PAC2 TWO THE EyENIfciG TIMES: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1908. TUE DARRL'JAN CASE S:itt3 Dissolve Union Pacific . Systeni - , Government Began Taking Evidence ' This Morning Alleged That Mer . ger of Lines la in Restraint of ,. Trade and Contrary to Law. . (By Leased Wire to The Times) New Tork, Dec 1 The govern ment's suit to dissolve the Union Pa- clflc.RaHroad system controlled by amost an over E. H. Harriman reached the evidence- ngnt relie' or cure, taking stage today. The govern- Testimonials unsolicited come to us ment began this morning taking tes- daily of the rret success Pyramid Pile timony in the litigation in which it. Cure is making. is alleged that the railroad merger j Cases of ten and fifteen years have lit question was brought about in re- been cured after a short time by these stralnt Of trade and contrary to the)11"'6 heelers Sherman anti-trust statute. . " W05ry ?T!ZttoT.i The bill filed in the suit demands fsalrneedhSPltal ratlns tabIe that the court set aside the ownership ' Don.t skeptical, buy a box at once, xtt the Union Pacific Railroad of give yourself relief. It will not oil K f t fl wl AS H U S2.1lt)lkll laMfln an1 I . , . kva,Aa .t,al,. .ml,, a ("In 11 the San Pedro. Los Angeles and Salt j Lake Road, and the ownership by i either the Union Pacific or the Ore- ' . '.. .. .... ! gon Short Line, of stock in the Atchi son, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Qreat ; Northern and the Northern Pacific roads. These railroads are demed to be competitors of the Union Pacific and are known as Harriman lines. Several of the attorneys who are engaged in the Standard Oil hear ings are also to take part in this lit igation. They are Frank Kellogg, who, with C. A. Severance, of St. Paul, will represent the government and John G. Milburn, of Buffalo, who is assistant counsel for the defense. NUMBER DEAD 140. All the Bodies in Marianna Mine Have Been Locate. . . (By Leased Wire to The Times) Marianna, Pa., Dec. 1 When W. A. Cunningham, state mine Inspector, of Qreensburg, came up out of the mine at noon today he said that all the bodies had been located. The bodies are under falls of slate and do not number more than seven men. With the 133 bodies already recovered, this-would bring the total to 140. This is Worth Reading. Leo F. Zelnskl, of 68 Gibson St., Buffalo, N. T., says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I applied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all tores. Sold under guarantee -at ail druggists. 26c. BE cold PILES Cure d Quickly Without Pain, Great Cost, Operation or Trouble in the Secrecy of Your Own Home. Trial Package By Mail, Free. . Every druggist carries Pyramid Pile Cure in stock. Why? Because pile sufferers buy it In such quantities that the druggist is compelled to supply the demand, or io3e this class of patron age. or two applications Is all the proof you will need. Any druggist, anywhere, win supply iinn rr if vnn. nrofnp upnn lis flftV vou. or it you prerer, si-net us nity cents and we will send you a box by imail in plain wrapper, or send us your jname and aadretm and we wm senH you a trial package by mail free. Ad dress Pyramid Drug Co., 152 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall. Mich. OFF TO ATLANTA. Ten Additions to the North Carolina Society at Atlanta, Ga. United States Deputy Marshals yesterday evening carried teu prison ers t the federal penitentiary at At lanta, Ga. ; They were as follows: Joshua Clark, twenty-one months; M. T. Ritch, a year and a day; Will Crltcher, seventeen months, Joo Beale, Thomas Holmau, Sid Boykin, Tom Peele, J. N. Lee, J'. H. Haye3 and Major. Jones, each for a year and a day...; HAVES AND DORANDO WILL RACE AGAIN SOON (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York. Dec. 1 Johnny Hayes, winner of the Marathon, challenged Dorando, who defeated him at Madi son Square Garden at Hammerstain's last night to another race. Doranda i accepted. Hayes said he was not in j condition at the garden race and asked Dorando to give him another I chance. The" latter readily assented. WAVE PREPARED! By getting a pair of my llfTTI fTflM cork sole, leather lined 1 1 Lt I UN vici kid shoes. Which keeps the feet warm and dry, and are a gentleman shoe. PRICE $6.00. LADIES PREPARE Yourself with a pair of my boots in tan and black, button and laces, and the very latest styles. PRICES: $4.00 and $5.00 Ladies' Rubbers 50c to 75c. Men's Rubbers 75c to $1.00. WSSm i R0S1ITHAI, ' . ". "hie shoe rrrrER" 129 FayctlcviHc St, : : Raleigh, N. C DE5AGANS WILL HAVE INNING (By Cable to' The Times.) Paris, Dec. 1 "We shall retaliate tomorrow. It will be our day for the laying bare of- immoral lives and hid den domestic secrets." With this declaration uttered with all the emphasis of gasture at his command. Prince Helie De Sagan to day dismissed our correspondent when questioned as to the possible trend of events in tiie Palais Da Jus tice. Tomorrow the third install ment of Count Boni De Castellane's suit for the custody of his caildran will be heard. Incidentally, the count is asking for $60,000 a year for their proper maintenance. Whil the children are In the case of their mother. Princess De Sagan, extreme precautions ' are being taken against their being stolen. The mother, wiio was formerly Miss Anna Gould, the American heiress, will allow no one to see the children save their tutor, the priest, and the most intimate fi-iends of the family. The vast ma terial money value of the children has excited the French mind to such an extent that a romantic kidnap ping for princely ransom would be a fitting climax to the melodramatic domestic life. Mme. Gould according to the French interpretation of the case.. ' M. Clemenc?au, counsel for the Prince and Princess De Sagan, will present his arguments In part tomor row. Marked for Death, "Three, years ago I was marked for death. A graveyard cough was tearing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hope had fled, when my husband got Dr. King's New Disrov oy," M"s Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac. Ky. "The tlrst does helped me and improvement kept on until I had gain ed 58 pounds In weight and my health was fully restored." This medicine holds the world's healing record for coughs and colds and lung and throat diseases. It prevents pneumonia. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Dorando n Professional. (By Gable to The Times.) Rome, Dec. 1 The National Gym nastic Federation has resolved to con sider. Dorando a professional runner on the ground that he was paid to enmpeto with Hayes In the so-called Marathon race in New York. M G X Standard: Oil S:crets Bare (Continued from Frst Page.)i ' junct to the business as a whole. ! The business has outgrown transpor- t'atlon by railroad. The pipe line had I to be created to Insure regular sup ply. ;It would not havs been able to develop the o!l industry to its present efficiency we:-e it not for the pipe lines." ' . This closed the direct examination. Frank Kellogg, who has gained t-iia conbrlquet of trust buster through his eeaseles warfare against merged capital, slowly arose from his chair and faced the witness squarely. The hour was at hand when he might be able to wring from this wltn333 what he had sought for years in tae courts. The first question was: "Are you the vice president, of the Standard Oil Company?" to which; me witness stated inni ne was una oi them. Witness coul 1 not remember when he was elected.- His memory ere w bad. with the suddenness of lightning In a peaceful sky. Mr. Archbold said he has been active in the affairs of the Standard Oil Company since IS 39. He was a director in the Anglo-American Com pany. When Kellogg asked him how many years he had len a leading spirit In the Standard of New York the witness looked embarrassed and replied: "Always. V.-V- - In just half a dozen questions th-3 witness said for the first time, ; "I can't remember." It was when Kellogg asked him whether the Manhattan Oil Company of Ohio owned the Oil Creek Refin ery. The witness, after a legal tilt, was called upon to answer that the Manhattan was competing with "the Standard in Ohio. Mr. Archbold refused to produce the books of ths Anglo-American Company, saying he had not the au thority to do so. Archbold stated that he had resigned from the direc torate of the Anglo-American Com pany but was quick 16 deny that he had done so on account of an Invaati gation which was pending. : The witness fenced warily to keep it secret who the American directors of the Anglo-American are. He said he had resigned and he thought Jno. D. Rockefeller, H. 'A. Rogers, Mr. Moffitt and others had resigned, too. He refused' to furnish a list of the directors and with this unsatisfactory conclusion a recess was taken. KLKOANT DINNER IN HONOR OF MISS FORT. Mrs. Paul C. Lee gave an elegant dinner on last evening in honor of Miss Katherine Fort, whose marriage to Mr, Parker Anderson will be cele brated tomorrow morning. The table decorations were of the most beautiful, large white chrysan themums forming the" centerpiece, and being used lavishly In the deco rations. The color scheme of green and white was tastefully carried out in every detail. Green - shaded candles shed a soft glow over the scene. Dainty hand-painted Gibson heads were used as place cards, The elegant eight course dinner was served in faultless style and was a most sumptuous repast. The ice3 were especially attractive and dainty, being in the shape of white lilies. MrS. Lee was assisted in receiving her guests by her daughter, Miss Margaret Lee, and both were most gracious hostess. No more delight ful event can be numbered among ths social events of this season. Mrs. Lee's guests were: Miss Fort, Mr. Parker Anderson, Mr. Bar tell Wise, and Mr. W. M. Cowles. A Dangerous Operation. Is the remo-al of the appendix by a surgeon. No one who takes Dr. King's New Life Pills Is ever subject to this frightful ordeal. They work so quietly you don't feel them. They cure con stipation, headache, biliousness : and malaria. 25c. at all druggists. Commission Issued. Adjutan General Robertson has is sued commissions to Hugh H. Mur ray, Wilson, adjutant, and Donald J. Murray, Wilson, quartermaster of the second battalion, Second Regiment, North Carolina National Guard. John G. Ellis was commissioned second lieutenant of Company K, Third Infantry, Weldon, and special orders No. 77 were issued, for an election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Capt. O. L. Bag ley, of this company, PILES CURED IN TO 14 DATS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind or Protruding Plies In ( to 14 days or money refunded. Sue. . Pawnbroker Suicide. '' New York, Dec. 1 Mark A. New man, a pawnbroker at Hi Columbus avenue, committed suicide . in the parlor of the Hotel Roland, 6th street and Madison avenue today -by shooting himself In'the. bead; A -long Illness, coupled with a nervous break down, caused his act. i ' ' CASTOR I A For la&aU snd Children, y Bear the fBfaatwwet Society. Mrs. E. M. Martin left last night for Baltimore. ; Edenton Street Razaar. There will be one more day of the Eden ton Street Bazaar, No one should miss the opportunity of getting some dainty and attractive Christmas pres ents. Many novel and new Ideas will be found thery Nothing oould be better than the' barbecue, chicken salad and oysters. At the Home In surance building. f LINEN SHOWERGIVEN IN HONOR OF MISS FORT On yesterday afternoon one of the most pleasant social events of the sea son was celebrated, when Mrs. W. A. Wynne entertained at a linen shower in honor of the bride-elect. Miss Katlv erine fort. Receiving in the hall were Mrs. Ivan Proctor and Miss Frances Fort, who i most charmingly ushered the guests into the parlor to meet Mrs. Wynne and Miss Fort. From here they were ushered mto the linen room, where frappe was served by Mrs. K. W, Smead and Miss MUlie Fort. : In' the dining room Mrs. Nathanlal A. Dunn pretided, ahly assisted by Misa Sarah Hinton Fort, Miss Ellsa Wynne . and L.otta Watson. Delirious refreshments were served. At 5:30 came the shower. The pirlor was tastefully decorated In green and white. From an arch in the bay win dow was suspended a white parasol, from which a pouch concealed the linen gifts, among them .being beautiful drawn work, embrolderv. and batten burg. Here much merriment follow ed. The hostess first gave a rhyme, which ran thus: "Mere's to our bride-elect. While seated In queenly effect, We come to crown her In . a lovely bower 'TIs quite simply called A linen shower." Then drawing a cord from the pouch the gifts came showering down on the bride, each ope containing a ' rhyme, which was read by the bride. Then the guests, namely, Mesdamea Wade Brown, Wallace', ffiddlck, R. W. Dunn, Geo. A. Martin,' Lynn Wilder, F. P. Brown, J. L. Moore", J. P. Ray, R. E. Turner, W. R. Crawford, J. Bare foot, Robert Webb Wynne, Misses Emma Taylor, Belle Pescud, " Elsie Stockard, Pauline Hill, Henrietta Hardin, Katherine Badger, Janet Badger, Mirian Seawell, Hattie Arring ton, Maude Arrlngton, Margaret Lee, Mary Carter Ray and Mary Wynne, all said "good-bye" to their old friend, "Katherine Fort," and wished her many happy years as 'Mrs. Ander son.";. Foley's Orlno Laxative cures chron'c constipation and stimulates the liver. Orlno regulates the bowels so they will act naturally and you do not have to take purgatives continuously. King Crowell Drug Co.. ,FayetteviHe and Hargett streets. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. 'Joodiio, on Harpe St. Medicine That is Medicine. "I have suffered a good deal with malaria and stomach complaints, but I have now found a remedy that keeps me well, and that remedy is Electric Betters; a medicine that Is medicine for stomach and liver troubles, and for run down conditions," says W, C. Kiestler, of Halifax, Ark. Electric Bitters pur. ify and enrich the blood, tone up the nerves, and impart vigor and energy to the weak; Your money will be re funded lt It falls to help you. 50c. at all druggists. JR. O. V. A. M. ELECTS OFFICERS. Capital City Council Names Its Offi cers for Next Tenn. At a meeting of the Capital City Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., last night, the following officers were elected: J. P. C.O rover Olenn. C.C. H. Younger. V. C.-W. H. Lyon. , R. S. A. T. Horton. ri. F. 8. L. W. Alderman. '.' , W. J. T. Farmer. A. R. S. L. B. Barrow,, - Treasurer C. G. Whitney. Trustee H. J. Johnson. ' Representative A. H. Moneyham. ' Alternates L. W. Alderman, Walter Clark. Jr. . L. 8. Chas. Matthews. . Conductor M. G. Heath...: O. S.-8. M. Hobby. HOL1DA YRATES VIA SOUTHERN. The Southern Railway announces that they will put on sale round trip holiday tickets at practically the same low fares as In the pact. , These tickets will be sold between al points In the territory south of the Ohio and Po tomac and east of the Mississippi rivers, Including Washington. D. C., and St: Louis. Mo. The selling dates will probably be December 18-19-23-24-2G-SA-S1 and January 1st, with Anal limit January f, 1909. The exact dates and limit' will be announced later. For further Information see nearest agent or address " , W. H. McOLAMER Y,v P. ft T. A.r Raletgn, N. C. Low Winter Tourist Rate to Havana, ' Cubs, Vis KoutJieru Railway. The Southern Railway announces low round trip rates of 169.10 from Raleigh to Havana, Cuba, during winter tourist season. Tickets on sals dally until April JOth, lUial limit May 31, 1909. Stop-overs are . permitted at 11 points In both directions where there are azents. Approximately low rates are In ef fect to other winter tourist points. For any other Information see South ern's searest agent or address ' W. H. McQLAMERT. P. T. A., . Raleigh, N. C. The Kind Yon Ilavo Always ,ln two f-tr over 3C years, and f sj&?7-7 nal -xnaryr, t-wesuat Allow no one to deceive un in tnls. All Counterfeits, Iinitatlona and " J-nst-a-goud" are but Experiments tJt trifle wlt ana endanger the hoa'th of nwt3 and ClUdren Experience against Kxperiment, Whsst is CASTORIA ., Castoria Is a harmless substl trite for Sartor Oil, ParR goric, Drops and Soothlngr Syrnps. It i Pleasant. IS contains neither Opium, Morpbioe nor oilier Karcotfc snbstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Bxid allas Foverishnesct It cures iJiarrtoea nd Wind . Colic, it relieves Tfce thing Troubles, cured Cor.stlpatwu and Flatnlenc It as"'milates th Food, regulates the Stomach and Jiowcls, giving uealtfoy and natural sleep, the Childi-:.a's Panacea The. Mother's Frleud CENUINIS CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You. Hare Always Bought . lu Use For Over 30 Years. thk ecMTAUH eevnMir, rr 'JSS&SLiiSi The Raleigh JOHN T. I'CLLEM, PrecWent. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. Four per cent. Intercut paid on deposits. Call in the bank, or write for further Information. Bank open on Saturday evening from 8 to 9 o'clock to iM-cotnmodate tbn public. - , THE 9 RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. V WITH . An unsurpassVd history behind it since 1803 Safety to Us Depositors. ' . : ;. ' 9 0 Acconimodatlou to Its Customers. ' Willing service to its Friends. CHAS. E. JOHNSON F. II. JJRIGGS, 9 President. Cashier. GoIe to : Eerope ? We sell Traveler's Checks in denominations $10.00 up. Available anywnere m tion and no risk of loss. THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $200,000.00 B S. JER.MAN, I'rcs.; A. A. THOMPSON, VIce-Pres.; H. W. JACK SON, Cashier; E. B. CROW, Assist. Cashier; J. J. Thomas, Ciunn Board of Director. '':'V :."'.'' Old WGXrnWhisIcey fcm. g. m M Ml OUR SPECIAL OFFER, 4 FULL QUARTS WE are making: this apecial offor in order to convince you that . we give you the best Whiskies for the money. This bottle, whieh we give away with every order of four quarta of Old Nortb Carolina Corn, is fine old Longttreet Whiskey. Com Whiskey is the purest Whiskey nude "Old Nortb Carolina" is the purest Corn Whiskey, hence iU rare mellow flavor It is aged in wood and Guaranteed under the National -Pure Food Law. Just remit f 3. by registered letter or money order, and the four full quarts will be sent you and the free bottle with our eW pliments. Wa prepay the express charges, and ship in plain pack ages. As this offor is limited ORDER NOW. v ' The Newcomb 6o.f PETERSBURG VA. "THE PROJIPT KAIL 0R0EI HOUSE. in, mmmm r i n , - iMT. j.y Botigrbt and which iuis beer. has bomo the Blgnntitw o? : has been mane nnuer his per ' sppervteloo slace its tofimcy Signature of mniw rrptirr. an VMM cm, Savings Bank. CHAT.LES ROOT, Cashier. tne world without identifica w "it FREESS