:l THE RAJLEIGH EVENING TIMES r FK1DAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1903. PAGE FIVE lc; WANTS lc. Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions. J ; "vi New ; York Stocks. (By Leased Wire to The Times) I New York, Sept. 18 The stocks were attractive - and strong at ' the opening and in the early trading showed advances on first sales rang ing up to and around 1 point in sym pathy with lower cables. This strength was supposed to reflect the smoothing out of friction on the other side over the Morocco situation. Erie which has been an active feature of London trading for some time, open ed 1 higher at 28; Union Pacific Bhowed a gain of at 160, and New York Central, Pennsylvania, and Southern Pacific showed gains of to on first sales. Renewed selling after the opening caused general yielding in Important railways, and they fell in line with a downward movement that progressed in indus trials miscellaneous issues from the start. New York Cotton. ' ' (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept. 18 Under the influence of easy cables and more re assuring news from Texas the cotton market this morning opened easy at a decline of 67 points with some pressure of long stuff in evidence. Following the call a little room cov ering eveloped in local houses and New Orleans bought lower positions, causing a rally. Opening: : Sept., 9.10; Nov., ..; Dec. Jan, 8.83 8.81; Feb., 8.828.84; April, . . 8.88. High. Oct., 8.92 f May, 9.09 3)8.93; March, 8.87 : New York Closing Stork List. Atchison . .., , . . . . . '". . .'. 88 Atchison pfd. '.'.' .. .. .. .. 95 Baltimore & Ohio . . ". ... . . 97 Canadian Pacific. . ... . . . .171 Chicago & Northwestern.. ..158 Colorado Southern . . . . , . 38 Denver & Rio-Grande . . .. .. 27 Denver & Rio Grande pfd. . . 66 Erie .'. . . . . .. . .... .. 30 Illinois Central .139 Louisville & Nashville ... . . 105 Mexican Central . .. V . ; . . . . 15 Missouri Pacific. .'. . , . . 54 New York Central 105 Pennsylvania . . .;..-.,.;' ..122 Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Rock Island . . ..... .'' . . . .'. 18 Rock Island pfd. . . . . . . . . 3 4 St. Paul. . . . . .. . ; : . . ' .,'.:. ..136 Southern Pacific. ... . . . . .105 Southern Railway . . . . ''. ... 2 1 Union Pacific . . . . .. . . ..161 Union Pacific pfd. ..... . . . 86 Wabash.. 12 Wisconsin Central . . . . . . ... 27 Interboro-Metropolltan . . . . . 11 Interboro-Metro. pfd. . . .... 32 Great Northern . . . . .' . . ... 13 2 .Miscellaneous. Atlantic Coast Line . . . . . . 87 Amalgamated Copper . . . . . . 76 American Car & Foundry.. .. 38 American Locomotive. . . . .."..'. 45 American Cotton Oil . . . . . . 33 American Smelting. . . . . . . 86 American Smelting pfd. .". . . 101 Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . .. 50 Colorado Fuel & Iron . . .'. ; . 34 ' General Electric. .... . . . . .140 International Paper . . . . . . . . 9 National Lead . . . . ... . 76 Pacific Mall .. .. . . .. .. .. 24 People's Gas. 95 Pressed Steel Car . ... . . . .371 Pullman' Palace Car .. . .162 Slotfs-Sheffleld Steel 62 Southern Pacific pfd. . . . . . .118 SuSgar ...' . i ... . . . ...129 United tates Steel . . '.',' . ... 45 United States Steel pfd. ... .109 Western Union . . ... ... . .." 60 Va.-Carolina Chemical . . . , . . 29 Westinghouse Electric . . . . . . 71 Sept. . Oct. . Nov. '.-..' Dec, Jan. . Feb. -."." March May . Closed Open. 9.10 8.81; 8.9U 8.81 .. .12 8.81 8.93 Low 8.95 8.76 8.77 8.64 Close. 8.92 8.95 :'. 8.72 8.97 8. 64 8.G5 8.66 8.71 8.82 8.83' 8.66 8.83 8.85 8.72 steady. '.' ; New York: Cot toil. ,'. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept. 18 Spot cotton quiet, 10 points lower, at, 9.50; sales, 1,000 bales. Raleigh Cotton Market. New cotton, 1 0 c. Receipts today, 125 bales. Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times. ) Liverpool, Sept. 18 Spot cotton, quiet wjth prices steady; middling, 5.54; sales, 5,000, of which 3,900 were American and 500 for specula tion and export; receipts, 1,000, American, 700. Futures firm closed steady. Open. opened THE TIMES' DAILY v FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. SHOTWELLV New York, Sept. 18 Becoming alarmed at the collapse of the stock market yesterday because of the Bry an scare promoted by Harriman and the Standard Oil party, the big peo ple put supporting orders In the mar ket today, with the result that gains averaging 1 point were recorded in the leading issues. The opening was strong with advances all along the line, but a few minutes later renewed selling developed yesterday. Smelt srs was the leader in this downward movement, . losing 1 points. The insiders then1 got busy distributing their supporting orders,, with the re sult thai .'at the end of the first hour, of. trading there was a better ton a manifest with gains of from 1 point to 1 points in the standard issues. ,. Specialties were, slightly lower in the early trading, but recovered with balance o list. Even poor old New York Central, : that, according to Its own statement of earnings, ' declared an unearned dividend, lifted its head point. Tiie Hill shares- were also strong ". ';' The better tone started in London, where advances of nearly 1 point were scored in the American depart ment, Atchison and New York Cen tral showed gains in the foreign market due to covering by shorts. In applying to the New York stock exchange to list 164,256,000 of new stock the Illinois Central submitted a statement of earning' "for- the year ended June 30. It showed a decrease in net of $3,825,978 and'surplus of $11,690,692 less than that of last year,-- '. Classified advertisements tor this column will be accepted at pne cent per word tor each Issue, CASH with the order. No ad vert is omenta under this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for less tbanlO CENTS an insertion. lc. WANTS lc. P E CIAL WANTED. WASTED Railway Mail Clerks, Post office Clerks, Carriers' Exam-j inations here November 18. Prep-! aration free. Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y. 7-lm 1 WANTED 500 MEN TO LEARN Barber Trade and take positions j waiting' our graduates; few weeks j completes, constant practice fur- nished, scholarship includes tools, I instructions, demonstrations, ex-! aminations and diplomas. Write' for catalogue. Moler Barber Col-I leg?, Atlanta, Ga. i AT WANTED Young lady to solicit. "Want" advertisements for The J Evening Times. For further par-! titulars, address, Classified De partment, Evening Times Office. 1 S-2t ith's Fruit Store. BANANAS, 400 Bunches yellow Ripe BANANAS, 5 and 10 cents per dozen 100 Bushels Preserving Pears 25 cents per peck. Fancy Celery, 4 big bunches 25 cents. New York Grapes. Concord Grapes, per basket, 20 cents. SMITH'S FRUIT STORE 216 Fayetteville Street Raleigh Phone 116 Capital City 167 FOR SALE. September . Sept-Oct Oct-Nov : , .-. Nov-Dec . . . Dec-.Tan , . . Jan-Feb . . , Feb-March . March-April April-May . May-June June-July . .... July-Aug . . Chicago Grain. Chicago, Sept. 18 Heavy receipts in the northwest and forecast for rains iu the winter wheat belt offset the effect of the Bteady cables and caused a decline of c. at the start. Heavy buying by Bartlett Patten and Shearson Hammill rallied the market a little." There was some commission house Belling. ODenlng: Wheat. Dec. 100 to 100; corn, Dec., 65 to ; oats, Sept., 49; pork, Oct., 15.10 to 15.15; lard. Oct. 10.07; ribs, Oct. 9.70. Wheat closed 1 lc lower; corn closed 1 off to !8c up; oats were c up; provisions closed 7 30c better. Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: Open. High. Close, Wheat: Sept.. . 1.00 1.00 .99 Dec. . .1.00 1.00 .99 May . . 1.03 1.03 1.02 Jnly. . .96 .... 1.02 Corn: . Sept.. . ' .76 .76 .76 Dec. . . .65 .66 .G6 May . . .64 .65 .65 July . '.;.-'.' .64 ,64 .64 Out: Sept.. . .48 .48 .48 Dec.. . .48 .48 .48 May . . .5Q .51 .51 Pork: "".'".'.-' Sept.. . 14.95 16.32 15.32 Oct. . . 15.10 15.50 15.42 Jan. . . 16.70 16.95 16.92 , May . . 16.80 .... . 16.90 Lard: Oct. . . 10.07 10.17 i0.17 Jan.. . 9.80 9.95 9.92 May . ; 9.85 9.97 9.97 Alba: -'-' Sept.; ......... 9-75 Oct. . . 9.70 9.77 .77 Jan. . . 8.80 8.87 8.87 May . . 8.90 8.97 8.97 .5.13 .4.94 .4.87 .4.83 ,4.80 .4.80 5.12 w 4.95 4.87 4.S4 . 4.83 4.80 .4.82 4.84 .4.83 4.84 .4.87 )4.84 .4.85 )4.88 Close. 5.09 ; 4.91 4.83 4.79 4.77 4.77 4.78 4.79 4.80 4.81 4.81 4.81 :- . Naval Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah, Ga., Sept, 18 Spirits turpentine, firm, 35 ; sales, 289; receipts, 917. Rosins, firm; sales, 2,197; re ceipts, 3,187. Quote: WW, 6.25; WG, 6.00; N, 5.50; M, 4.80; K, 3.75; I, 3.35; H, 2.75; G, 2.75; F, 2.70; E, 2.60; D, 2.50; C, B, A, 2.50 2.45. Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards, 111., Sept. 18 Hogs: Receipts, 9,000; market, steady; bulk, 6.90 to 7.15; light, 6.60 to 7.30; pigs, 4.60 to 6.30; mixed, , 6.65 to -7.20; Yorkers, 7.20 to 7.30; heavy, 6.60 to 7.45; good to choice heavy, 6.80 to 7.45; rougn, 6.60 to 6.80. , - Cattle: Receipts, 3,000; market, slow but steady; beeves, 3.60 to 7.60; Texas steers, 3.50 to 5.00; western steers, 2.20 to 5.80; stockers and feeders, 2.60 to 4.35;, cows and helf rs, 1.65 to 6.60; calves, 6.00 to 8.25. Sheep; Receipts, 10,000; market, steady; native and western, 2.25 to 4.25; yearlings, 4.25 to 5.45; lambs, native and western, 3.25 to 5.80. A Snreenongh Knocker. J. C. Goodwin, of ReidsvIUe, N. C, says: ''Bucklen'a i'rnica Salve is a surc- enough 'knocker for ulccrw. A bad one came on my. H,7 last sumtner, but that wonderful salvo knocked it out in a few rounds. Not even a scar remain ed." .Guaranteed for piles, sores, burns tte. , 2fc. at all ilrus storiis. Rev. J. K. Smith, of Mt. Airy, and Mr. Benj. V. Smifa. of Wash ington, D. C.,: who have been in the city, the guests of their sister, Mrs. 11. V.. Satterfield, returned to their homes today. ' '; '' :" Your Attention CARBON COAL For New arrived. Style IKON has port Cotton Part ll'ceipts Today, New York, Sept. 18 Cotton receipts were as follows: , New Orleaens, 3,889 against 1,190; Galveston, 14,455 against 7,475; Mo bile, 492 against 398; Savannah, 10, 084 against 10,459; Charleston, 2, 059 against 1,000; Wilmington, S, 410 against 3,045; ,';Korfolk, 1,457 against 1,297; Baltimore, 106 against 0; Brunswick, 4,250 aguinst 3,203; various, 150 against 0.- Totals, 40, 353 against 28',067.I v Interior - Receipts: Hoaston, 13,- 164 against 5,363; Augusta, 1,915 against 2,561; Memphis, 1.534 against 125; St. Louis, 87 against 148; Cincinnati, 629 against 83. To tals, 17,329 against 8,280. Cotton-Seed Oil. New York, Sopt. 1 8 Cotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Closing. . . . .. 40 i0 . . . . 40 04O . . . . 3939 . ... 39 . . . . 39 039 . . 3940 September . October . . . . November , . . December . .. . Junuary . . . . March . . . . . Market closed firm. RATHKR THAN FACK TRIAL YOUNG KNAPPEL SUICIDES, New York, Sept. 18 Rather than face trial on a charge of grand lar ceny. Charles Knappel. a drug clerk . ; New York oMney Market. NewYork, 8epU 18. Time loans, firm,' money ,; on call, 1 2 : 60 fov iu- on iiit v. iVi six monthi. 8rjosted rates; sterling exchange caught taking $500 worth of opium 4.864.87J with artual buslness,out of. the warehouse of Lehn & la bankers HHs at 486.550.65 for, Fink, 120 William treet, hanged denwtnl and 485.25 for 80 day bills; himself to the door of hit cell In the prima mercantile paper, unchanged., iomoi ioay. The Big Hardware Men. Tlios. II. Briggs & Sons., RALEIGH. N. C. ! LARGE WHISKEY BUSINESS FOR SALE Jug and Bottle House; the finest and best equipped for the mail order trade in the United States. Enjoys a large city and country trade V also. Party who buys can retain the present name, which is worth $25,000 to any mail order liquor hause. And in addition: The party, if from North Carolina, who would get in here now with this firm name would get a tremendous trade from North Carolina when that State goes dry on January 1st, 1909. For partic ulars address, The Casper-Treuor Company, Inc., or W. O. ' Treiior, Uoanoko, Va. 7-1 Ot lun WILL- SELL AT AUCTION To the highest bidder, a good ' driving horse, Saturday, Sept. 19, at 1 o'clock at Frank Slronach's Stable. .1. C. Ellington. Ki-:St I"()1C SALE Long dry pine and oak Wood. Apply to Latta University, , Phone 473. ',' 18-6t FOR RENT FOIt RENT Office room over Walt ers' Merchant Tailor store. Call at Walters'. lS-3t ; FOR RENT FIRNIKHEI) ROOM with bath, furnace heated. Ad dress Box 573. IS 5t. FOR KENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE 600 South Salisbury Street. P. T. Wyatt. : 17 3t. FOUND Wake Forest College pin, 19u8. Owner can get at Times or flce. . '' 17-2t FOIt RENT Two furnished rooms, near Peace Institute, board conven ient. Apply Box 381, Raleigh. " lS-3t MISCELLANEOUS. BARBECUE AXI BRUNSWICK Stew at Ed. V. Denton's every Wed-' . nesday and Saturday. JEFFERSON CLUB WHISKEY Fine for Highballs " ' . . ! tfTT As a gentlemen's drink Jefferson Club 11 Whiskey is recognized as the standard in Quality and rich flavor. Guaranteed absolutely pure and recommended or family and club use. ' Ask for Jefferson Club" and see that you get it. Guaranteecl undei the national pure food law., ' Straus, Gunst & Co., Distillers and Distributors ''-: THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY ' WITH An sanarpiwwtKl Motor? lwtilnd It ulnce lUl HTA.MKS FOR ' '&'"' SmMy to IU Uepositorit. . ArntiutiXHlation to Hji Ciihtonirra. Willing Hi rtlie Ui tt CUAS. K. JOHNJSUS, V. H. IMtUjUN, CAKES AND I1EATEN 1USCUITS ; for sale by ladies of the Womans' J Exchange at Novelty Co. & Bazaar ! adjoining Smith-Forrest Grocery 4 In Wftskies rect from tysf;ery j LOST On road between residence of H. E. Noiris..aud Pigeon House branch, a silver watch with fob at tached. Reward for return to Car olina Woodworkers Co. 17-tf f I ' HIT 1 ASH SI KJ'I.I S TtHAl. $H0, )'( 1 ,10, (100 S2:o.o()( EXPRESS PREPAID. IU. tfab. 3Ul CipKr StiMWWc CM $2.23 $4.M $5.50 lidmdRyt . ... 2.2S 4.N 5.50 rrivakStattn . . 2.H 4.5 (.50 lilk,li.lLWWKT . 2.64 4.51 (.50 24 filt if 41 taU-TWt YtBw (tti $(.00. 24 rut v 4t M-rwi M $7.m 10 cents per gallon extra in quarts. Losses and breakage made good. Send money orders with all orders. Prompt ihipments. A. H ATKE & CO., RICHMOND VA. " - mxT ooon to ixmiM orpct ' , LARGE RAY MULE STRAYED from home on Tarboro road. In formation concerning whereabouts will be appreciated. Wm. McDow ell. 18-2t A fjl'AKTEIt ''OlV A MILLION DOLLAKS CASH (U AKANTEE OP. DEPOSITS besides the liability of solvent sliui'clioUlcis, making mi nddi tioiml $100,000 ALTj backed by a third of a century' conservative bus. Iiii-ss! We invito new accounts. JOSEPH G. BROWN, President. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. RIO ASSORTMENT PISH WILL arrive this evening. Pork Loins today and Saturday. Irish Pota- toes, 30c. Guinea Eggs, 20c. i Choice Beef. Oysters Saturday, j Green Company, 18-2ti The Raleigh Savings Bank. HUBBARD BROS. & CO HANOVER SQUARE. NEW 1'ORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future dfHvry. OorrsoondBC invttwi JOHN T. 1TLLEN, Presldonf. Cll IRLES ROOT, Cnshl.T. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Pour pi r cotil. Interest paid on doponltN. Call In the bank, or write for further loforiimtion. Hank 0cii on bntiirihiy evenlni; from 15 to 9 o'clock t4, .K'coniniodn'te the public. Argueu Today. ' In the aupreme court the follow ing cases were argued today: Elliott vs. Railway Co., White vs. New Bern, Perry, vs. Taylor, Walker vs. Ventere, Smith ft Co. vs. Heaiby (continued), .Andrews ft Bowen vs. Grimes, et at, and Foy vs. Gray, et al. COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS The account of business houses, corporations, and Individuals are cordially Invitt'd and cvciy fonsldoratlou is extended which In consistent with a conKcrvutivc blinking policy., This bank lins ample capital and surplus, and small ox well as lure account arc solicited. i V THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, ' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $200,000.00 'II. 8. JERMAN, Pro. j A. A. THOMPSON, Vtce-Pres.; H. W. JACK. SON, Cashier; K. B. CROW, Assist. Cushier; J. J. Thomas, Chnin Doard of Director, t ; .