THE EVENING TIMES: SATTJRDAYhI)ECEmeS 26; 1908. MWS TO BE JUDGt Sklczer tlss Unfortonate Vict ; . In of a Whim A Prominent fU-pnblican Talks Inter- estingly of the Hot Race For the Judgeship Thinks Judge Timber lake Will Get" Consideration . Adams Unanimously Endorsed. After passing the usual Christmas salutations, "a representative of The Times 'asked a prominent republican yesterday what he thought of the race for the federal Judgeship. -.-.'.. "Tram' all indications," replied the republican, "Spencer B. Adams, of Greensboro, will receive the appoint ment" ' !. ' "And what are your grounds for this statement?" he was asked. This positive person drew himself up la his full-height, expanded his chest, winked his left eye and looked wise. Then he observed, ; "I got it pretty straight today that Prltchard, Duncan, the' three republican congressmen elect, Grant, Cowles and Morehead and nearly. every republican legislator, have endorsed him. With such backing as this, If this be true, the other aspirants will have to content themselves ex ercising that great virtue that so few of us possess, which la commonly known as patience," "What about Skinner?" was the next question. "Well,", answered the object of th's interrogation, "Skinner Is the unfort unaN victim of a whim on the part of a certain republican, whose endorse ment is needed to land the job. This person refused to take any interest ia the contest while the late Judge Pur nell Was In the land of the living. But on Monday evening after the remains had been laid to rest, a telegram was sent to Colonel Skinner asking him to meet Mr. In Raleigh. Colonel Skinner wired back, so I have learned, that he was on his way to Asheville to see Judge Prltchard and would see the person later. The gentleman, whose endorsement was needed, disliked such treatment and has now thrown his in fluence over to Adams." "Then you think that, Adams will surely be the next .presiding officer of the eastern district?" "I most assuredly do," was the em phatic reply, "Don't you think Judge Tlmberlake will receive any consideration at all?" the' reported asked. "Oh yes, he will receive plenty of consideration, but that will be about all, think Judge Tlmberlake is well able to discharge the duties of this important position, and I think his ap pointment would be a wise move, but he Is not strong enough with the click." And then the source of information rambled off into other topics. Marked for Death. "Three years ago I was mrl:ed for death. A graveyard cough was tearing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help me, and hope had fled, when my husband got Dr. King's New Discov ery," says Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Bac, Ky. :..The first , does helped me and improvement kept on until I had gain jo) pjooaj Saueai b.pijom eqt spioq Miioipaiii Bjqj, -pnnsai Ann; SB. trilBaq Xui pus )q33M u spunod 89 pe tOc, and $1.00. Trial bottle free. jCliAREN'CE MITCHELL LEAVES. Will Locate In Durham, Where a Better Opening Presents Itself. ; Mr. Clarence E. Mitchell, better known to his innumerable friends as "Baby", will leave tomorrow for Dur ham, where he has accepted a posi tion with the Seeman Prlntery. Clarence has been In the printing business for more than seven years, having played the "devil" for Eu wards & Broughton when only a lad in knee breeches. With the exception of about seven months he has been with the same firm since his entrance Into the printing business. His place in the printing office will pos sibly be filled by one equally skilled in the art, but his place with the B: B. B. Sunday school class can : never be filled until he decides to re- turn to the Capital City. Realizing that he is going to ac-1 , cepi .a Deuer posilion, wiin more ; hi rcaiuu neveim uaja uu in voita- rapid promotion, it Is not so bad togena, Colombia, on a charge of em- give him up, but when we think embezzling $996 from the company, will where he is going It's too much Clarence will move bis family to the Bull City after January first. LITTLE NEGROES TREATED. Deaf and Dumb Children Have En . ' , Joyable Christmas. J. D. Collins, suprvlsor of the Col ored Deaf and Dumb Institute, was on the streets this morning with a' band of well-behaved, cleanly dressad i little colored lads. j On Capitol Square the procession topped. A bag of apples was distrib uted t among the boys. Their rapid "sgn' talk and pleased faces attract ed everybody's attention. . Tnere ore now 194 boys and girls at. the Institution, of whom 94 are boys. YesteTday ,the children were A . - .1 . . M . , iroavaa io a great eui ui bpimcb, i oranges, nuts and candles nd they ( seemed to enjoy it immense!, , Mora people ar taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy every year, tit la comld- for kidney , and bladder troubles that ! to heal, every cymptom disappears, the constitntionVis built; up and health medical Science cart devise. Foley's I restored. 8. S. S. rids the system of catarrh by attacking the trouble at its Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities, head and entirely removing the cause from the blood, thu making aperma batlas - bp worn out tfseu a and re- nent and lasting cure. 8. S. S. is made entirely from health-giving roots, store lost vitality. 'It wl'.t make you herbs and barks, and for this reason is an especially safe and desirable medicine, (eel .well and look weil.-r-Klng-Crtwell Book on Catarrh and any medical advice free to all who write. , -Jhrug J. FeyetteviUe and Hargettj THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAKTA, 01. . ; J . 'k HOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To til knowing mifferert at rhranutltm. wheth M poacuUr orttuie Jointv sciatica, lumbago. ' ickaeli, paint in tbt Mdnera or neuralfiia ' al,. to rlta to her for t home treatment which has repeatedly cured til of tbeae tortures.' She feeisWt her dptr to tend It to all rafferen FREE. Yon cure yourself at home ai thousands will testify no eiiant of climate being neoea i saiy. This simple discover? banishes uric tctd j from the Mood, loosens the stiffened Joints, pnr- Mes the blood, and brlgtiten the eyes, airing I elasticity tnd tone to the whole system. It the ! shore Interests yon, for proof address I -Mrs. M. Bummers, Box B, N'otr Dame, Ind. Kit L ED IN GAKNEH Yesterday afternoon, near Garner, Early Walker, a negro who works for Mr. Hobby, the rfverynian, shot and instantly killed Walter Crowder, an- ero of c)ty Walker and Crowder were part of a large crowd of negroes, all of whom were drunk. ': So far as can be learned everybody was In the very best of Hu mor. There had been no quarreling between Walker and Oro.vder. Nearly every negro in the crowd had a gun and was using it in "Wild West" fashion, shooting promisculously. Early Walker declares he "did aor go to do It." Crowder was shot through the stomach and died almost t instantly. ' RALEIGH NEGRO Walker came in this morning and ! really big healing day and at high arising the next morning. surrendered to Deputy Sheriff O. noon all sorts of diseases are to be: Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges tone up . ,t . i ii, ! the blood.' the. liver and the stomach. Parhom. He is now in jail conquerred. ,. . . , . immediately after he was put I . It ve.oped that Ottoman jail he sent for Mr. Hobby and asked f Adiuht Hanish has evolved a prayer. inm.all the"lr effl,0, .j ., ,ininfui man hlm to send to the family of the dead With the body in perfect repose this ni,r upon the bmvols man $5.00 of the money that was due i prayer must be repeated nine tints. ; They are gentle. powiTul and pure htm for wages to help pay the burial with one breath to a prayer and one and their -popularity .and tremendous expenses of the dead man. Early said he had seen the family of t"e a.a k WA ucnu UidU auu iviu lucm 11. li li i- pened and none of them thought he hnd rlnA it o' nnrnnse " - i ' ' - . .' this prayer will cure carbuncles, boils, Suicide Yesterday. , blotches, pimples. eruptions aud (By Leased Wire to The Times) I blood diseases of every sort in one Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 26 Be- treatment. Furthermore, if it is kept cause he was unable to go home to P day after day it will finally eradi see his mother Christmas day, Jos- cate tumors. eph Gansel, aged 22, fired five shots- The services were scheduled to last into his body and died. 1 far into the night. BANKING FIRM HEAD ASSIGNS (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Dec. 2G Henry W. Poor, head of the firm of H. W. Poor &. Co., -bankers and brokers, of 330, Wall street, today made an assign ment for the benefit of their credl tors, to Mark T. Cox. The nature of on the Cottage Grove avenue and in the business troubles was not made diana avenue lines were tied up and known in the paper-of the assign- the southside elevated service halted ment. by a $630,000 fire that destroyed the The banking firm was recently suea garage and 30 automobiles of the for $200,000 by Howard WillettP, Pope-Toledo automobile livery cok who charged false representation in pany. 1252 and 1254 Wabash avenue, the sale of $243,000 railroads bonds. The fire is believed to have started In November last Mr. Poor, the head frra an explosion of gasoline. Grand Uaplds, Mich., Dec. 26 of the firm, sold his $250,000 library. The four fremen who were ln dan- Stanley Ketchell, middleweight chain Mr. Poor Is well known in banking ger of their lives were trapped when the worUl an(I aBi,lrant for circles, having been connected with a huge 2, foot high tin sign over the neavywelght hoaor after nearln- wan Hireei iraaing ior many years. He resides at 10 Lexington avenue. Hawkins & Delafield, attorneys of 1 Nassau street, are the attorney tor the assignee. BROUGHT FROM CARTAGENA. Expressman Who Embezzled Less Than $1,000 Will be Brought Back For Trial. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago. Dec. 26 Charles Brand- er, former a distant cashiar : in t h , foreign exchange and financial de- partment of the American Express ; Company offices in Chicago, who was . , . , j . be brought back to Chicago despite the fact that tUe expense of b:'ing- been crazed by the royalist propn ing him back will amount to almost ganda and his attack on Fallleres is ! twice the amount of his embezzle- thought to have been an aftermath of j ment. the shooting of Major Dreyfus by! The trip will be the longest ever Gregorl at the Pantheon last summer, taken by a Chicago policeman and In telling of his attack on the p rest Detective David Dooley, who will dent, Mathls is said to have used t:ie start to Cartagena tonight, estimates Identical language of Gregerl after the cost of the trip at $1,51)0. . the shooting. J 7 Catarrh la a VilrmH rltopas which Inner lininpa or mucous membranes delicate surfaces and tissues produces trouble, such as ringing noises in the . 1 ' , . , " . Me nose, pains aoove tne eyes, irmauon oi me uiroai, eomcumcj eiigui fever, and a general feeling of weakness and ill health. Even the lungs become affected by the continual passage of impure blood through them, and there is daner of consumption if the system. 8. S. S. cures Catarrh because it purines the blood. It goes Into the circulation and reivcs every particle of the catarrhal matter, making this vital fluid pure, rich and healthy, SUN WORSHIPERS MEET HaUImm fnfkt t Ait In Pit if UUlUiliy bUIIVUUliUll III lllljf , ""if f hlPinn ill IHIbflyU. ' i With Many Prayers Worshippers of, liten(res Sert Krve by Bail, the Sun Meet in the Lake Front The stomach and digestive canal of Temple and Engage in Weird Wor- ' 1laa mla wl, f,om fermenting bin J n ud decaying tood. Such gases im- " Jpregnate the breath. Alter through the (By Leased Wire to The Times) ijjchicagol Ills., Dec. 2C-A!1 cate chumen attending the . Gahaubar of Mazdesan Mazdaznan went on fast to day. That was the really importaut de velopment in the sun worshippers' convection, as announce J. at the Lake Front Temple in Lake Park avenue. Only an initiate knows what catechumen may be or why is a ga hanbnr or what Mazdaznan really means, but anyway this wan slated to be the important news of tlis day. Once again Ottoman n Zar-Adusht chief of the Hiuilsh, founder and Ma viznan cult was absen. His fol lowers, however, prostrated iiom selves toward the oast promptly at 7 : 1 ti o'clock and sent t lu-ir prayer cut over tlio troubled waters of Lake Michigan. The sun was nowhere in I sight but the almanac, stated It was sunrise tine. The catechumen then begun their fast and Hauish began his prepara- torv healin glessona. Sunday is the . minute between each prayer. Then it is to be repeated eight times, then !:snvnn timps and "an on all the "way - m down to once. Those of the faithful your name and a. dress and we wiU wro persevere it is guaranteed W.V? you a trial package by mail free. 101 F TRAPPED BY SIGN ! (By Leased Wire to The Times) ! , Chicago, Dec. 26 Four firemen were trapped and nearly burned to 6sath, three other persons were In- IREMEN jured. 50 tenants of a rooming house ln watching tne marvelous aitacn oi .. . ... . .dusky champion. thrown in a panic, street car traffic' . . - - front of the garage crashed to the sidewalk. The firemen were playing a stream of water on the front of the building when watchers gave a warn ing cry. Four of the men saw no chauce for retreat and rushed for ward, close to the flames. The sign, a great mas of wreckage, fell farther out and made the mprisoners, FRENCH PRESIDENT ATTACKED, i .'!,'' ii - ! j Iat!ils Attacks President Fallleres. (By Cable to The Times) Paris, Doc. 26 President Fallieres today presided at the council of aiun l-a .hAwlnv el,m rt idicio, onww,.i6 n oi&u vji TCi iuib- tion as the result of the attack on him yesterday by Jean Mathts. Mathias, the police believe, was HIDS THE SYSTEM OF CATARRH ralises n ppneral inflammation of Vhe of the body. The diseasine of these all the well known symptoms of the head and ears, tight, stuffy feeling in . 1 . L . - I .' 1- . disease s allowed to remain in the ; 'hen the intiained membranes begin BreathOdors Removed by Charcoal Onions. Tobacco, IHcyiMR Food, AI- ccbol. Stomach Gases and Im- parities Foul the Breath, au.rco.1 Purines It. A TWal Package of Ktuart's Chartw.l J iiystem, spread disease and In large quantities extend the stomach ?o that It -shuts off heart artMin and death sometimes results. ' Pure, simple willow charcoal absorbs gas at once and stop.; irnnure food fer.. mentation. It sweetens the stomach, 1 kills the effect of till odors risch as, liquor, tobacco, onion?, etc., or at least ' prevents them from causing Impurities j to c rle. ' -' j The willow Is rer.mi fo;- itl cma- tive properties and ancient legendary" lore Is filled with its use. by barbarians and civilized men. As early ns .100 B. ('.the anci-'itt, Chaldeans were .-sagely ; cuning. disease by elum-oal and every , monastery'of the old -world healed thai sick and cured the Orunkard by .uH'Ug liov.dered 'willow ehavei-al. -i Stuart's 'Charcoal Lozenges are pure ! willow charcoal, coinpre-sed with honey ' Into 1 .delicious-loz,nve. They eon-; tain nothing bpt swi-i willow charcoal and honey. One may eat a box of them i ami fpr only belief, t from so doing. ! Two or three after a meal will be a sufficient guard aga'nst bed breath and ,. the same nmount eaten just before bed i time will insure a pun. breath upon snle give them the stamp of public ! approval. Go to your druggist today i and buy '& 'box, "price 21 eejits. or send ' .Address F. A. Stuart Co., 200 Stuart Bldg., Marrhall, Midi; Johnson Licked Burns to limit . (Continued from First Page.) Iter blow with cruel force, but always j he came back into the storm. John ' son stuck his grinning face out and j sneered as he eauily blocked and ! slipped Burns' feeble efforts to land, but the white man bravely taunted j back through his tattered lips. ! No fighting like Johnson's was ever seen here since Australia was shoved up above the waters. Aus ; tralians understood now why Fitz- stmntons could not stand up for two ro,,ndJs b0Ie thf black n"' Jhosl: who had bet on Burns at 7 to 4, and tnen tried to b(dge by offering 2 to I on Johnson at the end of the first round, forgot their prospective losses KETCHEL WILLING TO MEET JOHNSON the outcome of the Burns-Johnson fight said: 1 . "I cannot say now whether I will meet Johnson or not. I realize he is a clever boxer and (hat I will have to come at least even with mm m weight and somewhat ; closer ?n 1. rt) IT. t 1 nnl TTntll nAnf f tlova1 iicit.ui Mian i .am. l 11 1 1 1 iivn nil ii, (always said I would draw the color . expectea to mee uurns In San Francisco on July 4. Whether will meet Johnson for the title re- mains entirely with my manager, Joe O'Connor. If he can fit it up for me to meet Johnson it Is perfectly satis factory to tne, although I would rather wait until I can compare more 1, VI H'l,' 1 1 tl . . 1 111 lit UVlllI' 11 " . , , i . .' .. ., a L,, T r hnd fieured Burns would win." KILEI) IX AUTO ACCIDENT. One Dead and, Three Injured in tljt -. Wreck. (By Leased Wire to The Times) San Francisco, Dec. z Speeding toward Oakland along the foot-hills . boulevard this morning an automo bile turned turtle. The driver of tne machine was killed and thu other , three occupants ad a remarkable es cape from death or, fatal injury ; Toe dead: Wlllam L. Mowry, chauffeur, , The Injured: Miss Marie Jorgen sen, Mies Mary Jensen, Elner Jen sen. :"' Another automobile crashed Into a Seventh street local train at Broad- ' wy n(j Qaij Creels and flvo persons were ge,.0giy injured, three of thetn . aDo faiaiiv ' ! CASTOR I A lot Infanta and Childroa, ' j The Khid Ybo Haw Always Sough. Bears the fUnature o 1 OILING THE MACHINERY Newberry Talks htensllogly o! Naval Affairs , The New Hccretary of the Navy Hits Ideas He is Trying to Work Out. But is Xot Posing As.n Hefonne.-, Xcr Criticising r resent Iliads of the Deparftnents. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Detroit, Mich., Dec. 2C Truman II. Newberry, head of the navy depart ment, Is visiting Detroit for the first time since his entry into President Roosevelt's of?fial family. Sir. New berry says he has Home ide:is lie :.s trying to work out, but declares he is not posing as a reformer, nor crii los ing present, heads of the departments. "I'm, simply taking the machinery and foiling H where necessary. If 1 find , an unnecessary part I cast it aside and 1 am reducing the vhO!3 machine to the best, working order wiihin my power "What I intend to do is to increase the membership of the neural board and the board on contarumoa lir-nr-itr .to. gel -.greater : co-oneraumi be tween the two. To accomplish that I hat, amended '. the-. navl I'cukitlous so as to .distribute' the work of in;; tlesbip 'deslsnlng in such a way as to avoid the archaic and unbiisiuess-ll;:e liiatl.iild ii'lili'li Itnvn lii'M'n lliwi it, ilia' past." Altno'jgh Mr, Newberry believes that much good ca.i lie accomplished without .'.legislation -it Is prouablo T)c fore the i'e-organizatioii Is completed the president will transiuil to t.'tms ress a recommendation that the vari ous bureaus of the department uc merged. Mi;. Newberry's plan of re organization does not alone tler.l wit n the heads of the departments, but af fairs of all branches of the service. This is Worth Reading. Leo F. Zelinskl, of 68 Gibson St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever had, with Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. I applied this salve on co a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee at all druggists. 25c. BRUSHES VK HAVE A '.' I'AltTK'l'IiAHLV ATTRACTIVE STOCK OK imi'SHES, COMIIS, AX!) MIRRORS. Rend us your prescriptions today, to l;e refilled. We will he closed tomorrow. Masonic Temple Pharmacy O. G. KING, Proprietor. Moanlnln charges MIRRORS i ft ili-.'i i in i m a fj ffiMNkiTrl . reach llrundr ... . case cnnn WIIiob Whliiker 0nr Pepper, Bottled la Uond Kebo Sprlnic Whlnkey Cireea Hlver Old Korrenter Whiskey Hit. Vernon, OrlKlnnl Bottle We curry all Standard Brand of Rye aud Seoteh Whlkle. All our g-ourta a-uaranteeil under the Nntlnnnl Pure Food Law. ltemlt P. O. Money-Order, Kxprcaa Money-Order, or Reentered Letter. "hip all goodi In plain packages Immediately upon receipt of order. Southern Distilling Co., NORFOLK, VA. (Formerlj of Wllmlneton, K C.) 15-Q U A li..I. " "'" i.i. ii.. mm n iti ill ILCOHor. X PCD wr AVegefabfe fttparationrorAs-slmilutingABRwdan-JHreiila tingtlteStcniaMCcwtisijf En liil 1 PmTnnio llidthr.n f1irfiit boss and ResuContalns natbtrl Op'um.Marpttine rwrMeraLi KB NOT ARC OTIC, JL.Smna , JiMltSmf i AuitSnd I m m mm mm m 11 tiiuuteixxiw .hoii.Kr MlnOri SlfX-e I Vbnttmai tTsxr. r anorforl HflliPf!v f.rnTKliM Hon niirSmm'v:..nianiiiKa VVorms.Convjlsioiis.revcriSli nsssondLossOFSEEEP. TicSirailc Sijianue of NKWYORK- Exbu Copy of Vuppir, imam mmmsm IffffBimTr'fli The Prompt Mail-Order House. Let us ship you some of our fine old whiskies and prove to you their superior flavor and rare mellowness. Our ' Lightning Express Service" will please you if you want what you want when you want it, Hero are a few choice brands: Per Gallon. Kentucky Queen...... $2 50 Old Homestead 2 25 Ncwco 2 00 ' Stonewall 1 75 Petersburg Club...... 1 50 Old Reserve Corn Whis key 2 50 Old North Carolina Corn 2 00 Old North State Corn 1 50 All our goods guaranteed under the National Pure Food law. Remit Registered Letter, Post-Offlce or Express Money Order. Complete price list upon request. The Newcomb Co., Petersburg, Va. Watch for our Special Offer. iBES TO li (U) QJ QUARTS FRANKLI.V VIJISKEY. la a great favorite olrt'aml mellow.' Its rare quality must be appreciated. Four Full Unurta fur S.1.20, We am nlno maklnff a kpccIhI offer of Pour Fall Qanrl n. V. Ctirn Wklakr)' fur S43. We on these two special oners. 1 HEHB AftE A FEW OF OVn 8PECIALTIF.Ni Per. sral lablnrt A x. Ky nniMKer ,. Private Kfork life AVhlnkry Oarnr Prpprr He hlxk.y N.v V. Corn WhlHkrr . . Tlarvrat Corn WblHker ..... KrraSnle Hyr WhUkry .... f healurlirlit Whlnkrr ....... Ilnllnnd fain Pcrfrrtlon XXXX Uln Apple Ilrn-'lr ,, si.ts, sa.oo,, .$3.00, sa.oe, .fJ.OO, $3.00, Per quart. $1.00 ,. '..!!!!.!!!.!...!.. RTS2 4fl 1 To? Infavte and Children. The Kind Yon Have- Always Bought Bears the Signature of Thirty. Years T CINTAUr tOMMHV, (ft TOM OfTT mm Per Gallon. Sherwood 10 years old $4 00 Sherwood 5 years old 3 00 Mellwood 3 50 Old Southampton Apple Brandy 4 00 Apple Brandy XXX... 3 00 Apple Brandy X. . 2 00 Apricot Brandy....... 2 00 bsb5 will S1.TS, .ni" AAJ1 AW ft j In Use U' for Over iSjHj I iliilfl KWl;:HaiLi!, li ' n . M tried to be J? of Pilot KHv prei.ay all expreaa i7-l Ml s. so lAlnifJ 'jCV s . so I W S.00 . 1 pi s.oo . Ill s.00 1 1 Si niiif 1 PILOT MOUNTAjV IteH n DM IMA 4 -it vniiubii". i . ... . h 1 POOP

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