. L Weather.'ia i If . 7 s vtv. '9f' ' Washington D. 0,, Jan.-12 fore cast for ;-North Carolina for tonight and Wednesday .Rain tonight, except snow in mountain section f colder. 2nd Editiotf ESTABLISHED 1876. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1909. PRICE 5 CENTS IltOMOR TAKES The Kitchin Special Arrives On Time and Imposing Ceremonies Follow HOUSE HEMS , MANY BILLS ALL STATE OFFICERS ARE SWORN IN TODAY Imposing Ceremonies Attendant I'pon the Inauguration of Governor Kitchin and the Taking of the Oatli of Office hy the Other Members of the New Administration Splendid Parade, in Width Military of State, A. & M. Cadets in Full Force, and Loral Organizations .. Take Part, Big Crowd in City. Inauguration dav dawned clear, bright, and warm. The weather man could not have furnished a better day if he had' tried. It was just the sort of day to show oft the Capital City to best advantage and make it a : place of unending delight to the many thousands gathered together to aoo the inauguration of the great gov ernor of a great people. From the mountains to the sea the - clans have gathered Scotland NecK, the birth-place' of Mr. ' Kitchin, has sent practically its whole population. As for Durham, Henderson, Roxboro, Goldsboro, Klnston, Washington and intervening towns, if one would find out who is in attendance from these thriving cities, the best and quickest , way to do it would be to secure a roster of the inhabitants of the afore said cities and check off the few ah sentees. They are all here and every . : -one of them is having a goodlime-.- - ' They ' began om!ng early yester 'day. Every ' train arriving here yes terday was loaded to the steps. Last night the soldier boys began coming in and this morning they were much in evidence, some clad in khaki, oth ers in uniforms of blue. Here and there one discovered a sailor lad from tho Naval Reserves dressed in his picturesque uniform, and so Jar as the Times man could see, and few things escaped his observant eye there was not a rowdy or a drunk In all the great crowd. The University, Trinity, and Wake Forest boys were here in a body. The ' Wake Forest contingent was inclined to be just a little jubilant. Kitchin is an alumnus of Wake Forest and he is greatly loved and admired at his alma mater. Their enthusiasm knew no bounds when Mr. KItchm arose to deliver his address. The Inaugural Ceremonies, The military parade formed at the union station and at 12:10 came ini Fayettevllle street at Martin and proceeded up Fayettevllle to the cap ttol, around the capitol square to the ' left to Wilmington street and out North Wilmington to North street, thence east on North to tho Mansion.! The procession was headed by the general military officers of the state, followed by the Third Regiment B.md, of this city, and following this were 14 companies of the North Car olina State Guard, all of which were well filled. Following these came the Agricultural and Mechanical College band and four double companies 6f the A. & M. Cadets in full uniform, and making a fine appearance. Fol lowing tbem came the reception com mittee and the state dignitaries in carriagesclose up to' the front of which, in a carriago with the com mftte, was Governor-elect Kittf-fv., he Sixiii Day's Session of the House ol Represent " lives a Very Busy One. jORf committees; Bill to Allow Ashe County to Levy Special Tax For Bridges Bill For Belief of Sheriff Mlrtdleto:i of Dup lin To Change Time of Holding Court in Martin County Fox Hunt ing Bill From Chatham Conn-, tyFlag of Battle Of Guilford t Court House Hung In Cbambi-r by Courtesy of Masons. ; HON. W. W. KITCHIN, SAD FAREWELL JOTHEGOVii The sixth days' session of tne house of representatives of the North Carolina general assembly was called; to order at 10 o'clock this morning by Speaker Graham, who presented j Dr. Moncrlef, pastor of the Taber-; nacle Baptist church, who lead the' morning devotions. The' journal' of yesterday's session was read in part, when underwood moved further reading be dispensed with. , Petitions from citizens of Beau fort county as to fishing in Wright's Creek, In said county, and from citi zens of Cherokee county, to be al-j tion. ' . ' Bills Introduced. ' ' . , ... , ,, By Bowie: To allow Ashe county PffiSBnteil WlM Di-SlltlM Sll to levy special tax for bridges. By Underwood: For relief of Fay ettevllle Light Infantry. By Gavin: For relief of Sheriff Mlddleton, of Duplin.' By Stubbs: To change time of holding courts in Martin county. By Hayes, of Chatham: To regu late time of hunling of foxes in Chat ham county. By Price: To put Noah Green on npnslon list number four. A batch of joint resolutions of Governor, Glenn, Valiant Fishier 1 I 1AUGUML ADDRESS OFHON.W.WiaTCHIN BILL PROVIDING STATEBUILDING Senator Hankins introduced Bill for Fireproof Build ing for Library. Bad Corporations Ought to Forfeit Existence, as Han Who Kills. BILLS INTRODUCED Governor of North Carolina. ver Service by Women l of North Carolina. LARGE CROWD PRLSEN JT For the Protertlon of the Homes of Our Beloved State, Appreciated by the Women Impressive Scene in the Executive Chambers This Moming. Hundreds of Men and Women Bid Governor Good-bye. small importance were read. ,The speaker called attention to a flag displayed in the room by the Masons, being the original flag, used at the battle of Guilford court house. The courtesies of the house were gra'nted ex-Representative Clifford of Harnett. U n iS- Tn nrovpnt anwrtlint In streams of Macon county was report- executive chambers, the good women ed favorably by committee. I of this grand old stole of North Caro- Bin lo cnange line oi lowusuip uu- In the most Impressive and touch ing scenes that has ever graced the tweon Melville and Haw River town-."". Presented Govprnor Glenn w,tU ships in Alamance county was report-J a token of their esteem.Move, and ap ed favorably and went to calendar, as preclation for his ardent labors in was bill relative to town of Mt. Olive. ' the upbuilding of the homos of our Mr. Grant, of Davie, rose to ask if state, bill 48 was being complied wlth, The token was ln the form Of a which required committee reports to most beautiful silver service, a prea state'lf a majority recommended. I ent that the women of the .entire state H. B. 65: To change way of elect-may Justly feel proud of. On each Rig commissioners of Dare county re- piece was engraved the monogram of ported favorably and went to calen- our beloved chief executive, and in dar. 4 " the bottom of tne waiter was t no joi- H. B. 45: As to appointment of lowing appropriate inscription: certain Justices in Rowan passed sec- "To Governor Robert fe. Glenn. ond and third reading, was ordered from women of Nortn Carolina, in engrossed and sent to senate. grateful memory of his valiant fight The chair announced the Journal for the protection of the homes of committee as: Albrltton, Barnes of our beloved state, May 26, 1908." Hertford, and Rose, who will certify Thin grand mark of approval of correctness of Journal each day and the sweet ladles of the Old North looking well and acknowledging the gave reading same. State was presented b$ Senator Z. V. Joint resolution as tq election pf Long, or Btatesvine; his presenta Unlted States 'senator off the 19th. tion address was one that will never Inst., was sent to committee on elec- be forgotten, his elegant lnnguage and tlons. ' jbeautlful sentiments coming from the A bill to repeal chapter 43, laws of bottom of the heart of a true and extra session, as to courts in Cald- loyal Tar Hoel. "This tokenC, although well county, was reported favorably, beautiful and elaborate," said Sena- A recess of fifteen minutes was " ixng, "is noi oresenieq 10 you, taken at 10:40. , More Committees. appointment ot the following commit- 'e oM ag0 you'mnv ,0k uon your leva. - administration from 1805" to 1909 Corporations. , Bnd hw the g0od women through ; Morton, chairman Barnes of Hert- tnfB gft Bayi ell done, thou good ford,. Lemmond, Weaver, Koonce, BB(j faithful servant.' " Perry of Vance, McLeod, Pool, Ken- Governor Glenn arose with a heart drlck, RoBCoe, Reld, Kelly, price, g0 fnll that he could hardly' speak for Hayes, Crutnpler. s ja moment He could not Bay that he Corporation Commission. 'did not expect a small gift from the Weaver, chairman; Wilson, Harri- tate officers, as this had been a cus- A RADICAL MOVE TO BOOSt ADAMS The' republicans-met .Satiiriiny nlslit in the' supreme court, room and chose as .their, nominee for United States senator Hon. . Spencer "'B.' Adams, of (Jieenshoi'o. The ac tion of 'the caucus does not meet ith the approval of the lepublict.ins as a whole. II Is taken by fiiriv to In1 an attempt on the purl of the machine to help Adams' ; candi dacy for the -place of federal judtfe made vacant by Judge 1'unieH'n death. It is learned that the vote stood 20 for Adams and '.11 for J.' Elwood Oox. . A prominent republican member of the Reneial assembly, spcakiii;; of the federal judseflllp,'. anil the caucus, said today: -"The ac tion of the republican caucus in the supiemi' court room Saturday night . in naming ' Spencer ' P.. Adams as the nominee or ine nunofiy tor United States senator Is a blistering Insult to the bar of, the' eastern dis trict, for it was nothing more than an attempt to hoist Adams for the fed eral Judgeship. There was absolutely no reason at this time why .Western republicans should burst the buttons off their breeches in a . manful en deavor to Import a man from the western district to nil a position prop erly belonging to nn eastern man. It was all planned 'by ' Duncan and Cowles to boost the candidacy ot Arlnma. which seems to have but little standing at the white house. The vote I of the caucus stood 2(1 for Adams and 11 for Cox. The vote would have been very nearly enuaiiy tuvicieu nan inn ant'-Adams men had any FORAKER SPEAKS HS HOBBY The Ohio Senator Still keeps Harpo on the Browns ville Affair ! Senator Hanklns Presents Memorial Kiom State Literary and Historical Society Asking For a Kf re-Proof Building For State Library and Museum Five Hundred Copies of Memorial ' Ordered Printed Sec J ator Follows Memorial With Bill Fim iding For Building Asked For. Bills On Second Reading. The senate was called to order at 10:::0. Rev. .1. J. Hall, pastor of the First Baptist church of Fayettevllle, conducted the devotional exercises. Committee reported no corrections; The committee on rules reported. Senator Bassett offered the report of the committee, one very slight change being made in the rules of 1907. ;. Bills were Introduced as follows: Senator Hanklns; V A memorial from the State Literary aud Histori cal Association calling attention to the precarious condition of the state, library, museum, and supreme court library. It asked that a suitable fire- proof buildjng be furnished by the state to hold these valuables. It was ordered that 500 copies of HAS II GOOD WORD FOR THE RAILROADS Governor Kitchin Takes Up Many Things of State Interest, Deals With Them Soberly and Fairly Would Conserve Every Valuable Interest Would Teach ' Agricul ture In Public Schools Would Guarantee Bank Deposits, Drain Swamps, Enlarge Education, Build Good Roads, Take Care of : Indi gent A Readable State Paper. The Inaugural address of Hon. W. W. Kitchin was listened to attentive ly by a large crowd. The address was delivered from the east portico of the capitol. The speech in part Is as follows: SCORES THE PRESIDENT Members of the General Assembly, Ladies and Gentlemen: Political parties are not only nat ural but necessary in our govern ment. Under our constitution all the legislative powers of the state every two years, and all the executive pow ers every four years are returned to the people, to whom all governmental " powers belong, and the electors at these stated intervals determine Into whose hands these powers shall ", be committed. , The democratic party has again been charged' by-the peo ple with the responsibility f of ' the proper exercise of .these powers dur ing the constitutional periods''1 By thus further entrusting the publlo affairs to this party they have en dorsed its record and have approved the memorial be printed for the use .Its declarations of principles set forth of the general assembly. , in the Charlotte platform. In ap- S. B. 53. Senator Jones: An act proving its record they did not intend to amend section 3990, vol. 2 of to declare it faultless, or to approve Revisal, relating to public schools. Committee on Education. S. B. 54. Senator Hanklns: An every act committed in its name. No human being is perfect and no organ ization of man is perfect. The peo- act to erect fire-proof building for , pie did, however, approve its' funda- the state library and museum. Com- mental doctrines and its well-consld- niitte on I Grounds. Public Buildings and ered policies. As no man is alto gether bad, no political party is alto gether bad. In disapproving the rec- Tlie Senator Arralgiw the rrcsment s. B. 55. Senator Jones: An act For His Action in the Matter and to allow the Wakelon school district ord of the republican party and re jecting its platform the people did Much so ns Tillman's. Had No Authority to do so For- to vote bonds to the amount of $10,- aker Wants the Negro Soldiers He- 000 for the support of a public high instated His Criticism of the school. president is warning, Mat ot as. g. B. 56. Senator Blow: An act to amend sections 2686 and 2712. re lating to township boards and super visors. Committee on Public Roads. S. B. 57. Senator Martin: An act relative, to graded schools In Beau fort county. Committee on Educa tion. . . (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, D. C. Jan. 12 Sen- n,M PhiikIiah n..nlr.-. rA n ,F In tha Ban. ate on the Brownsville case. The speeca was a lengtny one, ann uiu m, s B sr. Senator Ray: An act excerpts from tne documents in the rela,ing to the bonded Indebtedness ceieDratea case, ii consisiea nmini.v f Hendersonville. Committee . A 11 JI.. oi an aigitmeni in lavor ui me ui- Countles and Towns. not declare that nothing in that rec ord is good and nothing in that plat form desirable, but they expressed their judgment that the record as a whole of the republican party in this state has been harmful, that Its plat form criticism of the service of the democratic party to the public Is un just, and that its denunciations of democratic policies are unwarranted. In assuming today in obedience to the will of a majority of my fellow on .citizens the weighty responsibilities of the chief executive of this common- charged battalion, a charge that the, s B 59 Spuntor Ray: An act. re- wealth It Is unnecessary to give assur president had no authority of law to lllting to the paving of the sidewalk In ance that the recognized principles salutes of his many admirers. These were' followed by a long line of car riages, the Concord Band, a great Ttost of horse-back riders, the local Are department and whosoever would v Join In to awoll the crowd. ' -i-. Arriving at the Mansion the pa t rade rested, the head reaching down ' to Edenton. on Blount. Ordered to march H headed down Blount south to New Bern avenue, where it turned west, maintaining the same order of ' march as was, observed In the march to the Mansion. Reaching Wllmtng ton street it turned north to Edenton -street, spreading itself around the capitol square, coming to rest on Wil mington.. The A. i M. cadets being ' around the carriage bearing Govern or Glenn and Governor-elect Kitchin, which, carriago moved around passing governor, for its intrinsic value, a men's good works can not be valued from a pecuniary standpoint. the purpore of Judge Adams' friends to over-ride precedent -.and make the nomination this early in the session. "Mr. Grant says that this' move marks the exit of Adams from politics, and I, for one, congratulate politics." ADAMS WILL NOT discharge the soldiers, and au ar notion of I raignment of the president for his action In the matter. While not as full of scathing references to the chief executive as was that of Sena tor Tillman's yesterday, the speech criticised President Roosevelt In se vere terms. Senator Foraker said in part: BE APPOINTED Anyone reading this message and ln Henderson county. Committee on not examining for himself the testl- pui,uc Roads. niony upon which these statements, s. B. 62. Senator Brltt: An act to are based, would naturally conclude ' vaC0 Madison county In the tenth i that the facts stated nave been estao- congressional district. Committee i lifhed by clear and overwhelming evi- 'on Congressional Districts. front of the court house in Hender-iof the democratic party shall be en- sonvllle. Committee on Counties and :couraged and pursued by the lncom-Tov.-ns. Ing administration. We have been S. B. 60. Senator Martin: An act commanded to maintain and promote iu legalize miM ui u jum:e ui uicbo mr.ua we c:uu me greai policies peace In Washington county. Com mittee on Justices of the Peace. S. B. 61. Senator Ray: Ail act re lating to the working of public roads (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Jan. 12 The federal S. B. 63. Senator Godwin: An act to protect crops against the depre- dence, especially so if he had no pre vlous, knowledge of the president. "To show that this testimony upon datlons 0f squirrels. Referred to the which the president made these un- committee on Revisal by request, qualified statements was utterly un-l (,, Second Rending, reliable, and that it failed absolutely i s n as Senator T.es- r.ame nn judgeship tlRlit In the eastern district , to eBtabliah the facts so unqualifiedly f tg' second reading and was re- nXHmr. Ew.?rSI tor,h h,m ,n hls U red to the Committee on Justices Carthage;' W. S. O'Brien Uobiiffcon, ot ; "tv i" iub rt aie thA mtntnrv. to .Edenton. where the ' " ., I . ...... a nnt ' Ua.,am' n.wtn Unt anffhlln . , . . 1 . . w ... 1 . . . governor and governor-eiect enierea , u,u.u6uhi wm, out ao sm 01 uu prouai smu the 'grounds enif proceeded, to "the Witty, ' Tomlfn, Latham, Morgan, yesterday was a complete .surprlss. timd nnUer the oast portico of the Wallace, Bolton, Cox of Pitt,. Rod- "And now," said the governor, this apitoli the crowd sending up s great well,. Rose, McCrsry.' v f- beautiful mark of your esteen and hout ss the, two 'appeared 'on the. ' ! ' '.' ' Game. : ' , ' 'lov comes as" a still greater snrpriss. Goldsboro, and T. T. Hicks, of Hen- We'derson. President Boosevelt has told Judge Priteharil. of tho circuit court of appeals, and E. C. Duncun, national committeeman of North Cm-oHmi, that ho would not appo'nt Judge Spencer B. Adams', of Greensboro, or any other man who does not live ln the eastern district. Judge Prltchard anc. Air. Duncan then recommended H. F. Few ell. Former Governor Aycock of North Carolina called on the president this morning uttd discussed tho situation with him. Ho declined to make any Htatement after the conference. front of th stage, looking doyn upon Continued on Page Three.) - (Continued od Page Two.)" 'I: (Continued on "Pag ' Three.) 3, T. I'argason Dead. Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 18 J. T. analyze It in the presence of the sen-, , g. b. 30. Senntor Doughton: An ate. By that analysis it was shown aet relating to a toll gate on Mul that instead of "scores of eye-wit- berry Gap road. Passed its second nesses' to the shooting, there were and third reading, only eight, all told, who even claim-, g. B. 21. Senator Mills: An act od to be eye-witnesses to any of the relating to public roads in Rutherford facts, and their testimony was so in- county, Passed second and third definite and uncertain as to be en-reading. ! tlrely insufficient to warrant the ser- An informal intermission was then ious and unqualified ionchislons that taken awaiting the readiness of tho were drawn therefrom." house to enter upon the Joint session "He resorted to a method in his for the purpose of opening and can effort to secure such testimony that vasslng the vote for tbe state officers, cannot be fittingly characterized At 11:15 the senate was again without the use of language, which called to order to receive a message it empioyea, mignt appear to he ais- from the house announcing the read Fargason, president of the Bank of respectful to the chief executive, lness ot the house to receive the sen- commerce auu imm vuuiyuu?, -1 aqu worn oi an, in wis enaeavor 10 ate, - , , of the largest financial ustitunons acure Such testimony the president An Adjournment was then taken on in the south, dosd. J , (Continued oh Psge Three.) ' : motion ot Senator Pharr. which have been continued or" in augurated during the last ' eight years, as well as to undertake the'es tabllshment of the hew policies pro pounded in the platform which was endorsed at the polls and with the provisions of Which you are already, familiar, ' ' " , ,' Primaries. Many electors Unfortunately have the easy disposition of falling to ex ercise their right of suffrage, or of ex ercising it in the general elections, with other motives than the high pur pose of strengthening the party rep- resenting their political - principles and selecting officials Who will In their judgment, best serve" the coun try's interests. Every precaution should be taken to assure each elec tor's having, and understanding having, an equal voice in naming the candidates of his party This assur ance, will largely eliminate such other motives. A properly safe-guarded direct primary for selecting the nomi nees of all political parties is the best plan that has been or can 'be devised. Whether you favor a general man datory primary law or not there are provisions to which there may be no opposition and which ought to be en. acted and made applicable to - all counties where primaries are held. Among these provisions sre the fol lowing: ,' . - .' f -... First, delegates should be required (.Continued on Page (Seven.) V.