PAGE SEVEN ! 3CZDC ir A GOOD BREAKFAST FOR FIVE CENTS. Start the day right by eating a breakfast that U gives the greatest amount of mental and physical strength with the least tax f uDon the digestion. Two 1 U n rwith a' pint of hot milk will supply all the energy needed for a half day's worft U and the cost is about five cents. At your grocer's. fl Heat in Oven Before Serving 03 CZZDC DC 3CZDC THE .EALEIGH EVENING TIMES: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1908. .A mimEnninv whig at rawTmnr i u FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT Association Perfected Orga nization Last Night General and Legislative Committees Appointed Strong Men on Each (limniittee Earnest In Purpose. Meares, C. W. H. Crelghton, Dr. J. W. McGee, Jr., M. M. Smith, Dr. R. T. Vann, Harry Loeb, Robert How ard, A. L. Fletcher, R. H. Jones, Wm. T. Harding, G. J. Mahler, D. R. By rum, M. Ashby Lambert, and R. G. Reid. The meeting last night was not marked by enthusiasm, as were the former meetings, but rather by sober determination and earnest purpose. The members present werB-r among Raleigh's very best and strongest cit izens. That these good men have un dertaken the remodeling and modern izing of the city's charter, means that something is going to be done. They are practical men. There is not a theorist or a dreamer in the lot, and Raleigh will see" the effects of the:r good work. : There are at present over 200 mem bers and the number is constantly increasing. PROF. MICHEL'S REPORT Attracting Much Attention in West and North silage . . . .. 500.00 Twenty-five tons I corn stover. 150.00 ; Two tons pea I vine hay , . . . 20.00 Labor . . . . .... 945.00 Ice ........... 110.00 Estimated cost 1 : j i of fuel ..... .90.00 Sundries . . 48.00 ! How to Get Strong. P. J. Daly, of 1247 y. Congress St., Chicago, tells of a way to become strong; he says: "My mother, who is old and very feeble, is deriving so much benefited from Electric Bitters that I feel it's my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about it. In my mother's case a marked gain in flesh has re sulted, insomnia has -teen overcome, and she is steadily gi owing stronger.' Electric Bitters quickly' remedy stom ach, liver and kidney complaints. Si'd i twenty per cent at one dollar per gal- The report sent out by Prof. Jno, Ion; butter at thirty-five cents per Michels, of the A. & M. College, from pound; and buttermilk at fifteen the official dairy in West Raleigh, is cents per gallon. Most of the pro- attracting widespread attention. ducts ware sold as milk and cream. Northern papers have taken the mat-! "The cows received no pastin-age ter up and the dairymen of the north whatever, which increased the ex and middle west are becoming great- j pense for feed. ly interested in dairying conditions! "While only 'a nine months record in the south and particularly in Is presented here, these were by no North Carolina. The state needs this means exceptional months. Indeed, kind of advertising. It means that we feel confident from present iiidi the right kind of immigration will cations, that the net earnings from finally set in,, bringing men who will'.-the balance of the year will average add to the state's industrial fcrowth 1 higher than those for:-, the , period The Raleigh Good Government As sociation held a meeting at the court-house last night and perfected its organization. Two important committees were elected. The first of these was the general committee, which will look after the general in terests of the association and will hold a meeting at an early date to Inaugurate the work of the associa tion. The legislative committee will spend its time studying the charters of other cities and preparing amend ments to the city charter. It was decided that the association will hold bi-monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of the month of Sep tember, November, January, March, May, and July. However, there are provisions for special meetings when they shall be deemed, advisable. The general committee consists of 24 members, together with the of ficers of the association, who are ex- officio members. This committee Is Fratwnul Order Day During the Fair, i dition, as there is no other section whatever that a co-v can be fed more composed or the rour vice-presidents, - Excellent Dairy Report Sent Out Some Days Ago Attracting Atten tion of Pairymeii Will Have Good Influence Attract Desirable Im migrants. ; ; 3,409.00 Balance in favor of dairy is ... ........ . . . . . .$3,005.00 "Milk was sold in bulk at twenty five cents per gallon; cream testing m 1 w - GET SHADES V THAT WEAR H IjriLjUUI I Ordinary Shade. WeatUer-Proof Shade. See the 1) illVrence. Weather-Proof Shades wear hmer than ordinary sliadcs, won't, crack or fade like Holland Shades. Ordinary Shades are lillt'd with chalk to make them opaque. Weather-Proof Shade materials are made without iilliug of any kind, and won't wrinkle or saj. If you buy Weather-Proof Shades you will not have to buy any more for a long time, but when you do buy again you v ill surely buy Weather Proof Shades.. ; Sold exclusively in Raleigh by y WEATHERS & PERRY given here. 'There is an unlimited market for and development. , j The following is from the "South-. em Field," the excellent monthly . dairy products in this state at the publication of the Land and Indus-1 prices quoted above, especially for trial Department of the Southern milk and cream. Milk retaila at Railway: i from eight cents to fifteen cents'. pur The dairy interests of the south: quart, with an average of fully ton I N TOWN. Ball, Graham Haywood, B. F. Monta gue, and J. S. Wynne. : Third Ward -W. A. Cooper, J. B. Hill, A. E. Olmstead, H. W. Jackson, and F. B. Arendell. : untie- guarantee ut al drugstores. fJe. j are ghowing most substantial growth, cents per quart There is every reason for this con- As to .teed, there Is no question A movement is on foot to arrange f th Unlted states which to favors cheaply here' than in any of the lead- for Fraternal Order Day during the j tne -dalryinan or combine the same , ing dairy sections of the country." I fair this year. The different fraternal j advantageS for the economical pro- i - "" , orders of the city have been asked to -ductlon 0f milk and butter. Every I l?K..MeK.VXN.-lX RICHMOND.' j appoint a committee each to take the j varletv of orage crop can be grown I ; ! matter in hand and assist in perfect-;B,,PKi.fl.1,vt o minimum of cost. Has a (liis of 'One Hundred Taking Liquor Cure. that green feed is afforded through-! (Special to The Times) out a large portion of the territory! Richmond, Va., Seept. 18 Dr. 3. during the entire twelve months of J. McKauna, of Reidsvillc, discoverer the vear. With these advantages j of the three-day liquor cure, has a city turn out that day, and form a . tnere ls an abundance of pure water, ' class of 100 inebriates under treat parade to the fair grounds. Each or- Ld ,nda wnloh be ,,urchased at 'ment in the First Baptist church In der will be led by a handsomely det-jbut a fraction of the value of lands this city. The ministers and imtnict- Messrs. Jos. G. Brown, N. B. Brough ton, Joseph E. Pogue, and R, . B. Raney, and the following, citizens, five from each ward: First Ward Dr. J. R. Rogers, Jno. A. Park, Wm. B. Grimes, Wm. T. t ing the arrangements. All these com- j and tne climatic conditions are sTTch j Harding, and Geo. E. Hunter. , mntees wm meet in joini session m Second Ward C. J. Hunter, J. G. ' Pythian hall next Wednesday evening, September 23, The idea is to have the different fraternal orders in the NEW SEASON. New Goods are nrrivmjjp every (hy. V cordially invite you all to call, in and ins)ect our Fall Styles. .There., is something to interest you. THE LAD 1 ES ' FURNISHING CO. DRY GOODS AND LADIES' RRADY-TO-WKAK (JARMKXTS. 113 E. Hargett Street - - : - - - - Raleigh. N. C. Fourth Ward J. N. Holding, C. . orated. float, carrying the degree team jn tne weli-recognized dairy districts pal authorities are manifesting a or tne oraer, ana representing in some of tne centrai west Ay m an, there great interest in the treatment, and way the principles for which the or- ia everything to encourage the pro- ' Alderman Ellett, father of the pro der stands. The authorities of the ducti0n of milk and butter and to hibition ordinance, declares his in fair are fn hearty sympathy with the j bring good proflta to those engaging tention to have a fund set aside by movement and are lending all their j ln these lines pf ousiness. what the city council for the treatment of influence to make this one of the big- j these profits can be made is indicated all Inebriates who have be?n fre gest days of the fair. The matter Is by the report and statement recently , qucnters of Justice Johns' court under the direction of Prof. S. M.j fsasued by John Michels, Professor of ' Overtures are being made to Dr. Smith. I Animal Husbandry and Dairying at McKanna to establish a sanitarium i the North Carolina College of Agri- here for the treatment of all such They Take The Kinks Out. i culture and Mechanic Arts at West 'cuses. B. Edwards, M. W, Woodard, L. G, Rogers, and Dr. Hubert A. Royster. To this committee are added the other officers, who are ex-offlcio mem bers: ' President R. H. Battle Secre tary A. B. Stronach, and Assistant Secretary and Treasurer Edward It. Conn.; '', ...:'' v : On the legislative committee are some of Raleigh's brightest legal tal ent, progressive and patriotic citizens who will leave nothing undone to give their city their best services. : The legislative committee is com posed of the following: W. N. Jones, W. J. Peele, James H. Pou, H. E. Norris, R. N. Slmras, A. A. Thomp son, and W. H. Pace. v On motion of Mr. J. S. Wynne the treasurer was instructed to prepare a request, oral or written, for a subscription of money to be expended for the purposes of the association, the request to be sent to members of the association and others interested In better government for the city. Any citizen who is a resident of Raleigh and endorses the objects of the association may become a mem ber by presenting his name to any officer.' The following new names were added to the membership of the asso ciation last night: W. B. Grimes, E. V. Ennls, G. N. Walters, Geo. D. I EADQU A R T E R FOR have used Dr. King's New Life j Raielgh( North Carolina, the official I Pli'i fcr many years, with Increasing satisfaction. They taRS the kinks out of stomach, liver and bowels, without fuss or friction," says N. H. Brown, of dairy of its state. Of the results at I Republican Ticket in Beaufort, the college Mr. Michels writes: 'To i . (Special to The Times) show what the southern states have ' Washington, Sept. 18 -The repub- Plttsfleld, Vt. Guaranteed atlsfactory j to offer along dairy lines, we present ncaa county convention ior ueauiori. at all drug stores. 25c. I herewith a report of our college dairy county was addressed here today at - ; : herd, which consists of two pure-bred .12 o clock by Isaac M. Meeklns, re- A Xew Hand For Raleijjli. . Jersey bulls and forty-one Jersey The Knights of the Maccabees of cows, all but six of which are grades. Raleigh have organized a brass band , The report covera a period of nine and in a few weeks will be in shape months, during which the average to make good music. They start off j number of cows milked was-thirty with 14 members, all of whom are eight. Following Is a statement of first-class musicians already, having receipts and expenditures: served in the Third Reglmeat band. ; Receipts. The organization of this band, how- Cash . . . . . . .$5,539.00 ever, is in no sense antagonistic to the ! Eleven calves . . : 175.00 Third Regiment band, but is meant j Estimated value to be a private organization, under . of manure . . 880.00 the direction of the Maccabees. The i . uniforms and instruments have been I Expenditures, ordered, and an effort will be made' Concentrates ... .$1,546.00 to hav5 everything In shape by fair Two hundred and week. ' fifty tons corn $6,414.00 publican nominee for congress from the find, district. The following ticket was nomi nated:'. For sheriff: J. B. Respass. For treasurer: F. G. Paul. For register of deeds: B. J. Car rowan. ... . For representatives: Howard Alie good and D. M. Leggett. : . Kuabe Piano for sule at a bargain; only UHod four yearn. In flue condi tion. Owner noils money and muxt nidi ut once. For full pai-ticulars, uddivss P. O. Ho. . -J8;, RaleiSli, X. C. -. 16-6t OMEF I T T E R Better Buy the Best. Buy of Us. Call and Inspect Our Stock. The Raleigh Furniture Co. FURNITURE FOR THE LIVING ROOM FURNITURE FOR THE DINING RGOM FURNITURE FOR THE BED ROOM FURNITURE FOR THE KITCHEN FURNITURE FOR THE ENTIRE HOME The Raieigh Furniture Company, 17 East Martin svnd 18 Market Streets. T. E. GREEN, J. M. RiGGAN, Sec. and Treas. Manager. Capital City Phone 672. First "When I Feel Bad" -"writes Mrs. B. H. Cox, of Jasper, Ala., "the first thing I do, is to take a dose of Cardui, and it relieves. "I have kept Carduirin the house now, for about 12 years, am nearly 50 years old, and have no female trouble, like so many women. "What a wonderful medicine Cardui is! I wish I could put it into every home in the world. When any woman is at my house, and complains, I just give her a dose of Cardui.. I am glad to tell other women what it has done for me, I tell women, right before the doctors, to get themselves a bottle of Car- Thing dui, and they won't need any doctors. "Before I began to take Cardui, I was very sick with female troubles, and the doctors said I could not get well without an operation, so I just stopped fooling with the doctors and began taking Cardui, which cured me, sound and well. I have not had to go to bed a day since I first took Cardui; Sold everywhere. Try it. WUfli nWIT Writ for Frw 84-pa Book for WoaM. !f roo Dad luk X IUUEj LJJl vice, dcacrlb ymptoma, atttlnf nd w will reply la wm-13 T a v1xo Plain ...led cnvclopa. Addrai : Ladiw Advisory Uft JL tUIJLLiO Th Chttnoog Medlclm Co, Ctotunoof, Tma. MRS. R. H. COX, . Jasper, All. ' I Take CARDUI J ' i 1 1 1 . ' in i i ii ii i i n i i ' YOU NEED MOT Until you get all the money if you need some things for tho house, come and get it, pay down what you can, and if you pay the remainder in installment pay " ments, weekly or 30, 60, or 90 days, it will not cost you any more here than it would most places if you paid SPOT CASH. Come in and talk with us. We are reasonable and want to accommo date you. ...... . o o CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, FAYETTE VILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C.