nn niLrran evening tbies: Thursday, s. eptember 17, 1003. 0: Paliogany Dressers J S0M1ETY. A BALLAD OP TODAY, , Miss E. L. Speight has" returned from Franklinton. : Miss Rosa Parker returned to her home at Garner today. , Mrs. Charles D. Mclver, of Greens boro, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Joyner. . I.:' ' Mrs. A. F. Bridgers and Miss Cora Potter went to Gainer today to Bpend the day. ' , - .. , Mrs. Eugene Gunter, of Durham, is visiting Mrs. Poteat at the Baptist University. - . Mrs. W. A. Erwin, of Durham, was in the city today to enter her daugh ter In St. Mary's school. Mrs. H. J. Downing returned to her home at Rocky Mount today, after a visit to Miss Speight in this city. (From Harper's Weekly.) You ride where once we walked, my dear; . . One of the passing crowd, I view Your fur-decked chauffeur deftly steer . His way down the avenue Do you remember how we two Strolled here in winter, twilights, when We envied none of Mida's crew? Are you as happy now as then? You yawn where once you wept, my dear; Your opera-box is far, 'tis true, From that exalted atmosphere Where once our joy ecstatic grew, And yet tonight I saw that you Smiled listlessly, nor turned again Where Mimi's death once thrilled us through; Are you as happy now as then? You feast where we had fasted, dear, Yet when you dine the lofty few Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blair, of ! nrpfillRhnrn ara In iha Miv in oHaii ' Do you remember still what cheer j the Kennett-Goodno wedding tins Came to those little feasia we evening. ' knew I .- . When -Francoise poured the wine, I Mrs. Dora Cochran, who has been j whose hue ! the guest of Mrs. C. E. Daggett for Was like, to nothing known of some time, has returned to her' home men? And how we laughed above the brew! Are you as happy now as then? L'ENVOI. Princess, small right had I to sue The scepter's mightier than the pen; ' Yet, answer for our old joy's due, Are you as happy now as then? THEODOSIA GARRISON. at Rockmart, Ga. - Mrs. E. G. Sherrill, of Greensboro, is visiting her father-in-law, Captain I Miles O. Sherrill, at his home, 117 North McDowell street. For many weeks past- our buyers have, been busy making preparations for In a few days you will find the store packed with new goods ready for : your inspection. We call special attention to our stocks of ; MILLINERY Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Ramsey have gone for an extended western trip. Miss Carrie Brougmon, pleasant vacation spent after in New York, and other places, has resumed her duties in the state library. We are showing our new Kid Gloves in long and short lengths from SI to $3.50 Mh:s F. A. Haynes has returned jfrom a delightful trip to New York, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Atlantic CItv. Miss Sallie Love, of Greensboro, is Washington and- other points. She j visiting Mrs. R. E. Prince on Polk accompanied the Gattis party, street. .. . . . .. 1 Miss Gilmer Mitchell, of Graham, of Newport arrived in the city today. She was Mrs. Grace accompanied by her friend. Miss Carry Horner, of Baltimore, who ?s returning home after a visit to Miss Mitchell at Graham. Mrs. E. C. Rogers, News, Va., is visiting Winkler. . Miss .losanna Rogers, of Jackson ville, Fla., is a guest at the Yarbor ough House. - Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McAllister,, of Aslieboro, are visting Hon. and Mrs. B. R. Lacy. Mrs. J. T. Bland left yesterday af ternoon to visit her mother, Mrs. W. M. Kelly, at Apex. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Hawkins are visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey at Loulsburg. Misr M. A. Bunch is very 111 at the residence of her sister, Mrs. W. M. i Ctley, on North Salisbury street. I Mrs, M. B. Chambloe. of Oxford, I passed through the city today, en route to Selma, Mrs. M. C. Mclntyre.-of South Paulo. Brazil, are at the Glerscn. This is their first trip to the United States. Kt'iinrtt-Gotxlno, The marriage of Miss Bessie La vinia Goodno and Mr, William Reu ben Kennett will take place at the nrst Haptist church this evening at 9 o'clock. The ushers will be Messrs. W. M, t Whitehurst. W. E. Blair, E. C. Rob-; ertson, and J. T. Scoggin. Miss ; honor. After the ceremony a reception will be given to the friends of the ! bride and groom at the bride's home " on Harp street. Mr. and Mrs. Ken-! nett will leave for a wedding trip to San Francisco and oilier western points. I The bride Is a charming young ws iman and the groom is a popular con ductor on the Seaboard. Both have many friends who wish them much joy and happiness. s a 1 I bin i,'1 ! MUUIIUUII R II lersan We have a very attractive showing of Mahogany Furniture for Bed Rooms in dull and polish finish. . . Prices Right Chiffon i Suits it'j!l BRASS BEDS Butterick Patterns, Style Books and Delineators for October on sale. She D 1 Opposite Post Office. Royall & Borden Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville St. - Raleigh, N. C. R E. F I N M E N T )f cutting, form, and color characterizes the Cut Glass which we are stamina. , , . .' i . All our pieces, Vaases, Glasses, Pitchers, Compotes,'' Carreffes, etc., have a style nnd character of their own. The prices,, too, of these goods place them within the reach of those who desire attractive tabic appointments which are not too expensive. ',.'" H . M A H LRS ' S O N Jewelers - - Raleigh N. C :Y0UNG: PERSONALS One w Corporation. j Articles of incorporations were filed in the ofllce of the secretary of state today for one new corporation, Caston and Tate, inc., of Marion, X. : ... ... ... , , j TThe autisorlzeil capital stock is .... j J25.00O.- A working capital of $15.- 0 )0 has heeii paid in. The corpora- Mikado nt the Gem Friday. Miss Carrie L. Pruden, of Ports mouth, left lor. Durham 'yesterday af ternoon after a visit to Miss Lizzie' Terrell in this citv. i Miss Hamilton, of Baltimore, has gone to Montgomery, Ala., after spending the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Richard Badger. . Friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Styron will regret to learn that their Infant, daughter remains dangerously ill, with no hoie of recovery. Capt. W. M. Whitehurst, of Rich moiul. n., who is to officiate at the Kennett-Uoodno wedding .this even ing is .the guest of Mr. C. II. Beck ham. 1 . .. MISS .SIIIPI'S 1AUTV LAXI) IX NEW YORK. The party of younjr ladles who have been touring Europe with Miss Kato Slilpp for the last three months, landed in New York last night. Thoy sailed on the Etruria, Cunard line. They made a general tour of Eu rope and the British Isles, spending some time in Spain and visiting all the countries of interest to tourists. Those in the party are: Misses Kate Shipp, Emmie Drewry, Raleigh; Fannie Johnson, Raleigh; Mary Shipp, Lincolnton; Louise Wright, Raloign; May Montague, Raleigh; Madeline White, Graham, and Lucy Potty, Carthage. I Mlkndo at the Gem Friday. o VJi STORE'S DAY IS a lonjr one, but from the time Its doors open in the morning until they close at night we are ever keenly on the alert to servo your drug store needs so well that you will experience sntixfuction of the utmost de cree. We maintain a thor oughly high-class Pharmacy, offering exceedingly choice as sortments nnd superlatively fine quality in every line of drug store goods, the purest ami most potent of drugs and client icnls, and methods of prescrip tion compounding which typify riiammcy's latest advances. MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY O. G. KING, PROPRIETOR. 6: ill the city. Mr. J. P. Scroggin, of HU hmoud. is in the city. j .Mr. B. y. Brewer, of. Baltimore, is at the Giersch. Mr. C. M. Muse, of Lillington, is at the Giersch. Mr. .1. S. Reynolds Is'-roglstered at the Yarborough. ' I , Air. t:. u went, ot Uurliain. was iii the city today. Mr. J. A. Goodwin, of .New York, is at the Giersch. Mr, M. J. Westcott, of Greensboro, is in the city today. Miss Ella Bell, of Clinton, S. C, Is at the Yarborough. Col. John S. Cunningham, of Ros boio, is In the city. Mr. P. 1 1. Stevens, of Clinton, spent the day in the city. Mr. Chas. Ross, of Lillington, is in the city on business. : Dr. Edwin M. Harrison, of Chicago, Is a visitor to the city. Mr. J. P. Frizzelle, ot Snow Hill, was in the city today. Mr. D. A. Johnson, of Moncure, was a visitor to tho city today. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Porter, of Washington, D. C, are In the city.'' Mr. R. F. Yarborough, of Louis burg, was at the Yarborough today. . Mikado at the Gem Friday. C ASTOR I A , Jor Infuits aud Cbildroa TbeKind You Have Always 3osgbt fHgnfttnraof tlon will do a general mercantile business. The incorporators are E. I., and Daisy H. Gaston, of Asheville, and J. H., and Sarah C. Tate, of Mar Millions of bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar have been sold .without any person ever having 'experienced any other than beneficial results from Its use for coughs, colds and lung trouble. This Is because the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package no opiate or other .harmful.- drugs. Guard your health by refusing any but the genuine. O G. King. Gilletf Safety Razor . The only and original Safety Razor. In a case espe cially prepared, twelve extra J Blades. )THE HICKS DRUG CO. y Both Phones. OCTOBER WEDDINGS Do not delay longer In placing orders for engraved Invitations. Our fall samples represent th very latest shapes and forma that nave been accepted by refined and fashionable society. ' We do not fIInk IPin In r,lr,.lnn .1.11. . . i.t uur prices are u lowest. Hend for samples, which will be supplied free of charge, i. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO.. Wedding Sta tionery Engraven, 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta Ga, H Babcock's 'Corylopsis o( Japan. A delightful talc powder for the toilet contatining a f rail and pleas ing odor. Put up in sift-top cases. Price, 25 cents KING-CROWELL Drug Co: We are Agents for Hurler's Candy. y Men Appreciate Clothes that are as new, original and exclusive as it is possible to get them that embody ideas re flecting their own personal tastes and that are perfect in every detail. Only From Good Merchant Tailors is it possible to obtain such clothes, for they must be made to personal order and measure, and from a style that is alive at the moment the cloth is cut not six or nine months ago, as is the case with ready-made clothing. Any Suit or Overcoat We Make will be as "snappy" and "nifty" as you want it, and virtually exclusive, too, for patterns in our handsome line of cloths will not be found else where. Prices very reasonable satisfaction assured. Leave your Fall order now. "Who's Your Tailor" A C. HINTON, FINE TAILORING CAROLINA TRUST BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. , VOl'K CHIMREXS TEETH should be as precious in your thoughts ns their eyes not only on account of their looks, but becaime teeth have so much to tlo with di gestion, and good digestion makes for good health. Bring your little oneg here and we will do the right thing by them. ' ' ' DISK. XORIUS & )n ULHH, DENTISTS, Ol'Ilce Over Mahler's Jewelry Store. OPEXIXG EXEKCISES AT PEACE 1IXSTITUTE. Peace Institute opened today for another .year's work. The opening exercises jver'eheld In the chapel this morning atip' o'clock. The religious exercises were con ducted by Dr. W. McC. White, pastor of the Fir,st Presbyterian church. Prof. StocJiftrd, In a few words, ex pressed his,, gratitude at the confi dence that .had. been placed in the school In the, enrollment of so many pupils. , Every room was filled and the proepecU were brighter than ever before. .... . Mr. James R. Young, chairman of the committee, made a short talk to the young ladles. Mr. Young Bald when the committee took charge ot the' work twelve months - ago they realized what a big undertaking It was, but they had succeeded beyond their greatest expectations. Last year had been a great year In every respect and he felt that this year, would even surpass that; He wel comed the ; new teachers to the school. . Dr. White extended a welcome to the -young ladles to Vhe church and to the manse. . .. ';;.. He was followed by Mr. Herbert Jackson, who made a short talk. A Surc-cuoimli Knocker. J. C. Goodwin, of Reidsvllle, N. C. says: "liucklen's rnica Salve Is a sure, enough knocker for ulcers. A had one camo on my eg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds. Not even a scJir remain ed." Guaranteed for plies, sores, burns etc. 25c. at all drug stores. United States District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina. In the matter of J. B. Williams; bank rupt. In Bankruptcy No. 275. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditors of J. B. WllllamB, of Wilson, in the County of Wilson and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day Of September, A. D. 1908, the said J. B. Williams was duly ad judicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of hla creditors will be held at my. office in the City of Ral eigh, N.' C, on September 28th, A. D. 1908, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims .appoint a Trustee, AVamlna tha honlrmmt An.V such other business as may' properly come before said meeting. y j V. H. BOYDEN.-.. A' Reforee In Bankruptcy. ' Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 16, 1908,' - " W

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