' THE EVENING TIMES: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1908. prrrr TV PAGE TUT! RiR. GEO. C.HALL LEAVES Goes to Winston-Salem lo Take Position Advertising Manager of The Times Leaves to Take Position on the Winston-Salem Journal Times' Force Presents Him With Hand soma Present. Mr. George C. Hall, advertising manager of The Times,, leaves this afternoon for Winston-Salem,- where he takes the position of business manager of the Journal of that city. The Times, Thursday, expressed edi torially, its appreciation of Mr. Hall and his work, but it will not be amiss to say again here that this paper re grets to give him up, and all the em ployes, hi3 associates in the work of mak:ng the paper, see him go with tae greatest reluctance. He has been with the paper so long that he seems almost a part of it and the employes are all wondering today what the of fice will be like without George Hall. He kuows all the ins and outs of the business and so it was the fixed habit of the perplexed and uncertain fellow-worker on the paper to at all times turn to him for aid. "Ask George Hall" was a familiar injunc tion in this shop. , And so we give him up with re luctance, not alone because we will iniss his work, but because he was and is a good companion and firm .friend at all times. v: Thursday afternoon it was the pleasure of all the men who work on the paper to gather in the editorial rooms and present Mr. Hall with a fine gold watch fob as an earnest of their friendship and best wishes for the future. And again, we hate to see him go. but our best wishes go with him. OH! YOU DIXIE GIRL. enjoyment was lost. The manager of the Academy can not be held responsible for such at tractions as these; no one to blame Mr. Ge orge C. Ha ll. V- p "SB 'A A nr. i The First Copies Just Issued Wednesday. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. T-1 Mr. JoynerV Report is One of Great Intercut Several Useful Discus sions' in the Report Recommen dations Submitted to Governor and Legislature. STATE NEWS. STORE OPEN EVENING TILL CHRISTMAS. FilCGS la !;e a Drop! Piitent on Pose Indicator. ! ia the crusade asking for the repeal Winston-Salem, Dec. 26 J H. j of the homestead law. The legisia- Scott received today a patent on a ! ture will be petitioned at Its next ses dose indlcater, which some phsysic- j sion to repeal this law, or at least to lans say will be a boon to hos)itais, modify it materially either by giving and nurses, By means of pegs any1 a person right to waive the legal ex- hours at which medicine must be emotion or to decrease the homestead What We Do Know About You Oil, given a patient are struck by the to about four or five hundred dollars. missurs, un s jm ipj clock. There are minor interesting While the different associations Yesterday being Christmas day, features. Mr. Scott is a store-keeper "throughout the state will not .panic-, every one was merry, all enjoying with a remarkably inventive turn of ' tjsate individually in the crusade, the tae day with the exception of those mmd. There are several intersting'. state association, as representing all uo weui 10 uie Aeaaemy or .music 10 mi valuable inventions on which he of the associations, will probablv ta:;e wlthness the presentation of "My Is working, but. the dose indlcater, an active part ia securing the repea of Dixie Girl," for here the whole day's ... hosfi worth fs nssm-ed i!it them UM all, ' ! One member of the local assoc.ia- ' lion stated today that the repeal of lllind Timers in Fityctteville. (this law would be of the greatest ben- Flivetteville. net1: 2i Tim un'lirvi I pflt tn this fmnipm iinrt Hint ho wna uui u.e manager ana owner 01 me of Fayetteville Thursday raided two 'surprised that I hey had not demanded show. It is certainly a disgrace to al)eged blind fpm,.one. in a '-negro 'the repeal of the law before. "The the theatrical profession to , gather restKurant and .another 'In a nef;ro farmers arc in a very prosperous W togeuer such a bunch as was seen in,shotwln0P( on Gpcon 8trcet, arresting1 dllloh now," said this member of the this show last night and tell thorny proprictors of. each. Lewis Krec-! association, "but many of the farmers they can act, i man and "Judge Buries." They were ; are not worth more than $1,000 or Jhe most amusing part of the porv both 'locked - . fa defauU cf bond. , $1,500, and therefore .-nave no legal formanee was that it was so ridicu- Tne police declare th,B is one ot tne -credit.' Whoa thov wish to buy torti ous that the audience enjoyed It in most celcln.ated blilld t,BlsrB f the lizer and such things they have to curtain would drop on a sensational end, the audience was so amused that My Dixie Girl thought, or would seem to think, they wers giving her a cur tain call. : - Back to the tall uncut for this show. Thanks be to the orchestra for their absence; as they were not there to prolong the agony. this dramatic disappointment. mortgage, their homes or give a deed of trust and pay interest and atior- Wlll Lose Kyo-sifriit. J ney's fee, and other considerations, Dr. T. P.-'-Harrison's many friends v, ".en they could have all this expense in Charlotte and throughout the 8tate j 'ne away with by merely waiving will regret exceedingly to learn of the homestead law. I think that the the unfortunate accident which befell ' repeal of this law would work for tne him Wednesday afternoon-, at his ' betterment of every class home in Davidson. While tyhii; and! Special Offleer ,1. .1. Cofer, of the Borrow a match and make' ligit of ' his hIld mm& , .j1: -u'a gH0 ami t tie snarp ponii or ins Kmro pen- " ,v " w " auoi. etrated the lens or the left, eye, enter-1 of w'lite man named W. K. Chana ing the vitreous chaniber. Aware Of ' llil' of Kockford, who stands charged Warehouse Burned. (Special to The Times) ureensDoro, uec. i: u Fire in ai warehouse of the Proximity Manufac turing Company Thursday morning destroyed and damaged a quantity of the seriousness of the injury, Dr. wltn Hanging a tag on a hogshead of Harrison boarded a train and imme-, leilf .tobacco, shipped from Rockford dlately came to Charlotte to consult , to !'u' Piedmont 'MarehoiiKe, this city, specialists. . and collitcting $5:.S4. The weed be- Dr. E. R. Russell' in' response to'lonj-'ed to a farmer named John Stan- I ley. but Chandler substituted his own cotton, warps .and, starch. ; The loss. Harviim wus regUn HS comfortably ' me on the tag and aftr the tobacco was sold received a money order for aad 81 cents in stamps. Officer Cofer then set a trap for Chandler and he fell into it. The latter came to Siloam and was plann- which amounted to about $50,000, is covered by insurance. Mrs. McRancy's Experience. Mrs. M. McRaney, Prentiss, Miss., writes: "I was confined to my bed for rhrei? months with kidney and blad der trouble, and was treated by two physicians but failed to get relief. No human tongue can tell how I suffered, and I had given up hope of ever get ting well until I began taking Foley's Kidney Romedy. After taking two bot tles I felt like a new person, and feel It my duty to tell suffering women what Foley's Kidney Remedy did for me." Klng-Crowell Drug Co., Fayette ville and Hargntt streets. as might be expected and that while he would lose the sight of the left eye the. ball would be saved. Hope is en tertained that at some later date an operation may bo made which will result in great and lasting benefit, i tug to work the "same "trick" there by Dr. Harrison is professor-elect of substituting his name on tobacco English at A. & M. College, Raleigh, tierces. The depot agfnt wired Mr. For many years past he has been Cofer to come up on the next train; head of that department nt Davidsoa. that they had his man. The officer He is a brother of Mr. I. C, Karri- went aad Chandled confessed to his son, of this city. Charlotte Observer. I guilt.-' He was given a hearing before I : ' ia magistrate and bound over to the . To Itepenl Honufteiul Lnuv" WInston-Salom, Dee. 20 The local merchants': association :s taking part next term of Surry superior court. In default of bail he was sent to jail at Dobsou. State Superintendent of Public In struction J. Y. Joyner has just issued his biennial report. In many respects It Is the best report ever issued by a state superintendent. His discussion of the needs of the department and the problems confronting the work is a masterly one. His recommendations, respectfully submitted to the governor and to the legislature-are as follows: . i To aid in the accomplishment of the work here outlined for the prog ress and development of the public school system, I beg to make the fol lowing recommendations: 1. That there shall be little inter ference with the present school law, which I believe to be the best school law that the state has ever had. The people and the school officers are be ginning to become acquainted with the law and to be familiar with its workings. Some additions seem to be necessary, but there should be few changes and no radical changes. It will be wise to seek to continue to progress along the lines already marked out by the present school law and to begin to have a permanent ed ucational policy. 2. That section 4167 of the public school law be so amended as to re quire the appropriation of at least $200 biennially by each county for conducting one or more teachers' in stitutes and summer schools in that county. ; (See following pages of this report under heading "Improvement of county Institutes and summer schools.") 3. That the special appropriation or $200,000 for the -public scaoo;s be continued because, at present, the special tax that would be required in many counties to provide even a four- months school .without the aid of this appropriation, would be so heavy as to be burdensome, amounting :n some of the weaker counties to as much as 30 cents on the $100 valua tion of property and 90 cents on the poll, which, In addition to the 18 cents school tax required by the state to be levied, woul dmake a total school tax of 48 cents on the $100 valuation of property; and the total school tax in the special tax-districts in these counties would increase this from 10 to 30 cents on the $100 val uation of property. The state can well afford to aid in strengthening and building up the weak places of the state, as it can be no stronger than Its weakest place. 4. That the Irfw regarding the ap portionment of the second $100,000 be so amended as to require each county receiving aid from this to raise as much by special tax on all its prop erty and polls for a four months school in every district as it received from the second $108,000; and that the balance of this second $100,080 oe distributed by the state board of ed ucation in such a manner as to equal ize, as nearly as may be. the per capita apportionment in the various counties and the length of the school term. This plan of distribution, it seems to me, will be more equitable and will be based upon the principle of requiring the counties to help themselves at least as much us the state helps them. 5. That sectioa 4119 of the public school laws bo so amended as to make the term of office of the mem bers of the county board of education six years, so arranged that the term of one member of the board shall ex pire every two years. By retaining a majority of old members on the board each year the possibility of a radical change, in the educational policy of the county every two years, will be prevented, and the danger of mis takes from the administration of f luxurious mm AT ONE-FOURTH OFF THE REGU TELEGRAPH YOUR ORDERS IN The most fashionable and stylish Furs of the season at a d& count of twenty-five per cent All kinds Mink, Fox, Squir- rei, Manen, upossom, Lynx, Mminene ana t.oney. :1 Cravats, i hrows, ohawls, relennes, Rug-Mutts, flat-Mutis, Pillow-Muffs. Newest styles, animal effects with heads, claws and busky tails. YOUR FIRST, BEST AND LAST CHANCE to buy Furs at manufacturer's prices. Every piece of Fur is to be closed out by Christmas Eve. SAVING Prices were $5, $6, $7.50, $10, $12, $16, $20. " . Are now $3.75, $4.50, $5.62, $7.50, $9, $12, $15. Saved $1.25, $.1.50, $1.88, $2.50, $3, $ 4,$ 5. , F 4 1 ' A,s.' :T, i'Mi BOYLAN-PEARCE CO M P AN Y. NEW AEROPLANE L1L1 rience in the management of the pub lic schools. Under the present plan it frequently happens that an entirely new board, without any experience or any acquaintance with the educa tional conditions and needs of the county, is appointed every two years. Logically, the term of office of at least a majority of the members of the county board of education should iu th. somo'uu fw nr tha ctafo an. I Washington, Dec. 26 Believing he perintendent and the state board of a better plan than Prof.. Alexander education. The advantaees of thlsluranam ae r constructing an aero. l 4 PLAN PROPOSED Mi ) A-hil, rivOtua r rer Kl.tJ'W!.! - Mih '-v ul; la. f -ft-ii lu. uuu , iki?. 1 u mm Hid cc.iu. i -id In ia .i.-.K h"- .Hurt.'.. . I I H.I'HK CK.NTS nOTTl.ll. change will be apparent as a business plane on the tethrahedrai synlcin, K. XT nf IjtfUi T.. " T7.,. .1 41,1.. proposition to any man of business! ; experience The results of the work ship which he believes will be more and plans of the county board of edu- :BUCcessfui tnan any that has been built' cation and county superintendent can not, be fairly tested in less than four years. -. 6. That the general assembly in crease the annual appropriation to aid and encourage high-school In struction $5,000 for the establish ment of public high schools in the counties that have none now. 7. That the present compulsory at tendance law be so amended as to place in the discretion of the county board of education to order compul sory attendance for any public school upon petition of a majority of the patrons of that school, and to order it without petition in districts in which the per cent, of children of school age In daily attendance upon Mr. Young will soon begin the '.on- struction of the machine. The points-of superiority embodied in the Young aeroplane over the Bell U'tlviilieilnil. of which it claimed is an Improvement.. are that Mr. Youn"'s machine will have double the lifting power-,-..-per square foot of surface with two-thirds the comparative weight of the Bell machine. A greater stability is said to be possible in the proposed Young Hyer. - ' -! . . ' HILL'S NEW INTERESTS. Will Ferm Hose Alliance With the Hill Lines. j Austin, TexaB, Dec. 26 In connec tion with the purchase of the Colo rado & Southern Railroad by J. J. Hill and associates, it is learned that the Rock Island and Frisco interests a ro tn Via mm nlatal v aatrrairiitiaft anrt 8. That the general assembly pro-) that the Frisco will form a close al- the public school or some other school school affairs by new and inexperl-1 ls le8s than 35 per cent. enced men will be avoided.- Under! thlB plan at loast two of the members' vide for the establishment of a farm llance with the Hill lines. of the county board of education, un less they resign, will have had at all times not Iosb thnn four years' expe- school In accordance with the general Under tins new arrangement the plan outlined in this report, under , one-half interest in the Trinity and "7W" Humphreys' Seventy-Seven breaks up Grip and COLDS Opel Janwrjr to April. HOTEL ROYAL PALM. - Miami, Bisotynt Bay, Florida. HW. HerriU, Hnier. Tlie Cuban rarty, Wblch Leat es Janttnl 11, Personalty Conducted By Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Gattig lVa Uie SeaobanJ Air Line Railway, Will Slop at This Famoo East Coast Resort Hotel Ultllo at Mlwnl, Janaar 20th, ' V the heading, "Farin-lil'e Schools." 9. That Ihe law. regarding, the ap portlonmeut of th" first $100,000 by the state board of education be so amended as to authorize that board to deduct therefrom annually before apportioning it not to exceed $1,200 for salary and expenses of nn inspec tor and director of the toacher-traln-ing work of the state. (See reasons for this under -beading "Improvement of County Institutes.") . "'.'' 10. That the rural-library 'jaw te so amended as' to allbw the tiuBod balance of the biennial appropriation The tonicity or "Seventy-seven" f f'6,00 fo,r upplemantary llbrar preserves the vitality during a Cold s t the end of each blennlal period and you come out wlfa vigor, vim to, t01.' the 'lUhment and snap and not a used-up wreck. of d0tlonl rural libraries upon the Now is the time to look out for Grip prwwrtowl for the estar-, and bo prepared with a vial of "Sev- lishuu," of ,huf,e lj l!lls ' j enty-seven," hnndy, it flts the ve.u r - . , pocket, easy to carry, plensant to Hoarse' coughs and stufTy colds that take ' -! .maydoVslup Into pneumonia over night AlV Druggist 6611, most Druggist ar nulckly cured by Foley's Honey; nAm.-J tt " na Tar, as I soothes Inflamsd mam- recommend 77. 25o. brano. heals the lungs, and expels Humphreys Homeo. Medicine Co., thl coM from the ntam.-Kin-i Cor. William and Anft .9treotS, New crowtll Drue Co.. Fvettviiis and, tVork. . , vHargett strews, I Brazos Valley no wheld by the Rock Island will pass to the Frisco. . The Hill interests will also estab lish a line or steamers to ply between Galveston and Mexico, ('antral Amer ica, and South American ports. The chief object will be to build up a truffle by way of the - Isthtnms of lehuaiiiiipee and the Panama Canal, when the lstt.tr is finished. THE GEM The Lady or the Tiger. 1 (A Drama) The Rose and the ;J7: Bee. The Smuggler's Daughter PRICES: Be and 10c. COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILT. Foster & Mansfleld THE I ETC PROGRAM: HIUIJEH HEELS. THE MIXER'S DAUGHTER., FEMALE IOLITICIAXa THE VIKING'S DAUGHTER ENJOY THE BEST. ) 4f

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