THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C. page t: S3IV If STATE NEWS. Spencer Raises $1,442 For Orphans' Home. : .1 . -Spencer, Jan. 26 In Spencer, Re J. P. Robers, who spent three days In Spencer last week In the interest of the Orphans' Home to be estab lished by the Western taorth Caro lina Conference at; Winston-Salem, raised $1,442 In, jthe Southern Rail way town, to be lised In the, erection of buildings for the orphans. This ts the largest amount raised so far in any one city in North Carolina for that purpose. New Cotton Mill. : Salisbury, Jan. 26 A ' rumor. which will not down, still floats around that Salisbury is to have a new cotton mill under the manage ment of Erwin, Duke & Co., well known mill men in central North Carolina. ,It Is said a party has al ready selected a site for the new in dustry and steps have been taken to land the new enterprise for Salisbury. each of the two coaches. A number of passengers and Mr. Rowland were struck by pieces of the shattered glass, but no one was struck by either of the rocks: A lady and a child had just left the seat which received one of the rocks. ITALIAN LINER -FLORIDA IN PORT FREE PILE CURE Sent Stole All In Sight. Wilson, Jan. 26 Thieves last week entered the tack yard of Mrs. W. H. Davis, in the northwestern section of the city and stole three weeks' washing from the line. Mr. Davis says they were slick artists, but he can't see why in the world New York, Jan. 26 With two of her dead still crushed beneath the twisted steel and timber, the Italian liner Florida, which sent the Repub lic, of the White Star Line, to the bottom, today was moored at her pier at " the foot of Forty-second i street. South Brooklyn, while dozens ' of men worked to get at the bodies' wedged In the broken prow. Eugene Lynch, the Boston to Demonstrate the Merits of Pyramid Pile Cure. What it Has Done For Others, It Can . Do For Yon. We have testimonials by the hun dreds showing all stages, kinds and de grees of piles which have been cured Pyramid Pile Cure. V f'V ' If you could ' read these unsolicited letters you would no doubt go p the nearest drug store and buy a box of Pyramid Pile Cure at once, price fifty cents. We do not ask you to do this. Send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mail tree. We know what the trial package will do. In many cases it has cured piles without further treatment. If it proves its value to you order more from your druggist, at 50c. a box. This Is fair, is jit not? Simply fill out free coupon be low and mail today. To create a fireman's ' .-ft1" I FREE PACKAGE COUPON. Fill out the blank lines below with name and address, cut out J coupon and mail to the PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 190 Pyramid I nier-1 1 Bldg, Marshall Mich; A trial pack- chant, whose wife was killed In the age of the great Pyramid Pile Cure collision and who received terrible in-! I will then be sent you at once by sure It will be a long time before he has anything else to hang on it. juries himself, died in the Long Is land College Hospital at 4 o'clock a. m. today. The Baltic, the sister ship of the they left the clothes line, for he is 8Unken liner, had arrived in port mail, FREE, In plain wrapper. Name .... .... . . . . Street .. .. .. .. .. .. City and State.............. Reward For Train Wrecker. Rocky Mount, Jan. 26 The A. C. L, Railway has offered $100 reward for the capture, with sufficient evi dence to convict, of the party or par ties who attempted to wreck the pas senger train on the Spring Hope branch last Wednesday night. This attempt makes the third within the past several months and the situa tion Is getting to be a grave one. The first was some time during November, when several railroad spikes were placed on the track, but they were found by an employe before any seii our mishap resulted, while the other two have been attempted within the past three weeks and the incidents that surround them are thoroughly known. ' The authorities are at a perfect loss as to who the guilty parties may be, and while they have several sus pects, there is evidence that they were, not in .the neighborhood of the wreck at the time, but that they were distantly removed from the scene. -,'Rot-kcd TaylorsvlIIe Train. .'.", Statesvllle, Jan. 26 The Taylors- ville train, while nt Hlddenite Thurs day night, about 9 o'clock, was rocked by some unknown, would-be murder ous scoundrel, the sound of missies striking the top and sides of the coaches could be heard, and In an other Instant two heavy rocks as big as a man't fist, crashed through the windows into the train, one entering earlier with 1,244 survivors of the latest tragedy of the sea, while the United States derelict destroyer Se neca with Captain John Isaac Seal- by his second officer, Richard Wil liams and forty of the crew who had remained with the captain on the Re public, dropped anchor off Staten Island. Work of 18!h. Day's Session Id Lower House Waynesvllle. By Julian: relief fund. By-j Weaver: That chapte "210. Laws of 1905, do not apply to W. R. Oudger, ' inBuncombe, and to allow Buncombe to .bridge the French Broad river. j Sir. Currle" spoke against certain biographical blanks left on the desks. i t Enrolled Bills. -" .The -following bills were enrolled, ratified, and sent to the secretary of state, and are now laws of the state: To amend public school law of Ral eigh towashlp; to Incorporate" the board of 'publication of the Western North Carolina 1 Methodist Confer ence; to amend chapter 338, Laws of 1905; ;to prevent killing of squirrels In. Chowan -county; to pay surveyors certain feeB when testifying; to amend chapter 1207, Laws of 1905, a to corporation dissolutions; to ex tend a street in Beaufort; to appoint W. R. Delap and others justices in Davidson county; to repeal chapter 1518, Laws of 1905, as to county commissioners duty; to change line of Melville and Haw River township in Alamance; to regulate hunting in Anson; to pay Drs. Balton and Gor don, delegates to Charlotte; to repeal chapter 628, Laws of 1907; to repeal section five, chapter 785, laws of 1905; to authorize clerk of North ampton county to be absent; to regu late fees on short term mortgages in Wayne county; to repeal chapter 202, Laws of 1907, as to fees of officers in Johnston county; resolution oC thanks to University of North Caro lina. - : Announcements were made and at 2 p. m. the house adjourned till 11 a. m. Wednesday. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO, BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. AGENTS FOR THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS STYLE BOOKS FREE. HARBINGERS OF SPRINQ THE GEM TALKING PICTURES TOMrSON P. RAY SIXGS: "When the Klxht Girl Comes Along." MISS EVA TANGUAY SINGS: "Success." ; "Driving Out." SILENT PICTURES. "Paris Fire Brigade." "The Hunchback." "Mr. Kynliead." COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAM DAILY. PRICES- V So. and 10c Foster & Mansfield ACADEMY OF MUSIC TONIGHT. The Gardner LaClede and Gardner Musical Comedy will commence a stock engagement of eleven nights at the Academy, presenting a repertoire of vaudeville and musical farce com edy. The company comes to Raleigh highly recommended by our contem poraries. Each individual member of the cast has been carefully selected from the vaudeville and farce com edy field to portray their respective roles, either in the vaudeville or farce comedies. Too much credit bestowed on the manage ment of the Gardner LaClede & Gard ner Company In carrying with the company their own orchestra, as the orchestra eltherin opera, farce com edy, or vaudeville, is one of the main factors necessary to a successful ren dition of this popular class of amuse ment, and when a company of this kind, led by reputable comedians and make it $2,250 was taken up and on demand for a roll call it proceeded and the amendment was adopted by the decisive vote of 65 to 33. The question now recurred on its third reading, and on a division be ing called for the vote by rising and being counted, stood 58 ayes and 44 noes. The third reading was called for, when Mr. Connor called attention to the law as to the $20 fee from the state. It was suggested that it could be arranged. Mr. Turlington asked for postponement till February 9th. I Mr. Kitchin opposed the date - and wanted to vote now. Turlington's motion was lost, and the matter stands at that point. Mr. Cox. of Wake, asked passage of resolution placing the University of North Carolina In reach of thev Car negie foundation fund. Bills Introduced. By Cox, of Wake: To make a pri mary election law. By Gavin: To supply certain rec ords in Duplin: to amend the law as to claim and delivery; to repeal sec tion 1, chapter 674, Laws f 1907. By Pitt: To change corporate 11m- comedlenne Gardner LaClede and its of Tarboro. Gardner, thoy soon sing and play By, Hayes: To allow clerks to pay their way Into the hearts of the out money of certain indigent child-theatre-going public. Tonight and ren. tomorrow night a straight "vaudeville By Hooker, by request: To regu- bill will be presented with the entlreilate fishing in North Carolina ; by strength of the company and on . same; to facilitate raising fish. Thursday The Merry Widow Brown. Popular prices will prevail, viz: 25, 35 and 50c. By Connor: A resolution as to tax ou tobacco peddlers. ' By Murphy: To Increase pension of H. C. Fulton. By McDonald, of Moore: To en able Sanford to Issue bonds; - By Hay more: To relieve A. W. THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP AT THE GAIETY. Today the first picture to be flash ed upon the screen at The Gaiety Is a ; Dean, pensioner. true to life version of Dickens' most By Butler: To provide a new famous novel, The Old Curiosity i school district in Columbus; to In Shop. This is a thoroughly artistic. crease pay of jurors, and to repeal reproduction of this interesting , chapter 540, Laws of 1907. atorv. and all should see it who en- By Hageman: Resolution in favor lov a srood moving nicture Dlay. i'wo.of B. T. Hilllard days only, Tuesday and Wednesday. ANNOUNCEMENT. . By Campbell: To repeal chapter 344, Laws of 1903, as to the town of Gladstone. By Witty: To appoint justices in Rockingham county. By Pool: To create a school dis trict of a part of Montgomery and Richmond. By Graham: To make five years' desertion on part of wife lose her On February 1, 1909, a department of law will be added to the courses of study at King's Business College. Mr. Robert C. Strong, of the Ral eigh bar, will have charge of the law school. Mr a text-book on law, we think, Is pe culiarly fitted to instruct young nu-n in thiB branch. Other Instructors will be added as needed. Raleigh of fers exceptional advantages to the student of law. '" Class Awlll ho for those desiring a full and comprehensive course In the fundamental principles of com- . i , i T ,kll All... tin fm,n- UttUUU Will uo mmu ! - H"""" 1. .lfh .om .h. U in .,. n I Strong is the author of. dower in husband's estate. By Lee: To amend charter of Waynesvllle, and to amend law of 1901, as to eminent domain in HOME CURE FOR ECZEMA. Oil of Wlntrt-green, Thymol, Glycer ine, Etc., Used as a Simple Wash, It really seems strange that so II DIXON IKES A STATEMENT State Auditor B. F. Dixon lias issued a statement in regard to the report ot the legislative examining committee. It will be remembered that in the report the state treasurer's office escaped without censure. In,' this connection, Dr. Dixon say! : "There Is one tiling that seems to have escaped the attention of this committee, and that is that the state treasurer is as responsible for paying a warranty thJch has been illegally drawn as the state auditor is for draw ing the same! fhS state treasuret-Vof- fice seems to have escaped their no tlce in this particular, and when I called the attention of a member of the Committee 'o this fact, ha confessed that he d' not know that the trean- urer was si,nRRnHible. 1 am always perfectly ,en MsO, bear ..the responsi bility that bij, disarfkmy office, but i am not willing cividV It alone when others are Involvea. am not saying the state treasurer ot North Carolina has done anything that ought not to have been done, I am perfectly cer tain he is as guiltless as Is this de partment, and I know that we have had the law with us in.' all 'warrants Issued." Dr. Dixon goes on and takes up In detail,-' everv charge of the committee, explaining clearly every move his de paitment has made and showing that when In doubt he applied to the attor ney general of North Carolina for a ruling. This statement ends with the following: "I have labored dllllgently and faith fully to obey the law in all respects and thousands upon thousands of war rants have been issued from this de partniont, and all committees hitherto have examined our books und have been entirely Hatistfted. "I want to say, In addition, that challenge 'comparison with any depart ment In North Carolina as to the effi ciency of my force, mid my chief clerk, who- business '..It is to draw wnrrtns. Is 'always pains-taking and careful, and im more efficient man has ever nrosldrd over his desk. "B. F. DIXON, "Auditor." Every member of the Brotherhood of the Good Shepherd Is urged to at tend the 'congregational meet It fc to night at o'clock. Matters of vast im portance will bo brought to the atten tlon of nil present. COUrSe. - llnnvai a ftoivat with Ititrmrtl vlvitap. Class B will be for those ohooslna.,, . ... ' of . VLn(I law for a nrofesslon. - L. 1 ' For further Information, apply to .TA KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE!, i Raleigh, H. C. 25 3t. :;:... THE : (EMETY PROGRAM: THB OLI CURIOSITY SHOP" "WATER SPORT" . "DON'T POOL YOUR WIFE" ENJOY! THE: BEST. to cure Old, obstinate cases, it is true, cannot be cured in a few days, but there Is absolutely no sufferer from eczema who ever used this simple wash and did not find Immediately that wonderful soothing, cool sensa tion that comes when the Itch Is taken away. Instantly upon apply ing a few drops of the wash the rem edy takes effect, the itch Is allayed. There Is no teed of experimentthe patient knows nt once. , Instead of trying to compound the oil of wlntergreen, thymol, glycerine, etc., in the , right proportions our selves we are using a prescription pi which to universally found the mos; effeotlve.v It is known as the D. D. D. Prescription, or OU ot Winter" green Compound. It Is made by the J5. D, t. Co., of Chicago; and dur long txpoflenotft' WUU tWs'l irfetnedy htl 'tmh Mi ttfeat conflfiMK In Its. mtr- Ita, HnrxT Htck Co. , I Take a first glimpse at the new WHIP GOODS and EMB1$ DERIES. This is a more certain forerunnelHW spring tlwntie proverbial first swallow. We pride ourselves in this magnifi cent display of everything in white, and feel the fullest assur ance of the commanding attention this showing will impress upon the minds of all that are careful in matters pertaining to tidy dress. NEW, 1909, STYLES IN WHITE. Eclipsing all past seasons we are making new records in the aggregations of r the enormous. stock-of White Goods for this Spring. Linen Suitings, Linen Lawns, India Linons, Persians, French Lawns, Chiffon, Nainsook, Mercerized Batiste, Madras, Poplinette, Mulls, Long Cloth, Fancy White V Waistings and Suitings. ; 1 ':- -. All prices . . . . . . . . . . 10c, 1214c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c. to $1.00 HIGH GRADE EMBROIDERIES. The importance of placing Import Orders -'for Embroideries cannot be over-estimated for the reason that we choose from the entire products of the , mills, match patterns and have the high-grades confined to this store, yet the price-range is quite low for such qualities, 12i2c, 15c, 17c. 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, to $2.25 NEW STYLES IN SILKS AND SATINS. Something new every day in Spring Shades, standard colors, and fancy weaves for Empire, Directoire, and Princess Suits. Silk, Satins, Mousse lines, Crepe De Chines, Taffetas, Kepps, Messeilens, Louisines, Chevrons, Foulards and Silk Crashes. New Waist and Dress Styles ...... . . 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.39, and $1.50 WOMEN'S SUITS, CLOAKS, FURS, Etc Reductions on Winter Weights that present wonderful opportunities for this week's buyers. Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Jackets, at one-third off of former prices. Values . .. .. .. .. $6.00 $8.00 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 $20.00 Now . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 $5.33 $ 6.67 $ 8.00 $10.00 $13.33 Ostrich Maribout and Coque Feathers, Bows, Throws, and Muffs at off. $6.00, $7.50, $9.00, and $12.00 Pieces to go for $3.00, $3.25, $4.50 and $6.00 Long Kid Gloves; all 12 or 16-Button lengths. Chamois, Suede, Cape Kid! ': ' and Glace.. - : . '' .' ' -' '" Values all the way from $2.00 to $3.75 Reduced, all prices from . . . ; $1.49 to $2.69 SPECIAL PRICES IN WINTER UNDERWEAR. BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. PureWMsMes Gnarnnteed 1'ndef the and Dru .niinniit Pure Food yon .iust ns il Sl:it-s ff or 1 run- Dr. Vineberg, the Eye and Ear Specialist, who lmM Ix-en with us for the punt two weeks will remain one more week, until JAM AItY 80, giving everyone a chance H olitalu perfect viMon at half the uual prico. We have callers dally with thanks and gratN tude for the comfort and easr the glaswt give tlinu. '' :V . We Ouurunt Satisfaction. Payettwlile St., KalelK X. C. Masonic Temple Pharmacy O. O. KINO. Proprietor. 1 Remember our i:n .t. Inspected and gaii!T''' hv Tnd fleers. We arc not ..likij jn pounders. Express prepaid of fullou-jn f?L.oI.i: TYSOM'9 BEST "truism, 10 jeum old Md. ' Whtnke'yt; -1 full ...:... 4.(l( TYSON'S CLIB WHISKEY. 4 full ql..' fS.CO Every drop ot Tyson's C-liih Whiskey guaranteed to be pure au'l leltnr than whls- Key sola Dy otner nuuucs at $4.00. TYSOX'S NORFOLK WHISKEY, 4 full iinrM S3.T5 This brand Is equal to any 13.60 whiskey un the market. TYSOK'S EXPOSITION WHISKEY, per fcnllou . 93.50 This brand of whiskey is strong, has a wood flavor and Is liked everywhere. Order a gallon and be convinced thin is the lowest-priced whis;kcy house in the country. lYSON'S Pl'RE CORN WHISKEY", 4 full qnurtn ............ $3.00 TYSON'S PVRE WHITE COHX, per gallou ................1112.50 TYSON'S PURE GIN per Bllon .......................... . . 3.50 TYSON'S HARDOR STOCK GIN, per aallou ..... i ......... m3..tO TYSON'S PI HK. APPLE BRANDY, per aallom ............. . .0 TYSON'S STAR BRANDY', per gallou S.50 Goods shipped same day order Is received. We make good all losses and breakage. We do hot pay express charges on anything less than a gallon. Remit Postal Order, Express 'Money Order or currency In Registered Letter. No personal checks accepted unless party Is known to us. 11" j - E LEV E N NIGHTS f'OMMKXCIXa -11 TUESDAY, JANUARY 24. THE GARDKXER, LACLED & tiARDEXEK POPlrLAR PRICE MUSICAL COMEDV COMPANV. IS 18 PEOPLE 1818 SINGKRS, DANCERS, COMEDIANS. Prices: 25c, 85c, SOci ADDRESS ALBEMARLE DIST, COMPANY W.J. TYSON. Jr. ) 31-33 Brewer Street, Norfolk, Virginia. lYM5Bi:sr W113KEY 'WILAtO OLO Ul 31 CO w Anted? NORTH CAROLINA STOCKS AND BONDS. ADDRESS, , TRUSTEE, BOX 481; RALEIGH, N. C 9: TONIGHT HIGH-CLASS MOVING PICTURES AT ". GLENAVOOD S1CATIKG RINK. PROGRAM: "Roller Skating Craze," "All's) Well That Ends Well," "A Jealous Wife." ' 'i , FREE SKATING FOR LADIES. ENDER'S SAFETY RAZQI The Raleigh Savings Bank. JNO T, PULLEN, rnnldont. 'CHARLES ROOT, CuMlilcr. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00. ' ' Four pw tent Interest pftld on d ftio(t. Call In the bmik, or write for nrtber BiMrmatlon. - ' . ,., .. ' ,' . SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT, with twelve Norwegian Ci levy Steel Blades, $1.00. If you are in the habit shaving in the morning taking 15 or 20 minutes 1 it, you will appreciate it is to give yourself a cl smooth shave in five. Come in and examine Enders today. Our pric five new blades is 25 Sold by r HART-WARD HARD! ;r GOMPAtlY. it it 1