A GOOD HOME MADE IlEIIENDYf OR CATARRH FOR BARACA UNION , Here Is a prescription which should he valued by all who are subject to rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles and especially catarrh. While the latter Is considered by most sufferers an incurable disease, there are fejhenor. women who will Jail to experience great relief from the following simple home pre scription, and If taken in time It should prevent an attack of catarrh during the. entire season. Any one can mix the following: Fluid , Extract Dandelion one-half ounce, Compound Kargon one ounce, Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla thrae ounces. Shake well in a bottle and use In teaspoonf ul doses after each meal and again at . bedtime. Get these Ingredients from any pharma cist whom you know handles only pure drugs. This prescription acts directly upon the ellminative tissues of the kidneys to make them filter and strain from the blood the poisons that produce all forms of catarrhal affec tions. Relief Is often felt even aftar the first few doses and it is seldom that the sufferer ever experiences a return attack within the year. This prescription makes a splendid remedy for all forms of blood dis orders and such symptoms as lame back, bladder weaknesses and rheu matism pains are entirely dispelled. As this valuable, though simple, recipe comes from a thoroughly re liable source, It should be heeded by every reader who suffers from ca tarrh. V An Effort for General State Union Committee of Bnrara Workers Think a State Baraca I n ion Would be a Good Thins and Call I pon All Classes to Joiii lu Movement. - I POLITICAL NEWS OF PARAGRAPHS (By Leased Wire to The Times.) j New York, Oct. 13. Mr. Bryan before the students of the University of Nebraska called Governor Hughes a "defender of trusts," criticised his veto of a two-cent fare bill, called attention to the contribution of Mor gan, Rockefeller and others to his campaign fund -'and described him as a doctor wo l.iughed at the prescrip tion. Kivon by another physician tuouii r -fusing to furnish a prescrip uon nf his own. Republican Vice-Pres'.dential Can didate Sherman,, speaking iu New , Jersey, said Bryan was "dangerous because he was sincere, and would not be If he were a faker. Governor Hughes spoke at Oswego, Waverly and Elmira to large audi ences. He said the indications "for the election "of Tait and Sherman are very gratifying; that he would "sign no bills for, -popularity,."'' and "my family is largely dependent upon the Insurance companies if anything hap pens to me." Ex-Senator W. A. Clark, of Mon tana, will stump for Mr. Bryan, whose election, he says, would help and not hurt business interests. Samuel Gompers issued anappeal, to laboring men to vote for Bryan. He called Taft the "originator and specific champion of discretionary government," and said "despotic power Is more dangerous under the ermine as under the crown." - Mr. Debs, because of cold and fever, was unable to speak at Eliza beth and Newark, N. J. The total registration In New YorK City was 681,602, which Is 6.7S9 less than in 1904, the last .presidential year and 22.283 greater than In 1906. Mr. Taft will continue his Ohio tour today, speaking in a number of towns. Mr. Bryan begins his Nebraska tour reaching across the state. Eugene Debs is scheduled to de- - liver a number of addresses in New York City today. ;' 1 Thomas L. Hisgen, the Independ ence nominee for president, is carry ing his campaign into a new quar ter. Last night he spoke In Oregon. The following letter, relative to Ba:-a,ca work, 1; being sent out from th:r, city; j .. ' iial.iu, N. C, Oct. 10. j Dear Erotlter Baracas: Realizing that the interests of the Baraca work in North Carolina would be greatly promoted by a closer acquaintance and affiliation among the classes of the State, and that in order to make the work as efficient as it should be and to give the national officers proper assistance a thorough organi- ' zation of alt the classes in the state is necessary, certain prominent Ba raca workers of the state were called together in this city on Sunday, July t 22d, for the purpose of discussing this need and providing if possible a remedy. On account of the fact that the matter needed prompt attention it was not possible to obtain an at- tendance from points all over the state, but the workers present were, ' we think, fairly representative of the Baraca interests throughout the state. Among the number were Mr. ! R. N. Simms, First Vice-President of the World-Wide Baraca Union; Mr. ! L. M. Tesh, Field Secretary of the 1 World-Wide Baraca Union; .Mr. Ed win W. Yates, Secretary of the World-Wide Baraca Union for the state of North Carolina; Mr. T. B Eldridge, Secretary of the Adult Bible Cla?s Department of the Internation al Sunday School Association for the state of North Carolina; Mr. J. D. Berry, Editor of "The Baraca Her ald"; Mr. L. W. Alderman, formerly Secretary of the Baraca Union of America; Mr. E. R. Carroll, formerly Editor of "The North Carolina Ba raca," and quite a number of other; men prominent in the Baraca work. It was the unanimous sentiment of those prasant that the cause in the state would be greatly advanced by perfecting a taorough organization of the workers, which however siiould be in nowise in conflict with the World-Wide Baraca Union nor the International Sunday School Associa tion nor the State Sunday School As sociation, but only auxiliary to thm and their work. After much discussion and prayer ful consideration the resolutions ac companying this letter were unani mously approved and the undersigned committee wa s appointed to submit to all of the known Baraca classes of the state the proposition to adopt the same.- We trust that you and your class will give this matter thJ same prayerful consideration that we have and after having done so report to us as promptly as possible, giving the result of the vote and answaring the questions subjoined to this letter. We most earnestly and sincerely hope that your class will act favor ably and unanimously upon this proposition and give us a prompt re- ! ply which we shall await wita great interest, feeling confident that the result means so much for the ad-, vancement of this, the greatest of , all movements heretofore undertaken for federating the young men of the land In the work of hastening the coming of the kingdom. I Fraternally yours, R. N. Simms, L. W. Alderman, C. R. Boone, Lester Peddy, John A. Park, L. M. Tesa, J. D. Be:ry, S. H. Farrabee, John T. Pulleu, I.. R. Norris,. Edwin W. Yates, E. R. Carroll, C. V. Albright, R. P. Snell, A. J. Ellis. T. B. El dridge, H. W. Davb, E. G. Grean, J. Willlas Weaver, committee, The above-named committee makes the following report: J REPORT OF COMMITTEE. The committee appointed to form ulate a plan for the organization of a state Baraca association beg leave to report the following resolutions, to Wit! .'."' V. : j 1. That the Baraca classes in the state of North Carolina signi fying their assent to . these resolu tions shall constitute an association HOGLtESS The Southern standard of super lative satisfaction. Purity person ified. Nature's natural cooking-fat, for all purposes, from bread making to fish-frying. Economy, whole someness, and healthfulness com bined. There's' none other any where near so good. 15EWAUK OK IMITATIONS. 9 THEmmi c(m,oN:oiL co. 1 2 yYDI-SAVNmATIAmKEV0PlEANSCHICGO. j jj 0s o 1,1 o o THAW TO PITTSBURG Order From Federal Court to Removal v Writ W1H be Served on Dr. Baker at v MattcnwKn, Itnt Whether He Will Ohff Order or Not Remains to foe Sifii. . - 1,1 1 o I o III -...ii;...'. i .... nM..! North Carolina Baraca Association," tae purpose of which shall be to foster the development and promote the Interests of the Baraca cause In the state of North Carolina by bring ing the classes into closer acquaint- ance and affiliation with one another and by working always as an auxili ary to the World-Wide Baraca Union, the North Carolina Sunday School Association and the International Sunday Schoil Association. 2. That the officers of the associ-... atiou shall be a president, four vice presidents (representing various sec tions of tiie state), a secretary and a ; treasurer. 3. The association shall meet an il. That, these resolutions' ' 'shall be submitted to nil the Baraca classes In tiie state of North Caro lina whose addresses can be ascer tained by the secretary, for their consideration, with the request that they promptly: certify '..'to Mr. Edwin . Yates, Postoifice Box No. 305, Raleigh, N. C. the result tt their consideration of the same. Respectfully submitted, R. N. SIMMS. , . L. M. TESH, ' ; EDWIN W. YATES, ','. " L. W. AI.DKUMAN, Suh-Committ.'e. Served as coeeff,' 'thiv'tf-n- coffee sub stitute known to sioiiT's everywhere nually with and constitute a part of as Dr. Shoop' Ho:slth C(i.T"e. will trick the North Carolina Sunday School even a Coffee -expert. ''Nut u grain' of. Association, and each clats belonging real coffee in it -either. I'mv healthful to this association shall be entitled 'oasted ia, "H. -m,-. etc,, have , , , . . been So cleverly blended as to give a to send as many delegatesas may be Woml,.rful sat,yis eortee i taste and desired, but each class shall have only .lv01. Ari, )t ,s ..m.u, ,n a m;nute." one vote in the deliberations of the tx! No teaious 'Si to 30 minutes boil as:ociatlon, though the delegates )w. Test it and see. Dr. Shuop created present may --yo'te fractional parts Health Coffee that the people might thereof as may be desired. ' , have a .genuine coffee substitute, and 4. The officers of the association ;or-e that would be thoroughly Ratisfy Bhall be elected at the annual moet-4 in' cveiy possible respect. Sold by ings and shall hold'offlce for one year ,!.w: B' ''MUi- ; '- -'iw,.-- . , x and until their successors are elected and qualified. The officers elected j at the time of the adoption of these ' . - resolutions shall serve until the meet- . Postuffice Department Closes Office (By Leased Wire 'to The Times.) Tew York, Oct. 13-After a dash to Scrantou, Pa., begun yesterday when Harry K. Thaw was' sent back to .Matteawan asylum for the crimi nal Insane by Justice Mills in the su- preme court at White Plains, Roger O'Mara, the Pittsburg detective, who has been appointed trustee for Thaw, secured a writ from the federal court In Scrantou, ordering the asylum au thpritles to produce Thaw In Pitts burg at the hearing in bankruptcy. I This writ, will be served on" Dr. - Baker, acting superintendent of the lafjlum, today. Whether Dr. Baker I will obey the court, - remains tote 6C9.1. . The new writ will furthsr compli cate matters. Sheriff Lane, who re fused to recognize the federal courfs order, seems to huve shifted the re sponsibility to the asylum av.thori , ties. Dr. Baker, It is believed, will follow the advice of counsel. ;: Onco outside the state of New York 'whore Thaw is considered to be a . I lunatic, habeas corpus proceedings lean be. brought,. It Is said, and Thaw can go free, unless the Pennsylvania i courts find him crazy. Then he could ' lie hold In Pennsylvania. Thaw Raid today that he would be pleased to re turn to New York and go back to Matteawan after the bankruptcy pro ceedings. Thaw i hates Matteawan, though, as he never hated a place in his life. " :.' "However, my going to Pittsburg is not settled," he added. 'The fed eral courts hold that I must person ally appear and answer my creditors. That I shall be pleased to do If the opportunity Is given me, but I shall also'be pleased to return to New Yori; and face another court in an effort to establish my sanity. All my friends know I am not insane and I have not the slightest doubt I can convince tt Jury I am not. "If I am taken to Pittsburg under orders from the federal court I am I In the custody of the federal ofheers from the moment I leave this asylum and they are responsible for my re turn here again. Even if this were not so, I have no other desire than to I return here and prove myself sane be fore the world." ';.. DKRKK K OFFICE CLOSED. ing of the North Carolina Sunday School Association to be held at Concord, N. C, In the spring of 1909, and until their successors are elected and qualified. 5, The duties of these officers shall be such as usually belong to on Itockefellcr Land. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Uticn, N. Y . Oct. 13 An order just issued by the postmaster general at Washington to the postmaster at Derirek, N. Y.. toturn over all bus- Whore I)ulU-ts Flew. : ' David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., a veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: "The good Electric Bitters have done Is worth more than Ave hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bit ters, and they cured me. I now take them as a tonic, and they keep me strong and well," BOc at all drug- gists.f . similar officers, and they shall in all ! ines sto the postmaster at Bay Pond, things endeavor actively to promote ; thus putting out of existence the Der- the cause of Baraca work in the state of North Carolina. rick postoffice, has created much In dignation In the section of the Adi- 6. That the officers of the associa- rondacks affected. : The twenty-eight tion, together with the president, the i families at Derrick do uot view with vice-president of the World-Wide Ba- j pleasure the prospect of being re raca Union and the state secretary Quired to walk through several feet of of the said union, and the state sec- 'snow seven miles to Bay Pond, In or- VT 7TrTTT3 n v m km w UMOHIA SALVE The Greatest Medical Discovery Since Vaccination. Absolute cure for Croup, Pneumonia, and Colds of alt kinds Quick relief for Burns, Bruises, Stings, and all Inflammation. A box in your house is as good as a doctor. One box will convince you of its value. 25c, 50c and $1.00 at your drug store or by mail. v icr s ramiiy ivemeaies jv., oreensiKiru, n. v. retary of the Adult Bible Class De partment of the International Sun day School Association,' shall consti tute the executive committee of this association, which committee shall have power ia act upon all matters pertaining to the work of the associa tion between the annual meetings of the association. 7. That the executive committee shall have power to appoint a county superintendent in each county in the state of North Carolina, whose duty H shall be to look after the inter ests of the work In his county, to en courage those classes already In ex istence, to organize others, to see that they all have charters, to encourage the use of the pin and the secret service work and such other things as will make them most efficient in the execution of our motto. 8. The county superintendents shall report to the state secretary the names of all classes in their re spective counties, the names and ad dresses of the!r officers and such other Information as will help the secretary to properly discharge - hU duties. 9. That the state secretary shall report to the national headquarters all information holpful to that de partment and perform such other duties a: are Imposed by the execu tive committee of this association from tl-.no to time. 10. That the following shall be the officers of the association until the spring of 1909, as above-referred to, to wit: I President, Prof. C. W. Wilson,' Scotland Nock. N. C. Vice-Presidents. T. W. Alderman, Greensboro, N. CM. W. Durham, ' Charlotte, N.' C. . -i J. L. Stanley, Wilmington, N. Ci and Paul P. Brown, Ashevllle, N. C Bocretarv, Kdwln W. Yates, Ra- lefgh, N. C. l Treasurer, H. W.' Davis, Raleigh N. C. . ) der to receive and send their mail Bay Pond is the postoffice name of the former village of Brandon, and Is in the private park bf: William Rockefeller, brother of John D. Rockefei ler. In order to reach the Bay Pond postoffice, it is said to be necessary to cross Mr, Rockefellers private park, an act which subjects the offender to a One of $25 for eacn offense. One family lives at Bay Pond. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills; Mutt Bear Signature of Am Fac-Simlta Wrapper Below. it n m ii w rn n III bill ft Try null a mmf ., I FOB IEADACHE. ro Dinims. - FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COXSTIPATIOII. rci SAUOW SKIR. FCS TKEC0MPLEXI0R FIRE IX THE TIMES Bl'ILDIXG, Small Blaze Quickly Tut Out of Business by Rescue Np. 1 Some Excitement. The quiet routine of the Inmates of the Times building was rudely broken this morning at 8:30 by the cry of "Fire! Fire!" followed im jmediately by a burst of smoke from j the basement. "Andrew," the por- tor, and his assistant had been melt ;lng metal in the basement and in 1 some way the fire caught In a pile of waste paper which had been allowed to' accumulate there. Rescue No. 1 (responded to the call with its usual ' promptness and the fire was out in a 1 few minutes. There was no damage done. The wood work was charred and black ened a little around the stairs lead-. Ing from the basement. , It was amusing to watch the ac tions of members of the Times force under stress of excitement. Clark hurriedly packed his little '"go-way" bag with two newspapers and a 1904 magazine. Roy Thlem, the telegraph operator, grabbed his . trustly old typewriter and didn't stop running till he reached the middle of Fay- ettevllle street. Miss Knight came down the stairs with a whole-'armful of letters, smiling through her tears, for sho had saved that which to her was priceless. Simms saved a feather duster and Fletcher got away with a copy of the "Wilkes Patriot' v ' ' George1 Hall was more excited than anyone else. In his great excite ment he grabbed W. Tracy Medlln and down the steps lie flew. W. Tracy gave away undt. - the strain of the exciting moments and ' a dope I waa necessary to revive him. I , Everybody was exclted- that is to I say everybody but Winder Russell Harris. Winder was still blissfully slumbering at 9:30 a. m. and had not heard of the fire. INSURANCE COMPANV SHUT OUT. License of the Industrial Life . and I Health Insurance Company.' of i ' Atlanta, Revoked. . I " In consequence of the result of an j examination of 4he Industrial L1M .and Health insurance Company, of . Atlanta, Ca., made under tbe dlrec ZLCOHOL 1 PER CENT AVcgctabfe ftepifstlonEris- lingUteSiotrtsandiJowisi boss and fcstXontalnsnaffltr ! Ppium.Norphin norMiiKraL! NOT NARCOTIC. inurxmum KxmSrrd- Aturfect Renxdv forConsRns- Hon, Sour Stoisxh.Dlarrhoeji WormsfonvalsionsJ'evcrtsa ness amlOSSOFSEEEP. Simile Signaturtat i , NEW YDRH. anftMaMiarWrnt3 Teylnfactg and Childrta. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears the Signature 0 of ml I!iiWiiilrll"'i VI I) AW ft tP' In arnt.eeu 'liai-ifi1 Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use for Over Thirty Years 1 1 eWTur momMLtn, airnMeiif mm mm MAPLE SPRING THE STANDARD OF QUALITY IN WHISKEY. A Stiictly Hlnh (Jrmle Article W Arc OIVciIuk the Trade. This Whiskey Is an excellent article matured in wood, It possesses all the qualities to be round In Standard High (ir.ide WhlMkcy. v are ship, ping this ' ';. .;.-''.'.''.''. ' . .. ' EXPRESS PREPAID, FOUR FULL QUARTS $3.00. TH E N EWCO MB COMPANY The Prompt , Mail-Order Rouie. ' PUTKlLsliURO. VA. 1 Til fisses i yrtr tr, Jt r v CunrnulcrA Intlrr I ho nll.ianl Pur Too.! ' uilit llruiiH Art, njr.iPmlier our rm1n m to you Junt cs iiispiicti'rt and eaK',il hv imttod Sturn n;'. iTIi'.-ik. We ore nut whiskey mtxers ur vom puiinilcrs. K:;preg prepr.ul on following gtwiiv. TYSON'S I5ffi.iT (Xruitbt, 10 uni olrt K.i. WhMity), 4 tiill titn.... .. 1.IM TYSOVS CM U WIHSKKV. 4 fil . :L.(M Kvery rtio;. .r.f Tyson's Club WUnkcy punnirtei-J t.i tin piir. and belter than wHh- null y uiuei- nouses m i-0'. TYSDW) ?:oi!FOI K AVitsRY, I foil (,inrl. ... . t1'" llu tx-aiiii.u pqul to whlskev on the mukot.' .VVnas-H, KJt POSITION WIlIUKBr. ner snllon .............. a.W This- brand oCwhlnkey U sroiir. hu i a gnin flavor, and Is llk4 eer,vr hT''. '-.Order ft f:nl!r,'i bi, be e mvinceU tills is hn !iv.-ef'-p:lee.,wlilkey houno In lla country. 1YSOVS ITKB COIIX WKISlinY. 4 fall nuorts ............ f,3.00 TYSOVH VXMS WKIT1J CO:i. H r eallon .r.o rvsov pij!r';:.v it nuiiou a!WW 'TtSCVS Il.:t;:or: XTOri; CtS, ?r r.nHoa ''ffij) rvsovs p::::: '.rp.n ttuAxuv, it cniia .u; TVflOVS ST.Mt B.IA.VOY, er Ballon ,. Hi..-,o OooJij shlppfd iflmo day order In received. Wo muk good '-all- ;3ssm; and hMaUatr-.'. V.' dj not pay express altnr-es on ntiythln;- leas Ulna ti gallon, r.emlt rostnf Order, ENpresa Money Order or currency In ReKixtf red Letter. No heraonal checks accepted, unlet Vcrty 1 known to u. -. .. , - . ' , ADDRESS ' - , ALBEMARLE DIST. COMPANY .- .. f V.J.TYSOM.Jr. ... . r. ' 31-33 Brewer Sire3t, Norfo!k, Virginia. such enormous salaries to- Its ofa cers. . . -.-. , .: .' ) tlou or tbe State Insurance t)epart meut, the comruislsoner had cortcelled the liconie of the aforesaid company to do buslncsa, in this state. Tie ' nLES CURED IN fl TO I4 DAYS OINTMENT Is guaranty to WlsA to 6ermlt a comnaMv to 6n him. cur ' t,M ' Itchlnj?, Blind or Ines sin North Carolina which shows such a bic expanse account and pays Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or mono refunded. . 60c CURE ttCK HTADACHI. :. , ; '. "" " ).,. ,, ' ' V

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