Weather. Washington, D. C., Jan. 29 Fore cast for North Carolina for tonight and Saturday: Rain tonight; colder In west portion; Saturday, cloudy.. ESTABLISHED 1876. RALEIGH, N. C.? FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1909. PRICE 5 CENTS second. ; EDITION HOUSE HAS DULL SESSION WITH MANY MEASURES ii Twenty First Day's Session of tbe Boose of Representa tives Dull One BILLS AND PETITIONS Mr. N. B. Broughton Conducted the Devotional Exercises Petitions and Memorials Sent Forward -Bill to Allow Sanford to Issue Bonds Reported Favorably Bill to Build New County Home in Lincoln County Also Reported Favorably. Many ' Engrossed Bills Reported : and Sent to the Secretary of State. The twenty-first day's session of the -house of representatives of the North Carolina general assembly was called. to order at 11 a. m. by the speaker, Judge Augustus W. Graham, and the morning devotions were con ducted by Mr. N. B. Broughton, of this city. The journal clerk, for the journal committee, reported the proceedings of the previous day as correctly re corded, and the same stood approved. Under the call for petitions, me morials and communications the fol lowing were sent forward, read and referred to the proper committees: Petition by Mr. Killlan for a new school district at Connover ; for a school in Granville county by spec ial tax.' : , Reports of Committees. . .. The following committee reports were read: ; To amend charter of Waynesvllle, favorably; to enable Sanford to is- sue bonds and levy tax, favorably; to fix the per diem of commissioners of jvuiuueii, ittvuiuuiy , ill uuuu a uuw county home in Lincoln; to levy tax In New Bern, favorably; to allow New Bern to release sidewalk assessment, favorably; to regulate courts In Mont gomery, favorably. Engrossed Bills, Committee on engrossed bills re ported as follows: To amend section 1311 as to Pitt; for additional tax in Windsor school district. Continuing the committee .reports, the following additional were re ported:". : ; To 'give feed stables liens, favor ably; as to sawdust In Big Ivy, favor ably; to extend land grant, favorably; to post certain land in Halifax, favor ably; as to divorce, without preju dice: to supply" certain registers, favorably; to protect labor, unfavor ably; as to support of widows, favor ably; as to certain registers In Tyr rell, favorably;' as to Burlington's charter, favorably; to repeal law as to Columbus roads, favorably; for bet ter roads In Chatham, favorably; as to game, unfavorably; as to shooting fowl, favorably; regulate hunting in Dare, favorably; as to foxes in Surry, favorably; as to game in Alamance, favorably; as to hunting In David son, favorably; as to game in Samp son, favorably; as to squirrels in Sampson, favorably; as to deer in Tyrrell, favorably; as to foxes In Chatham, favorably; as to squirrels in White Oak, favorably; as to suing in Swain, favorably; as to game In Clay, favorably; as to game In Ruth erford, favorably. Engrossed Bills i( The following bills were engrossed and sent to secretary of stale; To prevent sawdust in Nash county streams; for relief of Stovall commis sioners; to prevent sawdust in Ma eon county streams; as t6 pay of Juror in New Hanover county; to authorize Marshall to issue bonds; to incorporate Atlantic Mission Confer ence; as. to fees , of witnesses in Wilkes;' as to tenants in Bertie coun ty; as r to laborers and mechanics liens; as to. road supervisors and county commissioners pay. Dills introduced. The following bills were intro . duced: By Gavin! .To appoint Justices in Duplin. :'" -" ; By Barnes, of Hertford: . To , ap point Justices in. Hertford, v .. By Perry, of Vance: Td amend section, 3840, Law of 190S, as to burning houses; and a second at to burnrnjrboata. '-'. ; By Prlnee: , To allow -!. McBowelJ bounty 'to Increase-taxes; tr issut bonds In McDowell; . to amend the ; road law of laid county; as to im provements In roads In Marion town ship. By McWIHIams: To build bridges In Hyde county. By Klllian: To elect county su perintendent of education in Cataw ba; and by same by request, to elect board of education in same county. By Rose: To safeguard tfie health of prisoners. By Lovelace: As to, drawing jur ors in Cleveland county. By Carver: To allow register of I Person county to have a deputy. By ' Turlington: To create a sys tem of recorder's courts, and by the same by request, to better the public schools of Mooresville. By Underwood, by request: To amend constitution as to voters. By McDevltt: To build bridges In Madison. . By .Poole: ; To amend school law of Troy; to appoint justices In Mont gomery; as to Ktock law In same county. - By Smith, of Harnett: To regulate appointment of justices! and -as to butcher's records. ' By Connor To protect employees of railroads against accident and in surance company. By Connor: To protect married women. . By Rod well: To regulate hunting in Warren, and to amend the law as to slot machines. By Everett: As to hunting deer in Scotland; and as to birds in Scot land. "... By . Crumpler: As 'to year's sup port of a family. By Bowie; To appoint justices In Ashe county. By Haymore: To place John S. Emerson on pension roll No. 1. By Hageman: As to physician's 1 license. ' . . . By McDonald, of Moore: As to hiring out convicts in Moore county. By McLeod: To incorporate the .town of Bowie. By Julian: To require the abate ment of certain nuisances. By Graham: To relieve Mrs. How ard, in Granville county; and by the same, by request, to submit matter of continuance of special tax in Gran ville country school district. Mr. Harshaw presided at a large part of the session, and the. following were granted the privileges of the floor: ;. Judge Biggs and ex-RepresenteM tive George Hall.: Messrs. Hafler, Foy) the sergeant-at-arms, Davis, Livingston, Kennedy, Harrlgoni Cox of Wake c'arver and' Carlton were granted leave of ab sence for one to five days, as the case required. - The senate sent over a number of bills as passed by that body, and some were sent to committees. Bills Passed. The following bills passed second and third reading as indicated: To allow sheriff of Graham county to collect tax, second and third. . To pay Jurors $2.00 in Wilson, second and third. , To relieve the estate of B. J. Fish er in Greensboro, second and third. Act to amend charter of Greenville, second and third reading. For relief of sheriff of Ashe county, second and third reading. To protect roads in New Hanover by a tax on autos, third reading. To levy a tax in Ashe county, third reading. To drain White Oak Swamp In Bladen county, third reading. To consolidate and revise the road laws of Buncombe and to Issue bonds, third reading. To repeal laws as to roads in Tran sylvania, third reading. To amend the' charter of Rose Hill, third reading.' To , Incorporate the town of Vaughan, third reading. To Incorporate the town of Ripley, third reading. . . ,. . To drain Lower Creek in Lenoir, third roading, as amended. ';.-,v.': Out of Order. Mr. Doughton asked permission to report bill as to Durham recorder's court, and Mr. Underwood was al lowed to withdraw bill as to sight drafts. . V, Bills Passed. Continuing the calendar the follow ing passed: v ' : Bills as to slandering banks, passed second and third readings. , To amend the charter of the town of Hendersonvllle, second reading. '" To allow Transylvania county to levy a special tax, 'second reading. To Incorporate the town of Lenoir, second reading as amended. , '. . To Incorporate the Mercantile Bank of ..Elisabeth City, second reading, and upon objection by Mrf Connor the bill wat held up and referred to Committee on panklng and Currency. To allow tax collectors of Lincoln county, to collect all back taxes for 9ve years back, second , and ' third reading. .;-,..."'..,;.-'-; W.ri-- .To appoint a finance eOmmltteevior the county of Ashe, second and third reading, . Vw''V i :YYZt A to legal publication . changing from sit to four weeks, and to oorrecl a conlllot in the present UwyMcond ft&l (Contlhed on tag Mvm.1i PEELE'S BILL TO ABOLISH THE SOLICITORSHIP Would Abolish Office and Sub- slituie Counly Attorneys to Prosecute Cases . MANY LOCAL BILLS Srnator Peele Introduces Act Pro viding For a Constitutional Amend ment to Abolish the Office of Sollc- ! and on motion of Senator Clark was itor and Create the Office of Couu- j made a special order for next Thurs ty Attorney to be Elected by the day at 12 o'clock. County Commissioners and Repre-I Empie's Game Law. sent the State in All Actions in the Empie's game law prohibiting the Superior Court Many Local Bills j selling of quail and grouse for a per- and Petitions Introduced. The senate met at 11 o'clock with ' Senator Kluttz, president protem, in the chair. Dr. It. T. Vann led in . prayer. The committee reported no corrections in journals. Standing committees reported and various bills were placed on calendar. New Bills Today. The following bills and resolutions were introduced today: Senator Blow introduced a petition from colored teachers of Forsyth county. Committee on Education. S. B. 320. Senator Kluttz. An act relating to certain nuisances in public conveyances. Judiciary Com mittee. ." S. "B. 321. Senator Burton. An act relating to the disability Of Con federate soldiers. Committee on Pensions. 6. B. 322. . Senator Fry. To ap taotat-a. Justice of the peace tft Swain.: county. Committee on Justice or tne couniy. rassea. Peace. I S. B. 312, to, appoint a justice of S. B. 323. Senator Fry. An act the peace in Wayne county. Passed, relating to the board of education of j S. B. 285, to prohibit the sending Swain county. Committee on Educa- of public documents with the cona tion., pliments of any state official. Sena- 8. B. 324. Senator Spence. An tor Dockery opposed the bill calling act to appoint a justice of the peace in Randolph county. Placed on cal endar. 8. B. 325. Senator Fry. An act relating to increased appropriation for building and equipment at Ca tawba High School. Committee on Appropriations. H. R. S26. Senator Peele. An act providing for a constitutional amend- did not put a premium on impolite ment to abolish the office of solicitor ; ness as the opponents of the bill ln and create the office of county attor- j sisted, and that it was merely a safe nv. Th bill Drovides for the elec- guard against what might prove to tion of a county attorney by the coun ty commissioners of each county, which attorney shall represent the state In all criminal actions in the superior courts. Referred to the committee on Constitutional Amend- ments. 8. B. 327. Senator Fry. To ai-' low the commissioners of Jackson county to donate land for Confeder ate monument. Committee on Coun ties, Cities and Towns. " Senator Spence presented a peti tion from citizens of Randolph coun ty asking for the appointment of a Justice of the peace. Senator Blow offered a resolution allowing the special committee ap pointed to examine the reports of the legislative auditing ' committee, to hold it sessions during the sittings of the senate. The resolution passed without opposition. . 8. B. 328. Senator Fry. An act to Incorporate the Franklin Manufac turing and Development Company. Committee on Corporations. . S. B. 329. Senator Wray. An act to empower the commissioners of Reldsvllle to remove obstructions from the public streets. Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns. 8. B. 330. Senator Means. An act to pay PinkeHon Detective Agency a fee. Committee on Finance. 8..B. 431. Senator Means. Aft act to amend section 2886 of the re vlsal. Committee on Judiciary. 8. B. 882. Senator Peele. An act to Incorporate the John Charles Mc NH Memorial Association. Commit tee on Corporations. B. B. 888. . Senator Mauney. . An act relating to service of summons. Committee on Judiciary. . . B. B. 834., .Senator Barringer. An act to require boards of education to purchase Ashe's History ot - North Carolina for rural school libraries. Committee on Education. ' 8. B,' 885.1 Senator Barringer. To incorporate the North Carolina Pub lie Service Company. : Committee on Coroofatlohs. .'. "''.''', v .-. I ,- " Bi)ll Oa Their Passage.''.' . - y Blue- wire UknQp and dispose . ot aa followl!',; '. , : . 1 t . . , 1 , The dtklhat Wt "ni4 up for eoh - t lderatioh on 1U third mdlni but in the day. ' ". . . A resolution to" pay the expenses of joint committee to visit the insane asylum at MOrganton passed its sev eral readings. '. ' ',, S. B. 146. To place public offlcerR of Henderson county on salary. Senator Brltt offered several amendments. Increasing the salaries of various offleers and providing for the election of the county treasurer and tax collector by the people In stead of his being elected by the board of county commissioners. Senator Ray. spoke in approbation to the amendments. Amendments Were were lost.", The bill then passed its third reading. Leave Of Absence. Leave of absence was granted to the following senators: Scott, Gay, Hanklns, Matthews, Barham, Dock ery, Johnson and Powell. A special committee to visit the insane asylum at Goldsboro was granted leave of aosence. mis commiuee is composed of Senators Barham, Fry, Burton, Spence; McCall and Latham. The Drainage Bill. The drainage bill was called attain tod of two years was called up on Its third reading and on motion of Sen ator Empie the bill went over ., till next Wednesday at 12 o'clock, when it shall be a special order. S. B. 60, to appoint a justice of the peace in Robeson county, passed its readings. . S. B. 1 2 4, ,to allow register of deeds of Durham county to appoint a deputy. Passed. S. B. 206, to amend charter of Cit izens Saving and Trust Company of Asheville. Passed. H. B. 243, S. B. 218, relative to the liability of, counties in criminal action. Passed." H. B. 139, S. B. 232, to correct a land grant in Caldwell. Passed. H. B. 125, S: B. 223, relating to state boundaries. Passed its second reading and went over on objection of Senator Peele, b. d. 292, to vaiuittip me acts oi aaMtice. pjrn it a measure of monumental llttle ' neRS. Senator Ormond and Senator I Travis opposed the measure, the bur den of their song being practically the same as Senator Dockery's. Sen ' ator Nimocks took the floor and sup j ported the measure. Senator Kluttz, who Introduced the bill, defended his ' TT J 1 ...... .J . 1. . LI. hill position. He declared that his bill be entering wedge for graft. The bill was tabled by a vote of 18 to 14. S. B. 104, to create the State As sociation of County Commissioners. Senator Peele offered an amendment that It should not apply to Scotland county, senator ruarr asKea mat consideration ot tne Din De postponed but withdrew his request. Senator Peele withdrew his amendment and the bill passed its second reading. S. B. 234, to appoint additional commissioners for Snow Hill. Passed. S. B. 313, to fix compensation of commissioners of Robeson county. Passed. , S. B. 215, to amend the charter of Crouse, in Lincoln county. Passed. S. B. 24, to establish county line between Swain and Macon. Bill went over by request of Senator Kluttss. S. B. 250, relative to fences in Sampson county. Passed. S. B. 80, to amend the charter of Mt. Olive. Passed. ; - Message From House. A message from the house was re ceived announcing the passage by the house of the bill increasing the sal- ary of the commissioner of labor and 1 hbIuMmh vtrlf It m n m At. .1 In oM wialrlno the salary 82,000. the amendment was agreed to by the senate. Senator Fry was added to the com mittee on appropriations. Senator Blow moved that the sen ate adjourn until 10 o'clock tomor row. Motion carried. SERVICES IN COURT HOUSE. . Rev. W. W. Smith, the Famous Evan gelist of Roanoke, Va., Coming - to Raleigh Next Sunday. Raleigh is fortunate to have the distinguished evangelist, - W. W. Smith, of Roanoke, Va., to conduct an evangelistic meeting. Mr. Smith will preach three times in the court house next Sunday, Nat 11 a. m., 3 p. m and 7s 30 p. m. ; Mr. Smith recently aided ill a re- , viral at Clayton, and the pastor, Rv. Thornton, say ot him: "He la Una ef the greatest living evangel- ista.' He ia unique In his atyle and raiohes man especially. : Bervlcsi also evfcry night nkt km went over on request until later Leading Suffragettes to Marry. s i fx ' " I f lit irSk '4ft EH jIy. PL SMnimM F. L. Hardenbook, of Xcw York, snifragette, of New York, who are to word obey will be omitted from the v WHOLESALE DRUG STORE A Big Concern to Do Business In Raleigh lYoiniiiPiit Business Men From All Parts of North Carolina Are Stock holdersWill Occupy New Four story Building on East Martin Street. It was learned at the chamber of commerce today that next month will see more evidence of prosperity in Raleigh. Besides the many new resi dences under way of construction and the many improvements being made around the city, Raleigh is going to have another big wholesale concern. The new four-story brick building recently built on Martin street, be tween Wilmington and Blount, by Mr. J. W. Barber, will be occupied by the Acme Drug Company. j This Company, which will do a wholesale drug business, has over 200 stockholders, embracing some 40 druggists, many prominent merch ants, not only in Raleigh but in vari ous sections of the state, and a num- I ber of other business men. The com pany will formally organize in a few days and a charter will be secured early In February. ' The company will begin business with a paid in capital of $35,000. Messrs. W. B. Douglas and John P. Davis, both prominent young business men of Raleigh, are the promoters or' thls new concern. They have alrendy been assured of a splendid patronage from quite a large territory. The Celtko Bottling Works will contlue their business in the same building. FOR INSANE CRIMINALS. One Who Kills Another Guilty of Second Degree Murder. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Albany, N. Y Jan. 29. Assembly man Culver introduced an amendment to the penal code by providing- that a person who kills another while insane is guilty of murder, seedbd degree and is to be punished by lmprlsonmei t for lire. Bucn imprisonment is to be in a state lunatic asylum. The bill repeals the present law wh'ch relates to ac quittal on the ground of insanity. Commercial Bar Silver. (By LeaseiTWlre to The Times) I Kaw Tort, Jan. 29 Commarclal baMillror, tlHti.t declliio. U6. Max Mean dollar!, 44o. i and Miss Mary Coleman, a leading be married Easter week,, when ows. the DAUGHTERS IN ARMS The Committee Wss Grossly Neglectful Dr. Aldmnan and Dr. C. Alphonso ors on perjury charges is making oth Smith Strongly Censured For ers extremely careful about what they Awarding Prize to Essay Which ."ay under examination about having Contained Misstatements and Villi- ilcation of the South. (By Leased Wire to The Times. ) Richmond, Va., Jan. 29 Rich mond Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, has indorsed the re port of Mrs. Herman V. Randolph, acting for the investigation commit tee appointed January 13, protesting against the e:say to which the $100 prize was awarded by the Daughters and strongly censuring Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, of the University of Vir ginia; Dr. Alphonso Smith, of the University of North Carolina, and Dr. Finney, of New York College, the committee making the award. The attention of the Richmond chapter was called to the prize essay at its meeting of January 13, when a strong letter of protest was reRil from Captain John E. Laugliton, of Wash-! Ington, D. C, who stated that the prize essay written by Miss Christine! Boyson, of Columbia University, and published in the December number ot the Confederate Veteran abounded in misstatements and villiflcatlon of the southern cause. Mrs. J. Endcrs Rob inson said: "They have shown themselves grossly ncgiecuui oi tne uniteo laughters of the Confederacy--a i body of women 28'000 8tron'- an!l ungraieiui 10 luem us wuihrng mr the cause." ATTEMPTS 10 MURDER WIFE New York, Jan. 29. Conrad Daniel son, wealthy Porto Rlcan, cferly to- ay attempted to shoot his wife in their apartments in the Hotel Carlton, 23 west 54th street, but his pistol miss, ed fire and she fled. Then ho returned the revolver upon himself, inflicting a wound in his head. He is In a dying condition in Roosovelt hospital. The- tragedy -was the sequel to a se- Irtos of domestic quarrels due,- it is said to the husband's Jealousy 1 , LIVELY CONTEST IN THE COOPER MURDER TRIAL Attempt to Have Wbitwortb Excused From Duty Ex-, pected to Cause Contest SEVENTH JURY PANEL Developed This Morning That One of the Attorneys For the Defense Sent a Friend of Whitworth to Mrs. Whitnorth, Suggesting That Whito worth, Owing to Poor Health, Was Not Able to Serve Acting on TbJ Suggestion Mrs. Whitworth Wrote to Judge Hart Asking That Her Husband Be Excused, (By Leased Wire to The Times) Criminal Court Room, Nashville. ; Tenn., Jan. 29 A lively contest is expected over the attempt to have i Juror Whitworth excused from duty . in the trial of the Coopers and Sharp ; for the murder of Senator Carmack. ' It developes this morning that one of the attorneys for the defense sent a friend of Whitwortb's to Mrs. Whlt- worth suggesting that Whitworth, ' owing to poor health was not able ; to serve. Mrs. Whitworth lmmedl : ately wrote Judge Hart asking that her husband be excused. The prose cution then secured a request from Mrs.. Whitworth to the court asking that Mr. Whitworth be not removed , unless he requests it. . The, defense is apparently anxious to throw Whit worth off the jury, while the state i will Insist on retaining him The . matter was defrredunUl OOR to- oay. Meanwniie tne examinapon ot the seventh panel of talesmen of 68 was begun. Seventh Panel Exhausted. With another panel, the seventh, exhausted, no further progress was made today in securing jurors for the Cooper-Sharp trial. Veniremen appearing on the stand proved quite cautious in the matter of opinions. Out of the 66 men on the panel only two qualified as competent jurors and these were promptly challenged by the defense, one of them for cause and the other peremptorily. Undoubt edly the arrest of two prospective jur- formed or expressed opinions. The seventh panel was exhausted at 11:45 a. m. Judge Hart ordered the clerk to arrange the next panel of 65 names and court adjourned until 1 p. m.:- WILL PAY $30,000 FOR REMEDY. Bill in Pennsylvania Legislature to Provide Tills Amount For Con sumption Remedy. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 29 A bill introduced in the lower house of the legislature provides for the payment by the state of $50,000 as a reward to the man who first succeeds in dis covering a cure for tuberculosis. The act specifies that the cure must be as effective as is the antitoxin now ad ministered in cases of dlptherla. The state board of health Is make all tests of remedies. to PEACE MOST (By Cable to The Times) Berlin, Jan. 29 Clprlano Castro, formerly president of Venezuela, when asked about reports that he was planning a counter revolution In . Venezuela, said: , "I cannot accept the role of libera tor of the Venezuelan people assign ed to me, because my experience of nine years as president has taught me that true freedom ia a chimera i and when we believe we are about to ' 1 attain It the people's ideas ot liberty degenerate into license. ; 1 "I am convinced mora than ever today ot the wisdom of the words ot the , great liberator, Simon Bolivar, when he was about to die: 'I have some in the sea.' There art pro phetic words, whose meaning repeat edly has been proved true. : r' "I don't complain of anything fit anybody. What 1 desire most ; ia peace and retirement," , WWW W ANTS V

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