-iX -'A: 0 LooKia bac At th? 'end Of tU' roe ' At tife lo of;the dy, V .5-' WbM pilgrim meet, f ';-. ' ".;;v ; Grown old - and ttay WH learn that We i s y ; For tMrit nd maU-''-' I a fleetin breath Ere the shadows fan. . ...v -1. And we'll wonder why ;? We grieved eo long When hope were dashed And plans went wrong, c And why we sighed O'er futile things O'er wealth and the pride That glory brings. And why we wept For a little while O'er what later one Would evoke a smile, And why we whined. As children do, And feared to drink From the cup of rue..., We'll wonder why Our hearts were broke In Twain, as we thought, By a feeble stroke And the toll-time cares ' That we hardly bore Will seem light affairs When we reach four-score! fit 'ft v.. Miss Jennie Trapier returned today from Atlanta. Miss Emma Ariall, of Cary, was in the city today. ... . ;.; '.". - . Mlsa Ethel Glenn is vialting friends and attending conference in Durham. '. ' ' i- ' Mrs. John B. Kenney Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee S. Overman, at Salis bury. '' Mrs. Rebecca Deal, of Greenville,. S. C, Is the guest of Mrs. James F. Jordan. Mrs. C. H. Younger and son, Master Kenneth, are attending conference In Durham. Mrs. SS. P. Smith and Miss Ellen King have returned from a visit to New York. ; Attorney-General' and Mrs. R. D, Gilmer are Jn the eity from their sum mer home at "Waynesvllle. Misses Mabel Smith and Clara Burt of Wilburn, jffrtVed in the city today to attend thn teai?hers' meeting. Attorney-General v and Mrs. R. D, Gilmer have returned to the city from Waynesvllle,, and are at the home of - Mrs. Wiley jllBoalbts)'.1 on Wilmington Btreet. Butaarhy let it be too late when TO PAY jjrcju can buy a bpittejbf Gowan fv preparation andlbe V prepared ? It cures ff Jcdld anij croup and ,v Pijeumojiia. They , ' coiifis! lot the night - come suddenly, 'an"d"tf-'yare'not . ....prepared . you re- . . "1 gret.'It is up to you. " All druggists handle the great external remedy. .Three,, sizes A-JBc. ;;. M1.00. Buy-It today. ; T .. V. -. i i ; Mrs. J. T. Rowland and son, Master lfr4$).t left, this afternoon for War-rttrtjio.-fot a two'mtnthe'Jjrlsat. ; '.. Xoanharon'oysters .and-nnaay. .thw good things will be there to' tempt yoa and gratify you. for - tha. wlHl-!WBHt surely please. The baaaar opehs Tues day night with Christmas pictures and 1 will continue for two days and night aJlRsa Rogers possesses a remarkable . 1; rtcnann as a reauBi, (TrBuiecnofpiwtw WITH MRS. WILDER. 4the longest one itne joograi and inil wonderful memory4. , jfr. The Angels and the ; 6heBherda,"1 from "Ben Hur," by j-'MIss.;. iAonlet Christinas Idea Prevails, in Meeting of Social Club Xesterday Mrs. William M. Person, of Sparrow's Point, Md., after a short visit "to Loul8bUrg, has returned to the eity. ' Mrs. A. B. Currin, of Henderson, af ter V visit to her sister.'. Mrs. W. M. Upchurch, returned home this afternoon. Mrs.', W. H. Mitchell, after 'spending several days in the city the guest of Mrs,lL.!,M,,lGreen,l returned home to- Mr. George T. Farney, of Bayboro, and daughter, .Miss Helen Farnell, from BlacKstone, lT&,; are guests at the Tarborough. The many friends of Mrs; Florence P. Tucker will be glad to know that she has returned to the city much im- prwed irt health.., " ' .'..;.' ,J" '..Miss Eliaabeth Utley and Master Burke Haywood Parker, of Apex, are in the., city., the guests at the home of Mr. M. A. Parker. : KenntnJss Book Club. The Kenntn'ss Book Club will meet with Miss Betsy Montgomery' at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon instead of Thursday. t . J : . . Santa Claus Coining. ' Santa Clausvisorning( iIi-ill be tit the Guild room of the- Chureh of the Good Shepherd Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.' He is coming to inspect the bazaar which the ladles of the Guild are . going to have next week. He will, no doubt, have someth'ng to say to the children and they are all asked to come out' and see him. And of course there will be many things to Interest the grown folks, ' the ladies especially. A number of booths have been arranged for, including . fancy work, dolls, candy, cake, etc., and if you are Interested in none pf. these, the kitchen will surely please you. Delicious chicken salad, roast turnoy, luscious "L Afternoon. The prevailing Christmas spirit r' JS beginning to be the dominating "note in the social functions of the season, one of the .most delightful of .which was-'the,Tneeting the-Social -Club with Mrs. Lynn Wilder yesterday af ternoon. " . . . The Christmas idea was fully car ried out In every detail. The decora tions,, ere of holly, cedar and other Chrjstjngs greens. . ,- . , 5 . A progressive Christmas game was played, the club prize being won by Mrs. J. B. Pearce and yie visitors nrlze- fcv. Mrs. H. W. Glasscoclt Both Wre'WSutinif blooming potfetf" plants, especially appropriate at this winter yagon, , ' : . ' Scores 'of little red Otftetmas bells were" attached to the chandt'lier. These were fastened by a cord to the other end of which were the score cards And at the end of the game" the bells were drawn hs souvenirs. A beautiful pluno solo, was rendered by Miss Eleanor Mann. V : 'v Refreshments In two courses 'were served by Misses Eleanor Mann and Betsy Haywood. ?,"!'', Each lady had been reauesied; s to bring two slips of paper, on one was written something for. which she was thankful and on the other why she was thankful. These were collected, shuf fled and distributed to the guests, who read them aloud while the refresh ments were being served. A great deal of merriment was caused by the read ing of them as they were all mismatch ed. Besides the club members, MrsV Wilder had as her guests a'-few? other friends. The meeting was one . of the most delightful of the many social events enjoyed by the club, RECITAL OP READINGS, p . jn. .U .Wijfii.i ., iim.nimi,wtu.iJuwm well bmiiai,!!i The second piece on the program Word"' (taken from "The B)d Flower") Henry Van Dyke, was giVfh by Miss Grace Daphne Rogers.; Thompson, was the most dlstnictlvely Christmas selection.-'.the jvngsam, L The sacrea atmosphere or tne.. hill country of Judea on that night nine teen .hundred, years., ago, was : thrown vividly around " the audience "as" "Miss" Thompson described the shepherds watching their sheep, and the appear-! ance of the blinding light and the voice bidding them , to "Fear not." The recital was thoroughly enjoyed hiTd ttienxt oiie, which will be glvefijjl rxiuay- tirxernoon,' January om, win dv looked forward to with nuch pleasure. ' , v '' ' . ' fr. and Mrs. Fargular, of New York, are stopping at the Yarborough for a few . days. ' , ; 1 iii i ? - WE CLOSED TQlVIORROW, SUNDAY. TUE, HICKS . VRVG COMPANY. J 1 t LOOJLL : JBMIFft Hon.' 'Wheeler Martin, Internal revenue collector for the eastern dls" trlct, returned to WillUunston today. Both PbotkcS. ! PERSOXALLY COXDl'CTED TOUR. Mr. C. H. Gattls to Conduct Tour Through East Coast of Florida and Cuba. . . I Travelling Passenger Agent C. H. Gattis, vhas arranged for another of :Tk. . -.),0t l,r.,fc tn2 '"" ;Y..miui l""""!) ".lV-;!. ..,T v. ' 7Z::Zl tours, .this one to be through the east coast of Florida and to Cuba, leaving m Tnnno r 11 TVio tiln nr I1 1 a ivi n An In j "g. . v t ,T' about twelve days, the party returning J ' ' ' I, in tu.ii.Ar'H nr VI ... . ' I iii:.; IfliiSiLJlBliBlrikj . ... ... -, r ... v ; i 'i--'- hshAcBtiaiiS- ;avhen ycu select (TTTT31 v : - Xmas Gifts iSnk of .. .. ... ... .1 .. PUSH BUTTON their usefu!n3s$ji dreds of articles to select from, Buy. MOW. We will store for you and deliver Xmas Eve. . Royail ' & ; Bdrdeii Furniture Co., 127 Fayetteviile St. - - Raleigh, II. C morrow ' morning will be the Aavent selection, "Emmanuel," by Whitney Coomb, and will be prano and alto. , ' Louis Byrd, charged with Illicit distilling In Orange, county, was brought here - yesterday by Deputy Marshall Jordan and lodged In 3alt to aw;ait trial. Rex.;, Hospital Jd two .mall fires last night, botif cau'sod by a defective flre-place, The first alarm was sent in atIO '"'o'clocis,the sectmd at ''1:10. This is the third fire there this week, all due to the same defective fire-place. Grace James, the woman vof , the "red light" section, who h'nS been held as a witness Jn the Smith case, was released yesterday afternoon by order of the solicitor. . , PERSOANLS on January" 22 or 23. There is a special charm about the southland of Florida and Cuba, and 'they will . be especially attractive at I this winter reason. No more delight 'ful tour could have been arranged. A large number will doubtless take ad vantage -.of this splendid opportunity i.JtSi.see the county under such favorable circumstances.. I j Every advantage is offered for the trip; the railroad fare, Including meals ;amF stateroom berth from Raleigh, be ing $44.65. Mr. Gattls has only recent ly returned from making the trip, and has . perfected all arrangements, even including ,the amusements to be visit ed en ' route. . .: it;will be"dellghtful to be transferred -into a land of summer and flowers in the midst of winter. The .foreign m country, quaint customs and old build- Chrlstmas Program at Rt'cital at B. I". W. Yesterday Afternoon. The second of the delightful recitals of readings by the young women of the school of elocution at the Baptist. University was given In the auditorium yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock; These recitals are proving very pop ular. The program yesterday after noon was especially interesting and appropriate to the Christmas season. It Is ,a privilege for the people of Ral- j eigh to hear the master pieces given such true and beautiful interpretation! by students who have made them: a special study. The auditorium '' was j Messrs. Geo. H. Humber. Robert L. : ress ami nthur nluvs. well filled yesterday afternoon by an (Burns, A. C. Kelly and W. H. Mc-1 ". Intelligent and appreciative audience. Noll, of Carthage, are registered at ' No Race Suicide, ia.s'.u. v.iu . uil vi,vv.. Hum in. larDOrOUen.. . , 1 Pl...nUM . nn T in rr,i. Were born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. me oay in tne CJty., ; - I Ambrose E. Calhoun, of this city. ; This Mr. Y. M. A Ord. Of New Bern, ia nt ' ..minis nnn. h... .n.n.,t.- ,r,Wuose.i.wer.s a reauer is Bu ; me xarhorougl... : s; -V The father is eighty-two years old. 0 M 0 0 A A A ings will lend an added charm to the '... .trip..': Dr. E. M. Harrison, of Chicago, is Among the special features will be registered' et the Gli isch. the ride over Mr. Flagler's new ex- Mr. N. C. Brown, of Marlon, spent tension of his road from Miami through the day In the dttv. the Keys to Knight's Key Dock, visits Mr. TJ. L. Barmtt, of Charlotte, is to Moro Castle, the wreck of the at the Glersch today: ' Maine. Colon cemetery. Cabanas fort- Stories from Wagner"W. Walkeri Mr.' L. M. Ripp. of Charlotte, spent' McSpaddin, was given a beautiful in' terpretation by Miss Sallie Spruill ; . ; : ' c"-: TOO EARLY? lr-;rX ;: -V: Too early to be thinking about Christmas Gifts? Not a bit. The early purchaser is the pne .who gets the best values In . Holiday. Gifts. ;. . Before the rush and conf usion of the last weeks, now when the stores are full of new goods, attractively displayed, Is the very best time to make selections.: ', v V ;' " v. ; ' Suitable gifts arc to be found among our 'Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, China, etc., all at prices bound to please. A word to the wise Is sufficient. .;. " H. M AH LIS " SON S Jewelers R.aleif(H. N. C Special Cigar Sale Saturday : t VVE ARE OPEN SUNDAY : t i OFFICIAL SEAL," Perfectos, Sold rsgularly at 3 for 25'cents. , SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, v. SPECIAL 5c. EACH Kl GGROWiLL . Drug Co. (0 m m m m Ma a !;'.' THE WOMAN'S STORE. THE WOMAN'S STORE. THE WOMAN'S STORE. FffiVIOUS HOLIDAY SALE i : In inaugurating this sale we do so with the idea of .making it the most iu&essfii) ode ever "conducted. We are not going to wait until after the holidays to offer such bargains,, but we are dmg kjijxiLts the ladies the advantage of wearing a new Long Coat, Coat Suitor Fur Piece ata most desiraBfe time. ' The'e"have been watching us, they haveleen us grow,1md our intentions are to keep going up. All of the conditions for you next week will be favorable, variety from which to select, quality and workmanship upon which you may depend. Taste and judgment and styles Which you will-find correct and Wees as low as you nave iic v ci occu uciuic. oaic wm imminence itionuay, uecemDer Htn, ana last tnroughout tne week. LONG; COATS. We have a few Long Coats left and are really anxious to close them out. We don't want them. When we were buying our stock for the new store we bought too many of these Coats, but failed to realize this fact until here lately. The Coats are positively the latest in styles, cuts and trimmings; in fact, were manfactured especially for this season's trade. They have been good sellers and are still, but we want to get them out of the way. Therefore, we are making the following reductions in prices: ! $25.00 Coats for , . . , , . . . . .... $16.90 $18.50 Coats for ... .... . . '. . . . $11.90 , $16.00 COata'for . ';. ;'.'.;,..; .'$10.48.,. $13.50 and $12.75 Coats for . . . .....$ 8.89 Coats for V.nx '.-rMlt -MS'i'V. AU$5.00 to .50 poats for . . . . . . , $3.98 Look at the JLbQvi ptfees aiid; then come afad look at the Coats. If they are not pleasing in quality, as well as in price, we will be surprised. "V COAT SUITS Carefully study these Suits.. -They are made of an excellent grade of material, in colors and fancy weave Worsteds, in the season's favorite shades, cleverly trim med with bands of Satin and Silk braids, high collar. Gored Skirts trimmed with fold of same material, and buttons. Of course there are many other styles in the lot in fact the styles are various, but yet they are in keeping with the season. , i ...... , , We venture to say you have' never had an opportun- ity to buy at such a redaction tvi Ki rtii .Viii fM'. ' pi.uu vuab ouita ior . , . . . . . . . ; . . $22,50 to $25.00 Coat SultiiorYlO i $16.50 to $20.00 Coat Suits for .... . I We have a few Suits we havflheen ftelUnirAtifiia Kn xrhirh we are going to close out at$9.9a ' . ; V-; . .:' '- $18.75 $1195 $12.98 $11.90 a FURS! EURS! Just i nthe height of the season. - Something that makes, a most desirable Christmas -Gift. v . .. In the lot are some very large Russian Collars, back finished with heads and paws. r The Mink. Scarfs," Muffs, the Black Lynx Scarf anMuffs ar$ ajl here. And look at the prices. My I what bargainswe eto sure you will say. . . :. ' ;.,'.- 'vf $25.00 Furs for ; ; . . . ; ; . . . . $15.85 $20.00 Purs for 7 . . . ..... $12.90 - $15.00 to $17.50,Pnrs for . . . . . . 4 . $10.85, $10.00to $12.00 Furs for . . .;....$ 7.75 $ 7.50 Furs for , v ; : v ; , ; . . $ 190 ; , ? Besides the kbovd w h&vn nhnnt 9nn Pnm w ata eni-ntr to dividfl intn tVirnn 1f Th Y to $15.00, but vrls have devided them up and . will close umem oui ior $i.3tf, yz.vj, ana $3.7o. All we asK is tnat you come ana see ior yourself. . ; CATlMi CITY PHOttE, 292. -! !;RAiiCrH, 1 if m m as (is iGs 9) .ats m M my m vtis