o I, PAOS TWO THE EVENING TIMES: MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1908. tl: CUTLER RESIGNS SWEDISH CONSUL DEAD 0 State Veterinarian Will Go to "t . H'ssisslppl Dr. Butler, Who Sent His Reaigno " tion to the Board of Agriculture Laat Week Will Edit Mississippi Paper Resolutions Passed by the Board... i - Dr. Talt' Butler, who , tendered his resignation to the board of agricul ture last week, will edit an agricul tural paper at Starkvllle, Miss., The Southern Farm Magazine. It is a source of regret to the peo ple of the whole state that he Is to leave. Concerning him the board of agriculture has the following to say: . In the resignation of Dr. Tait But ler,' state veterinarian and director of farmers' institutes, we lose one of our most valuable members of the state department of agriculture. Ever alert in the official discharge of his duties he has won the confidence of the members of the board of agricul ture and has been a potent racior :n placing our state department or agi? culture in the commanding position which It now occupies. As state veterinarian he has dis charged the duties of his ornce with a faithfulness that deserves commen dation. - By his wise and Judicious administration in co-operation with the United States department of agri culture he has since 190., in the work of cattle-tick eradication, removed the quarantine line from the crest of the Blue Ridge mountains east ward, until now nearly half of our state is out from under cattle quar antine. In like manner and also in co-operation with the federal depart ment he has created an interest in dairying in many parts of our state, that will ultimately bring rich re turns to those sections, and to the state generally. By his wise directorship of our farmers' institutes and his knowledge of ' the needs of our people he has placed the farmers' institute work in North Carolina in the front ranks of the progressive states in institute work. For this he has won for him' self and for the state department of agriculture the appreciation and grat itude of the farmers of the stale. Therefore, be it Resolved, That the board of agr: culture in accepting the resignation of Dr. Butler do so with regret on account of the keen appreciation they 'have of him as a citizen of the state and also of his services in his several capacities as one of our officers of tht state department of agriculture. Resolved, 2d, That the best wishes of the members of this board will go with him into his new field of labor where we wish he may acquire ar equal degree of success and distinc 'tion that he acquired In the work lit .Is now giving up. . Resolved 3d, That, a copy of this report and resolutions be spread or -our minutes and a copy of them fur- nlshed to Dr. Butler. Exit Johnson, Enter Brewer - (Continued from First Page.) Mr. Brewer would have a most suc cessful term of office, and that If an occasion should ever arise where he, Mr. Johnson, could be of any service to him, be would gladly lend his aid. -Mr. Brewer arose and in a fw words expressed his appreciation of the honor and the confidence placed in him by the board, promising to do the best for the board and tiie county that he could. He said that he was not a candidate in the true sense of the word, but of course felt highly honored by his selection for this of fice. Continuing, lie said that he ap preciated Mr. Johnson's words more than words could express and felt sure that he would be forced to call! MEVEE IE IF ME HAVE W Such a varied All articles that are generally carried in a leading Jewelry Stock. Our showing is selection of our Christmas stocks. .We have articles for the most exact Buy early, have your engraving done and avoid the rush. Mi FAYEnEVILLE 'fjl BSsfSl-" ilSSy rr-jsiSgSfc are upon Mr. ; Johnson time and again. Thanking the board again, he prom ised to do the best he could. Mr. Harrison arose and stated for himself and the board that they wish ed to thank Mr. Johnson for his faith ful services and to assure him thai there was no feeling whatever in the matter. -.'. Mr. Brewer took the chair and or dered the election of county attorney. Mr. Bart M. Gatling was unanimous ly re-elected jo this position. Mr. Gatling was notified of his election and in a brief statement thanked tiie board for the'.r kindness and assure ! them that he would do his utmost hi their behalf. Mr. Brown Pegram was taen, In ducted Into the office of treasurer, succeeding Capt. B. P. Williamson, who withdrew from the race. Other county officers were sworn in and their bonds inspected. ; The only other business before the boird was of routine nature. The members of the board are: W 0. Brewer, chairman; D. T. Johnson, 0. H.- Harrison, A. Turner Smith and W. M. Yates. Just before going to press it was learned that Mr. D. T. Johnson was sleeted purchasing agent of the board. The chairman has heretofore been the purchasing agent also, but the two offices were dissolved today. Mr. Brewer was elected chairman and Mr. Johnson purchasing agent. MAX Y LI KS LOST, In Northern Gales Many Lake Sea . men Have Perished. Duluth, Minn., Dec. 7 It is now admitted that 25 more seamen haVt lost their lives In the recent ga-es which have been sweeping across tin Lakes and Canada from the coast ot Nova Scdtia. These men were mem. bers of the crew of the steamshli N. M. Clemson, long overdue fron lower Lake Superior ports with r cargo of coal. A. B. Wolvln, of Duluth, the own er of the vessel, had abandoned hope: and admits that she is at the botton of Lake Superior, with her crew. PILES CVItEI) IN 0 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed t. cure any case of Itching, Blind o Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days o money refunded. 60c. assortment of Toilet Puff Boxes, STREET - I'' Energy is well-nourished muscles Uneeda Biscuit the greatest energy-makers of all the wheat foods. 3 In dust tifht. Nttnr sold in bulk. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY AXXIOI'S ABOIT SANTA CLAI S. tBv Leased Wire te The Times.) Patterson, N. J., Dec. 7 In exam ining the hearth in a room in her home, Mrs. Frank Forbes found her four-year-old son was burned to death Friday. On the heart;i were some pennies and several letters addressed to Santa Claus. Tiie scrawling hand writing of tha little fellow told how lie had wanted one thing and another, and how he placed the pennies and letters on the hearth, so that Santa Clans could reach them easily as he came down the chimney. Anxious about his treasures the lad lighted a match to look at them when his elotiies caught fire. Before hl3 parents could smother the flames he had been fatally bnrnjd, Marked for Death.: "Three years ago I was nir.rl:ed ?or death, A graveyard cough Was tearing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hope had fled, When my husband got Dr. King's New Discov ery," says Mia, A. C. Williams, of Baci Ky. "The first does helped" me and Improvement kept on until I had gain ed 58 pounds In weight and my health was fully restored." This medicine holds the world's healing record for coughs and colds and lung and throat Ilseases. It prevents pneumonia. Bold under guarantee at all drug stores. 0c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. FIRST CLASS STKAMERS. (By Cable to The Times) Washington, D. C, Dec. 7 First Vass mail, passenger and express steamers running between the chief ports of the United States and thoso ( South America, on both the At 'antlc and the Pacific coasts, is, in he opinion of John Barrett, director f the International Bureau of(Amer- can Republics, the most necessary Improvement to increase commerce between North and South America. n his annual report, Mr. Barrett dis cusses 'the necessity for better mall 'acllities. . . - A l)angerons Operation. s the removal of the appendix by a surgeon; No one who takes Dr. King's Vew Life Pills Is ever subject to this rightful ordeal. They work so quietly .'ou don't feel them. They cure con ciliation, headache, biliousness end nalarla. 26c. at all druggists. Articles in Sterling Silver, Comb, Brush, and Shaving Cups, Manicure Sets and many other E - - A PERSISTENT SI ITOIi. Young Frailer is Determined lo Win One of the Davis Family. SUar Fraz-er, a -.'young white man of Wake Forest, applied at Maj. J. .1. Bernard's office Suui. duy evening for license to tae unto himself a wife, i "Bill" Sawyer cast an iiiterrossinve. eye at the young 'ninu'..- It was a sort, of I've-seen-you-before glance, but Bill couldn't plniv ..him and proceeded! to fill out tiie blanks. - Mis.. .Evaj Davis, of Wake Fores', was the lucky girl. As the prospective groom pock-j eted the paper he drew his wall Hj from Ms pocket and slowly, almost gradually, counted out three dollars. I "That makes six dollars I've sprat, on that family," lie growled. "I'ni1 going to niake somebody work itj out." : j Investigation showed tuat a fewi weeks ago Silar secured license to marry Miss. Mary, an older sister of .Miss Eva. In sggjie way, his suit. j marry into the Davis family, he transferred his affections to the younger sister and won her. Commercial Sih-er. (By Leasee! Wire to The Times) New York, Dec 7 Commercial bar silver, HSU':, advance, 'tic. .Mexican dollars, 4 c. '.' INDIGESTION? n n nimri DYSPEPSIA? if JEWEmY Consul at St. Louis Coronalls; Suicide i Charles A. Eckstrpmer, Man Who At tracted Considerable Attention by Controversy With President Roose velt, Died At His Own Hands This Morning. , (By Leased Wire to The Times) St. . Louis, Mo., Dee. 7 Charles A. Eckstromer, Swedish consul In St. Louis, and manager of the West Disin fecting Company, of New York City, swallowed cyanide of potassium, this morning and died a few minutes after members: of the family found him. A note which h.i's wife read to.thf police, but refused to give to the public. In dicated that Echstromer killed him self. According to the police, Eck stromer retired Sunday night In excel lent spirits' and health after chatting of conventional matters. This morning two step-daughters beard unusual noises In the library, which adjoins the bedroom of one of them. Their screams attracted their mother and she entered the roo'ni and found Eckstromer lying across a couch. A physician was quickly called but the consul riled before the doctor arrived. ' Eokstromer. became more prominent than does generally a consul from' a foreign country, when two or .Hire? years ago he became involved In , u controversy with President Roosevelt over the action of the postoffiee de partment in the E. Q. Lewis Publish ing Company case. Eokstromer had been refused ail audience at the white hou.-e. Then he wrote a letter request lug the president to use his good offices in beluilf of Lewis, asking for a '"square deal." lOckstromer was deposed from office at the request of the president, pend ing -Investigations': which were made in the course of time and proved suf nVi.'htly satisfactory : o that Eek stroine'r was reappointed after the Swedish '.charge.'-'d'affaires h:iil inter ceded ill his interests. He was ' Well' known in lilt- coiiinierelal woild as the local representative of the West Disin fecting Company,-' which was one of the first in the city in this business,-'-and. Eckitronier represented it for years. He was .51 years of age at the time of Ills deatii. THE SIX DAY BICYCLE RACE (By Leased Wire to The Times) I New Yolk, Dec: 7 Fifteen thousand ....... ....i ..n i.ix tl,A ctiti-t nf the ineii nun "iit, ii . " " ... - - ' six day bicycle race in Madison Square ! last midnight, and when the, clock tolled eight this morning, seven thou sand of them were still breathing the foul air and peering 'through the smoke ti'.led arena at sixteen riders who pad dled on in their monotonous never ceasing grind, i Once In a while one rider would spurt i ahead of the others only to be caught 1 before he could make a lap and then the winding, slow-moving pace would follow. :'-.-' . When the spurt ended the audience would sink back Into a state of slum ber. The riders were ahead of the rec ord by nearly one mile. Then every body teemed to go to sleep. The rlderp tarried on their way, They reeled liked sorianibulistR and when 6 o'clock came the racers were behind the rec ord nearly one mile. ; During this hour there was not a spurt, but the next hour was a live one. and at 7 o'clock the record had again been broken. The foreign riders have been prom ised prizes of $2,000 for each team should they gain a lap on the Ameri can teams. Rutt and Stol, the German-Holland team, stem to be the favorites at the start. They i-eiimed to get the. pace for the other riders, and If there, was cuch a thing as tiring, neither showed 'it. --' ';' It was just twenty minutes before the j start that the first accident happened Mirror Sets, Military Brashes, Cloth Brushes, articles in various styles and prices. phenomenal, never before have we spent 30 much time in the buyers and presents that will be appreciated by all. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVfcgetabb ItyaralfonGrAs straiiating itefMMiteaiti ting die Semsbs ardBcwisti PtorujSss DigiesttGniHtfPrnirl iwssandKestjConuins Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC, JbcSSam JiMttSmt- WrmSttd- Apwfecl Remedy fuTConsfl(ifr tion .sour nu iil-ui.uk 1 Worms JL'tHtvaisious jevenstt- lussandLOSSOFSEEEP. : rscSirale Si jnamte oT 'NEW YORK. ;..'.,-. Exact Copy of'WiippiTi It was VT'edlar" Piilnier, Uiv Australian, that brought the li st "Oh, h.h." Palmer trier! to take the lead at 1J:S4 and h:t a post with his handle bars. Me was not hurt ainl w.ii up and on his wheel in half a minute, ( Fiiber sot a nusty fall, hut his part- iier relieved hlr.i (iu!ekly and as soon 'as Faber had a new wheel ready he wat back on the truck. Medicine Thnt is Medieiue. "I have suffered a good deal with malaria aiftl stomach complaints, but I have now found n remedy that keeps me v.-ll, and that remedy Is Klectfic U tters: a medicine that is medicine for stomach and liver troubles, and for run down conditions," says W.; C. Kiestler, of Halifax, Ark. Electric Bitters pur. if y and enrich the blood, tone up the nerves, and Impart . vigor and energy o the weak.. Your money will be re funded If it fails to help you. 60c. at till druggists. II. OK L. E. AT WOI5K. JVIU IK. All in its Power to Kind Mur derer of J. A. Holt. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers is taking active Interest in the matter of apprehending the mur derer of Engineer Fred Holt. A rep resentative of the order conferrcc witn Governor Glenn today in regard to the best course to pursue. The governor expressed himself af i'eady and willing to do anything In his power to bring the perpetrator of the horrible crime to justice. ASS.ll'I.TKI) A.I KOBHKI). Xejji'o lindly Wounded and ItoblK'd of His M.pcy. : A negin named Dunn came to the Vity Saturday, bringing his cotton to narkt t. When he left town be had ibout $C9 on his person. Near the no (i'o cetnelery, o:i thi outsk:its of ItP.l- ish, he was attacked by two negroes lie was struck 'n tlr. back of the head with a rock and knocked senseless. When be H'K'.iined consciousness hi; no:iey war. Kone. "-There is nst clue as to who his assailants were. . Mrs. J, W. Kvjtj. of Washiugtan, If sm n.ling lii,' day In .the eits. mm Ml IKS P'J. it L- Su.iMlHJIII. 1 ' - - '- ' I - - -'.-' -'' SHOWN- CORMPAMY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. "r i M H 7 i X !Fc?lnfaitt8 and Chlldi-ea. The Kind Yoiv Have Always Bought - Bears the A,, of In Use For Over Thirty Years V it nmiir cohmiit, mpwunn XOItKOIJi & SOCTHKKN RAILWAY' Schednie K.Tective Oct. II, 11)08. KitzKcrald, Wnlcott anil Kerr, - Receivers. I.KAW RAI-KIGH. ( Daily fAccpt Sunday) p.:JW A.M. For Wendell, Zebulon, ' Middlesex, Wilson, Farmville, Greenville, Washington, Plymouth, Belhaven, Columbia, Edenton, Hertford, Elizabeth City, Suffolk, und Norfolk and Intermediate sta tions Raleigh to Edenton. 4:00 P. M. For Wendell, Zebulon, : Middlesex, Wilson, Greenville, Farmville, Washington, nnd inter mediate stations. ARRIVE RALKKJII. . (I)nlly Except Sundny) 10:55 A. ,M. From Washington, Greenville, Farmville, Wilson, Middlesex, Zebulon, Wendell, nnd Intermediate stations. 10:00 V. M. From Norfolk. Suffolk. Elizabeth City, Hertford, Edenton, ''..Columbia,.' Belhaven, Plymouth, Washington, Greenville, Farm ville, Wilson, Zebulon. Wendell, aud intermediate stations. -v. Notice Above schedules published inly as information, and are not guaranteed. H. C. Hl'DGINS, Gen. Has. Afrt. THOS. FITZGERALD. Gen. Man. EST I 1 f t? C30w.;r.R,pRtsKt v p. -!iMr5,VPiaicw. Hat Brushes, ..V:-- -1' Ki1 ! ! w i a ... . . i I