THE EVENING TIMES: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1908. PAGE THREE- v. r STATE NEWS. Charged With Rifling Letters. ' ' pouches had" been In his charge and vGnennsboro, 'Dec. '' W. Cole- that no one had been in the car JSut tra:ie, a railway mall clerk on the himself. He was then 'asked to. ahow Qoldsboro run, was given a hearing all the money- in. his possession, yesterday afternoon before Commis; which he dldf spreading- out pbout sioner Wolfe on the charge of remor- $20 In silver and. small bills. ;. :' lng money f r;on .tetters .in ... transit Inspector 'Koonce ... proceeded '-- to fland, from Washington, D. C, to Greens- identify the bills he had marked and boro. He waived examination and mailed, finding five $1 bills of which was bound over to the April term of he had the typewritten description the federal courtfln a $1,000 bond, previously prepared. Coletrane said J. A. Coletrane .and J. F. Pickett he received these bills when he got signed the bond as sureties. . Postof- hiB pay on the 15th of the month, fice : Inspectors . Koonce, ' Roberson, ' Coletrane was arrested Immediately Barclay, and Hooton worked up the following the examination, which hap case. . pened at the transfer station about . The very simple trap that caught six o'clock yesterday morning. Coletrane was this: Inspector Koonce1 Ex-Judge Bynum represented Cole- prepared several letters, in which he trane at the hearing, District Attor- j put maritea aouar mils. The letters ney Hoiton proseouting. were sent to Raleigh to be mailed to waived examination, their destinations. The inspector saw I . Coletrane is a young man, possibly the letters put in the mall pouch, saw 'not over 28 years of age. He has an the pouches locked and put in the Intelligent look and throughout the mail car of the westbound train No. i hearing appeared to be at ease, look- man in the party, which captured' Walker, was shot . tout.-, not :,fatalljr wounded. The. sheriff and. posse were Mao acting upon the authority of of fleers at Fort Caswell in making the arrest,, and it is more than prob able that the' assassin will be sub jected to trial by court martial and not by the courts of the state. TELLS HOW TO MAKt A HUMt MIX I lint "The people,, here do not drink onnntrh wntAr tf keen hfiftlt.hv " ftT- Dr. Ddsher and a trained nurBe' ;,,.,, we,i . known authority. from the quarantine station at South-; numerous cases of kidney and port, were ordered this morning , to bladder dlBeases and rheumatism are go to the bedside of Sheriff mainly due to the fact that the drink- ing of water, nature's greatest medi cine, has been neglected. . . .. Stop loading, your system with medicines and cure-alls; but get on the water wagon. t If you are really afplr whv nf course, tnkft tha nrnner Perrlman Is Found. cvHI,.lna nlfttn rommnn veirotnhln High Point, N. C, Dec: 1 Isaac.teeatment wnlch wU, not 8hatter the The last report received states that the- wounded man is in a. very critical: condition and it is not believ ed there' is' the slightest chance for his recovery. Perriman, the Guilford farmer who disappeared' last Tuesday, saying he was going to kill himself, has been found in a swamp in Davidson coun ty, where He had been wandering for Defendant several days. Perriman was a piti ful sight to behold, 'bereft of his reason and imagining that the world was against him and witches were after him. He was taken to Thomas ville' and later to Davidson county 111, which arrived in Greensboro lng straight ahead and taking about six o'clock yesterday morning, j every detail. He Is a son of the late un me arrival or the said train in Dr. coletrane, or Liberty. Greensboro the letters were exam in 1 Jail lor incarceration pending trie ais- 1 position of his case. Although he ined in the presence of witnesses and, as the inspector expected,' they had High Railroads Sold. Point, Nov. 30 The Caro- P ' been opened by loosening the flaps Una alley Railroad, projected from and several bills were missing. j Thomasville to Denton, 30 miles, On being questioned by the inspec-jonly partially completed, was sold at tor Coletrane admitted that the auction at High Point today to B. L. Jones and W. Ti VanBrunt, of New York. At the same time and place the North Carolina Electric Company's charter and rights-of-way, between High Point and Thomasville were sold to E. D. Steele and W. T. VanBrunt, of New York. The latter project has advanced to the extent of grading, and one mile of track is laid. The purchase in cludes .over 100 tons of steel rails: The purchasers announce that both projects will be completed. .! The price was not named in either deal. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER O, 1908. h. S. Sire Presents America's Greatest Comniedlenne, MAY ROBSON The Rejane of America, in her 468th consecutive performance in the ' charming comedy ETOWyN0F Endorsed by Press from Coast to Coast. "A Laugh Every Minute." N. Y. Herald. "May Robson is a Comedy Delight" San Francisco Chronicle. SEATS, 50c. to $1.50. HHffl Every Night this Week Saturday Matinee. MASON-NEWCOMB COMPANY. Presenting Famous Metropolitan Comi'dirtt and Dramas. : Singing d . Iancing Specialties Be-' tween Acts. ;'. CHANGE OF DILL TONIGHT. ntlCES: - - - 10c, 20c, and 80c. seemed determined to kill himself, It is very evident that he had enough sense left not to carry out his threat. The affair has caused quite a great deal sensation here. E, be- THE GEM The Lover's Tele graphic Code. Hannah Dustin the Border Wars of New England. No time to get "That Tired Feeling" when at our show. There Is something doing all PRICES! Be. and 10c , COafPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM D.ULT. V Foster & Mansfield From Throttle to Bible. Spencer, N. C, Dec. 1 C. Lumsden, of Spencer, a highly garded locomotive engineer on Southern Railway, with a run ' tween this place and Monroe, Va., has left the cab. for the' pulpit and has entered Rutherford College for a thorough preparation for the minis try. Mr. Lumsden is prominent in the Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers and is well known up and down the main line of the Southern. He has given much thought to the matter and decided only recently to prepare himself for the ministry be fore. asking 'foe .amission into the Methodist Conference. Mr. Lumsden makes the third man to leave tha railroad service at Spencer during the last few years to enter the min istry, the other two being the Rev. W. P. Campbell, of Seven Springs,, and the Rev. C. E. Hypes, of Cleveland.:- . Sheriff is Wounded. Wilmington, N. C.,!'Dec. 1 In an attempt to arrest a white man by the name of Walker, Sheriff JackBon Stanland, of Brunswick county, was shot and probably fatally wounded Sunday .night, the scene of tha shoot ing being Walker's home, four niiles below Shallotte, in a remote section of the county. Walker, who is a deserter from Fort Caswell, is a raving, listless fel low. He came to Brunswick several yars ago and married a daughter of Mr. Frank Leonard, a prominent cit izen. Several stores had been broken .Jury Recommends Electrocution. , Fayetteville, N. C, Dec. 1 From the able recommendations of the grand jury of Cumberland superior court, It seems that the days of ignor ant juries has past. The following high class recommendations show the present grand jury to be a set of highly intellectual men: . 'We believe In this enlightened age that hanging a man is barbarous and recommend to our representa tives to the legislature that they in troduce and try to have passed a bill that all persons sentenced to death shall be taken to the state peniten tiary and electrocuted. , "The grand jury has been struck with the large "number of casas com ing before It for Investigation : and for trial In court, and believes that many of them ought not to be per mitted to take up the time of a court which costs as much to maintain while in session as does tha superior court, and recommend to our mom bars of the general assembly taat a court of inferior jurisdiction be es tablished which can promptly dispose of. the criminal cases, thus offsetting a saving in the jail account and the insolvent account.. We believe such court would save many more times its cost to the tax-payers. "It has been suggested that a coun ty 'court, with a judge and a jury when demanded would come noarer meeting the presenj. conditions, and recommend that an act b? passed providing for such a court." nerves and ruin the stomach." To cure RJheumatism you must make the kidneys do their work; they are the filters of the blood. They must' be made to strain out of the blood the waste matter and acids that cause rheumatism; the urine must be neutralized so it will no longer be a source 'of irritation to the bladder, and, most of all, you must keep these acids from . forming in the stomach. This is the cause of stomach trouble and poor digestion. For these condi tions you can do no better than take the following prescription: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com pound Syrup Sarsaparllla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in bot tie and take in teaspoonful doses af ter each meal and at bedtime, but don't forget the water. Dring plenty and often. '.', This valuable information and simple prescription should be posted up in each household and used at the first sign of an attack of rheu matism, backache or urinary trouble, no matter how slight. PRESIDENT'S PARTY Meeting to Decide Who Will Final Arrangements For Expedition Will In? Made and Those Who Are to Accompany the President on the Trip Will be Decided I pen. COUNCIL OF JEWISH . WOMEN IX SESSION . (By Leased Wire to The Times ' Cincinnati, O., Dec. i The ilith triennial convention of the council of Jewish women opened tn:s morning in this city, with delegates represent ing every sectloa of the United States The morning was given over t& meet ings of all the national committees and registration. Following the sesston today there will be another this evening when the annual address of the president, Mrs Pauline Rosenburg, or ' "Pittsburg, will be made. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Dec. 1 Tile person-! nel of President Roosevelt's African' hunting expedition will be decided upon' definitely at'.a meeting to be ! held either Friday'or Saturday at the Smithonian Iniitution. The presi dent will preside. Besides selecting the chosen few who will accompany Mr. Roosveltt, the final arrangement for the expedi tion will be decided upon at thin time. The meeting had been called by the preisdent because of the irntny hundreds of -applications that have been received from persons who want to go on the expedition Numerous requests for permission to 'accompany the party have been received by the chief clerk of the Smithsonian Insti tute and '.'cabinet.'.-officers una oilier government officials have been selged with letters BLIND INSTITUTION. Ill-Monthly into recently una wume. wao u- 1)lrectorg HoW pected. A warrant was Issued but for Meeting. several weeKS me snerm was uustuiej The board of directorg of the state to locate mm. sunaay nigm onerm . .lMtltutlon for tne Bilnd heid Its Stanland, with a posse or tnree .,.,.. hi-monthiv session "vesterda'v. others, came upon him at his home 0n,y rout;ne matter8 were tranBact. wnue at supper, vv aiKer immeumio- a wer, nresent the me3t. Ing yesterday Chairman Joseph U ly opened fire upon them with an army revolver and before the others could overpower him he had already felled Stanland with a bulle't through his kidneys. Walker was sent to Southport under heavy guard for tear of vengeance by the popular sheriff's friends, If his wounds should prove fatal, .v. :: From the first. It was seen that his wound was of a most desperate na ture and therefore telephone mes sages were sent without delay to Dr. J. A. Stone, at Shallotte, and the sur geons at Fort uasweu summoning More people are taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy every year. It Is consid ered to be the most effective remedy for kidney and bladder trouble that medical science can devise. Foley's them to the bedside of the wounded Kidney Remedy corrects Irregularities, n, stn via th fw tn up . worn out tissues ana re. .h m. g').ni. it i. .t.tori i '-e lost vitality. It will make you Pogue, Secretary R. B. Holeman of Person, J. Q. Boy kin of Wadesboro, R. B. Woyd of Warrenton, A. L. Mc Neill of Sanford, G. E. LIneberry of Winterville, R. L. Steele of Rocking ham, R. H. Hayes of Pittsboro, Jo K Weathers and J. T. Rowland of Ral elgh. : . that the physicians during the day held not the slightest hope for the recovery of Sheriff Stanland, on ac count of the desperate nature of the wound he received. !, It wag stated today that another m (EffifY PROGRAM "Si 1 DAII) GARRICK. THE RENUNCIATION. tHE STAGE-STRUCK DAUGHTER, Nothing too Good for bur Patrons feel well and look well. Klng-Crowvll Drug Co., Fayettevlllo and Hargett streets. . ;. . BAPTIST UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM. TUESDAY, DEC. 3, 8:$oPM GR.Wl) CONCERT THE RALEIGH CHORAL SOCIETY, '. i .. . .-' 140 Voices. ' '.' ;-'r ' . AMdsted by Four Solol8t, ' In OoweU'i Beautiful Cantat, .1 j , "THE ROSE MAIDEN." Reeerved Seats at King-Croweir. ' Tjrice, Wc. ana fl.00. . . ex BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. f BOYLAN-PEARCE COe 1 THE STORE CLOSES AT 6 V. M. EXCEPT SATURDAY NIGHTS. Scores of Ready-to-Wear Garments The stock of Coat Suits, Skirts and Coats, is thorough and complete. Augmented by the new arrivals, we present an array of Ready-to-Wear garments, that surpasses in volume, style and make-up, anything that has been seen in this city of oaks for a generation, if ever. You are respectfully invited to participate in the generous offers we are making to the public, and profit by this example of modern merchandising. Ladies Coat Suits in all colors and black. Pointed, Cutaway, and the Newest. Dirftitoire and Princess, Styles. Made from the most fashionable cloths of the season. For minute information we. invite a call. Suits range in prices JjJ $18.50, $22,$25.0Q, 27.50, $30.00 tO $65.00 LADIES WALKING SKIRTS. We crowd more value into our popular-price Skirts than you'll find elsewhere. Values to 'v-VV'::,- for $4:98 Silk,'-Voile, Panama, Batiste, and Novelty Cloth Skirts, in all lengths and waist measures, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 to $18.50 BEAUTIFUL FITTING COATS. Such as you like, and in kind, color, and quality to suit every taste. Light, medium, and heavy weight. Half, three-quarter, and full length, tnres at under prices .. Caraculs Kerseys, Cloths, Chevrons, Coverts, , and, mix- $6.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 to $25.00 M Just the jaunty styles of this season. Trim fitting and becoming to youth, The kind that fwells the mother's heart with pride as she starts her daughter off to school. . ..i . Choose your owu price . . ......... .... $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 4O $15.00 i BOYLAN-PEARCE CO MP ANV. "WAYS OF THE WORLD." The Mapon-Newcomb Company be-gan'.- u week's ensaBement at the Aculemy of Music last evening and wiw Rivon ri welcome by an audience thrtt packed the house. The play, "Midnight In Chinatown," was one of sen sat ional situations in which love, iiate and revenge predominated. The dancing Masons, Baby Mabel, Billy i)e Phillips and Al Williams contributed fi-nr.. ,.,4.. f;n,-n ' higlv-claHs specialties that rounded who either want to go themselves i ""IVT 1" "ZZ who have friends who want to go. mv xv., nrspnt . tfiriine home It is said that Major Edward A. j Wavs of the World." A Mearns, of the army medical coprs,! beautiful love story, church and wed who is un ornilholosist of note, and , dint," scenes., and splendid comedy. Six who shortly will be elevated to the -'entirely new singing and dancing rank of lieutenant colonel and re-; specl'ultlrs.-nnd popular prices of 10, 20 Ired a short time afterward, so that ; aml 30 .cl'.ntH-- ..".";; ' '''.-- he can acconioany me president to. the jungles of darkest Africa, will be the chief advisor' of the president; at the conference. Several members' V Wednesday, December 9th, one night, of the cabinet v. Ill be present and it at the Academy 'of Music, May Rob is likely that. Percy Maderia, a prom- on will open In "The Rejuvenation of inent society man of Philadelphia. -Aunt. Mary, tne comeay in wnicn sne and big game hunter, win ;e invited ,"s ' lm "Z,1 TT I I'ghtful lii her quaint role of Aunt MAV ROI WON IN "THE REJUVE NATION OF AUNT MARY." to attend. President Roosevelt Mearns an an authority I ravel. re0ai uH Mary, which is well adapted to her on African ; laugh-inovoking capabilities and, at ' the same time, oneithat gives her op- po-'unlty for work of the more subtle sort. Aunt Mary Ja bo funny that thte threa,. acts ripple afict Bubble with latig5tt1' Miss Robson loses her own identity completely in the role. Her quiet, old. fashioned wit and humor is spontan eous, and mixed with the sadness that her nephew brings Into her life, al ternately lightens and saddens her audience. May Robson as "Aunt Mary stands alone. She has created a distinct character and acts It with such fidelity that we might easily imagine her tho Aunt Mary of our own home. DAVID GARRICK AT THE GAIETY. The play David Garrick, which Is presented at the Gaiety today, takes us back to the days of that celebrated actor. - The scenes are laid In England about the year 1740 when David Garrick was a promising young actor, and deals with a veryromatlc love affair em bodying many humorous and queer sit uations, , "The Renunciation," another fine drama, will be included in this pro gram, the scenes of which are laid In a Canadian fishing village, and tell tho story of true manhood and a noble sacrifice. AT THE GEM. The Gem has "The Lover's Tele graphic Code," showing how two lov ers overcome all obstacles and win OUt. . ' '". r - - Madge -while - lu.-a-carriage, meets with an accident. RalpH, while pars ing by on a bicycle, -offers his assist an'ce which Is gratif ully accepted. Later he calls on MadCtenni Is ordered out by her father. 'jjB'ejMater arrange a code of signals. Pa's pants 1 dis played on the clothes line meant' "Danger! Keep away!" A shirt-waist' "Am alone." : ( - '-...,. Later they have a mix-up of signals by the servant girl, "Pa" and "Ka-" The girl's littlej brother proves . A staunch ally; comes to the rescu and enables the harassed young couple tiS outwit the father and marry. Theri "pa" sees the Joke signals for forgive ness, and Madge and Ralph return for his blessing. i Other good subjects. V. "The Blow Has Fell." '.. '. IT. N. C. will, of course, defeat U. Va., at Richmond Thanksgiving dy, and right here we desire to remind every one who proposes to Join lu celebrating the coming victory that the captain of the XJ. N. C. squad Is a Charlotte boy.- Charlotte News,' This Beems to have been about 'on a par with election predictions a few days beforehand. Greenville Reflec tor. " - -i Quick Relief ; nZTKe first dose of Cardui I took," iwrites Mrs. Fannie Rogers, of Pages Mills. S. CL "brought relief. I con- , tinued taking it and can truthfully tes-1 tifv that it is worth its -eifrht in crold. 1 1 I cannot find .words to describe my ig Bymptpms oeiore 1 began to take (Jar dui. I ytzs to weak and nervous and tne aoctor coma omy givo me tempor- mrs. r. rogers ary relief. JVVhen I discontinued his '"-"" mm treatment, on account of the expense, I -was worse tlian when I Lcgan. Since taking Cardui, I am regu lar, have no bad f celings-or dreams, can eat, sleep and . work every day, arid feel good. I want every suffer ing woman in the -world, to try Cardui." uardui is a safe, pleasant, reliable remedy for woman's ills. It is non-mineral, non-intoxicating rrnd is composed of ingredients of specific medicinal value, to all women, young or'old. Sold everywhere. VATTEBUTT? JY'" fa 4-rr moitrHl Book, "TTmnt TYtctwuni frr V riXllfcttJDJUGl ,". - ," deuribioa symptoiH of rMl'DiMUM and i Tiftr tnW . y,0"bl ,n, ' hlth, hygiene, dlt, owdiciiM, ,11c, IillJJ Jr rtp.r. f or womeo. Sent frM, AddrewM Li AdvUtrw i)tft TIM Chmnoop Modicip. C(k, ChHaooa, Ta. iMiiwmn. nnjiiiii m urn mi , , 1. 1--- 11,11,1,11, i. ,, i mm ' A- ... . '' sr)wi.ynii0!.' . ' t

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