THE -RALEIGH-EVENING TIMES; MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1908. v IF YOU HAD - S5 IN GOLD '' THE GEM A Heartless Sister; - S The Good Thief, :,:,?,,.,..,,,v.,;,v.,;lffi ',, r The Winning Number Running for Office. , PRICES: - . 5c. and 10c. .COMPLETE. qitAXGB OF ' PROGRAM DAILY. Foster & Mansfield - 'TONIGHT'S ATTRACTION; .."A Texas Ranger," which comes to the. Academy tonight not only tells an absorbing fetory,. but carries, :th&aC- mosphere of toll gate, days, with Its pretty eojstunlesi Its gallant" mem. and its quaint comedy. The . story is of real itfe on the .western plains of the Lone Star State. It is full, of com edy and genuine pathos, that causes ' the tears to start unbidden. It Is not gloomy nor is It .filled with molly coddle heroics. Colonel ' Marshall Funeral Services at the Residence, In- was sent put to move the Indians to tcrnient in Oakwood Cemetery. Mrs. E. A. Bonner died last evening I What Wmtlr. Ynn nrt e With It? VUllUBllJT wan,. uvjncci,.'BVUU ;b wir verted into genuine interest, for. the Indians offered indeed more than had , been' expected; They nroved to be : faultless musicians. Mr. Wheelock, ! V the young and dignified,. conductor iot ' For the best answer to the above the band, pleased everybody by hia querry The Evening Times will give Chivalrous style, and tbeityhola band FIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD. This la made a hit. SIRS. E. A. ROXXER'S'FUXERAL. Monday, Oct 26, Till'. PL.IV ill AT PLEASES. A sexas Ranger ,'.Ry. erxest stout, 1 HE CRD T!T CO'WliOY PLAY Mfll-jTMi-: l-rlces: DAY. $1.00. far ' ' ;fi 'if Tii.vic Lewis in "A Texns Hunger." their reservation in the territory. and this thing he would do, or die in tile attempt. There is no power that can hinder the Ann resolve of a de termined soul, and after many thrill ing climaxes are passed his mission was accomplished. at. ten minutes after two at her home, 41S South. Dawson street, in, the TSth year of her age. She was a member -of- the First Baptist church, of this city, and was much beloved, by a. large circle of friends, who will learn of her death with regret. ''', "... She is survived by four children, Mrs. J. E. Duke, Mrs. L. T. Howard, Miss Jennie 13. Bonner, and Mr. W. E. Bonner. The funeral services were hold this afternoon, at 3:!!0 o'clock troin the residence, and were conducted by Dr. W. C. Tyree, pastor of the First. Bap tist church. The interment was in the Oakwood cemetery, the pall-bearers being Jiossrs. Henrv Brigss. T. W. Blake, John T. Pullen, W. N. Jones, Robert Simpson, and John Brlgg.s. open to anyone and the answers villi ibo published during the month otA October, and. a committee will select . !th' winner for the Gold. It costs nothing to tell what yon would do with $5.00, if yon had it. Your an swer must not' contain over 100 words and must be sent to the Evening Times. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOVLAN-PEARCE CO THE STORE THAT PLEASES, SATISFIES AXD XiRATlFIES ITS PATRONS. ; A HAT FOR EVERY FACE-PRICE FOR EVBRY9PURSE v V. 1 XKiH T-l'IDEIl IX JAIL. Information Wanted. If I had $5 In gold 'I would -give same to the person;' who would suc cessfully explain wtoftt Jtlnd of a joke the republican party y Is trying to perpetrate on the citizens of North Carolina, especially the citizens of .Raleigh and Wake, county, and also sav whether or .not 1 the republicans !propose to give-us a real balloon as- sension on the 3rd of November, and if thp occupantftOf the basket are to be as ahvertlsed, Cox, "Buck" and "Postmaster.1' v, WH. RTXGLETON, 212 "N. Bovlan avenue. 50 Freshly Trimmed Hats from our own work rooms . . . . . Scores of Tailor-Made and New York Pattern Hats $5.00 to $10.00 $3.50 to $35.00 TOMORROW XHUIT. v 'The Pittsburg Gazette has the fol lowing to say of the- Indian Band, which is the attraction at the Acad einy tomorrow night: . .-; "The: Wheelock Indian Concert Band, which gave their opening con certs yesterday, drew large audiences and received most enthusiastic ap plause. At first, no doubt, the large audience was due. to the pardonable curiosity of seeing an Indian Band. iC, .jC, 7.)C, . i mmmmml vt-A I '"!d i w a a i i eu m-ta i Kau m i p., least e t ttvnwnuuuvmtMinvvtut; WEATHERS & PERRY. I TUESDAY, OCT. 27. i James Riley Wheelcck! AX1 HIS UNITED STATES NDIAN BAND. The Only hidian i'and in the I'nitcd j ! Prices: '2v,i .")(), .Ic, SI. 00. Heart Strength HirtBtren(tth,ortI(itWclniw,inMini?fenr j Btr. ritrih. or Nerve Winkness nollilng mora. I'o 5 itiv. ly. not ono wrak huurt in t hundred Is. In it- ' S (elf. uctiiullT dtseawd. It It almost llwayi S hidden tin; little nerve that really l all at fault. J This oliscure nerve the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve 1 5 simply needs, and mittf hava, more power, mora , S rtaliility, mora nniroll!ti;, mora governing J etr. ritrth. W'.Uiout that the Heart must contlnua : 5 in tail, and the sioniuch and kldnejra also hava ; S those siinie controlliiig nervi-a. 15 This el arly explains why, as a medicine. Dr. 1 Hhoou's Kestnratlve tins In the rust done so much S for weak ami ailing Hearts. l)r. Shoop Bret sought ! the enusn ot nil this imlnhil, palpitating, suffoeat. J Ing heart distress. Hr. Bhoop's Kestoratlva thlt popular proscription Is alona directed to these M-cak and wasting nerve centers. It bulldji J If strenjUiens; it offers real, genulns heart help, i 5 If you would have strong Hearts, strong dU gestlon, strengthen those narvas ra-esaibllsh 5 them at needed, with Dr. Shoop'sl Restorative UKtiRY T. KICKS Just think of ii riMcnds, that to serve luiiie own eiids . I'll relate; to you how, an oft. : told tiile: That, the talc i-i Iruo, 1 appeal to you : ' ' '" , To bear out the facts, or in the telling I'll fail : la the City; of Raleigh, Home of sense and folly, Is located the firm of Weaih ers & retry;. Both good men and true, And I'll give thorn their due, And this tale shall ho veracious-very. In the ri'.-ihu of trade, Tiicro has never been mado : S.;ch a wondorlul show as as tVy're lnjiklnc: Their fxtitiitiite tasio. ( Heal- diamond no pastel ; , To the iililiu- In general is . . !'takitm". - -. ' Their Cut Glass nu.l China -(No one "can show floor) Would add luslro to royal ty's table. And the-pictures on vi?w. 'in' siUe will please yMt, And the prices. All! I . know you'll be able To Indulge your desire, . For a thiBBvyoiJ admire, And If your Mansion's inteii ' o:s' need overhnulln , They've Wall I'uper and Shades, Of all pricati and grades, With '.'Tin. Whistle Johnson", who Is head of his, call ' .;'; .' IliK. "ONE WHO KNOWS." V. It. Thompson Fails to Give S20O I'ctice-i'.oiid mul is in Jail. C. B. Thompson, of Barlow's Creole township, the man charged with be ing a night-rider and threatening to burn the gin of ,W. S. Adams, was ' tried Saturday before Justice of the Peace W. D. Sanderlin. Several wit nossoH were examined and much dam aging evidence was produced... The court saw fit; to place Thompson un der a $200 bond to keep 1 lie peace. TIiIm Thompson was unable to give and he was brought ho;e late Satur day evening by .Deputy Sheriff J. N. Ro.hcll and lodged in jail. Thompson hears a rather unsavory reputation. It is said that he not only threatened Mr. Adams, but that throats were made by him against oilier operators. He is also said to have been in trouble with tue federal authorities several times. He has a wife and threo cRildren. Col. .1. C. L. Harris defended him at the trial before the justice. Col Harris , said ' this ."niornlni? that his clhmt would probably give bond to' ilay. ; ; ,. r. SllOWJIAX IX TROlRIiE- ; 1 . . Make Aunt Happy. Her,G go my dollars. Two for a room at the Tarboroilgh and a six o'clock rising call , so, . 'When called, I could yell, ''Begone! ..You are not papa, I do, not . have tot".' One for cologne to onhanea the ' perfume of my goat. Sixty eetits wortli . of Royster's candy tor me and ten 'for 'a pound of'Rlg- gan's for : my- Atmr little brother. Thirty centsrnf oollc cure as affinity to my candy.:-. Thirty cents of cannon crackers ' to make mv nervous aunt happy on her birthday. Seventy - for the heathen, my ; chums, to go to the circus. BAMt'EL W. HTLU ': Wet Rtlelgh Daniel Lem:iit (liaised Willi Selling : lto:'x al F;.ic Grounds. j Daniel I.emont, the showman who is charged with selling booze on the fair grounds, was up before Justice j H. H. Roberts Saturday night, ho- 'iitrMti'u 1i,i'tnir xi'.jc cut fr. Vnt'nmliur ! ',10th and he gave bond In the sum ! jof ' $100 foe his appearance on that ! j dale. ' He continues his engagements ! j on the fair circuit, this week. ' ! I I'liree other show people, one 1 O'Leary and his : wife, and another I ! young man, were summoned as wit I nesses. They were In much trouble , this morning, as Justice Roberts I'sbeiViOtl . to be somewhat reluctant ! I about letting them go. Bond was not Papa Takes .The Times. If t had' $5 In' gold I would give one-tenth of It th. pumlnv school and church, one-half of the nmaindor I would put In the. bank, and the other half I would keep to use for what I My papa.-; taks The Evening or probably t would subscribe TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND SILK DEESSES. " The1 stock-room of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments is congested, packed to its fullest limit, yet new arrivals are crowding in every day.' The Style range is' complete, fine workmanship, moulded to your form. The line in moderate-price garments is second to none. . Suits of fine quality materials, blended stripes, ricli Serges, fancy Broad Cloths and' stylish mixtures, all the new colors and blaeks.. The workmanship throughout? evinces care and thought to develop the best.- in each style. $18.50 to $65.00 linging skirts, $15.00 to $45.00 want. Times for it. WAVTJER LOW TATTTM, . -'.. Salisbury, N. Ci ca3y to give. 'Finally,; ul'ler much pleading, the justice allowed the wlt nassas to go about their business, O'Leary nnd his wife giving a cash bond of $10 each. RIO ti.UIE IX NORFOLK. Round Trip From Italelili $7.(10 For ! Ten IVople on One Ticket nnd h S uite Train. ' .''.'."'- I Mr. C. H. Gattls, T. P. A. of the Seaboard, advises no special low ratas will he narrted to Norfolk Saturday, 'October B 1st, account the A." & M. College-Virginia footboll game, but parties of tell or more traveling oh oila ticket and same train, cap se- Jcure a 2-cents per mile rate lot tjie distance traveled. This will make the round trip from Raleigh, to .Ports mouth and return $7.00, whereas the one-way rate Is $4.35. , I ittMtMiHtWtMttAttHsUM1l . - . - i - - -. ""fT" " .' ' 1 ."" . ! - tet "V-. i s -ft - i v J ; 6 -4 ' ::r; . : - hAmMr 4&?l -miMfa m$ wif t-M'-2 V t o i ' - i'Cj'MrJj.',. :y .-. .!...!,, , tt-' , rtjt-'. ri'.i ,.7 - ' " ' ' An Afflicted Family. If J had $5 in gold I would spend it on my sick and crippled-children. I have one boy, 11 years old, lost one leg "wlth--cuberkutot; of the bone, and looks like hs-tst-nrotng'' to- lose1 his arm; one scven-vear-old In bed with fever; one flve-year-old has been op erated on twice and onlv has one lung, and. is '.deformed- badly, and with these sick and deformed and also a large family and onlv a very limited means to- live on, I think a could spend the $5 well. MRS. C. XV. ANDERSON, 701 N. Salisbury St., Charity Begins at Home. If 1 had $5 In gold I would spend it for the things most needed at home, for charity begins at home and spreads abroad. , M1!S; S. B.. O'NEAL, ..; Raleigh. R. F. D. No. 6. All prices Silk Dresses, newest colorings latest stylos, tucked sleeves, for evening 'wear or davtime dress. From , . . . . . SILK PETTICOATS. Black and Colored Taffeta Silk Petticoats, dep runic, stitched bands. .Worth $5.00 For $3.98 $7.50 Silk Petticoats to go for $4.98 LADIES', MISSES', AND CHILDREN'S COATS. - The greatest aggregation of Cloaks 6i all kinds,, for all ages, ever brought to the city; for all kinds of weather, foul or fair; for street, church or opera wear. ' Ladies' Cloaks for . ... . . . . Misses' Cloaks,, for . . . . . . . Children's Cloaks for . . " ZEPHYR SHIRT SWEATERS. New shipment of "White and Two-tone Wool Sweaters; best we've had, $3.00 and $5.00 NOVELTY NECK RUCHINGS. Everybody anxious for thein. You take a fleeting .chance at these, as they are are here todav and gone tomorrow. Come earlv . ... 25c, 35c, and 50c. ENGLISH LONG CLOTH. Down to the prices of -the. days of Gc. cotton. 12-yard lengths. $1.33 Quality for " , . . -$ -98 $1.05 (jhialitv.for ... . . . v v"?s;4'. '.... .. . . $1.25 $1.90 (JnalitV for . . , . - , '. . .. . . , . . . .... . . ,., ,., ,., ,., , ,. $1.50 NAINSOOKS TAKE A DROP. Prices reduced to s, . .. f . ... . t. .; $1.25, $li0, $1.75 and $2.00 $7.50 to $30.00 $5.00 to $15.00 $1.50 to $ 7.50 i UNITED STATUS INDIAX BAND, We Would lie CJIud to Have You. If I had $5 In gold the first thing I would do Would he to visit Raleigh and see how much larger it Is th:in cither Greopsboro or Charlotte, and after viewing the sights of the capital city of my adopted state, decide whether or not I would help b" one toward swelling her population to fifty thousand. MRS. NELSOX W. WILLIS, lies Chaues street, IUti(ler."on. N. (.. Heln a Friend. If I hnd j m gold I would buy medicine for a sick friend who is suf fering and Is not able to buy it. MRS. DEl'LAH HARE, N. Eoylan avenue, Raleigh, N. C. ' Deprive Thein of Pie. If I should this money win, Not one cent would I spend, But would g've It all toward one glorious end. That Is, to make the democratic party win. For if the democratic party gets in, And the corrupt republican rule ends, , The panic-left friendless In the hands of It enemies will die, Andithe republicans will stop fenst lug on iiiitloiml pie. H CHERT COLLIERS. Holly Springs, N. C. Turn on the Light. If I had i'i in gold I would head a fund to be advocated by The Raleigh Evening Timer, In conjunction with chnmber of commerce and merchants' association, to put forward Raleigh. One of the best and most consplclous waya to start this, as wan demon strated fair week, would, bo to Illumi nate Fuyettevllle street at night. This beautiful Illumination brings the peo ple out at night, and when they arer out they can see things, and weeing things they buy things; and not only that, It causes the comment and ad miration of visitors which Is an ad vertisement Itself. I would, but If I get It I will. C. T. M., Succetui Assured. With 15 In gold I would aubicrlbe to Th Times for aix months, ecurlng a fountain pen at a premium, , Invest balance In aoma necessity told by merchant who have faith In their gooda and want the public to know of .tbetn, bnc advertise la The -Timet. fa -i-?1,25' I BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. From vour paper I would learn of the world's h:ij'iMi!lngs on day of occur rence, and use in fori nut ion- thus ob tained ahead of the other fellow to make more money to renew my sub !enpt:oii. With knowledge to direct, a p"u to recoid. and The Times to piini: .'success wiiuld be a certainty. H. G. HARRIS, Raleigh, N. C. Help the School Fund. If I had t: In gold I would give it to the public school fund of Raleigh township, : that it might help lengthen the school term and thereby do the most good to the 'most people when most needed.' , MISS C. L. VERBV, . 1 Raleigh,, N. C. MOT11KRS! We are making a Salve out of pure Goose (ireaKC and Mutton1 Suet; the best thing made for Pneumonia, ("roup, end Colds, v Go to your drug gist and get a box of this wonderful Salve and, if it doesn't do just what we claim for it, take it hack and ftot your money. Isn't this fair enough? You know (ioose (irensu lias been used from the foundation to the pres ent time for Croup nnd Colds. Now uon t let your lialiy die tor the want of this grout remedy. If you haven't the money, am i,uy it on credit; you should have it In the house at all times. ..You till know what d'oose fii-ense Liniment Is. If you ever used it once and used It like we told you, we know that you still use it. We can For anything in Fu: rniture and Housef urnish ings, for the Home or Office. We carry a com plete line, guaranteed prices and make, terms to suit our customers. Agents for the w ' ell-known Macey Sectional Book Cases and Re mihgton Typewriters. cash or Credit 1 fU II The Raleigh Furniture Co. 17 Kjvst Martin &nd 18 Market -Streets. J. M. R1GGAN, Mannifer. T. E. GREEN, Sec. and Treas. Capital City Phone 672. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSITION ic. THE EVKMXG TIMES is a straight Deinorrntic newspaper, gives all the news of your Stute mid Nation. Do you tirki Does your neighbor take it? Ho you expect l vote for Willi i:n Jennings Rryan? Is your nelglilsii' ),olug to vote tor hlni'.' If so fill nut the attached Coupon and send in your subscription. If yttu are a subscriber give this to one of jour friend. THE EVEXINt? TIMES is strictly $.1.00 per jenr mid no Su!.n: i Ip.lon at thiii Campaign Rate will lie taken unless accompanied by (his Coiti'mui properly filled , nut. M coupon ; I nm A'Ot a subscrllMT io THE EVEJflSKj TIMES. v I exjt't to vot for W. J. Bryan for l'lVsJdeht. I enclose ,B0 cents to pay for a cam paign, subscription to THE EVENING TIM EN to January 1,71900. Name . . . , , V.O. I ... . State .... IL K, I). No. . , Thin offer will only hold Rood untjl Xovcnihev 1. V.wvs person KcndinK ,n chibt Hv new aubecrlber with live coupons at this rate will receive rt line pair or I'ufented Steel Slienr, value $1.00, free. Ei'erjr person who scikIh in a club of ten will receive a Flue li iniond Point Pen free". . The. person enuring t.hp Inrm-Ki list nt this rnle liefore Xovcmhcr 1 will receive o;icve::r' enbscrlntlon free You can win If I ou go to work now. Talk for BRYAX and take subscriptions fix THE EVENING TIMES. ' ' . : Address, . ; ' V. SIMSp, General Manager. THE EVENING TIMES, V RALEIGH, N. O. -3 :m, i f ! -.I ?