TtulMilWm rjHE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1908. 'hi15i r PAGE SEVEN FAREWELL DAY AT OYSTER BAY ITALIANS PASS if ifj! Tiffl ill l LOTOFBADMONEY uiim.1 iMjp.yyMiwijiiwiiiwiiwi'i'MM w.m mn& i miii wnwa m n -- " (By Lased Wire to The Times) Oyster Bay, N. Y., Sept. 17 This is farewell day at Oyster Bay and every man,' woman and . child who lives in the village and can in any way manage to get away for a couple of hours is going to Sagamore Hill to shake hands with President and Mrs. Roosevelt and wish them good bye before they leave for Washing ton. Save for the brief time the chief executive will remain in Oyster Bay on election day, when he comes here to vote, this is the last chance the natives of the. Long Island vil lage will have to see the president until after he returns from his hunt ing trip in Africa, on which he ex pects to start as soon as his succes sor takes the oath of office. Refreshments will be served on the lawn and then all -present will shake hands with Mr. and Mrs. Roos evelt and other members of their fam y who are still at Oyster Bay. Whether : Mr. Roosevelt will make any address has not been announced. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Philadelphia, Sept. 1 7 Loaded down with spurious silver dollars, two Italians and possibly a third, made the corner of 64th and Virgin ia avenue the center of their opera tions last night. One of them, a 17-year-old boy,, who gave his name of Paomucl Di- vicento, in trying to evade arrest, was shot in the right thigh and taken to the University hospital. The other was successful in escaping, and a I third, by leaping a passing trolley' car, made good his escape. The boy threw handfulls of coun terfeit silver dollars into the street as he tried to escape by running away. Policemen DiUmore, who was at his heels, ordered hlrrf -to stop, but I he ran down a steep incline and dart ed along the railroad tracks. Dill- more shot him in the leg and captured him after a lively struggle. Tickling or dry coughs will quickly loosen when using Dr. Snoop's Cough Remedy. And : It is-: so - .thoroughly harmless that Dr. Shoou tells mothers to UBe nothing else, even for very young babies. "'The wholesome green leaves and tender stem of a lung healing mountainous shrub give the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Rem edy. It calms the cough and heals the sensitive" bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform, . nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Demand Dr. Shoop's. Accept no other. Sold by Henry T. Hicks & Co. It's a pity when sick ones drug thel stomach or stimulate the heart and kidneys. That is all wrong! A weak stomach means weak stomach nerves, always. And this is also true of the heart and kidneys. The weak nerves are instead crying out for help. Th's explains why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is promptly helping stomach, heart and kidney ailments. The Restorative reaches but for the actual cause of these ailments the falling "inside nerves." Anyway, test the Restorative for 48 hours. It won't cure so soon as that, but you will curely know that help I Is coming. Sold by Henry T.Hicks &Co. FUNERAL OF ROBIN KING. O. Little Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. King, Jr., Laid to Rest Yes terday Afternoon. Yesterday afternoon at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. King, on South Salisbury street, funeral services were, held over the body of littlo Robin King. Many friends of the family were present and many little playmates of the -departed child. Rev. I. McK. Pitten- ger. of the Church of the Good Shep herd, conducted the services. Mrs, Chas. McKimmon sang "Jesus, Ten der Shepherd, Hear Me," and Mrs Horace Dawell sang "Safe in the Arms of Jesus." ' The pall-bearers were Messrs. Jas, A. Parhani, LeRoy Thtem, William Heller and Val Perkins, the honorary pall-bearers being Messrs. Henry E. Lltchford, Maurice ; Grausman, and Charle3 Boone. . The flowers were borne by the sorrowing playmates of the little boy: Genevieve Holleman, Louise Holleman, Miriam and Mar garet Holloway, Katherlue. Smith and Lilly Jones. H. Cooper, Hurt on Football Field, Taken to Baltimore. (Special to The Times) Chapel Hill, Sept, 16 Mr. John Henry Cooper, of Clinton, who Sat urday evening seriously wrenched his spine in tackling the football dummy, I was this morning taken to Baltimore, where an operation is to be performed on him. Mr. Cooper Is in a very seri ous condition, and it is feared death may result from the Injury. He has become paralized in, his lower limbs and continues to grow worse. Mr. Cooper is a smart, deserving young man, and his many friends joined In and made a purse to help defray h!s expenses and show their sympathy I for his misfortune. Will Interest Many. Kvery person should know that good health Is impossible if the kidneys are deranged. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure kidney and bladder disease in ev ery form, and will build up ; and strengthen these organs so that they will perform their functions properly No danger of Brighfs disease or dia betes if Foley's Kidney Remedy is tak. en in time. O. G. King. WANTS COUNT 1JONI ON VAUDEVILLE STAGE (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept. 17 If Count Boni De Castellane will accept an offer of $5,090 a week for ten weeks to ap pear in vaudeville, the former hus band of Anna Gould will be seen on the stage in this city during the win ter. Percy Williams, manager of the Colonial and Alhambra theatres New York and several otners m Brooklyn is said to have made the offer to Count De Castellane. It is reported that negotiations practically have been completed with the French man. - - . ABSOLUTE SECURITY, OPERATION NECESSARY. (PALE LAGER) Brewed from the very finest Barley-Malt and choicest hops, its healthful flavor appeals to judges of a really fine brew. Served at Ail Hotels, Cafes, Clubs v';?:V':o and Pleasure Resorts Special attention given to the family trade. Bottled for the local trade by HeSSberg, GlMISt & Co., Distributors Richmond, Va. Mali W Hi mm,..,, jr f B4SEML1A National League. New York Pittsburg . . Chicago Philadelphia Cincinnati . Boston . , . Brooklyn . . St. Louis Won. Lost. P.C. ,84 46 .646 .84 52 .618 . 84 52 .618 . 73 58 .557 . 64 71 .474 . 56 79 .4H .45 87 .341 .44 89 ,330 AVhen Trifles Become Troubles. If any persons suspect .that their kid- n'eys are deranged they should take Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and not risk having Bright's disease or diabe tes. Delay gives the disease a strong er foothold and you should not delay taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. O. G. King. St. Louis, 2; New York, 6.. Chicago, 5; Boston, 0. Ciacinnati, 0; Brooklyn, 3. Pittsburg, 2 ; Philadelphia, 5. Pittsburgh; Philadelphia, 0. American League. Swindled Rich Woman (By Leased Wire to The Times) Toronto, Can., Sept. - 17 J, M. McFarland, wanted in Chicago on the charge of having swindled Mrs. Jas. A. Patton, of Evanston, 111., wife of the Chicago corn king, out of $28,- 000, and other rich women out of large sums of money in a book deal, has been arrested here and admits his identity, McFarland, : who was taken into custody at l a. m. today by Detective W. H. Welsh, at one of the down-town hotels under the name of Bellamy, will be arraigned today. but whether or not he will waive ex tradition he would not say. Won. Lost. P. C. Detroit . v . . .. 76 56 .576 Cleveland . . , . 77 60 .562 St. Louis . ; : 74 60 .552 Chicago . . . . . 75 61 .551 Boston ... . . 65 69 .488 Philadelphia . . 63 68 .481 j Washington V . . 59 71 .434 New York . ... 44 88 .333 Chicago, 1; Cleveland, 7. Detroit, 4; St. Louis 1. Virginia Leagne. Roanoke," 5 ; Richmond, 3. Danville, 3; Portsmouth, 6. Norfolk, 7; Lynchburg, 1. THE BLACK ART. Paused Examination Successfully. James Donahue, New Britain, Conn., writes: "I tried several kidney reme dies, and was treated by our best phy sicians for diabetes, but did not im prove until I took Foley's Kidney Rem edy. After the Ret-ond bottle I showed Improvement, and five boitles cured me completely, I have since passed a rigid examination for life insurance. Foley's Kidney Remedy cures back- ace and all forms of kidney trouble. O. G. Klnx. Rockingham Ready For Visitors. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Set PiK-Simlla Wrapper Below. Tory mmmXl ul mm mmmy I tak a laguw FOR HEADACHE. CARTER'S m ) l r I ttPvxmtT FOR DIZZINESS. FOR Biuoumti. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR C0IJTIPATI0H. FOR SALLOW SXIR. FOR THEC0MPLEXI0R vita mammHtymmn. (Special to The Times) Rockingham, Sept. 16 Rocking ham is all aglow for the. big Home coming celebration and Automobile Meet, to take place Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 23d and 24th. This occasion is to be under the auspices of the Push -Rockingham Forward Club. Committees have been ap pointed as follows: On invitation, re ception, entertainment, banquet, pub lic meeting. Ellerbe Springs trip and barbecue, Blewett'a Falls trip and lunch, amusements,' races, decoration, and finance. Indications point to a very successful gathering and un im mense crowd. A clever, popular, Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Prevtentlcs Is being dis pensed by drugglstXeverywhere. In a few hours Preventlcsare said to break any cold complete. And Preventics being so safe and toothsome, are very fine for children. No quinine, no laxa. tlve, nothing harsh or sickening. Box of 48 26c. Void by Henry T. Hicks & Co." ..... Knube Phino for sale at a bargain; only used four years. In flne condi tion. Owner needs money and must sell at once. : For full particulars, address P. O. Box M. Raleigh, N. C. 16-6t Mikado at t1e Gem Friday. Exhibitions of This Puzzling Art Will lie One of Fentures at Masonic Carnival Many Booths. One of the big feature shows which will be seen at the Masonic Free In door Carnival, and one that will mys tify and bewilder the great crowds in attendance, is known as the Blue Art exhibitions. Probably no other amusement at tracts like the black art. The more you seet it, the more you are puzzled and the harder One tries to solve the wonderful power of the "man in white", the less you know how ht really accomlishes such amazing real ities.' ; This is one of the many attraction? that will be given free at the Indoor Carnival. The many booths that will adorr the lower gallery of the big audi torium will include a floral booth knife rack, orangeade, bric-a-brac, dishing pond, voting booth, a doll's house, cigar and tobacco stand, auc tion, candy, pop-corn crisps, souve nir, f ruit bon-bon, merry widow hat, ice creamvcone, confetti, serpentines, lunch and novelty stands, grocery and an old curiosity shop, a fortune-teller, and many other similar booths. There will be a number of candy wheels operated by some of the prin cipal society ladles of North Caro lina and also a wheel of fortune. The many booths are being built and decorators will be at work next week making the autitorium. beauti ful. Probably never before in any similar undertaking has such interest been manifested and at tomorrow's meeting of the representative ladles of the city committees will be formed and the work will continue with in creased enthusiasm. , .' , Let every lady interested attend the meeting tomorrow at the new Masonic Temple, 4:30 o'clock, and unite in making this carnival a grand success. LOCAL Se-'Tt'iH r- ol State ,1. Bryan Grimes will o to Clinton .tomorrow to deliver sin address. Tomorrow, between the hours of and 15 o'clock.' Messrs. Cross & Llnehan will present souvenirs to ?ach school boy who will call at their tore. A suit has been begun. In the su perior court entitled The btein-Klocu i Co., of New York vs. D. Levine, trad ing :as the Guarantee Clothing Com pany.' ' ". Hou. W. C. Newland, democratic aoininee for lieutenant-governor, was visitor in the city yesterday. He reported a hopeful stale of affairs in the-west. Mr, A. H. Mowbrey, actuary of 3tate department of insurance, lias resigned his position to take a simi lar one with the California depart ment of Insurance at an increased 3alary. - . Major. W. A. Graham, the new l yappointed Commissioner of Agri culture, has not yet arrived in Kai eiirh to begin his duties. A message from him states thai his wife Is very ill and will probably not recover. Mr. S. B. Patterson, for several venrs nrivate secretary to Col. A. B. Andrews, left last night for St. Louis .vhere he has accepted a position in -he office of the Missouri Pacific Railway. Mr. Norman 11. Johnson, editor Df The Merchants Journal, of Char lotte, and well-known to the people of Raleigh, is considering a proposi tion made hlin by a Chicago lecture bureau to go on the platform. -Captain John Duckett, of the ( state., department of public Instruc-, tion, left today for Prespect, Duplin ?ounty, where he will deliver an edu cational address. Mr. Fonville, of the firm of Fon ville & Stevenson, is very ill at his home. The reporter, in going the rounds his morning, hear a child screaming is if in great pain. Inquiry elicited die information that the child was undergoing treatment for the pre vention of rabies, a treatment neces sarily attended with some pain. One more argument against the unmuz sled dog! J. B. Williams, of Wilson, to- day filed a petition in bankruptcy, placing his liabilities at 113,000, as sets $250. Mrs. H. E. Morris and Mr. Herbert Burns Norris have returned home after attending the marriage of Miss Stella Nox Norris, of Apex, to Rev. John Calvin Hammon. The following young men ar rived in the city yesterday to enter Draughon's Business College: J. R. Riadlev. Jr.. Gold Rock. N. C: H. K. Scarborough, Greensboro, and H. i M. Scanland, Elliston, va. several from the city have enrolled in- tne night school. n MSB GET SHADES THAT WEAR Di-dinai-y (i'uie. Wcjither-l'reof Shade. Sec the 1) lilirciuc. eatlu'f-l'roof Shades wear longer, than oi-diimry shades, won't crack or fade like Holland Shades. Ordinary Shades are filled with chalk to make them opaque. Weather-Proof Shade materials are made without filling of any kind, and won't wrinkle or snff. If you buy. Weather-Proof Shades you will not have to buy any more for a Ions time, but when you do buy again yon will surely buy Weather Proof Shades.. Sold exclusively in Raleigh by WEATHERS & PERRY MAPLE SPRING - THE STANDARD OF QUALITY IN WHISKEY. A Strictly High Grade Article We Are Offering the Trade. if:,. ivi '-'tT:,- -.' l!li8S:iilfl?iS ! Ji ft ' fii-- '- ... v: This Whiskey is an excellent article matured in wood, It possesses all the qualities to be found iu Standard High tirado Whiskey. We are ship ping this EXPRESS PREPAID, FOUR FULL QUARTS $3.00. THE N EWCO MB CO MPANY The Prompt Mailorder House. PETftRiBIJHO, VA. m ONLY CREDIT HOUSE : iws Ait on rnijrtrt fcr',, i It. If ht eannot iopnlr I- Every 7oman It tntcrmiea ana aowa mow &hnnt thm wnndrfbi Marvel "'"ll K" ilN TOWN.I NEW SEASON. the MARVKL, accept M n. tmt atna i)l book- ft todinkt MARVEL CO. 44 K. tit .. Nw Trt tttmr for ilia. ticnltn md directloiulnTtlaiibla nl Via hnfc HMif atftmn I trjtfil book nlmt It give full New Hoods are arriving every (lay.- We cordially invite vou all to rail in and inspect our Fall Styles. There lis something to interest you. THE LADIES' FURNISHING CO. DRY GOODS AND LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS. ' 113 E. Hargett Street - - - - - Raleigh. N. C. CURE tICK HEADACHE'