Weather. BECOHD. 4. EDITION . Washington, D. C, Jan. 19 Fore cast Tor North Carolina tonight and Wednesday: Generally fair-f and warmer tonight and Wednesday. , ESTABLISHED 1876. RALEIGH, N. C., TUESDAY JANUARY 19, 1909. v PRICE 5 CENT3 Three Young Women trying to Live as Christ Lived. PANAMA CANAL MEMORY OF GEN OVERMAN TODAY . .. .'. ; ....'. ' ir;-J- : LEE HONORED BY BOTH THE HOUSES Joint Resolutions of Adjourn ment Passes Both Houses Early in Session GREAT MANY BILLS Kooiir Introduces Kill to Pay Sol lei tort -A Htate Htlpfllated Ft Mur phy Presents Bill to Facilitate Re lease of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust Camion Has .Bill to Au thorize, payment of Deposits Made . In TrustA, Also to Empower Banks to Pay Out Deposits Made in Xante of Two PersonsHouse Passes Bill For Belief of Thomas N. Hays. Speaker Graham called the house to order at 10 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Livingston Johnson, of Raleigh. Introduction of Bills. Koonce: Pay solicitors of slate stipulated fees. Cox, of Anson: Joint resolution in honor of the 102d birthday of Gen. R. E. Lee, that when the general as sembly adjourns today it do so in his honor, and that, the hall of the house be tendered to the -Daughters of the Confederacy for use Thursday even ing at 7:30 In the celebration of Gen eral Lee's birthdny. Rules suspended and resolution is adopted at once. Gavin: Amend charter of Rose Hill, Duplin. Rose: For relief of P. G. Green, ex Confederat ' soldier, of- Graham county. " -; ' . '. " Murphy! Facilitate release of mortgagee and -deeds of trust, -'i .; Anon Authorize payment of de posits made In trust and Tor relief of persons in whose interest such depos its are made. Connor: Empower banks to pay out deposits made In name of two jierKonsM , Klllian: Prescribe fees for register ing building and loan deeds and deeds of trust In Catawba. Ll.iney: Amend chapter 674, Laws of 1907. relating to labor. Doughton: For relief of Thou. N. Hays, tueniber-olect of the house from Wilkes, who has been physically un able to attend and take the oath. Bill allows hlin to take the oath !e for the clerk of the court, to be cer tified to "the clerk of the house, so that he may draw his per diem of $4 and be released from attendance on house sessions. No mileage to he paid unless he attends the sessions in person. Pickett:' Regulate hunting of game in Alamance. . : Sparrow Amend chapter 463, liaws of 1907, relative to labor. McDonald of Moore: For Improve ment of roads in McNeill's township, Moore county. Wallace: Incorporate trustees of Atlantic' Mission Conference of the M. E. .church. ' Privileges of floor extended to L.. H. Clement, president Stae Bar As HoctatlOD, on motion of Mr. Julian. Appoint justices of peace for Reedy Creek township Davidson. Prevent miners from throwing tail ings into Silver, Creek or any tribu tary In Burke. - - . " Amend Revisal relative to pay of supervisors of roads, county commis sioners and jurors In Johnston. In creases pay of ull mentioned. ' Prevent dumping of saw-dust In any running stream in Nash county, with" some exceptions.' " Amend road law of Bertie. . Reduce number of commissioners jpif Beaufort County from 7 to 5., f,V For relief of Thos. N. Hays, mem ber of the house-elect from Wilkes.. Mr. Doughton' said ho understood Mr. Hays was suffering from tubercu losis; probably in the last stagea of that dread disease, that he Is an ex tremely poor young man, elected just after his return from: Wake Forest College, Mr. Doughton .spoke earn estly for the jneasu of relief, and Bald he had known of similar courses being taken in like cases before. Mrl Harshaw expressed the appre ciation of the minority.' , Mr. ; Hayes also supported the measure. ', , , . :,. Mfv Gaston moved a rising vote, and so It was. , , ,. . The Robeson county bond Issue bill came from the Cotrimlttae on Judic iary NO. i, wjtb the committee amendment that the section exempt (Continued on Page Steven.) . ,. . .. -. , , , . IN HONOR LA1E LL Adjourned Session of the Fed eral Court Docs Honor to His Memory RESOLUTIONS PASSED Colonel Harry Skinner, District At torney, Talks -Committee Appoint ed to Draw ti Resolutions The Resolutions Submitted Colonel Skinner Makes a Feeling Talk Ill ative to the Jjate Jitilse,' His Lifts , uiid ' Work Colonel Haii-ls and . Others Talk Resolutions Passed by the" Grand Jury. The adjourned session of tne fed eral court convened tbis morning at 10:20 o'clock, Judge James E. Boyd presiding., j Col. Hhitv . Skinner came Into court and addressed the court in ref erence tothe mnnioi-v of too late pie-! siding judge. Tttonias it. Piunell. ! "Since the last session of this court In this: city, the presiding oltl--cer, Judge Thomas R. Purne'l, after a lingering Illness, has passed away. As the resident representative of the court, I arise and take the initiative and offer a suggesuon which I am sure will meet with t;ie approval of the court and the bar. 1 would suggest that the court appoint a committee of five members of the bar to retire and make such resolutions as they duein proper, and that the said resolu tions, when they shall have been re ported to the court, be adopted and spread upon the minutes ot the court, After the. committee on resolutions aiui!l,liav xe ported would foither suggest "tlut.t'ttfl court adjourn In,. re spect to the late judge's death, which is relent by all." - Judge Boyd said that the court ap preciated the suggestions of the dis trict attorney and that ;iey were deemed highly proper. In accord ance with tne suggestion, tne court appointed as to committee to 'retire and draw up resolutions Col. Harry Skinner, Mr. H. E. Xorris, Col. .1. C. L. Harris, Mr. J. D. Parker, Mr. V. H. Boyden. Mr. Skinner then announced to the court that as Mr. 11. F. eSawell, whose nomination for the judgeship was forwarded to the senate yester-1 , . . , , , . . , day, day in court, he should be add-. ed to the committee. Mr;- Sea well was' added to the com- mlttee and court took a recess while the committee retired. The committee returned to court after being out a short while, and Col. Skinner announced that after serious deliberation the committee Bad adopt-r ed the following memorial, which they Blncerely hoped would be ap- proved of by the court and spread upon the minutes of this court and . !,!. the other courts of this district Wilmington, Washington, Elizabeth City, and New-Bern. Col. Skinner read the memorial, which was as fol- lows: '--'.. .- In 3Iemory of Judge Puruell. Now comes Harry Skinner, United States district attorney, and presents, to the court the following memorial and resolutions, adopted at a meeting of the bar of this court, and asks that they be spread upon the minutes, to-wit: In Mcmoriam. Iu.t'ue death of Thomas R. Purnell, the State of North Carolina has lost the fourth judicial Circuit mourns the a rallhful and honored citizen, and Irreparable loss of a -learned, capable and courteous judge ,an honor to the bench and f x ornament to the profes- slou y-j - nomas R Purnell was born in nomas k. purneit was Dorn in Wllmlugtou. Norta Carolina, on the 10th Of August, 1846. He received the rudiments of his education in the district schools; attended HillBboro Military Academy; and in 1869 grad- ttated from Trinity . College.; He, on- army at six- . ' d surrendered tered the Confederate teen years of age; and and was paroled at Greensboro In 1865. He was admitted to the Bar of North Carolina in , ", , .. He served ' as a member of the house and senate of the North Carolina . ... , . . Legislature and has been state librar- ian ot North Carolina. He was a re- publican. - On the death of Hon. A. 8. Bey - mour in February, 1897,. bis, name JUDGE Pit was presented to President McKln- ley as a suitable person to receive the .n,intni ' ;j-, tv.1 itu,i appointment cUudge of the United States dlBtrlct court .In this asplra- (Conttaed on, Page Seven.) -f---: 'V-":."'" ''-'' ",': v,..:,"1,' m DUKE WILL GO : i (M Cihli to 'lii' IV' London. Jan. 1H I'my Duke nl- Ul Abi-iix,1 has arrived lic-e ti-om Koine. iiceompHiueri by the louiU eTntto Ul CamblMSf, T;nv ar revlateivd at- their .hotel as "sltgnors a. and K. Nisroito. The duke announeerf l nut. ne .liiii'iuis inaklng a vtiiit to tliH Hnmilava mountains m Tn:het In March. When -asked to s:i:' swiilfthing dellultely nht.m -the reports enuneetuig his name with Misk kutheriiie hlklns. daughter, of .Senator Klklnn, of West Virginia, lie. said: . "MimethhiK definite? A hv lias uot somethlnsr definite been .said u!ivndv 'ytuu the .nl(ane.e-. is . no(v -ended v . ne was asKou, to vnien tne unke, wtin le.ugrh, faitw ii wHw fcut hi mun;. nr hmrert that he was In e hiippv stale of mind. TWENTYAPAUPE (By Cable to The Times) London, Jan. 19 That one person In every- iweinr or in:' popuiiiiion or f.ns- ,am, and Wul(. s a p.ulppl. ,s thi, a)), 'palling .fact., brought out tn the first three weeks' of the old. age 'pension law whleh became operative on Januury 1. In London the ratio is one in four- tecn- the ngnres gathered tell such a story of national poverty that government Is believed to lie (jm,,.. M0re t,an 300,000 persons have been found eligible for old age pensions and.1t 'is expected this total within the next few- months will reach-SOO.OCO. Flguiw .compiled, within the last - few weeks give a population to-. England nnJ w.Ues of ;j49.14 0 The mimhP1. of pnupors uos.43. hlle . 2.209,456 ( receive government aid. either as paupers or old age pensioners, : '.......'.--. PRESIDENT WONT TAKE ALL THE COAIRS (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Jan'. 19 When Rresi- dent Taft moves into the white hous' ,.10,, entirely denud; ed ot furniture. Regard'ng the stories that have been printed in several newspapers that the president desired for sentimental reasons to take. away. with, him the ten cabinet-room chairs. a lnge and several other articles of ful nltul.e that the membt.rB of the fam. y were fond of. secretary L6eb said that tho BtorlH were groundless. 'president Roosevelt," he said, ''will take away with him the -chair that he has used at his desk lit the executive , a.. 1 1 1. TAnnU I. ...Ill 11 . .t An.l office. ''.This he will ; replace with a f.ew "J.UBt "kC -"d 7'" X lt wltn hB pursonal funds. He will not takl., or has he ever had any intention of taking, any other furni- ture. 1 "It always has been the custom for- retiring presidents to take the chairs ln c". "ey. l ? VL ' . wors, ana 11 aiso nnn ueen tin- cuniuiu, , bei,evei for the mcmbers of the cabinet to do the same thing." I , '.... , 1 Tventy Houses Destroyed. , London, Ont., Jam. 19 After destroy- THE H I A m ONE PERSON ing the Globe Casket Company's fac- J01- nd w,!?ty "mn ""l" ftd,!n: lntf, occupled-tiy workmen, a fire which t(,pitm nour8 WM cot und,r contro, at , 0.clock thlB momin,, The iigs will be more than 1200,000, ''- ;Y-:'-''.'.''"V. :?-'' '-'J "'.''-: i ,3mJ. y . . MMtm sanfqrb pgos;ptapus Leaks for a tail Year in m - ' Meeting of Iteitl 50slal Loan and In surance Company Directors Elec tric Power L'ne Welcomed (tK)d Koads Meeting Some of the Advantage. x fanloi(l, M. 1 J:-ouarv JSThe !!iiifurd : Ftoal- Estate, , Loan . ana rnKtiritnee Company held Its. . nnual meeting' Mindiiv night, tsth inat.,-elect-ins; t ne former hoard -.of directors with lr: W. -..A.'-Monroe. piexkMnl: J. R. Jones, r!ve-ireidileiit: IV j Si Wtather- snuon,. S'Vi-i'tarv and treasurer, and 1 'has. C. cheelt, nsslsiant secretary, and 1 rf:,!!; C!- A u Tit'!- f.i'itt. rtlviilim .Was iliT'lari'd and t ho crmip n tf.jiuer tipon th N. v en with i C Ji RlliAaios.- pectM. 'Che. tflffn ' f Kanto'-d 'H-Vl hm with dAlRhtiniT renewedtilfjjSy'nsr-trtWl.'lnipotiniit subjects will l considered p!-ttou of the nowcr line of the . Caro--llaioif OtnBewsions. Una p.nvor & Light Cimipnnv, which ; power' If. generated at Buckhorn 1'n'ls : in this rud Chatham coiintas. Thoi line wl) lie in oiierailon In the -next SO to fii davs mill will turn the wheels of our mills and , nnnufaeturins , plants, besides'1. f h njlshliig miiny Mlier-, doiliesiic conveniences to onrpingrej'- ' sive peoi!e. ; j A very I'lthnsiastie (rood roads 'meet- i Ins;, was held l-.erpr JlonUiy .".lid a liil'.j was .Buttled 'upon, to . 'be ' prert nted to : the.' present -legislature,, provid'ng a good "-.roads system ". for Lee emniiy. With these advahtages and beins the centre of it' new county havim; all the" advantages of a Rood water system, graded schools ,-i ml. three of the south'" lorm-st railroad -systems touching our town we l!i.)!i. '-;' lool: for rapid growth "11 W1LL: ; 0 HEAR ;WILS0N Membors of Legislature Go to Chapel Hill SiM-cial Train Left at 1 :?( ChMd Hill to Hear Woodrmv Wil son Speak Tonight Celeliratinn of Lee's Birthday. The members of the legislature and 1 a few others specially Interested, left j here this afternoon at 1::!" for tht;.j I university at unapoi am, tne noutu- j eru furnishing a special train for the 1 j trip, where tonight they will hear ' President . Woodrow Wilson, or Princeton College, New Jersey, on the life and character of Robert E Leo nnn stoimwan .lacuson. This trip has for us object a double purpose: The seolng ot the University as It Is and the hearing ur this special time, this noted speaker. A large majority of the members! of the house and the senate took the j l(!on nan w, bP presided over bv Dr. -trip, and will return some time to-' Charles W. Kent. In the cvenlm; night. ' j President Alderman will make 'a bilet At Chapel Hill, Immediately after introductory address and will then the a-rrlvai of the special train, din- will be served to' the visitors 1n'j . . ,, ... ,. .. I Commons Hall. At 5:1a the literary j 'societies will meet -and initiate hon orary, members. The program for .the exercises iwncn begins at 7:00 o'clock, Is as .follows .-Music University orchestra. Invocation. Welcome President Francis P. Venable. Speech of Iatroductlon Governor W. W. Kltchln. Address President Woodrow Wil son.- ' .. - -r 1 .i" '' - University Hymn. ' - Music University orchestra. BOARD Of TRADE IS IN SES . . (By -Leased Wive to The Times.) ..Washington. Jan. 19 The ihfrtv ninth annual mx'tlug of - the national board of trade convened hfie loi.av m . continue for three (lays. One hundred j ano rtelcttines. ropiwntlng "j : boards of 'trade .-and other cntnmeri'lHl ' 01 t;ai)iz;illniis are in atieiidiiiiee. Ann-r- lean shipping and in"ri-liaiit marine were the pi lncmal suhlects diseussert : todnv. i:eakers from thu New Yolk ! Produce Lxehanne and the. Phlla- I del ph la 'board of trade presented reeoni. inendations and resolutions on the. sub- I Ject. tonsillar reform, the consular, selvage, tne dlnloniatie fervice. federal Kiam iiispenioii. roresiiv. nsicuru 1 resoui-e-is . the ciiuiitry.. . railroad , li ... gin gAfirmi. . nKienuiit.v - Inters lute commci re. m- "rrinioMi fihlation 11 . loWifh'trt.-1 ngu-miiit 'os act. national curr-ncy.. ana oilier - : " ... URNED TO DEATH "(By Leased ..Wire to The Times) Xew York. Jan. 1! Two persons perished today in tire, due directly to the-frigid temperature, one is dying, several received serious burns, forty one families were driven "out into the cold and twelve families were left ab solutely homeless. The temperature, which dropped to in decrees above , I nun h suffering nitiont; New .- Vo-.-k, crowded ihe ; s and every .available j place or flielter. . Yesterday' was the: 'coldest day and last night the coldest night : of the winter. I Mrs. Bay Freeman, 42. years old, was ! piolmbly ffilally burned in a fire in a ! !ive-stoiy )i iieiui nt at 31 1 1 Kignly 1 Fifth street i arly today nnd her has ;hand, Itohert, received serious burn' .fibnuf tlie hands and body. THEPOE CELEBRATION AT C H AIILOTTES V ! LLP (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chai lottesvl, e, Va., Jan. l Tlie liaven SocietJ, the undergraduate as sociation of the I'nlversity of Vir ginia, last niRht held Its celebration of the Poe centcmiiary In Cabell .....1. The chief feature of the program -.was the .reminiscences of Dr. Herbert Nosh,'", of Norfolk, w ho had a three-wei ks' I acquaintance with 1-ne . during the I poi.'t's last visit to Virginia. j Today the celebration takes un In- 1 tni'ilutlonnl' torn ThA ivit'el.jfu In t:id- present to the audi, nee Prof, r.arrctt Wendell, of Hnrym-d. who will for his subiect, ' The Natlonalii Poe ., ,take I sin of Speaker's Salary Increased. Washington, Jan. 19 After two days of heated discussion and prolonged de. bate the senate late yesterday after noon bv a vote of 34 to 32 increased the salary of the speaker of tha house of representatives from $12,009 to $1V 000 a year. j Cook Finds Pearl. I W'ellesley, Mass., Jan. 19 Mary Meechan, a cook at Wellesley College, Is richer by about $300 as the result of finding a pearl In an oyster, fine thought it a pearl and saved lt as a curoisity. INNEWTORK IKE IS RE-ELECTED TO THE U. S. SENATE Senate Also Adjourned in Hon or of the Birthday of General Lee THE PAY OF SOLICITORS lilll Introduced to Punish. Public Drunkenness -Kill to Amend Law 11s to Separation of the Races in Cars l$ill to Appi-oprlate Funds For leaf mid D11111I1 Bill by El liott lo Inereiisii the Salury of the Mute! Librarian Senator Bar linger IVesents Petition Asking Vote to Kepeal Constitution a to ProjMTty Kxemption. The twelfth day's session of the senate of the North Carolina general assembly was called to order at 11 a. m. bv President. Xewland, and the r e Hgious exercises were conducted by Dr. Moncrief, pastor of the Baptist iahnrnaelo church of this city.;' Tne.-Journal committee reported the .proceedings of yesterday as cor rectly recorded and the same stood ai.oroved. I uder the call for reports of stand ing committees the following reports were made: ' lis. To allow town of Marshall to issue bonds; favorably. l-LL To allow clerk of Northamp ton to be absent on Certain days;' re ported favorably. On motion of Senator Spence the Carthage township bond issue bill was tatceu from committee and placed on the calendar. The house sent over a bill for the house-from Wilkes, which, on motion of Senator Starbnck, it was placed on the calendar. On motion of Long, of Iredell, S. B. 15f Wnr yiced on. the calendar, being local for Iredeircowntyr A batch of other small "bills Were received from the house and sent to committees, or to calendar, as or dered. - Bills Introduced. By Ximocks l To regulate speed of i'titos in Cumberland county. By Elliott; To appoint justices In Catawba county. By Empie: To establish stock law Catawba county. By Empie: To appoint justices in in certain sections of the state. By Sherrill: To regulate board qf f th(. nV aKalnHt'.the ol,; companyT education of Alexander county. J It f cx,,ected that State Receiver By Silence: To amend 2087 and Eckhardt will soon be placed In pos 20S9, laws of 1905, as to issuing sesstmi of the property which has for marriage, license. By Gay: To punish public drunk enness in North Carolina. By Gay: To amend laws as to sep aration of races on cars. : By Gay: To amend chapter 2619 of public laws. -.. " By Scott: To appropriate funds for deaf and dumb. By Dockery: To allow guardians to cultivate lands of their wards. By Elliott: . ; To Increase the sal ary of state lib.'ariun. Senator Barringer presented a pe. tition asking for a rate to repeal con- si itution -us. to personal and real ex einption. :; liills Passed. The calendar was taken up and the bill authorizing Carthage township, Aloore county, to Issue bonds was, on baltieshlp Oregon during the Spanlsn roll call, passed second reading by American war. Later he became a a vote of forty to nothing. court reporter. Then the Ilocanos took The bill authorizing th? town of a liking to him and made him their Marshall to Issue bonds was put upon kl,i(t. its second reading and after reading '.Vlnv 4T H tut vt was re-referred lo committee. Ai H.myfcr. Ex-Senators Woodward, Zollicoffer and Mason were, by a motion, extend- linger Station Catches Fire, But ed the llooi1 of the senate, which Sen ator Empie said the rules ' allowed. The chair said either was In order. The clerk 'read the house resolu tian as to Lee's birthday, and the res olution" was read three times and adopted. This provides adjournment In honor of Lee today. Senator Barringer said that If he caught It right, the Moore county, I Carthage, bill exempted bonds from taxation and asked for the reading 11 gain. Senator 1'harr said he was opposed to any such provisions as even municipal relief from taxation, Senator Barringer withdrew his re- i quest and the matter went over till j tomorrow. I S. B. 143. To allow clerk of court of Northampt6n county to he absent certain days was passed second, third and final readinir . ' ,. ?' . , Bill for relief of Thos. N. Hays, 1 . (Continued on Page Seven.) SUITS AGAINST PAPERS BEGUN Duuglas Robinson Brother-la-Law of Roosevelt od Witness Stand DELAY IN TOE TRIAL The First. Witness Called Today Be fore the Federal Grand Jury of the District of Columbia, la the Invests ' gution of the Panama Canal Suits, Instituted by the Government, Won Douglas Koblnson H. P. Tft,J of the Western I'nion Telegraph Com pany, Was the Second Wttnew. (By Leased Wire to The Times. Washington, Jan. 19 Douglao u Robinson, brother-in-law of Preal- dent Roosevelt, was the first witness called today before the federal grand t Jury of the District of Columbia, la the investigation of the Panama Ca nal suits Instituted by the govern ment against the New "York and Iu- dianapolis publishers. Owing to the delay in the arrival of the Jurors it was 11:15 o'clock be fore District-Attorney Bacon received the hearing. Mr. Robinson was on the stand for only 10 minutes. When leaving the court-room he refused to make any statement as to his testi mony.' .'- H. P. Taft, manager of the Wash ington office of the Western tJnton ; Telegraph Company, was the ' second witness called. Among others who ' were called Into the Jury-room "was A.W. Tracey, of the Indianapolis News Bureau; J. W. Dunbar, J. H. Washington'TCetrs Bureau; Otto Car- michael, Jesse Conway ana Albert, of the Washington bureau ol the New York World. Practically th whole day was consumes with iho tnrktna ofjtestlmony. of these : wit- nesses. WATERS-PIERCR OIL CASE. County Attorney W1H Get $400,000 in Fees Transfer of the Property. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) . Dallas, Tex., Jan. 19 By the decision of the t'nlted States supreme court In the Waters-Pierce oil case, County Attorney. Brady,' of Travis county, who started the proceedings, is to get ap- livivlnititMle tiflCi Ann In fun o u Vila n.., nearly two years been In the hands of Federal Receiver Dorchester. Most of the Waters-Pierce OH Com pany's Texas properties are In Dallas and are valued at about $100,000, In dependent of oil stored and business accounts. THRONE FOR BRIDE. American Who Ruled Over Tribe in the Philippines Comes Home ' ' to Marry. Omaha, Neb., Jan. 19 Charles Haffke, of this city, was married yes- 1 terday to Miss Slargaret Barr for love I of whom he reslKned the office of king of a tribe of natives of tho Philippine Islands.". Haffke, as King Carlos, ruled for three months over the Ilocanoes tribe ;of Filipinos, which comprises more is KxllngulHliod Without Much Damage, (Special 1o The Times) Hamlet, Jan.' 19 What came near being a serious conflagration was dis covered in the root of the Seaboard Dassengor station this morning at 7 o'cloc.k. It happened that several 'engines were near the scene and the 'Whistles- soon attracted a large crowa- ' A switch engine was pulled near the Nation and a stream played on tno nre' which soon quenchod It without serious damage. The lire was supposed to have started from a spark from the boiler which heats the build 'nK' " . --.-' . .' -v f ' Ministers Object to fcarge Nary. ; . Boston Mass., Jan. WOver twe .hundred Boston ministers have signed a protest against th Increase' ef the nftvy. n hs forw,rdedte con. Igrees. -. . , v:..

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