"1"" I" THE EVENING TDfES: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1908. PAorS KZEZ2 i hinders so far as thto is concerned The league financially is In a good condition and the addition of these two prospective clubs would not like ly affect in. any wise the treasuries of the several clnba. ' "The more the merrier" holds one good to some ex tent In baseball 'and from what has appeared in the papers of the Various cities which now have teams in the Carolina Association, there is little objection to the incsase.' Let ' min. Charlotte Observer, Suffered Broken -tie. Concord, Nov. '23 In 'an attempt to n: rir.uhlo n born-d a wagon from the rem- rrd Saturday afternoon, Master Early Watsrfh, he 7-year-old: son of Mr. anil :,trn. J. U Watson, caught h'n lofvlos brea the spokes of tiie wiisou wheel .und sustained a broken . I -?jv both bonea' in tha leg being bro ken Just abdve the ankle. Hearing Mm child 8 w reams the driver stopped the w.igon I 'time 'to pre vent him from bcins drawn In and crushed to death. The little fellow is resting easy today, though he is suf fering intense pain at times. Much interest centers in the auc tion sale Wednesday, of the magnifi cent plaat of the Odell Manufactur ing Company. , All Concord and Ca barrus county is. Interested in the af fair and. it has been a theme of gen eral conversation for the past week. Charlotte Serins Willing. Columbia used to laugh at Char lotte through the organs of the, capi tal city of the Palmetto State about wanting to get In the Sallie League; the tables have turned. With aspira tions brighted toward continuing In that company on' account of heavy financial loss,' the fans have turned their orbs toward the Carolina As sociation as a fit place in which to cast a team, and Billy Laval is talk ed of in a managerial capacity. Tha I trend of the chat is that Columbia and aftleigh would like to get a berth in this company, and make it an eight-club affair, . -Will they be allowed to come in? That is the question which is of cuuuu.ii jusi now. u nas appeared easeB ot the nook wornl( arrived in in -time past that the directors of the tne elty yesterday afternoon and last league are amenable to a proposition nlght at the Elks' temple addressed like that and the supposition is they a large gathering of Wilmington and stil are. The oplnipn which prevails ; visiting physicians upon the particu in this particular domain of fandora - Iar oranch of BClence in which he ha is that both cities would be gladly specialized. The address is spoken received and given the warm and'of by the profession as having been sympathetic grasp, but only with the'one of gr(,at learning and research cusuntc understanding tnat they do and was heartily enjoyed by the phy- FOR THE LAST TIME Nfl ilYXPFPSli iiU i u i vi iji uiii AFTER TODAY As to Youthful Prisoners. , Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 23 Sam P. Collier, clerk of the United States court in this city, has received from Judge Thomas R. Purnell two im portant orders governing procedure in criminal cases in the district court in the future. . One provides that male prisoners, white and negro, un der the age of sixteen years, shall hereafter when sentenced in the court, be sent to the National Train ing School for Boys in Washington, D. C. . The second order 1b that here after female prisoners sentenced to terms if imprisonment will be con fined in such prisons as the depart ment of justice may designate upon application to that authority, instead of to tne prison at Nashville, Tenn., which is no longer available for this purpose. The order is to be "entered on the docket at Wilmington and cer tified copies of the same furnished to the clerks of the federal courts at Elizabeth City, New Bern and Wash ington, N. C. " : Dr. J, L. Nicholson, of Rlchlands, N. C, a recognized authority on dis- Four Stars to Don Uniform Last Time Thompson, Von Glr.lin, StwiiR and Stroud to End Their Football Ca reer In a Waste or Glory by Defeat ing th Strong V. P. 1. Eleven,1 Prompt' Cure tor Ingestion : and Stomach Misery not seriously interfere ','. with Char lotte's pennant-winning ambitions. From a geographical point of view, both are well situated and nothing THE GEM David and Goliah (A a,no Feet Feature Film) The Janitor Falsely Accused. (A Thrllliiw Dramu) No time to get "That Tired Forling" when at our show. There is something doing all the time. PRICES: Sc. and 10c. COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILY. Foster & Mansfield sicians in attendance. Interest Is added to Thursday's game by the fact that It Is the last time four of the A. & M. stars will ever represent their alma mater on the gridiron. bni Thursday evening Thompson, Stevens, Von Olahn and Stroud, four players that would do' credit to any team. Will have played their last game of football. Thompson, the great fullback and kicker, matriculated at A. & M. after a year at Davidson and has rounded his four years. He graduates in June. StevehS; captain and quarterback of this year's' team, will also receive his sheep skin. In his freshman year he played on the scrubs, but next year made end and in his junior and senior years - has played a star game at quarter. Voii Olahn, the big 200-pnund,. G feet 0-lneh tackle, played two years on his class team and this is his second on the 'varsity. Dr. Joe! Whitaker has pro nounced him the. greatest linesman the south has produced since Louie Glnon. John Stroud, IW-pound halfback, played one year on his class team, one year us 'varsity tackle nnd this in his second year as halfback. It was John that handed the lemon to Virginia last Thanksgiving day. These men Will do or die to finish out their football career with a great victory and will play the best game of their life next Thursday. This game promises to be one of the greatest football battles ever seen in the south. The V. P. I. team, with its great kicker, Hodgson, is a power ful one, and was only beaten by the Navy In to 4, Hodgson incidentally kicking a goal. If A. & M. wins the University of Virginia can elnim the championship of Virginia, and every V. P. I. man will do his utmost to prevent this. A Female Hobo. Statesvllle, Nov. 23 A girl hobo dressed in men's overalls passed through Statesvllle yesterday morn ing in aa empty box ,car of a west bound frieght train. The train re mained here a few minutes and the young woman got out of the car and walked about the station. A man who conversed ' with her said she was a very pretty girl and stated that she and a male companion who was secreted ia another car were beating ! their way from Baltimore to Florida. She wore pants for the advantage of them over dresses In swinging trains, and to disguise herself as a man. MATTRESS FACTORY BURNED. (Except Friday) -8TARTIXG MONDAY, NOV. 23. . HUTTON-BAILEY STOCK CO. In a repertoire of High-Clam Come ' "'. den and Dramas, with First 'Class Vaudeville lie- twevn Acta. OPENINO PLAVi . "THE LITTLE PRINCESS." Prices. . 10c, 20c, and 30r. Reserved Seats on Hale Saturday, 10 a. in. One Lady Free With Each 'Paid 81k?. Ticket, providing Tick H Are Purchased Before 7:00 p. m. Monday, November 23. 92,800 Fire at Stovall, Granville :.' County, (Special to The Times) Oxford, Nov. 231 A telephone message from Stovall. Granville county, con veys information to the effect that a destructive Are occurred there early Saturday morning, the looser by the fire was the Acme Manufacturing Company, under the firm name of T. W. Stovall Company, manufac turers of mattresses. The entire plant was consumed, with no Insurance to cover loss. The loss was estimated at J2.5C0. The origin of the Are Is unknown. Also meager Information was receiv ed here that a fire occurred at Dabney, of which no definite particulars could be obtained. LICENSE REVOKED, Insurance Company is Excluded from .'.';., State. Insurance Commissioner Jas. R. Young has excluded from the state the Ohio German Insurance Company of Toledo, Ohio. Agents are warned to write no business for this county. It Is understood that application has been made for' the appointment of a receiver. V. Why, hot start now today, . and forev'ei' rid' - yourself of Stomach trouble and Indigestion? A dieted stomach geta the blues and grum bles, Give it a good eat,' then take' Pape's Dlapepsin to start the digest ive juices working. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of Gas or eruc tations of undigested food; no feel ing like a lump of lead in the stom ach or heartburn, sick headache and Dizziness, and your food will not fer ment and poison your breath with nauseous odors.' Pape's Dlapepsin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug store here, and will relieve the most obstinate case of Indigestion and Up set Stomach in five minutes. There is nothing else better to take Gas from Stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and, be sides, one triangule will digest and prepare for assimilation Into the blood all your food tiie same as a sound, healthy stomach;, would do It. When Dlapepsin works, your -stom ach rests- gets itself in order, cleans up and then you feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you-eat will do yon good. Absolute relief from all Stomach Misery is waiting for you us soon as I you decide to begin taking Dlapepsin. Tell your druggist that you want to be thoroughly cured of: Indigestion.'. Rule's Creek Notes. (Special to The Times) Bule's Creek, Nov. 2:1 Rev. ED; Detective' - O'Brien, had arrested John A. Filzpatrick, aged 4.1, and W. A. Fiupalriek, aged 3ft. alleged confed erates of Meyers, and late last, night Richard Krlnsley Sheridan, a multi millionaire of Wilkesbarie, accom panied by John M. Carman, former democratic state chairman, his per sonal eouasel, arrived here lo prose cute Meyers and' the Fitzpntrick ill mmrnlmmk vgt)k ., --m , -m-IppiWIpllii ii3teA: aiiiiiMaitV hmmm . --mi- - ,Al - - ' 1 "l - ' M:0i'V t- ' ' ' :-:.-."-:: .,:iX-. WBBBK0 yi : ;liiliP7 1 J ' f - -4fiW-- - . di t . . m. Paul Gil more In "The lloys of Company BO YLAN-PE ARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCECO. si 5 THE WOMAN'S STORE HIGHEST QUALITIES, LOWEST PRICES. THANKSGIVING SALE WARM WINTER FUnS if ALL STAR GAME. & M. Poe, now a ministerial student ni Wake Forest, a former student hi're, has just closed a 'meeting of great power here. Yesterday 14 were bap- brothers. There- is considerably more behind the arrests than I'olice Superintend ent McQtiude is will to publicly dls- ilzed, making 73 baptisms here tais cuss. ':.. Deluctlve O'Brien Is also very year. Thanksgiving servlcas will dose-mouthed, but It is known that a be ob- well-known I'iUsliurger accompanied served Thursday. The collection last Meyers to Wllkesbarre when the lat- year for the orphans amounted to $50. We hope to do as well this year. .: .'-.-.' '.'..:' Local Footballista to Meet A. Freshmen. The all stars, a local football ag gregation, will meet the strong A. M. freshmen eleven at the A. & M. athletic field tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 p. m. The teams are about equally matched and a lively match Is -promised. The local club is com posed of Lewgab, R. E.; Harris, R. T. ; Massey, R. G. ; Goodwin, C, ; Holding, L. G.; Brockwell, L. T.: Jeffrey, L. E.; Ivey, Q.; Creele, R. H. B.i Betts, F. B.; Yerby, L. H. B. SUPERIOR COURT TERMS, Court in (ErilTY k , A PROGRAM: THE MERRY WIDOW HAT. THE YVITCH. THE. ACTOR'S CHILI). , Nothing is Too Gbod for pur Patrons. Session in About i Counties Today. Superior court convehed this morn ing In ten counties. These are: - Pas quotank, Judge Guion presiding; Craven, Judge O; H. Allen; Duplin,; Judge Lyon; Cumberland, Jude Biggs; Moore, Judge Webb; Gran ville, Judge Jones; Rowan, Judge Long; Surry, Judge Counclll; Gas ton, Judge Justice; Macon, Judge Peebles. " Court is also in session in about six other counties, two weeks' ses sions being begun last Monday ter is alleged to have worked a swln die on Shcridaj. ..''' The only . T'litsburg victim so far discovered by the-policy is Theodore N. Uarnsdall, millionaire oil opera tor. Meyers and the Fitzpatrlcks are Sixteen credited with getting f 1,000 from . IBarnsdall on some sort of a deal in oil leases. There Is every possibility that llarusdall may prefer a charge against tlio Fiizpatrtcks today. ANOTHER PROMOTER ARRESTED J. Monet flore, Wyers Arrented in Pittsburg and Charged With Grand Larceny, (By Leased Wire to The Times) Pittsburg, Pa Nov. 23 Develop ments In the 'case of J. MonCoftore I Myers, the promoter, whd was arrest- . ,ed at Hotel Schenloy Saturday by De tective William H. O'Brien, cam) rap-'' Idly yestereday nnd today. Meyers, ! yesterday was taken hack toNew. lYork to face tevertl charget of fcrand, lareehy In' the first degree. .',.' tl U I J tie waiTiatui; oitT ot Urtlty' untl 1 J i The styles in Neck Pieces and Muffs for this season are both novel and . -rwfttr . i .1 '7'. ') '' -. . ' .' :-:-..::(i." "-; Complete line of Neck Pieces, Shawls Throw .Scarfs, Pelerenes,.-Long -Boas, Cravats, and Bow Ties. '' -:- '-xj; In Muffs we sha wAuto Muffs, Rug Muffs, Pillow Muffs, Flat Muffs in animal effects and strictly novelty shapes. , The. Variety of Furs is as great as the variety of designs. All prices, according to qualities desired, i' " " $3.50. $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, to $35.00 up. MANNISH TAILORED SUITS. New arrivals by most every Express. Where there are so "many, :to at tempt to define any particular style would be at the expense . of the others. They are here in the most fashionable modes, in quantities, qualities, jb6lor ing, and becoming styles suited to all figures, medium, slim, or stout." , -The price-range is from .... . . ..... $15.00, $18.50,' $25.00 to $65.00 ANOTHER NEW LOT OF SKIRTS. It is easy choosing, where the variety is so great, as to gratify thermo'st capricious wishes of woman, and the prices within the range oi all purses, ; - $4.98, $7.50, $10.00 td $18.50 LARGE PICTURE HATS. ' . Most faithful reproductions of latest Paris Styles in Millinery at half the prices of the originals. Beautiful specimens for . . ; . $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 up LA GRECQUE AND KABO CORSETS. The foundation for all fine dresses is in the perfect outlines brought out in the perfect-fitting Corset. The best, to our judgment, sold on the American.' I.i market are the La u-recque ana Jiabo uorsets. .- $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, to $8.50 LADIES' SWEATERS. ., Sweaters are scarce and hard to get. A couple of dozen just received. White and white with colored borders .... . $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, and $5.00' j THANKSGIVING LINEN. ? Silver Bleach Pure Irish Flax Table Damasks, in scores of patterns: j Roses, Vines, Leaves, Ferns, Poppies, Tulips, Chrysanthemums, etc. ' $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 to . $2.00 German Linen Damasks, half and full bleach, 50c, 59c, 75c, 85c, and $1.00 ? New Napkins, Doilies, Lace and Mexican Drawn Work Center Pieces, Scarfs, f and Toilet Sets, Damask, Huck-a-buck and Crash Towels. NEW KID GLOVES, NEW VEILINGS, NEW RUCHINGS, NEW NECK FIXINGS, .NEW HANDKERCHIEFS, NEW PILLOW TOPS, A -. NEWNESS IN EVERYTHING YOU SEE DISPLAYED ALL ABOUT : THE STORE. . 1 . i BOYLAN-PE ARCE COMPANY. III 1 TOX-IUILEY CO. TONIGHT. The advance sale of seats indicate that, the Academy Will be well-filled tonight when the Hutton-Bailey Stock Company.-start a week's engagement, cvept Friday night, at popular I'rices, presenting a . different play ear'.i night, with matinees Thursday nnd Saturday. The play tonight will be the pretty pastoral comedy drama, "Little Princess." Popular priced attractions are very much, in vogue with all classes of theatre-goers all over the country at the present time, and no doubt the Hutton-Bailey Company will attract large, crowds to the Academy this week,' as they made a very favorable Impression here last season. High-class specialties by real vau devllle artists will be presented be tween acts, thus insuring a continu ous performance from start to nnlsii PAl'L- G1LMORK COMING. Paul Gilmore, who Is billed to ap pear at the Academy of Music on Frl' day evening, November 27, Is Bpoken of in a recent criticism as " a faith ful student of nature. When he com pletes his moulding of a stage puppet he endows It with his own full, rich, personal, alive nature. He has the rare gift of perceiving and graphi cally presenting individual charac ter. He never loses hold of the essen tials of his art and his work always presents extraordinary interest." It will be gratifying to see Mr. Gilmore in his new part of Tony Allen in "The Boys of Company B", his greatest and the most essentially Gll moresque role he has ever had. AT THE GAIETY. "Beauty and the Beast," which is one of the best and prettiest dramas ever produced, has been secured by The Gaiety management, and will be put on for a two days' run, begin ning tomorrow. This is a most beautiful little fairy tale, and all who have ever seen It are carried away with Us art'.sttc beauty and attractiveness. - A Bible Play. The Gem Theatre will have on to night one of the greatest Bible plays ever produced In this country and those who are Interested in the beau tiful stories of the Bible will do fell to go to tne Gem tonight and iee this beautiful play. David and jQo liath, the great Bible story, will" be given. This is a double reel, bqing 2,000 feet long, and if one of (the finest films ever produced. Tou should go to the Gem. tonight find take the children to see this sieat : Bible story. jot. LOSES AN EYE. Young Deaf nnd Dumb Lawyer . fers Further Misfortune. Roger O'Kelly, the young negro -lawyer, suffered the loss of an eyfe In a football game at Shaw Saturday. The young man is deaf and dumb and the added affliction will be hard to bear, " - . - ,. , - . Young Kelley IS a negro of good appearance, bright and energetic. He was recently granted license to prac tice law. He will have the ""tym pathy of not only the people of hie own race but of the white people who know him. When You Go to California Take the Old Overland Trail I ' Alma Mae Totten With Huttoa-Balley -, , Stock Company, ' Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Today you travel, that route in comfcrt and ease, J r surrounded by luxury. -' r Electric Block Signal Protection iLesaEe road to travel ( w fs Composite Observation Cars, Pullman Drawing : Room and Compartment Sleeping Cars, Dining Cars all electric lighted and well ventilated ".y books, magazines, market reports everything you can think of to make the journey a pleasure. The OverSancl Limited 5m trip, Airing momii, to YtBowitori Park, at low rat on all through tlekttt. Writt fmr 04oU J. F. VanRensselaer, O: A., 124 pciU-cctreel, Atlanta. : -? crj 'i

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