;, THE EVENING TIMES : TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1908. FT PAQE TnEET! V iVa - s STATE NEWS. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. B0 YLAN-PEARCE CO. FR EE P I L E CU RE A DELIGHTFUL PERSONAUY CONDUCTED TRIP TO ' . IIavana,Cul)a And return through; the . - east coast ok florida! January 11,, 1909 In Charge of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gattis, 1 Raleigh, N.C. ; Party will travel in special Pullman train with dining car. Round Trip PROM RALEIGH - AND ON SAME BASIS FROM ALL OTHER POINTS, INCLUDING MEALS AND STATEROOM BERTH ON STEAMER LEAVES RALEIGH 5:15 P. M. MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1909. VIA ' Seaboard Air Line Railway. SIX (6) DAYS IN CUBA All orraangementa completed for low hotel rates and side-trips In Cuba, and stops will be made at : Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Palm' Beach, . and Miami and carriage ; drives - may be taken at these points. Stops also al lowed at any points South of and including Jacksonville within final limit of ticket, January 29th, 1909. An attractive part of the trip through Florida is oyer. the Florida East Coast Rail way, Concrete Viaduct Ex tension, through the KEY'S to KNIGHT'S KEY DOCK, where a steamer of the P. & 0. S. S. Co. is taken to Ha vana. Party wilt visit many points of interest in Cuba, : including Muntunzas, Guunajay, Guines, Morro Castle, Cabanas, Forts, and through the sugar and to bacco plantations. Those who do not wish to -return with the party can leave Havana as late as January 27th, 1909. The undersigned will arrange all de tails in advance and look after the pleasure and comfort of all Ladies alone will have spec vial attention. For information as to other ex penses, write at once to the un dersigned, ns the party will be limited. ' C. H. GATTIS, T; P. A Raleigh, N. C. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR. : Southern Railway announces ex- tremely'low round-trip rates to Ha van'a'"Cuba, tickets to be sold Janu ary 11, 909, final limit good to leave Havana not later than January 27, 1909. .The following fares will apply from stations named: Raleigh ... . .. .i: . . $44.65 Durham ......... $44.65 " Henderson ....... $45.70 Oxford . . . . . . . $46.00 Approximately low rates from Other stations. These tickets are first-class and Include meals and berth while on Peninsular and Occidental Steamers. Stop-overs will be allowed on going - trip at Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Falnv Beach, and other points south of Jacksonville. Special representa tive will be in charge and personally conduct this party. Further lnforma .tlon as to tour, side-trips from Ha , Yana, sight-seeing tours, hotel rates, "eta., can be had upon application to R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C; W. H. McGlamery, P, & T. A., Raleigh, N. C; R, H. DeButts, P. ft T. A., Greensboro, N. C. Doittslpw Tomorrow A. M. too late. Take a CASCARET at bed, tune; get up in the morning feeling fine and dandy. No need lot icknet$ from over-eat ing and drink' ' ing, 1 heyjureiy work wnue you sleep and , help nature help you. Muliont take tLem and keep welL 894 . CAftCAttBfa toe! boK fof I wteV trealmrat, tlldiulM. BiggcftMlltr to UK world. uUlioa bosa atvota. tJ5 . Big Meeting in Greenville. Greenville, Dec. 2 By-Greenville will attempt to do herself proud on December 31st, when the! trustees of the Eastern Carolina Training School for . Teachers, Governor ' Glenn, and Governor-elect Kttchin, and all the state and county officers will meet to Inspect and discuss the possibilities of this great Institution. . In an invitation to the editor of The Times to be 'present, Mr. P. M. Wooten, president of the chamber of commerce, has the following to say: t "North Carolina, and especially eastern North Carolina, is Vitally in terested in the great school now un der construction here, and we wish you to see the magnificent plant be ing erected and the progress made in the work. Also we have a county and town of which : we are proud. Come and be with us that day." Shot by Unknown Party. Winston-Salem, Dec. 29 Mrs. Peter Van Durant, whose home is near Francisco, Stokes county, was shot and dangerously wounded last Friday evening by a party unknown to her, She was standing in her house, and the shot, which passed through her front door, penetrated her body. Physicians wer called and the best of attention is being given the wounded woman, though her con- aiuon is regarued serious, borne think the shooting was accidental, while others believe that the shot was m- tended for Mr. Van Durant, who was at home at the time. . . Forger Flim-FIams Lawyers. ' Durham, Dec. 29 One of the slickest forgery tricks ever done In ; this town was worked by Robert C. Morris, known as "Kid" Morris. , Ho secured over $700 in money and then stole a horse and buggy from a livery stable and left for parts unknown. The forgery and robbery was made known on Saturday, but the police were loath to give out anything about the matter. Morris skipped town on Saturday. Up to this time the officers have failed to locale him. The grand climax of the Morris es- i capade developed on Saturday, and tt was then shown that the operations for this trlule steal beean on Novem- ber 14. On that date he carried a paper to Lawyer J. E. Pegram and asked that he loan his sister, Mrs. j Bessie K. Blackville, $350. The pa-1 pers were served, honored, and the money loaned.- These . papers are forgeries. . I On December 26 Morris attain bd- plied to Mr. Pegram for a loan, say-' Ine that the additionnl loan wnnlrl r-' tire the first . paper. He wanted 884.40 on the mortgage and deed of he salQi but tnought that not more trust. On the face of the second pa- than twelve companies would particl per it was stated that the only in- pate in the inauguration. The largest debtedness on the property was the ' number of these companies ever here note of $350, The lawyer knew that1 at one time was sixteen, when Presl Mrs. Blackwell was worth the moneydent Roosevelt spoke at the ; state and there was no question since tne 1 fair- These twelve companies would paper was signed by her and was wit nessed by Justice of the Peace D. C. hunter. The names of Mrs. Blacx well and Justice Gunter were forged on both of the papers presented. The money was secured from another lawyer, who advanced the funds. It Is learned that as a matter of flndins the facts the oiiestlon has1 been referred to a number of lawyers ' I nere,, wno win -see who are the re sponsible parties. This does not ap ply as to the matter of obligation, bb it is understood that the two lawyers are not quibbling about that, but, that the question Is to place the respon sibility for being taken In by such a fellow. . ' -- Notices have been sent to alf sec tions to get him if possible. State National Guards Want 950,000. ; Greensboro, Dec. 29 At the au nKil meeting of the North Carolina National Guard Association, in ses sion here yesterday, resolutions were adopted asking for an appropriation from the legislature of $50,000 for the National Guard of North Caro lina to be expended by the advisory committee appointed by the associa tion ior tne maintenance and ex pense of the national guard of this state. - i - A resolution wag also adopted thanking Governor Glenn for his help and assistance during his ad ministration. . Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Gen. Francis A. Macon, of Henderson; first vice-president, Ma. W. C. Rodman, of Washington; second vice-president. Capt. Mark W. Williams, of Char lotte; secretary and treasurer Maj. R. T. Daniels, of Weldon; assistant secretary and treasurer, Capt. Cohen, of Qoldsboro. A rising vote of thanks was given to the retiring officers. Train Wrecker 'Opens Switch. Spring Hope, 'Dec. 29 Some un known miscreant broke the lock at spur switch Morgan's Mill, two miles from here yesterday afternoon, threw switch, and threw lock away. The passenger train due here at 6 o'clock ran Into the switch and against a box car. The engine turned across the track and the cab was demolished, the baVgage car was smashed and the front passenger coach derailed.', Ne gro! fireman, . Will Mitchell, Jumped and (uttered a broken leg. Engineer D. C. Swindell stayed at his post and escaped unharmed, save for a few bruises. One negro passenger went through a window and had his arm bruised. All the passengers were shaken up, but escaped without .serious injuries: Captain Hill was in charge of the train. ' A majority of 'the passengers walked to Spring Hope. Engineer Swindell was to retire soon from the service of the road on account of his age. .Just after the wreck a man was seen running' away from the spot. Drug Store Burned. . Lillington, Dec. 29 Between four and five o'clock Saturday morning the old well-established drug store of John A. Rogers & Co. was burned. It caught from the attached barber shop of Ed. Evans. The soda foun tain and part of the goods were saved, but very much damaged. There was some Insurance, but not pnnneh in rovpr 1nRS The firm will open up in a few days in the store next to Hotel Rogers. There was a total loss on the barber- shop, $150 insurance, -.:- More people are taking Foley's Kid ney Remedy every year. It Is consld- ered 4 be tne most effective remedy for kidney and bladder troubles that medical science can devise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities, builds up worn out tissu s and re- stores lost vitality. It will make you feel well and look well. Klng-Crowell Drug Co., Fayetteville and Hargett streets. I - . PREPARING FOR INAilAII The directors of the chamber of com merce were called together last night to arrange for the Inauguration '-..of Governor Kitehln on January 12th. It ! was decided to mako the occasion a memorabte one- AU of tho mlutary. companies of the state will be asked t0 be present and it is expected that there will be at least 12 companies present. The A. & M. cadets will be i ri ii nil 4nltt In the nni4i1. Maj. J. J. Bernard, the ranking line officer of the state militia In Raleigh being present on special Invitation with Capt. W. F. Moody. of. the - Raleigh Light Infantry, stated that the local soldiery will co-operate in every way to make the occasion a great success. inere are mui-s.x mnuary com panles and six or seven divisions of . u .. i .. t n i. nnMiinn bring an average of fifty men each, baking a total of 600 men -upon whom the city could count in providing the means for their entertainment Dr. Charles Ie Smith moved' 'that the chamber extend an Invitation to the North Carolina National Guard to participate In the inauguration, the citizens of Raleigh to provide for their entertainment. A telegram to this cf tect was despatched 'as n'sht to the Ui,.lh ru..ntlni. ATul,t,ul fitinvA A uan. North Carolina National Guard Asso ciation in annual session at Greens boro. '' On motion of Mr. Battle. Major Ber nard and Captain Moody were request ed to co-operate with the chamber of commerce committee. The Military Committee. Major Bernard last night announced the members of the mllitury commit tee, ns follows: Major J. J. Bernard, chairman; Colonel Alfred Williams, Lieutenant-Colonel R. L. Lelnster, Major R. M. AlbrlgM, Captain W, F. Moody, Lieutenants W. R. Miller, Z. P. Smith, E. B. Parish, S. L. Rotter and Gordon Smith. On motion of Hon. R. H. Battle the president was authorized to appoint a committee of five, of which the preslr dent should be chairman, to make ar rangements for the inauguration and have full power to act in all things. On motion Col. Fred.' A. Olds, secre tary of the chamber, of commerce, waB added to this committee. The presi dent - postponed the naming of the committee until today. REV. W. R. HUNTINGTON. amiiMaJfcWii i''miJkKmmimvmmimmmlmmumm ' f ..Or V Ber. W. R. Huntington, rector of,h K,nV ...ki. -.hi- .,Mit.ni Grace Church, rhOM Attempt at re alffnatlon, met with A protest In the form of a check for mora than 9v 1 000, to Demonstrate the Merits of Pyramid Pile Cure. What It Has Done For Others, It Can . c . . Do For You. .... We . have . testimonials by the hun dreds showing all stages, kinds and de grees of piles which have been cured by Pyramid Pile Cure. If you could read these unsolicited letters you would no doubt go to the: nearest drug store and buy a' box of Pyramid Pile Cure at once, price 'fifty cents. We tlo not ask you to do this. Send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free. We know what the trial package will do. In many cases it has cured plies without further treatment. If it proves its value to you order more from your druggist. This is fair Is It not? Simply, write us a letter giving your name and address and we will send you the trial package by mall in plain wrapper free. Address Pyramid R Co., 164 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, What the Boston Record has to say' of this attraction that will appear here next week:' - - i Some of the bolts of laughter excited by the big mirth situations of the musical gaiety, "A Knight for a Day," at the Tremont last evening one could have heard over in tho subway, across the street. The moonlight elopement scene of the nervey little waiter and the "servant lady" of the piece stands paramount among the laugh' episodes of musical gaiety offered here in years. The audience was liberally ap plausive throughout. Scene one, commencement day at a girls school, brings to light the fact that somebody has left two lockets and a large fortune for a young couple, provided they marry. They are disin clined to comply, having other plans in view. Scene two is Corsican. The lockets are given to Tilly, the chore maid, and Jonathan Joy, ex-waiter, pseudo-lawyer, ; carpet-bag "Knight for a Day." '. Do they get the fortune also? And does Muriel, the adorable, marry Marco, the regulation Adonis? Wo hope and suppose so. The chorus deserves praise for its excellent dancing and precision In all maneuvers. It contains a pony ballet. Two electrical ' features, a game of see-saw In semldankness and the clos ing chorus, in which the beat is mark ed with colored ' lights, are novel and bcaut'ful. The; best song is one of a sentimental nature, "Garden of Dreams," by .Clare Kummer. It will be heard In the parlor. The costumes are fresh and attrac tive and the stage management Is ex cellent. Boston Evening Record. TASTE STILL LINGERS. Still Feeling Effect of "Dixie Girl" Presentation. After excusing the management of the Academy again, as he has already apologized tor teat Darn-storming ag . - 3 . . gregation that brought Hail, rain thunder, and lightning to our city on Christmas day, we still have one fac tor to contend with. Oh that dark- brown taste, left In our mouth by that elevating . comedy drama entitled, "Oh, yoi Dixie, or did they drop from tho clouds" Occasionally, when buying eggs. you will find a few good ones In the bunch. In this case, however, notu ing doing, All bad and still smell SEABOARD Air Line Railway. Effective Sunday, November 29, the Seaboard Air Line Railway will change schedule, giving the public better ser vice than ever before. Trains will ar rive and depart at Raleigh as follows SOUTH BOUND. No. 81 Ar. 4:05 a. m. Lv. 4:10 a. m. No. ?S Ar. 3:46 a. m. Lv. 8:20 a. m. No. 41 Ar. 4:05 p. m. Lv. 4:10 p. m. No. 43 Ar. 6:10 p. ra. lv. 5:16 p. m. No. 2S (Shoo Fly) Ar. 10:06 a.m. NORTH BOUND. , No. 84 Ar. 12:25 a. m. Lv. 12: SO a. m No. 32 Ar. 1:05 a. m. Lv. 1:10 a. m. No. 38 Ar. 11:16 a. m. Lv. 11:20 a. m No. 68 Ar, 11:64 a. m. Lv. 12:01 p. tn No. SO Lv. 5:00 p. m No. 84 has been made the "Tear Round Limited," arriving at New York 2:45 p. m. Dining car service Richmond to New York. No. 32, leaving at 1:10 a. in., will ar rive in Portsmouth at 7:45 a, m. No. 38 will be operated on same sched ule, arriving In Portsmouth, Norfolk, 6:40 p. m making ail boat connections for Washington, Baltimore, New York, Providence and Boston. No. 33, leaving at 8:20 a. m. makes connections for all points south, con nectlng in Atlanta for Birmingham, Memphis and all points west. No. 81, leaving at 4:10 a. m Is through train for Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, and all points south, con nectlng at Hamlet with No. 83 for Monroe, Charlotte, Atlanta, Blrmlng ham and all points west No, 41, leaclng Raleigh at 4:15 p. m., for all points south, making same connections aa now for points west. No. 43, leaving Raleigh at 4:10 p. m., for all points south, Jacksonville and Florida points. No. 88 leaves at 1:20 p. m., arriving in Now York at 3:61 a. m, Passengers can remain In sleepers until 7:00 a. m. AU through trains ar Equipped with lnlnc tar Service and PuUman sleep- Ing ears. : C H. OATTIS, Sent T. P. A., Raleigh, N. 0. AGENTS FOR THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS AND FLUFFY COMFORTABLES During this week we inaugurate the greatest sale of Blankets and Comforts of the year. ; A timely purchase of Warm Woolen Blankets,' Down Quilts and Clean Cotton Filled Comforts for the use of private families, boarding hous es, hotels and public institutions. NORTH CAROLINA BLANKETS Fleecy Blankets, home-made from home-grown wool, of superio'f ' quality, 1 l - J 1 J J 1 J , ' wnue ana coioreu, wiui In pairs for . . All Wool Rose Blankets, extra fine quality, lamb's fleece. The kinds best known to high-class trade. In pairs for .... . . . . . $6.00, $7.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.00, and $1400 COTTON FILLED, WOOL and DOWN QUILTS Are you amply prepared to take care of the crowds that will flock here during the annual conclave of the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina, or the members of the Legislature, which is soon to convene. Prepare for eventuali ties now. -- Oy;'- Silkoline Comf orts filled with clean, white cotton batting $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50 Fine Satin Covered Quilts, filled with carded wool, extra warm) . $ Fancy Satin Top Comforts, in exquisite floral coloring 5 Silk Top and Silk Lined BOYLAN AMBASSADOR GR1SC0M TENDERS RESIGNATION (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, D. C, Dec. 28 It is stated here on undisputed authority that AmbasHador Lloyd C. Orlscom has tendered his resignation ,to take effect March 4, next, and that on the expiration of the present administra tion he will retire to private life. Tim dispatch from the Italian cap ital states that Mr. Griscom has in formed King Victor Emmanuel of his determination to return to this coun try to engage in politics. . Whether Mr. Griscom will take to politics on his return is not known here. It Is not believed that any cabinet place awaits him, as Mr. Taft has chosen the premier of his cabinet from Penn sylvania, Mr. Griscom's state, and It is extremely Improbable that that state would be given two cabinet places. . Mrs. McRauey's Experience. Mrs. M. McRaney, Prentiss, Miss., writes: "I was confined to ray bed for three months with kidney and blad der trouble, and was treated by two physicians out failed to get relief. No human tongue can tell how I suffered, and I had given up hope of ever get ting well until I began taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. After taking two bot tles I felt like a new person, and feel It my duty to tell suffering women what Foley's Kidney Remedy did for me." Klng-Crowoll Drug Co., Fayette ville and Hargett streets. NEW AMSTERDAM HOTEL 4th Ar. A t Kurorw fbn ,- Iloomi Willi n o( l lind oji. Wltli prl. vi li b for oik-.SiCO lor two and uim ard. New Dats end Pinrabing Unit Cmrmirnl LtrHvm.ln Cliv Trnrn ?M fftml.MrfW'i f.-r 'r. n?'m Orntxi 'r ir-l ritttuwi. Xim .mim Ci.tfot lo Lvtrtii im s Saccltl Hate Mad 1 ."'-rt-::'...;::;;?'r?? filer iancy siripe uoruers. - ;,.in- a . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50, $3.00, $4,0$ and CALIFORNIA BLANKETS Comforts, light fluffy down filling, $8.00, $T ,y) and $10. - PEARCE CO MP AN Ysvi CR LEY DEPARTMENT STOKE. 328, 332, 334 Fayetteville Street, - RALEIGH, X. C. ' Thanking yon for your patronage and wislilng you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous Nu Veer. ; . D. F. CKINKLEY. j CRINKLEY'S 100 will be your Increase during the year 1909 If you advertise regularly In The Evening Times. Ask those who are placing their ; business ; exclusively with us. They are wise. Demoresl Comedy 06. One Week, Commencing MONDAY, DEC. 28, In u repertoire of lut-r day ' CITY SCCCESSES. " . '.'.-Higli-claws Kinging, Daucing, and Mus- leal Specialties Rctwccn y : Acts . . Prices ... . . . .10, 20, 30 Centet HMD HE (EMETY ENJOY THE BEST. STYLE BOOKS FREE. liliei 33 - .-'ilC : be- -.ft. filled with goose down, $5.00, $t.uu, ana ?7.ou v,rs. wiiv'- vsys soutifflul ; hut wot uijx' o n 111-....- ( Mothers tor am .'hli.lrei' rfli'.if T'tbliiii i.f over Mwty Vmiu . m van-ins ti. ociM. rbe (nimw. ll'ys S ".lv . ala, !i;r -s ' livi colic, lidli u Jmm6 ;nwv for ill'irrSiFa. . r t.'fV-f'VK CEHTS fitfTTl.t. THE GEM HI'.' ' C- : The One Best Bet Merchant of Venice . .iv. a : -.7 S"- .1 -J. ',,'. PRICES: . . 6c and 10c. COMPLETE CHANGE OF 1 PROGRAM DAILY. Foster & Mansliel 4 PROGRAM: QUEEN OF THE ARENA ; i OLD COLLEGE! CHUMS. ' ' A CARE OF SPOOKS..' ' J :"( t p m