i 1 -v.: i I :'.... j i. ,'.. - .- 2nd Edition - . i . 'Weatiier.la,- Washington, D. C, Jan. 11 Fore cast for North Carolina for tonight ' and Tuesday:-1 Partly cloudy and , colder tonight and Tuesday. . . ESTABLISHED 1876. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1909. PRICE 5 CENTS 7 j TIILLIM.M N0 increase ( 1 W QOffRiR'S Crowded Galleries Listen to Scribing Arrainpmenl cf the President By Senator Tilimantn .the Senate as He Replied Today to the President's Accusations Against Him. PRESIDENT IS GUILTY OF PERSONAL MALICE IN SPRINGING THE CHAITOES Setter Itie President Is Guilty cf "Bold ar,d Out NUtt rflJitctd," !:D!r;f' "'.(Iviitisirf ui Into Cthr Hircs-taEtir Sajs He Is Huilty cf Violating No Law (By Leased Wire to The Times) need for hurry, and, that he would not 'quarter sections for myself and fam Washington, Jan. 11 Crowds give the papers to the press before ily, one for my private secretary, and filled the galleries of the senate today Monday; but on Friday morning' he one for Mr. Lee, making nine in all. for the purpose of hearing Senator changed Jils mind and notified Bona-'iThis, In the aggregate, would mean Tillman's reply' to the accusations I tor Hale' that he had determined to ( that I would obtain through my ac contained in President Roosevelt's j give all the facts to the newspapers tlvlty here, as the president's charge communication ( to Senator Hale, I that evening, and they appeared Sat- ils, nine quarter sections, or 1,440 chairman of the appropriations com mittee,; published last Saturday, but which will not officially reach thatj universal custom heretofore and the have lost my right to buy land bo senator until today, in which he ac- courtesy due hy any executive to a ! cause I am a senator? Can the pres- cused Tillman of improper conduct i in the matter of obtaining public lands In Oregon. No more serious ! ant committee of the senate, they ;ng the attorney-general to bring suit arraignment of a government official fwcre in the , -possession of that body, 1 for the recovery of this land for the Jibs ever been heard in the senate ' and it was a gross breach of propriety use of actual settlers? ; It Harriman : than" tirat,'deUTei'3ty :S&ato' Tllt to m&ie them"lubllc?This sll iflutf- ifftnd others flke Mm -are- mtlde t tlis mttn today. It was listened to wlth trates the executive attitude towards j gorge by reason of these suits shall the deepest interest by senators and this body. He gava the cohimunlca-; the fact that I was endeavoring to visitors alike.. He accused the pres-i dent of "cunning",; "advertising", "cowardice", "bold and outrageous falsehood", "personal .malice", "hat-j red", of purposely withholding facts In his possession and, of deliberately TniKrpnrpstenMnff'p.rmrliHnns for . the - - , - : j 'purpose pt placing the senator In a bad light before the world, wnne at of "getting in tne first oiow". tnougn were timber lands in Oregon which the same time having kross disrespect it was below the belt and might well were being bought through Reeder & to Senator Hale's committee as well convict him of cowardice. But he , watklns, of Marshfleld. On October as extreme discourtesy by having cared nothing' for .either courtesy, i 5 j wrote to Reeder & Watklns asic made hl's letter to the senate public custom, or decency, thus treating the jng for information, telling them of through the press on Saturday be-j fore it could be received by Senator Hale today and by his committee In turn reported to the senate. Before the senator .began Senator Culberson moved the .suspension of the reading of the journal, so that Senator Tillman might not be de- layed in commencing. Pioisy expressions came iruui 1.110 . icq m me senate. 1 coma nave msao in Spokane was correct I informed galleries when tlje speaker reached j my statement to the Benate and to Reeder & Watklns on October 20, the first of his personal remarks; the country Just as easily on Satur- that Mr. Lee, whom I had seen at about the president. day as I make It now, for I have noth-' Moscow, Idaho, in the meantime and . To such an extent did this continue ; ing to conceal, and there was no great talked to on the subject, would go to that Vice-President Fairbanks asked need for delay or preparation; but, Marshfleld and Investigate in person. Senator Tillman to suspend his re-j realizing that the great influence and 1 authorized Lee to draw on me lf he marks for a few moments and then j power of the chief executive was be- foun(j that the lands were what they admonished those in the galleries . ing exerted to the limit of his ability jwere represented to be. He wired me that It la against the rules of the sen-: to blacken my name and destroy my ! not to he in a hurry, as there , were ate to permit any demonstrations of ; character, and that his words and the obstacles In the way. In the mean approval or disapproval of remarks exhibits which he sent would be given time I had talked with lawyers who made by speakers, and added that! the widest publicity, while my own were familiar with the Military road unless these rules were observed the statement would probably be epltom-j iand grants and they Informed me galleries would be cleared. j ized oif account of the pressure on the ' that under a decision of the circuit Senator Tillman spoke In part as wires, I decided to wait until today, 'court private parties were not per follows: V-0-, . v " v;':..- WHh the hope tnat, tnyvdefense, with-j mitted to.sue for these lands! Still "For the first time in the history out being unavoidably'; mutilated 1 doubting whether I could purchase of this government, as far as I have would reach the people In good time, j the lands with any hope of successful been able to learn, a member ofthis; body has been brought to ihe bar of public opinion before tne senate ltseit to be judged under Indictment by no less a person than the president of the. United States. The manner. of doing It aud the animus and ceal dls - played ' by the chief executive are worthy 'f consideration. "The papers In the case, were pent to Senator Hale as acting chairman of the committee on appropriations M: lnta nn TnouHnv luiit. "1 had no lntl- I matlon in rega,rd to It until after the.' senate -met on Thursday. By tnat lima the, sir wa thick with rumors, .evidently coming from ' the white nous airecuy-or inoirecuy, uim southern senator was In the tolls of the secret service hd soon it was un - derstood that Senator Tillman was, the man. i ';:';v;"v. .'!V-'-. "Having been Informed by Sena- tor Hale of the character of the charges Thursday afternoon, and that He Is even cunning trithgipparently he would call a meeting of the ap- Innocent pretense that In making a proprlationl committee on Saturday search through the secret service for ' to consider the papers relating to the on kind of malefactor he had run " Becret service ent him by the pres'down Another, and the. case of that 'dent, I expected to hare opportunity to examine luiiy into tne case, ana m - make each defense or explanation to ' the senate italf as I thought proper, urday morning. "It is well to remember that the legislative body demand that, having sent the papers to the most import- tion to the press before the committee had seen the papers and examined into the matter, "It is well .understood that the president is an adept at advertising and that he has used the press with more nkill than flnv man in American - r politics. He realizes the importance committee and the senate with that ; contempt which has been his wont, "Another probable, reason for his recall was that he sought to distract attention from the action of the 'house of representatives on Friday In laying part of Us message on the table by the sensational accustion8 against a man who has had longierv- "An examination of the president's letter to Mr. Hale, which might Just as well have been a special message 0f the type with which we are so fa- miliar, will show that the president's charges,. boiled down, amount to tw6'.ame opinion that t had already re- ' n number; "First, he promotes me to member- j ship In the 'Ananias Club', and char- fees, in ffect, that I have deliberately lied to the senate. . s . . ."Second, ' hie charges that I. have MnrUtd 5 mv official 'influence , and worked ai a enator for my personal benefit alone to secure tne passage or it l-inlntlnn and to nress the deDart- ment o( Justice to bring suit against tne corporations wmcn uum u ui.uva of the public domain in the west and 1 will not sell It to ettlera undefvthe! terms of their grants from the gor ier n ment. - :; ,.'. I j:: :. :f:i.: . "He has prepared his ihdictment with -Consummate ability and' Skill. one of such serious Importance that nil eenie or ornciai oDiigation' com- celled him to prompt acUoti. . Mark you, he hu been la the posisulon o! why, if his zeal were honest, he-did not make them known then. ine uregon reai estate swinaiers , had'sectired a good many thousand of aouars oeiore me exposure in tne senate stopped people from being J duped, and yet Theodore- Roosevelt, who poses as the oaly remaining hon est man in public life, in the face of these facts has felt called upon to at tack the character of a man whose Integrity has never before been ques tioned and whose official position is second only to his own. In dol lg this he made a false declaration, for the government Inspectors nowhere say ' anv such 'thine as the president quotes, which can be proven by an examination of their report "Just what law did 1 break? What wrong did 1 do or contemplate? ' "According to the. report of .the attorney-general in answer to the res olution which I Introduced and passed the senate, Harriman, the president's dear friend, still holds in defiance of law, upward of 2,000,000 acres of the best lands of Oregon and Call- fornia and refuses to sell them at anv nrlce I never exnected and could i 11 Z Ull l r ' HUlf UUUCi lUt3 IUI 111 Q JL IUC Itt W , U3 4 construed it, get more than seven acres, at a cost of 4,500. Will the president undertake to .say that I Sident deny that my activity secured 'the passage of the resolution instruct- buy a little pittanco of the land be j used as the basis of a charge of being a liar and a corrupt senator to be disgraced? , j "To sum up; this is theWlef re sume of the entire transaction': 1 , , iiii in ojjunnuQ, u aout, m ;tober, 190J, I-first heard that there "While in Spokane, Wash., in Oc- my desire to purchase some of the jiand if possible. Desiring jto find out lf tne conditions of the grant to the state of Oregon made it possible for 'nurchasers' and not 'actual settlers' to buy at $2.50 ner acre; I wired the librarian of the senate for a copy of the act. Finding that that part of the gtenjent received from a gentleman) litigation, I wrote to Senator George j Turner, of Washington, to get his ; opinion and Incidentally to make ln qulrles about lands on the Columbia piVer. In that state. He gave the celved from the other lawyers. "Realizing after I got to Washing- ton, D, C in December, that it was a very doubtful prbppsltlon, I let the matter drop until Mr. Lee showed me a letter from Reeder ft watklns which has been stolen from my desk in my committee-room, along with -other papers In this case, probably by anm n tha ui-re t-vlod aioiitha and when they, Indicated their desire that I inouid exert my influence jn the senate I wrote 'th letter of Feb- ruary 16, of which the president ob tained a photographic copy. In the meantime and before the letter was written, from my investigations and after a conference with the attorney general I Introduced the twoTesolu tlons of January 81, one calling oh the attorney-general for information nd the other (the joint resolution), which, became a law, Instructing him l-ifL..A ...ilk . t - . V. - . VThe president's sleuths, let to Co the dirty work 6t ipytht on a iena- , tor irhen that senator bal eiposeiS SALARYiALLDWED q ii p t . fnnfliinfo 6V, W, t. Ijlbb LuuUtlClS in the House Services RESOLUTIONS HEARD' Resolutions and , Memorials .,Wer" Called For and a Number of Peti tions Were Sent l'l and Read Pe tition from Columbus County Ask ing That Rev. A. H. Portor be Ap pointed to County Hoard of Educa tion Petition From Beaufort as to Fishing in Certain Creeks Com munication as to Liquor Traffic. . The fifth days' session of the house of representatives of the North Caro- Y ' today at noon by bpeaker uranam, and the Rev. W. C. Tyree, of the First: Baptibt church, conducted the usual religious exercises of the hour. The journal of Saturday was read in part, and on motion, of Koonce, was dispensed with. ': Resolutions, memorials, and such, called for, and a number of petitions were sent up and read: town, and a letter from Rev. B. H. county, asking that Rev. A. H. Portor be-appointed to board of education of ing serious was thought of her condl- fort to staunch the flow of blood, It this county. tion. She arose at about 3 a. m. and became necessary to perform a more Petition from Beaufort citizens as wenl very quietly into the next delicate service. The woman's con to fishing in certain creek, 'room, not waking her husband. On dltion was made known to the doc Petlion from Columbus cbuny cit- entering the other room the demented tors an(1 in a few moments she had izens against the abolishment of tax woman slashed her throat several eiven birth to a child. The child was collector. ).' I times with a razor. A little child a healthy one and will most' probably veojnmuj)lcatloii.iviim;J JWrs.,S, Jtw.what,his. mother wa dolnsandtX?; . !J Johnston as to liquor traffic. Petition from citizens of Stem, Granville county, as to depot In hat tem of Macon county. . tontaine, which went to propositions iiiid grievances. Communication from H. C. Barrow as to manufacturing and mining. Invitations from i the University, the A. & M. and Blind School, 10 at tend exercises there were read. Bills. Under call for bills the tallowing were introduced: By Morton: To appoint certain ; justices of New Hanover, which went, to calendar. . By Shepherd: To appoint trustees tor town of Lumberton. By Godwin: To appoint justices for Duplin county. - By Higdon: For preventing saw dust in streams of Macon. By Higdon: To Improve road sys tem of aMcon county. By Haymore: To put W. A. Jus- ter, of Surry, on pension list number one.'-' By Dr. Pitt, by request: For re lief Jno. Hyatt, of Johnston. By Harshaw: To amend chapter 612, laws 1903, pertaining to Cald well county. By Harshaw, by request, a batch of bills pertaining to Durham county: To prevent salaried officers of that county from collecting witness fees; to fix salaries of officers of Durham county; to prevent fraud in hiring horses in Durham county; to regu late acts of board of education of that county. ; By Green:" To regulate pay of tug boat in home ports. By Wallace: As to extending certain streets in town of Beaufort. By Haymore To put J. N. Slaugh - ter on pension roll. To pro - , By Llnny, of Alexander tect ouail. ' By McDevitt: To regulate fees in Macon county. By Campbell: ..To pay C. C. Hon - eycutt for teaching In Stanly county. By Price: TO appoint justices In present the corporation will Isauo only McDowell county. '. $30,000,000 of stock $15,000,000 common By Jarrett: To authorize Bpetlal Bn l8.ooo,ooo preferred. tax bond Issue In Jackson county. yJJZ i nrmi win nave an annual output at the Dy YVHiinuiB. meeting of commissioner!, of. Dare county. , . : : '.' was first considered. By Graham: For relief of commii- Jl P. Morgan ft Company, of New floners of town of Stovall, GranvlUe ork'i have agreed to finance the com-M-iuntv ' ' I bine. Of the stock to be Issued, It Is county. ; , understood, that about $10,000,000 of 'More Committees. (the common will be given in payments v. Prlvett was added to committee on for plants to be taken over and an fish- nd fisheries, and Latham on equal amount of the preferred win be committee on oysters. . bought i by the present owners o the ' Deaf and Dumb. plants, payment for this stock to be . Harrison, chairman; Smith of Har". J "h" The subscription prices win nett. Koonce, Buck. Price, Cook, About $5,MO,000 of the preferred win Barnes Of Hertford Hageman, Love- be underwritten by th Moras n syn- lace, Kelly, Hafler, Williams of Dare, Blgmon, Warllck, . Crawford, Rose, Higdon KlUlan '' '' ' Manniactnree'aBd tabof . ' f Smith of Du.thtm.1ohklrmaii X (Continued on-Second Page.) Masonic Temple, h " "a 1 r 1111 1 , LLrt a 1 ' r Mrs. Beasfy Wound on Brooding over the loss of her child, which died last year, Mrs1. R. B. ' Beaslay, a promient woman of Apex, attempted to commit sulciae early today. ' Mrs. Beasley had been very low- spirited for several days, but noth- began to cry. This awakened tne husband, who, after calling to his wife and receiving no answer, went into the next room and there beheld the gruesome sight. ENTERS LISTS Independent Feifliizer Cim panles ConMie and Form $50,000,000 Organization FINANCED BY MORGAN Baltimore Concern Refused to Join in the Enterprise and the Deal is Not Carried Out Along the Lines Origi nally Planned J. P. Morgan & Co. Have Agreed to Finance the Com bine About Forty Companies, Ex tending From Baltimore to Flor ida Have Given Options 011 Tlicir Business. (By Leased Wire to Tho Times.) ! Baltimore, Jan. 11 A merger of In I dependent fert:lizer Interests, : unaer I tho name of the Independent Fertilizer , edi accordlng to seml-o.Hcinl st.tte- ments just made, though not along : the lines originally planned, owing to the refusal of a majority of the Baltl- more companies to oin on the terms The company Is capltal'Eed at $-0.- . 000i000i e.uall., dlvl(Jed betwpen C(im. ; mon and preferred stock. For the start 'of 1.000.0CO tons of fertilizer against 2,i COO.OOO expected when the deal dlcate. - The money realized from th's "I will be used to pay for sulphuric eold and fhosphate beds In Tehnewe, f v.f XC ill & wh.eh UtixV'Z (Continued on Page Two.) BIG NEW TRUST Raleigh, N. C. Herself Today The grief-stricken husband hastily 1 called for aid and physicians : were immediately summoned. The physic ians arrived and did everything pos sible to save the woman, but it is not thought she can survive. While they were administering to the wounded Woman, exerting every ef- The circumstances surrounding Vhis sad deed has cast a gloom over tae whole community. The grief-strick- , en husband has the most heartfelt sympathy of the entire population. LONE ALLEN PLEADS GUILTY!: Gels Thirty Years in State Prison for Murder in Second Degree SURRENDERED HIMSELF Lonple Allen, Killed John Alias Fierce Duck Allen, nt Leesvillo Last September Allen Immediate ly Fled the "State, Uut Came Back a Few Weeks A$o and Surrendered to Coroner Separk, Saying He Was Tired of Hiding Out and Claiming He Committed the Deed in Self-Defense Other Cases Disposed of. Lonnie Allen, alias Buck Allen, the nesro who killed , John Pierce at Leesvillo last September, today through: his counsel, Mr. Charles U. Harris, tendered his plea of murder in the second decree. On the recom - mendatlon of the solicitor and by con - sent of the counsel for the defense, iilon woo o-lvon tho limit aft vnnm In the state prison, years of age. Allen is now 24 The defendant is the negro who re - turned to the state a few weeks ago and surrendered to Coroner Separx. He had made his escape immediately after the homicide and had left the state. The nesro said when he sur rendered that he was tired of hiding and wanted to come back and take his punishment. The following minor cases were disposed of In the superior court to doy: .. ' jonn w. uimsteaa pieaa guuty to he charge of abandonment. Prayer or judgment continued to Marcn Tu'rner Powell, charged with an as - sanlt with deadly weapon; verdict not guilty. Lucy Jones, for retailing; not guilty.. - .. v;. On the charge of carrying a con cealed weapon, William Pretty was fined S10 and costs. ' . Allen Jones plead guilty to an af fray. Judgment euspended. LOCAL BILLS AGAIN HAVE THE RIGHT OF VAY Senile AH at 12) O'clock, Senator Lee Leading De votional Service MANY BILLSiNTRODUCED Senator Kluttz Introduced an Act to Create a Highway Commission and ' Designate the Scope ot Its Duties,' Referred to Committee on Public Roads Senator Britt Presents BUI to Facilitate the Settlement of Executors and Administrator : Referred to Judiciary Committee" An Act by Blair to Amend the Charter of Greenville. The senate convened at 12 o'clock. Senator Lee led in a short and earnest i prayer for divine guidance. The com i mittee reported that there were no 1 ! corrections to be made in ute Journal, Bills were Introduced as follows S. B. 45. Senator Elliott, A Joint refolutlon for the adjournment of the general assembly. S. B. 46. Senator Klutta. An act to create a highway commission and designate the duties of its members. Committee on Public Roads. : f ; S. B. 47. Senator Ray. An act to amend chapter 674 of the Public Laws of 1907., relating to pensions. Com mittee on Pensions. B. B. 48. Senator Britt An act to facilitate the settlements of. executors and administrators. JucHciary Corn- m'ttee. , ;. ,( , S. B. 49. Senator Blow. . An act to amend charter of Greenville. I Com mittee on Counties' and Towns. ' S, B, 80, Senator -Shew, An. Act t appoint T. J, Wooten a itptlc of'th.,. peace In Robeson' county' Comotittee on Justices of the Peace. B. 51. Senator Britt. An act to ; give an attorney a lien on his client's j cause of action. Judiciary Committee, j S. B. 52. Senator Mills. A joint j resolution reserving the eaBt portico I of the capltol for the use of the mem jbers of the general assembly, during j the Inauguration ceremonies. ' Placed readings. ...'. Bills on Second Reading'. B. 43. Senator Klutts. A joint esolution in regard to the election of a United States senator. Passed sec ond and third readings. . S. B. 33. An act to regulate the holding of superior courts in Caldwell county. Passed its several readings. All of these bills were sent to the house without engrossment. I Enrolled Bills. 1 The Committee on enrolled bills re ported the following bills properly en rolled: .,. S. R. 8, H. R. 6. a joint resolution In regard to the Inaugural ceremonies.. Senator Blow's bill amending the law as to Jury tax In Pitt county. , Joint resolution in regard to paying Mr. J, A. Llsk for services as door keeper. A message from the. governor was received, conveying the l'st of pardons and commutations granted during the j iasit two years. The president read an invitation asking the senate to attend the dress parade at A. & M. this afternoon.' On motion of Senator Klutts, the senate adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 10:30. Interesting Ceremony, Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock the senate will meet for the purpose of witnessing the transfer of authority from the retiring president, the Hon. Francis D. Winston, lv the incoming presiding officer, Mr. W. T. Newlands. There will bo Interesting exercises. j Lieutenant-Governor Winston will de i nver one of those speeches for which j he is noted. Several gentlemen of oratorical fame will be on hand to lena interest to tne occasion. PROHIBITION IN MEXICO. 1 0rainllnce to Pa4IBod Tjt wui Close t'p About Half the ' Saloons, (By Leased Wire to The Times) Mexico City, Jan. 11 Governor Landa, of the federal district In which this city Is situated, hat prepared an , I ordinance which will be passed at aa I early meeting of the municipal coun cil, limiting the number of saloons to j one In every 600 feet. I This is equivalent to about two block Th p4Mftg i0f ; h ordlnanc6 wjl, m6aa tn, ctot,ng of near, one.h,lf tht MUt0M fcM '?"!.lue ehopB tbat city. The Royal Atvanmn fae Prosnptfy. : Herman Heller Treasurer rUtelgh ' Council No. 551, today paid te Mr. Katie B. Harden end Mr. Bessie B. Home, ' daughUrs bt the laU Hit. . Chas. H. Bel tin, 11,000, the amount of his benefit certificate In the Royal . Arcanum. ,- - 1 X I uhderstaud the president had noti-;all the ItcU lit .thll casd Ihee July I fraud which wal'belht berpetraUa ( Cod Eonatot Hale that there vu no .last, add meu will be curloug to knowU (Contmued on Second Pagt.) :: '. .-.. --, '(. '' :;'.,; , s '.'' .'"C . !'' - W .. r:- ';-" ' ' ; : r ':'' -: .'-r:tjly'',,-

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