rXnias Cigars-; Spwlal'siwd boxes of 13, i .. . ' - . 28, ana 50, fur glft-glv- . 'fng.' Ladies . ran make ; their selceUonnhiw from the best assort ment in the city. Masonic Temple Pharmacy O. G. KING, Proprietor. Xmas Cigars-' CRINKLEY'S , - ' STORE NEWS. Our Christinas floods ore Coming in Every day., i Full line, next week. itcd Blankets, 65c. to 3.00. Rugs 83c to $20.00. The New Boy's-Watch, Junior, 92.00. Another lot of Coal Stoves in. CIiOCKS AND LAMPS. ': Trunk and Bajr Headquarters. VICTOR AND COLt'lBIA TALKING SUCHINES AND RECORDS. FURNITURE. Bed Lounges; $7.SO, $8.00. Imitation Leather Couches, $8.75, $11 Wardrobes, $10, $11.00. Sideboards, $8,76, $10, $15. CRINKLEY'S. HI! ALL THIS WEEK 1 The Romantic. Young Actor, .- , -OtR!r-H. UIARiaS, : Supported by Raleigh's Ifavorjtes, TUB HARRIS-PARKINSON CO. '1 Change of Play Tonight Vaudeville. Foster Ball and Babe - Doris, LeCompe and Lef tier, "Fredd", Marie Miller and Bioscope. Prices, 10. 20, and. '30 cents. Saturday Mattnoe: "Little Lord Fauntleroy." THE GEM A Railroad Detective Making Moving Pic ture. A day in the Vitagraph Studio. PRICESs 5c and 10c COMPLETE CHANGE OF , , PROGRAM DAILY. Foster & Mansfield C-MEW nothing too tMfctiUPM; STATE r ' .Jfegro Boy-Electrocute Asheville, Dec. 16 By coming In con tact with . An- electric light "wp-e of S, 800 volts, Mese Johnson, a -negro boy, was electrocuted 6n .the BIHtnore estate yesterday. ,attemoon, . Johnson , wa about the shops -with another boy .when he,, secured - a -popper, wire, climbed a pofe and threw" eue end of the coppe$ wlr' over the Current wire. -He the slid down the pole and going to where an end of the copper wire was dangling from the electric light wire, caught hold ot it. He, instantly fell to . the .ground: with 2,300 volts, of electricity passing through his body. 'Help was quickly summqned and the .wire cut but the efforts of the. physicians to save the boy's life were in vain. " t Sad Tragedy at Wilson. .: Wilson, Dec. 15 The tragic death of Rttle Henry Groves Connor, the 11-year-old son of Representative' George W. Connor, has caused a gloom to spread over the city of Wilson. , Little Henry died in the hospital here yesterday at-, ternoon as a' result of the wound' s cidentally received Sunday afternoon from a gun in his own hands. Sunday : - afternoon ; while ' . Masters Henry Groves Connor, and hia cousin, Harvey McNatr, were at play in. the upper story of the Connor residence on North Goldsboro street, what proved a most sad tragedy occurred. The- boys were plundering in the drawers of a bureau when Henry Groves came across an old unloaded pistol that had not been used for ten years;, scattered In the drawer were a number of cartridges. He caught up the pistol and proceeded to load It, when Harvey ran from the room but returned in a few moments, just Judicial district were argued In the su ln time to see his cousin . trying, to ' preme court today, of these, by far break the pistol, presumably to draw the most interesting was the case of the load. Quick as a flash a report State vs. Henry Bronner and Merritt rang out, a scream was heard and the: Beck, an appeal from Swain county, young man fell weltering in his blood. ! It will be remembered that this case The ball entered, his left side just be low the' ribs and passed through the body perforating the bowels. The frightened family was .soon by the side, of their loved one, when the ball was found lodged in his cloth ing. The boy's grandfather, Justice H. O. Connor, of the supreme court of North Carolina, at Raleigh, was ap prised of the accident and is In Wll son with the heart-broken family. The entire community is saddened by the awful accident and its fatal re sult. '..'. . Quakers in High Point. High Point, DeCi-lfr The customs-of worship among the Quakers fifty years ago were illustrated ' at a most un usual meeting of Quakers, known as Wilburlte'B Conservatives, at the m-lends" church - last evening; ;Mr. Thomas Davidson',, of England, 'and others from Canada and New York brought interesting mesages from Eng land. Canada and the United States. The customs of the Quakers when they I wore the pioneer hat and bonnet and Praved and Poached, during services, as tne spirit moved, without formality, attracted no little notice. Woman and Three Children Gone. , Maysvllle, Dec. 15.-The whole com munity seems shocked over the absence of Mrs. H. A. Cox and three children, who disappeared very mysteriously ' yesterday afternoon. . Mr. Cox knows nothing concerning their whereabouts and is unablu to uccount for their dis appearance, unless brought . about by her brother, who has been louflng here for several days. Verdict in Favor of Plaintiff. Wilmington, Dec. 15 In the case of the: Murchlson National Bank vs. the Dunn Oil Mills Company and J.'' D. Barnes, the jury rendered a verdict Saturday in fuvor ' of the plaintiff, awarding the bank $5,000 with Interest at 6 per cent, from December 29, . 1905. Messrs. J. C. Clifford, of Dunn, and John D. Bellamy, both counsel for .the defendants, argued- strongly that the verdict be set aside and a new trial be- ordered. One of the points raised by Mr. Bellamy was that Mr. Sam Bear, a member of the jury,- was a stockholder In the. Murchispn National' Bank. and therefore disqualified to. act as a juror. This point had been raised before .the taking, of evidence begun, but Judge , Lyon held ' that . It was a discretionary matter and that Mr. Bear , was qualified, after Mr. Bear; had ex pressed himself that he would act, ac cording to the evidence of course re gardless of his connection with? the bank, but stated further that he did not want to do Jury duty.' '; f Mr. J. O, Carr, counsel for the bank, , resisted the motion and Judge Lyon refused 'to set the verdict aside. . The defense then appealed to the supreme court. , , ' ; -y v . ;.. ' ' Umbexzler Brought Back. Winston-Salem,', Deo. 15 L. 0 Rn cock, who is charged with embetrant over two thousand dollars whll tt)n ger of -the Lambs Fish Box Company, of this city, was brought back to Wln-ston-Salem yesterday from San Fran- PROGRAM: THE MERRY WIDOW WALTZ THE VAGABOND. coal; MII03yOv. , -NEWS elsoo,'5 where he was arresi'oji four weeks ago by detectives employed by the company. Chief of Police Thomas and Patrolman Thompson went" - to California after Hancock; " .Hancock, who led s, fast life for Sev eral weeks, prior to his departure 'In October,' drinking and treating friends to ' champagne and fine wines, . claims that he knew nothing, about leaving here or. taking any money.' Hie- says that he never, came to himself-, untll he reached Honolulu, from where he Immediately turned back to. America. The officers say 'their prisoner, gave them no trouble during the trip. They left San Francisco at 4 p. m. last Mbn. day. , Hancock's mother has been here sev eral days., She has employed ablecoun sel and it is understood that the de fendant' plea at trial will be in sanity. v . This b Worth Reading. " Leo F. Zelinskl, of 68 Gibson St.. Buffalo, N. T says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I applied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore . wafe gone." Heals all sores, Sold under guarantee at all druggists.' 25c. UN INTERESTING CASE INTuESUBPBElCOiT Several : cases from the sixteenth aroused considerable interest at. the time it was tried. . Judge Peebles, who tried the case, held that ,Sunday. school was not "divine worship" within the meaning of the statute providing pun ishment for the, disturbance of wor ship. Various church people violently attacked . Judge Peebles in. the papers and elsewhere for this decision. In the case on appeal, the solicitor, Mr. T. D. Brysan,, stutes the case in this way: - "This was an indictment under sec tion 3708 of -Revisal, as will appear from the bill ot indictment tried at said term of said court by Peebles, judge, and a Jury. - , "The defendants pleaded guilty, and on hearing the evidence it appeared that the disturbance complained of oc curred at a Sunday school held at Bradley's Chupul, in Swuin county. Said chapel was a church used for preaching, but there was no preach ing to be had there that duy. "The court, being of the opinion that there was a fatal variance be tween the allegations and the proof, ordered the plea of guilty stricken out and defendants discharged. To this the state excepted and appealed to the supreme court." .In the uble briefs of counsel the question as to Sunday school being divine worship,' is ably dlscusBed. The defendants are representeu by Shep herd and Shepherd, of this city, and their contention, fullv upheld by au thorities cited, is as follows: "The defendants bubmlt that there Is a fatal variance between the bill of Indictment and the proof; and that the evidence does not make out the case under the sVatuto. "The statute does not protect every religious body or meeting, but those only which have met for the purpjKic of divine worship. Though Sunday school may be a rcllglouB body and may engage in forms of worship, yet It cannot be said thai they, ure as sembled for the purpose of divine wor. ship.". The state was represented by As sistant Attorney-General Hayden Clement and J. W. Bailey, of this city. Guilty of Counterfeiting. Passing counterfeit, money, is no worse than substituting some unknown worthless remedy for Foley's Honey and Tar, the great cough and 'cold remedy that cures the most obstinate coughs and heals the lungs. King Crowoll Drug Co., Fayettevllle and Hargett s'reets. RALEIGH AND SOVTHPORT RV. Holiday Rates to Atlantic Oow Line, Southern Railway, and Seaboard , " Air Line Points, Th Raleigh A Southport Railway will place on sale December. 18, 19, 23, 84, 26, 30, and 31, 1808, and January 1, 1909, low rouqd.-trtp boll day tickets to all Atlantic Coast Line, Southern Railway, and Seaboard, Air Line points, tickets good to return up to and including January, 6,' 1909. Train leaving Raleigh at 1:16 p. m. connects at Fayettevllle with south bound .Coast Lis trains, and return trig, train learng Fayettevlle at 12 1 80 p. - m. makes close connection with Coast Line bralas from the . south, reaching Raleigh, at 3:46 p., m making the. shortest schedule . be tween Raleigh and Coast Line points south, of Fayettevllle. i. , Trojns, Noa, 62, and 64 make close connection at Raleigh with Southern Railway' and Seaboard- Air Line trains. . J. A. MILLS,-. ,- ''- ' President' , Rsleigh, Deo.,16, 1908. , . Folsy'a.Ortno LoxaUv owes shronio emuupaUen' aad sttmulatss. M illvun Orlno rsguuttes tb bewsls so they will aat-naturally and yeu do not hsve to tsJts. rurftlr aoWInaouslr.-Klng-Crewtu ' Drug Co.r jrayettlVlUe aad S Hargett etretta, '.- . 'OIVES iTBIS VERY SI!.!PLE HOUE TEST t. . . , -. ' There are . more cases of kidney trouble "here .now than ever before, while recen 'reports show that more people, succumb each yea; to ' some form of kidney disease than any other cause. When" there' Is sickness, examine this urine- . Rheumatlsqi : is only ' a symptom of .kidney trouble. It Is nothing mOre br less than! excessive uric acid In the blood, which the slug gish, inactive kidneys have1 failed to sift out, leaving it to decompose and settle about the Joints and muscles. causing intense suffering; frequently resulting in deformity; often reach ing the heart, when death ensues. Pains across the back, frequent paibful and suppressed urination1 and other symptoms of weak bladder are not the- only signs ot kidney trouble; many cases of stomach disease, head ache, pain In t,he heart, inactive Uyer( etc., are but. symptoms; the cause of which can be traced to feeble, clogged kidneys. , A simple test of the urine is to void a small quantity in a bottle or glass and ' let-11 stand over night; . next mqrnlngv, If there is a reddish brlck dilst - Bedlme.hU .or white fleecy sub stance present, either consult some reputable physician or take a good vegetable -'treatment. The following prescription Is recommended highly In these caBes and the sufferer can mix it at home: 'Compound Kargon, one ounce I Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Syrup Sar- saparilla, three ounces. Shake well and use in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. (Where any of the symptoms enu merated above are present, good re sults are sure 'to follow immediately the 'use of tate imple prescription. ,AT THE GEM. It ha beeu a great mystery to the moving picture lovers as to how the wonderful pictures are taken. At The uem Theatre today they are showing . this .., wonderful invention. They have a. -, reel 1,000 feet long showing the way . the pictures are taken and put on the machine. This subject is very interesting. THE MERRY WIDOW WALTZ. The Morry. Widow Waltz Is just the rarest piece of comedy that ever fouad its way a . moving picture screen and -The -fiaiety put It on for two days, beginrimg Tuesuay, along with Coal Minings a most interesting and educational subject..' This Is worth going out of yooir way to see, and certainly, if a laugh cannot be produced by The Merry Widow Waltz it 'is about time you consulted a doctor for. your heaitn ' - AT THE ACADEMY. Harris-Parkinson . Company Pl-ai Large Audience, The Harris-Parkinson Company, one of the best stock 'companies on the road today, begun a week's engage ment at the Academy of Music last night. There wan, a tremendous crowd present. Not a Beat was Ml unfilled. Mr, Robert H. Harris, a young actor. Well known to the people of Kaleigh, played the leading1 part In "A Royal Prisoner." His work was up to Its usual high standard. ' -The play, of Itself, is not one of especial charm. There Is much fight ing, bloodshed and rascality in it, hut the quality of work done by the cast was far above the average. The specialties were especially good. The Illustrated songs by Fredd were much enjoyed. Babe Doris is a win ner. She danced rher way into the hearts of everyone present and It is worth three times the price of admis sion to Be the work of this little lady and her partner, Mr. Ball, The Harris Parklnson Company Is all right. " A Personal AppeaL . If we could talk to -you personally about the great merit, of Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs,, colds and lung trouble, you never could, be induced to experiment .with unknown, prep arations that may contain, some harm ful .drugs. Foley's Honey and Tar costs you no mdfe an.ha a record of forty years of cures. Klng-Crowell Drug Co., - Fayettevllle,' and Hargett street. , ' ; .- PERSONALLY OONDCCTEI) TOUR. Southern Railway' announces ex tremely low round-trip rates to Ha vana,' Cuba,, tickets, to be sold Janu ary 11, 1909, final limit good; to leave Havana not later thart. January 27, 1909. The following fares will apply from stations named . Raleigh . . . . Durham . , , , Henderson. . , . . flrfnrd . 144.65, $48.00 $46.00 $48.00 ,. Approximately low rates from other Stations. These ticket are first-class and includo meals. gad berth while on Peninsular and Occidental Steamers. Stop-overs will be allowed on going trip at .Jacksonville, 'St, Augustine, Palm Beach,- and other points south of Jacksonville. ' Bpeclal roptvsenta Uve wilt be In charge and personally coaduc( tbli party. : Further Informa tion as to tour, ilde-trips from Ha vana, sight-seeing tours, hotel rates, U.t oaa be had upon applleatlou to R L, Vsrnon, T. F. A. Charlotte, tr, C.j W. H. MoOlflmory, P. A . T, ' A., Raleigh, N. C; R. H. DeButtt, P ft T. A- Oreeosboro, H, C r BOYLAN-PEARCE CO.4 BOYLANPEARCE COej '' . ; i i THE STORE CLOSES AT 4 P. M. EXCEPT SATURDAY NIGHTS.- . . .' ,- : . ' ' ;! Richly stocked cles for Christmas presentation wefhaye chosen to sell at lower prices and clear out while the demand is active, pre ferring the nimble sixpense to the slow shilling. Buy novfcl uuu avvuiv uiv mvdu LADIES' JUMPER SUITS. Silk and Woolen Jumper Suits. See the big Window Display. ' Values 910.60 to 920.00 for . . '. ;.' . . . . , : '. . . . . TAILOR MADE COAT SUITS. The very latest styles and coloring are embodied in this line. '" Values, $17.50 to $23,00 for . . . ..... . - . . . . SWELL TAILORED COSTUMES. Chevrons, plain, fancy weaves and mixed colors. Coats all satin lined for SILK AND NET WAISTS. Waists are appreciated for gifts. Shall it be a Taffeta Silk, Mcsseeline, or Lace Net Waist? All prices; and many colors . . . ..... . ... . . . . $3.98, $4.98, $6.00 Up WHITE WOOL SWEATERS. mmmmmmmmmmirm Ji.imj"" ' -jaBB-'BWBMsiewaa-, JuAt a small bunch now. You'll Saxony Wool Shawls, 'Fascinttors, Skirts, Toques, Legglns, Bootees; . TTH mTTTlTV TiTTT fiPO A VTl-k tTTT tllA O A manufacturers Uneof samples. at your own price The collection is very large, Linen Hemstitched Handkercliicfs . . . . . . ....... Kmbcoideved Handkerchiefs , Lace-trimmed and Embroidered Handkerchiefs . .... . ... . .. .. ..... iiuuui.nunuKerciueiH in B 0 Y L A N PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR TO Havana, Cuba AND RETURN, JANUARY 11, 1909, IN CHARGE OF Mil, AND MRS. C. H. GATTIS, RALEIGH, N. O. ROUND TRIP $44.65 AND INCLUDES MEALS AND STATEROOM BERTH ON , . STEAMER. . LEAVES RALEIGH 5:15 P. M. SIX (6) DAYS IN CUBA. All arrangements completed for low hotel ratea and side trips in Cuba, and stops will be ma4e t Jacksonville, St Angustlne, Palm . Beach, and Miami and carriage drives may be taken at these points. ; An attractive part of the trip through-Florida is over the Florida East. Coasti-Railway, Concrete Via duct Extension, through the KEY'S . to KNIGHT'S KEY DOCK, where a1 steamer -of the P. & O. S. S. Co. is taken to Havana. Tarty will visit many points of in terest In, Cuba, Including Mantanzas, Qaunajay, Guinea, Morro Castle, and Cabanas Forts, and through the sugar and tobacco plantations and will re turn about January 2 2d. Those who do not wish to return with the party can leave Havana as late as January 274809. ' t '. ; .-; 4 A Vor HoLhIIh. write at once to 1)M undersigned, as the party will bV limited accopnt of lack of accommo dations pn steamer. ( C. H. GATTISA- 7; , Tt. P. A., Balelgh.)r. C. . . ' ' . fcpeclal Low Christmas Kates Via Seaboard.-' '.The Seaboard v announces special low round-trip fates account Chrlp j ma and New Year holidays, tickets to.be sold D.asie.HM. ji, ao. 39, and Si; also January 1, with ftaat re turn limit Jan. 6... . , , ,tj. , : Although not juy., iejtied ",ihe fates will probably'-be -based on 3d. pef mile, plus 2(1$,'; for " the round irtb.- . -c . ; ,;- For. further information call oh your local agent, or address the un dersigned. C. H. OATTtS, with the useful Msemceable Jt $ be anxious for them before Christmas KNIT WOOL GOODS'., Scores to select from and no two .' CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS. the designs so varied, that practically ...j- j, i ; -i.J ocniiv, viu jvurusii, rau mwa, m hi, - PE AReECOM P ANY II. IIIIJ(I II M l lll?llf V Pk 111 1 1" silbi OUR SPECIAL OFFER, FULL QUARTS WE are making this, special offer in order to convince you that we give you the best Whiskies for the money. This bottle, which we give away with every order of four quarts of Old North Carolina Corn, is fine old Loogstreet Whiskey. Corn Whiskey is the purest Whiskey made -"Old North Carolina" is the purest Com Whiskey, hence its rare mellow flavor- It is aged in wood and Guaranteed under the National Pure Food) Law. Just remit $3. by registered letter or money order, and the four full quarts will be sent you and the free bottle1 with our eomV pliments. We. prepay the. express charges, and Ship in plain pack, ages. As this offer is limited ORDER NOW. The N ewco m b Go., PETERSBURG VA. "THE PROMPT FULTON MARKET CORN BEEF. NEW N. C. CORN MULLETS, . MACKEREL, ROE HERRING. COD FISH. .t:: 7 .f!; r:'.. J. R. FERRALL & CO. FajettertUe Btreet, fUIelgb, fl. 0. Ml- IX- .itZ : -,$9.9$ 1' i ii 3 $14.5 $18.50 eve . $3.00 and $4.(XHJ '. . 25, 50, 75, $1.00 alike. Purses to your own wisbloiu ' . to $7.5Qp, every one is easily satisfied. ' 'J . . . . 5, 10 AD.d 150 JQ, 15, Slid '25C. ' 95 50 'and $1 Otf" r 1... .. JL- . i .A0t3j u uux iw yu 5XiOU allU ipd.W t it -Ml ,V WW w w w w with Bomt freeCS 1. Ii HAIL ORDEI HOUSE. Nov) is the Ti !VA TO BEGDI A"' ' Savings Investment , ' tS THB ' . , Mechanic Ml 44- ('-'I. : . f AXO Investors Ifn!;.. .. , ' '-- " -I .1 ' ,. ' . '.,w .... . , $a.00 PER MONTH OR SOo. r WEEK WILL MATURE $100 U i MONTHS. ATTLT TO :- , i , 'A:-.- Secretary 9 (k3 I..