N,- y 'r Weather; 2nd Edition !".' ""ashington, D. C, Jan: 1 Fore cast, for Ttorth Carolina for tonight , : and Saturday; Fair tonight and Bat ' urday; freezing near the coast. ? iv ESTABLISHED 1876. RALEIGHN. C FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1909. PRICE 5 CENTS Birdts Eye View of Messina Sicily P the Recent Earthquake. NflW SA1R THAI INEQUALITY OF PRIVILEGES IS 300,001) DIED IN lr uMtiftk&Vt a J lWM a S ITALIAN HORROR The Official Estimate is Now Placed Above 100, 000 Deaths LIPARI ISLANDS ARE NOW DISAPPEARING No AnH'i'ica'iN Except OHIoinl Fumlly At Messina Art' Known to Have PerishoO Population of Upari Is lands, Which. Were Obliterated. Wast 28,000 Many looters Have Been Killed by Soldiers in the ' Stilt ken Clt les Queen, ilarhed as Peasant, is Doing Relief Work. ; (Special Cnble to The Times.) . Rome, aJn. 1 The Upari, or Aeo lian Islands, thought to have been engulfed with their 28,000 inhabi tants, are safe. ; This, tlio .first bit of bright news co come from devastated Italy sinco the earthquake Monday, waa receiv ed today by the minister of marine from the commander of the -torped boat dispatched yesterduy ,t6 verify the report that the islands had sunk into the sea and that every luVia bi- . taut had perished. Today's dlBpatch says .that while tne islands icit ttie quaite only a few buildings have- b(en demolished and not a single life was lost. (fly leased Wlr? to The Times.) , , New 'York, Jan. 1 No Americans except thofflclaU f& .thi-'MewlDfi coiiaiilat, i8Urt rViytr" n.mthe'n-'-'nrT kno,vn: t r.ae died in the cari.h quake. Ambassador Gi'lscom wires from Ronin today that more wai-th-nuakn shaken are recorded in Italy, all slight. Three were felt in Romo. The Upari Islands, 28,000 popula tion, in the Mediterranean, off Sicily, have disappeared. The Italian for eign office says 100,000 at least are dead. ' The Marquis Di Ruvolito says (0, 000 have perished, while most esti mates run anove mv.vvv. icauao of stat.-wid.. prohililtion, In an- Many looters have been killed by tk-lpation or the '..contest lfon tlv: soldiers in the stricken cities. 1 legislature that reKiilted in tlv assas- It is said tile king will urge that slnation of former Senator Kihvavc! V. 'the earthquake zone be abandoned by 1 earmark oim, weeks ntso. It is claim all inhabitants. 0,1 ,J-V 'i"-' lemporance people tiiat this u.rti.1 !. 1... h.n ,oiutn.u,i has if-actod to the kooiI of tlK- cause in and about Reggio, and ghouls ue stimmarily. executed. The king has offered 10,000 soldiers to Sicily to protect property. The quqen has been doing good re lief work in the garb of a common woman, and says, "It is not as queen but as a woman, I am here." Pestilence threatens the devastat ed area and survivors are removed as rapidly as possible. The naval supply ship Celtic has sailed from New York loaded with 165,000 dollars worth of supplies and more than $130,000 of relief funds were raised here yesterday. Taormlna Eta-aped. Washlntgon, D. C, Jan. 1 Follow ing is a dispatch received from Am bassador Orlscom by the state de partment today: "Italian foreign office assures vie that Taormlna escaped uninjured. ThiB answers many inquiries received from American citizens as to relative.)' nnd friends In that Place, The for- i elgn office has received : a ' telegram ! saying that there is no olliclal newaj iu regard to our consulate at Mes sina.". The dispatch Is from Rome. EstiinateN fiDO.OOO Dead. (By Cable to The Times) Rome, Jan. 1 The Aellan Islands, including the Island of Stroniboll and its rolcano, famed in fable, have dls . .. ' .J ..1 . . .i 1 ,,- S .an I' HU IHU1CU Bnauuncu uu vj pen , and their 28,000 inhabitants have wealthy people throughout Germany perished. The government has dls-' ' liberally respomllng to the appeal Jatched a torpedo boat to ascertain'' ,,., tlm sufferers . from the ' J . . j Italian earthquake. The city of Her- the facts. iin hits voted ilO.oon marks. An anony. There have been forty-two distinct m(m8 donor nl u,eKion has cent 30, shocks since the first quake of Mon- m lnilrks t0 the fund. The knlser has day,.! which laid southern Italy- In wroyred nl availabb! (iermun warships waste, and the precise extent of the to proceed forthwith to S'clly to give disaster probably never will be every possible aid. The emperor and known. j empress have rach telegraphed their The Marquis Dl RuvolUo says 300,- profound sympathy to the king and 000 persons have perished, while ,1'n of Italy. .u.- .r ... .. onn nrtn In accordance with tho emperors Uiuor nuwilin IVU Hum v,viw. Jherea. in Sicily and Calabria ."' h Ir?. Sfs S vender.n7the Tai.u.n and gun; . ' :' -' '- which U now a vast graveyard, may -. mU cf about lx thougand tons, have ment ,band' flre? tare bulle s OIl0 of tho mon unconscious. He was Tho collections of the Roman Cath became " a desert unlnhabltated hy bee oraered to Sicilian waters. nl w" a r?w nouri after 6Ue carried btlow unconscious and was olic and Protestant Episcopal churches man. . The kinf will urge that hu- Jt )a eitlmated that some six thou- given birth to a child and then klllea treated by the members of the crew. ! are yet to be made and thnre arc man residence tn the earthquake (Continued on Page Seven.) I n y 1 - Uirfl's-yc Vitw ol Mi-nkIiiii, SI WANT PROfflllONif (1IIPI r" I)1F FfJflM A Big Fiotit Will Be Bade Tennessee ; tntislntuiv Convciii's .Monday and the Struggle For StJU--widL I'l-ohlhi- ' ti tion Will I!c AnU-Saloon lii-aiic ("nims That FlyM Is Al vojuly V.o;s. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Rllstol. T nn., Jan.' 1-Tlu leRislu- i tuiv of TernicsMOf roiivi'iirs Aliiiiilay at Nnshvllly and the strugplc for statp'r wide jiroliihltion will li-",In. - "Wo hdvo tlir- flfc'it . alr-i.i- dwlareVVj ,Ft. Ufr'Mito!,, li '.a of the Is aslstiiiK hi oi-ganllnr..'tlo lelfisila ture. uk he irt : i'or Naslivdle lo he present at t!i,' ,ciieiiintf of the 'assembly. "The Mia i i lly of .the liieiiihei s of both houses are either pledged, and in structed to vote flu- state-wide pro hibition or are avowedly In favor of the bll, and .we will win despite thaH activities of Governor Patterson anilV'PCniiiK th I his forces, for local option The fight In 'IVnnessee-.wlll--.be one I of the hottest ever ttnifed in the I state and the campaign Iin." been on for weeks; It was in his zeal lor tile . i nii'l that saloons are sure to go. PRACTICAL JOKER CAUSES SUICIDE (By Leased Wira to The Times) New York, Jan. 1 Hcenuso some practical joker sent him a postal curd containing a picture of a drunken man and a cat, Christopher Shelling, of 68( Lexington H venue, Urooklyn, tried to commit suicide today by- drinking muriatic acid. Shelling hd been on "the water wagon" for a year ami took It very hard that anyone should have sent him tuch a New Year souvenir. He stayed up 'ast night and went to bed seemingly in a- cheerful frame of mind, This morning his wife, beard him groaning and went to htm. "We'i, I've done It " he said, She sent for a physician and he was hurried to the Thishwlck Hospital, where It was said he will probably recover.- ..'v..'- '.-'. C.EHM.1XY HKSPOXDS. ;iving Lllwrally io Enrtliqnake Kuf feiers Warships Sent to Country. (By Cable to The Times) Merlin, Jan. 1 Financiers and - U .1,1.. rinl,l t nnUn . .nd Germans, Including Herr Mar- tens, the consul, have perished. I ' ci.y. v. Mcli is reiufVt'tl 10 lime Ix'i-n J UUUI LI; lilL. I llUill eIpinogas ( By l.ciise(i Wiie to Tin.' 'l imes) Chicago, Jl h. 1 -'-Jly.jfery ttuirounds ie ' death by. ;,'.' iif two ncrs-ons a mail, ami bis -wife found asphyxiated j hi the IkiUko at '.J'.iW-'JS Cortland street. ; early today, t.ias e ieiipinB' frum a Jel in Hie room exploded when the son Of ' t In- coupled lighted a mateh r.nd: th - pletun- of his dead . parents lyjn( on i the hed . revealed to hlin 111 a Hash, j (he .shock 1'reeziiiK iin the lips the ! cheery "Happy KeW.Ye.ar'I-'frrcetinfj he. t hrotiphl, them.. The ileaiU'i'. Albeit iottunHta. Il -yrftti -low, a tarv.rer: iMr4UVi'rt,-'A.il' , Awukeneil at' the in "as of day Hon. Adiert I'ViltUli'e.t'o. Jl.. nisi'.:- the hlH tiareuts' room to wish them, happy!. New Vear t'din!,", 1 i ; 'KniK'king at the door of the ehuni- her he faili'l to I'oase tlie itnn ite. , Repeated UnoekinK lail'-.l lo ineii an lo ilieli an answer, the son hei uine alarmed and , door. -'striking a match as j lu did so. he was almost knmrked down i hy the explos'on and blinding ilash , through which hi Saw in a dazed way , his parents apparent. y sleeping. . j TIIUICW W1FK INTO TIRK. Jealous Chicago Man l-ents Tlis AVile i Then lltirns H 'r to Death. j (Dy Leased Wire to The Times) . Chicago. .Ian. 1 The police today ! are sparching for Elijah Kaffiy i'ol-j lowing the finding of buniail bones In the ashes takon from a furnace in an apartment building at No. 5112 Cor nell avenue, together with the disnp pearanco of Mrs. Annie Itaffiy. who j ..,..i,,-o.i -in tiio luindinir. The', M r....i..,.i.. ...... ' .- " , The double suicide , a me as a eltinax police say the bones are those of Mrs. , .-, W(,,.k-S ci,u.ss f Miss iiu. ndo ltiirfty and thai she was' choked. 1 ,.,, (joniy, vim was utrlekeii ilmin beaten over the head with an Iron bar j with' bronchial pneumonia (he day b, -by her husband and then thrown into ( fore .Christmas. the hot lire In the furnace. j Friends of the couple slate that they Mil.- it.... i. .... ..ii.o..Ci- ' wi'i'i. ilevofid in itii'i!' ilaui:l.Iei . : . tne Iioueu vast: iilia uuv -ii ened bv a statement tiiado by ' Raffty . ,;... Mu.n- enlnred In n ', . , jihey were grief ': striek. n. ''Declining saloon last Monday nlsht.. (l ,,,,,,, llf aU) r,,lm ,vn,,thetie Hawkins told the police I neighbors, they went Into the bedroom "When I saw Raltty ; there were of ,hoU.:alrt-m,.nt and. with their bloodstains on his ibirt and hands in.ms nmt ,nch other, ii-.haled the and I asked him what the trouble '-.drug they apparently ..hoped '.-.would was. He told ine he had. choked and unite them .with, their daughter; beaten his wife and then thrown her! ..-r in the furnace and left her burning. S The woman was employed D, Richardson, a tenant in the ment house, and she is said to havej made her husband jealous by her flirtations with a porter employed by I the C. 13. & Q. Railroad. i MIXISTKK MONDELLAMISSIXfi. Italians Are Concerned Aliout the Kate of the Minister to Havana. (Hy Cable to The Times. I Havana, Jan. 1-Italians here ure concerned about the fate of the family i of Slgnor (Jlaeomo Mondclla. Italian minister, who Is now on his way from standard !1 tank American reached Snnto Domingo to Havana, havinr. quarantine, today from Antwerp, left this city some time ago on t dip- i . ,. - . . , , , 1 .11 I ccording to the story of the first lomntlc mission. , ; " Slgnor Mondella Is from Messina, elUcer, the captain, Max Sehtoager, where 'his family lived. Charge with other of his men, were standing d'AITulres Haflco, who is now In charge on the bridge of the American Christ hete, h is cabled - inquiring about th? mas afternoon when n wave, ineasur Monilellas, but has received no reply, '"'f. according to the first male, forty . j feet, broke over the starboard bow Killed Wife nnd Himself. with tremendous force. i-rtv LmspH Wlro to The TlnieR) Striking the bridge, the giant wave Newport, R. I., Jan. 1 Corporal ...... . Nelson Henry, of the Seventh real himself.' She Is probably fatally wounded, t t. V k J ."' ' -: . vvo-iliirtss :cw1wiv'il l y i!h- 1 cut i-iii' iirt- nIihwii in llir !i -( imc. - I .. ( i I &1 - ' This isi'tp shows the eiirlln;-.iali i'one in ow'' I lily. I he lost i'l lite in flic territory covered tiy tie.- tnap ,as been Rfi'iiter than auy previously Iin(WI1 seismic litaclysni. SEEK DEATH TO END THEIR GRIEF thy Leased Win New York, .ran, lo Tiie Tiniest 1 Wiihin a f w! .hours after tin death or their i year- I tauhtei. j. i. (.,dy. a i oio iiauglilei. j. i'. (i.ndy, a pi.i at the New .York t'n!vei.-iiy. and his i wife eiiniliiitt.'d stiieide by Inhalhig I'hlorofoi -ii luiius in their aiai luieiit. at fl.'d West l ilth street.. - , M''tty and tnlented young ui,l. and, "'at when she sueeunibed to her tllnes.s 1 'HUGE WAVE SWEEPS OVER Oil. STEAMER (Hy Leiiped Vlro lo 'lite Times) New York. Jan. 1 -Willi her captain suffering f loin ..several' .broken' t the result of ;t huge wave tiiat swept l over her stai hoard now, ami mining him and several of his'ollleers against the bridge rail twCntv feet a v a y , tip' gathered up the cupta'a and tin- of- l,,.,l..,l tli, .1,1 nir'iliicl ti Xone of the officers wore seriously injured. ,, '.; .:; . . , .iv c:jiixjt-i:4AX eo. guff- "-v rrf . ! ;:' ma i . i ! f ( ';: th!!:iU' u lMi li lnti ii i ;is(:ili orr y II. TAFT CABLES I li. ('ahie .1 1:1. ' I to 'I ';i': ,e : Timf'S I I in i id. III-. !e I T i' lieeit Ui. d" I niorniiisv.sii 11 '." Yi :-. d d IV' v Yi IVe!,iu:; jiiei en : "Winn i mi r v.i h : ill-, - i! ' I Year i ea.'i id anil ahroa'd1. i 'The l.ilv u ill. : foir sh ''is' r- : of. the w. of. tiii' r' i ii'.ti.in n j illg l epiv: . ".My ii;t preserviitiiin' aiid foi' tile'.' ly .'i lal irins 1 l'l 1 1 't l.f .'til.' '('"'I' "1)1 illieillec Hiil'Si :hl't iinll'iUs '..r: the. ""AijlT ''l.ii M': ll., ile between- .. I' liiinl i-v.-e vli: I.. ! tis, , IK.' j p!ei inji .I-.'; Uu .Ml', , ni'; selllllK ii'.lte ! be Imile 'i. re.'- w:ll li. ,i .U; ","v" , l'.-HI'lf,. 1 e-.ln- ir 1:- l.ov . . .'At her.i.. we a!'. .H' '.'h'se. In..'.; wai.d.ii'i ;' i .-intjimane. "t the . haiy iid prosp.VI.ty '.-.we . now', -i.-itjt-y.. iSitfned): . " IT.t.lAM H. 'I'M". ' ' : ' mock ni l:!, i:i;sn.Ti i A r ally. Traelc I'tiiliiiL' to a Verry ilou-e !ar jj Vounn .Mitii Killed by I'lieiid. -,-.' i liy U as. d Vir I ti.Thi Times) -.' : Oal.lar.d. ' el., .i.'ti 1 Inl'erma.ii'm has been r.H.-ive.f '.a tbi ; city -of a tragi eetiaiu- of ;i ni-'irj house ptirf.y of '(it; Ma ad -.young i'olks m 1 lie. sum mer home of I :.. H. I, Carlei or.' at Hen Lenioi.d. Sunt a Cr.i. i .'inii.t V; I'.i n Thomas X. Ritchie was .s.iut nr.d instantly Killed in a moi l; duel wkh his fhtim, Ti'ing Conekroft.' The I vn y ou; its, together v.-il'.i Dr. Knowles iiiid M'?." Kiv.nvli's aiul I n l.ith'i'V -I'rietii':, Mi.s Darolhy Itridg . of .Mil! Val!e, , Avere gnosis of Sidney, I'arlet.m, son if Dr. Cru-'.i-lon. Tliej party was. 'just . coming to an end,'1 when one of the three men proposal -a nioek (ie.i. Ritchie emptied the shells from his weapon, young Carle ton did t he sami , but in ihe eoui'us-; '.on of jerts and laughter. ConeKrofi lor-ot to iinload his weapon. . Kitchie! and Conekroft advanced toward eac.r oilier, and Kiteiiie, who was lirst to .snap -.the- trigger' of .his gun, . 'hanier- j inuiy s".hl: . i "Wliy don't you shoot ?"' I Coiieki'oft : pulled the trigger.' There was a loud report a:; the shell exploded and Hil eh;e, . .raising.' his arm's spasmodically, cried . .;( tun -hot!" aiid .fell to the-, floor, at the' tori ui .miss t now ies ana iMiss lirmge. A physician was hastily siimnnmed, but Kiteiiie had expired. Lie bullet having penetrated his lieart. , MAW CON'TRIDITIONS. Aloney Flows 111 Steady Streams to llelief of Suirercr. (By Leased Wire to The Times) N'ew York, ; Jan. tCoiitriluitloiis Mowed it) steady sirenins through various channels yesterday for the re lief of the Ktifferers from the cata strophe of Sicily and Calabria mid counting the principal olliclal funds, the total turn of $:iu,i,ni) was In hand befojo sundown. Including the Cnlted States Steel Corporation gift 'of $..".0i'0 and f lO.coo from Wall street nnd .smaller funds started throughout (he c'ty. It is likely thut nearly $10(i.oiiit was given, 'rhese amounts, too, represent only - a small proportion of the total sum which is likely to be given, for the systematic ingathering of the offerings of th.' clt tm. -nt ' V.rtr Ynrl, him mill. Inl I.. , many Important nssoc'atlona which are about to take action. RS WISH! 1 . .,'. llaiy. Till' liarlmr aiiih Im'ali va( r hains to gu on stand T. Jenkins ilains Will Tnllieom,as' in Story of Crlnis l Apeeteil t ii on Slaml. Monday and Tell hi Metail the KNiry o' the j (urder of Amiis- Is Kneced to i lie t!ie ('roMiirne S.jisauiin of the 1) 1- use.' Mjy Loavd Win :c, . Yci l!.. Jaii. I 'I! . tell "' III,. -Mxl y Vg;.ij ';. w'n h di -niri in Tiie Times)' 'I', it--uk ins Hrtins-V,i- . -ihi. . liayiddfl ie T.e ee and detail hen tils tiinl- for the murder of Vil .'.1 : K A n ii Is l.s '. rrf: ained In the sn- . n e eoiir; at KlM-iiiiiif iin -Monday. i'l i.i isnni.e win iVik. tiie stand in -, l't-.: ilefeuVe .led 1 1'ftl e : t -if le.stl- 'iY' '.a Ale- -. at. r eit- t.' "eS lo. i . - .Mtlieugh -, the heglntiinu' .: ha. if. tin i en planned at ise, ihe defend- :l'll' l!' V I 'I S :e i. Msi.'i'ri tn - th I reeeli a itelnnto iiiMiter until today. wh. 'i l ie antnontativeV announced i, i,-.. . ..... o ... .. .... i . .. ... . ilia toeir eli.. in woul I in. -'i i li.. in inui i i.uiow . ins la-,. , t!;er on 111.' witness stand. vvh'ie the appe iranee ,f t. Jenkins l :. in ; uiioii tiie stan.r Is expected to b- '.tlu.- crowning s. iis it ion of the de- r. ii--. (he niosi .seti:-.iti..n;,i feature so t.ii was the rending of the alleged con- fi-isinv Willi1 iiy Mr ( "iiiudia Libbey, ll in. s ol her relations with .Minis. . .'. hn .! . .Mi l in vri today gav." out th - na'.n .-. of his i'tsiinity experts. T.!ie ; -.- I M. Levi .Manson. till! Mad. i.-. n a en'.ie. and 111, .lohn Hills, of. I It iinoi e. who liL,tired in the . rei-ent trial of .ir'.'- A 1 1 1 1 f liradley in. -Wash-i.i:.!oi. for. t i. nun d-'r of nx-Sen.-i.tor .Yi-h'.n Ihown. of I'tah. ftot'n have rt'trilied I'ai.lain 'Mains at the county Icil : :ll J.i'Mg- lsl.UI i 1 .1 t.i c.-iy .tiiat 1 nn-nta wreck i t y. and are pre is l on-ii'.'-i-ible ov. r li s beautiful v:t!i Annis. '.- mist .'iiHluet in AYS' U OME AT ELGIN li, ; Lig'ii llOilS'' lol li" Ii ,reis Sti'lllti; la ;t-e, ire to The Times), i. III., .lam l'iaytoii' I,, ildy, a latle r sit the Si. -Charles Home yV. "was s.-n i d in, in death at. the 'of - al'Amt, iiniiales ..of the in :r dui'iig a riot nt the st:ite in- tiin'.ioii v h'-ii . Walter llai'llctt,- a' sec- 1 ,md insii uetoi ' t -.ine ami :oi e oi' the si-hool, arrived In cut yd the death of Ihe who l-.i.i li.'.-n severely . (li st teach tieateii and was helpics in the liands of his clialges. ;..:.'. , ' It -is said tliit, four riots ha ve heeil st art ei I by a gang of uiirnly boys in the past two We.'ks.. Tin' .Injuries, sustained by Leddy were sel ions ..ellnllgil tiV eilllSe, ills i III llleil la to ri signal ion. lie was badly ."bruised about the lead, and body and was bteeddig tii tin a dozen cuts tiboiit the head when rescued. . VANDI'UHILT IIDTKL. Alfred Vaiiderbilt Will T.uild Hotel in New York. (Hy Leased Wire to The Times) t New York, J.T.i. 1---Alfrel Gwynnc ' Vanderliilt will build a big hotel, af ter alj. on his l'ark Avenue block be tween Thirty-third and Thlrt -fourth streets. ' . i Mr. Vanderbilfs architects have filed plans for a 19-story hotel to i cost 12,000,000 on the site of one of Mho old time , Vanderbilt mansions. Mr. Vaiiderbilt haj planned elaborate apartments in the hotel for himself and otners of the younger Vander- bllts sot. R T IN BETWEEN SEXES XI Time Has Come When Woman May Free Herself From Yoke of Bondage DOMESTIC IDEALS TO ! UNDERGO A CHANGE is iK railinn to the Intelligence to Kxpect Women to be Itlind Duped Any l.onier Lillian Ifa'll Makes Coniiiiint on Mrs. A nn is' Loyalty to Her Dead Hushand Doors of (kill cation and of Opportunity to Earn Money Are Being Opened to Wo men. (l!y I.1I.I.1W ItKLIi) New York. Jan. 1 Never was the I man 9 idea ot what a woman s loyalty mo ner. nusuana should ue and a wo jma.rs definition of the limit to n j wife's loyalty, more clearly exempli 1 fled than in the varying comments, made upon .Mrs. Annis declaration to the' press that In spite of details in testimony of her husband's liaison I'wi.th Claudia Mains (which no one in the world could have invented, so low and disgusting, were they) she tstill. believed her 'husband loved only her, his wifi, and was absolutely true to her, his wife, and that there was mil bins wrong in her husband's friendship for Claudia Hnlns. The men, almost to si man, applauded her devotion to her husband's memory, approved of her apparent blindness and deafness and general unbellefrj- In,.'- win:.rT.i"e?t"-.'fen-;hfi- .u a nnmiir. t ied hiih, who declared that no wo-" lmill ,h intelligence of Mrs. Annls anii.'iii's to possess, coiilrl onsslhlv tie, ', .i..t i , . . : . I lo my mind the attitude Of en- uiusiasuc approval on tne part or tne : married men was most diverting. It whs so tr.iiversal It seemed to mean " and I most sincerely and devoutly hope that my Wife Is as blind and as loyal as Mrs. Annis, but I KNOW su, jsh't." jH degrading to the intelligence to expect women to be blind dupes any longer. We are being taught to thi.ik. Doors of education and of 'opportunity to earn money are being opened In lis, at which we have knocked in vain for years. Public opinion is turning our way at laBt. I If you teach women to think, one of the first things we will think about j (Contined on Page Seven.) IT'S DOLLARS DOUGHNUTS that we have made a REC ORD. 1 HUN has been a hard year on all kinds ol business, yet we have made some won derful gains in circulation, and our books show that we have made a clear gain of 18', in CIRCCLATION, and we consider ' this .a new record for a panic year, when most HU .-.other papers have been ptaj ing a losing game. FOR 1909 j we are not making any new i resolutions, but we are going ahi'ad at tlio same stead i gait that has been brlngln I us such fine results all th I . -year.. I'. . ! WE PRINT THE NEWS I while It is fresh, and the peo plo of the city and state op predate this fact. ' ADVERTISERS I will (lo well to consider thU great increase and our fine fa ! i-llliies for bringing their bus. . Iness to the attention of the RKADING PCRLIC. YKSTKKDAY'S ORCVLATIOy 5.860. EVENING TIMES t ( ... ! .. - ... .I-',, - i i' . V i . .'