OTP H2LTIGII EVENING TIMES: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1908. a : ,-y.. ' ALCOHOL S PES CENT. Aetd)leftepara(tonloris- ungQiestoimclBaodBowejsi Promotes Discstkmfleedii-; hess andRe3tuntataindttffl Opiumforphine narMineralJ NOT MAR C OTIC. JbOam BmktteSm- pttmwammj CforM&ar ftiiijniwaniw Aprcfed Remedy ftoConsRpK Hon, Sour Stonrch.Dlanlm Worms JConvalsKmsjevEnat nessandLOSSOFSEEEP. JfcSta Signature , KEW YORK. aiSll!MUiillti To? ftifairta and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears, Signature ONLY FIVE IM OAFIS GianfslIdstWinAIItoLand tbe .Pennant . Chicago and Pittsburg Play, Double- Header Today, While New' York Only Plays One Game Should All Three Win They Will Tie for First Place. ..' . if- Exact Copy of Wtipper. In Use For Over Thirty Years GfiflUB m oumar aeimurr. mv tout orr SALE OP HOLDEN PROPERTY. on the southern margin of the second ' , y , lots, along tbe line of Mrs. M. MS. Sher. ' ... - .7 "' wood's lot, will be sold with and as ine wiii or Mrs. Louisa v. women, ana,part of the gecond ,ot Thla ,ane wlu perlor Court of Wake County' in the cause cf Lula T. Ward, administratrix with the will annexed of Louisa V. ' Holden against Charles C. Holden and other, h nd In pursuance of an order of resale made by Hon. W. M. Rusa, C. S. C. of Wake County, I will on Frl- commence at the eastern line of the fourth lot and will extend along Mrs. Sherwood's lot 72 feet to a north and south line 30 feet from the eastern line of the Holden property. These lanes will be sold with the right of way for wagons and other vehicles over the same reserved to the purchasers of lots day, October 9th, at 12 o clock, a m.,jNofJ 2 and 4 an(J theIr nelrs and , sell at public auction to the highest bidder on the premises the home place of Mrs. Louisa V. Holden, on the cor ner of Hargett and McDowell streets, in the city of Raleigh. First, tho prop, erty will be sold in three lots, as fol lows: ' .-. FIRST, he property will be sold In signs, SECONDLY. The property, that Is lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3, will be sold as a whole. The last bidder upon each lot will bo required to pay or secure one- fourth of his bid before the sale Is concluded, or the property will be at once cried again at the next lower re three lots, Nos. 1, 2. and 3, (the fourth ! sponsible bid, and so on until the last lot having been already sold.) bidder complies. If no bidder, other First lot, on, corner of Hargett and ' than the first bidder who has raised McDowell streets, fronting on Hargett 'the bid of the former sale, f hall corn- street 92 feet and on McDowell, street' ply with these terms, the prjpjrty will HARGETT" STREET. 212 ' 60 ft. 60 ft 92 ft. DWELLING HOUSE. 1ST LOT. 92 ft. 52 ft. 21) LOT. W -I E 18 ft 110 ft. 4TH LOT. SOLI). 110 ft. ' 8 ft- S 42 ft. "SfTft" 30 ft. MRS. M. E. SHERWOOD. 103 feet, upon which Is situated the dwelling house of Mrs. Holden. The sale of this lot will be started at 17,876. Second- lot, fronting 60 feet on Har gett street; commencing at the north east corner of the first lot above de. scribed, running with said lot south 103 feet; thence east 18 feet; thence south 60 feet; thence east . 42 feet: thence north lift feet to Hargett street; thence west with Hargett street 60 feet to the beginning. The sal of this lot will be started at 12.25S. Third lot, east of the second lot, fronting 60 feet on Hargett street and 159 feet deep and - adjoining 3s W. Brown. Tbe sale of this lot - will be started at 12.915. . .. , A lane eight feet wide on the east ern margin of the second lot, -.Tinning from Hargett street south to the lot of Mrs. M. E. Sherwood, and Included In the second lot, will be sold with and as part of said lot A lajie ten feet wide be Immediately cried again to the said first bidder upon his bid. If. no case will such former bidder be released from his first bid until another bid der at this sale shall at the sale, pay or secure one-fourth of his bid. This Is a condition of the sale. That sale will, be adopted and re ported to the clerk for comfirmatton, which r-rgregates the largest amount of money. The lerms of sale will be one-fourth cash and the balance In three equal In. stallments In six, nine . and twelve mtnlht ' respectively, .. with Interest fiom tho date of sale at six per cent, per annum, titled retained until the whole purchase money shall be paid. LULA T. WARD, Admit It tratrlx with the will annexed of Louisa V. Holden and Commis sioner. ' JOHN W. HINSDALE, Attorney. Every day till sale.'- ". STOCKHOLDERS'- MEETING. .., Regular) annual meeting , of the stockholder ;; of vlhe Caralelgh Mills . Company be held October 19, 1908, at the Mayor's office at 12 o'clock r. O. MORINO, 30- Sec. ft Treas. v Special Train to Wake Forest. Account a! ft M. and Wake Forest game Saturday,' October 3rd, Sea board will run special, leaving Ral eight at 8:00 p. m. returning leave Wake Forest immediately after the game. '. Round trip, fifty cents. M C.H. GATTIB, T. p. A. Interest in the stirring fight for National League baseball champion ship is more acute than ever before following the developments of yester-' day, which reduced New York's lead to two points over Chicago and Pitts burg. The Giants have five more games to play, two with Philadelphia and three with Boston and must win them all, unless Pittsburg and Chi cago meet with unexpected reverses, to win the pennant. Chicago and Pittsburg play double-headers today, while the Giants play a single game with Philadelphia. If the Cubs and Pirates win both games and the Giants score also, the three will be tied for ''-first place although the Giants will be less than half a point behind on strict percentage figures. The standing of the pennant aspir ants is as follows: Clubs. New York Chicago. . Pittsburg Won. 94 95 95 Lost. 54 55 55 P.C. .635 .633 .033 The warriors in the American League took a day off yesterday, leav ing the standing as it was the day be fore. The leaders were on the road. Clubs. . Won. Lost. P.C. Detroit ...... 87 61 .588 Cleveland .... 87 62 .5S4 Chicago .... 85 62 .578 SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. By virtue of a decree Qf the Supe rior Court of Wake County, In a special proceeding entitled G. W. Adams and others vs. P. W. Lasslter and others, I will, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1908, at the County Courthouse door, In Raleigh, N. C, at noon, sell to the highest bidders the three houses and lots In the city of Raleigh, on the east side of South Bloodworth Street, be tween Martin and Davie Streets, known as the lots in which Mrs. Seth Jones, now dead, held a life estate. The said three lots lie adjacent and together front on the street about 108 feet, and run back about 108 feet. They adjoin the Bernard lot on the north and W. H. Willis lot on the south, and are Nos. 315, 317, 319, 321, South Bloodworth Street. These lots are - sold' for' partition among the' heirs at law of the late Elbert A. Johnson, whose estate was settled nearly twenty years ago by J. C. Marconi, admlnlstrator--all debts paid and final settlement re corded. The title appears to be perfect. Possession immediately. Each lot will be offered separately. Terms One-fourth on confirma tion of sale; balance January 1, 1909, with interest from day of sale. Title reserved until final payment. These lots lie between the new car lines, and only about half a block from the Martin Street line. A chance for a fine Investment. JAMES H, POU, Sept. 2, 1908. Commissioner. QueenofSeaTrips Merchants & Miners Trans portation Company's Steamship Lines. NORFOLK TO . BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. New, fast, and elegant steamers. Accommodations and cuisine excel lent Send for booklet. Through tickets on sale at principal Southern points. For reservations or further information call on nearest ticket agent or address E. C. LOHR, Agent, Norfolk, Va. . , " W. P. TURNER, Passenger Traffic Manager, Baltimore, Md. "FINEST COASTWISE TRIPS IN THE WORLD." ; Hon.. Wed.. Frl 4 mo. ; weak Kidneys ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, r Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Anna Joyner Harris, dnCAAHori. thin la tn nHfv nil noxanna . aw .V V . , , OVUD j having claims against said estate to; present them, to either of tbe under signed at Raleigh, N. C, on or be fore the 11th day of September. 1909. or this notice will bo pleaded In bar! of their recovery. All persons In debted to said Anna Joyner Harris will TilAABA maVa Imtnafllaf a natrmnf to the administrator. September llth, 1908. ' T. J. HARRIS. Admr, of Anna Jayner Harris. M. ASHBY LAMBERT, y Attorney for' Admr. 9-U-Uw-et ;." Wmx KldotpL .nrsly.MM to wk kidney ferret. Tbt Kidney, Mm the '.BmrL and tf-e Btomsco. una uur weumaM, Dot In tlx orrmn ltaalL bat In tha nervM thtt nmtml uid .nila and itTwiftbeo thsm. Pr. Sboon't BMtomUT la nwaicuw peunotur Drewrea to ratal tnets eoDtmllLof dutm. To doctor tht Kldnayi tloot, ItiuUk. It Is wuta mi Uxaa, ol naau M WeU. U yoa) tuk aehe or b wwk. if Iht mtes Sotldt, or u drl tod itronf , 1 too hT irmptorat Of Brtht or other dlttnttinf or tUnttrout klaV BT dlteut, try Dr. ghoop't Bettonttn t nontlr- itDieai or iriqaioMa Mt Wl Aoioryga, MuaUt It cm tad wiU SMNU 0 T aft ' BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. COME HERE TO LEARN "WHAT'S WlflT" IN WOMEN'S FALL WEAR. loueli o I ft tr&dll fnl $gmm i Is the distinctive feature that raises our Suits at once above all competition. Not that other good Suits are not; j purchaseable elsewhere, but it's in the prices. 'We assert' positively that for equal qualities our, goods are lowers priced than anywhere else. A statement that is backed by facts and proven by the garments themselves. Women's Suits in many styles at moderate prices, $18.50 to $25.00 Long Coat Suits, ne w", models of the Directoire period and pointed effects . ... ... '. ... . $27.50 to $42.50 New Fall Capes, all the correct models and colorings, - $10.00 to $22.50 SEPARATE SKIRTS. We .carry the largest and most varied stock of Skirts in the city at . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.50 and up Special emphasis is placed on the Skirt values at . $4.98 LADIES' TRIMMED HATS. Our Millinery work-rooms have been producing hats recently that vied with Paris and New York in the mat ter of style and have won universal admiration from all Raleigh women the finest, the most original and beauti ful hats brought out this season. But we have not for a moment neglected the more popular-priced .hats.. The same directive supervision has been watching the style and character of the SIX AND SEVEN DOLLAR HATS Today the collection is large and varied, for no two hats, at whatever price, are ever made exactly alike. Hats of very best material at . . ..... . . . . $6.00 and $7.00 Miss Champlin, our New York Milliner, is one of the finest designers sent out from that city. Her work has been much admired. She confines herself to the more fanciful conceits $10.00 to $25.00 j i- BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. $ YOUR FURNACE will not keep the house warm without fueL , . Let us supply yon the right kind.'-' ...''; POWELL & POWELL ; Incorporated. Phone 41. i i THE RALEIGH BANKING & TEUST COMPANY mitt WITH Tl mmfMea history behind it tlace MM ' STANDS FOS j ' Safety to Its Depositors. ( - Accommodation to Its Customers. Willing service to tta Friends. CHAS. E. fOHNSOir, " PS " jr F. H. BBIGGS, rresldevJ. Oashler. NEW ARRIVALS NEW BUCKWHEAT. MAPLE SYRUP. MALAGA GRAPES. CRANBERRIES. SARATOGA CHIPS. TRY A PACKAGE OF TRISCENT. J. R. FERRALL & CO. GROCERS. Fayettcville Street, Raleigh, N. C, Your Attention CARBON COAL For New Style IRON has arrived. The Big Hardware Men.. ThoSeD.' Brings & Sons.. COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS The accounts of business houses, corporations, and individuals are cordially invited and every consider tion is extended which is consistent with a conservative banking policy. This bank has ample capital and surplus, and small as well as large a cconntg are solicited. THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANE. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 9200,000.00 B. S. JERMAN, Pres.; A. A. THOMPSON, Vice-Pres.; H. W. JACK. , SON, Cashier; E. B. CROW, Assist. Cashier; J. J. Thomas, Cnmn Board of Director, The Raleigh Savings Bank. JOHN T. PULLEN, President. CHARLES ROOT, Cashier. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per cent, interest paid on deposits. Call in the bank, or write for-further information. Bank open on Saturday evening from S to 9 O'clock to accommodate the public . Statement ot Condition oi The ;. Citizen's National Bank Raleigh, N. C. "'. ' Resources. t. U. S. Bonds K . ; '. f5,000.00 Loans and Investments. Tt8,68S.64 Cash . .......... iei,t4.7( Due from banks .... 24S,6S9.I6 LlabiUUes. Capital .... . . . . 1100,000.00 Surplus . ... . . f . . 167,810.97 ClrcolaUon . i . . . . . 100,000.00 Deposits ........ 940,288. 68 . .1,807,6(9.1 Total . .... . .U07,86.6s Total September as, 1908. UL1UXY T. EICHO. RALEIGH, NSC. ;.

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