THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH,: N. C. Stocks, Cotton, Grain and ' ' New, Voile Stock Market., (By Leased Wire to The Times.) '.'New . York,, Feb. 2. The stock mar ket opened with decided strength and Increased activity, first sales being made nt advance ranging from to in all the active issues any many of the leading issues made further gains In the ,flrst fifteen minuteSjif'ookiya Transit advanced 1; Southern."3!clflc : Union Pacific ;AmaIijilfttd Copper opened higher,- but lost about half this gain. Consolidated Gas was an exception to the general strength, declining about one point to 118. New York Closing Stock List. Atchison . . .lOOtf Atchison pfd ... .......... 101 Baltimore & Ohio . . 108 Canadiun Pacific .. . . 173 Chicago & Alton ... . ........ 63 V. Chicago & Northwestern . . 176 M Colorado Southern . 61 Denver & Rio Grande '. . .... 44 Denver & Hio Grande pfd . . 82 Erie . . . .................. 31 Illinois Central . . . . . . ... ..142 LoulsvtlIe& Nashville . . ...122 Mexican Central . . ........ 22 Missouri Pacific , . ... . . ... . . 70 New York Central . . . , .... .127 Pennsylvania . .' . ... . ... . , . .132 Heading . , .... .v; ... . ... .133 Rock Island . . . .;. . . ... . . '."." 24 Rock Island pfd . ... "... . . . . 63 St. Paul . . . .146 Southern Pacific . '-. 118 Southern Railway ........ , 25 Union Pacific . , . . . . . . . . ... 1 78 Wabash . ................ 18 Wisconsin Central .;. ....... 38 IntcYboro-Metropolltan '..'.' . . 15 Int.erboro-Metropolitan pfd . . 41 Great orthern . .. . ... .... . . . .142 Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper . . .... 75 American Car & Foundry . .''. 49 American Locomotive . . . . . 56 American Cotton Oil .':'. .... 52 Am. Smelting & Refining . . ... 84 Am; 8meMng & Refining pfd . 103 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. . . . 70 Colorado Fuel & Iron . . .... 40 International Paper . ...... 11 National Biscuit . ........ .104 National Lead . ........... 78 Pacific Mail . . . . ...... . .-. . 30 People's Gas V .... ... ... . . .108 Pressed Steel Car . . . . , 41 Sloss-Sheffield Steel. . ... . . . 76 Southern Pacific pfd 122 Sugar , . . . .130 ;.' United States Steel . . . . . . . . 53 United State Steel, pfd. . . j .114. Western Union 68 Mackay's ..'' . . . . ...... ... . . 72 Mackay's pfd ............. 71 Va.-Carollna Chemical . . ... 46 Wostinghouse Electric . ... 80 Republic Steel ...... .... . . 24 Republic Steel pfd . . .... ... 85 Chicago Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chicago, .Fe6.. 2 Wheat showed a steady tqne at the opening, with fairly good buying by commission houses. Wheat, May, 109 to 109; corn May, 63 to to ; oats. May 52 to ; pork. May, 17.07 to 17.10; lard, May, 9.65; ribs, May, 8.92; wheat. May, sold at 108 at the opening. There were declines in the wheal markets of Duluth and Minneapolis and this fact seemed to over-balance ul else in the trade as prices here Closed " to c. lower. There were some shorts to cover on the decline and a reaction from the lowest points resulted. Corn was to c. lower; oats off : to c, and provisions were lower all around. Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: . ... Wheat .. Open. 1.09 .99 .94 .63 C .63 .63 .52 .39 17.07 17.12 9.65 9.77 8.92 9.10 " High. 1.09 .98 .94 .63 .63 Close 1.08 .97 .94 .63 .63 .62 .52 .39 May . July . Sep. . Corn May . July . Oats Sep. , May . Sep. . Pork May . July . Lard May . July . Itibs May . July . .39 17.10 16.95 17.00 9.62 ' 9.75 . 8.87 9.02 9.67 t,95 Chicago Live stock Market., f , ' (By Leased Wire to The' Time.) Union Stock Yards! 11),, Feb. 2. Hogs receipts 42,000; He) '.lower; ' mix ed and butchers .06.80;, good heavy 6.456.80 rough heavy 6.20(5 8.40; light 6.86(56.50; pigs 4.8505.90; bulk .268.70. Cattle Receipts 10,000; market 10 to 15o. lower; beeves 4.207.10; cows and heifers 1.9005.85; stockers and feeders 8.30195.50: ' Texans ,4.605.80; calves 1 ,6.008.00, Sheep receipts 17,000; market steady sheep J.505.70; lambs 5.2507.SO. Kaleigh Cotton U&rket Good middllnar9c. Strict middling, c. , Middling. 9 Vic.' Rocolpts today. 20 bales. . . New York Cotton. 4 By Leased Wire to The Times) New - York, Feb. 2. The cotton mar ket opened quite steady but without much feature to trading aside from the light speculative offerings. Cables, while they were a trlfile lower than expected were above expectations. ' Opening March 9.599.60; May 9.5? 9.54; July 9.489.49; August '9.38l9.40j September. 9.289.29; October 9.289.29! December 9.259.26. , Open. High. Low. Close. 9.52 9.60 9.55 9.55 9.51 Feb. .. March . pril . day .. lune . Tuly .. ug. .. tept. . Jet. .. n'ov. Dec. . . Ian. . . 9.60 9.63 9.55 9.54 9.51 9.49 9.30 9.29 9.24 9.25 9.23 9.59 9.50 9.54 9.44 0 no 9.40 9.30 9.33 9.29 9.24 9.29 9.25 9.20 9.19 9.31 Market closed qufet. New Y'ork Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Feb. 2 Spot cotton, inlet; 5 points higher at 9.95. No sales. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Open. High. Low. Close. Feb. .. March . ipril . May ... June . July . Oct. .. Dec. .. 9.62 9.60 9.62 9.65 9.68 9.42 9. 05 9.54 9.77 9.32 9.77 9.35 9.66 9.26 Market closed quiet and steady. Cotton Port Receipts Today. New York, Feb. 2 Cotton port re ceipts were as follows: New Or leans, 13,079 against 11,984; Galves ton, 20,363 against 22,455; Mobile, 1.039 against 1,323; Savannah, 5, 471 against 6,870; Charleston, 252 against 355; Wilmington, 1,575 against 1,072; Norfolk, 3,015 against 1,320; Philadelphia, 60 against 39. Total, 44,844 against 45,098. Interior Receipts: Houston, 22, 819 against 14,715; Augusta, 342 against 716; Memphis, 3,769 against 1,914; St. Lous, -2,214 against 8, 162; Cincinnati, 273 against 525. Total, 29,417 against 21,032. Cotton Seed. QH,- ',.,. ,. New York, Feb. 2- Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Closing. February. . ... . March. ... . . . . . May. . ...... . . . . July . ... . . . . . . . . September . . . . . . October . . . , . . . . . . Spot oil . . Market closed quiet, barrels. : 5.62 5.67 5.68 5.6 5.865.87 5.96 5.97 6.076.09 6.845.85 5.60 5.75 Sales, 2,200 MINE WORKERS IN CONVENTION. Wrangling Over a Section of Officers' Reports. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 2 Today's session of the United Mine-Workers' convention wrangled over the section of officers' reports relating to the strike in Mercer' and Butler counties, Pennsylvania, funds for the support of which were refused by the interna tional body, Indications at noon adjournment were that President Lew's would be indorsed by the delegates as he has succeeded thus far in gaining victory in every important point. , The convention has decided to con tinue its sessions up to 6 o'clock each evening until final adjournment. OPIUM BILL PASSES. Passed the House Monday and the Senate Today. Washington, Feb. 2 The bill re stricting the importation of opium, which was passed by the house Mon lay, passed the senate today. A bill to pay the Inauguration ex penses of the president, estimated at 116,00, was passed. v The senate received a report from the secretary of war in response to a resolution of January 17, which re quested a report of the work of the army. A memorial was received from bus iness men of Sweetwater, Tenn., ob jecting to the parcels post and postal savings bank bills, . t YOUNG STUDENT DEAD. John Glenn Allison, of the Blind In stitution, Passed Away at ' 7 : 00 ; O'clock Last Evening Remains " Taken to Brevard. Mr John Glenn Allison, of the Blind Institution, passed away last tilng at 7:00 o'clock. He was In ar seventeenth year. FHIs death was caused by heart fail ure, due to his having the measles. EVen his physician and nurse did not think hlB condition fatal until the end came. 1 . The young man's remains were ta ken to Brevard early this morning for Intormont. ' Provisions. I J. cowbiwt. POULTRY SUPPLIES are mat tors of great moment just now 9. 30 1 to a lot of people. If yon want your 9.2 i! Hens to lay early and often let me 9.24 'semi you a. ration for thrni. I huvc 9.20;Croglit Corn, Blue Hen Scratch Feed, and Alfa Corn Chicken Feed. While Wyandotte Eggs for sale. F. B. PHILLIPS, 809 South Wilmington "Street, RALEIGH, N. C. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. SHOTWKLL) New York.- Feb. 2. A better tone prevailed In" the stock market In the early trailing in Wall street today. 9.72T1"s was due to a belief that the tariff 9.30 chances, if made, would be Insignifi 9.24 cant in view of the large deficit ex- pected to be piled up by the trade during the year. Although the trading was dull average gains of a point were recorded throughout the list with the Harriman shares, Reading and Erie favorites in the railroad group. In the industrial department Amalgamated Copper and Steel shares were the strong features, advancing one point and respectively. Smelters was only a trifle higher. Traction shares Were strong with Brooklyn Transit the lead, er with an advance of over a point. There was a demand for specialties at advancing prices. American Con., pre ferred, advanced 24: Distillers 1 and American Cotton Oil fractionally. GOuld shares were also strong, with Denver and Rio Grande common 1 higher. In London American ' shares were strong and higher. ' On the New York curb market prices opened steady. Qoldfield Consolidated showed strength as did Nlplssing, Kerr Lake, LoRose and Yukon Gold. New York Cotton Letter. '"i (W. B. HI BBS & CO.) "New York, Feb. 2 Market was quiet and steady today, with prices showing a little change from yester day. There was a decline In the initial trading of 5 points because the Liverpool markets failed to respond to our rally of yesterday. This loss, however, was recovered later on less selling pressure from southern and local operators inducing some further covering of shorts on the appearance of better Support from leading bull Interests. There was nothing in general run of news from Liverpool, Manchester or the southern markets to influence activity of an aggressive character. Spot demand from spinner's agents and dealers is slack at the moment, but at. same time there is no pressure of offerings from holders In south. Consequently spot markets are still showing no weakness. As long as, prices are thus main tained for the actual cotton there is no probability of any extensive bear movetnent being attempted against the option markets. Febru ary is usually a dull month. There is never any speculative Interest In February options by speculators and seldom any hedging operations of spot dealers' to any extent.. Extreme cold weather In all the cotton states of the last few days with tempera tures down from 24 to 30 degrees in most sections is interferring with receipts to some extent. Indications point to a continuance of a fairly good trading nfarket with more steadiness being shown than otherwise. In view of the narrowness of the speculation at moment and the Indifferent spot demands, purchases should only be made on the weak spots or declines from present level. If operations of such a character are judiciously made they should show good profits In trading for moderate turns until something transpires to cause revival of genuine activity In the dry goods markets and broaden the demand for spinners. . ; Bar Silver. . (By Leased Wire to The Times) London, Feb. 2. Bar sliver steady at 23d, decline d. New York Money Market, (By Leased Wire to The Times) ewvYork, Feb. 2 Money on call firm, unchanged; time' loans un changed; posted rates sterling ex change 486 to 488H, with actual business In 'bankers bills at 487. 6S to 487.70 for demand and 485.75 to 485.90 for firt dny bills. Prime mer cantile paper unchanged. ' WAKE FOREST NEWS. Dr. Sikes Makes Address on Bible Study Davidson-Wake Forest De bate. (Special to The Times.) I Wake Forest, N. C. Feb. 2. At the meeting of the Y. M. C. A. last night Dr. E. W. Slkes made an address on Bible study, after which the meeting was given up to the social committee. Friends were brought In and all made mery for a few minutes. The' commit- 1 tee Is planning something unique in the way of social affairs for the Y. M. C. A. the last of the month. Those appointed to select a query for the Davidson-Wake Forest debate, se lected the following query yesterday and wired -. it to. Davidson, who has choice of sides: '.'"Resolved, That the United States Government should adopt the policy of subsidizing .her merchant murine." The debate will be held at Greensboro Easter Monday night. Lt is probable that the Cham ber of Commerce will give a cup to be held by the collego winning the de bate. At a meeting of the footbal team yesterday L. Leggett, who played end and quarterback i on last year's team, was unanimously elected captain. He was considered one of the best men on the team, and was as sure a tackle as came on the gridiron, what he lacked I In weight being made up by grit, speed and perseverance. The next basketball game Is with Trinity here Thursday night. ., LIVE MEETING AT COURT HOl'SK LAST NIGHT More and more people are going to hear Evangelist W. W. Smith, of Roanoke, Va., who is aiding Rev. P. G; Elsom in evangelistic meetings in the court house. Last night was a live mooting. The crowd was moved to laughter and tears alternately. Mr. Smith is a rare combination. He has the wit of a clown in a circus and the tender ness of a mother tearfully pleading With her children to do right. He hates shams and frauds and uncovers superficially religion so-called with gloves off. Let all go tonight at 7:30 to hear this remarkable man. OUT OF THE HOSPITAL. Mr. Wilbur Igh Roystcr Practicnlly , Well Again. A cable to Mrs. V. C, Roystcr from Athens, Greece, today, brings the fol lowing good' news: "Out of the hospital. Practically well." United States District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina. In the matter of Maurice Todes and Nathan Caplan trading as Todes, Caplan & Co., Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy No. 285. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. To the creditor's, of Todes, Caplan & Co., a partnership, composed of Maurice Todes and Nathan Caplan, of Oxford, in the County of Granville and District aforesaid, bankrupts: Notice Is hereby given, that on the 30th day of January, A. D. 1909, the said Todes, Caplan & Co., were duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held in the office' of B. S. Royster, Esq., Attorney for said bankrupts, at Oxford, in said District, on the 11th day of February, A. D. 1909, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. V. II. BOYDEN, Referee in Bankruptcy. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 1, 1909. Further notice is given to creditors that at this first meeting of creditors, an order will be entered, (if no ob jection be made thereto and it ap pears for the best interest of the es tate.) directing the Trustee to sell any real estate and personal property belonging to the estate of the bank rupts. This notice is given at this time in order to save delay In the set tlement of this estate. 'At the first meeting of creditors lt is proper for ci-editors to consider any adjustment of their debts against the bankrupt, as to them may seem proper, by vote of majority in num ber and amount of creditors who may be then and there present. V. H. BOYDEN, Referee in Bankruptcy. Feb. 1, 1909. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West TWO FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Louis ville, Cincinnati, Chicago, , and St. Loon. Lt. Richmond . Lv. Char'svine Lt. Lynchb'rg Ar. Cincinnati Ar. Louisville . Ar. Chicago . Ar. St Louis . 2:00pm 11:00pm 6:20pm 2:62 am 4:00pm 8:26am 11:80am 6:80 p m i 6.80 pm S:00 p m 8:00 p m 7:10am 7:17am Direct Connections for All Points West and Northwest. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE. The Line to the Celebrated Resorts of Virginia. For descriptive matter, schednlee and Pullman Reservations, address W. O. WARTHEN. . . D. P. A., Richmond, V. JNO. D. POTTS, . (ton'l Pu. A (ant r . 1C. WANTS 1C. Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted at m cent per word for each issue, CASH with the order. No ad vertisements under this bead will be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CENTS an Inser tion. lc. WANTS lc. WANTED. WANTED Partner to go in the real estate business in Raleigh. Fine opening for hustler. Give full in formation in first , letter to "Real Estate Dealer," care The Evening Times. 2-4t WANTED Cottage, flat, or rooms for light housekeeping. Address, K, care Times. It WANTED To rent either a four, five, six, or seven-room house, by the year. Must have modern con veniences and be close uptown. Give full information in letter to "Home," care The Evening Times. ' 1 5t. WANTED Traveling salesmen to sell fancy frn' ciders. $150 per month and e:.,enses. Red Cross Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. l-30-52t-Sat. WANTED, QUICK Copies of Even ing Times December 24 and 31. Bring to Times office. WANTED Two light horses ana two delivery wagons and harness. Cash. Smith's Fruit Store. 2 2t. ::'.:. MISCELLANEOUS KODAK WORK FINISHED AT reasonable prices. Leave orders at Darnell & Thomas' Music Store. Call for Miss Bertie Darnell. 22 13t. PUREST STRAIN OF SUGAR LOAF and King's Improved Cotton, earl iest, most prolific and largest yield ing varieties grown. Two crops in one season, annual Clover Cabbage, or Potatoes with Cotton. Write for descriptive catalogue and prices. Sugar Loaf Cotton Farm, Youngs vllle, N. C. 2-3t-Tues., Thurs, Sat. " TORRENT FOR RENT QUICK 3 Modern Cot tages, all conveniences; 2 small farms. Hightower & Fort. 21-10t FOUND FOUND A bunch of keys on Wil mington street. Owner can get same by applying at Times office and paying for ad. ' 18-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE 68 lots on time; cash; balance 36 monthly pay ments. Between city farm and city limits, across Wilmington street from Box Factory; miles of market house. Address, B, 120 North Person St. l-3t FOR SALE Linotype machine; one letter. Ready for delivery. Will sell at a bargain. The Evening Times. 1-6-tf FOR SALE Male and Female Bull Terrier Puppies. J. R. Jordan, Route 4, City. 2 2t. BIG SALE OF LACK AT HUNTER Bros. & Brewer Co. this week. 1 6t. . Here's to E, which stands for Electric Light! Here's to Electricity, which lights up at night! Here's to the folks who work with all . their might! . And do what they do so good and ' . right. ;' Here's to the Carolina Electrical Co., you bet! Here's to the amount of praise they ;. ' eV- Here's to all the money they net! Here's o the sun of their glory, which will never set! ( A CUSTOMER. CAROLINA ELECTRICAL CO. Raleigh Phone, 4276. C. C. 201. Mrs. Mary E. Pool, of Ooldnloro, spent the day In the city. llggji MUST BE SOLD More Than 2,000 Edison Records, to Make Room for INDESTRUCTIBLE CYLINDER RECORDS. They Fit Any Muchine Won't Break. Lust Forever. PRICE . . . . . . . . . . . 35 cents. Machines, Nothing Down, $1 a Week. Capital Typewriter Co., I 114 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. FULLPAID CERTIFICATES In order to meet pressing demands for loans on Ileal Estate, to build HomeM for Members. IIGS AND Investors Union Will place on sale January 1, 1909, 25 Full Paid 5-Year Certifi cates, $100 Each. These Certificates provide a six per cent investment with Taxes paid by the Company. They mature FIVE YEARS after date and are redeem able on demand one year after date of Issue. GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary. Pullen Building, Raleigh. Southern Railway Schedule in Effect September 6, 1908. N. B. These figures are published as local stations. Handles Pullman sleep ing car from Atlanta to Raleigh. Con- information and are not guaranteed. 4:30 a. m. No. 112 for Goldsboro and local stations, handles Pullman sleep ing car from Greensboro to Raleigh. Connects at Selma and Goldsboro with A. C. L. and with Norfolk and South ern for Morehead City. 8:45 a. m. No. 21 through train from Goldsboro-Ralelgh to Asheville, han dles Southern -. Railway parlor car Goldsboro to Asheville. Connects at Greensboro with main line trains north and south. 12:30 p. m. No 144 for Goldsboro and nects at Selma with A. C. L. north and south and at Goldsboro with A. C. L. for Wilmington and Norfolk & South ern for Morehead City. 4:05 p. m. No. 139, for Greensboro through train Btopplng only at Morrls- ville, Durham, University . and larger stations. Handles Pullman sleeping car through from Raleigh to Atlanta. Connects at Greensboro with main line trains north and south, at Salisbury with Ashevllle-Knoxville and Mem phis train. 6:30 p. m. No. 22 for Goldsboro and local stations. Connects at Selma with A. C. L. for Fayettevllle and at Golds boro with A. C. L. north. Handles Southern Railway parlor car Asheville to Goldsboro. 11:59 p. m. No. Ill leaves at 2:00 a. m. for Greensboro, connects with main line trains north and south. Handles Pullman sleeping car to Greensboro, which Is open at Raleigh for occupancy at 9:00 p. m. S. H. HARDWICK, P. T. M., W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A., C. H. ACKERT, V-P. & G. M., Washington, D. C. R. U VERNON, T. P. A., SEABOARD Air Line. Effective Sunday, January 3rd, the Seaboard Air Line Railway will change schedule, giving the public better ser vice than ever before. Trains will ar rive and depart at Raleigh as follows: SOUTH BOUND. No. 81 Ar. 4:05 a. m. Lv. 4:10 a. m. No. 23 Ar. 3:15 a. m. Lv. 3:20 a. m. No. 41 Ar. 4.05 p. m. Lv. 4:10 p. m, No. 43 Ar. 6:10 p. m. Lv. 5:15 p. m, No. 29 (Shoo Fly) Ar. 10:05 a.m. NORTH BOUND. No. 84 Ar. 12:25 a. m. Lv. 12:30 a. m. No. 32 Ar. 12:55 a. m. Lv. 1:00 a. m. No. 38 Ar. 11:15 a. m. Lv. 11:20 a. m.. No. 66 Ar. 11:56 a. m. Lv. 12:01 p. m. No. 30 Lv. 6:00 p. m. No. 84 has been made the "Year Round Limited," arriving at New York 2:45 p. m. Dining car service Richmond to New York. No. 32. leaving: at 1:00 a. m will ar rive In Portsmouth at 7:50 a. m. No. 38 will be operated on same sched ule, arriving in Portsmouth, Norfolk, 6:40 p. m making all boat connect'ons for Washington, Baltimore, New York, Providence and Boston. No. 33, leaving at 3:20 a. m., makes connections for all points south, con necting In Atlanta for Birmingham, Memphis and all points west. No. 81, leaving at 4:10 a. m., Is a through train for Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, and all points south, con necting at Hamlet with No. Z3 for Monroe, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birming ham and all points west. No. 41, leaving Raleigh 4:10 p, m., for all points south, making same connections as now for points west, No. 43, leaving Raleigh at 6:15 p. ti for all points south, Jacksonville and Florida points, No. 66 leaves at 12:01 p. m., arriving in New York at 8:53 a. m. Passengers can remain in sleepers until 7:00 a. m. All through trains ar equipped with high back vestibule coaches, excellent dining ear service and Pullman sleep ing cars. ' '; - ' ; :' ' " C. H. QATTTS, ' T. P. Raleigh, N. 0. I mecnan PROFESSIMAL DR.S.R.II0RT0U Offers his services as Dentist to tk people of Raleigh and vicinity. - OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 to 12:00.' ' l:0O to 5:00" Rooms Adjoining Dr. V. B. Turner.. 107H Fayettevllle Street ; RALEIGH, d i, , i ' . EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Gem . . . fia.HO Standard . . $35.00 Standard Combination . . $30.00 Home $35.00 Home Combination $40.00 Triumph Combination $60.00 Ambcrol Records .$ .50 Standard Records $ .33 ONE PRICE. CASH OR CREDIT. W. H. DOWNS & CO, 7-ii EXCHANGE PLACE. HUBBARD BR0S.& CO HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS of Neir York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS BOLICITED For tie pur chase and sale of cotton for future isllvurr Csrrasnondame ttvita BoysandGirls GET BUSY. We Offer Five (5) Prizes For the Best Five (5) Letters on "BUY AT HOME" Reasons, written bjr Graded School Children in Wake County. Contest will close May 1, 1009. First Prize Baseball ... Outfit: Bat, Ball, Mask, Glove, or Lawn Tennis Outfit. Second Prize Alcohol Stove. Third Prize Guaranteed Watch. , Fourth Prize Air Rifle. Fifth Prjze Pearl-handle . Pocket Knife. HART-WARD HARDWARE GOMPANY. Leaders in "Up-to-date" Business. RALEIGH, N. C. Verses by a Gifted New Eng land Author About the Swastika. A banker in Raleigh who planned To have the best bank in the land Said, "We need a device, Something simple and nice, Attractive, peculiar, and grand." And when he revolved in his mind What suitable thing he could find, He cried out, "Eureka, We'll have the SWASTIKA." So here's the device he designed. Have You Ever Used W A Y F W F lit fjSSHBfe - JIi . ' 1 sStoNx'ty' For all Floors, Woodwork, Lineole urns, Chairs, Tables. A beautiful Polish, and saves time, labor, money. ' ';. .'. ,.'... ' ': t , Thos.n.Briggs&So2s., llAIiEIQLT, II. a . j