" y am iLiLEiGn evening times .-'friday, October looa.- PAGE FIVE T IS BY Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions. . . " "New York Stock. : (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Oct. 2 -There wag a( decided improvement In the stock ' Timrket coftdltlons ,at t,he opening tola! niornlng, many Issues being In good demand and a number of stocks, af ter, early firmness, became firmer. The feature of trading was the strength .in! Canadian Pacific pre ferred, which opened higher, at 63 Ms, and mpved up 3 points, to 66. This property is controlled by the Reid-Moore party, and Its sharp advance was attributed to manipula tion by these operators. At the same time Rock Island issues, controlled also by the D. 0. Reid and Judge Moore, were lifted sharply. After hesitation the general market moved up on buying from several sources. 7 New York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Oct, - 2 The cotton 'market opened steady, 1 point Jower to 1 higher. Little attention was paid to the Census Bureau "figures. About the only effect was to counterbalance poor cables. After the call the list held steady and there was a little outside buying. ' . , . . Opening: ' Oct., 8.88 bid; Nov., ..(..,; Dec, 8.65 8.66; Jan., 8.50 8.51; Feb., March, 8.51 8.52; April, . May. 8.51 8.52; June, . . . . ; July lOffered 8.56; Aug., offered 8.50. Market steady. Open. High. Low. 8.94 New York Closing Stock Atchison . . . . . . . . ... . Atchison pfd. . . . . . ." Baltimore & Ohio . . . . .. . Canadian Pacific . . . . Chicago & Alton . .". . .,. . Chicago & Alton pfd. ... Chicago and Northwestern. Chicago. & Northwestern pfd Brie .-. :., Illinois Central ... . . Louisville & Nashville. . Missouri Pacific . . New York Central Pennsylvania . . ... . . Reading. , Rock Island. . . . . .. .. . . Rock Island pfd. ... . St. Paid .. .. .. .. .. .. Southern Pacific . . . ., Southern Railway , ; . . . Union Pacific . . . . . . ; . , Interboro-Metropollt.an ... . Interboro-Metropolltan pfd. Great Northern . .. ... , . . Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper . . ,. American Car & Foundry ... . American Locomotive American Cotton Oil . . American Smelting. . . .,' American Smelting pfd. .. . Brooklyn Rapid Transit . .. . Colorado Fuel & Iron . International Paper. . . National Biscuit . ..... vNatlonal Lead . . . . . . Pacific Mall . . . .V. ; . . v People's Gas . . . . . . . . Pressed Steel Car . ; . .,; , Sloss-Shef field Steel . . . . . Southern Pacific pfd . . . . Sugar . . . , , . ... . . . . . . United States Steel pfd Western Union . . . . . . Mackay's . . ........ . Va.-Carollna Chemical . . Va.-Carollna Chemical pfd Westinghouse Electric . 1 List. 88 . . 95 .. 98 ..177 ,: 30 ..62 ..158 .. 40 ..30 ..139 ..106 .. 53 ..104 ..123 ..130 .- 20 .. 45 ..136 ..103 ..21 ,.163 .. 10 ..31 ..131 ..75 .. 39 .. 46 . . 35 ..85 ..1Q4 ..48 ..-35 . 8 88 83 ... 25 .. 94 ..32 .. 61 . ,118 . .130 ..109 .,60 .. 68 .. 33 .110 . . 74 Oct... Nov. . Dec. '.. Jan. . Feb. . March'. April . May .. June . July 8.88 8.66 8.51 8.72 8.53 8.51 8.56 8.82 7.60 8.44 8.45 Close. 8.84 8.64 8.65 8.49 8.48 ' 8.48 8.52 8.58 8.47 8.49 8.58 8.58 8.57 8.51 FKEI FEED. I have the Feed for Milch Cows at last Try it. F. B. PHILLIPS, 09 S. Wilmington St. O: FEED FEED lc. Wants lc.) : s ; THE : s : - Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted at one cent per word for each issue, CASH with the order. No ad vertisements ' under this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CENTS an insertion. lc. WANTS lc. MARRIAGE SEASON HAS OPENED J WANTED A FEW MORE MILK customers at 8 cents per- quart.'- A ... L. Bashford, 524 North East St. FOB RENT Closed very steady. New York Spot. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Oct. 2 Spot cotton quiet, 5 points lower, at 9.25; sales, 2,450 bales. ; New Orleans Cotton. V (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close. Oct. . 8.69 8.87 8.62 8,67 Nov. ... ... . ... . 8.50 Dec. . 8.59 ' 8.63 8.47 8.52 Jan. . 8.59 8.62 8.46 8.52 Feb. . ... ... . ... . 8.50 March 8.61 8.67 8.51 8.55 Closed steady. 4.62 4.62 Oct. .. . Oct.-Nov. Nov .-Dec., Dec-Jan.' Jan.-Feb. Feb.-Mar. Mar.-Apr. Apr.-May May-June June-July .luly-Aug. Closed steady. Chicago Grain Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times. ) . Chicago, Oct. 2 Wheat waB easier at the start this morning but it was soon discovered that the bears will have no easy task in lowering prices. December sold at 100 to ' to 100. Corn was unchanged in prices. December sold at 6666. Oats were higher and strong on a brisk demand. December sold at 49 to 49. Provisions were better with hog products steady. Opening prices: Wheat Dec, 100! May, 103 104; July, 98. Corn May, 65; Dec, 66 ; July, 64. Oats May, G 1 ; July, 48. Pork Jan., , 16.80 16.85. Lard Nov., 10.71; Jan., 9.82; May. 8.75. Ribs Jan., S. 808.77; Oct., 9.80. Wheat sold off to lc Corn was off to lc. Oats, to lower, and provisions were up 2 to 10c. Grain quotations ranged as fol lows:. . Open. High. Close. Wbeatt V Dec. . . 1.00 1.00 .99 May 1.03 -1.03 1.02 July , . .97 .97 .96 Corn! - Dec. . . .66 .66 .65 ; May . , ; .65 .65 .64 July . . - .64 .64 .63 'Oato: '.',-'- y Dec .49 .49 .49 May... .51 .51 .51 .' July.;; . W .48 - .48 . .48 , Pork: Oct. . .14.60 14.67 14.65 Jan. . . 16.80 16.87 16.80 ' May ... 16.72 16.75 1-6.72 Lards ' . Oct.".. 10.36 10.35 10.32 Jan. . . 9.82 9.87 9.85 May. . 9.75 9.80 '9.77 Rlbai i Oct. . ' . 9.80 9.86 0.85 .. Jan. . . 8.80 . 8.80 8.75 May V . 8.90 8.90 ' 8.87 Liverpool Cotton. ' Liverpool, Oct. 2 Spot cotton eas ier; middling, 55.13; sales 5,000, American 4,900; export 200; receipts 7,000, American 6,600; futures quiet and steady. . Opening. Closing. 4.78 (ft 4.75 4.82 4.68 4.67 '4.72 4.63 4. 62 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT for man and wife. Apply Mrs. R. , F. Stephenson Boarding House on South Dawson Street. 4.61 .4.62 4.63 4.63 4.64 4.63 4.64 4.65 4.65 4.67 4.67 4.67 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.69 4.69 4.6! THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. SHOTWELL.) New York, Oct. 2 Rock Island stock and bonds were the strong fea tures in a dull but firm stock market during the first half hour of trading! today. The four per cent bonds ad-' vanced 2 points while the fives rose' 1 points. Although trading in the preferred stock was not excited it rose nearly 1 point.' The common advanced a small fraction. Strength of these securities was due to manip ulation by that group of reckless speculators who were recently re-' sponsible for the activity in these is sues. American Car preferred, which is also controlled by these same peo ple, was active and advanced three points in the first half hour of trad-j ins. - Reading, Union Pacific, Southern Pacific in fact, all the standard rail-1 road shares were firm around the' closing figures of last night. The ' Copper stocks, however, showed eyi-i dence of weakness. Amalgamated j declined , while Smelters lost ... 1 1 point. The steel shares were also fractionally lower. ''"; , On the curb market trading was extremely dull with the Cobalt is sues the center of what little business was transacted. The report of the Census Bureau on the amount of cotton ginned to ! September 25 had no effect on the cotton market, and options opened i practically unchanged, j In London trading in . American i stocks was almost stagnant, v FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, $7.50 each, or three or four un furnished rooms at reasonable rate. 408 N. Blood worth st. tf , MISCELLANEOUS. J. B. GREEN CO. HAS CONTRACT- ed for big lot Hams and Shoulders. Tiiey are bound to sell them. CELEBRATED BIG CREEK, THE best Coal by test. Now is the time to buy. Capital City Fuel Co. ' 2 3t. . :.: PORK LOIN. . GREEN CO. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Beat beat en biscuit. Fresh Rolls Tuesdays Thursdays, Saturdays. '.Delicious Cakes.. Mayonnaise, Catsup, Jelly. Tea every Monday. Novelty Co. and Bazaar, a Gift Shop full ot prizes and presents. Buy from It your hand-work and order more. : SAVE MONEY By buying wood .from' Latta University. GaiuSabout 100 feet in every cord. 2-tf Andmany marriages ar c to be celebra ted. When you are invited you want to send a present, or if you do hot you will regret it; but before s jnaking your selection you should not fail to see our line of China, Cut Glass , and other wares, which will maKe the most desirable gift. WEATHERS & PERRY m J GREEN CO. WILL HAVE GRAPES tomorrow. SCHOOL ROOKS BOUGHT, SOLD and exchanged. Smith Book Store Salisbury, street. GREEN CO. WILL HAVE OVSTERS tomorrow. , ' London Bar Silver. (By Cable to The Times) London, Oct. 2 Bar silver, 23 ; decline, 1-1 6d. " ' ' Baleigh Cotton Market New cotton, 8c. Receipts today, 125 bales. Cotton ' Port Receipts Today. New York, Oct. 2 Cotton port re ceipts were as follows: New Orleans, 4,892 'against 2,907; Galveston, 13,995 against 10,489; Mobile, 1,551 against 1,439; Savan nah, 13,320 against 11,488; Charles ton, 2,567 against 2,834; Wilming ton, 3,995 against 5,189; Norfolk. 3,235 against 1,972; Baltimore, 0 against 108; Brunswick, 2,785 against 2,4 60; various ports, 434 against 0. Total, 46,774 against 3 8,t 954. . Interior Receipts: Houston, 14, 241 against 5,496; Augusta, 5,932 against 3,903; Memphis, 6,031 against 1,358; St. Louis, 348 against 497: Cincinnati, 680 against 776. Total. 27,232 aguinst 12,030. Commercial Silver. (By Leased Wire to The Times) K'ew York, Oct. 2- Commercial silver, 51; Mexican dollars, 45. ' ': Policeniaii Killed. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Hartwell. Ga., Oct. 2 James E. Carter, a proiniueht business man, who was acting as a special police man, today shot and killed John Teasley and seriously wounded Wil liam Hall, negroes. Carter surren dered to Sheriff Kidd. Carter shot in selfdefense. INVESTIGATE; MAKE NO Mis take Get stock with Peoples' Sav ings and Loan Association. Sat - isfactory results. Large profits, i R. H. Battle, President; Leo V. Heartt, Treasurer; B. W. Ray, Secre- Tfary... , . It EXCHANGE YOUR OLD HEATING Stoves for new ones. The Furni ture and Stove Exchange 11 East Hargett Street. ' All 'phones. 2 3t. . GREEN CO. WILL DISPOSE OF BIG lot Hams and Shoulders. FOR SALE. SANDERFORD BROS. WILL OPEN Friday, October 2, in the City Market, with a full line of choice Meats. We will make a specialty of Home-made Sausage. All we want it to get you to try it once: We will make a customer of you. Prompt delivery. Stall . No. 7. Capital City Phone. l-3t Cotton-Seed Oil. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Oct. 2 Cotton-sued oil prices, based on prime yellow, closed as follows: ; October .... . . . . 39 (ft 40 November . . .... 39 ( 39 December . . ... . . 3839 March (old) ... . . 3940 March (new) ... . . 32 32 May .... .... .... 37 43 , Market closed firm. . New York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) . New York, Oct. 2 Time loans, un changed; money on call, 1 to 2; 60 days, 2 to 2: 90 days,, 2 to 3; six months, 3 to 8 ; sterling ex change, 485 to 487, with actual business in bankers bills at 486.20 to .25 for demand, and 4.84.50 to ,55 for 09 day bills; prime- mercantile paper unchanged In rates, Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards. 111., Oct. 2 Hogs: Receipts, 13,000; market strong to 6c higher; light, 6.35 to 6.60; bulk, 6.60 to 6.90; mixed, 6.40 to 7.10; pigs, 6.00 to 6.10; heavy, 6.35 to 7.15; Yorkers, 6.80 to 6.90; rough, 6.35 to 6.60; good to choice heavy, 6.60 to 7.50. Cattle: Receipts, 1,500; market slow; prices steady; beeves, 3.70 to 7.60; Texas'Bteers, 3.50 to 5.0o; western steers, 3.30 to 6.00; stockers and feeders, 3.75 to'4.50; cows and heifers, 2.70 to 4.85; cows and heif ers, 1.75 to 6.60; calves, 6.25 to 8.50. Sheep: Receipts, 8,000; market strong to 6c up; natives, 2.45 to 3.45. Lambs: Native, 3.75 to 6.00; western, 2.60 to 4.35; yearlings, 4,35 to 4.90. ' 1 ; CASTOR I A lor Infuta tad CMldraiL Tbi Kind You Hava Always Sought Bears the tHgntnntof FOR SALE Young male Fox Ter-, rier. Beautifully marked. Apply , GREEN CO. WILL HAVE BIG LOT to P T Wyatt It Fish tomorrow and this evening. WE NOW HAVE PLENTY of .16 c. p. aud 32 c. p. lamps OH JialKl. I HOT BLAST STOVES AND ALL flAROT.TNA POWER AND ! kinds at The Furniture and Stove LIGHT COMPANY. I Exchange; 2 3t. Improved Schedules and Pullman Service on the Southern Railway. The Southern Railway wishes to call special attention to their im proved service into and out of Ral eigh, effective with change of sched ules September 6th.. Through Sleeping Car Line has been inaugurated between Raleigh and Atlanta, Ga. This sleeping car arrives Raleigh daily on No. 144, at 12:30 noon; . returning leaves Ral eigh on No. 139 at 4:05 p. in., arriv ing Greensboro ut 7:15, making close connection with No. 43, fast through train, arriving Atlanta at 6:30 a. m., eastern time, which makes connection In Atlanta with the different lines for all points. . No. 43 also makes connection at Salisbury with Ashevllle-Knoxville-Memphls train, which Is ( through train from Salisbury to Memphis with day coaches and Pullman Cars. For any further Information con cerning new schedules, Pullman res ervations, etc., call on or address, W. H. McOLAMERY, 9-1 w P. A T. A.. Raleigh. N. C. MGHT SHOOL ONE MONTH FREE, unconditionally, at Draughon's Practical Business College, Com mercial National Bank Building, corner Wilmington und Martin streets. Bring this notice. 28 30t. ' SAVE MONEY Have your book keeping done and bills made out at. night by an experienced book- ; keeper. Address, "B.", Times, tt A pain prencrlptlon Is printed upon each 25c box of Dr. Snoops Pink Pain Tablfts.' Ask your doctor or druggist If tills formula Is not complete. ., Head palnn, womnniy pains, pains anywhero Rit Instant rollof from a Pink Pain Tablet, Henry T. Hicks A Co. . WE NOW HAVE PLENTY of 16 c. p. and 32 c. p. lamps oi hand. CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY. HUBBARD BROS. & CO HANOVER SQUARE, NEW ?ORK. MEMBERS of New Tork Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex- . change. Aasoolate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. , ORDERS BOLTCITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future deliver. Corresponded) tnTlteu. AH Ccetla Guaranteed Under the Pure Food Law and Drugs Act. Whv spend j-ourinoney for compounded or recti fied grub, rfcei ior the came aioney iuu can get the straight article? , . ,.. L.jk ior the Fnto Food Guarantee which you vnll And on nl! our Kotihi, it meiins much to you. You huy diiect when you order from us. Wcarewholesaledia- tril.toi-3 to .'lio custaner, and iruaranteo satisfaction, n- ...tr vi'mt.i i. ;nrxa chunieil in neat. Dlain psrkas'w, oxiiresa charges prepaid at prices named. VV rite for special wholesale lTiw in bulk lota. Hcioidet, complete lint and full information mailed on request. Un list naraea below v;o make gooa insaea anu areuiiauc ATT. FiTT.T. OtTARTS) . 4Qts. Westover (best the -n-orid over) W.10 (uvontr Husk ot Vine t"18 mm eery oru.r wi nw..o., 8 Qts. 12 Qts. $5.95 $.00 El M;iizo (old corn whisky) 2.ffl 4.& 7.H Donald JConny Malt Whiskey (medicinal) 8.25 6.2o 9.m Blue KKtso tV. mountain) : - ' i Huron Rivor Rye, extra fine (bottled in bond) S.Co 7.6J W Dr. LoBarnave Buchu Cin (medicinal) .. SMO h.SS 10.00 Kelly's Royai Corn (the finest) J.Si 1Aa jl.25 Kcllys Copper Di.itillcJ (bottled inbond) .20 6.0 . Kelly's Medicinal Malt (bottled in hond) 8.05 7.25 Ma Miss Tempting (finest Maryland rye) ................ 4.50 8.5T. L'.50 1 jrallon 5-year-cld Kontuclcy Rye. . lKallon 5-year-old Kotth Carolina Corn.. ljrollon Holland Gin ..... 1 gallon Extra Fine Sherry ljrallon Porto Rico Rum 1 Kcllou Extra Good l'ort Wino. 1 rallon 4-ye:ir-otd Maryland I'each Brandy 1 gallon 4-yefir-oid V lrtrinia Apple Brandy Si'EClAL OFFER . S trallons Old North Carolina Corn- $6.. SrcallonsOM Kentucky Ryo 601) 3 gallons Fine Ghl ,00 3 Knllons Apple or Peach Brandy 6.00 ilr ir!lci nf iflii. nliwa .. '.'jftoda it. Tied la Special Offer arc desired in plain cases, odd 60c on 3, and Sac on4$ ga! pnclcck'. On orders west of the Mississippi, add 50e additional for each 4 qnnrts. e:;rcDtKell 'a Copper Distilled (bottled in bond) on which for orders out.-ide of Vinrimu. 1 ne Carolina. Goorpria and Alabama, Maryland and District of Columbia, add 40c for 4 CiUUi'ts. V-c ior 8 quarts, and 1.00 lor la quarts. Ryo Whiskies ,,t. Tidewater . ihc 'Osceola l.ic diamond "K"...., ; . - o Major Comfort 13c Corn Whiskey Old North State........ 13c Old Valley Ue Bottled In Bond Huron River, i pts. 43 to ca39. $11.25; 1 pts. 2 to cine. $10.7,", On praH botllcd list mix- d ccods shipped . at prints.' qu'ited. PUT ITP IN STONE JUGS. SAFELY PACKED IN PLAIN CASE. ALL CHARGFS PREPAID IMS, CHAKOE3 $2.50 PREPAID ........... .Ji.85 , 2.S& RinPI-ED ' TM PT.ATM KFf iS HOUT CASUiG XVi I ) KI' WITI CAS fielnoiirt 2-Moetno 13tf.di. The wholesale prices ! quoted on these cane (roodB are flr.t, civi do not cover express charRe3. : Neither do we Kuarun- tee these aKTaiast broai;. aire or loss. pint3 32c 24c laari 5S.O0 7.50 1M 6.00 TUr nUII KHIV Pfl ln Importers Diitillei-i CIMC I M''PPP IIIL I IIIL. II. IyLLLI IiU., and Distributor of I till. '.S'jiJKilv 1413 C Main MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Local and Long Distance Phones 1253 Nlchirio.v, Ve. '8BsVi8S39GEE3B UMEED MOT wire Until you get all the money if you need some things for the house, come and get it, pay down what you can, and if you pay the remainder in installment pay ments, -weekly or 30, 60, or 90 days, it will not cost you any more here than it would most places if you paid SPOT CASH. Come in and talk with us. We are reasonable and want to accommo date you. CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. V! mWmm FAST. If you have never tried it try it for an experiment, It tor no other reason. DrrtONlt tome small sum. some aniu that 70a wonld otherwise spend fool- ismjr, regularly every week and for yourself how It grows. We add 4 per annum, com pounded semi-annually to four do poslta. MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. GRINKLEY'S Good Ited Comforts, $1.10, $1.40. I nit. Silver Knlver und Forks, UOc. set Stag: Hiindlu Curling Set, 0,1c. l.iIor CloekH, $:.1.25, $4.00, $ 1.25. It. V. 1. Mall Itoxes, 7c., 85cr Ladies' d'otvns, extra good, SOv. Our new line of Ileutera w II be open next week. Mce Hall IlackH, $6.85, $8.70. Wardrobe Speeiul, $10.00, $11.50. Iron Bods, Crilw, and Cots. Hups, Carpets, MuttingN, Boy's Tants, 25c., 40c, ROc, T5c. Ilatchet Braces, 50c. Lamps, Beauties, $1.00 to $4.00. Trunk and Bag Headquarters. Cream Damask, Special, 25c. 81x00 Sheets, 50c. Men's Good $2.00 Tan Shoes. Victor and Columbia. Q ul tars, Banjos, Accordeons. Koller Top Desks, Special, $17.50. CRINKLEY'S.

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