyllle Street, Raleigh, N. C, ' v, - - - - PEARCE CO. I t AND BEST. Coats, Winter Skirts. i MPANY. CRINKLEY'S AROUND THE STORE. , Our best Apron Gingham, 6c. Umbrellas, 40c, 60c, 75c, $1.00. Pictures and Frames. Chair Seats, 7c, 7c, 10c, 15c. Flowered Bowls and Pitchers, $1.35. Baby Go-Carts, $1.85 to $25.00. Iron Cots, $2.25, $3.75, $4.50. Iron Beds, $2.50 to $10.00. Iron Cribs, $2.75 to $7.50. Wardrobes, Special, $10.00, $11.50. Vase Lamps, $1.10, $1.50, $2.35, and I $3.25. j Victor and Columbia Records. ,Bird Cages, 65, $1.35 to $3.00. Cotton Steelyards, $1.25 to $1.35. Suit Cases, 05c, $1.15, $1.65, $3.25, and $5.00. ' Bags, 30c, 80c, $1.10, $1.50, $3.00 to $6.50. Trunks, $1.15, $1.05, $2.05, $3.50 to $8.50. CRINKLEY'S. : : LINOTYPE : : FOR SALE. Excellent Machine In Fine condition, being uxed ev ery day. No. 7083-M 8: Will sell at a bargain as we do not need It. Ad dress The Evening Times, R ALBUM, N. C. Blng the cleanest, safest, and most attractive form of illum ination, electricity is also the most economical. Carolina Power and Light v Company. BOTH 'PHONES. ' - Bffl?!!

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