u: .-. .-:vvi : .t,-, : . -, , ;.- ! ; 7," ' j- ... - - t ... - - ,.,r ............ -.. .- ,y, . V. 4 . iji 4 r li a1- 'V- " ' - . J . THE ITBST SNOWFALL TJAmS v tirtuth the city today going to Goldaooro. . M-'S t4 Hrveyn4 PtO Mla Anne Lltchjordfentto Henderson today. Ifm- M..obettscVf High Point, passed threntu the Itji-iitoday: going to Scotland Neck. . -,' ? t.d nlK. wK.in wfna kah A... JtoA the earta was locked in slumbers I. Mm TrJ. Horton, of Zebulon, passed ' . deep . ' J through the city today returning .home Vrotn an unseen realm with noiseless .-from. Durham, '-.,,. -. ..,'-. Th 8now King's armies came hither, Jilss Gertrude Royster returned home .last .enlntremvattendlnir confer sfar and . nee at Durhaoir v. ' 1 .They pitched their white tents -wide, - Tney inreetea tne town nna nveroa lira. Henry Bteks 'returned .to the KM llla wlilA Bore the marks of their hurrying foot-' . steps . And when early this morning "with crimson face The great sun arose to begin his race. He turned on the earth his astonished esse ...... . - taif nrhn rtn Till-It shown as it strewn with rare! x tendf copfqteBCf.jU , Miss Annie B. Dupcan?has returned fcoitf?Iurhin7vWheV. she has been vislttiig Mrs. Jaa B. Mason.. - ..' Mrs. Cooper, of . Henderson; stepped over In the city today with Mrs. Tel- dlamonds. -Sfrt'-fend Mrs. J. ..D. Ballentme, of And a. by my window musing I stood. ?TLT'?"lyJ a,ter n.ih. rival. W!-'"0 "'. "' wood. ' 1 - I laughed, for each past had a; fluffy ' , M'sf.1Sal" Crist. N. C., white hood. ,s visiting her cousin, Mr. R. H. Brad- Not a vestige of roughness my eyes' "ev- ana M1'3- A- u- wucox. or leou- could trace -., Iqn,;.: passed through the city today re- For each blemish and scar on rude turning home .from, attending confer- Nature's face i? Ii W? at Durhartt, The soft, voiceless snow had come toK . ' erase, . vTheVig ( wHJ be a short Christmas en- And to shroud it !n garments celestial, tertainibent -m, le chapel of-Peace In- - stitute Thursday evening at 8 p. m. Then I thought to myself 'tis blessed promptly. All interested are cordially to know . Invited. . This lesson of charity taught by the): "j-. ' snow J"" lUrs. 3. H. Paylor returhed to the Forgetting the faults of all creatures city, today from a visit to her brother below, ' And love with endurance and patience. at Duke. She was accompanied by Mis. Carrie Herndon. of Duke, who lyttt be tajr guest. Mrs. F. M. Shamburger returned to So . a gladsome message each white flake brings, While the wind tunes up his harp and Jthecity tooay from Durham, where she sings attended conference. Mr. Shamburger And my heart in gratitude upward has gone to see his father before re- springs For the beautiful gifts of God's mercy. Roy Winchester. turning home. Christmas Bazaar. The Christmas bazaar of the St. Mary's Guild will open, promptly at 8 te visiting his sister, Mrs. D. G. Conn. ; " cloCK ' ""''a rooms -or m ... line iiurcu ui tin? uuuu onepiiera. ine Mrs. R. H. Purvis has returned toTaa' will contmue -through Thurso Iutty . wii ui tnu must unci etiuiK itruL ures of the bazaar will be the Christ- Rev. Geo. J. Dowell, of Wllliamston, Hamlet, after visiting friends in the city. ''' Mr. Jones Wahab. of New Bern, is visiting at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. E. M. Spencer. ' - . . Mrs. R. I Gray is visiting her parents. Judge and Mrs. James C. MacRae, at Chapel Hill. . mas tableaux from Dickens. MISS MARY THOMrSON EXZERTAIXED AT LUNCHEON. Miss Mary Cornelia Thompson enter tained at luncheon today with the fol lowing young ladles as her guests: Misses May Montague, Mary Arml- Mrs, J. L. Davis, of Seuse, -ha--e-'s''ead Jones, Annie Duncan, Nell Hins- turned home, after a visit to her sister, ' dale and May Jones, Mrs. Sam Bell, on New Bern avenue. Literary Meeting of League. The literary meeting of the Central , Eoworth League will be held in the a visit to Miss Grace Deaton in this league room at 7:30 this evening. Miss cityv I Ada Womble. who has lust returned " from England ana Scotland, will ad- Captain Patterson and daughter, Mrs. 'dress the league on her trip. There Bragg, of Petersburg, have returned will be vocal music "by Miss Pool and Mrs. K, J. Best, of Columbia, S. C-, has gone to visit at LaG range, after home, after a visit to Rev. and Mrs. W. McC. White. Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Tarborough, of Commerce, Tex., have gone to Wil mington, after spending a few days with Mr. L. T. Tarborough, on HIUs boro street. Mr. Furman Betts. Miss Frances Ren frew will give some of her delightful readings. The public is cordially in vited. .- '..: ..-'.. League Meeting Last Mglit. The Edenton Street Epworth League held an Interesting literary meeting in the IpuiFlin mnm ut 7'Hfi lnut MvAitlnp wi. Ti ,r j i. - ..iui ! " ' " uw eniieay is visiunj ner e aubject being "Zoroastrlsm." The aunt in Washington City, tyie will mating was well attended, as these also visit in Philadelphia and New ; 8tudlo'a, the league is making-of the York before returning to the lty. great renKiona of the world, are prov. ''.' ing very Interesting. Miss Nina Green Rev. J. Marvin Culbreth and his sang several Persian songs, especially bride, who was Miss Bessie Trawlck, gued to the subject. Several papers awivuie, ienn., arnvea in tne city were read. "Zoroastrlsm and the last evening and are guests at the home ZendrAvesta," by Miss Iden, with read of Dr. J. W. McGee. r lings from the "Avesta" by Miss Beryl I Taylor; "The Parseee. or Present Day Col. and Mrs. W. D. Pollock and Followers of Zoroaster," by Miss Mary little daughter, Frances Pollock, after King. Miss Sarah Bulkhead read a a visit to Mr.' and Mrs. Alex Webb, delightful paper on "Persian Lltera have returned to Klnston, accompanied ture," .... with reading from "Omar by little Miss Frances Webb. IKhayyam." Miss Katherlne Wharton, who - is spenaing tne winter with her grand-, father, Mr. L. Banks Holt, at Graham, left today for Atlanta, after a visit to her mother, Mrs. John C. Drewry, in the city. your -presence at the 21st anniversary 4 exerclseV Thursday evening 'December' 17. -1908,'; Bute's, Creek, N, C.M .". "Program; 1 President W. Caswell Ellis. Secretary U W, Smith. . " Reciters Miss Bessie . Matthews, Aeth.; Miss Pauline Bryan,. Wash.; Miss Mamie Shaw, Wash.; Miss An nie Bright, Aeth;' 'v " Orators W. S. Britt, Phi.; E. Lanier, Eu. . . t DEBASE t. QueryT-Bjesplved:, Tbat.i.all legisla tloru both national and state, should be ubmittedj to.he people for their .direct ! TUkiiiciuiuvi, i . . --..-. ;! Affirmative S. J. Carter, ,Eu,; p;,H, tPettewayU!, , . . .,-..; Negative C. - M. Rofaerson, PhlT''9. P. Wilson. Kb. : , .. 1 Capt. O. B. Wynne. Co. G, Second Infantry, Av"aBhlngtoii, N. C, tendered : his resignation to Adjutant General ' Robertson .today. His resignation was J accepted. ' 1 - The friends of Mr. Garland Spence i will be glad to learn that he has been promoted from the position of assistant baggage clerk to ticket agent for the Southern at the union depot. 1 Clem Jones, colored, was tried yes terday afternoon before Justice Roberts for selling booze. The justice adjudg-' ed the action frivolous and malicious and taxed the prosecutor, Ernest Bob bit, with the costs, $5.10. The two big Siberian wolves which will be used in the pTay, "Daniel Boone," tonight, were on exhibition to. day on the streets and attracted much attention. The Capital City Telephone Com pany has kindly put their instrument in the Church of the Good Shepherd for the use of the ladies during their bazaar. Their phone number is 642. Hon. J. Gordon Hackett, of North Wilkosboro, chairman of' the board of directors of the state penitentiary, Is In the city today. John . -Morton, a negro of Laurin burg sentenced to 10 months on the roads for larceny, was pardoned yes terday. The witness on 'whose testis mony Morton was convicted, recently retracted his statement, admitting that he lied. j; . ; :m- 1 , 1 " - ; -. - - t " ... - --.'' ' : ' ' ' - . mm ".i 1 ' -t ij 1 ' - . 4i t ....... . , , F; .1 : .- Mm' A A swell lot of Ladies' Long A great reductions. $-5.00 Goats $ 3.98 ""7.50 " 4.98 .10.00 ," 6.98 ' 12.50 8.98 15.00 tt 10.98 T5he ' WEAKKK SEX ASSAULTED. ,-' "7 The Heavy-liitmled Representative of the Stronger Sox Fined ia Polica Court, ... v 1 , Henry. Pavls, colored, strayed from the jiath-v of nghteousnews yesterday and in his fury , lay heavy hands 'pon the "pusnon" of one Annie Jones, also of a dusky -complexion. The chastfsr-d maiden became vei-y indignant at such ungentlemanly conduct and appealed to the police department for redress of grievances: ' : Diitls ' appeared in court today and 'received a lesson in etifluette which cost him seven and thirty-five hundredths of his hard-earned simo leons. W. H. Goode was given a premiiln-; ary hearing yesterday afternoon upon the charge of . larceny. The evidence seemed strong enough to show probable ' Jj caused-and Goode was bound over-, tbl .! court under a J50 bond. It was alleged that Goode misappropriated a pistol valued at $4.75 and $1 in specie, the property Of E. T, Smith. I) (I 0 1 Opposite Post Office. sBiBBOBsHisW JJIL Gimxr.iffi SEASon Buy Xmas Presents II For Mother- . i -.-.. : -v... ,-7 - - For Father-- : For Sister--For Sweetheart Rocker. Wuna .uase-i t --: . ;-7 ) Pedestal. , ; . ' i :, ;..',: k -mVlm Morris Chair: v? i 8ha.vinsr Stand. :.3 vPeliIattresa. v-. Desk. Brass Bed. Sewing TStofl Desf'"; - -7--Cheval lfirr?iw: t 7 ; ; ; ; PRETTY THINGS. Royall & Borden Furniture Cd 127 Fayettgville St. Raleigh, H. C -OPEN AT NIGHTr- TOO EARLY? s 7;:( Top early to be thinking about Christmas Gifts? Not a bit; The early purchaser is the one who gets . the best values in Holiday. Gifts.' : , Before the' rush and confusion, of the Inst weeks, now when the stores are full of new goods, attractively displayed, is the very best .time to make selcctions.7 7 7". ; 7 i';'''-'--'-''' -''"''' Suitable gifts are to be. found-imong our Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, China, etc., all nt: prices bound to please. A word to the wise is sufficient, ' . H . M AH L EtVLS SONS Jewelers - , -RalelgK, N. C 1 a w 1- mmmmmmimmmmmBSBSBBiBKmVBmmm1BU30mVimBA 9BHbbsHbsj0bissb ELECTION OP OFFICERS. AVI l.r- . 1 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. Medicine That is'Medicine "1 have suffered yal Arcanum Will IwfiMHl.8Ceet Tonight at 8 O'clik-k, - Uectml Offlrem on Eveningof .. The Chamber of Commerce will u , 1 . !et tonight 8 o'clock, m iu -haii.' if At 1U regular -rheetiitg. ;last W eyeral Interesting reports will be Raleigh Council No. 551 Royal Ar- read. The question of how to build Mm he'd Li'8 X5jL!Jn fflcerst Raleigh's Jobbing trade will be' the Year 1909. The officer wirTbtf 0rie tonic for di...,. I a good deal with JmfcaJled. on - the evenlug,.ot January oida i lnvin,,a f t,..7. malaria and stomach complaints, but I HlB;-I?09r'aX wUim time' the- Grand t'nnH.nu a i.n .. 11... have now fnnnrl u mnuv iht b,n. r, t ... an luenioers "V. J 7 .Z 7 ':; " K wi ma r. n. p.,.,aou- try to be on hand ZZTPJ!: Wilmingtonwllr. be prent, . " : """.y.ihlld bnnniwt will h. wwhI. Thli. Bagwell-Schapperle. The marriage of Miss Bertha Schap- PERSOANLS Col. W. B. Rodman, of Charlotte, Is at the Olersch today. - . r. . Hon. W. C. Newland, lleutenant- perle and Mr. Lorenzo C. Bagwell will governor-elect, Bpent the day in the take dIilca tnmnrmw pftomnnn at a-iG cy. o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mr. E. I Harris, 621 Hillsboro street. The country is flooded with soaps which look like, and claim tp be Vas good as," Ivory, v Avoid theml .' They are imitations: and, like all imitations, . they lack the peculiar " 'and remarkable qualities of the article which they imitate. 7-- lq.0 . Ask for Ivory Soap and see that you get It; J IvcrySoap' W6 Vet Ct.Purt.J , Mr. P. M. Strlngfleld, of Manteo, was a visitor to the city today. -. " Mr, F. L. Frlerson, of Asheville, Is stopping at the Olersch. . Mr. P. J. Olive, of Asbury, Is In the city on business. . Mr. Max Iglo, of. New Tork, Is regis tered at the Olersch, Cot H. C. Pockery, of Rockingham, i at. the Tarborough. ., - . . Mr, F. B. Bradley,'' of Stately Hie, spent, the day In the city, j ;)(, v Mr., J, Hacked of. .North Wilkes boro, was in the olty today.' . , -Ex-Judge W. S. O'B. .Robinson, of Ooldnboro, I registered at the Tar borough. V . , Mr, W. W. Home, of . FayettevHto, was In ths city on buslneaa. Mr. Thos, 8. Rollins, of ., Asheville, Is In the -olty. to attend the supreme court Mr. R, W. Massle, of Lynchburg, Va., is t the Tarborough. Mr. g. Wltkowsky. of Charlotte, Is in th oity on business. ' Bx-Jfldgs ' E. W. Timberlake, of Wake Forest was in the city today on business;' ' ' ' ' i-j -. m'. . ' AKXramSABY EXERCISE . ; 1 AT btTJCS CREEK ACAEM ;Vh';foUowlnf 'iontfcn his v( been reetV4' yi.w '"' The faoulry and studhts of Bulo'f Cmk Aondsm request the. honor of .fr.n...u J ii . ui.. ouu a. uniiiiiicc. nil, w ecnou, 1 U1B ... . . owincu biiu ji.ci ii"uv"r aaa ur ran . . , . . .... i nuarse COUgns and stuffv lolrta thai dow cond tinnj" nv w r iri..n order Is in a flourishing condition, mn f ' " Blu,y LOlas tnat tonu.iions,.;, says t. .KlestJer, . i . ' . may develop Into pneumonia over nieht of Halifax. Ark. Electrlo Bitters pur- not only-jn. litis eltr. but thrbughout are quick,y cured by p0ieyg H(,ney ify and enrich the bloody tone up the th country, Its membership now and Tar, as I soothes inflamed mem nerves, and Jmpart vigor and 'energy ; numbers, a quarter of a million mam-' bfanes, heals the lungs, and expels .v ...B -- vu i.iuiic; wiu.qb ro- uvin, a surplus vt emergency " coia rrom the system. King funded If It falls to help you. 50c, at fund of nt?arly I5.00ff.000. Thd Crowoll Drug Co., Fayettevllle and all druggists.,-, COMMISSION MEET. : Jamestown ' Eioltion Commission ' Prepairs Final Report. '' Mr. Henry C. Dockery, of Rocking ham; Mr. Ceo. W. Hinshaw, of .Win-sten-SfcWm. aiid Mr. Joseph E. Pogue, of Raleigh, composing the North Car olina Jamestown Exposition Commjs 8lon,"ar.; here today preparing their final report to be submitted to the governor. '.7 .v; 'i: -, The'Tepbrt of the commission wllT show .that the commissioners hare ieouncll in this cityj' Raleigh' Council, HarKett streets, Is the largest in the state, having s,; .' : membership of four hundred mem-i " Important Notice, berg. J For the Information of patrons the Tae officers for the ensuing year' public Is notified that Durham & are as follows: Regent John E. Ray. Vice-Regent Herman Heller. Orator Thos. C. DeDson. Secretary Henry J. Young. Collector J. P. Wray. ; Treasurer Thos. C. Powell. ':. Chaplain C. H. Ogden. : Guide A. 8. Bragassa. : Warden-Burke H. Little. ! ., Sentry fred O. Staudt. ... . Trustees A. R. D. Johnson, T. W. done their work well. It Is hot be lieved thef,. any other state (ared ss Blake, Wm. Taylor. :u well In the matter of financial loss at ' Representatives to Grand Council this exposition, as did this state... The rpC. A. Johnson, T. 8. Pearce. three gentlemen above-named-:' ar' A fternate ' Re prese6tat Wes W. ' H. sterling business men, and handled Robblns, Geo. T. Norwcfod. the state's affairs as they handle their Southern local trains, No. 5, due to leave Durham 9:00 a. m.. and No. 6. due to leave Dunn 8:40 a. m will be annulled Christmas day, December ZB. 1808, and New Year's Day, Janu ary I,-1809.: Perishable freights will not be accepted for movement these dates. Passenger trains No. 38 and 41 are not affected by this notice. S. H. ROAM3, '.. !. Gen. Freight and Pas. Agt. own, carefully and prudently. FOCJTD A THTMB. ' GOES TO ROADS.. , 77 ' . r-: . .j -, - I,,,-' Negro' . Falls to. Pay Fine n& Will flefire Fti Months Fof Sollhig ;"'.., -,'-.J tSocaine.'' : John Motfre,' the negro eWe'riiay Human Thumb, Picked 'p in the .. Mr. W. E. Freddk bt. the 'HMin4,!?ond'. 'u.tlr t eIllnf ' : Parkinson Company, today tonnd ilow 10,00 and costs jja, two ises, negro's thomh - on West Hargett"'"" WUK 10 lDB co7 roaas toaay-w street. He, In company with some wor out tne nne and cost. , v It friends, was returning from a long mean imprisonment for nwlr five walk over the 'western frft ot'jh - ' , ;., ' , -,: v; '- ' : vivj, tug uiuuiu fia uuna nar Mrs. uapeir boarding Uouse, lying , in plain view . on- tb .ldealk. .Mr. Fredd ploked up. the gruesome find and placed It In- an envelope. ', 1 no On icrcnso , it mar save your life. Cathartics, I bird shot and cannon ball pills tea ; spoon doses of cathartic medicines all depend oa irriution ofth bowels ; until they sweateooathtomove carets strengtbea the bowel muscles j so they creep, and Crawl natorally.-' ' ; This means cure and only through') , CascorHi csnym get it quickly and - aturally. y. .-. ii.-.. , ... CkjtXi I0 tik we4k-traa. '-: mrat AndmmUu. BlrtTMlMlWr ' ... j Inuwtoon-BUUoabozMsmOBta. ' AHMUNCEiT We" are now located in the Masonic Temple F O U R T H F L O O R. and are .rgpared to do all kindof'wbrk for either the face, head or hands, such as SHAMPOOING, MANICURING, A N D HAIR DRESSING. ELECTRICAL FAC ; tf IAL AND SCALP TREATMENT. , ' ' We handle Hair Goods of every description. ; : You are invited to visit our parlors.- MRS. GURLEY, MISS GURLEY '-Hair Dressing. Manicuring THE MASONIC TEMPLE. . I to Enipojpe ? We sell Traveler's Checks in denominations $10.00 up. Available anjrwhere in the world without identifica tion and no risk of loss. .'.'-" ' ::. ;: 7 , THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BAN CAPITAL AM SURPLUS. $200,000.00 . B. a JERMAN, Pres.; Ai A. THOMPSON, VM.ra.t H. W. JACK SON, Cashier; E. & CROW, Assist. 0 ashler; J. J. Thomas, Coma Board of Director. ...... .. ,. - . . l-' Oihar. (nil r i iltmn Sr Oh. L I... - B , tnuj bonk It full Burum m mnn airiHiinni inrnias'iia mm uimrwmimu w wrmmim mmww ayuvna te0Mk-HMkiCO. I. t)SiullrA CIGARS FOil; CIIHISE1AS M., . --VS, J.. . - -. ..... ' j "' - e have tile most conular branda In boxes of 23 tvnd'50. 7 : 7 1X1 NG- CROWEIiL m n - 1 1 . . n n - m t ? Mmveu mis i.jorniiig s m Skiers;' for 'the'-Misies.&nd ChttdwaL'- They have E my been placed on sale V '.; rkti ' i- 2 , Don't forjjet thaale of Coat Suits. Lone M T .Coats and Eur.that we have on: -for this weefc'.iw T.esterdawas pur tai&erfiaywy expect this w jwcM uouucu .wot) -. ':- M : ' ;', '''- r'"" ' '':'; V ' jrj ! If, you did not. come yesterday , or today wo "if el sure you will be ln bef ore the week is ores j .If ott can not afford to miss such an opportunity al mm Hargett Street Masonic Temple,- - '" V : RALEIGH, N. C, 'V ' iV mil TmTmfh J' iniiii,, v DrUQ GO. J WHAitaAQBjrrs itoB rfeenutsa patxeiot. .

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