T A T T?mTT . . I . I - ri .... " -- -I 1 I I I' . H.HI II HII 1 I.... - Min Ann Kelfy came in from Apexf today. . ' . - ' Mr. and Mrs. (J. 5Starllng went to Clayton today. . ' ' ,n iSrn. V. d. Tompkins "and son went to Richmond today. ,.. I1' - ' " Mrs. Z. P. Smith and Miss Eliciting left today Xor New York City-. Kt. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher, of New. fork, are at the Tarborougn. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Davis, of Wake Forest, are spending the day in the city. Mrs. Alma Dorsett returned to the city from Slier City and Sanford to day. Miss Pattle Carroll is In Durham pending a few days with her sister, Mrs. L. A. Carr. ; . '" . Mrs. William Royali will leave to morrow for Brooklyn, N. Y., to spend a few weeks with relatives. Miss Florence Bagwell returned to her home at Garner today after spend ing yesterday with relatives in the city. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harrison and Miss Ruth Conyers went to Wake Forest today where they will make their home. . ' ; . :" Mrs. William Dixon, of Wake Forest, is In the city as the guest of Mrs. Wiley Rogers, on north Wilmington street. . Mrs. J. C. L. Harris returned from Richmond today. The condition of her grandson. Charles Johnson, it slightly Improved. .. ; Mrs. M. W. Crocker left today for Richmond to be with her little nephew, Charles C. Johnson, Jr., who has been ill for several weeks. Mrs. W. H. Williams, of Durham, who has been in the city visiting hei brother, Mr; J. W, Denmark, left to day to visit in Goldsboro. - . . Miss Kate Arrington went to Rocky Mount today, and Master John Arring ton Phillips returned to his home at Battlcboro. after a visit to his grand mother, Mrs. J. p. Arrington. Mrs. H. D. MacMlllan, of-Teachey, passed through the city today return ing home from Wake Forest, where she has been at the -.bedside of her brother, who was operated on for appendicitis. Kentness Book Club, The Kentness Book Club will meet with Miss Sallie Dortch at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. . The haliowe'en party which was given at the residence of Mr. H. B. Greason last Friday evening, for bene fit of Epworth M; E. church, was a great success. A large crowd was present and all seemed to enjoy it. A handsome sum was raised. Much credit is due the ladies whose efforts were so successful. ' . It will be of interest to many Ral eigh people to learn of the marriage of Mrs. J. F. Maloney, of Henderson vllle, and Mr. . L. Gordon Harvey, a lawyer of Savannah, Ga which event took place at Columbia, S. C. a few days ago. The bride Was formerly Miss Tidie Sledge and was one time a resident of Raleigh. c LOCAL BSI17I Business was brief, nothing doing, in the police court today. Mr. Percy : B. Fleming returned this morning from Louisburg whither he had gone to cast a straight demo cratic vote. He found everything In its usual good shape. Mr. Frank Wilson, who went to Richmond a few days ago to undergo an operation at a hospital there, '-hag returned to the city. The physicians In charge deferred the operation on ac count of Mr. Wilson's health. The Elks Club has arranged for receiving the election returns at Its club rooms. Invitations have been Is sued to friends in the city.' The com mittee In charge Is: composed of Messrs. A. H. Arrington, R. D. God win and H. J. Johnson. Ivory Soap is the standard by which all other soaps are judged. Some soap manufac turers , claim that their product is "as good; or Vas pure" or'as cheap!' as Ivory. " . ' . ' rPossibly,, itJs. r But neither you nor ny other sensible Voman rJviU bother,. With the "as good" kind! oulvant real Ivory Soap; not the imitation kind.; j ' ' Ivory Soapv ' 5jTO-NIGIIT , PERSONALS -St. Mr. A. P. Npell, of Lynchburg, is In the city. Dr. S. Hasswell, of Haw River, spent the day in the city. Mr. H. J.' Latta, of Wilson, spent the day in the cjty. Mr. H. E. Ddge,, of Now York, is in the city on business. Mr. W. V. Dean, of Norfolk, is regis tered at the Giersch. Mr. Arthur C. Goodwin, of -Green ville, S. C, is in the city. . Mr. I. N. Dodson, of Greensboro, is registered at the Yarborough. . Mr. R. . B. Bony, of Duckport, La., was a visitor to the city today. --' Mr. E. J. Hollingsworth; of Tiffin, Ohio. was at the Giersch today. Mr. Harry Howell, who has been at the Gk-rsoh for a few days, left yes terday. . Mr. . F. Eugene Hester has returned to the State Hospital from a short visit to Zebulon. A WILD CHALLENGE. How the Would-bP Senator Fronr Wake Fell Down. Hon. Chas. E. Wildes, republican candidate for the senate, is one of the eagle-eyed ward-heelers keeping tab on the ballot box in the first ward. Charley created great amuse ment this morning by challenging aj voter. The man had just cast partCalled to them t0 eet off and come ,n. of his ballot when Charley "eased side one or the other 0ne repHed. up" to him and said: "By God. I'll ride here if I want to." I hate to do it. but I'll have 'OjOne of them knocked McCoy's cap challenge you,", The man was astonished. He knew he had paid his poll tax but couldn't show his receipt. An altercation en sued aud Wildes was asked to show cause. Right there the Honorable Charley fell down. It seems that he had two lists in his pocket, one a certitted list of the voters from thezed by, something struck him on the clerk, aud the other a list of the iu-!top ot the head and he became un- euglDies. in ,ius coniusion had mixed his lists; "You can't vote," said the ea'gle eyed Charley," because you aint paid your poll tax. Here's your name on the list," and he pointed triumphant ly to the gentleman's na'tne. "Let me see that list" said Mr. W. B. Snow. He took it, turned back to the first page and there it was "A Certified List of the Voters of the First Ward." Wildes subsided and the gentleman voted. HiilltiwcVu Fittingly Obwi'vetl. ';' , Chapel Hill. Noy; ..; 2--Tue Hallo we'en party, given at. the home of Dr. and Mrs. George Howe. Saturday night, was a great social event. Students, faculty and towns-people were all present and enjoyed the many weird wriggling curiosities and phantom effects of "ye olden tynie," enhanced by the cunning array of comical figures, dexteriously dis played" by the Ingenious hostess. Every nook and corner la the spacious halls were crowded with ghostly-jjpec-tacles devils with tails, Jack-o'Lan-terns and witches the trees in the yard were even laden with ghosts, and all the surroundings were "spooky." Every one enjoyed the evening to the fullest extent. - AMERICAN MOTHER OK ROXBURGHE LINE. London, Nov. 3 The bir th of an heir to Lord and Lady A Install- Innea-Ker has resulted In society extending Its subtle commiseration to the Duke and Duchess of Roxburghe;- Lord Inness Ker is brother and In' the absence of a son to the Roxburghes heir to the ducal estates and titles. Since the marriage of May Goelet to the Duke In 1902 no nursery has been Installed in the Roxburghe Castle and It Is now tire gossip of society that the American Duchess yractlcally de spairs of ever providing an heir to the title.... ;. '..-'.' , . Alret!y . Lady Innes-Ker, w ho was formerly Miss Elolso Breese, of New Yoiik; Is being pointed to a the mother oC ttfe future line of Dukes of Rox burghe. ' WOMAN T.F.n RAVI1 OF I MEN ROBBERS VH PARIS. Paris, Nov. 8 Paris Is holding its sides with laughter at the result of the polled investigation into 'the life of Catherine 8allay, chief of a band of male robbers, who . has Just been nauglit.- Catherine 1 thirty and good looking,. She has been married twice, has Ave children, among htm twins eighteen months old. ., Despite her family responslbllrUrt; whlch, the police say, the discharged with exemplary devotion, Madame Sal. lay found time to head a band of burglar and sneak thieves. , She also taught boys an girle the gentle art ot' picking pockets and chop lifting. In alt these Industries ehe amused quite -. fortune mpoijlont ln eluding a, well fumlshM eight-roam retiaeoce'aad , "We, bn)l c C 'JjONQ NON-STOP RUN. .. 'i! ' . i v.. i Gre4t Peial of Intetest Being Taken 'bj.'Aatomobilists of the State. . (Special to The Times) Charlotte, Nov. 3 As part of an extended .program that is being car ried out today by, 115 Chalmers-Detroit agents in as many diftecent towns, "the Osmond L. Barringer Com pany will send a car 'out for a ?00 mt jp; Qstop run... This is the first attempt ot this , kind that has'-been mad' in' North;' Carolina and automo- ! bilists in general are taking. ;greaf deal of jnterest in it. The start will be' made from the front of the Bar ringer garage promptly at 9 o'clock and the course will be out the Provi dence road four miles and a half and then back through town and out" the Sloan's Ferry road to the old J3towe place and then back to the square. This will make a total of 25 miles and Will be covered eight times! A lose record of oil, 'gasoline, and water will be kept and the mileage per gallon will be figured from this. , As the city Are deportment expects some time to Be Interested in tpotor? jriven apparatus Chief W. S. Orr has detailed one of his men as observer and he will stay on the car through the whole distance td certify as to any- repairs or tire work that, may be done. Assault. Car Conductor. ;' After being confined to the Presby terian Hospital for a number of days following an assault upon him with a tpek on the night of October 15th, cir cus day. Conductor J. A. McCoy, of the Charlotte Consolidated Construc tion Company's Street railway force, testlfled'vyesterday in the recorder's court against Boyce and Clarence Alexander, negroes arrested -on -the ehargeHjf being hte assailants. At the conclusion itt'f the case, both de fendants were held in the sum of $300 bonds each'Kor appearance at superior court, December term. They gave bond. While the car, which was city bound from Dilworth, was nearing the power house, said the conductor, he saw two negroes jump on the rear of the car. outside the vestibule. He off and both alighted. The car was quickly stopped and the conductor went back after his cap. Boyce, the yellow negro, said, "I am not the one who hit you. Don't come too near me." Just as McCoy started to pick up his hat Clarence shot at him twice. Just as the second shot whlz- conscious. The rock was thrown, he asserted by the yellow negro from be hind. ' .. " - ; The negro with the pistol said "Stop, or I'll kill you," before he fired twice. Read the pain formula on a box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain mtans congestion Mood pressure some. where. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tab lets cheek head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see! 20 for 25c, Sold by Henry T. Hicks -Co, ,P APE'S DIAPEPSIN COMPOUND For Ions Dyspepsia, of appetite, Indigestion, Heartburn. Made from thf purest lngrellcnts. Get a cane now and eat, one Triungule after your , next meal. 50c. the Case. THE HICKS DU VG COMP ANY. Both Phone. I SOMETHING NEW IN WOMEN'S HATS. .-:.. '.'.'' : ; Etery day brings ne style tiJ ; Smart Walking HaU, Chic and! Stylish ' Drew Hat Everrl ' model deaelghed with rcferencr to pecomingnewi, being , pre- pared in onr own work-rooms, which most women are aa par-l tlcalar about as the ityle-fea-l MES. OWEN, i v; MISS DENTON, - '; milliners,. West Hargett Street; . . - i - . ,- -v - - " " ." , .. . i. .. . , . 9 We have an ., elegant line of Children's, Misses' and Lades' Coats in all the new colors and styles x'::A Children's Coats from $1.50 to $5.00. Misses' Coats from $2.50 to $7.50. , Ladies' Coats from $3.50 to $17.50. It will pay you to look at these before you buy. -'f We have a special $10 Ladies' Coat, fut satin lined with silk braid or satin lining which is a beauty. T5he Opposite DISTIXGrlSHED VISITORS. President Roosevelt's Commission on Country Life to Visit Raleigh. The commission appointed by President Roosevelt to Investigate rural conditions nnd devise ways and means of bettering country life will honor Raleigh with a visit next week. Those of the commission who will visit Raleigh are Dr. L. H. Bailey, of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; Mr. Henry Wallace, editor of Wal lace's Farmer, Des Moines, ..." Iowa: Dr, Kenyon L. Butterlield, president of Massachusetts--'Agricultural Col lege; Hon. Walter H. Page, editor of World's Work, New York City; Hon. Gilford Pinchot, United States com missioner, of Washington, D. C. Theie distinguished men will be at the A. & M. C6llege here next. Monday aud Tuesday. The commission' is doing a great work. It is honestly investigating conditions and will do. great things Little Margaret Austin III, Little Margaret Austin, the three-year-old daughter of Assistant Sani tary Inspector Austin, la. very low with miningitis. She has been ill for nearly two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Austin have scores of friends' who will regret to hear of the child's sickness. ' -" : ChuiH-I Hill Notes. (Special to The Times.) "" ' v Chuiiol Hill, Nov. T -The ; Rev. Richard W. Hogue, of Wltmlngton, N. (.'.. rector of the Episcopal' church, preached his first sermon Sunday. He succeeds r. Vf. -'H... Meade as new rector of thf "Chacl of the Cross." Mr. S. J. Brockwell, we are pleased to learn, Is convalescing: fr6m the nevere attack of lead poisoning. Mr. John T. Johnston.' who has 'been confined in the inflrmory tor four weeks with typhoid fever, has grone to his home In the country to recuperate before resuming; his studies In the University. ; -' The University team defeated Rich mond College by a score of 17 ' to 12 In the .fourth series of. match games Saturday. : ,- , ''.. , iV. i. .. f) We h ave th c Pipes ever shown in Raleigh KING-CROWELL Drug Co. i " .. . . ,. n l) Post Office. Every Woman k ia interested and Phouid know i Aboat the worn ien ul Marvel "K'"n Ask onr drnselst for it If he fun not (nnnlr th MARVEL accent na otber. but Bend ftt&mn for fllst- tmtpd bnok relied. It iflTes full B.irtlrii1flm nni itirwtlnnft lnvulnftMo toladiex " MARVKL CO. 4 t. 23d St.. Ntw Ye GOOD GOODS Tastefully arranged under Electric Light will bring customers to a store as sure ly as an Electro-Magnet will attract a needle. CAEOLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY. nOTH 'PHOXES. FOR SALE. Four choice lots lefti' in. Glenwood, on. car line. ;' '' '.,,', One nice cottage home, 5 rooms on Linden Avenue, half block from car line. Other line property for Investment in Idlewild. Apply to R. T. HUNTER, Phone 802F. swell est I in e of n 1 .gvvrBa."..iii .i Valuable Property -COTTAGE - v: ' - "4 - . : r 't iiniiiiiiif -' ' '' ' "' ''-.' i,;'.':'j--: ."-.''.''.' : '' ' -) Look in our window and seej this attrac tive dining room suit consisting Round Table; China Case, Serving Table and 6 Chairs, all quarter-sawed golden oak . . , ; ' i. " ;, ..'.-.,....' ''.?. :,'.:.. '.- '.-'.' ' -.; "'-::' "':-''-.'' '' -.'v:'-:..::.-.-. Just One of Our Big Values Royall & Bortlsn Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteville St. Raleigh, N. C A GO LD EN O P PORTUNlTY. . i, ' i " '..-' Is yours In the sale of fine Jewelry here at prices that will suit all J . pocket-books. i Uamiy designs in oroofues, t-ius, huu xtiuss, iuiu uie laicsi, novelties in Waist Pins, Bucle3, Bracelets, Lorgnette Chains, NecK laces and Pendants are shown. , " Don't miss this opportiinity, your will be sure to find something . you want, for yourself or somebody else. H, M A H LER. SONS ' Jewelers Raleigh. N. C iT" nirr 4 LOOK EIGHT ' 0 T s A. C. MINTON, NORTH CAROUNA'S FOREMOST TAILOR. Carolina Trust liuilding, Kaleigh, X. C. ttim fiiO.OO value, time we are price of You all "know what great bargain we have otrcred hereto fore In Coat Suita, but tills Is one of the greatwt sales we have ever attempted since our opening. ; ' ,' - This morning ' we received some more JLadles' Sweaters which ; have grown so popular, especially among the Misses, 'Don't put off a day to visit us and see these ;tbto prlt.,'. -, . -i mm ' CAPITA!. OITY PHONE 802. ' 1 Masonic- Tefcple, - Hargett Street, h - ' WIS AIIE AOKATS FOR :-- - ; '..- - i t -. i'-.v.'-' ' -' .' - FEEL RIGHT! Wear clothes thut viubuAy reliable fabric, superior workniansMii, Indi vidual style, comfortable tyt and neat appearance clothes tlint are .... . . Made Expressly for Yiu. Such clothes are positively econonl- ' " cal, for if made by us they cst much less than other tailors charg, and wear for at least two seasons. Qur Display Room is bristling with the seasonable Ideas in nobby patterns, not to be seen else where, unci we urce vour prompt se lection of cloth for a nifty suit or I overcoat. If we can't satisfy you, we won't take your money. Ml Mc ! goiK lo"1' out ai nie pnouomenai Coat Suits. Only a few of them at PEERLESS PATTERNS. I

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