r plQZ Zm 'WlirJMRMtaiTfWIWlr, "THE RALEIGH EVENINQ TIME&rL-JtQNDAY, 00 TOBER 26, 1908. f SOCIETY. 1 " Miss Anderson went to Benson to-f day. vVIsa Florence Moody went to Wake forest today. ... , t ; 'v.- ... J Miss Lillian High, of Loulsburg, was : In the city today. '.-S.V. . ; - .- Miss Lula Bagwell, of Gamer, spent the day in the city. f v ' !- ' '"Mrs. S. Williams has returned south After a visit to her son, Col. Alfred Williams. e-fr i-t Miss Phyllis Woodall and Miss Jes sie Woodall spent a few hours In Wake forest today. t Mrs. Brown Shepherd and Miss Eleanor Vass are spending several weeks in New York. L Y4"1 . ; -- .:'..: Miss Pattie Beves has returned to her home at Frankllnton after a visit to Mis9 Susie Foster. n - .'.' Mrs. L. C. Vass, of Schenectady, N. T., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Allen, on Edenton street. -'.''. Miss Annie Jones passed through the city today returning home to Mfanteo from a visit to LaGrange. .- Miss Almiral has returned to her home at Brooklyn, N. Y., after a visit to her sister, Mrs. William Royall. iMrs. Charles C. Thompson, of Gra ham, was In the city today returning home from a visit to Washington, N. C. ". Mrs. Robert Royall Smlthwlch, of Eagle Rock, and Miss Annie White, of Macon, were in the city today going to Macon. M19S 'Mary Douglass Burwell V n n I V returned to her home in Chase Cit Va., after a visit to her cousin, Miss Emily Hunt Wahter. Mrs. Mary Mathney, of Washington, D. C, is in the city the guest of her sister, Mrs, Holloman, on New Bern avenue. will The Tuesday Afternoon Club miet with Miss Densnn : November 3rd inead of October ilih as previously announced. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Farrls passed through the citv today returning to their home at Wilmington from n wed ding trip to New York. Mr. R. M. Burns spent the day with -nto-daughter, Mrs. Harnett Norrla, u his way home to Pittsboro after a visit to his sons at Roxboro. Mrs. Mabel Woodward Carroll and little daughter, Rachel, are in the city visiting her mother, Mrs. M. C. Wood ward on south Dawson street. Miss Hattie Poe Johnson left this morning for Washington where she will spend some time studying portrait painting at the Corcoran Institute. . Mrs. J. Allen Hodge and Miss Gene Gray Heck, of Hi hniond. were in Ral eigh to attend Saturday. Tlit-v W. H. Pace. the tablet' unveiling j were guests of Mrs. . 'Mrs. Hinsdale and Sirs. Hal Worth, of Asheboro, went to Richmond to day. Mrs. J. C. Kngelhard s children also returned to their home in Ken tucky. Pence Faculty lieiital. ..The first faculty recital at Peace In stitute will be held this evening at 8:30 o'clock In the college chapel. The public Is cordially invited. .i , . Twilight Organ ISeciUil. The second faculty recital at the Baptist University will be held In the Auditorium Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. It will be a twilight organ recital by Mr. Wade Brown, assisted by Miss Helen Marie Day, contralto. Halloween I'uity1 Tonight. Tho iir,,!,,- ninnthlv ,.,,l mnttnr of tho Kdenton street Epwoith LoiiKue et . before the .Inter-State ''Corn will be hold in the league room this merce commission. Mr. McNeill .evening at 7:30 o'clock. The meeting thinks the state's case was well put will tuke the torm of a hulloweeu before the commission and has hif;h party.. There will ho Khosts and wltclwn and many weird charms suit able to tin? nccaHlon.. All lesiKUu mem bers and friends of Hie league are cordially invited to attend. A kiss, a hug and baby slips off his mother's lap into a bowl of clan, warm water. There he finds a Sponge and a Cake of Ivory Soap. Mother squeezes the sponge and water runs all over ( baby's arms, his body, his tegs and his little pink toes. Then she takes the 'soap, ( does something with it and baby is covered with a soft , creamy lather that takes all the dirt away and leaves his skin as smooth .as satin, ' . v Ivory Soap PeVCe'nt. Pure., . v -, ' r . r J... ..... ' .' . . WHY do people; who use Gowan's Preparation use it again and tell their neighbors? Because it Is a great remedy and cures Croup, Colds and Pneumonia. External. 25c; 50c.; ' ?1.00. All druggists. Buy -today'.?: The Origin of Knitting. ". 1W8 ue 1"' 1 , turies and as early as the fifteenth " - ; A. Jones in the Royal 'Arcanum. work were to be found especially in , ...-ciphas Mitchell and RichaW Italy, Spain: and Germany. Among CrU(UlPf botn of Wake. Forest, wore ar? the first knitted stockings were those stp,, .,,., ..Mnif,i, :'. . hv . ' V,:.m I made of silk by Henrv II of France jon the day of his sister's wedding to the Duke of Savoy in 1559. Since thpn silk has been more and more worn for 'Stockings. The stock ing Itself has been improved also in many wavs, and now the latest de- velopment Is the double tipped stock- nig made with the re-enforced so called ' garter top that will not wear out where the hose supporter clasp bites, the j fabiic. . ' ' : , I PERSONALS Mr. A. J. Maxwell, of Dover, is regis tered at the Yarborough. Mr. A. L. Peters, of Richmond, is 111 the city on business. Mr. Geo. Barth, of Ha it I more, is at the Yarboroiigh. Mr. C. L. White, Of Baltimore, is In tl)"p cltJ, Mr. C. F. Knox, of New Vork. is at! the Glersch Miv R T Ha vs. of Loiiisville. snent ' 1 .the day in the city. . Mr. J. D. Watkins, of New Orleans, was in the city today. Mr. J. Bright . Kelly; of Baltimore, is at file Yarborough. Mr. A. Ramseur, of Richmond, was a visitor to the city today. Major Chas. M. Stead man, of the I Gate Citv, spent the day In the city. Mr. Robt. Long, of New York, is in ;the citv.- Prof. M. C: S.' Noble, of Chapel Hill, was m the city today. Mr. A. Wayland Cooke, of Greens boro, is registered at the Glersch. Mr. T: ,E Stone,, of the Bull City, spent the! clay in the olty. .Mr. V. M. Johns, of Portsmouth, Is tit the Yarborough Mr. J. E. Farror is registered at the Glersch, from North Carolina.. Hj s s.FrecV Htytej-ao Shell Jones returned this morning from a short business trip to Durham. XEW CHARTERS GKAXTED. Biff Ire Factory for Monroe Tele phone .System for Fremont. . Charters were today granted to two new corporations, one for Fre mont and one for Monroe. The Fremont .Telephone Company will construct, equip and maintain a telephone service for the town of Fre mont and the vicinity. Authorised calital stock $10,000. Paid In 90'. The incornorat ors are: Messrs. M. H. Johnson, T. C. Hill, and othors. The Monroe Ice. and Fuel Company will operate an ice factory, a laundry and deal in coal and wood. The au thorized capital stock is $100,000, with a imiuV in capital of $15,000. .Messrs: W. E-son," W. .Jj, Horrie, W. S. BlalteiKiy, and others are the in corporators. ' RACK FROM VASHIXGTOX. Cane o' Xorth Carolina Corporation ConimisHlon Well Put Before the Inter-State Commerce Com- : , : misxioa. , Hon. Franklin. McNeill, chairman of the Corporation Commission, has returned from Washington, W.D...C, where he attended the hearing of the case at North Carolina Corporation vuiiiihiboi..ii to. mo .1, n,: hopns of winning ihe suit. AVinning will mean great things for North Carolina business interests. POUCH OI-TICKH St'SPKNDKIJ. Ixsk Sergeant Allowed a Prisoner to ; .Escape. . " ' Chief of Police J. H. Mullins pre ferred charges against Desk Sergoant W. N. Champion, alleging that he de liberately allowed a prisoner, one Win Sunders,' alias JosephWifliams, to escape, from .the police niatioii. A special call meeting of- the Police Commission was held. last night to in vestigate the charge. ' The i officer made a full cohfcsslon of his guilt and was suspenijed thirty days with out pay. Commissions Issued. Commissions have been Issued by the governor as follows: Mr. R. T3. Crowell, first lieutenant Company G, Second Regiment, Wash ington, N. C; Mr. John A. Thomas, Becond lieutenant of the earns corn puny. ' ;, . .. '. '"' '.'"' ", ..' -iin'sJohn Arrlngton .Phillips, A Battlebora, la sptndtnj few days with his Tandmothr, . Mrs. J. R. Arrlng ton, on Person (treat.. ' .J" : ., - ' Willis Watson, e negro, 'Vas today comuiltted 4a :L charged with beat ing tii 6d the train. Hs will serve 90 dayt on the roaa of Wake county. J LOCAL BSIEFl J Mr. N. B. Broughton conducted the services at the Soldiers" Home'ester day afternoon. :" Dr. W. G. Eryan, of GarrierjwhfO had his leg crushed sometime ago by ai mowing machine, is able to be out agaM with the aid of crutches. Regular meeting of Win. G. Hill Lodge if a- 218, A. F. and' A M., will be ''held this evening at o'lijjfwk. All master .masons are Invited., ; 'i Dr. John B. Watson, a young pftfsl. cian who recently resigned) Itram the starf of St. Leo's Hospital, Greensboro, is .visiting his mother, Mrs. Joe -Watson. 106 Peace street. ' T Mr. Herman Heller, treasurer of Raleigh council, Royal' Arcanum, has I delivered to Mrs. Mary H; Job&b fX0, payjllR cel.tIfl(..Ut, nold by th'1aTe JefesT ! Warden I'pchurch for hunting on 'the lands of inn i sum. Iiishovi without peiirosj- j :., Superior court began this morning I with a large crowd of ' litigants, wib- I jlitsses. Jurors mm others present. Sev- I ernl vkitlnt. hi wvitv; a iv hi-l'i' -. most 110tabu, ,,t- wno, j mis e Winston, of j jimh im , v'rnt yu r a iVol)ili (lf , Vni. (lf , S(,rth iil,l;.' (, ml- eigh todav. He is on his way home from Klizabeth Cite where he attend- ed the funeral services of Col. ft. B, iCreecy Dr. Ta it Ilutler. st ite vetermariu-n, left today for Hemleisonville. where he will conduct a "dnirv institute"', for the farmers of that sect ion. 1'rofessor H. H. Rawe and .T. A. Conover will I aid him in the work. j (J.--E. Durwell, a young white man j employed bv the S. A. L., was tried Saturday evening on the charge 1 o l berore . Justice Roberts. He j d over to the next term of I was boun criniinal court Mr. u. .Max Ganlner, state oigani- izer of Brvan-Kitclun clubs, has re- I turned to the city from Cleveland and I other western counties. "Chances of a . . . . . - large democratic majority In the west are very good," says Mr. Gardner., His honor, the : police justice. had Only one case to attract his attention today. John A brums had taken on a little, too milch for the Sabbath, day., but' on account of it being the first event In a long time judgment was sus pended. liev. P. G. Elsom, who has just re turned from conducting a successful j revival in Bedford county, Va., was ! greeted by a large congregation yes- i terday morning and by n packed house last, night. Two men were converted nt the ..evening service. The following couples fiavij receiv ed license to.niiute themselves in l Ik.' bonds o matrimony: Mr. Silas Frazier and 'Mise Bettie Davis, both of Wake Forest ;t lr. Charley F. McOe,u of Durham, and Miss Estell Goodwin, of Apex. One colored couple was also granted llcensa, Henry (ioodson, of Kagle Rock, and Bertha Hopkins, of Wakefield. Cm west Morgan street, near , the residence of Mr. F . M. .Mahler, Is a mud-hole of alarming proportions. Mr. Mahler Is authority for the statement that two cows "mired down" in this "slough of dlspond" a few days ago and it w-as with the greatest difficulty that they were pulled otlC It is tip to the city to keep her streets in better condition'. :' "'."-'.':. -.Mr. V. D. Harris returned, tqday from the. meeting r the. Southern CDm missioiH.'is of .Agi-irulturu at Nashe ville. Teiin. Mr. Harris presented a uniform feed law for the ' southern states which was approved and "win be passed In all the southern sstates. Mr. Harris wa-s appointed chalnnah of the committee to. get ui sfjindard rules The and relations under the law. meeting will take place in Atlanta December. ' " .' . ": In AND MEAT FATS Will be Digested Leaving No thing to Ferment - Nothing will remain undigested or sour on your stomach if you will take I Dlapepsln after. -your meal. This pow - erful digestive and antacid, though : as harmless and pleasant as candy, will digest and prepare for asslmiU-' tlon Into the blood all the food you can eat. . Eat what j'our stomach craves, without the slightest fear of indiges tion or that you will be bothered wit h sour risings, Belching, Gas on Stom ach, Heartburn, - HeadachW- from .. . x:-..-.. n..A t,.,u ' -Bnafc,.' Brash or a feeling like you had swal lowed a lump of lead, or other 2k agreeable miseries. . v- i f ' If you ' get from your phaftuaiSfat a 50-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln you could always go to the table with a hearty appetite, and ' youir ' meals would taste good, because you 'would know there would be no Indigestion or Sleepless nights or Headache or j Stomach misery all the next day; I and, besides, you would not need lax atives or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels clean and fresh. Pape's Dlapepsln can be obtained from your druggist,, and contains more than enough trlangules to thor oughly cure the , worst .dyspeptic, There is nothing better for Gas on the Stomach or sour odora from the stomach or to cure atom eh Head ache, .. ' . :'".' '-.''' s: '. u Toil couldn't keep a handler or more useful articles In the house. : STARCHY Hlilll f V - Opposite f We are showing the linep. rage. Recent productions that are all the SMALL . Newest Collars, 25 and 50c. High Ruching, 25 and 50c. yard. . targe Barrets, 25 and 50c. Latest Belts, 25 and 50c Silvered Purses, 25 and 50c. Brooches, Pins, Buckles, Horse-shoe Ties," i-.GUoves.- , . MILLINERY Our force is busy getting out orders. We have everything that is new in shapes, rib bons, "bands, feathers, buckles, etc. DRESS GOODS The latest shadow stripes in all the new goods. ..! All the new shades. 50c, 75c, $1.00, and $1.50 a yard. Silks, Trimmings, Braids, etc M 3 Sl PKHIOn COITIT TODAV. Three Weeks Term for Wake Court llegins in Nine Other Counties, Superior court term begins today in ten counties. Judge Neal begins a two weeks term here, ! He. is an ch-ei-getfe, working, jndtte and will 'do much toward eleming the niueh con jested docket, the terra is ior thrVe weeks and much, can b done in this space of time. -: :"vj ' 'Jfl Beaufort, first, 'district. Judp;e Onion presides. The term Is-for two weeks, Jude O. H. ' AJlen presides jln Pamlico, third district,, one week: Judge Lyon in Sampson, fifth dis trict, two weeks; , Judge Biggs in ; Cumberland, seventh -district, twoj weeks; .Indue Long in Scotland, j eighth district, one week; Judyej Jones in 'Guilford, ninth district, two weeks; Judge Council In Ashe, elev- euth district, one week; Judge Jus-i tice ,in Cabarrus, twelfth district, j two weeks; Judge Peebles in Swain,; sixteenth district. Civic cases only ! are to be tried in Scotland, Guilford i and Wake. . '. j OVK CASK OP I.VTKRESf. In re Pauline llanunond Phillips, nn Infant. Argued Today Decision I.-'' . ,. J-l ' Tomorrow , . ., ... f . ".r In the superior court today there was "ly one "'ease, of interest. This, was ' of i 10 PauUne; Hamrnond Phillips. 'nit Infant. The' case Is one 8ft censldeiable Interest and i.involves the i posufsslon Of a HttW gt : . H j PMuline Phillips Is the granadaughter ; of Mr. W. W. KowleH. We. ' Fowler, i IS Ashling for the possession of the child, who Is now in care W her step-"' mother, her father :'and mother both j bebig dead. ; Mr. KoWler has m'nny ; friends who wish him sucpet'S In the 1 8h ".'or 'nli baby," as he .cAHs the ! L. -Harris and i W. L. Watson reprenent jMr. JTowler.'1 Argo, Holding and Bunn .represent the defense.' The case was argued tills , morn'ng. The doclsion of the "court IF MpSQUITOES CURED OF THE CITING HABIT Japatick is suffocating to mosquitoes, but absolutely liarmless to huin&n beings, :s" ' .pRiciiio'cETi..,v ' '. .m:: it 15he ti a Post Office. latest novelties in all WEAR will be announced tomorrow nlornlnjr. The calendar for today is as follows: In re Pauline Hammond Phillips, an infant.: . D. It. Wilborn, Insanoi by his next friend, etc;, vs. J. D. Dallentine et als. ';' J. H. Mitchell vs. (J. W. Dunston. A. A..' McDonald, administrator of J. It. McDonald, vs. Harnett Lumber Co. ".il'itiil Construction . and Develop m nt i'o. vs. C S. Holigood. Vn pi till f 'onstruction and Develop ment 'Co.'. vs.- Amos Dean. J. I'. Pecb'.eK vs. William Choplin. Uranli David vs. Ann David, The following is Tuesday's calendar: .Inima nvivnlnr nf tilrv TT Rrtl. jv Yt, yJney yeal.gan et als. David Henry Harris Vs. John H. Love and ThoH. 1 Love, Jr. Eddins & Todd vs. J. Alfonzo Lilcs. B. B. O'QuInn vs. Raleigh Electric Co, et als. , . . ." SOMETHING NEW IN WOMEN'S HATS. Every day brings new styles in Siniirt Walking Hats, Chic and Stylish Dress Hntt Every . mmlel deheigned with reference to lMcoiniiigneHN, being preJ ' pared In our own work-rooms, .. whli'h most women are as ar-l tlciiliir' abont as tb "style-f ea- turps. . " . ; MBS. OWEN, MISS DENTON, MILLINERS, West Hargett Street. HEATERS; and STOVES The approach of COLD WEATHER makes housekeepers look about for the best way of heating this home:: Call andiexaipineour Stot;!ifp Stoves We dan SAVE you MONEY in the purchase and also in the amount of FUEL: Royall & Borden Furniture' Go:, 127 Fayettevile St. A GOLDEN O ' -A Is . yours in the sale of fine Jewelry here at prices that will suit all pocket-books. Dainty designs in Brooches, Pins, and Rinf?s, and the latest . novelties in. Waist Pins, Huckios, Bracelets, Lorgnette Chains, NecK laoes and Pendants are shown. Don't miss this opportunity, von- will be sure to find something you vvant, for yourself or somebody else. ti , M A a L. E.tiS' SOUS U MEED NOT I 0 W Until you get all the money if you need rsome things for tire housercome and get" - it, pay down what you can, and if you pay the remainder in .installment pay ments, weekly or 30, 60, or 90 days, it will not cost you anymore here than it would most places if you paid SPOT CASH. Come in and talk with us. We are reasonable and want to accommo date you. CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, FAYETTE VILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C. , fr THE TIMES RENTS ROOMS QUICKLY You can instantly B live the question, of where to linil that room you liave Imvii looking for. . Tlie Tillies AA'iuit A'l. roliiiiins are the clearing house for just that problem. The very room you arc looking for, Aniiislied or unfurnished, in the very dis trict you want, in the sort of a house you like lx'st, is uniting for you. Every day in The Tinien AVnnt Ad. columns such rooms are offered. From the suinptuous i apartment to the modest rooms jnst hljjenonn'' to At -up tidily all are advertised in The Times. ' . Hr-re at a Klanrea quirk as a flush you have lliem Jiefore you. v Day by day Ihere am new, ones of ..' . '.- f.-ml. . ' ' Or pi'rhups It's tlie other way. You have a delight-. fnliroom to rent.' Teur down that bill, tlmt"- disfigure your house. The' same pi-ople pnitN tlirongh yonr street every day. They hnvo homes. -The peoplei who- are liHiklng for rooms read The. "Tlinea. They'ro looking , for that rMmi of yours. RememlM-r The Tlines, pHt'ln",? . your ad. and there the question lMiolved 1 .- " v i "..'' .-. ' Don't forget, you S H'ker fora rooms, that good, ' large, airy rtmms run be had nt us sma&; eost. usually ,' as dingy, . ill-ventilated ones, and the qoJchewt ? Way (o , v - find tliem Is to reud the Clnssilled Vitnl Columns Of . V The Times. ' "New York Cotton. , (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, 'Oct. 28 Cables were dis appointing and the ginning report was construed as rather bearish at the opening of the cotton market. ' Senti ment, however, was rather bullish and it .seemed that many traders Were wait ing for the ginning report to purchase ootton which caused prices to rally to Saturday's final prices., ' " i . ' rjpeninirV Oct., 9,08 to 9.10; Dee.". M0 Ut- S.str Ji.!, Ml to .!;" ifi!roh',".CS to (.t4; May, (.90 to Ml; July, 1.61 to Raleigh, s:c P PO RTU N ITY. I i .t ftHE .AVAST AllS. CASTOR IJS For Infanta and Childxmv Xti Kind You Kan Aajj BssU- ; Bear the F'nrture o