pags eiqiit THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1908. RAILWAY SCHEDULES Seaboard Air Idas Railway. Going North. Going South. 3:45 a. m. 8:10 &. m. 11:20 a.m. 8:35 a.m. 13:60 p.m. ' 4:15 p.m. 6:30 pm. 6:15 p.m. Raleigh and Sonthhort. Going South. Arrive Raleigh. 6:00 a.m. 9:25 a.m. l:3ftp. m. 4:30p.m. Norfolk and Bonthern. Going East. Arrive Raleigh. 6:35 a.m. 8:30 a. m. 8:40 a.m. 7:35 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 10:00 p. m. Southern Railway. Going East. Going West 4:30 a. m. 2:00 a. m. 12:30 p. m. 1 8:45 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 4:05 p. ra. THE WEATHER Washington, Sept. 18 Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Saturday: Fair tonight and Satur day; light variable winds. TONIGHT "SMART SET." The maximum of song and action crowded into two hours and forty minutes of entertainment space, and with just sufficient funny dialogue to season the musical comedy broth. TALKING GILBERT & FAMOUS SILENT SUBJECTS REEL 1 Mediterranean Fleet. A Burglar in a Basket. REEL 2 Bear in a Flat Enchanted Guitar. MATINEEE DAILY Going on All the Time Open from 4 until 11. THE of A TIMELY OPPORTUNITY TO OUTFIT YOUR BOYS AT A LIBERAL SAVING. This great SALE OF SCHOOLSUITS, Inaugurated last Monday, has been a splendid success it seems as if everybody is talking about it particularly parents who desire to combine economy with quality , "Just, a little better for a little less" is the basis upon which this sale is planned. Throughout this week this GREAT SALE OF SCHOOL CLOTHES, will continue real bargains that' will save you money space forbids lengthy details we simply save you from 1-4 to 1-3 on regular prices and give you Just the kind of clothes suitable to start your boy to school. We will be pleased to have you call and Inspect the bargains to be had during all this week. FALL STYLES READY. Just a few words: Would like for you to see the Suits, Top Coats and Bain Coats received so farwe are willing to let you do your own judging who will have the line this fall. - i Th Om Priet Clothier. . "The Smart Set" brings Its batteries charged with novel features and de-j lightful surprises to the Academy to-J night, when it hopes to score another one of those full-fledged triumphs j that have been accorded in every ; city where the love for charming' music and spontaneous mirth is strong enough to recognize a very superior offering. J. A. COBURN'S GREATER MIX STRELS. The newest, swellest, most pro gressive company of hustling, wide awake singers, dancers, comedians, musicians, athletes, novelty and minstrel performers ever gotten to gether by a live manager, the clan whose energy, ideas, ability and ef forts present to the minstrel loving patrons of every city they visit, a first class evening's entertainment and revelation. They are the live wires in min strelsy, with ideas of their own not "chairwarmers," "has beens," "fills ins," and second row supernumerar ies, of the much heralded mammoth productions. They are the Great "Barlow Minstrels" re-organized un der the direction of J. A. Coburn, the most energetic and progressive min strel director in the country, who has for the past ten years presented one of the cleanest, most enjoyable attractions ever seen in our city. Remember the band concert at INTEREST IN "CLASSMATES." Much local interest is centered in PICTURES SULLIVAN OPERA EERWANGE1 SALE SCHOOL CLOTHES Hats, Neckwear, Shirts, Underwear. FALL CLOTHES BER. W ANGER. IDE GAIETY SPECIAL: Classmates. Romance of a War Nurse. . A D MISSION : ADULTS .... . ,' . .10c. CHILDREN ... . . . . Be. GAIETY THEATRE- COOLED BY ELECTRICITr. FRIDAY, SEPT. 18 The Smart Set In the Spectacular Extravaganza THE BLACK POLITICIAN The Greatest Musical Show of the Season. A Little Bit Different and a Whole Lot Better Than all Other . Colored Shows. Headed by the Southland's "Sunny" Boy. : S. H. DUDLEY 59 Other Incandescent Entertainers. MONDAY, Sep( 21 M ilitary Night. The Society Event of the St-aon. Jl'LKM MURRAY. PRESENTS Norman HacKett . In the Great CndVt Play, CLASSMATES Win. C. DeMille and Margaret : Turnbull. Pile. ; . .$1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Si'uts on sale at Tucker Building v Pharmacy. the play to be presented at the Acad emy of Music Monday night, "Class nites" .with Norman HacKett in the leading role. ' Mr. Hackett's appearance at the A. & M." College on Monday will be of great interest to the students of the college. After viewing the spe cial drill, which will be given in his honor, Mr. Hackett will make an ad dress to the students on the sur roundings of West Point. ; Although this is Mr. Hackett's first year in the leading role, It is said he is capable of carrying out this great play, and so far his success has been phenomenal. The faculty and military officers of the A. & M. College will occupy a box at the Academy Monday night -.UK, ywnwwi ais mi mm I, Returns From Conventions, Grand Secretary B. H. Woodell re turned home this morning;, having attended two district conventions of i the Odd Fellows this week, that of the tenth district being held at Relds vllle, and the twelfth district, at Ltn- colnton. He reports large attendance j and much enthusiasm at both con tentions. BUSINESS BUILDERS No advertisement over one inch placed in this column. No display. No cuts. SEATING-. Come out and skate. We have plenty of good Skates and the best floor in North Carolina. Open from 8 to 10:30 p. m. , GLENWOOD SKATING RINK. J. F. CAIN & SON. HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES. Raleigh Phone, No. 1252. Goods delivered promptly. Your patronage solicited. 129 East Martin Street. I am with Hon. John C. I) re wry, Raleigh, N. C. Middle Floor Masonic Temple. Will place your Life, Fire, Acci dent and Health Insurance in abso lutely safe companies. Try me. C. TRENHOLM McCLENAGHAN. STOVES REPAIRED. All kinds of Cook Stoves repaired, Heaters relincd, Fire Boards and Stove Pipes made to order and put up. We also sell and exchange stoves. 181 East Martin Street. W. L. SANDER FORD. Telephone: Raleigh, 2252. NEW SHOE STORE. It will pay you to try a pair of our $4.00 Bil trite Shoes for Men. Look our line over before you buy. Leave your old shoes at our store to be re paired by J. H. Havens, shop in store. PEEBLES & EDWARDS. 12 East Martin Street. . LET THE CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. Haul Your Baggage. We Meet All Trains, Give Claim Checks and -the Best of Service. Both 'Phones, 476. Office at Hobby's Stables, 116 E. Martin Street. R. L. WILSON ... ... Manager. ANYTHING IN WOOD. When In ueed of a wood-worker call 881Y. N. J. NORDAN, 226 South Swain St. See wood-work In stores of O. G. King and Kaplan Bros, in new Ma sonic Temple. THE GASOLINE IRON Has no superior. Let me come and show you how good a thing it Is. It is by far the cheapest and easiest way of ironing, The universal testimony is "I ran't do without it." For sale by MRS. 1. C. BLAIR. 123 Saunders Street, Raleigh, N. C. FIXTURES? GAS AND ELECTRIC, Phone 261 C. C. or 4270 Raleigh. Cull on or Write CAROLINA ELECTRIC COMPANY. 110 FAYETTEV1LLE STREET. GL.lZIKIt. Glass put ia at reasonublo prices. Bent glass for show cases and mir rors. Plate glass. Show cases bought and sod. I. SPIRE & CO., 204 South Salisbury Street. RALEIGH, N. C. Capital City Phono 8200. FAYETTZVILLH 1' - ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW mw kmwm Percals, Ginghams, Curtain Goods, Ribbons, New lot of Jewelry, Etc., Etc. New Goods will arrive daily and we will be glad to have you come in. Thomas A. Partin Company LADIES' FTTBNI8HINGS and KOVELTDUL 131 Fayettevllle Street, ' NEXT TO NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. RALEIGH, N.C. OUR FIRST Of Fall and Winter Hats are now ready for your inspection. We represent the "Hawes and the "No Name Hat," two of the best on the market. We have all the latest and popular shades, colors and shapes! PRICE $3.00 Edgar E. Broughton, SUCCESSOR TO LEE & BROIMITOV. FAYETTE VILLE STREET - - RALEIGH, N.C. Oak City St cam Laundry The Laundry with a reputation of doing good work. What more can you ask. OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST. Phone for our wagoa to call. Oak City Steam Laundrv w NOW SUMMER The Dlaca to (ret a sood 1 f 1 f JJ W W BUSINESS EDUCATION, POSITION, and to Ret rpady tor THE BCSH of the fall business If AT ' DRAUCHOM'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IK does ED by business men from Halna to California. Catalogue FBEE; ask tor IT. . Raleigh, cor. Martin and Wilmington. Capital City Phone 281. - SCHOOL PAYS have now begun and the young sters should have the proper cloth ing to wear to school. Our Fall suits for the boys have arrived, and never before have we had such a showing as we now have in stock. We have been espe cially careful this season in taking care of the little fellows, and. there is nothing liking in our store for , their proper dress, m . .;?. . -, 4 SHOWING ON V EAimdlL IT. C.- Ml .. Clothier. 4 -1 J